Anything Sentence Examples
He does not like to do anything else.
He didn't want anything to do with them, so they didn't exist.
I never wanted anything and I don't now.
He could not think of anything else.
It wasn't as if they could do anything anyway.
If you want anything come straight to me.
I don't think anything.
He might never say anything to Jonathan about it, but Jonathan would know in other ways how he felt.
If anything could take her mind off the worry of surrogacy, he could.
Is there anything you need?
AdvertisementShe was pleased with anything which made a noise.
I will do anything, said she, catching his eye.
Why, only a little while ago people thought it quite impossible to teach the deaf-blind anything; but no sooner was it proved possible than hundreds of kind, sympathetic hearts were fired with the desire to help them, and now we see how many of those poor, unfortunate persons are being taught to see the beauty and reality of life.
She does not realize that one can be anything but kind-hearted and tender.
He did not need anything of that kind.
AdvertisementI don't owe you anything.
Howard couldn't find anything on this guy.
Mr. Wilson, a teacher at Florence, and a friend of the Kellers', studied at Harvard the summer before and went to the Perkins Institution to learn if anything could be done for his friend's child.
When Pierre had gone and the members of the household met together, they began to express their opinions of him as people always do after a new acquaintance has left, but as seldom happens, no one said anything but what was good of him.
Did you learn anything new at the library?
AdvertisementHer words puzzled me very much because I did not then understand anything unless I touched it.
Too often, I think, children are required to write before they have anything to say.
You young ladies should not know anything about it.
If anything more is wanted I'll send after you.
They may die tomorrow; why are they thinking of anything but death?
AdvertisementAll this cloak and dagger thinking wasn't accomplishing anything.
The logical thing to do was leave, but she had a good job and she wasn't sure there was anything untoward going on.
I never would have done anything with it—I just snapped it on a lark.
I guess you can find anything on the Internet, can't you?
Anyway, hadn't Giddon said that he wouldn't let anything happen to her as long as she was close to him?
They didn't say anything he didn't already know.
Anything you can tell me about that?
Look, I don't want anything disturbing that property!
The look on his face was anything but pleased.
The camera isn't worth anything but she's really disturbed at losing her pictures.
Charlie nodded and added, "It's too remote to build anything there and snowed in most of the year."
If anything, you and I nearly broke what was too good to be real.
Except I can't remember anything beyond my twenty-six years.
As usual, he appeared the least affected by anything that was going on.
I was pleased with anything that made a noise and liked to feel the cat purr and the dog bark.
Better not say anything to her either.
He's irritated, but he probably won't say anything.
It was unrealistic to think two people could spend a lifetime together and never squabble about anything.
Secure in his strong arms, she wondered how she could have suspected him of anything sinister.
You haven't seen anything important yet.
If you need anything, be sure to call me.
I've never begged anyone for anything, let alone mercy.
He will not let anything harm us at night.
I cannot make out anything written in my hand, so you see, Ragnhild has got ahead of me in some things.
I saw clearly that it was useless to try to teach her language or anything else until she learned to obey me.
When she wants to know the name of anything, she points to it and pats my hand.
One may almost doubt if the wisest man has learned anything of absolute value by living.
He was not thinking of anything, but looked absent-mindedly and cheerfully from side to side.
He had probably been hurting during the ride, but refused to say anything.
No one wanted to feel forced into anything.
His moods flipped back and forth so fast it was hard to know how he would respond to anything.
She had been a fool to think there was anything between them.
Did you hear anything about Pete and the guys?
Do you remember anything else?
I don't know a whole lot Julie, but I understand the police at the time had a strong suspect but couldn't prove anything.
Call me if you need anything, okay?
And if you need anything, come to me.
I don't see anything that looks like gold.
He stopped by the auction—kinda waved, like he was campaigning—but he didn't buy anything.
I don't see how telling us what the case is about, who the litigants are and who's the attorney compromises anything.
You didn't find anything up there to make you believe that shit, did you?
