Answers Sentence Examples
Well, that answers a few questions.
I guess that answers my question.
I think it is likely that the answers to almost all our medical problems could be found in the data we may already be collecting.
Don't bother to ask questions because you won't get many answers.
The answers fell into place, one after another like a child's wooden puzzle, and even absent the last lingering block, the finished the picture was finally clear.
He grappled with the answers.
She doesn't realize her time on this earth is ebbing to a close, perhaps only minutes from now after she answers my questions.
Now he was sure he had some answers.
He didn't want answers.
The answers cannot be accounted for without the previous existence of the questions.
AdvertisementThe strangeness and absurdity of these replies arise from the fact that modern history, like a deaf man, answers questions no one has asked.
We have all the past questions and answers saved here for you to enjoy.
There are no right or wrong answers to these questions.
In short, there is no real nobility in England; for the class which answers to foreign nobility has so long ceased to have any practical privileges that it has long ceased to be looked on as a nobility, and the word nobility has been transferred to another class which has nothing answering to it out of the three British kingdoms. 2 This last ' This statement is mainly interesting as expressing the late Professor Freeman's view; it is, however, open to serious criticism.
The section requiring annual reports, while it led to the creation of a Bureau of Statistics, did not give the Commission power to compel complete or satisfactory answers to its requests for information.
AdvertisementBorlase's letters to Pope, St Aubyn and others, with answers, fill several volumes of MS. There are also MS. notes on Cornwall, and a complete unpublished treatise Concerning the Creation and Deluge.
On the practical side, mysticism maintains the possibility of direct intercourse with this Being of beings - intercourse, not through any external media such as an historical revelation, oracles, answers to prayer, and the like, but by a species of ecstatic transfusion or identification, in which the individual becomes in very truth " partaker of the divine nature."
For attaching it to the paper a strong mucilage of gum tragacanth, containing an eighth of its weight of spirit of wine, answers best.
An outline of the modern answers to questions such as the above will now be given.
The one is John of Tellä, author of 538 canons,' answers to questions by the priest Sergius, a creed and an exposition of the Trisagion.
AdvertisementIn certain chapters it is possible to discern the questions of the missi and the answers of the inhabitants.
The first section is a preface containing exhortation in general terms. The main section is the second, containing a series of night visions, the significant features of which are pointed out by an angel who stands by the prophet and answers his questions.
The so-called exedra of Herodes Atticus (which answers in all respects to a nymphaeum in the Roman style), the nymphaeum in the palace of Domitian and those in the villa of Hadrian at Tibur (five in number) may be specially mentioned.
When the new councils were established and beginning to work, he strongly set his face against any meddling with their proceedings by questions and answers in Parliament.
But the answers may be superseded by better answers, or they may be rendered unnecessary because the questions are no longer asked.
AdvertisementThus answers to his inquiries were delayed.
Menno was not satisfied with the inconsistent answers which he got from Luther, Bucer and Bullinger; he resolved to rely on Scripture alone, and from this time describes his preaching as evangelical, not sacramental.
The census figures relate to the calendar year preceding 1st June 1900, and hurried and careless answers about the preceding year's crop are almost sure to have been given by many farmers in the midst of the summer's work.
Even on the population returns certain answers, such as the number of the divorced or the number unable to read and write, may be open to question.
He answers her " My hour is not yet come," i.e.
The sela` in late Hebrew answers to the older shekel, and the mention of it seems to point to Jewish or Christian influence.
The matter peculiar to Matthew and Luke raises a number of interesting questions which are still too much sub judice to be answered decidedly or dogmatically, though approximate and provisional answers may before long be forthcoming.
It has 107 questions and answers, while that of the Anglican Church has but 24, grouping as it does the ten commandments and also the petitions of the Lord's Prayer, instead of dealing with them singly.
Looking at the record in Eric the Red Saga, it would seem probable that Leif's Vinland answers to some part of southern Nova Scotia.
No less than thirty-five answers were directed against this book, the most noteworthy of which were those of Bishop Edward Chandler, Arthur Sykes and Samuel Clarke.
Knowledge resides not in sense but in reason, which, on the suggestion of sensations of changing individuals, apprehends, or (to be precise) is reminded of, real universal forms, and, by first ascending from less to more general until it arrives at the form of good and then descending from this unconditional principle to the less general, becomes science and philosophy, using as its method the dialectic which gives and receives questions and answers between man and man.
It answers well for fence-posts and river piles; many of the foundations of Venice rest upon larch, the lasting qualities of which were well known and appreciated, not only in medieval times, but in the days of Vitruvius and Pliny.
With a view to obtaining answers to them, it is necessary to consider the reception of the Gospels in the early Church, and also to examine and compare the Gospels themselves.
If a witness answers truly all questions which he is required by the court to answer, he is entitled to receive a certificate of indemnity, which will save him from all proceedings for any offence under the Corrupt Practices Acts committed by him before the date of the certificate at or in relation to the election, except proceedings to enforce any incapacity incurred by such offence.
Haeckel answers that it has no origin, because sensation is an inherent property of all substance.
Bradley answers idealistically that the one Real is one absolute experience, because all we know is experience.
They gave answers to such questions as were submitted to them; the machinery moved when set in motion from outside; but the popes did not attempt to interfere on their own initiative.
Armenian tradition, confirmed by nearly contemporary Greek sources, answers the first question.
To him, therefore, Lessing addressed in 1778 his most elaborate answers - Eine Parabel, Axiomata, eleven letters with the title Anti-Goeze, and two pamphlets in reply to an inquiry by Goeze as to what Lessing meant by Christianity.
The discourse on the resurrection answers objections to the doctrine, and attempts to prove its truth from considerations of God's purpose in the creation of man, His justice and the nature of man himself.
The monovalent iodine, for instance, is transformed by heating into an allotropic form, corresponding to the formula I, whereas ordinary iodine answers to I 2.
