Answered-for Sentence Examples
A woman with a gruff voice answered for Blast Publishing.
When the Franco-German War of 1870-71 broke out Russia answered for the neutrality of Austria.
Doa Maria Christina calmly presided over this solemn council, listening to the advice of Marshal Campos, always consulted in every great crisis; of Captain-General Pavia, who answered for the loyalty of the capital and of its garrison; of the duke de Sexto, the chief of the household; of Marshal Blanco, the chief of the military household; and of all the members of the cabinet and the presidents of the Senate and Congress assembled in the presence of the queen, the ex-queen Isabella, and the Infanta Isabella.
He then affected to hold aloof, and would have been arrested, had not the minister of war, Ceballos, answered for his good behaviour, and quartered him in Avila under surveillance.
Next, place her in front of everyone and ask her what she thinks her husband answered for each question.
The novel sold more than 44 million copies worldwide and answered for the last time who dies in the new Harry Potter book?