Apartments Sentence Examples
We divided up the buildings into small apartments.
The house was spacious and had rooms for the house serfs and apartments for visitors.
The steam is employed for warming apartments by means of pipe radiators, for heating water by steam injections, and for all cooking purposes.
Only the gateway and certain apartments remain of the Tudor building.
These cubicula are small apartments, seldom more than 12 ft.
Her gaze lingered on him before she strode to her apartments.
A parlour, library and dining-room made up the suite of apartments.
On the 7th of February, 1386, he was treacherously attacked in the queen-dowager's own apartments, at her instigation, and died of his injuries a few days later.
On the 10th of November 1630 the king went to his mother's apartments at the Luxembourg palace.
His apartments in the palace adjoined those of the empress, and his liveries, furnitures and equipages were scarcely less costly than hers.
AdvertisementPractically no other form of worship exists in the country than that of the Roman Catholic Church, the Protestant and other denominations holding their services in inconspicuous chapels or private apartments in the larger cities, where considerable numbers of foreigners reside.
As regards its exterior appearance it is one of the least satisfactory of London's great buildings, though the throne room and other state apartments are magnificent within.
The guru replied, "Emperor Aurangzeb, I was on the top storey of my prison, but I was not looking at thy private apartments or at thy queen's.
In addition to private rooms and state apartments, the Hofburg contains a library of about 800,000 volumes, 7000 incunabula and 24,000 MSS., including the celebrated "Papyrus Rainer"; the imperial treasury, containing the family treasures of the house of Habsburg-Lorraine, and other important collections.
The Alte Residenz dates from 1601 to 1616; its apartments are handsomely fitted up in the Rococo style, and the private chapel and the treasury contain several crowns and many other interesting and valuable objects.
AdvertisementIt not unfrequently happens that some of the larger houses have one or more partitions, but these are only posts of the main building left by the builders to support the roof, for the apartments have usually no communication with each other except by water.
About a mile and a quarter from the Bab Bu Saadun, the north-west gate of the city, is the ancient palace called the Bardo, remarkable for the "lion court," a terrace to which access is gained by a flight of steps guarded by marble lions, and for some apartments in the Moorish style.
The finest of these apartments, containing beautiful arabesque x XVII.
Each house consisted of two apartments; the floor was formed of split stems of trees set close together and covered with mats; they were reached from the shore by dug-out canoes poled over the shallow waters, and a notched tree trunk served as a ladder.
On the iith of March 1676, wlfile on his way to the royal apartments, Griffenfeldt was arrested in the king's name and conducted to the citadel, a prisoner of state.
AdvertisementHis apartments were on the entresol, whence the Reunions de l'entresol received their name.
Of the apartments, all of the finest Gothic architecture, the chief are the refectory, divided down the centre by columns and lighted by large embrasured windows, and the knights' hall, a superb chamber, the vaulting of which is supported on three rows of cylindrical pillars.
The accounts of the palaces of the native kings must be taken with some reserve, from the tendency to use descriptive terms not actually untrue, but which convey erroneous ideas taken from European architecture; thus what are called columns of porphyry and jasper supporting marble balconies might perhaps be better described as piers carrying slabs, while the apartments and terraces must have been more remarkable for number and extent than architectural grandeur, being but low one-storied buildings.
Dublin Castle stands high, and occupies about ten acres of ground, but excepting St Patrick's Hall, the apartments are small, and the building is of a motley and unimposing appearance, with the exception of the chapel (a Gothic building of the early 29th century) and great tower.
The fourth contains the chapel, the dining-hall, and the apartments of the master, who is always the commander of the forces for the time being.
AdvertisementTo preserve houses from their influences, rue, that "herb of grace," is kept in the apartments, and the name of Allah is constantly invoked.
The buildings are completely ruined, but enough remains to enable us to identify the grand cruciform church (A), the cloister-court with the chapterhouse (B), the refectory (I), the kitchen-court with its offices (K, 0, 0) and the other principal apartments.
Farther to the west, projecting beyond the line of the west front of the church, were vast vaulted apartments (SS), serving as cellars and storehouses, above which was the dormitory of the conversi.
On the east side stands the two-aisled chapter-house (5), between which and the south transept is a small sacristy (3), and on the other side two small apartments, one of which was probably the parlour (6).