Dean guessed no male juror would even bother listening to the testimony before giving her anything her little heart desired.
It doesn't look like the auctioneer had anything to do with switching the bones.
Fred was referring to a coffee klatch of elderly town patriarchs whose words and advice on just about anything was often quoted in the local paper.
Dean muttered an agreement as he began to open Dawkins's bureau drawers, more out of a nosy nervousness than anything sinister.
Getting shot isn't something I'm proud of, but I can assure my opponent, regardless of the body part hit, there isn't anything funny about it.
While Dean had been at odds with the man since their first confrontation last January, it was Fitzgerald's venomous comments at the debate that led Dean to now believe him capable of almost anything.
If he didn't know anything about mining, how could he convince Dawkins?
We're not accusing you of anything, but the girl telephoned here.
Fitzgerald will prove we're seeing each other and anything you say is a lie to protect your lover.
He promised to call as soon as anything was heard.
If anything, the news was more upsetting to Cynthia.
Even with his poor eye for such things, Dean could see that it was far lovelier that anything close to what their budget could have afforded.
I had made up my mind to just leave after I came here tonight and not say anything, but you've both been so nice, I shouldn't be so selfish.
Nobody tells me anything.
I'm not sure I'd put anything past Ms. Larkin.
Until he knew exactly what had happened in Lydia's apartment and the details of Fitzgerald's departure anything was possible.
Dean didn't think Lydia Larkin did anything for the fun of it.
There was no need to date anything.
He never tried anything when she was around.
He split us up, in the dark, until we were so scared we'd do anything to get out of there.
If she hadn't learned anything yet, she would soon.
The sweaters weren't just the most vibrant shades of autumn, they were softer than anything she'd ever experienced.
You know I'll never do anything to hurt you.
He looked around to make sure he hadn't missed anything else that might give him a sign as to what Darkyn was doing by killing off an Ancient Immortal.
The sky was given the status of something pure and clean, the earth sort of a dirty wasteland, and anything below water level or the ground considered Hellish.
Let me know if you get anything else, he said, standing.
He'd cave to Andre's advice and double-check with Darkyn about whether or not his mate owed the Dark One anything – formally or informally.
Deidre, is there anything else?
I didn't realize … anything.
I mean, does he remember anything?
I didn't forget anything.
I wouldn.t force a human to do anything.
Life is anything but easy.
She didn't say anything about wandering around last night.
Shipton may be sleaze of the year, but until he does something illegal, there isn't anything the law can do.
She knows nothing about registering Donnie in school, or anything else, by the sound of it.
It was his way of letting me know I couldn't hide anything from him.
We had no idea it was anything but meaningless scribbles.
It could have been anything, but I'd guess she had a serious rift at home, probably with her parents.
Neither said anything while Dean began to clear the dishwasher from last evening's meal.
There are so many couples who would give anything to have that child.
Our whole life together is too perfect to let anything as insignificant as him interfere with it.
The boy wouldn't say anything to Claire, would he?
Besides, he's too interested in Martha to pay anything else much attention.
Ol' Jerome would bonk anything that wears panties.
From the very beginning there had been an intensity, a seriousness to the falling flakes that spoke of accumulations far in excess of anything the Deans had seen to date.
Dean asked, more to humor Fred than anything else.
And damn near impossible to see anything from down below, even if the overhang didn't block the view.
Dean wasn't sure if it was her natural aversion to anything involving law enforcement or concern for her boss's future.
I wish I knew Shipton's condition and what, if anything he saw or told them he saw.
You haven't done anything wrong.
If there's anything I can't stand it's tutti-fruitti coffee.
That can't be anything new to you.
Not if outward appearances meant anything.
You didn't find out anything else, 'cleaning' the rooms?
I know you're upset, but this doesn't answer anything.
You can do anything you want to—things you wouldn't do at home.
He knew better than to deny anything to this tunnel-visioned woman.
