Antique Sentence Examples
The large room contained some of the most beautiful antique furniture she had ever seen.
But in some ways, it's like antique furniture.
It is an antique style, older than Greek or Egyptian.
All we had time to do was fix up a friend of Myrtle's friend's husband's antique car!
Large Mahogany doors swung into an entry graced with antique furnishings.
Ensconced lights glowed in the midday, and antique furniture, rare paintings, elegant marble sculptures befitting a museum, silk Persian rugs underfoot, and many other priceless displays of prestige lined the wide hall.
It was at Strassburg that he published his remarkable volume La Cite antique (1864), in which he showed forcibly the part played by religion in the political and social evolution of Greece and Rome.
It is flanked by medieval walls, towers and gates, and its antique appearance has been carefully preserved.
Another corner contained crates full of sleeping babies while older children sat reading antique books in the center of the room.
It contains a few antique churches, and was created a bishopric at the close of the 18th century.
AdvertisementWe find it retaining some traces of Byzantine influence in the decorated surfaces of applied marbles, and in the roundels of porphyry and verd antique, while it also retained certain characteristics of Gothic, as, for instance, in the pointed arches of the Renaissance facade in the courtyard of the ducal palace designed by Antonio Rizzo (1499).
They are, however, though antique and interesting, somewhat dismal and unsavoury.
She focused on the dim light of her microcomputer acting as a page marker in the antique book on her nightstand.
The valves are, consequently, essentially symmetrical, which is not the case with the Lamellibranchiata, - so much so, that certain Brachiopod shells were named Lampades, or lamp shells, by some early naturalists; but while such may bear a kind of resemblance to an antique Etruscan lamp, by far the larger number in no way resemble one.
He was already a poet by predilection, an idyllist and steeped in the classical archaism of the time, when, in 1784, his taste for the antique was confirmed by a visit to Rome made in the company of two schoolfellows, the brothers Trudaine.
AdvertisementStrange as it may appear, I would refer to an Australian as the finest model of the human proportions I have ever met; in muscular development combining perfect symmetry, activity and strength, while his head might have compared with the antique bust of a philosopher."
Angelo, with sixteen antique columns in the interior, probably dates from the middle of the 6th century.
The remarkably definite and original style formed by Mantegna may be traced out as founded on the study of the antique in Squarcione's atelier, followed by a diligent application of principles of work exemplified by Paolo Uccello and Donatello, with the practical guidance and example of Jacopo Bellini in the sequel.
Mismatched chairs, crates, and one couch had been arranged in two circles around stacks of antique books and lanterns.
It is surrounded on the first story by a sixteensided gallery (the Hochmiinster) adorned by antique marble and granite columns, of various sizes, brought by Charlemagne's orders from Rome, Ravenna and Trier.
AdvertisementBy the ancient Greeks and Romans obsidian was worked as a gem-stone; and in consequence of its having been often imitated in glass there arose among collectors of gems in the 18th century the practice of calling all antique pastes "obsidians."
We look at antique furniture today and say, "Man, they sure don't make stuff as good as they used to."
The last and the worst of the Cid ballads are those which betray by their frigid conceits and feeble mimicry of the antique the false taste and essentially unheroic spirit of the age of Philip II.
We owe to his pen curious remarks on English and Swiss customs, valuable notes on the remains of antique art in Rome, and a singularly striking portrait of Jerome of Prague as he appeared before the judges who condemned him to the stake.
This is decorated with circles of rosettes of blue, green and red enamel, each surrounded by lines of gold; within the circles are little figures evidently suggested by antique originals, and precisely like similar figures found on carved ivory boxes of Byzantine origin dating from the II th or 12th century.
AdvertisementThe morning light was too bright for his eyes, and he turned to face shelves of antique books.
It is surrounded by walls and is of antique appearance.
The huge scale of many of his conceptions can be compared only with that of antique Oriental monuments.
He can't bear to pass up an antique bargain—buying or selling.
They all looked up as Edith Shipton tentatively entered the room, dressed in Annie Quincy's antique dress.
She opened the antique music cabinet Jackson had purchased for her, and brought a piece to him.
The town is one of the oldest in Norway, founded in the 8th or 9th century, but the present town is modern, though narrow, winding streets and wooden houses give it an antique appearance.
But about the year 1452 he finally retired to Florence, where he was admitted to the burghership, and on the death of Carlo Aretino in 1453 was appointed chancellor and historiographer to the republic. He had already built himself a villa in Valdarno, which he adorned with a collection of antique sculpture, coins and inscriptions.
She glanced at antique school house clock on the kitchen wall, a recent purchase.
As he answered the late night call, he glanced up the staircase to see Edith in the hall above, a specter in her antique dress, a look of alarm on her face.
An old clock is an antique.
Maria di Castello (11th century), the columns and capitals of which are almost all antique.
This English antique envelope style clutch is made from the skin of a small alligator with its head adorning the front.
Is it an antique?
I tell you, Papa" (he smote himself on the breast as a general he had heard speaking had done, but Berg did it a trifle late for he should have struck his breast at the words "Russian army"), "I tell you frankly that we, the commanders, far from having to urge the men on or anything of that kind, could hardly restrain those... those... yes, those exploits of antique valor," he went on rapidly.
The monarch's artistic sense led him not only to adorn his house with a number of works of antique art, but also to study German medieval art, which he did to good effect.
He went to Rome in Winckelmann's footsteps; it was the antique he sought, and his interest in the artists of the Renaissance was virtually restricted to their imitation of classic models.
As for manufactures, the antique methods survived until the 18th and 19th centuries.
Thus public monuments became fortresses, and antique sculpture was built into city walls.
The plastic arts were left for Italy, where antique models were at hand, and the glory of its achievement in the 15th and 16th centuries was so great as to obscure in men's eyes what had been done before.
But during its massacres, jacqueries, plagues and famines, the cities of Italy, growing rich with trade and manufactures, were in their turn the centres of progress, this time in a new direction, toward the recovery of the antique past and the development of art.
In the purely intellectual sphere it is certainly true that the recovery of the antique world was of great importance; that it made possible genuine criticism by presenting new points of contrast and opening up fields that led away from theological quibbles.
Or it may mean the resuscitation of simply intellectual activities, stimulated by the revival of antique learning and its application to the arts and literatures of modern peoples.
Yet, when we concentrate attention on the recovery of antique culture, we become aware that this was only one phenomenon or symptom of a far wider and more comprehensive alteration in the conditions of the European races.
