Anthropologist Sentence Examples
Learning how to become a good anthropologist often involves learning what questions to ask.
He fancies himself as something of an amateur social anthropologist.
Recently he's been reading a book called The Racing Tribe by Kate Fox, a social anthropologist.
Vala was often paired with Daniel and often left the anthropologist frustrated.
To many the interest of such stories will depend on their parallelism to the Biblical account in Genesis i.; the anthropologist, however, will be attracted by them in proportion as they illustrate the more primitive phases of human culture.
William Graham Sumner is a 19th century anthropologist who expressed relativist ideas and J L Mackie is a contemporary philosopher who opposed absolutism.
Also involves the anthropologist expressing feelings felt during fieldwork, and relations built w / members of community.
She finds treasure, kills the bad guys, and makes you wish you were an anthropologist.
Laurie Taylor talks to the distinguished anthropologist, Adam Kuper, about his new book on the concept of culture.
Harvard biological anthropologist, Richard Wrangham, believes that humanity may have been launched by an ape learning to cook.
AdvertisementAn anthropologist getting by on grants is in financially straitened circumstances.
Theology might draw subtle distinctions between different forms of devotion; but, tried by the comparisons of the anthropologist, the monotheism even of historical Christianity cannot be strictly maintained.
The Greek historians early directed their attention to the ideas and customs of the peoples with whom they were brought into contact; and Herodotus has been called the " first anthropologist of religion."
It is not, however, for his military career, but for his work as an anthropologist and archaeologist, that General Pitt-Rivers will be remembered.
The new series of " Creation " and " Deluge " tablets from Nippur, published by Poebel & Langdon, 39 also belong to the realm of the historian and anthropologist rather than to that of the archaeologist, so are merely mentioned here; the excavation in which they were found being now ancient history.
AdvertisementAltogether this work is rich in suggestion to the philosophic historian and the anthropologist, though marked by much vagueness of conception and hastiness of generalization.
Mexico in this wide sense is of high interest to the anthropologist from the several native American civilizations which appear within its limits, and which conveniently if loosely group themselves round two centres, the Mexican proper and the Central American.
Thus the legends of the Popol-Vuh confirm what is learnt from comparing the culture of Central America and Mexico proper, that, though these districts were not connected by language, the intercourse between them had been sufficient to justify the anthropologist in including both districts in one region.
Museums of aboriginal culture are without number; in Washington the Smithsonian Institution, the National Museum, the Bureau of American Ethnology and the American Anthropologist issue publications on every division of the subject, lists of their publications and general bibliographies.