The ruin of Kerak answers to the description given by Josephus of the city of Taricheae, which lay 30 stadia from Tiberias, the hot baths being between the two cities.
For use on ordinary water-meadows, however, not only is very clear water often found to be perfectly efficient, but water having no more than a few grains of dissolved matter per gallon answers the purposes in view satisfactorily.
Only extremely qualified answers can be given to these questions.
Deceptive answers were returned to these, and Au was induced by them to advance The Maine- towards Cairo at the head of 3000 men.
In the concluding chapters he answers the objections drawn from the recent origin of Christianity.
Other doctors might then put supplementary questions on law arising out of the passages, or might suggest objections to his answers.
The requirement to write answers to questions written or dictated, to satisfy a practical test (other than in teaching), and a clinical test in medicine, appear to be of later date.'
In applying tests of memory, it may be legitimate to allow a candidate to pass who answers correctly from 30 to 50% of the questions; such an allowance if applied to a test of capacity, such as the performance of a sum in addition, the solution of triangles by means of trigonometrical tables, or the translation of an easy passage from a foreign language, appears to be irrational.
Literary criticism has analysed the documents, and has already established some important results; and many questions are still in debate, the answers to which must affect our judgment of the historical value of the existing narratives.
If the inner bulb is filled with mercury instead of water and ice, the same arrangement answers admirably as a Favre and Silbermann calorimeter, for measuring small quantities of heat by the expansion of FIG.
This is a difficult question, which has received many answers.
Incessant questioning leads to answers.
To the census question about 17,000 answers were received, and after making all deductions it appeared that death coincidences numbered about 30 in 1300 cases of recognized apparitions; or about i in 43, whereas if chance alone operated the coincidences would have been in the proportion of I to 19,000.
But the answers of his corps commanders were thoroughly reassuring.
But neither answers to his natural appearance, or to the appearance which he is imagined to present in the earlier books.
In the Argonautic story this fountain is placed in the neighbourhood of Cyzicus, and answers to an actual fountain known in historical times.
If men were really to be made obedient, it could only be by stopping them from thinking for themselves about the everyday problems of conduct; and the best way to do this was to furnish them beforehand with a ready-made code of answers to such problems, warranted to meet all needs.
To the second problem there are two main answers, that of Associationism which denies to the mind any a priori existence and asserts that sensation is the only source of knowledge, and that which admits the existence of both transcendental and empirical knowledge.
Hume raises the question explicitly, but answers that here is an ultimate principle beyond which we cannot hope to penetrate.
This view is supported by consideration of the few answers to them which are extant.'
When we analyse the specific charges against him, with his answers to them, we find many that are really of little weight.
This first philosophy had also to investigate what are called the adventitious or transcendental conditions of essences, such as Much, Little, Like, Unlike, Possible, Impossible, Being, Nothing, the logical discussion of which certainly belonged rather to the laws of reasoning than to the existence of things, but the physical or real treatment of which might be expected to yield answers to such questions as, why certain substances are numerous, others scarce; or why, if like attracts like, iron does not attract iron.
In negative answers na precedes the verb.
The Geonim in their " Responses " or " Questions and Answers " supplied authoritative interpretations of the Old Testament or of the Talmud, and regulated the application of the teaching of the past to the changed conditions under which their brethren now lived.
Marcion answers, The good God does not judge them, but merely removes them from His presence.
It sometimes answers very well in persons troubled with flatulence, since meat does not give rise to the same amount of gas in the intestines as carbohydrates.
This dietary also is very useful in gout, but it answers better in thin gouty people than in fat ones.
It would be unfair to Butler's argument to demand from it answers to problems which had not in his time arisen, and to which, even if they had then existed, the plan of his work would not have extended.
Now, as he wrote from Corinth, the only other city which answers to this description is Ephesus, the centre of Paul's long Asiatic mission.
The manna of the Biblical narrative, notwithstanding the miraculous circumstances which distinguish it from anything now known, answers in its description very closely to the tamarisk manna.
These volumes, which called forth a multitude of answers on the Protestant side, exhaust the controversy as it was carried on in those days, and contain a lucid and uncompromising statement of Roman Catholic doctrine.
This test answers with a solution containing only 1 part of quinine in 5000, or in a solution containing not more than part if bromine be used instead of chlorine.
These answers were held satisfactory, and the monk started on his mission.
The fact that men give different answers to moral problems which seem similar in character, or even the mere fact that men disregard, when they act immorally, the dictates and implicit principles of the moral consciousness is certain sooner or later to produce the desire either, on the one hand, to justify immoral action by casting doubt upon the authority of the moral consciousness and the validity of its principles, or, on the other hand, to justify particular moral judgments either by (the only valid method) an analysis of the moral principle involved in the judgment and a demonstration of its universal acceptation, or by some attempted proof that the particular moral judgment is arrived at by a process of inference from some universal conception of the Supreme Good or the Final End from which all particular duties or virtues may be deduced.
The oldest, the Astesana, from Asti in Piedmont, is arranged as a kind of text-book of morality on a scholastic basis; later manuals are merely lists of questions and answers.
There was, however, in his theory an originality, a force, an apparent coherence which rendered it undeniably impressive; in fact, we find that for two generations the efforts to construct morality on a philosophical basis take more or less the form of answers to Hobbes.
And supposing it to be replied that the motive is really the moral uneasiness involved in choosing the selfish alternative, Godwin answers that this uneasiness, though a " constant step " in the process of volition, is a merely " accidental " step - " I feel pain in the neglect of an act of benevolence, because benevolence is judged by me to be conduct which it becomes me to adopt."
He answers the advocates of the retrenchment by pointing out that the public interest will not ultimately be served by a wholesale violation of the public faith.