Thus, while Christendom was still preoccupied with the Crusades, two main forces of the Renaissance, naturalism and enthusiasm for antique modes of feeling, already brought their latent potency to light, prematurely indeed and precociously, yet with a promise that was destined to be kept.
Meanwhile the languages of Greece and Rome had been so thoroughly appropriated that a final race of scholars, headed by Politian, Pontano, Valla, handled once again in verse and prose both antique dialects, and thrilled the ears of Europe with new-made pagan melodies.
We have therefore to recognize that the four greatest writers of the 14th century, while the Revival of Learning was yet in its cradle, each after his own fashion acknowledged the vivifying touch upon their spirit of the antique genius.
Fortunately for the unimpeded expansion of Italian art, little was brought to light of antique workmanship during the 14th and 15th centuries.
Gradually, as the race became penetrated with antique thought, the earlier Christian motives of the arts yielded to pagan subjects.
But at this period no lecture-rooms were so crowded as those in which professors of antique literature and language read passages from the poets and orators, taught Greek, and commented upon the systems of philosophers.
One mass of Greek and Roman erudition, including history and metaphysics, law and science, civic institutions and the art of war, mythology and magistracies, metrical systems and oratory, agriculture and astronomy, domestic manners and religious rites, grammar and philology, biography and numismatics, formed the miscellaneous subject-matter of this so-styled rhetoric. Notes taken at these lectures supplied young scholars with hints for further exploration; and a certain tradition of treating antique authors for the display of general learning, as well as for the elucidation of their texts, came into vogue, which has determined the method of scholarship for the last three centuries in Europe.
The Christian virtues were scorned by the foremost actors and the ablest thinkers of the time, while the antique virtues were themes for rhetoric rather than moving-springs of conduct.
The German dialects were too rough to receive that artistic elaboration under antique influences which had been so facile in Tuscany.
Here, as in Lombardy, a feeling for serene beauty derived from study of the antique has not interrupted the evolution of a style indigenous to France and eminently characteristic of the French temperament.
Whether we regard Spain, the Netherlands, or Germany at this epoch, we find a national impress stamped upon the products of the plastic and the decorative arts, notwithstanding the prevalence of certain forms derived from the antique and Italy.
The humanistic movement led these learned writers to engraft the graces of the antique upon their native literature, and to refine it by emulating the lucidity of Petrarch.
Depicting feudalism in the vivid colours of an age at war with feudal institutions, breathing into antique histories the breath of actual life, embracing the romance of Italy and Spain, the mysteries of German legend, the fictions of poetic fancy and the facts of daily life, humours of the moment and abstractions of philosophical speculation, in one homogeneous amalgam instinct with intense vitality, this extraordinary birth of time, with Shakespeare for the master of all ages, left a monument of the Re- naissance unrivalled for pure creative power by any other product of that epoch.
Yet no other treatment was possible upon the lines laid down at the outset, where it was explained why the term Renaissance cannot now be confined to the Revival of Learning and the effect of antique studies upon literary and artistic ideals.
A few, however, preserve antique narrow fronts with gables, as in some of the North German towns.
In the latest inscriptions the iguage is already much degraded; but on the whole it is almost antique as Zend, with which it has many points in common.
Some of the streets are very narrow, and contain curious specimens of old buildings, chiefly in antique Spanish style, being square, with a central court, and a gateway opening into the street.
He was the first writer to introduce a modern and European tone into belles lettres, and the first to refresh the sources of native thought from the springs of antique and Renaissance poetry.
The Royal Cork Institution (1807), in addition to an extensive library and a rare collection of Oriental MSS., possesses a valuable collection of minerals, and the collections of casts from the antique presented by the pope to George IV.
The use of engraved gems in the early middle ages has already been noticed; but the taste for antique intaglios was not confined to any one period.
Such antique gems as were adopted for matrices in the middle ages were usually set in metal mounts, on which the legends were engraved.
For example, in the great seals of Henry III., something of the antique stiffness remains, but the general effect and the finish of the details are admirable.
In one mood he was fain to ape the antique patriot; in another he affected the monastic saint.
But the world was changing from antique to Christian ideals just as he was writing, and with him we leave this outline of ancient history.
The Renaissance marked the first great gain in the historic sense, in the efforts of the humanists to realize the spirit of the antique world.
The pilgrim enters the Haram in the antique and scanty pilgrimage dress (ihram), consisting of two cloths wound round his person in a way prescribed by ritual.
The royal library (1798) contains upwards of 500,000 volumes, including some early illuminated MSS., a valuable collection of coins and medals and some fine antique gems. In addition to the royal palace already mentioned, there are the palaces of the queen-dowager, of the prince of Orange (founded about 1720 by Count Unico of Wassenaar Twiekels) and of the prince von Wied, dating from 1825, and containing some good early Dutch and Flemish masters.
The columns of verde antique on either side of the nave are commonly said to have come from the temple of Diana at Ephesus, but recent authorities regard them as specially cut for use in the church.
They had created an eager appetite for the antique, had disinterred many important Roman authors, and had freed Latin scholarship to some extent from the barbarism of the middle ages.
This is known from the orders promulgated by the emperor Yao about 2300 B.C., as recorded in the Shu Chung, a collection of do'.uments antique in the time of Confucius (550-478 B.C.).
He attempted no detailed discussion of planetary theory; but his catalogue of 1 080 stars, divided into six classes of brightness, or " magnitudes," is one of the finest monuments of antique astronomy.
The retention, however, by Copernicus of the antique postulate of uniform circular motion impaired the perfection of his plan, since it involved a partial survival of the epicyclical machinery.
The former, on the other hand, has an enlightened conception of Elohim; the Deity, though grand, is a lifeless figure; several antique ideas are nevertheless preserved.
Yet in their inadequate way they served to keep alive throughout the dark ages some little knowledge of the antique culture and learning.
King Alphonso XIII., whose enthronement took place with all the antique ceremonial on the 17th of May, was himself at Enthrone.
It needs something light and not too distracting from the natural beauty of the room - something that would compliment the antique quality.
He can't bear to pass up an antique bargain—buying or selling.
You can buy antique reconditioned Bar Billiards tables from Masters Games.
A really pretty antique French Jet graduated beaded collar necklace, dating to circa 1920.
Coffs Harbor has beautiful botanic gardens with a mangrove boardwalk; other enticements include art, crafts and antique shops.
Visit one of the antique markets in the village hall and you may well be taking home some prize booty of your own.
The sculpture is finished in cold cast bronze, antique silver (nickel brass) or copper.
A very sweet antique Victorian brooch, dating to circa 1880.
