Antiseptic Sentence Examples
The antiseptic pine-laced air from the hallway made her nose wrinkle.
Thus if a little diphtheritic sputum were coughed into a person's eye, or some blood containing anthrax bacilli were to touch a raw spot upon the hand, the removal of microbes in either case by washing with simple water might be regarded as a means of passive defence, whilst washing them away with an antiseptic lotion might be regarded as active defence, because the antiseptic would tend not only to remove but to destroy the microbes.
Its principal action is as an antiseptic and disinfectant.
This releases chloric acid, which, being an extremely powerful antiseptic, kills the bacteria to which the ulcers are due.
No case' of so-called " spontaneous generation " has withstood rigid investigation; but the discussion contributed to more exact ideas as to the ubiquity, minuteness, and high powers of resistance to physical agents of the spores of Schizomycetes, and led to more exact ideas of antiseptic treatments.
Salicylic acid and salicin (q.v.) share the properties common to the group of aromatic acids, which, as a group, are antiseptic without being toxic to man - a property practically unique; are unstable in the body; are antipyretic and analgesic; and diminish the excretion of urea by the kidneys.
In order to prevent decomposition of any proteid impurity which may remain incorporated with the rubber, the freshly coagulated rubber is sometimes cured in the smoke of burning wood or a small quantity of an antiseptic such as creosote is added during coagulation.
Pyrogallol has antiseptic properties and is employed medicinally in the treatment of psoriasis.
Thus in the eye and ear, lotions containing an antiseptic, a sedative and an astringent are very generally used.
The ortho-acid, in the form of its aqueous solution, is sometimes used as an antiseptic, under the name of aseptol.
AdvertisementIt acts as a weak antiseptic. It is used for enriching coal gas, as a vermin killer, in the manufacture of certain azo dyes, and in the preparation of phthalic acid (q.v.).
It is a more powerful antiseptic than carbolic acid, but its insolubility prevents its being used for the same purposes.
Externally chloroforrr ‘ is an antiseptic, a local anaesthetic if allowed to evaporate, and a rubefacient, causing the vessels of the skin to dilate, if rubbed in.
It is, however, a useful superficial caustic and antiseptic. All copper compounds are poisonous, but not so harmful as the copper arsenical pigments.
The perchloride of mercury is another very powerful antiseptic used in solutions of strength I in 2000, I in 1000 and 1 in 500.
AdvertisementIt is used as an antiseptic and oxidizing agent.
For antiseptic purposes it has been prepared as "bromum solidificatum," which consists of kieselguhr or similar substance impregnated with about 75% of its weight of bromine.
Against the bacteria quinine is not at all an exceptionally powerful antiseptic, though more powerful than carbolic acid.
The acid itself is a powerful antiseptic. When administered internally, it causes the appearance of hippuric acid in the urine.
It owes its value to the decomposition described above, by means of which a powerful antiseptic action is safely and continuously exerted.
AdvertisementThis or the biniodide of mercury is the last antiseptic applied to the surgeon's and assistants' hands before an operation begins.
It is also an antiseptic and, in small quantities, a feeble anaesthetic. It is absorbed by the unbroken skin.
But every antiseptic, however good is more or less toxic and irritating to a wounded surface.
But by the addition of some antiseptic to the ointment its defensive action would be converted from passive to active, and its power to prevent infection would become greater; and if inflammation had already set up in the skin, the addition of opium, belladonna, or cocaine would lessen local pain; and an astringent, either metallic or organic, would restrain inflammation and accelerate repair.
Applied externally strychnine is a powerful antiseptic, but its poisonous nature prevents it from being used for this purpose.
AdvertisementNickel salts are antiseptic; they arrest fermentation and stop the growth of plants.
A small percentage of cubebs is also commonly included in lozenges designed for use in bronchitis, in which the antiseptic and expectoral properties of the drug are useful.
In March 1626 he came to London, and when driving one day near Highgate, was taken with a desire to discover whether snow would act as an antiseptic. He stopped his carriage, got out at a cottage, purchased a fowl, and with his own hands assisted to stuff it with snow.
Thus carbolic acid or carbolized ammonia are sniffed into the nose to destroy the microbes there, or the nose is washed out by an antiseptic solution as a nasal douche; bismuth or morphine are insufflated, or zinc ointment is applied, to cover the mucous membrane, and protect it from further irritation; and various antiseptic gargles, paints and powders applied to the pharynx in order to prevent the microbic inflammation from extending to the pharynx and down the trachea and bronchi, for many a severe bronchitis begins first by sneezing and nasal irritation.
But the most important therapeutic application of this drug is in gonorrhoea, where its antiseptic action is of much value.
It is used as an antiseptic.
As an antiseptic salicylic acid is somewhat less powerful than carbolic acid, but its insolubility renders it unsuitable for general use.
Experimental pathology has benefited by the use of antiseptic surgery in operations upon animals, and by the adoption of exact methods of recording.
It is naturally an antiseptic.
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In medicine iodine is frequently applied externally as a counterirritant, having powerful antiseptic properties.
Borax taken internally is of some value in irritability of the bladder, but as a urinary antiseptic it is now surpassed by several recently introduced drugs, such as urotropine.