The essential nature of the concept is that it combines the general and the special, and the same combination recurs in being; in being the system of substantial or permanent forms answers to the system of concepts and the relation of cause and effect to the system of judgments, the higher concept answering to "force" and the lower to the phenomena of force, and the judgment to the contingent interaction of things.
Rollock wrote Commentaries on the Epistles tc the Ephesians (1590) and Thessalonians (1598) and Hebrews (1605), the book of Daniel (1591), the Gospel of St John (1599) and some of the Psalms (1598); an analysis of the Epistle to the Romans (1594), and Galatians (1602); also Questions and Answers on the Covenant of God (1596), and a Treatise on Effectual Calling (1597).
Yet again we must remember that the leading questions of a European inquirer may furnish a savage with a thread on which to string answers which the questions themselves have suggested.
It is not arguing in a circle to point out that almost all of them are nothing more than explanations of intellectual difficulties, answers to the question, How came this or that phenomenon to be what it is ?
So confused and inconsistent are the mythical answers that it is very difficult to classify them according to any system.
Maui in some respects answers to the chief of the Adityas in Vedic mythology; in others he answers to Qat, Quawteaht, and other savage divine personages.
When he stole Suttung's mead (which answers somewhat to nectar and the Indian soma), he flew away in the shape of an eagle.'
Final n, if originally it stood between two vowels, drops away (bo, b 0 n u m; vi, v i n u m), but not when it answers to mn (thus do nu in makes do, but dom num don; sonum makes so, but somnum son).
Directing answers to faceless voices, she searched the crowd for any of the crew.
His cool reproach smarted, but the previous terse answers about his mother should have warned her that it was a touchy subject.
Miss Reagan was steadfast, that in spite of the absence of answers, the tips continued to solve crimes and find children.
While he'd lately professed his need to seek answers concerning Annie's murder, the look on his face at the prospect of actually going there was far less certain.
In time, I hope to provide more answers.
He could call the Cañon City prison and speak with another answering machine, or if he was lucky, another tired bureaucrat with no answers.
I'm just trying to find some answers for a little girl, and," he added, "making a shitty mess of it."
There's still too many coincidences and things that don't add up and we'll probably never get the answers, but I agree—it looks like this is the end of the line if we can't locate him on this tour.
He was courteous to her instead of affectionate, but they were talking — if simple questions and answers could be called conversation.
When Landis answers my message, please come back.
The answers were ascertained when the time came to draw up Rimer J's order.
The answers will be disseminated in other ways.
Pattens's discussion of the answers to these and many other questions is wonderfully lucid and entertaining.
You need to develop a rapport with the interviewers & deliver your answers in a natural manner.
If the answers to your questions sound vague, ask for clarification.
Maybe we are not sufficiently advanced to be allowed to receive the answers to every question.
All the answers are here on our fare finder page, where low cost bargain airfares can be booked with almost every international airline.
You can use the links in the table below to find the answers to each question.
The first four correct answers drawn out of a hat at the start of May will win a signed book.
I'm not trying to give the definitive answers here.
Before you decide to develop the course... 2 need satisfactory answers to these questions.
Who is positively apoplectic if someone answers their phone during dinner?
The apostrophe If needed, insert the apostrophe into the following headlines and standfirsts, then check your answers within The Newspaper.
There is no attempt to use artificial intelligence to actually assign marks and markers will need to read the answers typed in by students.
In horary astrology, which provides answers to specific queries, the 2nd House deals with ' lost ' items.
Also includes an appendix of common questions and answers relating to intermittent auscultation.
Don't give one word answers and do n't babble Yes and no answers may make an interviewer think you are not really interested.
Voicing the answers to the questionnaire at the end was invaluable especially as we are a newly formed benefice.
They find waiting to answer questions difficult - often blurting out answers or interrupting people.
Carbon build-up in burner - See answers for " burner flame slowly reduces " .
The answers put forth here most definitely are not canonical.
Answers to this question tended to be weak as very few candidates discussed or even mentioned the notion of agent causation.
I am slightly confused by the answers to Q2.
Heather Stern steps up to handle the editorial blurb and train some scripts to help keep the answers conversational.
He promises to furnish answers and arguments needed to silence critics. makes it fast and easy to find crossword puzzle answers Crossword Puzzle Crossword puzzle below top site more.
Unfortunately, there are no miracle cures or easy answers.
They identified questions and suggested answers about Sabbath customs.
These answers that can be used to make solid business decisions while reducing costs, increasing quality, and shortening development cycles.
She certainly appears to be sharing the question without offering definitive, and therefore most probably misleading, answers.
This issue seems more devoted to questions posed, but where the answers fail to arrive.
Answers to questions became very evasive, the Leader promised a swimming pool to those from the North.
And he's pretty quick with the tongue and really flashy with his answers.
See report PQs and Motions New Written Answers published today include health (eye operations) and torture / rendition flights.
Finding answers to questions and allowing geologists to get more from their data is a very worthwhile part of my job " .
From the horses mouth, from the organ grinder not the monkey, you get your answers.
In the stifling heat there are many questions and few people prepared to offer adequate answers.
Of money a a cover cub hitch year a answers fall short.
No definitive answers from Q or Mojo so far, but the fat lady ai n't hollered yet.
Bandolier got the correct answers to question 1, but gets a severe headache when asked to think about acid-base homeostasis.
And the answers, say the humanists, are simple.
Perhaps my pressing publc speaking deadline has made me rather impatient to find black and white answers where they don't necessarily exist.
Any slight inconsistency in your answers may mean you will not be believed about the extent of your condition.
He had few answers to consistent Phillips who had strong intensions of keeping a strong number of Canadians in the draw.
If you'd like to ask a question or offer any better answers to anything on this site, please email kat at
The answers use some simple lemmas which are not given in the book.
A new leviathan The answers seem to lie in the larger architecture of the Bush foreign policy, or Bush Doctrine.
The team with the closest answers will win a superb magnum of Champagne.