A very pretty English antique brass buckle dating to circa 1860.
A very sweet English antique belt buckle, dating to circa 1920.
More pictures of the antique childrens cape - click here.
The present consisted of an antique map of England and Wales, dating from 1753 and drawn by a famous French cartographer.
I've always adored how the small lights of the antique crystal chandelier illume the rich, peach chintz.
A very sweet English antique Victorian mother of pearl shell belt buckle, perfect for customizing your vintage chic or antique chic outfits.
House hunters, artists, antique collectors are all particulary catered for.
Or, you might be a lover of the Antique, and want, before you die, to see the Colosseum for yourself.
We now have eighteen en-suite bedrooms with lots of original romantic four-poster, half-tester antique beds and beamed suites.
The hotel rooms are equipped with original antique furniture.
This elegantly styled headboard with its antique gold rails and sculpted accents is certainly full of Italian charm.
An antique limousine style hearse from Volvo Two styles of hearse bodywork are common.
A little closer to home, some antique dealers in the Winchester area are using very high-pressure tactics.
A very cool antique English brass coat hook, this features St George (the patron saint of England) slaying the dragon.
An antique dress or even just a vintage handbag can be a great icebreaker.
The heads of various beasts are mounted on the walls alongside antique weapons and heraldic insignia.
Antique, vintage, retro, kitsch, shabby chic, kitsch and collectible china, pottery and porcelain decorative pieces.
A fantastic little English antique brass door knocker, perfect for your vintage chic home.
Marcia mule us quot says of the room buildings and antique.
Nutty flavors and melted marshmallows, with just a hint of antique roses.
Many people use the old maxim that over 100 years old means it is antique.
Today there is a more pleasing deli, a few antique shops and a rather good milliner, selling some interesting ladies hats.
These items include music boxes, antique coins, mechanical music and instruments, antique furniture, and NASCAR collectibles to name a few.
Old Worldou plan of encouraging someone to redo his or her house with the elegant old-world, antique home style?
Brian Rix plays a Brighton antique dealer with a talking parrot whom he believes is the reincarnation of his dead partner Ronald Shiner.
Built from quality laminated particleboard in a warm antique pine-effect finish, it has four shelves; two of which are height adjustable.
This is the front door to our photo gallery of just some of the many incredible personal collections of antique phonographs and related items.
We also manufacture from reclaimed pine to produce a softer, antique pine style.
A tall antique pine double bed is set in the center of this painted wood paneled room.
This is a very pretty display piece for your antique chic or vintage chic interior.
Across the room, a young girl's face in an antique mirror oozed gray puss as her face disintegrated into a charred skull.
Antique lovers will feel at home at Egerton Gray, a former 17th century rectory.
A really pretty antique brooch, in a floral design, decorated with sparkling clear and green diamante rhinestones, dating to circa 1924.
A very pretty pair of matching European antique shoe buckles in the form of a square of diamante rhinestones dating to circa 1885.
Antique copper and brass may be satisfactorily cleaned with jeweler's rouge and a spot of paraffin.
Lucy and I were walking through a local village at the week end and found this beauty between the antique shops.
In an antique sideboard we find a fund of games.
This long-running sitcom from Thames Television ran for ten years and dealt mainly with the rivalry between the two antique dealers.
Quinn's recent sculptures of disabled sitters evoke the broken figures and marble materials of antique statuary.
In another collection found in Dor were many statuettes of an antique Greek style.
Leading off the dining room is bedroom 1, which has an antique double brass bed stead, wardrobe and chest of drawers.
Taken from an antique model of a heroic charger, this is a really stupendous piece.
A great antique hammered pewter tankard, with a glass bottom, dating to circa 1930.
Although these are private homes, the public can visit the villages quaint little tearooms, general stores and the variety of antique shops.
Perhaps our towns and villages are stopping places to sample our quaint tearooms, antique shops or bustling, colorful markets?
Gala is the studio collection of special, limited edition pieces often embroidered or beaded and inspired by antique textiles.
A very sweet English antique brass thimble dating to circa 1890.
He soon gained a reputation as a master restorer of antique timepieces.
This has a couple of tiny chips and a fine crack, but these do not distract from this beautiful piece of antique treen.
The museum is a treasure trove for antique lovers.
A charming antique bud vase, dating to circa 1870.
A wonderful antique English Art Deco pottery vase, dating to circa 1925.
A very cool antique washboard, dating to circa 1890.
Steep dogleg stairs lead up to snug bedrooms with antique bedsteads (double is only 4 ') and marble topped washstands.
Thus on the face of it there is something like a return to the self-sufficient utterance of antique religion; but, in reality, there is all the difference in the world between a suggestion directed outwardly in the fruitless attempt to conjure nature without first obeying her, and one directed towards the inner man so as to establish the peace of God within the heart.
Trained as he had been to the study of marbles and the severity of the antique, and openly avowing that he considered the antique superior to nature as being more eclectic in form, he now and always affected precision of outline, dignity of idea and of figure, and he thus tended towards rigidity, and to an austere wholeness rather than gracious sensitiveness of expression.
He deserves well of posterity for his services to learning and art; the restoration of the Arch of Constantine; the enrichment of the Capitoline museum with antique marbles and inscriptions, and of the Vatican library with oriental manuscripts (see Assemani); and the embellishment of the city with many buildings.
The two former are among the finest in the world, and are filled with masterpieces by Raphael, Andrea del Sarto, Perugino, Ghirlandaio, Botticelli, the Lippi, and many other Florentine, Umbrian, Venetian, Dutch and Flemish artists, as well as numerous admirable examples of antique, medieval and Renaissance sculpture.
It contains speeches in the antique manner, which may be taken partly as embodying the author's commentary upon situations of importance, partly as expressing what he thought dramatically appropriate to prominent personages.
He devoted his leisure, not only to mathematical and physical science, but to a course of reading in English literature, his bias towards the antique in sentiment and style being strengthened by a perusal of the older classics, among whom Richard Hooker was his favourite author.
In a few of the older districts, too, where land is least valuable, there are antique one-storeyed houses, surrounded by poplars and acacias; while the gipsies and Rumans, wearing their brightly coloured native costumes, the Russian coachmen, or sleighdrivers, of the banished Lipovan sect, and the pedlars, with their doleful street cries, render Bucharest unlike any western capital.
It is not the object of this article to deal further with the history of antique seals (see Numismatics; also Gems, Jewelry and Ring), but to give some account of European seals of the middle ages, when the revival of their use for the authentication of documents resulted in their universal employment among all classes of society.