The hall (2) was one of the most spacious and magnificent apartments in medieval times, measuring 170 ft.
Among other apartments, for the designation of which we must refer to the ground-plan, was a domestic oratory or chapel, 462 ft.
The ruins, consisting of tower, choir, chapter-house, refectory and other apartments, are nearly hidden from view by their dense coating of ivy and the fine old trees, including many beautiful examples of copper beech, by which they are surrounded.
On the other hand, again, Hodson died a poor man, his effects were sold for £170, his widow was dependent on charity for her passage home, was given apartments by the queen at Hampton Court, and left only £400 at her death.
The Georgentor has been widened, and through it, and beneath the royal apartments, vehicular traffic from the centre of the town is directed to the Augustusbriicke.
Among the apartments in the palace was the celebrated chamber, named the Baradari, supported on 12 columns, and 45 ft.
This consists of one long narrow range of building, of which the eastern part formed the chapel and the western contained the apartments of the handful of monks of which it was the home.
He arranged a meeting with his brother in his mother's apartments, and had him murdered in her arms by some centurions.
The front hall, corridors and apartments are painted in the Pompeian style, with brilliant colours and with great artistic skill.
Large halls, which had subsequently been broken up into smaller apartments, were found, and among a great number of other artistic remains one seal-impression of special interest showing a one-masted ship carrying a thoroughbred horse - perhaps representing the first importation of horses into Crete.
In other respects they must have resembled those of Oriental cities - the living apartments all opening towards the interior, and showing only blank walls towards ' It consisted of two parallel stone walls with buttresses, about 55 ft.
The greater thermae (the so-called "Stabian" baths), which were originally built in the 2nd century B.C., and repaired about So B.C., are on a much more extensive scale than the others, and combine with the special purposes of the building a palaestra in the centre and other apartments for exercise or recreation.
All the apartments and arrangements described by Vitruvius and other ancient writers may be readily traced in the houses of Pompeii, and in many instances these have for the first time enabled us to understand the technical terms and details transmitted to us by Latin authors.
Almost all the skeletons and remains of bodies found in the city were discovered in similar situations, in cellars or underground apartments - those who had sought refuge in flight having apparently for the most part escaped from destruction, or having perished under circumstances where their bodies were easily recovered by the survivors.
In 1833 the government of Earl Grey conferred upon him the office known as yeoman usher of the exchequer, to which were attached apartments in Palace Yard, where he died on the 7th of April 1836.
C. t is on selection of sites; c. 2 on the planning of buildings to suit different sites; c. 3 on private houses, their construction and styles, the names of the different apartments; c. 4 on the aspects suited for the various rooms; c. 5 on buildings fitted for special positions; c. 6 on farms and country houses; c. 7 on Greek houses and the names of various parts; c. 8 on construction of houses in wood, stone, brick or concrete.
The harem system of appointing separate apartments to the women, and secluding them from the gaze of men, is observed in Egypt as in other Moslem countries, but less strictly.
On the other hand, if a pair of womens shoes are placed outside the door of the harem apartments, they are understood to signify that female visitors are within, and a man is sometimes thus excluded from the upper portion of his own house for many days.
On the 13th of March 1809 seven of the conspirators broke into the royal apartments in the palace unannounced, seized the king, and conducted him to the chateau of Gripsholm; Duke Charles was easily persuaded to accept the leadership of a provisional government, which was proclaimed the same day; and a diet, hastily summoned, solemnly approved of the revolution.
In the interior there are several interesting apartments; the chief of these is the ample council chamber with its fine tapestries, where an important wine sale is held annually.
The dwelling-places of the natives are usually small huts of the simplest constuction, used chiefly as sleeping apartments; the day is spent in an open space in front of the hut protected from the sun by a roof of palm or other leaves.
The remains of the castle are extensive and imposing, and the keeper's house and other parts are inhabited, but the king's apartments are in ruins.
After a valiant combat, the caliph retired to one of his apartments and sat with the Koran on his knee, in order to die just as Othman had died.
This deputation led to the recall of Narses in 567, accompanied, according to a somewhat late tradition, by an insulting message from the empress Sophia, who sent him a golden distaff, and bade him, as he was not a man, go and spin wool in the apartments of the women.
