Anxious Sentence Examples
Even so, everyone was anxious to get back home.
At her anxious look, he smiled.
Was he that anxious to get her out of his hair?
The idea made her more anxious to get away.
Oh, yes, I know she is anxious, and I will go.
I am very anxious about him.
Belle didn't seem very anxious to attract her attention.
Life was empty without him and no one seemed to be anxious to replace him - especially her parents.
She was almost grateful for the summons then anxious in the next breath.
Betsy was frustrated; anxious to learn if the town of Alder's Bridge existed.
AdvertisementI tried to guess the pieces you liked, I'm anxious to see if I chose correctly.
She sprang forward, anxious to see her brother.
With an anxious look around to make sure no one was watching, Deidre peeked into the open door, hoping it led to a McDonalds or some other place with food.
They drove to the command center in anxious silence.
She was impatient, anxious, emotional… nothing like the women he knew, which both interested him and warned him.
AdvertisementIn reply to the count's anxious inquiries as to why she was so dejected and whether anything had happened to her betrothed, she assured him that nothing had happened and asked him not to worry.
Carmen knelt beside it, ignoring the anxious mutterings of its mother.
Dorothy was a little anxious about the success of their trip, for the way Jim arched his long neck and spread out his bony legs as he fluttered and floundered through the air was enough to make anybody nervous.
I was anxious to hear about the meeting between the two women but I didn't want to ask in front of the child.
He's not anxious to resurrect any of his prior difficulties.
AdvertisementI'm not overly anxious to get back on that depressing ship.
But he was anxious to learn.
Piles of gear were stacked about while partners called out to those below, fed line and encouragement, while others watched, a number with anxious looks on their reddened faces as they looked downward.
Her anxious gaze went from Carmen to Alex and back again.
Her parents are very anxious indeed to find a teacher for her.
AdvertisementShe was most anxious about the bones.
I have noticed also that she eats much less, a fact which troubles her father so much that he is anxious to get her home.
Sarah's tone had an anxious quality, and Giddon's expression was much too stern for the situation.
She is anxious for her friends to spell, and eager to teach the letters to every one she meets.
Yully grew more anxious the nearer they got; her father was right about the magic feeling stronger.
Suddenly furious and anxious to leave, she pushed open her door and grabbed her stuff.
When I was driving here today, the nearer I got to the house the more anxious I grew.
Martha was anxious to hear about the outcome of the Georgia abduction as I'd not phoned her with the results.
Sofia only half-listened as she led them down the stairs, anxious to get back to Damian and the place that had become her home.
If you sound anxious, it will only upset him more.
Dusty spun again and continued walking, aware of the anxious young man at his heels.
After receiving their thanks, he took off at a jog, anxious, he said, to catch a few more post-storm shots as the sun emerged.
Dean was anxious to not hear about the Hutchins clan but in politeness let the conversation drift a while before he interrupted.
Before Magnitski had finished his story someone else was anxious to relate something still funnier.
Now and then he met Russians with anxious and timid faces, and Frenchmen with an air not of the city but of the camp, walking in the middle of the streets.
Both were as anxious as I to hear the results of Howie's attempt to visit the Vermont bike-riding peeping Tom.
I hadn't a chance to fill Betsy in on my conversation Frank Vasapolli and was anxious to do so.
Though I was anxious to speak with Detective Jackson for an update, it was too early to call.
He walked in rapidly, bowing to right and left as if anxious to get the first moments of the reception over.
Anxious never, ever to run into Talon or his men again, she left the garage and drove through the streets.
Desire nothing for thyself, seek nothing, be not anxious or envious.
Her irritability had suddenly quite vanished, and her anxious, imploring eyes were fixed on him with greedy expectation.
While you were talking in the study I was looking at you, Natasha began, evidently anxious to disperse the cloud that had come over them.
She returned to her friends who were waiting for a full report, anxious and hopeful.
Nothing, just anxious to get home.
Only when footsteps or voices were heard did they look at one another, the princess anxious and inquiring, the nurse encouraging.
And waited, growing as anxious as Jack.
Dorothy was herself anxious to get home, so she promised Eureka they would not stay in the Land of Oz much longer.
Dean wasn't anxious for Westlake to pursue the conversation and was relieved that the subject apparently held no interest for him.
He is a man in a gray overcoat, very anxious that I should call him 'Your Majesty,' but who, to his chagrin, got no title from me!
Grateful to him, she was likewise anxious to leave the island before the beast returned and flew off the handle.
Her expression turned anxious.
She rose, anxious to be on her way but grateful to take Jack with her.
Consequently Ruffo was desperately anxious to come to terms with the Republicans for the evacuation of the castles, in spite of the queen's orders to make no terms with the rebels.
He took his stand on the forward deck, while the robber sailors stood in a half circle before him, anxious to listen to his song.
I am anxious about him and glad he is taking this trip abroad which the doctors recommended long ago.
The count and countess did not know where they were and were very anxious, said one of the men.
Neither finished his beverage; Fred because he was anxious to get going and Dean because he could only take a small dose of the perfumed blend.
Meanwhile Sir George White had discovered the Boer force on the railway, and, though anxious on account of the advance of the Free Staters, on the 21st, stimulated by the news of Talana, he sent out a force of all arms under General (Sir John) French to drive the Boers from Elandslaagte and so to clear Symons's line of retreat.
Milner, anxious above everything else to obtain sufficient revenue to carry on his work of reconstruction, gave his consent to the experiment.
Rostov, who felt his friend's absence very much, having no news of him since he left and feeling very anxious about his wound and the progress of his affairs, took advantage of the armistice to get leave to visit Denisov in hospital.
His voice was anxious.
His teachers, who readily appreciated these, were anxious for him to join their order, but his father had designed him for the bar, and an advocate accordingly he became; but, having lost the first cause which was entrusted to him, he soon abandoned law and gave himself wholly to literary pursuits.
The senate and the estates, naturally anxious about the succession to the throne, had repeatedly urged her majesty to marry, and had indicated her cousin, Charles Gustavus, as her most befitting consort.
There were several violent contests between rivals anxious to secure so splendid a position as the electorate, and the pretensions of the archbishops occasionally moved the citizens of Mainz to revolt.
Deeply anxious to make the best use of his life, Gladstone turned his thoughts to holy orders.
War between Great Britain and Russia was declared on the 27th of March 1854, and it thus fell to the lot of the most pacific of ministers, the devotee of retrenchment, and the anxious cultivator of all industrial arts, to prepare a war budget, and to meet as well as he might the exigencies of a conflict which had so cruelly dislocated all the ingenious devices of financial optimism.
I am a little anxious about bringing home the new kitten.
There was none of his animated chatter, and Dean guessed he was anxious for the game to finish.
He wouldn't have been anxious for someone to find out he was with some floozy.
Yeah, but all the same, if it was you who skipped, wouldn't you be a bit anxious about what was happening?
Harrigan, smiling as usual, was anxious to get home to his new wife and turned down Dean's offer of a beer.
Nothing led Dean to believe she was more than someone befriended by Byrne but he was anxious to learn if this new phone message would change this opinion.
Here the sheikh found some of his relations and the matrimonial alliance was soon arranged; but though the object of the journey had been attained, the Blunts were anxious to visit Hail and make the acquaintance of the amir Ibn Rashid, of whose might and generosity they daily heard from their hosts in Jauf.
Public opinion in Belgium was disturbed and anxious at the prospect of assuming responsibility for a vast, distant, and badly administered country, likely for years to be a severe financial drain upon the resources of the state.
Children who are anxious may be helped by role playing.
An anxious preschooler pounds a ball of modeling clay flat; a relaxed child may build the clay into shapes.
They may have a negative self-image and become angry, anxious, and depressed.
He hefted Kiki once again. Hannah sniffled and crawled to her feet. Rhyn hurried towards the Sanctuary, concerned for Kiki but even more anxious about making sure Katie was alive and well.
The longer Christina ruled, the more anxious for the future fate of her empire grew the men who had helped to build it up. Yet she gave fresh privileges to the towns; she encouraged trade and manufactures, especially the mining industries of the Dales; in 1649 she issued the first school ordinance for the whole kingdom; she encouraged foreign scholars to settle in Sweden; and native science and literature, under her liberal encouragement, flourished as they had never flourished before.
