Antigone Sentence Examples
Again, in regard to Antigone's tragic end Sophocles differs from Euripides, according to whom the calamity was averted by the intercession of Dionysus and was followed by the marriage of Antigone and Haemon.
In Hyginus's version of the legend, founded apparently on a tragedy by some follower of Euripides, Antigone, on being handed over by Creon to her lover Haemon to be slain, was secretly carried off by him, and concealed in a shepherd's hut, where she bore him a son Macon.
This led to the discovery that Antigone was still alive.
On a painted vase the scene of the intercession of Heracles is represented (Heydermann, ZI ber eine nacheuripideische Antigone, 1868).
Teiresias' grave was at the Tilphusian spring; but there was a cenotaph of him at Thebes, and also in later times his "observatory," or place for watching for omens from birds, was pointed out (Pausanias ix 16; Sophocles, Antigone, 999).
In later times Ate is regarded as the avenger of sin (Sophocles, Antigone, 614, 625).
His main productions were a diary kept at intervals during eighteen months (1785-1787), and translations of the Antigone, the Manual of Epictetus, &c. But the characteristic feature of his studies was the copious extracts which from this time onward he unremittingly made and preserved.
Besides the Palingenesie, Ballanche wrote a poem on the siege at Lyons (unpublished); Du sentiment considers dans la littrature et dans les arts (i 80 i); Antigone, a prose poem (1814); Essai sur les institutions sociales (1818), intended as a prelude to his great work; Le Vieillard et le jeune homme, a philosophical dialogue (1819); L'Homme sans nom, a novel (1820).
The Theban rulers decreed that only Eteocles should receive the honour of burial, but the decree was set at naught by Antigone, the sister of Polyneices.
His other dramatic works are classical tragedies on the subjects of Antigone, Cleopatra, and Agrippina.
AdvertisementPeleus took refuge in Phthia with his uncle Eurytion, who purified him from the guilt of murder, and gave him his daughter Antigone to wife, and a third of the kingdom as her dowry.
Would you have her wear a dress and long hair while Antigone has a skinhead, DMs and levis?
He received his education in the gymnasium of Zittau under teachers who inspired him with an enduring love of the classical authors, as we see from his translation of the Antigone of Sophocles into Latin verse, published when he had reached middle life.
Heracles pleaded in vain with Creon for Haemon, who slew both Antigone and himself, to escape his father's vengeance.
Sophocles represents man's life as woven with a "shuttle of adamant" (Antigone, 622-624).
AdvertisementHer character and these incidents of her life presented an attractive subject to the Greek tragic poets, especially Sophocles in the Antigone and Oedipus at Colonus, and Euripides, whose Antigone, though now lost, is partly known from extracts incidentally preserved in later writers, and from passages in his Phoenissae.