It was restored in careful harmony with its original appearance in 1854-1856, and part of the interior is fitted up as a royal residence, the families of the German emperor and of the king of Bavaria having apartments therein.
The style, that of the Italian Renaissance, is noble and refined, the royal apartments rich in treasures of art.
So Peter also seemed to have thought, for though Mons was decapitated and his severed head, preserved in spirits, was placed in the apartments of the empress, she did not lose Peter's favour, attended him during his last illness, and closed his eyes when he expired (February 28, 1725).
The Round Tower, called the High Tower in Wykeham's day, is the Norman Keep. It was being refitted for apartments for the king and queen a little before Wykeham's time, and his first accounts include the last items for its internal decoration, including 28 stained glass windows.
Of these the first is that the owner may be rated instead of the occupier, at the option of the urban authority, where the value of the premises is under Rio, where the premises are let to weekly or monthly tenants, or where the premises are let in separate apartments, or the rents become payable or are collected at any shorter period than quarterly.
Apartments were prepared for the pair at Kirk o' Field, a house just inside the city walls, and here they remained for a few days.
Like most of the lesser apartments, it is lined with white Italian marble, and in spite of its enormous dimensions the roof is unsupported by pillars.
By his influence Leonardo and his train were accommodated with apartments in the Belvedere of the Vatican.
He was, moreover, plagued by insubordination and malignity on the part of two German assistant craftsmen lodged in his apartments.
In buildings to be used as offices, hotels, apartments, &c., it is usual in establishing the loads for the purpose of computation to assume that the columns carrying the roof and the upper storey will be called upon to sustain the full dead load due to material and the maximum computed variable load, but it is customary' to reduce the variable loads at the rate of about 5% storey by storey towards the base, until a minimum of about 20% of the entire variable load is reached, for it is evidently impossible that the building can be loaded by a densely-packed moving crowd in all of its storeys simultaneously.
The old ducal palace - one of the largest buildings of its kind in Europe - was begun in 1302 for Guido Bonaccolsi, and probably completed in 1328 for Ludovico Gonzaga; but many of the accessory apartments are of much later date, and the internal decorations are for the most part the work of Giulio Romano and his pupils.
The term was also used of the small sleeping apartments of the monks, or a small apartment used by the anchorite or hermit.
It was for long used as a barracks and prison, to the exigencies of which the fine apartments were ruthlessly adapted, but it is now municipal property.
It is enclosed in a fine garden, well planted with trees, where the harem serai (or ladies' apartments) occupies a considerable space.
There are 440 apartments, containing pictures of the 17th century and souvenirs of the comte de Chambord.
The older apartments of the palace, such as the throne-room, the Bagdad Kiosk, and many of the objects in the imperial treasury are of extreme interest to all lovers of oriental art.
It resolved to hold its meetings in the Salle des Menus Plaisirs, whereas the nobles and the clergy met in smaller apartments set aside for their exclusive use.
On the 10th of June the armed populace invaded the hall of the Assembly and the royal apartments in the Tuileries.
The residences within enclosing ramparts did not consist of one house with several apartments, but every room was a separate house.
From the 12th to the 30th of April he was detained in the palace of the Inquisition, where he occupied the best apartments and was treated with unexampled indulgence.
Its buildings include a chapel, a dining hall, a library, a lecture theatre, laboratories, classrooms, private studies and dormitories for the students, apartments for resident professors, and servants' offices; also a museum containing a collection of anatomical and pathological preparations, and mineralogical, botanical and geological specimens.
The upstairs apartments are for human lodging; cooking is usually carried on in one or more corners of the quadrangle below.
All the apartments open into the court; and on the south side is an open alcove, with a marble floor, and raised dais round three sides, covered with cushions; the front wall is supported by an ornamented Saracenic arch.
A quick exploration of his apartments showed two more dead vamps but no Black God.
Four apartments, cleverly labeled A, B, C, and D were visible through the grimy windowpane of the front door.
Such less than ideal locations become far more acceptable for housing where dual aspect apartments are proposed.
Self Catering Classic apartments Ski France has always managed to find some of the best deals on self-catering apartments.
