Antipathies Sentence Examples
Rivalry in fishing and in trading, coupled with ancient antipathies inherited from the various mainland cities of origin, were no doubt the cause of these internecine feuds.
The terms " Reformation " and " Protestantism " are inherited by the modern historian; they are not of his devising, and come to him laden with reminiscences of all the exalted enthusiasms and bitter antipathies engendered by a period of fervid religious dissension.
He tells how, when he had slowly taken in the doctrine of logical figures and moods, he put it aside and would prove things only in his own way; how he then heard about bodies as consisting of matter and form, as throwing off species of themselves for perception, and as moved by sympathies and antipathies, with much else of a like sort, all beyond his comprehension; and how he therefore turned to his old books again, fed his mind on maps and charts of earth and sky, traced the sun in his path, followed Drake and Cavendish girdling the main, and gazed with delight upon pictured haunts of men and wonders of unknown lands.
The length of his literary career was now softening old antipathies, and he was the object of general respect.
For, on the one hand, they were actuated by the most varied personal interests and antipathies, not all of which the king could satisfy; on the other hapd he could not, owing to the natural character and organization of his dominions, maintain and pay a large army for any length of time.
The Arian and Catholic bishops went on for a time side by side; but the Lombard kings and clergy rapidly yielded to the religious influences around them, even while the national antipathies continued unabated and vehement.
Antipathies, indeed, survived, and men even in the 10th century called each other Roman or Langobard as terms of reproach.
Antipathies and sympathies had a large share in the political views of Lord Palmerston, and his sympathies had ever been passionately awakened by the cause of Italian independence.
Racial antipathies were unimportant, and all parties were at least passively acquiescent when Louisiana became a part of the United States.
It is also the first instance of that bitter feud between the two great capitals of Lombardy, a feud rooted in ancient antipathies between the Roman population of Mediolanum and the Lombard garrison of Alboins successors, which proved so disastrous to the national cause.
AdvertisementWith his defects of temper, his violent antipathies, his extravagant notion of papal prerogative, his pontificate was filled with strife.
He exhibits, it is true, political sympathies and antipathies.
Painful relations between father and son, quite apart from the personal antipathies already existing, were therefore inevitable.