Across the room, a young girl 's face in an antique mirror oozed gray puss as her face disintegrated into a charred skull.
Antique lovers will feel at home at Egerton Gray, a former 17th century Rectory.
For more information regarding antique reproduction furniture contact the Sales Manager, Steve Cousins.
A really lovely set of antique rhinestone diamante buttons, in brass mounts, dating to circa 1880.
A fantastic English antique Art Nouveau clip brooch, covered with loads of tiny diamante rhinestone stones, dating to circa 1910.
Antique copper and brass may be satisfactorily cleaned with jeweler 's rouge and a spot of paraffin.
Choose from a selection of tiny beaded velvet slippers, cute babygrows or ornate photo albums covered in antique sari fabric.
A great antique shortbread tin, perfect for a vintage chic or shabby chic interior.
Quinn 's recent sculptures of disabled sitters evoke the broken figures and marble materials of antique statuary.
Leading off the dining room is Bedroom 1, which has an antique double brass bed stead, wardrobe and chest of drawers.
Watch the glorious sunsets across the Swale or explore the antique shops.
This wonderful collection of antique underglaze blue printed ware has given great pleasure to thousands of visitors to the original Spode site.
We host four auctions of antique and useable tools each year in Needham Market.
These older women enjoy antique shopping for the nostalgia of it.
That lovely antique table that was covered with beautiful, glass or porcelain baby ornaments may now hold small plastic blocks, stuffed animals, and assorted board books.
As your baby grows, save a few of her sweet, infant outfits and hang them from a hook on the wall or drape them over the door of an antique armoire.
Don't forget a few quirky touches, such as bronzed baby shoes, antique wooden shoe forms, and other footwear-related decorative objects.
You can find handmade, designer, and even antique gowns with just a click of the mouse.
If you have a set of antique or vintage china and you just need to replace some pieces, you can find replacements at
This is one reason why antique oriental rugs that are a century or more old can still add beauty and drama to your home.
These antique rugs normally have a high quality and timeless design.
If you decide to get an authentic rug, and especially if it is an antique, be sure to get a certificate of authenticity or other paperwork that ensures that the rug you are buying is what the seller says it is.
OldCarpet carries antique as well as modern rugs.
This is a good place to start if your budget isn't up for an antique Persian carpet.
Pasarel has an eclectic selection of opal rings, pendants and brooches with antique designs.
Collecting antique toys is rewarding, enriching and also great fun.
Many collectors are also realize that antique toys make a good investment in addition to the pure pleasure part of the hobby!
Read on to discover some basic "musts" for antique toy collectors.
Wood and tin are more durable than glass or some of the plastics, and antique toys made from wood and metals are usually in better condition than those made from tin, glass and other breakable materials.
Almost any toy that has survived two to three decades automatically becomes an antique.
You will have to contend with minor damage in the form of dents and chipping of the toys when you buy an antique.
You can find antique toys at specialized online toy collecting Web sites, garage sales, flea markets -- practically anywhere you may care to look!
Many a time you can find a collectable antique toy in reasonably good condition at a neighborhood garage sale.
Do not pay a big price for any toy that someone tells you is valuable or antique.
You can buy antique toys from auction houses, antique toy dealers and other toy collecting community resources on the Web.
Gasoline Alley Antiques has a large selection of antique toys in various categories.
It offers a wide selection of antique and vintage toys of all types.
Collectors may consider buying antique Hamadan rugs due to their exquisite beautiful design, colors and historical value.
Hamadan rugs produced within the last 150 years can be purchased from antique galleries, personal collectors and even online auctions.
Antique Hamadan rugs are difficult to come by since European countries purchased the majority, which are now being displayed in museums.
If you are buying antique Hamadan rugs, synthetic materials are definitely not worth your time.
Looking for a good place to buy antique Hamadan rugs?
Their big inventory is imported from around the world, and includes a large choice of Hamadan rugs of antique and new types.
If you are a collector and are considering buying antique Hamadan rugs, you will need to research the items carefully.
True "antique" Hamadan rugs can be a challenge to find and purchase, but you can find great "semi-antique" pieces that were produced in the last 150 years.
In the best of all possible worlds, you could use an online guide for buying antique desks to as a resource to purchase pieces of beauty and value.
Simply put, an antique is a piece that is over one hundred years old.
True antique furnishings are rarely uniform in their dimensions.
This is something you ought to look for when inspecting that antique desk.
Beyond that, you need to educate yourself on how the desk (or any other piece of antique furniture) you are considering purchasing was actually made.
Finally, over the years, an antique can lose some or all of its strength and sturdiness.
It means that if that beautiful antique roll top desk looks perfect, the hardware looks new, the finish is great, the corners are unworn and the dimensions are spot on, then you are probably not dealing with an antique!
Knowing your seller also goes along with sourcing your antique desk.
The Internet is a great way to find and research an antique desk, but it is a lousy way to buy an antique desk.
If you visit an antique shop, you might have a few choices, but those frames probably need to be restored in some way.
Most of the antique frames are brittle or delicate so be careful.
Otherwise, ensure the frame is secure enough to hang on the wall and keep an antique theme going.
Whether you are buying manufactured frames, having one built for you, or getting one from an antique shop, just be sure that it compliments the picture and perhaps any furniture around it.
Just be sure to review the seller's feedback before placing a bid, and make sure that you don't pay the price you'd pay for an antique item for a replica (carefully read the descriptions and ask any questions you have beforehand).
With the invention of modern technology sports cards are an antique of sorts, primarily held by older generations who cherished the cards as children.
With such a large target audience, antique collectors and appraisers are constantly browsing listings in search of sports cards.
Vintage and antique high school yearbooks are popular with collectors of ephemera and school-related antiques.
It's much easier to find random vintage and antique yearbooks for your collection than it is to locate a certain year and school.
Antique stores are another great shopping resource, both online and offline.
RubyLane is a great online antique mall with a small selection of antique yearbooks dating back to 1917.
GoAntiques is another Internet-based antique mall that has an extensive selection of yearbooks.
Flea markets are another option, especially if you focus on vendors selling antique books.
It can be frustrating to have a cat that decides to claw on your antique couch, so you should provide her with a scratching post and encourage her to use it.Some scratching posts are scented with catnip to encourage the cat to use them.
Other historians believe that the moniker was coined by antique dealers to drive up the price of basic, small cabinets and make them more interesting to consumers.
Today there are a plethora of jelly cabinets to choose from, including antique versions, vintage styles, or brand-new reproductions.