It comprises a gite complex and business with four 2-bedroom, fully renovated and equipped furnished apartments with capacity to create another four units.
Brick Street is a purpose built building with 10 two-bedroom apartments.
The new loft suites are a must, as they resemble a small, chic duplex apartments - very urban!
The village consists of 3 bedroom beachfront villas and bungalows, 2 and 3 bedroom penthouse apartments and 2 and 3 bedroom garden apartments.
Visitors can view the apartments, halls and terraces of the harem, and see the lavish royal bedchamber and Imperial Hall.
Housing is mainly tower block apartments around the city center.
Planning permission has been granted for the erection of 9 new dwellings and the conversion of the existing boathouse to provide 4 apartments.
Cesare also owns two apartments in a nicely renovated traditional chalet behind the hotel.
He now lies at the lord chamberlain 's, not daring to have himself carried to his apartments at the palace.
In the busier resorts you will commonly find condos which are apartments in large complexes or hotels.
Lido Vacation Rentals In sarasota, florida, delightful studio apartments to 3 bedroom condominium units, located at the lido islander.
Planibel apartments were very handy for the main gondola, providing everything we needed, including a fantastic deli selling local Aosta Valley produce.
All apartments enjoy full double-glazing, under floor heating to most areas and wooden floorboards throughout.
There are 33 apartments in total, including eight duplexes.
The scheme comprises one-, two-, and three-bedroom duplexes, apartments and penthouses.
The original grand entrance to the Palace was reduced in size to make room for stairs leading up to the Governor's apartments.
The proposed development includes 200 apartments, restaurants and a food store - but not the historic funfair.
From holiday cottages to luxury villas, seaside apartments to country hideaways.
The Loft Apartments, which feature high ceilings, are also imbued with a delightful sense of history.
Some suites and all apartments also contain a kitchenette.
Our apartments are conveniently lo cat ed in the city center or very near public transport.
The rest of the village is a mish mash of newly built apartments.
Choose from 12 one bedroomed apartments, 3 two bedroomed apartments, 3 two bedroomed mews apartments or 1 cottage.
The larger of the apartments also has a playroom with a giant mural on the wall.
Two bedroom apartments at Aragon Tower start at £ 250,000, while two-bedroom penthouses are priced at £ 365,000.
Pelican Wharf consists of 12 bed apartments and one three bed penthouse with clever lightwells and an atrium.
All executive apartments have widescreen TV's and DVD players, and some are fitted with widescreen plasma TV's.
The State Apartments are furnished with original pictures and works of art from the Royal Collection providing a truly regal setting.
It had apartments for six men, who were given twelve shillings a month.
The apartments are Casetta Dei Mei sleeps 2+2, Don Aldo Mei sleeps 4+2, Assunta sleeps 4+2.
The apartments are Casetta Dei Mei sleeps 2+2, Don Aldo Mei sleeps 2+2, Don Aldo Mei sleeps 4+2, Assunta sleeps 4+2.
Top floor apartments come with a sizeable rooftop solarium.
For example, I've just finished buying five studio apartments in Belsize Park with a discounted structured deal.
Accommodation in self cat ering studio apartments, all with terraces and fabulous views of the mountains.
There are pretty thatched cottages, barn conversions or elegant marine apartments.
This type B villa can be switched into two apartments with separate entries and you can get two separate title deeds.
This modern complex comprises twelve self-catering apartments, a number of which have panoramic views over the Mourne River.
In the meantime we have Phoenix House, their beautifully understated contribution to London's ever growing number of serviced apartments.
Subjects include iconic films stars and pop artists and the pop art style brings verve to loft apartments and minimalistic interior designs.
The apartments will feature sliding mirror wardrobes where designated.
An adjacent block has been sold to a property company which is converting a former warehouse into over 150 flats called Ocean Apartments.
Redundant mills are being converted into ' luxury waterside apartments ' .
Some of the apartments are magnificently adorned within, and the building incorporates the ancient Westminster Hall, belonging to the former royal palace on the site (see Westminster).
This is undoubtedly due to constitutional weakness arising from bad nutrition and the habit of sleeping in closed or badly ventilated apartments.