Briggs assisted Robert Napier in the editing of the " posthumous work," the Constructio, and in the account he gives of the alteration of the logarithms in the Arithmetica of 1624 he seems to have been more anxious that justice should be done to Napier than to himself; while on the other hand Napier received Briggs most hospitably and refers to him as " amico mihi longe charissimo."
As the time drew near, the anxious population cleansed their houses.
He was, however, anxious for moderate parliamentary reform, and, unlike Flood, he favoured Catholic emancipation.
First of all Monsignor Bayardi was brought from Rome and commissioned to write about the antiquities which were being collected in the museum at Portici under the care of Camillo Paderni, and when it was recognized that the prelate had not sufficient learning, and by the progress of the excavations other most abundant material was accumulated, about which at once scholars and courtiers were anxious to be informed, Bernardo Tanucci, having become secretary of state in 1755, founded the Accademia Ercolanese, which published the principal works on Herculaneum (Le Pitture ed i bronzi d'Ercolano, 8 vols., 1757, 1792; Dissertationis isagogicae ad Herculanensium voluminum explanationem pars prima, 1797).
The sparsely populated country afforded a welcome to the fugitive Waldenses, who did something to restore it to prosperity, but this benefit was partly neutralized by the extravagance of the duke, anxious to provide for the expensive tastes of his mistress, Christiana Wilhelmina von Gravenitz.
Howie was anxious to start a session.
The lady's manner was so desirous, so anxious, that the girl decided there should be confidence.
And what made them so devout and so anxious to please and follow him?
They flee the error of presuming on God only to fall into the trap of being gripped by an anxious dread of God.
Over the past few years this anxious opposition has made several attempts to get rid of Chávez, with the tacit encouragement of Washington.
We have many envoys anxious to spread the message about Scotland.
Anxious to appear friendly I ask him how to respond to personal questions.
It is also a gentle herb suitable for children, where it can be used to calm anxious or excitable children and soothe headaches.
When her relatives arrived for the funeral they were anxious to unearth the treasure but Mama Tembo refused to disclose the site.
You may feel anxious, depressed, or have an unknown cause.
The child is very anxious, has rapid breathing, and/or is struggling to get a breath.
They may become severely depressed, anxious, or socially withdrawn.
Parenting an anxious child is difficult and can create stress within the entire family.
This effected, the Abyssinians almost came into contact with the Egyptian troops sent up the Blue Nile (after the occupation of Khartum) to Famaka and towards Gallabat; but as both sides were anxious to avoid a collision over this latter town, no hostile results ensued.
This literary society was established in 1875, by a committee of private gentlemen anxious to record all possible details of the history of the locality.
From the 7th century, however, children were tonsured without ordination, and later on adults anxious to escape secular jurisdiction were often tonsured without ordination.
He was anxious for a military career, and his name was placed upon the list of the 3rd Dragoons, then serving in India.
At about ten o' clock Robert Keyes brought Fawkes from Percy a watch, that he might know how the anxious hours were passing, and very shortly afterwards he was arrested, and the gunpowder discovered, by Thomas Knyvett, a Westminster magistrate.
The Greeks form a floating population of merchants and small traders, anxious to amass a fortune and return home.
The savage punishment of the Neapolitan Republicans is dealt with in more detail under Naples, Nelson and Caracciolo, but it is necessary to say here that the king, and above all the queen, were particularly anxious that no mercy should be shown to the rebels, and Maria Carolina made use of Lady Hamilton, Nelson's mistress, to induce him to execute her own spiteful vengeance.
He was soon at war with Russia, and his aid was eagerly solicited by both England and Napoleon, anxious to checkmate one another in the East.
Julius, who was anxious to be on good terms with Charles on account of the council of Trent which was then sitting, ordered Farnese to hand Parma over to the papal authorities once more, and on his refusal hurled censures and admonitions at his head, and deprived him of his Roman fiefs, while Charles did the same with regard to those in Lombardy.
Chosen pope in April 1455, he was very anxious to organize a crusade against the Turks, and having sold many of his possessions, succeeded in equipping a fleet.
He was anxious to improve the work by additions to the theory of the motion of the moon and the planets.
Sir Isaac seems to have been then anxious for its publication; but, as the effect of his argument was to deprive the Trinitarians of two passages in favour of the Trinity, he became alarmed at the probable consequences of such a step. He therefore requested Locke, who was then going to Holland, to get it translated into French, and published on the continent.
He returned to Strassburg in 1524, being anxious to spread the doctrines of the Reformation among the French-speaking population of the neighbourhood.
Meanwhile the constant repetition of confession and reconciliation, together with the fact that the most tender consciences would be the most anxious for the assurance of forgiveness, led to the practice being considered a normal part of the Christian life.
The very anxious person can appear awkward, and even rude, in social situations.
These effects have been demonstrated with benzodiazepines administered to normal subjects and anxious patients and in long-term benzodiazepines administered to normal subjects and anxious patients and in long-term benzodiazepine users.
Mainly feeling cautious, anxious, a bit strange Slipping back down into sadness - needing to let go again!
Which of you by being anxious is going to add a single cubit to his life span?
Then here's to our host, ever anxious to please, And here's to his brewers so cunning!
You may feel depressed, tearful, angry or anxious for no apparent reason.
The Barking boy, however, is anxious that the residents of his former hometown are not simply written off as racist.
Where anxious members see falling membership figures, I see a refreshing honesty about how many paid-up members the party actually has.
The mood seems naturally anxious but not grim, almost jovial, with people smiling.
I cajoled us on in an anxious bid for a raised knoll where a breeze would ensure midges stayed grounded.
A hanging lantern sheds its light On Joseph's anxious face.
I had my own room, but even tho I knew that Sora, Donald and Goofy were just next-door, I felt anxious.
Mullan and producer Frances Higson were anxious to use a former nunnery in Dumfries as a location.
Shares on Wall Street that Bush is so anxious to prop up are still massively overvalued.
His examples will run from bee-keepers and pigeon-fanciers to those anxious and willing to use poison gas, the period weapon of mass destruction.
Where were the Nonconformist organs, and the anxious seekers after divine light in creed and rationality in church polity?
Irving was anxious to prove the superiority of the new radial valved Python engine, and entered an outfit in the 1932 Lands End.
The government is anxious to reduce the rate by half within the next ten years.
When he is unknown, not achieving or acting, he will feel rootless, insecure, anxious, and be unhappy.
Signs spark row in Heartbeat land Sheep farmers anxious to save their flocks have put up signs turning away visitors from a tourist attraction.
For patients who are anxious, intravenous sedation is also offered.
As it was on the Sioux reservation, the authorities in Washington were anxious to prevent this violation of the treaty stipulations.
They were anxious to make the most of all the advantages, which a railroad would bring to them, and their fellow townsfolk.
She is recorded as being very weepy and anxious, and her trigger points were tested.
His case was further complicated by the libellous animosity of Beaton, archbishop of St Andrews (whose life he had saved in the "Clear-the-Causeway" incident), who was anxious to thwart his election to the archbishopric of St Andrews, now vacant by the death of Forman.
During this anxious period he appears to have borne himself with characteristic dignity, such as is consistent with no other hypothesis than the consciousness of innocence.
In religion, which was his main interest, he was much influenced by Hegel, and appears somewhat in the ambiguous position of a sceptic anxious to believe.
The pope, it transpired, had refused to receive the emperor if he came to Rome on a visit to the Quirinal, and Francis Joseph, though anxious to return King Humberts visit, was unable to offend the feelings of his Catholic subjects.
Charles, anxious to secure such a famous fighter, gladly assented to Albert's demands and gave the imperial sanction to his possession of the lands taken from the bishops of Wiirzburg and Bamberg; and his conspicuous bravery was of great value to the emperor on the retreat from Metz in January 1553.
The siege was long protracted; the mass of the pilgrims were anxious to proceed to Jerusalem, and, as the altered tone of the author of the Gesta sufficiently indicates, thoroughly weary of the obstinate political bickerings of Raymund_and Bohemund.
Charles, as anxious to attack Constantinople as he was reluctant to attack Tunis, with which Sicily had long had commercial relations, was forced to abandon his own plans and to join in those of his brother.'
In her internal government she showed herself anxious to promote the prosperity of her people, and to give more unity to an administration made up by the juxtaposition of many states and races with different characters and constitutions.