If you are searching for an authentic antique be sure to carefully look over the construction details, such as the drawers, the door hinges and make certain that the shelves are still sturdy.
Drop leaf tables date as far back as the 16th century, and while items from this period can only be found in museums, many 18th, 19th, and 20th century pieces can be found in antique stores and at auctions and estate sales.
There's something particularly lovely about an antique table with drop down leaves.
Keep in mind that you cannot expect to recover the amount that you originally spent unless you are selling antique collector's items.
In this day and age, antique stores will charge a fortune for you to buy a piece of lawn furniture, an old record player, an antiquated outfit, or even a poster.
You don't need to buy online; chances are good that you can find exactly what you're looking for at a yard sale or antique store.
Many retailers and antique stores put forth a "look" that demonstrates what is now known as "retrostalgia," that look from the past.
This style of furniture has an antique, distressed or gently worn look.
The wood furniture might be painted antique white or some other light pastel shade in blue or green.
You might also find simple, antique looking, farmhouse wood furniture in a cottage style living room.
These quaint little tables can be painted in a range of soft light colors, including antique white, pastel blue or mint green.
In some instances it is difficult to tell a new china cabinet from an antique.
Both new and antique china cabinets with curved glass are available in many different styles, designs and types of wood.
Curved antique china cabinets are sold both on and off line.
If you are searching for an antique china cabinet a great place to start looking is in local antiques shops.
There are many online antique shops and auction websites that offer lovely china cabinets for sale.
The Oval Leg Dining Table with Two 20" Leaves from the Summerglen dining collection is a beautiful, antique white painted wood table that would fit perfectly in a cottage style country home.
Authentic French country furniture can be found in antique stores and at auctions and estate sales. eBay and similar internet auction sites can also be great sources for authentic and replication pre-owned French country furniture.
Antique stores that deal in salvaged doors and windows and estate sales are also good sources for period hardware.
Whenever I hear the phrase "old furniture," I remember going to an antique sale with my mother when I was in high school.
Reclaimed barnwood gives furniture like dressers, buffets and hutches an antique, weathered look that fits the style perfectly.
A vintage accessory such as an antique Persian rug could be added to a modern, laminate or tile floor.
Antique or retro styled furniture might be mixed with modern pieces that complement each other with clean lines and simple forms.
With eclectic accessories, you may find antique mixed with modern or Egyptian mixed with Mexican.
Barn wood furniture makes use of salvaged wood from antique barns.
They lend a genuine look and feel to even modern furniture designed to replicate antique Early American pieces.
Ultra white - If you decide on white as your wall color, just make sure it is a pure white and not an offshoot of white like eggshell or antique white.
There are few furniture pieces with more warmth and character than antique farmhouse kitchen tables.
In general, an item is considered antique when it is at least 100 years old.
The style of an antique farmhouse table is usually very utilitarian in design.
Many of the authentic antique farmhouse kitchen tables come from French and English sources.
However, there are also antique tables from the colonial days of America which can be found mainly on the East coast and in the New England area.
Typically the best place to find these genuine antique tables is through professional antique dealers, estate sales, auctions, and online sites like eBay.
Whether you choose an imported or domestic antique harvest table, look for key construction elements and any documentation that can confirm the piece's authenticity.
Another twist on antique farmhouse kitchen tables is the creation of new pieces which are made from aged materials like authentic rustic barnwood.
The rarity of true antique pieces can make them expensive and hard to find, so many people purchase replicas of original designs as an alternative.
Another benefit of buying reproduction antique farmhouse kitchen tables is the ability to customize.
Gel stains or aging waxes can also recreate the look of an antique farmhouse kitchen table by establishing an instant patina.
Chairs which are only made to look old will be more stable and supportive than some of the antique chairs which are available.
English Antique Imports - Reproductions of old farmhouse tables, built using traditional methods, and meticulously hand finished.
For a classy touch, use antique door knobs or attractive cabinet hardware as pegs for hanging a valance or sheer panels.
In either case, the base color shows through the top color in areas that are "distressed" giving the furniture an antique or vintage appearance.
Ethan Allen in particular tends to feature a great deal of Victorian inspired furniture, and you can turn to antique sales to find original pieces.
Lighting in general can be pricey, but older, antique lighting styles can get exorbitant.
You can find inexpensive antique grills at salvage shops, flea markets and antique stores.
English cottage style decorating focused on antique and lace adornments.
Many antique stores or flea markets have one of kind treasures.
Lay a Berber rug wall-to-wall and cover it with an antique Oriental rug.
Antique furniture is often better constructed, and sometimes cheaper, than contemporary furniture options.
This catalog sells historical and antique reproductions like gargoyles and angel statues for the garden.
Al Gitelman & Associates - Tapestries sells antique and reproduction tapestries to turn your home into a castle.
Search antique stores for old chairs, butter churns, cooking utensils, etc., and display these around the room.
The warm, honey browns of antique farm tables work very well with Tuscan-inspired interiors.
Typically this style decor coincides best with a country style interior and what better way to celebrate the American lifestyle than with an antique American flag, a handmade quilt, or a vintage tin sign.
Show the guests in your home your patriotism by creating a collage of antique American flags beautifully displayed on your walls.
A wonderful collection of six antique flags, that can be cross stitched either together or as separate pieces, is available at Michaels craft store.
A home is most comfortable when it is familiar, so bring out those once undesirable vintage light fixtures and antique kitchen stoves and refurbish them.
Shop antique stores for other household items and such, the design potential is limitless and the effects of a good find can be profound.
Depending on whether the rod is solid or hollow, you can have some very unique and even antique looking rods that can be used to tie a Mediterranean room or Spanish décor together.
An elegant style that can be flexed with other metal colors for an antique finish.
When shopping for a punched tin chandelier it is important to note than antique versions are rare and can be very pricey.
It means classic lines, matching colors, and antique or reproduction antique-style furniture.
The look is one of a room that has evolved over time, with lots of vintage and antique items.
For this reason, don't cover anything you wouldn't want covered permanently (like expensive antique wood furniture).
If you're on a budget, check out used furniture office retailers or your local antique or consignment shop, and don't forget Craigslist.
For example, if you have antique patina finished hardware in your bathroom, then you'll want to repeat this finish in your lighting fixtures.
This is the color palette for the antique collector, for those that love the aged, weathered look of treasures from an ancient past.
Cottage chic is a design style that embraces the vintage or antique look of distressed furniture, the quaint look of old French linens, chenille bedspreads, floral patterns in pastel colors and all things feminine.