We trace without difficulty all the separate apartments that are described to us by Roman authors - the apodyterium, frigidarium, tepidarium, caldarium, &c. together with the apparatus for supplying both water and heat, the places for depositing the bather's clothes, and other minor details (see Baths).
One striking alteration in the appearance of the city was the conversion of the territory extending from the head of the promontory to within a short distance of St Sophia into a great park, within which the buildings constituting the seraglio of the sultans, like those forming the palace of the Byzantine emperors, were ranged around three courts, distinguished by their respective gates - Bab-i-Humayum, leading into the court of the Janissaries; Orta Kapu, the middle gate, giving access to the court in which the sultan held state receptions; and Bah-i-Saadet, the gate of Felicity, leading to the more private apartments of the palace.
But she has ordered me to make you welcome and to show you to your apartments.
Undoubtedly, in this case, what is true for one is truer still for a thousand, as a large house is not proportionally more expensive than a small one, since one roof may cover, one cellar underlie, and one wall separate several apartments.
Many of our houses, both public and private, with their almost innumerable apartments, their huge halls and their cellars for the storage of wines and other munitions of peace, appear to be extravagantly large for their inhabitants.
But the jailer said, "Come, boys, it is time to lock up"; and so they dispersed, and I heard the sound of their steps returning into the hollow apartments.
They entered the large hall, from which one of the doors led to the apartments assigned to Prince Vasili.
The first door on the left led into the princesses' apartments.
Not finding the young prince in his study the valet went with the letters to Princess Mary's apartments, but did not find him there.
Prince Andrew led Pierre to his own apartments, which were always kept in perfect order and readiness for him in his father's house; he himself went to the nursery.
Toward midnight, after he had left the countess' apartments, he was sitting upstairs in a shabby dressing gown, copying out the original transaction of the Scottish lodge of Freemasons at a table in his low room cloudy with tobacco smoke, when someone came in.
On the tenth of June, * coming up with the army, he spent the night in apartments prepared for him on the estate of a Polish count in the Vilkavisski forest.
Sloane Square and Pont Street in Chelsea offer redbrick mansion blocks housing apartments.
The client intends to redevelop the building into three ' luxury ' apartments.
We need 2 bed apartments for companies relocating employees to Chester right now.
The Mill apartments The old estate mill has been renovated to provide two holiday apartments.
Sandbank Holidays - Hayle - Apartments and bungalows set around a lovely garden, nestled against the sand dunes in a peaceful conservation area.
These kids are clearly not the residents of the nearby luxury seafront apartments.
If your dates do n't match, please scroll down to the links for other Costa del sol apartments / villas.
For example, I 've just finished buying five studio apartments in Belsize Park with a discounted structured deal.
The development will include houses and a range of apartments from loft style to studios to suit all pockets.
The apartments have a balcony or private patio and use of the swimming pool and terrace with sun loungers.
The second tower will be residential having 161 apartments, duplex and triplex units.
In the meantime we have Phoenix House, their beautifully understated contribution to London 's ever growing number of serviced apartments.
Redundant mills are being converted into ' luxury waterside apartments '.
Use the map of the United States to find property in a particular area, including condos, homes, apartments and more.
If the building's exterior is trashed, interior apartments probably won't be in good condition.
Vacation apartments offer the comforts of home and plenty of space to stretch out.
Apartments, condos, and villas can be rented by the night, week, and even by the month.
Keep in mind, however, that rental apartments positioned close to the beach are likely to be more expensive than those located just a short walk or drive away.
Usually, each site posts easy to follow instructions to guide you as you browse for available apartments.
Owner Direct's site connects vacationers with the owners of apartments, condos, villas, chalets, and cabins located worldwide.
The large cities of Berlin and Munich offer apartments and houses that are at the very top of the housing ladder whereas, in the countryside, rural properties are available that can be more affordable.
This single-stage snowblower is popular for its ability to clear light snowfalls, flat sidewalks and small driveways; perfect for people who have apartments, small homes or town homes.
More often than not, bedrooms in homes and apartments are quite small.
Drop leaf dining tables are ideal for small spaces like apartments and condominiums with limited eating space.
Two additional popular styles of jewelry armoires are the wall mount and the over the door designs which are great for apartments or rooms with limited floor space.
Some sectionals have pull out sofas so they can be used in areas where guests might stay (or in bachelor apartments).