One strong motive which had impelled him to engage in this enterprise was his anxious desire to establish more friendly relations between England and France, and to dispel those feelings of mutual jealousy and alarm which were so frequently breaking forth and jeopardizing peace between the two countries.
The government were anxious to save him from the consequences of his own folly, and Lord Clare said to a member of his family, "for God's sake get this young man out of the country; the ports shall be thrown open, and no hindrance whatever offered."
Formerly the Czech labourers, artisans and domestic servants who came to Vienna were somewhat ashamed of their mother-tongue, and anxious to conceal that evidence of their origin as speedily as possible.
He was the anxious fanatic of Elizabeth's advisers; he lacked the patience of Burghley and the cynical coolness of Elizabeth.
Affied through his mother to the Welfs of Bavaria, and anxious to put an end to the unrest which dominated Germany, especially to the strife between the families of WeIf and Hohenstaufen, Frederick began his reign by promising to secure for Henry the Lion the duchy of Bavaria, and by appeasing Henrys uncle, Count Welf, by making him duke of Spol.eto and margrave of Tuscany.
Being without a son, he was now anxious to secure the throne for his daughter Maria Theresa, in accordance with the Pragmatic Sanction of the 19th of April 1713, in which he had sanction.
Even in the animal world, the highest stage of nature, he saw a failure to reach an independent and rational system of organization; and its feelings under the continuous violence and menaces of the environment he described as insecure, anxious and unhappy.
Charles was anxious for his brother's sake to bring the matter to a conclusion, but he dared not appear to stifle the plot; so, when starting for Newmarket, he left orders with Danby (see Leeds, Duke Of,) that he should finish the investigation at once.
Although she had taken a monastic vow she became the second wife of Michael II., a marriage which was practically forced upon her by Michael, who was anxious to strengthen his claims to the throne by an alliance with the last representative of the Isaurian dynasty, and secured the compliance of senate and patriarch with his desire.
After many struggles and no small suffering, this energetic spirit had succeeded in planting the evangelical standard at Geneva; and anxious to secure the aid of such a man as Calvin, he entreated him on his arrival to relinquish his design of going farther, and to devote himself to the work in that city.
Lemarrois had just arrived at a gallop with Bonaparte's stern letter, and Murat, humiliated and anxious to expiate his fault, had at once moved his forces to attack the center and outflank both the Russian wings, hoping before evening and before the arrival of the Emperor to crush the contemptible detachment that stood before him.
Each time that these hints began to make the countess anxious and she glanced uneasily at the count and at Anna Mikhaylovna, the latter very adroitly turned the conversation to insignificant matters.
The countess, who heard at once from the maids what had happened at the lodge, was calmed by the thought that now their affairs would certainly improve, but on the other hand felt anxious as to the effect this excitement might have on her son.
But why are you so anxious?
His major-domo came in a second time to say that the Frenchman who had brought the letter from the countess was very anxious to see him if only for a minute, and that someone from Bazdeev's widow had called to ask Pierre to take charge of her husband's books, as she herself was leaving for the country.
But next day no news arrived from the army and the public mood grew anxious.
The rapt, anxious expressions of the group are most striking.
Many are " serious-minded persons " anxious to succeed.
Bob straitened slowly, anxious not to spook the animal.
Anxious not to miss out, they bolted for the door and stampeded down the stairs... Exactly what happened next is unclear.
If the subtext of this book is to make men anxious about their masculinity, then Thomas misses his own point.
Go toe-to-toe with will achieve its anxious to tell.
Some of us may feel anxious, depressed or fearful, we may have dietary problems, trouble sleeping or trouble staying awake.
He 's anxious, wrestling with some inner demon.
Since cats are so sensitive, most seem calmer and less anxious when they are given Emotional Stability.
If several months have passed since your divorce and you still feel anxious or depressed, don't be afraid to seek assistance from a qualified therapist.
You may think that now is the time to go out and find another suitable spouse, or maybe you are anxious to get back out on the dating scene so you can give yourself the opportunity to be wild.
We may become fearful, tense, anxious or agitated.
Use five-flower remedy anytime you feel anxious, agitated, nervous or frightened.
The next time you feel anxious, before reaching for a medication that may have unpleasant side effects, consider some of the following herbal anti anxiety formulations.
Are you relaxed, happy, anxious, or sad?
Makeup should be a way for women to enjoy being women; feeling anxious about cosmetics takes away from that enjoyment.
But you're feeling anxious - how safe is it to meet up with someone you met online?
Most beginner photographers are so anxious to get shooting that they barely crack open their camera's manual.
Instead of turning to medications when you feel anxious, why don't you try one of these natural stress relievers?
You may also find that you are susceptible to colds and other illnesses when you are under a lot of stress or feeling anxious.
Everyone feels anxious or stressed out at times; it's just part of living in the modern world.
If you are feeling anxious, there are some things you can do to help to manage them.
There are many reasons why people feel anxious and if you have a good understanding of them, you may be able to take steps to feel calmer as you go through everyday life.
If you are feeling anxious because you are between jobs, get help with your job search.
When you feel yourself becoming anxious and about to have an outburst, remove yourself from the situation.
When you get anxious, your breathing becomes irregular.
All of these situations can cause you to feel depressed, anxious, or an overall sense of doom.
When you start to feel overwhelmed and anxious, tell yourself that these feelings are normal and will go away as soon as life settles down.
People often start feeling overwhelmed, frustrated, and anxious when they start feeling as if everything they do is for other people.
If busy lifestyles, hectic work schedules, and family demands leave you feeling anxious and stressed, following these five secrets to managing stress will result in a happier, healthier life.
As you meditate, your anxious mind and tense body begin to relax.
If you already suffer from a mental health disorder and feel anxious, it may be a symptom of your dominant disorder rather than a separate anxiety disorder.
Treating individual symptoms, such as taking a brief nap if you experience anxiety-related fatigue or taking a cool drink if you get anxious hot flashes, can help you start to feel more relaxed and in control.
Do you find yourself tapping your pencil, twirling your hair, biting your nails or doing some other anxious habit when you are thinking?
This lack of control over what happened makes you feel helpless and anxious.
For example, you may feel anxious about an upcoming exam or interview, have butterflies in your stomach when it is your turn to give a presentation or worry about what kind of parent you will be when your new baby arrives.
These are just a few of the many circumstances and events that cause feelings of anxiety and those anxious feelings are all perfectly normal.
When this occurs the patient may become even more anxious then before taking the medication.
When you are in an anxious state, you are filled with feelings of uneasiness, apprehension or dread.
Sometimes a person feels able to control the anxious feelings, but over time he or she develops clinical anxiety.
While you may not feel anxious, if you stopped taking your medication, your symptoms may reappear.
Vice versa, once you identify the behaviors that make you anxious, you will be able to avoid them and behave in ways that will not produce a heightened state of stress.
This way, you can use the techniques whenever you start thinking about something that makes you anxious, it will help your body stop the fight or flight response and in turn, help you think through your thoughts.
It's normal to feel a little anxious around test time, but if you find that your anxiety is preventing you from performing well on a test, talk to your teacher.
Many teenagers are well-intentioned, but they are also subject to peer pressure and the anxious feeling of wanting to experience adulthood.
Not only were the bride and groom nervous, I was anxious because I had to partner with a groomsman with whom I'd broken up a week before after a two-year relationship.
Back at the Wyman House I got dressed and noticed Andrea was a little anxious.
When my husband pressed the issue, Steve became very anxious.
Do you often feel guilty, anxious, and inadequate?
They help you reduce your nicotine use slowly, so you won't be as grouchy or anxious while you're trying to quit.
When someone has low self-esteem, he feels anxious when he is not as good as someone else is.
Feeling angry, depressed, anxious, or out of control, when not able to be online.
If someone you know suffers from compulsive hoarding, you can begin helping him by talking about what it is that makes him anxious.
This drug can make someone feel anxious and rebellious.
Not every graduate is anxious to leave behind high school.
Television, movie, and music fans are always anxious to find out who won the People's Choice Awards.
If allowed to become anxious and bored, most dogs will become destructive or worse yet, aggressive.
If you're nervous, your dog will pick up on those feelings and become more anxious himself.
Bulldogs bond quickly with their owners and families, and a rescued dog may be that much more anxious and eager to please.
It can be an anxious moment the first time you have to medicate a dog.