According to Corday, Shipton doesn't remember anything about the fall and doesn't even remember saying anything to me at the scene.
I didn't say anything to Weller 'cause he's so positive everything is all wrapped up and tied with a bow, but I knew you and me would want to make double-dipped sure.
They didn't say anything about still wanting to talk to you.
Cynthia didn't say anything.
But more than anything else, there was love at Bird Song.
He didn't say anything.
Franny just shrugged, as if she didn't want to say anything in front of the boy.
He didn't say anything about cutting the rope?
I don't have any business asking you anything personal...about your friends.
Yeah, but I hear it didn't report anything except she wasn't a druggie and was sober.
Edith didn't have anything on but the white dress.
The woman, a buxom blonde about forty, Dean guessed, was clothed in a fashion magazine outfit, designed for après snow bunny activity, not actually doing anything in the great outdoors.
He dropped the camera and peered over the edge of the cliff but the outcropping blocked his view of anything below.
Of course she didn't do a very good job with anything in life.
Edith's death was constantly on my mind, but I never for a minute considered anything but suicide.
Anything special you want me to tell him?
Haven't done anything yet!
I have never done anything illegal.
He rarely bought anything except jeans and causal shirts off the rack.
After an awkward moment, she said, "I hope you know that I would never do anything to hurt you."
And I have a million questions, you can't hold anything back, I want the whole truth, no more lying, ever.
Anything that looks too much like The Matrix movies or The Terminator movies is just, well, kind of creepy.
My parents at once determined to take me to Baltimore to see if anything could be done for my eyes.
Whenever anything delighted or interested me she talked it over with me just as if she were a little girl herself.
I was more interested, I think, in the great rock on which the Pilgrims landed than in anything else in Plymouth.
The latter wished to send her some books; but she could not find anything simple enough for her!
She does not, it would seem, prove the existence of spirit without matter, or of innate ideas, or of immortality, or anything else that any other human being does not prove.
Whenever anybody gives her anything, she points to it, then to herself, and nods her head.
He says the gentleman was not particularly interested, but said he would see if anything could be done.
During the next two years neither Mr. Anagnos, who was in Europe for a year, nor Miss Sullivan wrote anything about Helen Keller for publication.
The smoke, rendered denser by the mist, prevented him from seeing anything for an instant, but there was no second report as he had expected.
If there is anything... come back, Yakov Alpatych!
In fact, he had given her strict orders not to lift anything.
I wouldn't change anything.
She let the door shut without removing anything.
She doesn't know anything.
While I'm out, do you need anything?
If only she could believe he wasn't involved in anything illegal.
I won't let anything happen to you.
Anything else she divulged should go to Howard, not Connie.
Most people will tell you anything you want to know.
Have you discovered anything more about him yet?
Unless he called her, he hadn't said anything to her.
Naturally he wouldn't say anything about his meeting with the other man.
Well, I haven't found out anything yet.
Nothing earth shattering there, nor anything Yancey would find either threatening or interesting.
Howard hadn't said anything about the meeting with Allen.
You never pay any attention to anything I tell you to do, so what would be the point?
Mom always used to want everyone home before dark – as though anything was out there at night that wasn't there during the day.
I don't know anything.
I never instructed him to ask you anything.
He wasn't trying to find out anything to protect her.
I told him I didn't know anything and he tried to strangle me.
Either he was sticking his neck out to protect her, or he wasn't involved in anything illegal.
Howard had been alienated, and trusting anything with Connie was dubious.
Len was the only one left she could trust, and she couldn't tell him anything without implicating Yancey.
For a moment Lisa was too stunned to say anything.
He won't talk to me, but he isn't slamming anything around.
I'm not so sure he's up to anything.
Do you think she'll say anything?
It was hard to believe sweet little Sarah would be involved with anything so sinister.
You'd do anything to keep me silent - even marry me.
It's a part of me, and if we're going to have anything together, you're going to have to accept it.
I would never stop you from going to college or doing anything else you wanted to do.