Churchill set up a Battle of the Atlantic committee to look for answers to the U-boat menace.
Gentleman would be pretty merciless if the answers were drafted and they turned out to be inaccurate.
Science length FAQs The answers to some frequently asked questions about length metrology are grouped below.
All answers have, of course, been endorsed by the principal moderator.
Sunday Post Quiz Answers, June 8, 2003 1 To provide nourishment for the bird or animal embryo.
You probably don't want long philosophical answers or to become a religious nutter.
The answers also revealed that Lewes prison has 5 fewer prison officers than operational staffing requirements dictate.
The tutor found the students who had correct answers helped others in the group.
I leave that question hanging, for none of the plausible answers seems palatable.
Find out the answers to all these silly questions - in York Theater Royal's spectacular new pantomime, Sleeping Beauty.
Answers to these questions, even partial ones, would be of enormous value.
House of Commons, written answers to questions, 15 October 2003 Archive 11th December 2003 Surveys on " misattributed paternity " .
Anita goes off the rails; her desire for closure and some sort of answers becomes almost pathological.
His answers are often indirect - he tells you what he wants you to know - which makes him somewhat perplexing to interview.
The lecture also seeks to provide answers to questions such as, how quickly plates move and what drives plate tectonics?
You can find alternative answers to the role play tasks in the Comment section of each exercise.
Not that the phrase ' visual poetics ' in itself provides answers, since it is ambiguous.
Also features a question and answers area, which attempts to clarify some of the most frequently asked philosophical posers.
Recent titles include Saving Sex which gives practical, down-to-earth answers to real teenagers ' questions about relationships and sex.
Find psychic answers to love, relationship, dating and marriage, our gifted psychics and mediums are waiting to help you.
You can find the answers to things, and you're very quick-witted, picking up ideas and talking faster than other people.
Question & Answers Q My partner occasionally hits me, the last time was 8 months ago, but he was very remorseful afterward.
As Tom Jaworski, Esso CNG said Today we were able to get some serious answers on low emission vehicle residuals.
These are not rhetorical questions; I would like to have answers from anyone who knows -- by email, please.
Sauna help has all the answers, from how to build your own sauna help has all the answers, from how to build your own sauna to health concerns with infrared saunas.
But neither Labor nor black separatism has the answers that can unite black and white workers.
The students read the statement and the questions that go with it and she/he answers them all (inventing answers as she/he wishes ).
And with the case becoming ever more sinister, she knows she needs to find answers quickly.
Without answers to these questions, I remain skeptical.
This new sourcebook is an essential guide to where to look to find the answers quickly.
Innovative features include questions and pop-up answers on a variety of topics, the extensive glossary and the full storyboard.
Look here for answers to some questions that we are often asked by prospective undergraduate students.
The questions are mostly straightforward, but the answers are quite subversive.
Sunday Post Quiz Answers, August 5, 2001 1 You'd eat it, it's a slightly sweetened bun.
The questions and answers are suitable for all current examination syllabi and a complete mock exam paper is included.
The tramps repetitive inspection of their empty hats perhaps symbolizes mankind's vain search for answers within the vacuum of a universe.
He referred him to the rather tedious answers we tended to give in these situations.
An archived Webcast and full transcript, including questions and answers, will be available by the end of the week.
Folens Writing Frames Folens produce a range of printed workbooks called Writing Frames that invite children to complete sentences with their own answers.
Prophesy provides the answers we all yearn for in uncertain times.
On the other hand, nearly all systems of philosophy have discussed the underlying problems. Such questions as the origin of the cosmos as a whole, the production of organic beings and of conscious minds, and the meaning of the observable grades of creation, have from the dawn of speculation occupied men's minds; and the answers to these questions often imply a vague recognition of the idea of a gradual evolution of things.
As it could be acquired by grant of the sovereign, and as, when once acquired, it went on from generation to generation, it answers exactly to the jus imaginum at Rome, the hereditary badge of nobility conferred by the election of the people.
He corresponded with Ibn Sind (see Avicenna), and the answers of the latter are still preserved in the British Museum.
The one is John of TellÃ, author of 538 canons,' answers to questions by the priest Sergius, a creed and an exposition of the Trisagion.
Thus the Calvinism of the 16th and 17th centuries elaborated answers to questions, which if no attempt had been made to answer them, would have perplexed earnest souls and condemned the system; but many parts of the system are now obsolete, because the conditions which suggested the questions which they sought to answer no longer exist or have no longer any interest or importance."
Her noble attitude, even in the face of the atrocious accusations of Fouquier-Tinville, commanded the admiration even of her enemies, and her answers during her long examination were clear and skilful.
He Occasionally Nods; Is Rather Strident In The Patriotic Vein; And Too Often Answers The Untoward Call Of Rhetoric When His Subject Is About To Soar Into The Heights Of Poetry.
The answers to those questions are what define the Internet.
Uncounted millions more post questions in forums, and millions of answers are posted in response.
This accounted for the odd answers.
I have only three possible answers.
The papers were difficult, and I felt very anxious as I wrote out my answers on the typewriter.
Can any one doubt after reading these questions that the child who was capable of asking them was also capable of understanding at least their elementary answers?
They are the only oracles which are not decayed, and there are such answers to the most modern inquiry in them as Delphi and Dodona never gave.
But now one answers from far woods in a strain made really melodious by distance--Hoo hoo hoo, hoorer hoo; and indeed for the most part it suggested only pleasing associations, whether heard by day or night, summer or winter.
Nature puts no question and answers none which we mortals ask.
He vividly imagined the casual questions that might be put to him and the answers he would give.
Questions and answers were heard.
It was around him that the people chiefly crowded, expecting answers from him to the questions that occupied all their minds.
To these questions there are and can be no answers.
Before you submit your order, Coddan will review the answers you provide on the questionnaire for consistency, completeness, spelling and grammar.