When the elements are not in harmony, you feel anxious, empty and depressed.
Many men are anxious at the prospect of losing their hair and they search for solutions to baldness.
This myth suited the British, because they were constantly working to subjugate the Irish and whipping up sentiment against them helped keep the population anxious to see the Irish "tamed.
With current home mortgage rates inching up, mortgagees are anxious to lock in the rates while they are still low.
Stories about a mom whose nurse tries to seduce her husband or a mother-in-law who attempts to steal the forceps from the doctor make this book a poor choice for overly anxious women!
If you're actively trying, you may be anxious to know if you've successfully conceived.
Now that you know how early pregnancy can be detected, you may be anxious to get an ultra sensitive pregnancy test.
Friends and family usually mean well, but the persistence of some Old Wives Tales can cause you to feel anxious during your pregnancy.
If you are anxious to become pregnant, explore the natural ways to increase fertility.
Regardless of how anxious you may feel about the prospect of going into labor, your body is well equipped to deal with the process of delivering a baby.
While doctors may claim that no amount of walking will make you go into labor, many women who are anxious to get their labor underway report that this is the trick that worked for them.
If you're anxious about a potential pregnancy, you may be wondering if there are pregnancy symptoms before implantation.
When a woman goes past her due date, she will probably be especially anxious to have the baby.
Instead, it's wise to focus more on how you feel about yourself, maintaining a balanced and healthy lifestyle instead of being anxious over how you look in a bathing suit, whether it's a one-piece or a skimpy two-piece.
When the box arrived, I was anxious to see if the Ninja Master Prep Professional could possibly live up to its billing.
Children can be excited and anxious on Christmas Eve as they await the arrival of Santa Claus, and watching Santa radar is a fun way for families to spend time together on a very special holiday night.
For anxious kids trying to stay awake on Christmas Eve, the Official Santa Tracker is a welcome tool.
This is a great game for children who are anxious to help decorate.
What an exciting and anxious call you are about to make.
When a person is nervous or anxious, his voice may not convey his wonderful qualities.
However, it is easy to ignore your better judgment when you are anxious to find a successful match.
She may have kept scratching her face because of a tick she has or once started, out of a self-conscious habit due to being anxious.
Say, "I'm feeling nervous, anxious and excited.
Everyone is anxious before his or her first kiss.
If you've been in a relationship where you've felt insecure or anxious watching your partner talk to another guy or girl, then you've probably wondered how to get rid of jealousy.
I'm also anxious to try Gluten Free Savonnerie and Dakota Free, two well-trusted companies that produce 100% gluten free bath and body products.
Travel potty seats can also be helpful when children are feeling anxious about using a strange big potty at the grocery store.
The last thing you want to do is to make a huge issue out of it and make your child even more anxious when the time comes to use the potty.
Not every toddler or preschooler is anxious to abandon playing with toys to go over alphabet flashcards with mom.
All new releases are released on a Tuesday, allowing you to plan accordingly when you're really anxious for something.
Are they at all anxious by the possibility of your "change", reach or growth in this matter?
Now that you know more about the fashion versatility and styling options for white winter boots, you are probably anxious to add a pair to your winter wardrobe.
Many fans of soap operas enjoy The Young and the Restless full episodes, which are always full of drama and intrigue to keep viewers on their toes and anxious for a new episode.
Some individuals with autism disorder can be rigidly resistant to change, reacting with anxious or aggressive behaviors.
Many are very fixed in daily routines, becoming anxious or resistant when those routines are broken.
Repeated deep breathing when you are feeling anxious can help get your stress levels under control.
For example, if you start to get really anxious when project deadlines draw near, don't allow yourself to put work off until the last minute.
It's completely reasonable to be nervous or anxious before your first session.
Most sellers are anxious to clear out remaindered items and will do so at a steep discount because that is usually still less expensive and cumbersome than sending them back to the manufacturer.
Shakira's anxious record label, Sony, were keen to have her stick to more mainstream, popular styles, but she got her way.
Although she was known by fans as sometimes appearing anxious and stressed out during the episodes she still managed to deliver innovative and stunning clothes during her time as a contestant.
Whether it is being far too picky or far too anxious to get married, these women can benefit from the professional experiences of Steve.
Since Hell's Kitchen has become so popular, many people are anxious to get their hands on tickets to the restaurant.
Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire holds a crackling feeling of anxious energy between it's covers.
The death-dealer motioned for them to start walking along the stream. Rhyn sprung forward, anxious to be moving again.
The phone rang twice, both calls from Fred's lady friends, who were anxious for his return.
He shifted his bike into high gear as he began a long downhill, building speed, anxious to get home.
Last night you said you were feeling anxious because you no longer had a home and you were about to lose your name.
He probably knew that, but that wouldn't stop him from feeling anxious about it.
On the other hand, hadn't his 'appointment' this morning to talk to her about last chances been indication enough that he was anxious?
Flying on a plane wouldn't have made her as anxious as she was right now.
Anxious would better describe her feelings.
She glanced up at his anxious face.
In spite of the fact that she was anxious to tell him, she waited for the exact moment.
His voice was anxious as he burst through the door.
He took a breath and finally met her anxious gaze.
Anxious to keep her mind off Josh, she picked up a magazine and sat on the couch.
Sofi was pale and Bianca anxious.
Anxious to be gone, she searched beneath the sinks and the laundry room, places she thought a flashlight would be.
She was telling the truth; she was anxious.
In December 1352 Clement died, and his successor, Innocent VI., anxious to strike a blow at the baronial rulers of Rome, and seeing in the former tribune an excellent tool for this purpose, pardoned and released his prisoner.
Leo was now anxious to unite Ferrara, Parma and Piacenza to the States of the Church.
Galen showed himself anxious to reform the church, but his chief energies were directed to increasing his power and prestige.
Ministers were naturally anxious to obtain the reversion to his vacant post, and Indian affairs formed at this time the hinge on which party politics turned.
Rouvier himself took the portfolio of foreign affairs at this anxious juncture.
Bonif ace tried to induce King Charles to break the treaty, but the latter was only too anxious for peace, and finally in May 1303 the pope ratified it, Frederick agreeing to pay him a tribute.
In 1537 she was anxious to obtain a divorce from Methven, and her desire was on the point of being realized when it was defeated by the intervention of James.
He retired to rest with anxious thoughts of his future career, which haunted him through the night in three dreams that left a deep impression on his mind.
In the anxious year which followed, the prince gave evidence of considerable military and diplomatic ability.
The other colonies interested were anxious to bring the matter to a speedy termination, and readily agreed to this course of procedure.
Cromwell was essentially a conservative reformer; in his attempts to purge the court of chancery of its most flagrant abuses, and to settle the ecclesiastical affairs of the nation, he showed himself anxious to retain as much of the existing system as could be left untouched without doing positive evil.
The writer of Acts ii., anxious to prove that Providence from the first included the Gentiles in the Messianic Kingdom, assumes that the gift of tongues was a miraculous faculty of talking strange languages without having previously learned them.
This all took place at Valarshapat, where Gregory, anxious to fix a site on which to build shrines for the relics of Ripsime and Gaiana, saw the Son of God come down in a sheen of light, the stars of heaven attending, and smite the earth with a golden hammer till the nether world resounded to his blows.
Burke and Grattan were anxious that provision should be made for the education of Irish Roman Catholic priests at home, to preserve them from the contagion of Jacobinism in France; Wolfe Tone, "with an incomparably juster forecast," as Lecky observes, "advocated the same measure for exactly opposite reasons."
The negotiations were long drawn out; for Cavour struggled to save Nice and Napoleon was anxious to make conditions, especially as regards Tuscany.
Victor Emmanuel was sincerely anxious to assist Napoleon, for in spite of Nice and Savoy and Mentana he felt a chivalrous desire to help the man who had fought for Italy.
Depretis, anxious only to avoid a policy of adventure, let slip whatever opportunity may have presented itself, and neglected even to deal energetically with the impotent but mischievous Italian agitation for a rectification of the Italo-Austrian frontier.
Count di Robilant, anxious that Italy should not seem to beg a smile from the central Powers, advised Mancini to receive with caution the suggestions of the Austrian press.
Depretis and his colleague Genala, minister of public works, experienced great difficulty in securing parliamentary sanction for the conventions, not so much on account of their defective character, as from the opposition of local interests anxious tc extort new lines from the government.