Also good for skincare as it has anti-inflammatory, antiseptic properties.
HiBiSCRUB can be used as an antiseptic handwash on the ward and for pre-operative surgical hand disinfection and pre and post-operative skin antisepsis.
It also has an effect as a urinary antiseptic in cases of cystitis.
Being a mild antiseptic it helps prevents the growth of harmful micro-organisms.
It is a great natural antiseptic leaving a fresh feel to your skin.
No wonder its known as nature's strongest antiseptic.
Bathing with a ' natural ' and very mildly antiseptic coat care lotion can also keep down your dogs ' chance of flea infestations.
Lemon oil is also highly antiseptic, making it ideal for gargling or applying to minor cuts, scrapes or insect bites.
Another naturally occurring antiseptic is tea tree oil (Melaleuca spp.), which can be mixed with water for cleaning wounds.
Irrigation-Cleansing a wound with large amounts of water and/or an antiseptic solution.
Tea tree oil also has antiseptic properties and may be useful in warding off infection when poison plant rash blisters break.
This affected area should then be cleansed with antiseptic or with antibacterial soap.
The skin should be cleaned and an antiseptic applied to minimize the risk of infection.
Be aware that antiseptic lozenges and sprays may aggravate the sore throat rather than improve it.
Calendula (Calendula officinalis) is a natural antiseptic and anti-inflammatory agent.
To aid in the healing, the infected ear canal can be washed with an over-the-counter topical antiseptic.
The doctor may add a small amount of alcohol, hydrogen peroxide, or other antiseptic.
Skin wounds should be cleaned with an antiseptic and covered with a bandage.
It can be clear to a light gold in color and is used as an antiseptic and an anti-fungal agent.
Your piercer will use an antiseptic solution to thoroughly cleanse the area around your navel.
Your piercer will either provide you with the type of antiseptic solution he or she prefers you to rinse your tongue with or give you directions on where you can purchase it.
Although you can put antiseptic ointment on the burn, your best bet is to leave it be and allow it heal on its own.
The piercing site is prepared and cleaned, and the piercer will use a single use surgical marker or a small dot of Gentian violet antiseptic to mark the piercing's placement.
It is a natural and antiseptic cleaner that is good on everything from windows to the inside of the dishwasher.
Used as a remedy for many ailments - Its antibacterial and antiseptic qualities have led people to use honey as a topical treatment for cuts and burns for generations.
It is an antiseptic and oxidizing agent that can be found in a variety of concentrations.
The oil is considered an antiseptic, anti-fungal, and anti-bacterial agent.
For medicinal use, tea tree oil-based antiseptic solutions and antiseptic creams and ointments are available.
Found in both a concentrated form as well as in many acne facial washes and other products, tea tree oil promotes healing and has natural antiseptic properties that have proven effective for a variety of individuals.
It is an antiseptic agent that has a drying effect, which is beneficial for getting rid of blemishes, but may not work for those with sensitive skin.
Many natural skin care products contain ingredients whose antiseptic properties are well known.
Acne face cream usually contains benzoyl peroxide, salicylic acid, or a natural anti-inflammatory and antiseptic agent such as tea tree oil.
Antiseptic essential oils are especially effective.
Follow up your exfoliate with an oil-free moisturizer that contains an antiseptic.
You should cleanse the area with antiseptic afterwards.
Wipe away the extracted bump with a cotton swab tip that has been moistened in antiseptic.
A follow up antiseptic application sterilizes the open pores and closes them before free radicals like dirt get trapped in them.
This product acts as a antiseptic and removes bacterial growth at a deep level.
Used externally it is an antiseptic and disinfectant, and is used 5 to 10% in ointments in the treatment of chronic skin diseases such as psoriasis and eczema of a sub-acute character.
Externally it is antiparasitic, and is used in certain stages of eczema and psoriasis, and the alcoholic solution has been used in ringworm; internally it has been employed as an intestinal antiseptic in typhoid fever.
A pioneer in the study of hospital cross-infection, he was the first to use the term antiseptic in its modern sense.
The powerful antiseptic leaves your toenails looking healthy again.
All insect bites can usually be treated with an antiseptic cream.
Tea Tree oil is a well known antiseptic that can be used to treat minor skin blemishes such as spots.
A decision model was used to evaluate the outcomes associated with using antiseptic impregnated catheters compared to standard catheters for 10,000 hypothetical patients.
Do not add household disinfectants or other antiseptic agents to the cleaning water.
Grieve mentions that the antiseptic tar has been used internally as a stimulating expectorant in chronic bronchitis.
Clean wound with running water or with antiseptic lotion, don't use iodine or alcohol.
However, many people also use an antiseptic mouthwash each day to help prevent gum disease.
When removed, apply antiseptic ointment or powder but monitor daily for contamination or insect infestation.
Infuse dried flowers for a calming sedative tisane, an antiseptic cleanser and a hair rinse, or crush them for a soothing poultice.
The antiseptic was so strong that tho one part in 25,000 might appear trivial there had been prosecutions for one in 100,000.