You can find the answers to things, and you 're very quick-witted, picking up ideas and talking faster than other people.
How to create a rapport with the interviewers & deliver your answers in a natural manner.
Looking for rebus puzzles with answers in the UK?
The more questions and answers you rehearse beforehand, the less chance there is of this happening.
It also answers their other commonly asked question about why women go to the restroom in pairs.
The answers are to be found in Edward 's Theater Company 's production of Dario Fo 's riotous comedy.
If you are not satisfied with quick easy answers to these questions, this book will help.
Rosberg may eventually be worn down but, for now, he actually apologizes for his " not so scintillating answers ".
Using a scribe A scribe writes or types the candidate 's answers from dictation.
Overrides the date settings to allow this student to modify their answers.
There is more information about shark cartilage in the questions and answers on complementary therapies section.
The students read the statement and the questions that go with it and she/he answers them all (inventing answers as she/he wishes).
Our fellows have been in the habit of shouting across to the enemy and we used to get answers from them.
They must have spent many sleepless hours formulating their answers to the Last Question - Burn or jump - what will you do?
The tramps repetitive inspection of their empty hats perhaps symbolizes mankind 's vain search for answers within the vacuum of a universe.
There on the mount he challenges them, he throws down the gauntlet to who is the God who answers by fire.
For the moment we need to tread warily in seeking to provide complete or final answers.
There are no trite, easy answers which we can offer.
Whatever your health concerns, get answers here Globe Q. Do I need typhoid vaccinations for South Africa?
But now Lucy 's having nightmares about being forced to wear uncool clothes and suddenly she wants answers.
So many questions, few answers and fewer ' realities ' have been presented to the unknowing public that WILL be answered here.
Micro-simulation can be a simple and relatively unsophisticated form of simulation, aimed principally at providing answers to matters of social policy.
More often than not he discovered answers to such questions in the most unsuspected places.
If the answers to your questions sound vague ask for clarification.
The answers to his questions were in the thick, vulgar speech.
An archived webcast and full transcript, including questions and answers, will be available by the end of the week.
It is these skills, when applied to well-grounded information, that enable students to write high-grade answers.
He was a mean man who tended to gnarl out his answers.
Uxorious as he is, he answers his wife's every beck and call.
We answered in unison, and then laughed because our answers were so different.
Keep reading for some great answers to some toy dilemmas!
The answers to any or all of these questions may have a direct bearing on how well your baby sleeps through the night.
Parents should maintain an open communication with their pediatrician to gain answers and find support.
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Keep reading to find out the answers to these important questions!
The answers to these questions will help you narrow down your pre-school choices.
Have the dad answer predetermined questions about how he'll raise his child, what kind of husband he is, etc. Be sure and write his answers down, but don't let his wife hear them.
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Have guests try to answer each question, and the person with the most correct answers wins!
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Visitors can type in questions, and experts answer them on the site, which sends out personalized email alerts when the answers post.
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Once you have access you can find out answers to almost every question you may have about your Discover card.
If your Discover card is a prepaid gift card or a small business card, you can still find your answers online using the Discover website after you register for online access.
You may also want to visit websites like Fleet Cards USA, which help you find the most suitable gas card for your company based on your answers to a few questions.
They deserve truthful answers to their questions, recognition of their feelings, and relief from feelings of blame or guilt.
The fee for answers to family law questions is $25.00 and is payable through Paypal.
From the attorney's answers, you will get an idea of whether this is someone you can work with and put your confidence in.
You have the opportunity to post questions and get answers from other participants.
If no solid answers are available, encourage family members to imagine what the person may have been like, how he looked as a child (or adult), the places he lived or what he did for a living.
As awareness spreads about the damage that mankind is doing to the environment, and by extension, ourselves, more of us have begun to seek answers and take action to reduce our personal impact on our surroundings.
Thanks to these studies, you can find substantiated answers to the question, what is acai berry good for?
Check out their FAQ page to get answers to common questions about homeopathy.
After getting your answers, ask if there is any way to verify their information.
These answers will help you determine the mood you want to create in your kitchen as well as the color groups you should work in.
There are as many answers as there are people, but the following is a good guidelines to help you make the choice that's right for you.
You may also find inspiration and answers to the question how can I decorate my bedroom by looking at photos of bedroom designs.
When you have the answers for each item on this list, you will be much better prepared to know exactly what you're looking for and how much you can spend.
Whether you want lip plumper in a bottle or a few techniques to give your lips the appearance of obesity… the answers are here at LoveToKnow Makeup.
With LoveToKnow's personal image consultant at your service, you are sure to find answers to some of your beauty woes.
Check out the following subject links for expert answers from our team of leading makeup aficionados.
With that information, you then receive a quick list of recommendations based on your answers.
Though the answers may seem obvious, it is important to think them through.
At this user friendly site you can also find licensed area professionals as well as popular questions and answers about this unique craft.
There are many answers to this question, but these answers are easier to figure out now than when video games first appeared on the scene.
The answers are simple - with a bit of work and a lot of luck, you can do it with the click of a mouse.
The site has a "match maker" function that connects you with Christian singles who share your spiritual beliefs on the basis of your answers to questions about the Christian faith.
Your answers could determine which commercial a cat food company uses to promote its latest blend or influence the suggested retail price of a new shampoo.
This is a quick and efficient way to get answers to your questions, especially if you travel frequently.
During this quick-paced game you play against a timer to see how your answers to questions compare to those given by 100 poll takers.
Before the timer runs out you must figure out the top four answers given by the people surveyed.
During the first round, letters are revealed as hints to the most popular answers.
If you successfully guess the top four answers you move onto the bonus round and have a chance to increase your score.
Read on for the answers to these pivotal questions!
Besides having a passion for working in eating disorders recovery, I am a psychologist, eating disorder specialist, and author of the book 100 Questions and Answers about Anorexia Nervosa.