Baratieri, anxious probably to obtain some success before the arrival of Baldissera, and alarmed by the rapid diminution of his stores, which precluded further immobility, called a council of war (29th of February) and obtained the approval of the divisional commanders for a plan of attack.
From 1668 to 1670 attempts were being made by the chapter to restore the ruined building; but Dean Sancroft was anxious to have it wholly rebuilt, and in 1668 he had asked Wren to prepare a design for a wholly new church.
He was anxious that Mary Stuart's death 1 Hist.
Accustomed freely and fearlessly to investigate whatever came before him, and swayed by a scrupulous dread of insincerity, he was doomed to long and anxious hesitation concerning some of the fundamental points of theology before arriving at a firm conviction of the truth of Christianity.
He mentions in another place that when at Verona the king was anxious to transfer the accusation of treason brought against Albinus to the whole senate, he defended the senate at great risk.
As the Muscovite and the Lithuano-Polish princes were equally ambitious and equally anxious to widen their borders, they naturally came into conflict.
Unfortunately for the success of her schemes she had to reckon with stronger states which were anxious to check the Russian advance, and which were determined, in the event of aggression, to have a share of the plunder.
Prince Ferdinand of Bulgaria had long been anxious to legalize his position by a reconciliation, and as soon as he got rid of Stamboloff he made advances to the Russian government.
Many believed that the end of autocracy had come, and an extemporized Council of Labour Deputies, anxious to play the part of a Comite de Salut Public, was ready to take over the supreme power and exercise it in the interests of the proletariat.
As a young man Henry had been chivalrous and adventurous, and in politics anxious for good government and justice.
Although he was anxious to marry this lady, the match was rendered impossible by the dislike of George II.
It seemed to be assumed that Asia was to be divided among the powers of Europe, and each was anxious to get its share or more.
While the ships were still engaged in tactical exercises, Austria's ultimatum to Serbia was issued (July 23) and the i 2 anxious days which culminated in the World War began.
When the trial of Servetus was in progress (1553), Calvin was anxious for Farel's presence, but he did not arrive till sentence had been passed.
In Sir Benjamin D'Urban Philip found a governor anxious to promote the interests of the natives.
But his aunt was anxious for him to be a minister, as he himself desired, and therefore in 1752, when his health had improved, he went to Daventry to attend the Nonconformist academy formerly carried on by Dr P. Doddridge at Northampton.
He was present at the Field of the Cloth of Gold in 1520, and in 1521 he went to Venice with the object of winning the support of the republic for Wolsey, who was anxious at this time to become pope.
After his return to France the cardinal was anxious to regain the favour of the queen in order to obtain the position of prime minister.
Moreover, it is undeniable that Lord Derby acted as though he was anxious to appear to be giving the Boers what they wanted.
In their previous travels in Syria they had gained the confidence and friendship of a young sheikh whose family, though long settled at Tadmur, came originally from Nejd, and who was anxious to renew the connexion with his kinsmen by seeking a bride among them.
Ibn Ali Talib, anxious to perpetuate their severance from the orthodox church and the Byzantine empire, confirmed these privileges by charter and in 762 the patriarchate was removed to Bagdad.
To put an end to this absenteeism, and to bring back the papacy to Italy was the cherished and anxious wish of all good Italians, and especially of all Italian churchmen.
The Duke was anxious to obtain a capable candidate to aid him in regaining his ascendancy over the rebellious borough.
The queen wrote to Archbishop Tait that the subject of the Irish Church " made her very anxious," but that Mr Gladstone " showed the most conciliatory disposition."
From this time he was very anxious to see the king of Prussia unite the whole of Germany, with the title of emperor, and was impatient of the caution with which Bismarck proceeded.
The enlargement of the horizon of knowledge by the advance of science, the recognition of the only relative validity of human opinions and beliefs as determined by and adapted to each stage of human development, which is due to the growing historical sense, the alteration of view regarding the nature of inspiration, and the purpose of the Holy Scriptures, the revolt against all ecclesiastical authority, and the acceptance of reason and conscience as alone authoritative, the growth of the spirit of Christian charity, the clamorous demand of the social problem for immediate attention, all combine in making the Christian churches less anxious about the danger, and less zealous in the discovery and condemnation of heresy.
Sigismund, anxious to obtain another vote in the electoral college, appointed Frederick to exercise the Brandenburg vote on his behalf, and it was largely through his efforts that Sigismund was chosen German king.
After the hands of Elizabeth of England, Mary of Scotland and Renata of Lorraine had successively been sought for him, the council of state grew anxious about the succession, but he finally married his cousin, Sophia of Mecklenburg, on the 10th of July 1572.
Nor was he anxious to maintain the connexion between philosophy and medicine which had for long existed in a confused and confusing fashion.'
The latent discontent of the allies was soon fanned into hostility by the intrigues of Mausolus, prince of Cardia, who was anxious to extend his kingdom.
Through the fact, however, that from 1501 onwards the Lithuanians and the Poles were ruled over by one sovereign and from 1569 onwards had a common legislature, the former, though ever anxious to break away, gradually sank into a state of dependence.
But this very fact of its ever-extending influence, coupled with an absence of dogmatism in belief, which made it at all times ready and even anxious to adopt foreign customs and ideas, gave its religion a constantly shifting and broadening character, so that it is difficult to determine the original essentials.
He poses too much as a fine gentleman, and is so anxious not to be taken for a pedant of the vulgar scholastic kind that he falls into the hardly more attractive pedantry of the aesthete and virtuoso.
Hungary coming to the assistance of Poland, Lubart was defeated and taken prisoner; but Casimir, anxious to avoid a bloody war with Lithuania's Tatar allies, came to a compromise with Lubart whereby Poland retained Halicz with Lemberg, while Vladimir, Belz, and Brzesc fell to the share of Lithuania.
Charles IV., a cautious sovereign with many cares, was as anxious for the maintenance of peace as Casimir himself.
Nevertheless, he became more anxious than ever to emancipate himself from French thraldom, and his first sign of independence was his visit to Venice in 1687, where he conferred on political affairs with Prince Eugene of Savoy and other personages, without consulting Louis.
Yet this second adventure was not embarked upon without much anxious consideration.
The Council of State, being mainly anxious to destroy the Dutch trade and fisheries, began by reinforcing Blake, and sending him north to scatter the Dutch herring fleet.
It is clear from the emperor's letters that in regard to nine out of ten of the matters which his anxious and deferential legate referred to him for his decision he would have been better pleased if the legate had decided them for himself.
On the other hand it is not necessary to reset the telescope after each reversal of the segments.4 When Bessel ordered the Konigsberg heliometer, he was anxious to have the segments made to move in cylindrical slides, of which the radius should be equal to the focal length of the object-glass.
At length Louis Philippe, anxious to free himself from the hampering control of the agents of his fortune, thought it safe to parade his want of confidence in the man who had made him king.
On the fall of Napoleon in 1814 the Piedmontese court returned to Turin and the king was anxious to secure the succession for Charles Albert, knowing that Austria meditated excluding him from it in favour of an Austrian archduke, but at the same time he regarded him as an objectionable person on account of his revolutionary upbringing.
The king and chiefs (except two ringleaders) were offered reinstatement, and they appeared anxious to accept these terms, but the French bishop joined them in the islands, and from that day all hopes of peace vanished.
Both pope and king were naturally anxious to place their own friends and supporters in these influential positions.
After a fierce attack on Protestants caused by the mutilation of a statue of the Virgin, in 1528, the king, anxious to con ciliate both the German Protestants and anti-papal England, invited some of the reformers of Meaux to preach in the Louvre.
Men were not men according to Greek notions unless they were citizens; and Herodotus, aware of this, probably sharing in the feeling, was anxious, having lost his political status at Halicarnassus, to obtain such status elsewhere.
It was his claim that he had discovered the Gospel before ever Luther was heard of in Switzerland, and he was as anxious as Erasmus to make it clear that he was not Luther's disciple.
They were especially anxious to gain Bern, and Zwingli challenged the Romanists to a public disputation in that city.
The allies determined that they would wage a war without risks, and they were particularly anxious to avoid the risk of defeat in detail.
In December 1641 the king, anxious to conciliate public opinion, appointed Williams archbishop of York.
The situation was changed in his favour when Frederick I., who was anxious to count the duke among his supporters, succeeded Conrad as German king in February 1152.
