Anthropologists Sentence Examples
Such cults have been studied by anthropologists in many contemporary societies too.
The body parts are being examined by forensic anthropologists.
The student will find differences among anthropologists in the interpretation of these marks - some averring that comparative anatomy is worthless as a means of subdividing the American subspecies, others that biological variations point to different Old World origins, a third class believing these structural variations to be of the soil.
They are described in some detail in the reports of nineteenth and twentieth century anthropologists.
In Level 2 Anthropology, you will also examine the research anthropologists are doing in developed countries.
Anthropologists have attempted to outline body art history for almost as long as the practice has existed.
It was perhaps the facility with which a pillar of stone or wood can be turned into an image by painting or sculpturing on it eyes, ears, mouth, marks of sex and so on, which led anthropologists of an earlier generation to postulate such a law of development; but facts do not bear it out.
The evidence upon which these opinions were based had been gathered by such anthropologists as Schmerling, Boucher de Perthes and others, and it had to do chiefly with the finding of implements of human construction associated with the remains of extinct animals in the beds of caves, and with the recovery of similar antiquities from alluvial deposits the great age of which was demonstrated by their depth.
Such a generalization will become sounder, if, as is now generally done by anthropologists, the Eskimo with their pyramidal skulls, dull complexion and flat noses are removed into a division by themselves.
Amongst the numberless definitions of religion that have been suggested, those that have been most frequently adopted for working purposes by anthropologists are Tylor's and Frazer's.
AdvertisementAnthropologists have, it is true, taken widely different views of the relation of ethics and religion, and the stage at which an effective alliance between them might be recognized.
On the whole, Huxley's division probably approaches more nearly than any other to such a tentative classification as may be accepted in definition of the principal varieties of mankind, regarded from a zoological point of view, though anthropologists may be disposed to erect into separate races several of his widely-differing sub-races.
But the researches of anthropologists in recent years have proved that the civilization of man has been gradually developed from an original stone-age culture, such as characterizes modern savage life.
From the combination of these considerations, it will be seen that the farthest date to which documentary or other records extend is now generally regarded by anthropologists as but the earliest distinctly visible point of the historic period, beyond which stretches back a vast indefinite series of prehistoric ages.
Philology is especially appealed to by anthropologists as contributing to the following lines of argument.
AdvertisementMore recent is the explanation of anthropologists that Medusa, whose virtue is really in her head, is derived from the ritual mask common to primitive cults.
Unfortunately Egyptologists have rarely a wide knowledge of the myths of the lower races, while anthropologists are seldom or never Egyptologists.
The identity of the earliest inhabitants of Gaul is veiled in obscurity, though philologists, anthropologists and archaeologists are using the glimmer of traditions collected by ancient historians to shed a faint twilight upon that remote C past.
Let me refer to a specific project which included anthropologists.
The book is split into five thematic sections with contributions from leading anthropologists in each section.
AdvertisementFollowing many decades of uninterrupted tradition, many were asking that old question - what do anthropologists do?
The term derives from the notion of cultural brokering developed by anthropologists to describe the activities of individuals who connect local with national worlds.
Much depends on which of these armchair anthropologists is correct.
This language was called nahuatl, and one who spoke it as his native tongue was called nahuatlacatl, so that modern anthropologists are following native precedent when they use the term Nahua for the whole series of peoples now under consideration.
Several anthropologists have attempted to define the conditions in which unilineal descent groups are likely to emerge.
AdvertisementPlenty of historians, archaeologists, anthropologists and other social scientists get their start by devouring historical fiction that shares specific information about past events, cultures, and ways of life.
Cosmo is typically focused on what anthropologists call the hyper feminine look, but if you are more concerned with having a hair style that is classic and easy to wear, you may want to visit another site, for example Vogue.
Anthropologists, indeed, have recently observed a large proportion of individuals of exceptionally small stature, not found in Sardinia only, but elsewhere in south Italy also; though in Sardinia they are distributed over the whole island, and especially in the southern half.
Geologists and anthropologists are not yet agreed on the question whether the climate and condition of the country have undergone large changes since these implements were deposited.
On the other hand they are considerably like the Mongoloid peoples of north and east Asia (less so to the Polynesians); so that the general tendency among anthropologists has been to admit a common origin, however remote, between the tribes of Tartary and of America.