It can help teens escape to another place, find answers to questions, or find comfort in knowing they are not alone in the topsy turvy stage of adolescence.
Knowing the answers to these questions before booking your rental company will help make the entire process easier.
Check with the convention bureau, parks and recreation department or the office you booked the beach through for answers to these questions.
Guests could write down their answers or shout them out.
These will get the conversation rolling throughout the afternoon, as guests may be amazed or amused by some of the true answers.
Then play his videotaped answers to see if they match up.
Knowing the answers to the most frequently asked questions can help you plan your wedding registry easily.
Her passion for the study of eating disorders has led her to write a book on the topic, 100 Questions and Answers about Anorexia Nervosa.
Anyone who answers "yes" to more than seven questions is likely a compulsive gambler.
Griffin's quiz show format came on the heels of the game show scandals of the 1950s, when producers would rig the shows to give contestants the answers.
Networks were not thrilled by the quiz show concept, but Griffin pitched a spin on the traditional format by giving the clues in the form of answers.
The quiz provides 50 celebrities that are possible matches, depending on your answers to the questions.
I played the housekeeper who answers the door and my line was "Sorry, nobody is home."
The answers to these questions should guide you as you shop for the socks that are just right for your child.
After you've found the answers to the above questions, then ask yourself if the items you are ordering will save you money.
Unless you meet the criteria to file as an independent student or file a Dependency Override Appeal, you'll be required to base your answers on your parents' most recent tax return as well as your own.
He or she also answers questions via email.
However, it doesn't always tell the whole story, and you won't always be able to find all the answers to the questions you have by reading through it.
As such, they're often the quickest and best way to get answers to common questions or find out others' opinions on issues that require a decision.
You ask the right questions to get the answers you need beginning with an independent review of online MBA programs or as it is known in education, the accreditation the school and the program has to offer.
Some questions are open-ended and let students share their opinions and specific comments about an issue, but most questions request answers on a five-point ranked scale.
The numeric scale allows The Princeton Review to efficiently and accurately calculate average answers among all students at a single school and also among students nationwide.
The electronic version is more convenient for students because it allows them to submit answers at any time during the academic year in a format with which they're familiar.
Thousands of travelers ask that question every year, and there are many answers that can help eager passengers save money on a Carnival cruise vacation.
These questions and their answers determine how far a ship can travel and the route it must take to return home safe and sound.
Another great online resource is, which answers questions from potential cruisers.
Don't book a cruise unless you are comfortable with the answers and the agent you are dealing with.
Ask the Expert is the place to get personalized answers to all of your non-emergency dog care questions.
I paid $800.00 with the confidence of getting a specific lineage, but now I am very upset, uncertain of my pet's heritage and I'm not getting any answers from the breeder.
Are there any avenues I can take to get answers and make sure the breeder doesn't get away with her behavior?
Perhaps these questions and answers will remove any lingering doubts you may have about your own possibly pregnant dog's condition.
I hope that answers your student's question, and please say hello to the class for me.
Thanks, and I hope you find these answers useful!
Look for as many different answers as you can find and then compare them to each other.
Ask ten different dog trainers, veterinarians and breeders about tug of war with your dog, and you're likely to get ten different answers.
This outline provides a general synopsis that answers the question of "How does a dog act when it is dying?"
Be honest with yourself about the answers.
If the answers to any of these questions are yes, your dog's nails probably need to be trimmed.
There will be many other questions as well, so if you do not want to provide answers, you may not be a candidate to adopt.
The answers to these questions will help you determine what you'll need for your winter vegetable garden.
Well, you have come to the right place for answers.
For further information, check out the company's FAQ site to see answers to commonly asked questions about this amazing material.
If you have questions about a specific Sikkens Deck stain product, provides a frequently asked questions section with answers to the most common inquiries.
In this exclusive LoveToKnow interview with Nicole Hall, the Editor-in-Chief of, you'll learn the answers to some of the most commonly asked questions that people have about home improvement loans.
The good news is that your house already has the answers you need.
The answers to these questions dictate the choice of rainwear.
The promise of easy money makes this an area where you might not be getting what you pay for unless you're careful to look beyond the label for answers.
If you are unsure call or email the company to get the answers you need.
Research is ongoing, and time will reveal many answers with regard to the safety of this scientific engineering marvel.
This research and the answers it produces may hold the keys to bettering the nutrition and health of people across the globe.
When ordering online, be sure to get your questions answers before you place your order.
While the prospect may be daunting, one way to get a plus size ribbed turtleneck that answers to all your needs and looks sensational on you is to either knit one yourself or, if you are not a confident knitter, have it knitted for you.
If you have questions about fit for a specific bra brand, contact the manufacturer’s customer service to get answers.
To keep things interesting, you may want to release a question a day for several days before allowing participants to submit their answers.
All entries that have the correct answers can be placed into a draw for a prize.
You can put the answers on the back of the card, and the children can quiz each other or play this safety game themselves.
You can have the team members work together to come up with their answers or ask each team member a question in turn.
If you don't understand something your doctor has told you, ask that it be explained more clearly and don't be afraid to take notes to help you remember your provider's answers.
If you feel confident, it will show in your answers and your overall demeanor.
Don't let insecurity result in timid body language and tentative answers.
Participate in a mock interview to prepare for thinking on your feet and formulating answers under pressure.
A simple Internet search should provide most, if not all, the answers to any retirement questions.
Choose categories like family history, and family favorites and explore the answers together.
The results are indicated based on the number of uppercase "YES" or "NO" answers, which indicate depression symptoms.
Count the number of capitalized "YES" or "NO" answers and add up your score.
Typically, forum users post information or questions, and other forum members respond with comments or answers.
Nationwide Retirement Solutions offers guidance and options to people who want answers when it comes to a variety of aspects regarding planning for their golden years.