Howard said the police wouldn't tell him anything about you.
There wasn't anything on that tablet that I didn't already know at that point, though.
One hand shot out in an instinctive search for anything to stop her fall.
This doesn't have anything to do with you fretting about my weight, does it?
Where was the sweet, gentle Brandon who never seemed to be upset by anything?
I won't say anything to anyone.
For a moment she was too startled to do anything but stand there.
Then again, maybe you didn't miss anything at all.
Adrienne didn't suspect anything because I never said anything.
I don't want you to give up anything.
If you had left when Brandon wanted you to, you still couldn't have done anything.
Maybe it wasn't necessary to say anything.
Julia rarely had much to say about anything lately.
I'm not asking you to give up anything you want, Adrienne.
Getting upset about it wasn't going to change anything, though, so she forced a grin as she met the troubled gaze of Fritz.
She stared into her cup, not wanting to say anything that would add fuel to the torch she suspected he was carrying for her.
If you can find anything out there to eat, you're welcome to it.
Anything that troubled Pete gave her reason to worry.
You weren't telling anything.
If anything happens, find Bordeaux and stay with him.
That night they slept under the stars - Bordeaux a respectable distance from her, but close enough to assist if anything went wrong in the night.
They would probably be leaving very soon and anything she could do to hurry the process meant they would get to Ashley sooner.
Bordeaux said nothing was going on and he had never given her reason to think he was anything but truthful.
See if you can find out anything about Pete and the guys.
If life had taught her anything it was that she could take care of herself.
I never met your mother, but if she was anything like you, I reckon he thought she'd do just that.
She moved to the counter without writing anything down.
My father couldn't do anything about his health.
Have you had anything to eat yet?
Obviously he liked ranch work better than anything he had studied.
Was there anything Cade didn't do efficiently?
Make a list of anything you need and I'll drive into town Monday.
I don't think we need much of anything.
You're welcome to read anything in the house.
Not because she did anything wrong, though.
I don't think you could find anything I wouldn't like.
But I don't know anything about...
She knew what she liked, and it rarely had anything to do with what was in style.
If there was anything going on in this house, it's not like your rooming upstairs would make it look any different.
Feel free to get anything you want out of the attic.
It would be disrespectful of Cade for her to do anything but defend his honor.
It didn't fit in with anything Mary had said.
And Mr. Cade has done nothing to make me think he is anything but a normal man who simply enjoys his solitude.
I mean it wasn't like we didn't have the money to buy clothes or anything like that.
Dad would have given her anything she wanted.
It was the first time you've ever been anything with me but a perfect gentleman.
I never knew you thought of me as anything but a housekeeper - an opinionated one at that.
Cynthia picked at her food, pushing it around the plate more than anything else.
Lately his actions were more fatherly than anything else.
It was a risky thing, lying down on the couch with a man, but this was Cade - half asleep and asking her to stay - Cade, who never asked for anything.
It was too late or too early to do anything about it now.
No. I don't want anything.
I wanted you to say something - anything.
It was either that or start from scratch but he's not even sure he's a catholic, much less committed to anything.
The children are so innocent they will believe anything I tell them.
Howie, anything said here stays here.
I wouldn't consider doing anything about this on my own.
It certainly didn't sound anything like what I'd just experienced.
Can he feel anything?
Once Howie succumbed to slumber, his sleep was anything but peaceful.
We don't know if Quinn's paraphernalia has anything to do with your dreams.
He was convinced the locale was the same but the fields were not distinctive enough that he recognized anything.
We don't even know if the plants have anything to do with it.
The place didn't look anything like West Virginia.
No one want's to force anything on him.
I didn't do anything.
Howie couldn't do anything about it; it happened two weeks ago.
I don't know what, if anything, Howie saw but he knew Quinn tricked him and he went ballistic.
Quinn worked on increasing the precision of time and location but it remained about the same; anything longer than a couple of days was a problem.
You don't seem to have anything to do.