Domitian had been arbitrary and high-handed, and had heaped favours on the soldiery while humiliating the senate; Nerva showed himself anxious to respect the traditional privileges of the senate, and such maxims of constitutional government as still survived.
The queen was very anxious that he should receive the title of "King Consort," and that the crown should be jointly borne as it was by William III.
Count less entries in the queen's diaries testify to the anxious affection with which the progress of each little member of the household was watched.
He showed himself in this office especially anxious that the military power should be duly subordinated to the civil.
He was anxious to make sure that his readers would understand his exact meaning, and to guard them against all possible misconceptions.
He was anxious that Mary should marry the Dauphin Charles and thus secure the inheritance of the Netherlands for his descendants.
Hence, too, he spoiled nothing by anxious revision in terror lest some phrase not of the golden age should escape from his pen.
Nevertheless, so anxious was Sigismund to avoid a collision with the Turks, that he forbade the victorious Tarnowski to cross the Moldavian frontier, and sent a letter of explanation to Constantinople.
The liberum veto seems to have been originally devised to cut short interminable debates in times of acute crisis, but it was generally used either by highly placed criminals, anxious to avoid an inquiry into their misdeeds,' or by malcontents, desirous of embarrassing the executive.
So anxious was Dlugosz to make his work as perfect as he could that he learned Russian so as to be able to read the Chronicle of Nestor.
Thus while willing, even anxious that Prussia should receive Saxony, in order that she might be strong to meet the danger from the East, he was prepared to go to any lengths to resist the claims of Russia.
While sympathizing with the ideas and aims of the "Young Turkey" party, he was anxious to restrain its impatience, but the sultan's obduracy led to a coalition between the grand vizier, the war minister and Midhat Pasha, which deposed him in May 1876, and he was murdered in the following month.
His efforts were now steadily directed to securing his restoration to the navy, and in this he succeeded in 1832; but though he was granted a "free pardon" he failed to obtain the new trial for which he was anxious, or to secure the arrears of pay he claimed.'
During a year of anxious waiting, it became clear to him " not only that there was no rowme in my lorde of londons palace to translate the new testament, but also that there was no place to do it in all englonde."
There is a tradition that on one occasion the abbot of Beverley, anxious to investigate the case for himself, visited Mother Shipton's cottage disguised, and that no sooner had he knocked than the old woman called out "Come in, Mr Abbot, for you are not so much disguised but the fox may be seen through the sheep's skin."
He was anxious to see the rise of a "Greater France," on the model of "Greater Britain," and it was with this idea that he undertook to present to the public a series of essays, written by famous explorers or political men, under the title of La France coloniale, histoire, geographic, commerce (1886; 6th ed., 1893).
Washington, who was wisely anxious to concentrate attack on one or other of the centres of British power in Virginia or New York, had to wait till the arrival of Grasse before he could see his ideas applied.
He showed statesmanlike qualities in steering a clear course between the exaggerated prudence of Baron Ricasoli, who wished to recall the troops from the frontier, and the impetuosity of Garibaldi, his second-in-command, who was anxious to invade Romagna prematurely, even at the risk of Austrian intervention.
Here he worked diligently at practical reforms, being specially anxious to raise the standard of clerical life and work.
The same Tertullian who had fortified the Catholic church against Gnosticism was none the less anxious to protect it from becoming a political organization.
We have seen how anxious Aristotle was to be considered one of the Platonists, how reluctant he was to depart from Plato's hypothesis of forms, and how, in denying the separability, he retained the Platonic belief in the reality and even in the unity of the universal.
In 1553 Duke Albert of Prussia, anxious to heal the differences in the Prussian church caused by the discussion of Osiander's doctrines, invited him to Konigsberg, and in the following year appointed him professor of divinity and president of the Samland diocese.
But his future was a subject of anxious thought to Henry II.
Augustus continued the war against the Turks for a time, and being anxious to extend his influence and to find a pretext for retaining the Saxon troops in Poland, made an alliance in 1699 with Russia and Denmark against Charles XII.
Canning and Wellington' were anxious to preserve the integrity of Turkey, and therefore to prevent any isolated intervention of Russia; and Wellington seemed to Canning the most suitable instrument for the purpose of securing an arrangement between Great Britain and Russia on the Greek question, through which it was hoped to assure peace in the East.
The government found, therefore, in the educated classes a new-born public spirit, anxious to assist it in any work of reform that it might think fit to undertake.
At the same time he was anxious to obtain for the Christians of Turkey some amelioration of their condition, and to give thereby some satisfaction to his own subjects.
But about the year 1853 anxious attention began to be given in France to the ravages of a disease among silkworms, which from its alarming progress threatened to issue in national disaster.
The extinction of the Latin kingdom might now seem imminent; and envoys were sent to the West with anxious appeals for assistance in 1169, 1171 and 1173.
So Avenarius (q.v.) was no materialist, but only an empiricist anxious to reclaim man's natural view of the world from philosophic incrustations; yet when his Empiriokriticismus ends in nothing but environment, nervous system, and statements dependent on them, without soul, though within experience, he comes near to materialism, as Wundt has remarked.
Mr Balfour was anxious to avoid a rupture, doubtful of the feeling of the country, uncertain of the details by which Mr Chamberlain's scheme could be worked out.
As leader of the party and responsible for the maintenance of so great a political engine, he was anxious not to be precipitate.
From 1903 onwards the question of army reform had been under discussion, and the government was anxious to get this settled, though in fact Mr Brodrick's and Mr Arnold-Forster's schemes for reorganization failed to obtain any general support.
He was always anxious to turn his knowledge to practical account, whether in preparing medicines, or in furthering industrial arts such as dyeing, or in increasing the fertility of the soil by artificial manures.
At the same time he showed himself anxious to further the cause of ecclesiastical instruction and Catholic science.
The Gurkhas, after becoming masters of Nepal, were anxious to renew the profitable traffic in coin, and in this view sent a deputation to Lhasa with a quantity of coin to be put in circulation.
The introduction of steel concrete (also known as ferroconcrete, armoured concrete, or reinforced concrete) is generally attributed to Joseph Monier, a French gardener, who about the year 1868 was anxious to build some concrete water basins.
Ever anxious to extend the league, in which after 245 he was general almost every second year, Aratus took Corinth by surprise (243), and with mingled threats and persuasion won over other cities, notably Megalopolis (233) and Argos (229), whose tyrants abdicated voluntarily.
So highly was he now esteemed for his courage, abilities and integrity, that all parties were anxious to have him on their side (Eloge, by Montesquieu).
In April 1813 the Americans took York (now Toronto), and in May moved on Fort George; but a counter-attack by Yeo and Prevost on Sackett's Harbour, on the 2gth of May, having made the Americans anxious about the safety of their base, naval support failed the American generals, and they were paralysed.
The victory of Conde at Rocroy opened the eyes of Frederick Henry to the danger of a French conquest of the Belgian provinces; and, feeling his health growing enfeebled, the prince became anxious before his death to obtain peace and security for his country by means of an accommodation with Spain.
William IV., though not a man of great ability, was sincerely anxious to do his utmost for securing the maintenance of peace, and the development of the resources and commercial prosperity of the country, and his powerful dynastic connexions (he had married Anne, eldest daughter of George II.) gave him weight in the councils of Europe.
In 1186, Bishop Absalon bestowed the castle and village, with the lands of Amager, on the see of Roskilde; but, as the place grew in importance, the Danish kings became anxious to regain it, and in 1245 King Eric IV.
Sir Hyde Parker, who saw the danger of Nelson's position, became anxious, and sent his second, Captain Robert Waller Ottway, to him with a message authorizing him to retire if he thought fit.
The leading men of Brussels were most anxious not to push matters to extremities.
He was as anxious as Flood had been to retain the legislative power in the hands of men of property, for "he had through the whole of his life a strong conviction that while Ireland could_ best be governed by Irish hands, democracy in Ireland would inevitably turn to plunder and anarchy."
Taking up mathematics when not only his mind was already formed but his thoughts were crystallizing into a philosophical system, Hobbes had, in fact, never put himself to school and sought to work up gradually to the best knowledge of the time, but had been more anxious from the first to become himself an innovator with whatever insufficient means.
