Any-and-all Sentence Examples
We need detailed and timely information of any and all abductions, anywhere in the country.
You're thankful for any and all tips and investigate them regardless of source.
Brandon Westlake was portrayed as a delusional old man bent on killing any and all witnesses to his half-century-old deed.
The User assumes any and all risk of damage, injury, or death, from use of the Contents.
We will know how to live our lives to best maximize any and all factors.
Still, any and all of baby's "firsts" are causes for celebration!
Your adoption agency should give you any and all fees upfront before beginning the adoption process.
As you work on finding childcare for your new baby, you should have a standard list of questions to ask any and all providers you are considering.
Cats will return to the same area and spray again and again unless you clean the area thoroughly in this way, and that means removing any and all scents.
Some cats will eat any and all of the food that is readily available in an attempt to ward off a future chance of starvation.
AdvertisementIt is your responsibility to make sure any and all mistakes get cleared up.
Talk to everyone and ask about open positions, etc. While you are doing this, apply to any and all jobs that interest you and match your experience.
It is proper etiquette to return any and all gifts that you have received.
Established in 2005, TMZ quickly rose to the top of the pack because of its ability to quickly inform the public about any and all celebrity happenings with blogs, pictures, video and live video stream.
These speakers will usually allow people to ask questions once the speech is over so you can get any and all of your concerns answered by someone who has been there and knows how you feel right now.
AdvertisementDo a comprehensive search to find any and all private scholarships and grants you may be eligible for.
When you can, it is always a good idea to use any and all recycled paper goods.
He or she may spend several hours at one location and visit any and all areas of the farm to perform a thorough check.
They range from being the first into space to winning election as world leader to simply annihilating any and all who dare stand in your way.
Be sure to discuss any and all current or past health issues with your doctor so she can prescribe the best pill to meet your individual needs.
AdvertisementOne piece swimsuits look great on any and all body types, so here are a few suggestions to find a one piece suit that complements your own body shape.
They accept any and all car types, regardless of condition, and you may not have any outstanding liens on your vehicle.
Invite several of your friends over, and ask them to bring any and all costume paraphernalia along.
Instead, adopt a "can-do" attitude, roll up your sleeves and be willing to tackle any and all problems.
Have each person gather any and all items that do not "belong" in that room.
AdvertisementAdditionally, just because you may follow a strict Mediterranean diet for your other courses does not give you free reign to eat any and all desserts.
Make sure you understand any and all fees charged and compare those fees among companies and policies to get the best deal.
We welcome your comments on articles relating to any and all of our skin care topics.
This lets you hide any and all updates of your friend as well as updates referring to whatever they posted, like a quiz they recently took.
He announced his lab was, "free of any and all ghosts of the past."