You don't happen to know anything about a murder in Delaware, do you?
I thought about it, not to chase you down, but so I wouldn't forget anything you might say.
Agreed. If those tips can continue, I'll do anything you say.
First off; we can't have you or anyone near you making any attempt to find out anything about us.
Forget anything much more than forty-eight hours old and anything where a nearly exact time of abduction isn't known.
You don't know anything about us.
That isn't creating anything; it's just redistributing what already exists.
We couldn't do anything because abduction wasn't made public for three days and the child went missing sometime during a twelve hour overnight period.
Is there anything you can do?
New local acquaintances never questioned us about work and we displayed no interest in anything pertaining to crime or mayhem.
The gap in the abductions we're looking at is under ten years, meaning he was probably sent up for a lesser crime that could be anything from robbery, burglary, serious assault or rape.
Please, I don't really know anything!
She held firm and didn't reveal anything but she was hesitant to lie directly.
We recognized her voice but I never said anything but my piece; the detailed tip.
From the looks on the glum faces before me, he had neither told them anything nor was there success in their search for the killer.
I'm not looking for anything; I'm just conveying information.
I don't mean to tell you anything.
I couldn't think of anything else to add.
Anything else you can give me?
I don't know anything except we'll be good for him; we're what he needs, badly.
Anything I do isn't for her.
No. I won't tell him anything I'm not comfortable with you hearing.
While I knew we were helpless to do anything positive in Howie's absence, I never-the-less opened the site where Betsy located cases for our attention.
It won't mean anything, Ben.
They didn't even take anything, from what she heard.
You didn't do anything wrong.
He's never spoken on the phone; it's only Julie's word and I'm sure she'd retract anything she said earlier.
This was one more example of Howie turning away from anything that might prove uncomfortable.
You're not dying or anything... just won't be gargling for a while.
He didn't have anything on him after we put him down so I guess he didn't find what he was looking for.
In any event, someone is permanently finished doing anything.
Quinn is gone and we couldn't do anything more if we wanted to.
She didn't mean anything by it and she loves you, just not in that way and she was very drunk.
It was anything but quiet as an open stairwell was next to me and I could hear shuffling, snoring, farting and grunting throughout the night.
I'll ship it back and safe keep it, but I don't want anything else to do with it.
That is, if the FBI feels generous and tells me anything.
I haven't done anything illegal and it's his opinion I have no legal responsibility to tell them anything I know about you people.
I promised I'd do anything in my power to not let that happen.
He appeared to search for an excuse, anything not to be forced to go back.
You can have anything you want!
I don't have anything else!
She couldn't quite understand what the poison was; it wasn't a normal infection, and yet it couldn't be anything else.
In all his years, he hadn't found anything as soothing to his nerves as a woman's silky skin, heady scent, and warm body.
She couldn't focus on anything farther away than her hand, and looking at her hand made her cry.
She'd do anything for him, even if the devil took her soul!
More tears came as she realized she couldn't do anything for herself let alone Jonny if they kept her in such a state.
I'm not Damian or Jule; you can't sweet talk me into anything.
I mean, I won't need anything, and if I do, I'll come to you.
She found herself hurrying around him to the couch at his low growl and suspected he wasn't someone who ever repeated anything.
She nodded, willing to agree to anything if it meant she could see Jonny.
He'd never heard of anything like it in all his years.
I've never seen anything like it.
He hadn't thought it as harsh as it was, just like he thought nothing of killing anything in his path, but seeing the look on a normal human's face reminded him he'd been close to losing what humanity he possessed for quite a while.
You didn't say anything wrong.
We seem to be the emergency points of contact for anything that goes wrong anywhere in the western hemisphere.
I'm not sure she's hearing anything, though, Toni said.
I don't want anything to happen to my family.
Don't give her your only set of keys to anything.
I couldn't remember anything until I saw Bianca again and she fixed me in the hospital.
He'd never been afraid of anything in his life until that moment when all his power and control meant nothing.