Their sentence, however, did not take effect until late in 272, when the emperor Aurelian, having defeated Zenobia and anxious to impose upon Syria the dogmatic system fashionable in Rome, deposed Paul and allowed the rival 'candidate Domnus to take his place and emoluments.
He has been represented as a determined apologist of intellectual orthodoxy animated by an almost fanatical "hatred of reason," and possessed with a purpose to overthrow the appeal to reason; as a sceptic and pessimist of a far deeper dye than Montaigne, anxious chiefly to show how any positive decision on matters beyond the range of experience is impossible; as a nervous believer clinging to conclusions which his clearer and better sense showed to be indefensible; as an almost ferocious ascetic and paradoxer affecting the credo quia impossibile in intellectual matters and the odi quia amabile in matters moral and sensuous; as a wanderer in the regions of doubt and belief, alternately bringing a vast though vague power of thought and an unequalled power of expression to the expression of ideas incompatible and irreconcilable.
Anxious to recover the city for France, Louis XI.
Anxious to regain these lands Henry allied himself with some Slavonic tribes, promising not to interfere with the exercise of their heathen religion, while Boleslaus found supporters among the discontented German nobles.
After this Frederick and the Calvinists looked for sympathy more and more to the Protestants in France and the Netherlands, whom they assisted with troops, while the Lutherans, whose chief prince was Augustus, elector of Saxony, adopted a more cautious policy and were anxious not to offend the emperor.
Anxious to restore peace to Germany in this year, the new king, Frederick I., raised Austria to the rank of a duchy, and conferred upon it exceptional privileges.
But Charles was anxious about Italy, then in danger from Spain, which under Alberoni's guidance had occupied Sardinia and Sicily.
He had no previous experience of Austrian affairs, and was only anxious at once to bring about a settlement which would enable the empire to take a strong position in international politics.
It was an anxious undertaking, because the native states of India were all watching the issue and waiting for any serious reverse to the English to join against them.
Marshal Marmont, writing in 1839, mentions the capacity of the Egyptians for endurance; and it was tested In 1883, especially in the 2nd Brigade, since its officers (Turks and Egyptians), anxious to excel as drill-masters, worked their men not only from morn till eve, but also by lamplight in the corridors of the barracks.
The mummies from the despoiled tombs of the kings were the object of much anxious care to the kings of this dynasty; after being removed from one tomb to another, they were finally deposited in a shaft near the temple of Deir el Bahri, where they remained for nearly three thousand years, until the demand for antiquities at last brought the plunderer once more to their hiding-place; eventually they were all secured for the Cairo museum, where they may now be seen.
Mahmud to hope for revenge, and a renewal of the conflict was only staved off by the anxious efforts of the powers.
Besides this, the British government was anxious to terminate the occupation as soon as possible.
This most inconclusive report, and the baseless idea that the adoption of the Nile route would involve rio chance of bloodshed, which the government was anxious to avoid, seem to Wolseley have decided the question.
The Italians were anxious to leave it; and on Christmas day 1897 Colonel (afterwards General Sir Charles) Parsons, with an Egyptian force from Suakin, took it formally over, together with a body of Arab irregulars employed by the Italians.
That he was anxious to respect its rights is conclusively proved, but both the circumstances of the time and the character of the king would tend to throw more power into his hands.
He was now anxious to give up the enterprise, but was overruled by Grey, Wade and others.
The details are not quite clear, but it seems tolerably certain that the prince and the bishop, anxious to retain their power, sought to induce Henry IV.
Anxious to secure his aid for the crusade against the Hussites, Pope Martin again offered him a cardinal's hat, which Beaufort accepted.
Besides these there is a fever hospital, erected by Lord John George Beresford; a college, which Primate Robinson was anxious to raise to the rank of a university; a public library founded by him, an observatory, which has become famous from the efficiency of its astronomers; a number of churches and schools, and barracks.
Sigebert was anxious to avenge his sister-in-law, but on the intervention of Guntram, he accepted the compensation offered by Chilperic, namely the cities of Bordeaux, Cahors and Limoges, with Beam and Bigorre.
With him were the Cavalier party, anxious to recover their - losses during the civil war.
Packs of foxhounds vary, from large establishments in the "Shires," the meets of which are attended by hundreds of horsemen, some of whom keep large stables of hunters in constant work - for though a man at Melton, for instance, may see a great deal of sport with half-a-dozen well-seasoned animals, the number is not sufficient if he is anxious to be at all times well mounted - to small kennels in the north of England, where the field follow on foot.
Henry was then particularly anxious to cement his alliance with Francis I., and gain his co-operation as far as possible in the object on which he had secretly set his heart - a divorce from Catherine of Aragon.
But in truth the king had need of him quite as much as he had of Cranmer; for it was Gardiner, who even under royal supremacy, was anxious to prove that England had not fallen away from the faith, while Cranmer's authority as primate was necessary to upholding that supremacy.
He was especially anxious to obtain works of art, mainly sculpture, for the famous Munich collections which he started, and in this he had the advantage of the assistance of the painter Martin Wagner.
Metternich was anxious to secure an apparent unanimity of the powers to back the Austrian intervention in Naples, and every device was used to entrap the English representative into subscribing a formula which would have seemed to commit Great Britain to the principles of the other allies.
The Defence of the Realm Act and other war-time measures threw in these years a great burden of anxious work on the law officers of the Crown, including the prosecution of Sir Roger Casement for high treason at the Old Bailey.
He expressed himself as being as anxious for the reformation of the clergy as Simeon for the coming of the Messiah; but while he welcomed Wolsey's never-realized promises, he was too old to accomplish much himself in the way of remedying the clerical and especially the monastic depravity, licence and corruption he deplored.
He was exceedingly anxious to extend the royal authority.
The diet was anxious to hear Luther, if the emperor was not, and his request was granted.
He was anxious to show that sacred history might be presented in a form which lovers of Sallust and Tacitus could appreciate and enjoy.
Mir Jafar was anxious to buy off the shahzada, who had already invested Patna.
With every change of ministry in Madrid came a new lot of hungry politicians anxious to fill even the more humble colonial offices.
When the Assembly met it became apparent that the great majority were more anxious to act as a dignified branch of the legislature than to maintain consistency with their pre-election declarations.
During the anxious months that followed the Austrian coup, the efforts of diplomacy were directed to calming the excitement of Servians, Montenegrins and the Young Turks, and to considering a European conference in which the fait accompli should be regularized in accordance with the accepted canons of international law.
He was thrifty and anxious to leave to his son a full treasury.
Both consuls were anxious to obtain the command against him; Crassus was pontifex maximus, and Flaccus a flamen of Mars.
Though anxious to avoid an Eastern war, because of danger nearer home from the restlessness of the Goths, he was compelled to take the field against Shapur II.
After an arduous and anxious term, the president had reached a period that promised to give him comparative repose and freedom from care.
For nearly a year the diplomatic pourparlers continued without an agreement being reached; France insisted on Mehemet Ali's receiving the hereditary pashalik of Syria as well as that of Egypt, a proposition to which Palmerston, though sincerely anxious to preserve the Anglo-French entente, refused to agree.
He seems continually anxious to reconcile the Jewish Christians to himself by personally observing the law of Moses.
Once Paul's apostolate - a personal one, parallel with the more collective apostolate of " the Twelve " - has proved itself by tokens of Divine approval, Peter and his colleagues frankly recognize the distinction of the two missions, and are anxious only to arrange that the two shall not fall apart by religiously and morally incompatible usages (Acts xv.).
He felt, in addition, that opposite the Tolmino bridgehead he had little room for defence, and he was anxious to anticipate the enemy's move by an attack N.E.
He was especially anxious as the units which had suffered heavily during the last offensive were but newly filled with fresh drafts, and he had found reason before to fear the influence of some of the men fresh from the depots.
Hence also frequent allusion is made by poets to the anxious care caused to the Fathers by the possibility of the living head of the family being afflicted with failure of offspring; this dire prospect compelling them to use but sparingly their little store of provisions, in case the supply should shortly cease altogether.
The new king was anxious to restore the Empire to the position it had occupied under Charlemagne and Otto the Great, and saw clearly that the restoration of order in Germany was a necessary preliminary to the enforcement of the imperial rights in Italy.
The broken old man became feverishly anxious to propitiate offended Heaven, and save himself another Blenheim or Malplaquet, by exterminating the enemies of the Church.