Nationwide offers answers regarding different types of investment retirement accounts and helps to sort through the different risks and strategies to find the solution that works best for your lifestyle.
Consider joining the Yahoo Group to ask questions and get answers from people who already live there.
Ask questions and make sure you are comfortable with the answers you receive.
If you or a family member sleep walks, knowing the general answers to the question "Why do people sleep walk?" is not enough.
It is best to consult a physician for answers to what is triggering the sleep walking in your specific situation.
Yahoo Answers offers some mixed responses (and some sage advice about dogs liking the device as a chew toy).
Ask questions and thoroughly understand the answers before surgery.
Here is a sample of a few such questions, as well as their answers.
Here are some of the most commonly asked questions and their answers.
If you're already a member, stopping in to talk with the optician and view the frame selection may give you the answers you're looking for and help you to make your decision.
Locating forums is helpful because you can ask targeted questions and get answers quickly.
Nintendo Wii support provides help with problems, answers questions about their products and facilitates open communication in terms of criticism and praise.
The millionaire games have you picking which one of the four answers is spelled correctly in order to climb the money ladder.
Maybe some of your answers to "how does a Nintendo DS work" have been answered.
The question, "How much money does a video game designer make?" has numerous answers, depending on who you ask.
So there are only three answers to the question, "Is there an invincibility cheat in Halo on Xbox?"
Registration is free, and based on answers to a few questions, they will be able to cater to your chess playing style.
Why people play old video games can elicit many answers.
Armed with powers of Levitation, Pyrokinesis, and Clairvoyance (to name a few), you'll journey through bizarre dreamscapes as you enter the minds of those around you searching for answers to your burning questions.
Anyone who publicly answers that question is begging to be heckled in the years to come.
The new twist on this game allows you to bet against others, steal player's game wedges and get extra rewards for speedy answers.
It's the console for everyone and that answers the question of "What does Wii stand for?"
Here are five answers to the question -- "What was that video game?" -- that many people may ask.
Answers are added by gamers like you, probably after tried and true techniques.
At the bottom of the Wii Sports page, you can add your own comments and ask questions to get unique answers.
If you answers are no, then the game may not be geared towards kids.
Of course, the answers are "No" and "No".
HomeBrew Wine - includes answers to your winemaking questions, equipment information, wine kits, and instructions for red wine and white wine making.
If you'd still like more answers to the question, "What is port wine?", then visit Port.
When asked to describe Cabernet Sauvignon, wine lovers are likely to give a variety of answers.
If you asked four different coca cola bottle collectors what the term antique coke bottle means to them, you most likely will get four different answers.
Read on to learn the answers to these questions.
Just as with the iPod and other popular portable electronic devices, there are many answers to the question of where can I purchase an iPhone.
This way, you'll be asking the right kinds of questions or, better still, you'll already know the answers to these questions.
That fundamentally answers the question, "How do cell phones work?"
Armed with the answers to the questions posed above, you are now in a better position to shop for the best cell phone plans.
Item-pattern scoring examines not only the number of correct responses, but also the difficulty level of the questions answered right and the interrelationship of the pattern of answers.
When the child seems to repeat the same questions over and over, the same answers, as open and honest as possible, must be repeated patiently.
If the parents are required to provide the answers, they are reminded that accuracy is the best way to achieve a result that may help the child.
Parents also need to be careful about how they respond to questions and comments about their child's disability when their child is present, always keeping in mind that the child can hear their answers and comments.
The contrasting philosophies at the heart of the answers to these questions determine the essential perspective of each moral development theory.
Parents and teachers want to know how to raise moral children, and they turn to moral development theorists to find answers.
Semi-structured interview-A psychiatric instrument characterized by open-ended questions for discussion rather than brief questions requiring yes or no answers.
If the teacher is bilingual, students may be allowed to ask questions in their native language, but the teacher answers them in English.
They should have a basic understanding and answers to questions such as what are personality disorders, who gets them, what causes them, how are diagnoses made, and what treatments are available.
As of the early 2000s no answers had been found to explain the causes of stuttering; still, much has been learned about what contributes to stuttering's development and how to prevent it in children.
However, creativity involves divergent thinking, which is the ability to come up with new and unusual answers.
If you have a question about cooking basics, ethnic cuisines, or just need a few quick after school snacks, you'll find the answers you're looking for here.
Depending on who you ask, you may get different answers, from the titillating to the intensely spiritual.
A nurse comes to the house, takes the baby's vital signs, assists with feeding and wound care if open wounds are present, and answers any questions that parents and other caregivers may have.
There are no right answers and pet loss is just as painful as losing humans.
A form of divination providing inspiration and answers from the world's oldest oracle, free I Ching readings are based on ancient Chinese wisdom.
For thousands of years people have sought guidance and the answers to many of life's questions from the I Ching.
When using coins or sticks in I Ching fortune telling, the requester thinks of a simple question that has a specific focus and casts either three coins or 49 yarrow sticks to find the answers.
Choose questions that have a clear focus, but aren't seeking yes or no answers.
The answers to these questions have aided genealogists in tracking the migration pattern of a family and verifying parentage.
Typically, the interviews took three to five hours and focused on the immigrants' answers to 29 questions they were asked before they left on their voyage from their home countries.
While you can get a lot of answers through genealogy DNA testing, a cheek swab analyzed in this way won't tell you everything.
The information age is truly flourishing as the Internet becomes progressively more of a medium for people seeking answers to problems and for similarly afflicted individuals to connect.
Hair loss support group San Antonio searchers can get in touch with organizations such as the American Hair Loss Association in hopes of obtaining answers or perhaps suggestions regarding a support group in their area.
However, if your support group is actively seeking out answers and possible solutions for your common problems, you will find yourself feeling more hopeful and optimistic.
With the positive support of a community forum, chances are good you'll find many answers to plenty of questions you may have about your hair type and styling concerns.