If you have a gold-tone framed mirror over your fireplace, resist the temptation to go for those antique copper rods.
Finishes include pewter, white matte, polished silver, antique bronze, faux walnut and matte black.
Finishes include matte black and antique bronze.
Aladdin lamps are a well known brand of antique style oil lamps and electric lamps.
These unique, old-fashioned, oil burning lamps and antique electric lamps are very popular with collectors.
It is the largest show of its kind in the U.S. and attracts antique lighting enthusiasts from all over the world.
A vintage or antique wall mirror draws attention and adds character to a room.
Vintage finds at thrift stores or antique markets come in shapes and sizes to match every trend and fashion of the past, from oversized and ornate Victorian brass to kitchsy retro-style mirrors.
Antique shops, flea markets, estate sales and even yard sales also host bargains waiting to be had.
You can score authentic antique Empire chandeliers at unbeatable prices in online auctions.
If you prefer to do your shopping the old fashioned way, check your local lighting stores, antique shops and estate sales.
If your purchase an antique Empire chandelier, you may need to purchase braces from a home improvement store.
Just as some garage sale planners go on to open their own secondhand or antique shops, selling at online auctions can be a business in its own right.
Look around the local thrift and antique stores.
Buy inexpensive antiques at yard sales and resell them at antique auctions, flea markets, or antique malls.
For instance, one area of the room can be a sage green and cream garden theme with antique ivory vase centerpieces, while another portion of the room -- or a different room -- can be a bright, sunny yellow and orange color scheme.
Would you like to own an antique wedding ring?
How do you know what an antique ring is worth?
More importantly, how do you know if a ring is considered an antique?
All of these are important questions that must be answered if you are considering an antique wedding ring.
For these answers and other tips, read our article on antique rings.
Check out these pewter antique chair place card holders.
Seek out craft shows, flea markets, or antique shops for one-of-a-kind and vintage items.
Her inspiration comes from antique French fabric that has a lot of flowery designs, especially roses.
One of her hobbies is collecting antique linens.
Catherine Zeta-Jones received a 10-carat antique diamond engagement ring from Michael Douglas.
Leno doesn't just collect the cars, he also restores and repairs antique cars.
Billie Bob Thornton - The former leading man of Angelina Jolie's life harbors a fear of antique furniture.
Norfolk is also home to several performing arts venues and antique shops.
Secondhand furniture shops, architectural salvage and antique stores, and even thrift shops all sell previously owned kitchen cabinets.
If antique is what you're looking for, you can transform a beautiful piece of furniture into a vanity.
Vessel lavatories are reminiscent of antique washbasins, which is why they work so beautifully in a traditional style home.
Obviously, the best place to start your search would be at an antique store, although you might have the most luck starting with vintage furniture stores in urban areas.
You can choose from antique or Victorian finishes or simple square patterns.
Add detail by choosing special hardware, such as an antique finish.
Easy to install and maintenance-free, it is available in white, mocha, and antique bronze.
Monorail track lighting is available in a wide array finishes, including chrome, antique bronze, gold, brushed nickel and more.
Nevertheless, many fashion jewelry lovers enjoy collecting vintage jewelry from decades past and antique shops are full of attractive costume pieces.
Vintage jewelry can be found at antique malls, antique shops, auction houses, websites, eBay, yard sales, your mom's or grandma's jewelry box, and thrift stores.
You can buy vintage 14k gold picture locket charms in antique or vintage shops and online at auction sites like eBay.
Buyers can select an antique or natural finish for the ring, as well as their curriculum, date and degree and designs to represent the sports or activities the participated in while attending college.
This gives the Foster and Bailey silver jewelry a romantic, old-fashioned look desired by many fans of antique jewelry.
Another option is to regularly monitor online websites that sell antique jewelry so that if a Foster and Bailey locket shows up on one of them you'll be able to snap it up.
If heirloom jewelry is not available, checking estate sales, auctions, and antique dealers is another way to find exquisite Celtic jewelry for men.
Authentic antique or vintage satin bracelets can be purchased through vintage and antique stores, specialty jewelry stores, and auctions and estate sales, or online sales venues such as eBay.
This classic style earring, the endless gold hoop, is available online from jewelry and antique stores, eBay, and retail websites such as Amazon.
The best bet for finding a vintage ring is to search on eBay or scour antique stores and estate sales.
Their sand dollar earrings offer a beautiful contrast of antique brass sand dollars against peacock pearls.
They can be found in many antique and collectors stores as well as in specialist retailers.
Many jewelers and antique dealers will be able to provide repairs or at least suggest someone who can undertake this.
Rainbow moonstone is the most popular color used in both antique and modern pieces.
Antique modern brooches range in design from butterflies to dragons.
Antique moonstone pieces are easier to find online and at antique shops than modern ones.
You may be able to find vintage and contemporary Tiffany moonstone necklace pendants at estate sales, antique shops and online.
Nadine Krakov Collection--This fine jewelry and antique dealer often sells vintage Tiffany jewelry on Ebay.
Lang Antique--Lang Antiques and Estate Jewelry occasionally has Tiffany moonstone jewelry for sale.
Adorn--Apriori Antique Jewlery's site sells Tiffany vintage jewelry.
The Victorian crown brooch continues to appear in antique jewelry shops despite the changes in fashion over the years.
Antique jewelry collectors will have the best luck finding a Victorian crown brooch.
The best places to search for vintage crown brooches from various eras are antique stores, thrift stores, consignment shops, antique shows and flea markets.
You may also want to contact antique dealers online.
Even if the antique dealer no longer has a Victorian crown brooch in stock, there is a chance that the dealer can find another one for you.
The range of options is extensive for lovers of vintage and antique jewelry.
People looking for a vintage or antique snake bracelet will find that they have plenty of options to choose from.
Buying secondhand, vintage and antique jewelry can be a great way to find unusual jewelry and items that are no longer made today.
While many good quality vintage and antique items of fine jewelry have been created from gold, costume jewelry is often made from brass or gold plated metal.
Snake bracelets can be purchased from antique and vintage jewelry stores as well as online.
A specialist antique or jewelry store is likely to have a good range of antique jewelry and the sellers will be knowledgeable and be able to give advice.
This type of jewelry has been inspired by vintage and antique designs but created using contemporary materials and manufacturing techniques.
Located in Burbank, California, the company specializes in antique jewelry reproductions.
You don't need to worry about damaging or losing an antique piece of jewelry.
These pieces can be found on sites such as eBay and at estate sales and various antique or resale jewelers.