They're particularly popular in children's rooms and even occasionally in college dorms and small bachelor apartments.
Cut their own wood for heat - Again, not always possible, especially in the cold winter months or in homes or apartments that don't have wood burning stoves or fireplaces.
Small homes, lofts, or apartments tend to have combination rooms where a living area flows directly into a dining or office area.
Most of the homes are condos, apartments and other minute dwellings.
Daybeds are popular pieces of furniture because of their dual use potential, and they are especially popular for small rooms and apartments, however, a daybed can work in any setting.
Small bathrooms are a common problem, especially for people who live in apartments.
Others may actually be closer to small apartments with efficiency kitchens and private bathrooms.
That's not to say that beaded curtains are merely decorative; they can help to define spaces, especially in smaller apartments and homes.
When you do a search for apartments online, no matter if you are using Apartment Guide or some similar web site, you will be much better off deciding what you are willing to look at in advance; do you want a room mate?
Use the advanced search engines to filter your quest to apartments with no roomies!
Hunting for an apartment online is just like online dating--there are many people out there who would like to hide flaws in their apartments until they can get you out to look at the space.
If you like something you see, keep looking at other apartments in your price range just in case.
The neighbor also contends that Steve-O poked holes in the walls between their apartments.
Target's Target House provides 98 fully furnished apartments to families and patients who need long-term treatment at St. Jude Children's Research Hospital in Memphis, Tennessee, at no cost to the families.
Accommodations vary between university dorms, local apartments, and host-family stays for a more immersive language experience.
When you live in this type of student housing arrangement, it's very easy to avoid contact with the students who live in the dorms or in off-campus apartments.
Although the majority of college freshmen choose to live on campus, most have moved into apartments by their junior or senior year.
Although primarily a commuter school (only 10% of undergraduates reside on campus), the university offers three traditional residence halls (Argo, Martin and Pace Halls), single-student housing, two-student housing and student apartments.
Guests may select from hotels and apartments for their trip from the available options.
Depending on the individual breed's temperament, some large dogs do not do well in apartments or when owned by working couples that don't have much time to spend with them.
Exotic Pomeranian puppies can do well in houses or apartments.
Individual apartments are part of a larger retirement apartment complex.
Most apartments have at least a small efficiency kitchen, even if community dining is part of the package.
If you still decide to move, the site offers many articles about retirement living and senior apartments.
Many resemble apartments or even houses; here they differ is in the services provided.
Independent living options include, senior apartments, retirement communities and low-income senior housing.
This 62+ ACTS Retirement-Life Community features apartments and assisted living suites.
The community offers residents the choice of cottages, studios, one-bedroom apartments, or two-bedroom suites.
The most common options, however, are owned or mortgaged houses, apartments or condos, and retirement communities or assisted living facilities.
Before looking at senior apartments in Dayton, Ohio, you will want to think about what kinds of services you need and what part of the city you would like to live in.
It's helpful to make up a detailed list before you start looking at specific senior apartments in Dayton, Ohio.
When you are looking for senior apartments in Dayton, Ohio, you have a number of options.
Another option when you are looking for senior apartments in Dayton, Ohio is to visit the web site.
Once you get to the point where you are looking at apartments, be sure to ask a few of the current residents how long they have been living there and what their impressions of the place are.
Finding the right senior citizen apartments is important to anyone planning to move into one of these facilities.
Others are independent living apartments.
When selecting apartments, seniors may wish to keep a few things in mind.
There are several types of senior apartments to consider.
One of the key aspects of most senior citizen apartments (both assisted living and independent living facilities) is the age restrictions that are in place.
Senior citizen apartments designed just for older adults allow a type of lifestyle hard to find in the hectic life of the young adult or the young family.
Assisted living apartments are typically part of a larger nursing home program.
The apartments are usually rather small.
Residents of the apartments can participate in the nursing home's functions and events, and nursing care is available if needed for minor things such as medication reminders and aid with meals.
These apartments may or may not allow grandchildren to spend the night or stay for extended periods.
However, the nursing care and meal preparation programs are not available in these apartments.
Tucson area is Wilmot North Senior Apartments.
Located in the heart of Tucson, Wilmot NOrth provides low cost one or two bedroom apartments for seniors.
