Anti-semites Sentence Examples
The Agrarians tjons, believed that the Berlin Exchange was partly re sponsible for the fall of prices in corn; the Anti Semites laid stress on the fact that many of the financiers were of Jewish extraction; the Centre feared the moral effects of speculation.
There was, moreover, a tendency for local parties to gain in numbers and influencethe Volkspartei in Wurttemberg, the Anti-Semites in Hesse, and the Bauernbund (Peasants League) in Bavaria.
The extreme parties of the Germans and the anti-Semites were also, for racial reasons, opposed to the whole system.
Universal suffrage had long been demanded by the working men and the Socialists; the Young Czechs also had put it on their programme, and many of the Christian Socialists and anti-Semites desired an alteration of the franchise..
Like anti-Semites elsewhere, the Christian Socialists were reckless and irresponsible, appealing directly to the passions and prejudices of the most ignorant.
The loss of seats by the Socialists showed that even among the working men the national agitation was gaining ground; the diminished influence of the anti-Semites was the most encouraging sign.