You can often find these jewelry pieces on various jewelry auction websites as well as at antique jewelry stores.
If you know that your pieces are antique or vintage, consider approaching a local antique dealer about marketing and selling your gold and silver.
It's common to see attractive antique jewelry in these shops.
Ruby Lane is a good source for antique or vintage jewelry boxes featuring birdseye maple.
Today, you'll find replicas of antique ring chests and modern artistic designs.
If you like vintage jewelry boxes, consider visiting estate sales, antique stores, consignment shops, resale shops, and flea markets to try to find a jewelry box ring holder with history.
It comes in Antique Navy making it look updated but not overly trendy.
Made of super lightweight cotton denim in a choice of antique chambray or antique indigo is a long skirt with a relaxed, comfortable look and style.
At any given time, expect to find studs, rhinestones and antique crosses adorning these smooth leather belts.
Its antique stores, art galleries and quaint shops make it a popular vacation and retirement spot.
Throughout the year, craft fairs, antique fairs and art shows entertain visitors and residents.
Many antique dealers specifically search out Bausch and Lomb shooting glasses because of the high resale value of vintage optics from this maker.
Many antique auctions actually feature the very popular vintage Bausch & Lomb glasses from each generation, whether it's World War I, World War II or the Ray-Ban era of the 1980s.
Anything before the 1920s is actually considered antique.
When it comes to vintage styles, you'll see websites that claim to sell vintage glasses, but they actually sell a mix of vintage and antique styles.
In most cases, be prepared to pay more for the antique frames than the vintage ones.
Options include an antique frame/brown-green gradient flash, gold frame/gold flash lens, rhodium frame/light blue flash lens, and rose frame/burgundy flash lens.
Wheels is a thin metal round style that comes in Copper Antique, Silver with Gold or Pewter.
The site of the old amusement park is now a yacht and tennis club, and other local attractions include water sports, antique stores, and craft boutiques.
The Wine Train in an antique train that runs on a 36-mile track through Napa Valley.
The train itself is outfitted with a collection of early 20th century rail cars and period antique furniture.
For a truly exceptional gift, you can package your wine and glasses in an antique box.
For an antique box, consider using shredded kraft paper or yellowed newsprint.
You might also consider wrapping the wine and glasses in antique napkins or tea towels.
Don't forget to add a bow of antique lace, pretty ribbon, or raffia to give your gift a beautiful, finished look.
Vintage and collectible dolls can be found at antique stores, doll shows, and many other local venues.
Dollyology features all vintage and antique dolls, specializing in those from the 1930s through 1950s.
Many enthusiasts spend endless hours at doll conventions and hunting for favorite dolls at antique stores.
There are several ways to have your antique or rare book appraised.
If you need help finding antique book retailers or appraisers in your area try the following resources.
They carry used and antique books, magazines, and video games on all subjects.
Some are antique or vintage, while others are collectible because of their theme.
Like most antique shops, the selection changes often so if you see something you like you had better buy it.
Cyber Attic carries numerous vintage and antique cookie jars in many styles, colors, and types.
Garage sales, local thrift and antique shops, and gift boutiques are all likely places to find cookie jars.
Always price check with other sites before you spend money on a collectible, and never buy an antique collectible without shipping insurance.
Antique jars can grace a bookshelf, a fireplace mantle or a library table as works of art.
Other places to find antique or reproduction Mission style furniture include antique stores, eBay and estate sales in your area.
Although classic car enthusiasts and antique auto trailer lovers have much in common, vintage trailer owners have greater mobility on their side.
They can go farther and stay longer, and don't have to limit themselves to a single antique car show or day-long road rally like automobile owners.
Another famous antique auto trailer is the Spartan.
Spartan Aircraft Trailercoaches - A great deal about Spartan antique trailers can be found at this site including vintage Spartan advertisements and year by year breakdowns of trailer models with production details and photographs.
Finding Art Deco dining room furniture can be as easy as clicking your computer mouse or making a short trip to a local antique store.
For many people, collecting antique books is a labor of love that stems from a combined appreciation of literature and historic memorabilia.
Individuals who choose to build an antique book collection tend to gravitate toward those volumes that hold special meaning for them.
To an antique lover, however, value is not often measured in terms of the price a particular item might fetch.
There are individuals who seek out antique books for their resale value, much the same as many art speculators.
Some of the most valuable antique tomes have been known to fetch stunning sums at collectors' auctions.
While it would be wonderful to discover a volume that could fetch millions of dollars in an auction, finding beautiful and meaningful antique books to add to your own personal collection can also be a very rewarding experience.
There are a number of ways that collectors of vintage books can find antique books in need of a good home.
The Collectible Books.html Biblio book search and marketplace is an online resource for finding antique printed materials of all types.
Biblio represents a number of booksellers specializing in the antique book market, and literally offers access to millions of volumes for collectors to choose among.
When you are interested in collecting a particular item, it is a good idea to get to know the proprietor of your local antique mall or shop.
Antique books should be stored in a cool, dry place that doesn't experience great fluctuations in temperature or humidity.
When you are ready to start or expand your antique book collection, the Antiquarian Booksellers Association of America is a must-see resource.
While authentic antique Deco pieces aren't commonplace, they are not rare either.
Originally created during the 1920s and 1930s, Art Deco pieces can be found in antique shops, estate sales, online auctions, and from a variety of retailers who specialize in Art Deco interior decoration elements.
Many small antique shops and antique malls are excellent resources for Art Deco pieces.
Would-be collectors can begin by visiting auction houses and local antique shops.
It also opens up the buying options if you are in an area without significant antique shops.
Women are by and large the bigger purchasers of antique clothing.
For collectors that love antique or vintage pet collectibles there are many online antique stores and auction sites with a vast selection of collectibles of pets.
If you should find yourself needing an antique appraiser, Punta Gorda, Florida appraisers are top-notch.
Not only are there several professional antique appraisers in the area, but this waterfront community is also a scheduled stop for the well-known antique appraiser and television personality Dr. Lori.
In addition to Dr. Corey and Dr. Lori, in Punta Gorda it is easy to find an excellent antique appraiser.
The owners of both antique stores are members of the Charlotte County Chamber of Commerce.
There are many other beautiful antique shops and antique malls in this lovely area of the country.
Some of them also offer antique and personal property appraisal services.
If you are searching for an antique appraiser, Punta Gorda, Florida appraisers are well trained, honest and ethical.
They are skilled in their professions and are highly regarded in the art and antique community.
The beauty of antique Victorian porcelain doll heads shows the skilled craftsmanship of doll designers of that era in history.
