Antagonists Sentence Examples
Had the Turks kept befitting guard on the night of the 8th-9th, aware as they were that their antagonists contemplated departure, they must have detected that the British trenches had been vacated.
Hoadly was shrewd enough not to answer the most brilliant, though comparatively unknown, of his antagonists, William Law.
Complete toleration in fact was only extended to Protestant nonconformists, who composed the Cromwellian established church, and who now meted out to their antagonists the same treatment which they themselves were later to receive under the Clarendon Code of Charles II.
Gilbert seems to have submitted quietly to this judgment; he yielded assent to the four propositions, and remained on friendly terms with his antagonists till his death on the 4th of September 1154.
Dissensions among the Cossacks led to the recognition by Turkey of Doroshenko, the hetman of the Sari Kamish, as ruler of the Ukraine; the Zaporog Cossacks, his antagonists, applied for aid to Russia.
Hence, when on the battlefield the changing course of events left his antagonists mentally exhausted, he was able to face them with will power neither bound nor broken.
The fairest and most considerable of Palacky's antagonists in the controversy aroused by his narrative of the early reformation in Bohemia was Baron Helfert, who received a brief from Vienna to write his Hus rind Hieronymus (1853) to counteract the impression made by Palacky's History.
Trained riders, archers and javelin-throwers from infancy, they advanced to the attack in numerous companies following hard upon each other, avoiding close quarters, but wearing out their antagonists by the persistency of their onslaughts.
Not many miles distant, higher up the stream, another decisive battle was fought between the same national antagonists, but with a contrary result, on the memorable 3rd of July 1866.
His troops were entrenching themselves solidly in face of the invaders both at Helles and at Anzac, so that his antagonists would be obliged to storm lines of earthworks whenever they should attempt to make further progress.
AdvertisementFor these, by a sudden onset that morning, recovered possession of the patch of high ground which their antagonists had succeeded in wresting from them on the 8th and in holding ever since.
Taken unawares and signally out-manoeuvred at Anzac and Suvla, Liman von Sanders perceived that his antagonists would probably retire from Helles also, and he took measures accordingly.
He only attacked party government because he was excluded from it, and only railed at corruption because it was the corruption of his antagonists and not his own.
When Philip attacked Perinthus and Byzantium (340), Artaxerxes sent them support, by which they were enabled to withstand the Macedonians; Philip's antagonists in Greece, Demosthenes and his party, hoped to get subsidies from the king, but were disappointed.
A prince had arisen among the Dacians, Decebalus by name, worthy to be placed at the head of all the great barbarian antagonists of Rome.
AdvertisementThird Century.-The attack on Revelation was resumed by abler antagonists in this century.
Among his avowed antagonists in literary warfare the most distinguished were Malone and Steevens, the Shakespeare editors; Mathias, the author of the Pursuits of Literature; Dr Jamieson, the Scottish lexicographer; Pinkerton, the historian; Dr Irving, the biographer of the Scottish poets; and Dr Currie of Liverpool.
Before Cornwallis could be brought to bay he was faced successively by four antagonists - Generals Gates, Greene, Lafayette and Washington.
The antagonists stood forty paces apart at the farther edge of the clearing.
But we may go further and say that, in spite of their initial acceptance of authority, the Scholastics are not the antagonists of reason; on the contrary they fight its battles.
AdvertisementItlis not a more untrustworthy account than a vehement controversialist engaged in a life and death struggle might be expected to write of his theological antagonists.
The book reveals a strong personality and helps us to know the man and his teaching, even though we have to gather his own views largely from his criticism of his antagonists.
Paschasius shrank from the logical outcome of his view, namely, that Christ's body or part of it is turned into human excrement, but Ratramnus, another monk of Corbey, in a book afterwards ascribed to Duns Scotus, drew this inference in order to discredit his antagonists, and not because he believed it himself.
During this period Timur and his brother-in-law, Hosain - at first fellowfugitives and wanderers in joint adventures full of interest and romance - became rivals and antagonists.
The next year, however, Toghrul Beg got rid of both his antagonists, Ibrahim being taken prisoner and strangled with the bowstring, while Basasiri fell in battle.
AdvertisementRestored to Poland by the peace of Karlowitz (1699), it passed with Podolia to Russia in 1795 Here the Turks were defeated by the Poles in 1633, and here twenty years later peace was concluded between the same antagonists.
A court, largely composed of his antagonists, condemned him to death, but the empress reduced the sentence to lifelong imprisonment in Schliisselburg and confiscation of all his estates.
The towns, assuming a certain independence, became strong and wealthy as trade increased, and the citizens of Munich and Regensburg were often formidable antagonists to the dukes.
As before said, his metaphysic contains in abstracto the principles which were at that time being employed, uncritically, alike by the deists and by their antagonists.
The antagonists met in debate at seven designated places in the state.
Wenceslaus favored first one of the antagonists and then the other, but although he showed some desire to put an end to the increasing amount of disorder he was unable, or unwilling, to take a stronn and definite line of action.
Do not employ such physiological antagonists as pilocarpine or morphine, for the lethal actions of all these drugs exhibit not mutual antagonism but coincidence.
Mahomet was a practical man; he realized that the growing state needed skilful administrators, and that such were found in much greater number among the antagonists of yesterday than among the honest citizens of Medina.
