Anthropomorphism Sentence Examples
An anthropomorphism which is specifically a " magomorphism " renders the sacred powers increasingly one with the governing element in society, and religion assumes an ethicopolitical character, whilst correspondingly authority and law are invested with a deeper meaning.
Several of the papers look into the practicalities of usefully exploiting human anthropomorphism in particular situations.
Duhm, has said, physiomorphism is the enemy of Christian faith, not anthropomorphism.
Next, we can view our tendency to speak of God as personal as a piece of inescapable but privileged anthropomorphism.
The word anthropomorphism is a modern coinage (possibly from 18th century French).
The most this would prove is that Yahweh was using anthropomorphism in communicating to his people how central Sabbath observance was for them.
Brian Davies OP, as a follower of Thomas Aquinas, would certainly want to rise above crude anthropomorphism.
Mahommed in fact represented a revolt against the anthropomorphism of commonplace Mahommedan orthodoxy, but he was a rigid predestinarian and a strict observer of the law.
Such anthropomorphism is with difficulty reduced to the Tylorian animism.
Between pantheism and Unitarianism he seems to have balanced till his thirty-fifth year, always tending towards the former in virtue of the recoil from "anthropomorphism" which originally took him to Unitarianism.
AdvertisementFor, though the quarrel with popular anthropomorphism was patched up, and the gods of the Pantheon were described by Stoics and Epicureans as manlike in form, philosophy nevertheless tended to highly abstract conceptions of supreme, or real, deity.
Shifting from this traditional perspective to the " critical anthropomorphism " advocated by Burghardt will not be easy.
The older traits show themselves partly in the manifestation of various Els, and partly in the cruder anthropomorphism of the earlier sources.
But when theists charge one another with "anthropomorphism," in order to rebuke what they deem unduly manlike conceptions of God, they stand on slippery ground.
They are also the direct antitheses to the scepticism of Montaigne and Pascal, to the materialism of Gassendi and Hobbes, and to the superstitious anthropomorphism which defaced the reawakening sciences of nature.
AdvertisementWolff's list is of some historical importance - atheism, deism (a God without care for men) and naturalism (denial of supernatural revelation); anthropomorphism (assigning a human body to God); materialism, and idealism (non-existence of matter); paganism (polytheism); Manichaeism, Spinozism, Epicureanism.
The reaction against anthropomorphism begins in Greek philosophy with the satirical spirit of Xenophanes (540 B.C.), who puts the case as broadly as any.