Boss, you had so much malware I don't know how you got anything done.
Call if you need anything.
Cold fury replaced the regret, and he knew he'd do anything to keep her from danger.
I don't know anything about that land up there.
Fred's quick enough to hear what I have to say, but tight-lipped as a smart fish about anything he knows.
I didn't think Darkyn needed help with anything.
Gabriel frowned, unaware of anything that could push him from his position as Death.
The goddess never appreciated anything around her, or anyone.
Could there be anything Darkyn wanted from Erik?
Was there anything remaining of her memory that might help Gabriel?
Darkyn wasn't afraid of anything she might do.
She couldn't change anything that happened or make things right.
If anything, it made Darkyn look bad for not being able to defeat the disorganized rabble.
As much as they angered him, Gabriel wasn't going to let anything happen to her, especially in his own domain.
It wasn't as if he had anything to be ashamed of.
Josh was gone now, and Lori didn't want anything to do with Destiny.
Lori said Josh wanted Carmen and Alex to have the baby if anything happened to him.
I simply didn't say anything.
I'm sorry things didn't work out well for you, but I can't do anything about it.
It seems like such a waste that... but, I can't do anything about it anyway.
He could handle anything that came at him.
We'll be taking him to ICU in a few minutes and it will be awhile before we know anything.
Alex didn't do anything to you.
Honestly, I didn't have anything to do with that.
Avoiding it wouldn't change anything.
She never mentioned Lori or the man who had stabbed him – or anything else unpleasant.
I've never given him any reason to think anything like that, and I don't think I have any reason to apologize for having morals.
He shrugged, but made no attempt to write anything down.
Maybe she shouldn't say anything more about his father.
Alex signed all the time now, never bothering to write anything down.
He just doesn't want to do anything about it.
She'd check the barn in the morning and make sure it hadn't been into anything.
Why was it that anything dead was dead meat to a man?
Carmen, I can't imagine anything you need to know.
I couldn't do anything to protect Carmen and the kids.
She encouraged him as a veterinarian or anything else he wanted to do.
If anything, she felt lucky to have a doctor who saw her as more than a case.
He hasn't done anything for you in a while, Logan suggested.
I cannot possibly have anything you want.
He hadn't expected anything different when he met the reincarnated Deidre a few years ago and started down this path.
Considering she lived for hundreds of millennia and her status as a deity, she didn't own anything fancy.
He flung one of his knives at the tree line, not caring if he hit anything or not.
He hadn't been attacked by anything remotely human or animal.
It wasn't like she was saving her money for anything.
Your face may be blue and your hair pink, but I don't see you doing anything messy, like taking a shotgun to the head.
They predate anything I've ever seen before.
As much as the brothers hated one another, Rhyn and Tamer were too similar for Gabe to feel anything but amused by the open hostility.
Deidre paced on the beach behind her bungalow, unable to do anything but lecture herself over and over about how stupid she was to sleep with some random stranger.
Eyes blurred with tears and bewildered, she couldn't make sense of anything around her anymore.
If anything weird happens, please walk or run away or call the police or something.
She'd imagined staring down Death before, but she never guessed it would be anything like this.
Didn't say anything at all, except welcome back, Wynn said.
Did anyone come to visit you or anything?
The kids were talking to her, but she had trouble focusing on anything outside of keeping the buzzing in her ears from pushing her beyond tunnel-vision into the darkness.
Why did she feel guilty about this whole mess, when she hadn't done anything to get herself into it?
There wasn't anything else Wynn could do, though.
He'd given her something to think about, but her instincts were screaming at her not to have anything to do with this creature.
If he spoke with anger or frustration or anything other than the quiet, impassioned tone, she would've been able to handle the news better.
Determined to do what she wanted with her life, she'd been good with her money but didn't save anything.
The path towards the lost souls was anything but direct.
But past-Deidre had motivations deeper than anything I could understand.