One of the most confusing aspects of antique Victorian porcelain dolls is the terms used to describe the material of the head.
The most well known types of antique Victorian dolls are those with bisque heads manufactured in France and Germany.
Each type of antique Victorian porcelain doll head has its own unique beauty and charm.
Most vintage and antique cookie cutters can still be used to make delicious tasting treats.
The following are examples of a few of the unusual vintage and antique ones.
An antique tin cookie cutter is a nostalgic kitchen collectible.
Antique tin cookie cutters from this time are singular, each looking very different from the other.
Sadly, many novice collectors believe they are getting antique tin cookie cutters when in fact they are buying antique aluminum cookie cutters.
Antique tin cutters will almost always be more expensive than aluminum.
Displaying antique cookie cutters can be as easy as filling up an old pantry jar with different cutters, or hanging them on ribbon from a curtain rod.
Free antique price guides are an invaluable resource to anyone interested in buying or selling antiques.
Whether you are a newcomer to the world of antiques or a seasoned antique buff, knowing where to find the current market value of pieces of interest helps you make informed decisions.
In addition to current market value, antique price guides also provide detailed information and pictures, making it easier to identify authentic antiques from fakes, reproductions and reissues.
You can usually buy antique price guides at any bookstore, but there are ways to access the information for free.
Their website, Kovel's, features an extensive free online price guide of more than 700,000 antique and collectible items.
Schroeder's Antique Price Guide is on of the top antique guides in the United States. 300 experts review the categories for accuracy and provide images and information for the over 700 categories listed.
By learning to use a free antique price guide you can keep yourself abreast of the newest information available about the antiques you love.
Many tool collectors know the thrill of finding an antique Stanley woodworking tool at an antique shop, flea market or garage sale.
Throughout the last several decades, there has been an increase in the number of collectors interested in antique woodworking tools made by Stanley.
Some of the people that collect antique woodworking tools are the professional and hobbyist woodworkers of today.
They often use their antique woodworking tools in their work, preferring the tool of yesteryear to a similar modern version.
They collect antique woodworking tools simply for the purpose of having them.
Sometimes antique Stanley tools are sought after for their aesthetic value.
For many antique tool collectors, the most desirable Stanley woodworking tools are planes.
One of the most important resources for a collector of antique tools is a current antique tool price guide.
Many collectors look for older price guides for this purpose.The following are several antique tool price and identification guides.
A copy of the classification system is provided by Tool Timer in the article A Beginners Guide to Collecting Antique Tools.
The Super Tool website, called Patrick's Blood and Gore, is a detailed work on antique Stanley planes.
Whether you are new to the world of tool collecting, a seasoned collector or simply thinking about starting a new hobby, antique Stanley woodworking tools are available, affordable, and useful.
Collecting antique saws can be an interesting and rewarding hobby.
Other collectors may enjoy collecting vintage saws and other antique tools because it reminds them of their father, uncle, or grandfather.
A good Disston saw might have sold for three dollars or so in the 1930s; but today, that antique saw could well be worth over one hundred dollars or more to a modern collector.
Because of the large number of saws manufactured Atkins antique saws don't often have the value of the Simonds or some of the Disston saws.
Because of this Simonds antique saws are a little harder to find than the other brands and command top prices among collectors.
As with any antique or collectible it is important to know who you are buying from.
Whether you wish to display your antique saws or use them they should be hung up away from direct sunlight.
Antique tools are a look back into history.
Collectors of antique woodworking tools are growing in numbers as more people discover the fun of searching for these work implements from years past.
For many collectors the hobby of antique tool collecting begins when they see a tool they remember from their childhood at a garage sale or flea market.
Offering antique tools for sale, Rose Antiques also provides several antique tool catalogs that are free to download.
Collecting antique tools is a hobby that can be enjoyed by the whole family as you search garage sales, thrift stores and flea markets looking for the perfect tool to add to your collection.
This gives you a realistic value rather than the retail value the book would sell for at a bookstore or from an online antique and collectible book website.
Although Faded Giant's database includes books that are antique, rare or collectible, the majority of the books listed are modern hardcover first editions with a minimum value of $20.
A number of collectors of antique Stanley planes love using their old treasures because of their fine craftsmanship and excellent quality.
As more people find the joy of antique tool collecting, the value of these utilitarian objects slowly continues to rise.
Over the years there have been reproductions of this valuable antique wood plane.
Many printed books and price guides and online resources exist for those interested in antique Stanley tools or for a specific type of tool such as woodworking planes.
Antique & Collectible Stanley Tools Guide to Identity & Value by John Walter is considered by many antique professionals to be the Stanley tool collector's Bible.
Complete with a facsimile of a 1909 and 1926 catalog, Early 20th (Twentieth) Century Stanley Tools - A Price Guide by Jack Wood is packed with information for the antique tool collector.
Whether you are a new woodworking tool collector or have been collecting for years, antique Stanley planes are fun to find, great to look at and useful to own.
Although most antique coca cola bottles are easily recognized by their distinctive shape, many of those made prior to 1916 had straight sides and are highly prized by collectors.
If you asked four different coca cola bottle collectors what the term antique coke bottle means to them, you most likely will get four different answers.
In the world of soda bottle collecting, the question of how old does a soda bottle have to be for it to be considered an antique is often confusing.
To add to the confusion, the popular auction website eBay, lists coca cola bottles from 1900 to present day as modern, and anything older than 1900 as antique.
Yet respected websites specializing in coca cola bottles, such as Reggie's Antique Coca Cola Bottles, list bottles through 1965.
Generally, most old coca cola bottle collectors use the term antique for bottles that are more than 50 years old.
To view excellent examples of these rare bottles visit the Antique Coca Cola Bottle Hall of Fame.
To view examples of each of these S-S styles visit Antique Coke Bottles.
The Antique Coca Cola Bottle Hall of Fame is another website with wonderful photographs of Coca Cola straight sided bottles.
If you love coca cola, old bottles or glass collecting, than the hobby of collecting antique coca cola bottles may be the perfect pastime for you.
Made from delicate French silk, gorgeous interwoven straw and elegant pressed wool, antique doll hats are an important part of a doll's beautiful finery.
Doll collectors consider dolls made before approximately 1930 to be antique dolls.
Most of the antique dolls of today are from approximately 1850-1930.
Antique doll clothes, hats, shoes and accessories are highly sought after by doll collectors as well as those that collect the lovely antique garments themselves.
Hats for antique dolls were created using a variety of different materials.