Apply 25 drops of Zahra Tea Tree Oil to 100ml distilled water to make an antiseptic wash.
The antiseptic method of treating wounds (see Surgery) was introduced by Lord Lister, and was an outcome of Pasteur's germ theory of putrefaction.
In early inquiries a great point was made of the prevention of putrefaction, and work was done in the way of finding how much of an agent must be added to a given solution, in order that the bacteria accidentally present might not develop. But for various reasons this was an inexact method, and to-day an antiseptic is judged by its effects on pure cultures of definite pathogenic microbes, and on their vegetative and spore forms. Their standardization has been effected in many instances, and a water solution of carbolic acid of a certain fixed 'strength is now taken as the standard with which other antiseptics are compared.
Boracic acid receives no mention here; though it is popularly known as an antiseptic, it is in reality only a soothing fluid, and bacteria will flourish comfortably in contact with it.
Hence it is that the "antiseptic" method has been replaced in the surgery of to-day by the "aseptic" method (see Surgery), which relies on keeping free from the invasion of bacteria rather than destroying them when present.
Taken internally, in doses of from one to three grains, carbolic acid will often relieve obstinate cases of vomiting and has some value as a gastric antiseptic.
Glycerin acts as a preservative against decomposition, owing to its antiseptic qualities, which also led to its being employed to preserve untanned leather (especially during transit when exported, the hides being, moreover, kept soft and supple); to make solutions of gelatin, albumen, gum, paste, cements, &c. which will keep without decomposition; to preserve meat and other edibles; to mount anatomical preparations; to preserve vaccine lymph unchanged; and for many similar purposes.
Treatment by our antiseptic methods may preserve the lives of thousands of soldiers.
When the part is dead it should be wrapped up in dry antiseptic dressings to prevent putrefaction.
Experimental pathology has benefited by the use of antiseptic surgery in operations upon animals, and by the adoption of exact methods of recording; while the employment of solid culture media in bacteriology - the product of Koch's fertile genius - is responsible for a great part of the extraordinary development which has taken place in this department of pathological research.
The salts of bismuth are feebly antiseptic. Taken internally the subnitrate, coming into contact with water, tends to decompose, gradually liberating nitric acid, one of the most powerful antiseptics.
Hydrogen peroxide finds application as a bleaching agent, as an antiseptic, for the removal of the last traces of chlorine and sulphur dioxide employed in bleaching, and for various quantitative separations in analytical chemistry (P. Jannasch, Ber., 1893, 26, p. 2908).
Gum benzoin, which contains from 12 to 20% of benzoic acid, is used in medicine as the essential constituent of benzoated lard, Adeps benzoatus, which owes its antiseptic properties to benzoic acid; and in friar's balsam, Tinctura benzoini composita, which is an ancient and valuable medicament, still largely used for inhalation in cases of laryngitis, bronchitis and other inflammatory or actually septic conditions of the respiratory tract.
But the most important fact is that ammonium benzoate is largely used - often in combination with urinary anodynes such as tincture of hyoscyamus - as a urinary antiseptic in cases of cystitis (inflammation of the bladder) and pyelitis (inflammation of the pelvis of the kidney).
When considerably diluted they are only slightly irritating; externally applied and in the stomach they have an antiseptic action; they increase the secretion of saliva, and thus assuage thirst.
Te Tree antiseptic cream is commonly used in Australia for the treatment of scabies in humans.
Take a medical kit containing a few basics such as anti-diarrhoea tablets, sunburn treatment, antiseptic cream and painkillers with you.
Include a first aid manual, non-latex gloves, bandages of several sizes, antiseptic wipes and sharp scissors.
Apply an antiseptic once the splinter comes out.
Lavender is another beautiful, flowering herb that has antiseptic properties when used as a skin treatment.
For Beautiful Balms' frankincense hand cream, the natural antiseptic has been paired with lavender to create sweet-smelling nourishment for the skin.
It also has antimicrobial and antiseptic properties.
The Aborigines have long-known about the healing antiseptic properties of the tea tree plant.
While tea tree oil does have some remarkable antiseptic and antifungal properties, the healing benefits are long term and don't typically happen overnight.
It offers diuretic properties but also antiseptic properties.
Critics of minimalist design, however, often find it cold or antiseptic.
Active ingredient is carbamide peroxide - a FDA approved oral antiseptic that has been discovered as a tooth whitening product.
The mineral healing concealer, for example, contains skin-loving ingredients like neem (a natural antiseptic) and avena sativa (soothing oats).
Patients may receive a prescription for an antibiotic to prevent infection, and the doctor may require them to rinse their mouths with an antiseptic solution for several days following the procedure.
Brushing and flossing removes plaque from teeth, and antiseptic mouthwashes kill some of the bacteria that help form plaque.
Her back is scrubbed with antiseptic, and a local anesthetic is injected in the skin to numb the site.
An antiseptic, it is used topically as a succus (juice), tea, or salve.
The abdominal area is then scrubbed and painted with betadine or another antiseptic solution.
In medicine boracic acid is used in solution to relieve itching, but its chief use is as a mild antiseptic to impregnate lint or cotton-wool.