You don't tell someone you'll never be able to care for them and think you're doing anything other than hurting them.
Are you numbering or logging them or anything?
No sense of nervousness, no indication he had anything to hide.
I didn't think you had anything wanted, now that I have Deidre safe and secure.
It's a tiny secret, one that may not alter much of anything.
I read, control, manipulate and anything else I need to do to the mind, I can, Andre started.
If anything, his anger melted into the contemplation of a man who had a new problem he intended to solve.
If anything, you probably didn't tell him where I was.
The power of an Ancient is beyond anything humans can understand.
One minute, telling me you don't want anything to do with me beyond your duty and the next, sitting on the beach with me for hours because you're worried I'll find a tall building to dive off of, she grumbled.
If anything, Gabriel sensed something was off again.
I won't be turned into a vegetable or an animal or anything else weird?
She stood on a covered landing of a fortress made of black stones overlooking a parched desert beneath dual suns too faded to provide anything other than indirect light.
If anything, she was exhausted and in a recovery room unlike any she'd ever seen before.
Getting me assigned to Darkyn and taking Gabriel, who won't want anything to do with you when he cares about me?
You could've asked me for anything in the universe, and you ask me to babysit a human.
The grey eyes were beseeching, but Katie couldn't manage anything verbal let alone a lie to placate the driver.
She looked at him hard, unable to recall anything at all about the kid.
His anger surprised her with its intensity, and she judged from Ully's reaction that seeing the lord and master pissed was not something the good-natured mad scientist wanted anything to do with.
Kris had never heard anything so ridiculous.
The last time I said anything, all my men in North America disappeared.
You need anything else from the store?
Text me if you need anything else.
We can add shopping to that; I know you don't have anything nice to wear.
She paused in the doorway, realizing she was squeezed too tightly into her dress to eat anything.
In all his years, he'd never seen anything like her.
Bored, restless, fearful, she retreated to the back of the cave, searching it again for any sort of door or anything that might aid her escape.
She'd never wear anything but turtlenecks ever again!
I don't know anything about them.
He'd never been entrusted with anything to care for, not when he was unable to control his powers.
Rhyn could protect her from anything.
If anything, he ignored the death dealer.
She rose, trying hard not to look or touch anything.
He wasn't going to undo anything, especially not if it was something his brothers wanted!
There was reason to fear the Ancients, especially this Ancient, who seemed to have no alliance to anything good or bad and was so unpredictable.
I don't know anything about either.
She'd never felt anything like his kiss or the warmth that flowed through her.
He's not really offering me anything.
If anything, he seemed absolutely sure of himself and what he wanted, even if his nature didn't allow him to control his own wild talents.
If you lied to me about everything so far, why the hell would I trust your word about anything, even saving the world?
No more hunting, tracking, targeting, hurting, killing, or anything else.
No one else would share his incredible kiss…or anything else that might happen between them.
His strength, his heat…in seconds, she couldn't think of anything more than feeling more of him, tasting more of him.
He'd protected her and made it clear anything that got near her would die a nasty death.
She was alone in a world she didn't fit into, and she wanted more than anything to escape.
Would you do anything for your friend?
Just say yes, you'll do anything for your friend, and I'll spare him a little longer.
Despite his monstrous habits of shredding anything in his path, he had a sense of honor more deeply ingrained than she'd ever suspected.
Isn't there anything in the Code about your mate?
Is there anything I can procure for you?
He knew if he did anything, Katie would suffer.
If anything, he was stunned she agreed so quickly.
He'd never had anything worth fighting for until now.
Desolation, unlike anything she'd ever felt, made her want to sink into the ground and stay there.
I wouldn.t trust anything you offered.
He.d expected things to change once he pledged his soul to Death, but he hadn.t expected anything so drastic, so soon.
Recently, he.d begun thinking he.d need more if he were taking on demons, Immortals, and anything else the Dark One would throw at him.
The look on his face made her bite her tongue to keep from saying anything else.