Depending upon the individual community housing accommodations include one and two-bedroom apartments, cottages and efficiency units.
The South Rossville Senior Village Apartments, located in the city of Rossville, was a former elementary school that was turned into affordable rental units for seniors with low and median income.
The two most common types of senior subsidized housing are independent living apartments and congregate housing.
The apartment living arrangements in congregate housing facilities may include one bedroom, two bedroom or studio apartments.
Some retirement villages may have manufactured homes or apartments with less amenities and a lower cost.
These communities typically offer townhomes, condominiums, apartments, or mobile homes for residents.
Duncaster has one to three bedroom apartments for seniors, as well as higher levels of care.
The New Canann Inn of the Waverly Care Network has apartments with shared common areas in an intimate setting.
There are private apartments with weekly housekeeping services and additional amenities.
The Mcauley has apartments for seniors and offers many features, including entertainment, academic programs, trips, and pastoral counseling services.
One and two bedroom apartments are available in one centralized building, and many levels of care are offered.
The Hallmark is a high-rise building with most apartments boasting spectacular views of the Chicago skyline and Lake Michigan.
The housing options at Self Help Care include one bedroom and studio apartments.
Living accommodations include roomy one- and two-bedroom senior apartments.
From large continuing care communities, to smaller facilities providing independent and assisted living apartments, the accommodations that Senior Lifestyle Corporation offers provide residents with top-quality care and services.
Emeritus Senior Living is a community that consists of apartments with independent living options.
Oakleaf Village is an assisted living facility with one bedroom, two bedroom, and studio apartments for independent seniors.
People who live in apartments or near busy intersections may experience constant external noise.
Instead of houses, buildings and apartments, kids get to build up amusement parks.
Not all of us are lucky enough to have wine refrigerators in our houses or apartments to keep our wine constantly on hand and at the ready at a moment's notice to be served at the perfect temperature.
Do your research and be aware of the cost of living and typical amenities provided in housing or apartments.
Public housing consists of apartments, high-rises, and single-family houses available to individuals who have low income.
Apartments and college dormitories often allow toaster ovens, and many such devices are large enough to be able to handle a whole pizza or a large piece of glass or ceramic cookware.
For this reason, many people use them to reheat food at their desk at work, in smaller kitchens, or in cramped apartments.
The grill is ideal for apartments or complexes where you cannot use a gas or charcoal barbeque.
Portable home units offer an ideal cooling method for apartments and houses with small spaces.
The home units offer cooling options for apartments and houses, while the server closet models providing protective cooling for sensitive IT equipment that has a high risk of overheating.
Countertop dishwashers are an ideal cleaning option for people who live in apartments, condominiums or houses with small kitchens.
People who live in studio apartments or in the close quarters of a dorm room need microwave ovens that are powerful but compact.
While most hotel rooms and rental apartments are perfectly clean and hygienic, they often have a chemical smell from cleaning fluids or have more unpleasant smells.
Decorating homes or apartments with paper lanterns.
Perfect for those in apartments or with limited closet and storage space, an over the door handbag organizer hangs conveniently on the back of a bedroom or closet door to provide quick and easy access to your bags.
People living in apartment complexes should be especially aware of the risk of scalding to child safety; apartment water heaters are often set very high to accommodate the upper level apartments.
Paranormal photographs have been taken in apartments, open fields and gardens.
Utilities, transportation costs, application fees, security deposits, and potential facility usage fees need to be added in to the overall rate for an accurate estimation of how much living expenses will be for different apartments.
If these types of features appeal to you, you may want to consider more expensive apartments and calculate whether the added cost is worth the luxuries.
Investigate other apartments to compare rates if necessary.
However, even those who live in small apartments can create a container garden to help control rising grocery bills.
Housing assistance is available to individuals and families who qualify for low-income apartments.
These low-rent apartments are managed at a local level, with support and aid from the federal government through HUD.
Renting houses, villas, or apartments can offer a family a wide variety of amenities to make the stay more comfortable.
Private homes, condos, and apartments are available for either a rental or swap, and many are available for as little as $130/night.
You can also look for options in apartments, train travel within the city and perhaps book tours.
