Aphids Sentence Examples
How many aphids can he eat in a day?
The relation between ants and aphids has often been compared to that between men and milch cattle.
The ladybugs were beneficial insects, eating the pesky aphids.
While the majority of the Thysanoptera are thus vegetarian in their diet, and are frequently injurious in farm and garden, some species, at least occasionally, adopt a predaceous habit, killing aphids and small mites (so-called "red-spiders") and sucking their juices.
In addition, strain HA 5-1 was only poorly transmitted by aphids.
Among some pests to watch for are aphids, red spiders, leaf tiers, and rose chafers.
Aphids were also a problem in early salad crops especially black bean, peach potato and lettuce currant aphid.
In young trees, galling caused by wooly aphids can cause serious disfigurement.
May be attacked by aphids, vine weevil, slugs, leaf and bud eelworms and greenhouse red spider mite.
Lacewing adults and larvae are voracious feeders on aphids.
AdvertisementThese wasps then eat harmful cabbage aphids which may be feeding on the plants.
Prevent by controlling the aphids that carry the disease.
Biology, identification and control of the major greenhouse pests including aphids, whitefly and mites.
From Christine J, UK This could be wooly gray aphids.
The Gaucho is no longer able to protect him and 3 small green aphids now lurk in his foliage.
AdvertisementThe number of larvae needed to treat an aphid infestation will vary on the number of aphid infestation will vary on the number of aphids present.
However, pea aphids are known to feed on a much wider range of plant species.
The potatoes were genetically modified to include a toxin - GNA lectin - found in snowdrops to make them resistant to potato aphids.
Ladybirds are a most welcome visitor to the garden, with their rapacious appetite for aphids.
Some plants seem to be natural attractants for beneficial insects, aphids or not.
AdvertisementBug Gun for Gardens, 800ml Spray Multi-purpose insecticide which controls greenfly, blackfly, caterpillars, whitefly, aphids and thrips.
The ants are usually active between March and October and can be seen climbing trees where they collect honeydew produced by aphids.
They can be important predators of insect pests, such as aphids, scale insects and bark beetle larvae.
The main problem is fireblight, but caterpillars, aphids, gall midges, honey fungus, rust and powdery mildew may give problems.
Additionally, the disease known as groundnut rosette virus, which is carried by aphids, has ravaged crops.
AdvertisementWhile the majority of the Thysanoptera are thus vegetarian in their diet, and are frequently injurious in farm and garden, some species, at least occasionally, adopt a predaceous habit, killing aphids and small mites (so-called " red-spiders ") and sucking their juices.
Aphids Small insects that feed by sucking the sap from plants.
High nitrogen results in sappy growth beloved of aphids.
Sooty mold - Black fungus on foliage caused by sticky secretions from aphids.
This is one of the most important viruses in UK potato production transmitted by aphids.
Most gardeners have had more than a few run-ins with aphids.
Aphids come in many colors including green, black, brown, red, and pink.
Aphids often excrete a sweet, sticky substance as they suck sap from your plants.Aphids may be found feeding on your vegetables, shrubs, flowers and trees.
Healthy plants can tolerate a small number of aphids, but large numbers of aphids can wreak havoc.
Aphids are notoriously resilient and plentiful, because they can reproduce very quickly.
Plants that are under attack by a large number of aphids may show signs such as reduced growth, wilted leaves, drying branches, stunted needles, and curled foliage.
There are many safe methods to combat aphids.
Another method of controlling aphids is to knock them off the plant with a steady stream of water from a hose.
You can also don gloves and rub or hand-pick aphids from affected plants.
Weeping willow is susceptible to aphids, borers, Japanese beetles, and lacebugs.
It is likely to be attacked by a variety of insects, including aphids, scale, borers, caterpillars, tent caterpillars, Japanese beetles, and spider mites.
In the same way, marigolds can keep aphids and other pests away from your tomatoes, peppers, squashes and other plants.
Onions can also keep away slugs, aphids and other pests.
If you happen upon one of these beautiful specimens in your garden, know that he - or more likely she - is hard at work protecting your plants from aphids, grasshoppers, and a host of other garden pests.
While she may provoke a startle response from your garden visitors, an Argiope at your garden gate is a sentry, protecting you and your garden plants from wasps, mosquitos, aphids, grasshoppers, and several other pests.
Orb weaver spiders prey on a number of garden pest species, such as aphids and grasshoppers, making them a natural asset to any garden.
You may need to trim back shrubs, trim the gardenia, or even move it to improve the situation.Pests such as aphids and mites leave telltale signs in addition to yellow leaves.
The Allium members help deter slugs and aphids which can destroy nightshade vegetables.
For ridding your garden of mites, aphids, and other annoying critters you can use companion planting or mix up your own chemical-free insect and disease control solutions.
They're also great for getting rid of aphids.
While companion plantings help, attracting beneficial insects like ladybugs (which you can even buy online if you want), which eat aphids.
Ants often "farm" aphids, using them to procure a sweet substance much as farmers will milk a cow.
The biggest pests your money tree will have are spider mites, aphids and mealy bugs.
When they get infested with aphids, do we think about their enemy, the praying mantis?
After he eats all the aphids, what are we going to do, starve him, or buy more aphids?
Lubbock (Lord Avebury) states that the common British yellow ants (Lasius flavus) collect flocks of root-feeding aphids in their underground nests, protect them, build earthen shelters over them, and take the greatest care of their eggs.
Webster has observed ants, foreseeing this emigration, to carry aphids from apple trees to .grasses.
Biisgen that the sweet secretion (honey-dew) of the aphids is not derived, as generally believed, from the paired cornicles on the fifth abdominal segment, but from the intestine, whence it exudes in drops and is swallowed by the ants.
Besides the aphids, other insects, such as scale insects (Coccidae), caterpillars of blue butterflies (Lycaenidae), and numerous beetles, furnish the ants with nutrient secretions.
In other gallflies and in aphids we find that a sexual generation alternates with one or with many virgin generations.
They feed entirely by suction, and the majority of the species pierce plant tissues and suck sap. The leaves of plants are for the most part the objects of attack, but many aphids and scale-insects pierce stems, and some go underground and feed on roots.
The enormous rate at which aphids multiply under favourable conditions makes them of the greatest economic importance, since the growth of immense numbers of the same kind of plant in close proximity - as in ordinary farm-crops - is especially advantageous to the insects that feed on them.
Homoptera This sub-order includes the cicads, lantern-flies, frog-hoppers, aphids and scale-insects.
The lacewing-flies (q.v.), however, of which there are two families, the Hemerobiidae and Chrysopidae, whose larvae feed on Aphids, sucking their juices, are represented in our fauna.
In various groups of the Hexapoda - aphids and some flesh-flies (Sarcophagi), for example - the egg undergoes development within the body of the mother, and the young insect is born in an active state; such insects are said to be " viviparous."
Other flies of this group have the inquiline habit, laying their eggs in the galls of other species, while others again pierce the cuticle of maggots or aphids, in whose bodies their larvae live as parasites.