Antrustions Sentence Examples
The Romans are clearly indicated in the law as subjects, but as not yet forming part of the army, which consists solely of the antrustions, i.e.
Any one desiring to enter the body of Antrustions had to present himself armed at the royal palace,.
The antrustions, belonging as they did to one body, had strictly defined duties towards one another; thus one antrustion was forbidden to bear witness against another under penalty of 15 solidi compensation.
The antrustions seem to have played an important part at the time of Clovis.
After the conquest, the role of the antrustions became less important.
Only the king had antrustions; every lord could have vassals.
The antrustions were a military institution; vassalage was a social institution, the origins of which are very complex.
All historians of Merovingian institutions and law have treated of the antrustions, and each one has his different system.