You'll also find the answers to tough questions about homeschooling and how it works, including ideas for graduations and proms.
Since questions tend to fall within a limited number of subjects, you can probably find the answers that you are looking for there.
Call or visit your school district's office and get answers to your questions before turning the form in.
Of course, the system should have a guide with the answers and teaching strategies to help.
When they are first learning, allow the child to look at the answers as needed.
If your child hates math or doesn't understand it easily, the combination of clear explanations, many review problems with answers, tests and test keys and CD ROM instruction combine into one powerful package for any child.
Teaching kids that multiplication and repeated addition are the same is an important step for your child to learn how to multiply. 2 + 2 + 2 is the same 3 x 2 and both answers are six.
Once you have prepared a list of questions to ask the interviewer, it is equally important to prepare mock answers to questions the interviewer might ask you.
Knowing the types of questions that might be asked, and preparing your answers in advance, will help you transition through the interview with confidence.
Print your answers neatly and use a blue or black pen to do so.
Since the employer will be making a decision about whether to interview you based on your answers, you will want to make sure that the information you provide is accurate and complete.
Use a blue or black pen and print your answers.
When looking for a job, many people seek example answers for interviews.
Finding example answers for interviews is especially useful in dealing with these types of difficult questions.
In addition to reading these example answers for interviews, brainstorm your own sample answers to some of the more common questions you can expect to encounter.
What are good answers for interview questions?
The fact is that what separates good answers from bad ones will vary from one company, job, or interviewer to another - simply because not every position has the same requirements.
Interviewers can quickly tell not only by your answers to their questions but the questions you ask how much time and thought you put into preparing for the interview.
It provides real world answers to the most pressing questions job seekers have about the interview process.
Make sure you understand the answers, and if not, ask for clarification.
Some calculators do give you the ability to calculate these items, but you need to have the information to provide before you can get your answers.
There are many questions that should be asked before deciding whether or not to refinance a mortgage, and the answers to those questions should determine whether or not "right now" is the best time to go through with it.
Canada calculators are specifically designed for Canada mortgages and can provide you with the best estimates, as well as answers to your mortgage payment questions.
There you will find basic answers to your home buying questions, as well as information on financing options, rates and costs, calculators, and much more.
If you've got questions about mortgages, they've got answers.
The Federal Housing Administration will have clear-cut answers for you, and if the lender is acting inappropriately then the FHA can get involved.
Talk to a variety of professionals within the finance industry and you'll get a variety of answers.
If applicants feel as though they are not getting answers to all the questions they have, then that may be a good sign that it is time to seek out a different lender.
Ask ten different financial experts and you'll probably get ten different answers to this question.
There is a website for FHA with FAQs, and the answers literally change from week to week.
In the age of electronics and instant answers, you may find yourself searching the Internet for an online pregnancy test in the event you get that strange feeling that you may be pregnant.
Those posting answers to your questions are just people like you; they are not experts.
Finding answers to FAQ about teen pregnancy doesn't have to be difficult.
We've compiled our most frequently asked questions about pregnancy--and our answers--into this easy to reference list.
The question "when is a woman most fertile" has answers that are the same for all women.
Whether you are waiting until you are far enough along to find out if you are pregnant or you simply feel like something isn't quite right with your body, finding the answers to your questions is extremely important.
Pregnancy in men continues to be a hot topic for debate that raises as many questions as it does answers.
Depending on your answers to these questions, your provider may recommend further testing, such as Chorionic Villus Sampling or a First Trimester Screen.
There are several different answers you could be looking for if you were wondering about the height of the Golden Gate Bridge.
Knowing the answers to these questions can help you decide how much money to spend, and just how many swimsuits you'll actually need to purchase.
Wholesale beach towel suppliers have the answers to your toweling needs.
The following article answers the question, "Do certain nutrients, like vitamin D, reduce your risk of heart attack?"
Vitamin B12 is an important nutrient essential to good health, and if you have wondered 'what is B12 good for', you will learn the answers here.
One of the first answers to the question, "how do I build a wardrobe," once you know what you need, is to start with a few good basics that all women should have.
The person who answers the phone will not be able to tell you what you need to fix your appliance.
You can review the website for product manuals, frequently asked questions, and answers to common technical problems.
You could ask twenty different people to name their favorite Star Wars board game and you might hear twenty different answers.
Players 'bet' on each other's answers based on what you know about the participants, guessing the odds, or simply making an educated guess.
Some of your best ideas for improvements can come from people you don't know, since they tend to give the most candid answers and comments.
As you ask questions, your opponent will either say yes or no, and as answers are given, characters are eliminated.
Here you can find answers to geek questions, find stats and check out guilds among various other items.
The answers to these questions will help you decide what kind of game your want to create.
You can give husbands and wives their own copies of the questions, allow them to answer them separately and then come together to see how many answers they got correct, or simply use the list as a conversation starter during dinner.
For years, people complained the questions were hard, and that no one could possibly know the answers, but others defended the selection of questions saying that any of the answers are common knowledge and easily researched.
Once a player is back to the center of the board, he answers one final question.
If he answers the question correctly, he has won the game.
Naughty clues that seem very suggestive and appear to be leading you in the worst possible direction often turn out have very innocent answers.
If you don't have that option, however, this article should be able to provide you with the basics to get you started and the resources to get more answers.
Searching the board may even turn up the answers you're looking for, as others have likely had the same questions in the past.
In some religions, such as the Catholic faith, rows of votive candles are often lit at the feet of magnificent statues as church goers ask for answers to their prayers.
When you ask the question "Where can I donate books", the answers are often simple.
Tell everyone they can ask one yes-or-no question of every guest, using the paper to record their answers.
The answer to all questions will always be "Holiday Sausages", regardless of which team answers.
You can go to a website that will ask you questions and find people in your area with similar answers.