She sat at the edge of the bed and touched Toby.s soft face, not sure what to do or think about anything anymore, especially now that Hannah had been dragged into this world.
Darkyn.s features were too shuttered to read, and Kris didn.t wait for him to second-guess anything.
You have never once invited us here, maybe because we never agree on anything?
He.d paced in front of her chamber at some point every day for three weeks, wanting to tell her something, anything, to make her want to stay.
I didn.t think I needed to tell you anything, she shot back.
Look for anything to brace the door!
His tactics would never earn anything but scorn from Kris, but they worked.
He panted, agitated by the snowfall and not having anything else to kill.
Rhyn eyed him and started down the hall, not caring what his brother thought of anything at the moment.
Or was there anything in his pockets?
She doubted he saw anything wrong with the treatment he was accustomed to.
Never seen anything like that before.
You don.t know anything about this do, you?
At Tamer.s height and built like a tank, there had never been anything soft about Death.s assassin, but he seemed more distant than usual.
I.ll post two Immortal guards to ensure he doesn.t do anything stupid.
He.d give anything for the vial and the feel of her blood on his hands!
It.ll be like you didn.t do anything to her at all.
She wanted nothing to do with anything from Hell, especially this creature.
Don.t do anything stupid.
If no two people are alike on our planet, how could we be like anything from somewhere else?
He hadn't uttered anything so stupid in a long time, after she yelled at him for talking like that.
There was dark grey and sterility in the absence of anything remotely friendly, homey, or welcoming.
You needn't worry about anything.
Can you think of anything else but spiders?
I wouldn't lie to you about anything like that.
Do they have anything unusual, like four moons?
She wandered back to the safety of her room, wanting paper and pencils, her favorite jeans … anything familiar to comfort her.
You can dip anything in this, she said.
You didn't understand anything?
And no sexy warrior-- even a prisoner-- would want anything to do with her at all.
You're sure your brother won't try anything after what that guy said?
They will not dishonor you or me by doing anything without coming to me first.
He never did anything without planning it carefully ahead of time, and he'd never broken his honor code, even with Qatwalis.
If anything, she thought she was distressing the eldest boy.
I'm not going to anything of the sort, and if you think you'll make me … She stopped, unable to help the tears welling in her eyes.
If anything, he was gentle and patient, traits she hadn't expected from a warrior.
I'm not allowed to talk to anyone or do anything!
She started with a sketch of A'Ran and found she couldn't focus on anything else.
She doubted anything would alarm this man if tricking a woman into wedding him and discovering the news of his sisters' impending children did not.
It did not translate, and neither did it sound like it could be anything else.
She couldn't survive if anything happened, and every Yirkin warrior on the planet would be looking for her, once they hear she exists.
I don't want to keep you from anything.
She'd wanted to see if he was capable of being anything more than the cold, distant warrior obsessed with war.
She paused inside the door, not wanting to deal with anything else.
Drained despite her long night of rest, she didn't look forward to anything this day.
She nodded, not trusting herself to say anything else.
She turned off the communicator, not caring if he said anything else.
She wouldn't assume anything.
Kisolm was killed on the planet surface, and Romas will now inherit the planet from his father, if there's anything left to inherit.
Yes. You don't have to do anything else.
If there is anything we can do to help, we'd certainly be willing.
Just remember we're here to help you if there's anything we can do.
Don't decide anything tonight.
She's so vulnerable and practically incapable of doing anything on her own about her problems.
The sisters Quincy were anything but a matched pair.
When Dean didn't ask anything further, Martha continued.
We never discussed anything but the letters and the clothing.
I just said I wasn't sharing anything with that Boston shrew, I didn't say I was quitting the caper.
I guess I just automatically think the worst of anything that comes out of Shipton's mouth, regardless.
When he didn't say anything, Effie continued.
How can I ever believe anything I feel for you is real?
I will tell you anything you want to know, and I promise, I will never lie to you about anything, ever again.
My pleasure, you need anything else?