His kingdom therefore lapsed to Rome, and Prasutagus, anxious that the transfer should be effected in an orderly way, divided his accumulated wealth between his two daughters and the emperor.
The doctors of the universities were too wedded to their antiquated manuals and methods, too satisfied with dullness, too proud of titles and diplomas, too anxious to preserve ecclesiastical discipline and to repress mental activity, for a genial spirit of humanism to spread freely.
In 41 he was consul, and had a dispute with Octavian, which led to the so-called Perusian War, in which he was supported by Fulvia (Mark Antony's wife), who was anxious to recall her husband from Cleopatra's court.
I have cast away gold and silver, and have ceased to carry even copper in my belt, being content with my daily bread, nor caring for the morrow, nor anxious how my belly shall be filled or my body clothed; and do you ask me if I accept the gospel ?
But the Conqueror was anxious to get rid of him, although he took him in his train to Normandy in 1067.
Stockholm was founded by Birger Jarl, it is said, in or about 1255, at a time when pirate fleets were less common than they had been, and the government was anxious to establish commercial relations with the towns which were now beginning to flourish on the southern coast of the Baltic. The city was originally founded as a fortress on the island of Stadholm.
Its adoption was due to the king himself, who was anxious to give expression to the fact that he was sovereign of the undivided island, and not only of England or Scotland.
Anxious to retain so promising an adherent, and probably desirous at the same time to avoid public scandal, the chiefs of the community offered him a yearly pension of r000 florins if he would outwardly conform and appear now and then in the synagogue.
Being in good circumstances, he was anxious to show his gratitude to Spinoza by a gift of 2000 florins, which the philosopher half-jestingly excused himself from accepting.
Still more offensive was the attitude of Sweden's eastern neighbour Muscovy, with whom the Swedish king was nervously anxious to stand on good terms. Gustavus attributed to Ivan IV., whose resources he unduly magnified, the design of establishing a universal monarchy round the Baltic.
Lutf Ali Khan took refuge in the town of Barn; but the governor of Narmashir, anxious to propitiate the conqueror, basely surrounded him as he was mounting his faithful horse Kuran to seek a more secure asylum.
Coleridge was anxious to embody a dream of a friend, and the suggestion of the shooting of the albatross came from Wordsworth, who gained the idea from Shelvocke's Voyage (1726).
It was in that century that Portugal rose to prominence as a maritime power; and being anxious to enjoy at first hand some of the commerce which had brought such prosperity to Venice, Portugal determined to seek out an ocean pathway to the Indies.
In 1780 van Plettenberg, the governor, proclaimed the Sneeuwbergen the northern boundary of the colony, expressing " the anxious hope that no more extension should take 'place, and with heavy penalties forbidding the rambling peasants to wander beyond."
Though most anxious to avoid any extension of responsibility in South Africa, Great Britain recognized the potential danger arising from the creation of an independent state on the coast.
Though anxious to promote Carnarvon's policy, Frere found that native affairs called for immediate attention.
Neither the Portuguese nor the British claims seemed of much importance until the rise of the South African republic. Anxious for a seaport, the Transvaal Boers -in turn laid claim to Delagoa Bay.
Two parties threatened to attack them - on one side those who were anxious for extensive reforms in the municipal organization of London; on the other, those who wished to carry forward the process of inspection and revision of endowments, which had already overtaken the universities, schools and other charities.
But some of his methods were remarkably erratic; he was anxious, for instance, to abolish verse, as unsuited tO the genius of the French.
He was not careful to exclude the commonplaces of the school, nor anxious to finish a work of art wholly free from fashionable graces and from contemporary conceits.
But the mass of the people, and especially the rural population, sick of revolution, and weary even of the moderate republicanism of Cavaignac, were anxious for a stable government.
The pope was anxious to get rid of the Hussite king of Bohemia, George Podebrad, as the first step towards the formation of a league against the Turk.
The two sections of which the government was composed had different aims. The Rockingham section, which now looked up to Fox, rested on aristocratic connection and influence; the Shelburne section was anxious to gain popular support by active reforms, and to gain over the king to their side.
On the resignation of Lord Derby, the queen, anxious to terminate a period of weak governments, decided on endeavourGoaiition ing to combine in one cabinet the chiefs of the Whig party and the followers of Sir Robert Peel.
In the years which preceded 1853, however, France had shown more activity in asserting her claims; and the new emperor of the French, anxious to conciliate the church which had supported his elevation to the throne, had a keen interest in upholding them.
The Confederates, naturally anxious to harass the commerce of their enemies, endeavotired from the commencement of hostilities to purchase armed cruisers from builders of neutral nations.
Anxious as Gladstones ministry was to restrict the sphere of its responsibilities, it was compelled to send an expedition to relieve General Gordon; and Lord Wolseley, who was appointed to the command, decided on moving up the Nile to his relief.
And we are touched to think of the simple-minded guest secretly praying, in the solitude of his room in the fine house at Beaconsfield, that the way of his anxious and overburdened host might be guided by a divine hand.
We are not exhilarated by the cheerfulness, the polish, the fine manners of Bolingbroke, for Burke had an anxious conscience, and was earnest and intent that the good should triumph.
Anxious negotiations thus arise, which colour all modern schemes of theology.
After an exhausting journey from the coast he reached Shiraz, and was soon plunged into discussion with the disputants of all classes, "Sufi, Mahommedan, Jew, and JewishMahommedan, even Armenian, all anxious to test their powers of argument with the first English priest who had visited them."
It was not long after it had settled in office that Peel's government, the creature of an anxious Conservative reaction, began to be suspected of drifting toward Manchester.
Anxious to blot out all memory of the bitter past, he forbade the use of the word "Borders," hoping that the designation "Middle Shires" might take its place.
The king, who had hitherto seemed anxious to repress the action of the clergy against the Lollards, spoke strongly against the petition and its promoters, and Lollardy never again had the power in England which it wielded up to this year.
At Otes he enjoyed for fourteen years as much domestic peace and literary leisure as was consistent with broken health, and sometimes anxious visits to London on public affairs, in which he was still an active adviser.
The subtle theo logical controversies of the 17th century made him anxious to show how simple after all fundamental Christianity is.
Members of the Convention were anxious to be thought severe lest they should be thought corrupt.
Bonaparte was resolved not to sink into obscurity, and the directors were anxious to keep him as far as possible from Paris; they therefore sanctioned the expedition to Egypt which deprived the Republic of its best army and most renowned captain.
It is true that Locke is not particularly concerned with the ethico-theological proposition which Clarke is most anxious to maintain, - that the fundamental rules of morality are independent of arbitrary will, whether divine or human.
Taking the different impulses in detail, he first shows how the individual's happiness is promoted by developing 1 It should be observed that, while Clarke is sincerely anxious to prove that most principles are binding independently of Divine appointment, he is no less concerned to show that morality requires the practical support of revealed religion.
This naturally suggested to a mind like Hume's, anxious to apply the experimental method to psychology, the problem of reducing these different elements of personal merit - or rather our approval of them - to some common principle.
But the search of origins frequently leads them into theories of the nature of that moral conduct whose origin they are anxious to find quite at variance with current and accepted beliefs concerning its nature.
Twelve years had elapsed since Luther had published his theses against indulgences - twelve years of intense excitement and anxious discussion, not in Germany only, but in almost all the adjacent countries.
As Giovanna had borne Francesco no sons, Bianca was very anxious to present him with an heir, for otherwise her position would remain very insecure.
As Lanfranc and Anselm were both anxious to extend their jurisdiction over the whole of Ireland, the submission of Dublin opened the way for Norman and Roman influences.
The fuidirs were the chief source of a lord's wealth, and he was consequently always anxious to increase them.
Anxious, changeable and distraught, the emperor made the Liberal concessions of the 19th of January 1867 (right of interpellation), and then, when 0111vier thought that his triumph was near, he exalted Rouher (July) and did not grant the promised laws concerning the press and public meetings till 1868.
The missionary is sometimes anxious to prove that religion can only come by revelation, and that certain tribes, having received no revelation, have no religion or religious myths at all.
Sometimes the missionary, on the other hand, is anxious to demonstrate that the myths of his heathen flock are a corrupted version of the Biblical narrative.
Anxious as he was to preserve Charlemagnes traditions of government, he was not always strong enough to do so, and warfare within his own dominions was often forced on him.