The market includes homes and apartments with going rates starting at $50 for 1-2 bedroom apartments, $65 for a 1-bedroom home, $85 for a 2-bedroom house.
Sometimes apartment managers want apartments cleaned after tenants move out.
Handyman services can be offered to homeowners, apartments and Seniors unable to do repairs themselves.
You can advertise in weekly shopper tabloid publications, bulletin boards, canvassing neighborhoods, apartments and by posting fliers.
Is it big and bulky, suitable only for bigger rooms and not a good fit for small apartments?
In keeping with this, it offers property coverage for homes, apartments, condos, mobile homes, farms, and ranches.
Those interested in commercial packages will find that niche markets are offered, such as that in main street businesses, printers, office content, lessor's risk, metalworkers, and apartments.
Homes and apartments that have smoke detectors throughout the residence are usually eligible for discounted fire protection insurance.
Renters insurance is designed to protect the personal belongings of people living in rental homes, apartments, or other dwellings.
After generations of living in apartments, traversing hallways and corridors, the people of Earth are uniformly agrophobic - if exposed to the sky, they panic and are forced to retreat back to the safety and comfort of their cave.
These insects are usually brought into the home on pets, clothing, personal items, or they may come in from neighboring apartments or homes.
She trailed him, slowing when she turned the corner leading to his apartments.
His guards lay dead in the hallway before his door, and she leapt over their bodies, shoving the door to his apartments open.
A few had been converted to apartments, but a recent wave of historical consciousness had temporarily halted the decay.
It listed apartments, furnished or unfurnished and a telephone number, just in case someone should happen by.
A rap on the doors of the bottom two apartments brought no better results than the doorbell.
She went on to explain she had 68 apartments scattered about the city with 22 vacancies.
Dean's multiplication table of 44, the number of rented apartments, wasn't perfect, but that number times even a reasonable monthly rental lessened any sympathy he might have felt for the woman's financial plight.
In 1631 the spahis of Asia Minor rose in revolt, in protest against the deposition of the grand vizier Khosrev; their representatives crowded to Constantinople, stoned the new grand vizier, Hafiz, in the court of the palace, and pursued the sultan himself into the inner apartments, clamouring for seventeen heads of his advisers and favourites, on penalty of his own deposition.
The exact plan of the whole is obscure, but the apartments evidently varied in size from mere closets to extensive courts.
The danger of such an enterprise was diminished by the reluctance to violate the apartments of women and attack a sleeping foe, which appears also in Judges xvi.
Being apprised by one of the nobles of the court of what had taken place, Firdousi passed the night in great anxiety; but passing in the morning by the gate that led from his own apartments into the palace, he met the sultan in his private garden, and succeeded by humble apologies in appeasing his wrath.
Fine stone palaces, richly decorated, with separate sleeping apartments, large halls, ingenious devices for admitting light and air, sanitary conveniences and marvellously modern arrangements for supply of water and for drainage, attest this fact.
After 1600 B.C. the palaces in Crete had more than one story, fine stairways, bath-chambers, windows, folding and sliding doors, &c. In this later period, the distinction of blocks of apartments in some palaces has been held to indicate the seclusion of women in harems, at least among the ruling caste.
The dome is the leading idea or motif in Byzantine ecclesiastical architecture; the domes are placed over square, not circular apartments, and their bases are brought to a circle by means of pendentives.
At present the magnificent council chambers for the different legislative bodies of the Venetian republic and the state apartments of the doges are richly decorated with gilt carving and panelling in the style of the later Renaissance.
He was continually employed on diplomatic errands until 1455, when, owing apparently to ill-health, he received apartments in the palace of the counts of Hainaut at Salle-le-Comte, Valenciennes, with a con siderable pension, on condition that the recipient should put in writing "choses nouvelles et morales," and a chronicle of notable events.
It consists of a series of apartments approached by staircases, Bulletino di archaeologia cristiana, 1865.
Three large vaulted apartments, one above the other, occupy its interior.
Other buildings in the Palace Yard include the apartments occupied by the regent, Mary of Guise, and her daughter Mary, queen of Scots, and the room in which James VI.
He recovered a little for a few days after his arrival in London; but on the 29th there was a relapse, and on the 2nd of April 1865 he expired peacefully at his apartments in Suffolk Street.