But now his equals in birth and rank, the Omayyads and the Alids, had been crushed; the principal actors in the great struggle, the leaders of the propaganda and Abu Moslim were out of the way; the caliph stood far above all his subjects; and his only possible antagonists were the members of his own family.
They thus fell in whole ranks by the hands of unseen antagonists.
His conduct upon that legation was afterwards severely criticized; for his political antagonists accused him of betraying the true interests of the commonwealth, and using his influence for the restoration of the exiled house of Medici to power.
The smaller buffaloes are also easily disposed of; but the buffalo bulls, and especially the wild ones, are formidable antagonists, and have often been known to beat the tiger off, and even to wound him seriously.
He is willing with Hume to take the course of experience as the basis of his reasoning, seeing that it is common ground for himself and his antagonists.
The Elizabethan administration had successfully defended its own existence and the Protestant faith against able and powerful antagonists, but this had not been accomplished without enforcing severe measures of repression and punishment upon those of the opposite faith.
Much of this last stage of his life was occupied at Padua in a controversy with the Averroists, whom he regarded as dangerous antagonists both to sound religion and to sound culture.
He had already lost Waterford owing to the prejudice against making the author of the Tale of a Tub a bishop, and he still had formidable antagonists in the archbishop of York, whom he had scandalized, and the duchess of Somerset, whom he had satirized.
He was present at the disputation held in Edinburgh in 1561, when Knox and Willox were his antagonists.
His scrupulous conscientiousness and anxiety to meet every reasonable claim availed him nothing with such antagonists, and the strain was intense and continuous.
This was my situation when I had the good fortune to find a place among the members of that remarkable confraternity of antagonists, the Metaphysical Society.
The time indeed came when Demosthenes and Philip stood face to face as representative antagonists in a mortal conflict.
This belongs to a class of medicine called the glycine antagonists.
Yet the advice to use double dose histamine antagonists seems to be almost universal.
Over the first 4-5 days 5-HT3 receptor antagonists alone or in combination with dexamethasone were superior to conventional anti-emetic regimens.
The development of 5-HT7 receptor antagonists is still in its infancy, however this is expected to soon change.
The standard treatments, the 5HT3 antagonists, whilst effective, do not block all serotonin receptor sub-types.
H2 receptor antagonists also reduce the amount of acid produced by your stomach.
A very few people who have taken asthma treatment tablets called ' leukotriene receptor antagonists ' have turned out to have Churg-Strauss syndrome.
H 2 -receptor antagonists have not been shown to be effective against ulceration induced by aspirin in aspirin-intolerant patients.
A number of potent glycoprotein IIb/IIIa antagonists have been developed for therapeutic use.
Effective drugs for combating motion sickness include antihistamines, antimuscarinics, 5-HT1A (serotonergic) receptor agonists and neurokinin type 1 receptor antagonists.
When eaten by the animal, these PUFAs are converted into the toxic peroxides, the antagonists of vitamin E and selenium.
During the year, CAT significantly strengthened its patent portfolio relating to TGF-beta antagonists.
Although both drugs have specific antagonists available, care should be taken not to depress respiration too much.
H 2 antagonists or non particulate antacids (e.g. sodium citrate) should be given if oesophageal reflux is a problem.
Here he met his subsequent antagonists, Bucer and Frecht, with whom he seems to have attended the Augsburg conference (October 1518) at which Luther declared himself a true son of the Church.
The combative energy, the sense of superiority, the spirit of satire, characteristic of him as a Roman, unite with his loyalty to Epicurus to render him not only polemical but intolerant and contemptuous in his tone toward the great antagonists of his system, the Stoics, whom, while constantly referring to them, he does not condescend even to name.
He was singularly sweet-tempered, and shrank from the impassioned political bitterness that raged about him; bore with relative equanimity a flood of coarse and malignant abuse of his motives, morals, religion, 4 personal honesty and decency; cherished very few personal animosities; and better than any of his great antagonists cleared political opposition of illblooded personality.
His keen intuition of truth, his vigour and yet sobriety of argument, his fertility of illustration and acuteness of sarcasm, made him irresistible to his antagonists; and the evanescent triumphs of scornful controversy have given place to the sedate applause of a long-lived posterity.
When there were quarrels, his kindly smile and well-timed jests reconciled the antagonists.
Research on the mechanisms of action of the retinoic acid receptor antagonists is ongoing.
Several types of serotonin antagonists are under trial in IBS, some with encouraging results.
Substances known as narcotic or opioid antagonists are drugs that block the actions of narcotics and are used to reverse the side effects of narcotic abuse or an overdose.
A class of drugs, a mixture of opioids and opioid antagonists, has been developed so that patients can be relieved of pain without the addictive or other unpleasant side effects associated with narcotics.
The Guardians are the protagonists and the Renegades are the antagonists in the story that goes along with the collection of action figures.
Collier was prepared to meet any number of antagonists, and defended himself in numerous tracts.
It will be sufficient therefore to note the chief points in which the two antagonists differ.
Some of them were double spies, sold to both parties, whose real sentiments are still conjectural; but Walsingham was more successful in seducing Catholic spies than his antagonists were in seducing Protestant spies, and most of his information came from Catholics who betrayed one another.