Answered Sentence Examples
I answered with a chuckle.
Julia answered the phone and called to Brandon.
Someone knocked on the door and when she answered it, a man brought in their luggage.
When he answered, his voice was gravely.
Cade answered the door and ushered his sister into the family room where Cynthia was doing some last minute dusting.
Finally she answered with a question of her own.
I answered his question with one of my own.
In a recent survey, only a quarter of Americans answered that question with a "yes."
She wanted him brought to Boston, and when she was told that money would be needed to get him a teacher, she answered, "We will raise it."
But after a minute I answered that beauty was a form of goodness--and he went away.
AdvertisementAfter that he asked me if the strings were all right and changed them at once when I answered in the negative.
He answered brusquely and deposited her things in the middle of the room.
When no one answered, she knocked again.
All of these she answered herself, and she made public acknowledgment in letters to the newspapers.
Many are the travellers I have spoken concerning them, describing their tracks and what calls they answered to.
AdvertisementThe prince answered nothing, but she looked at him significantly, awaiting a reply.
Lisa started to get up but Howard motioned her to sit still while he answered the door.
Yancey tossed his newspaper aside and stomped into the hallway, where he gruffly answered the intrusive caller.
She said when a familiar voice answered on the fifth ring.
Daniel Brennan answered on the first ring.
AdvertisementBrennan answered his own question.
The figure above me answered.
The phone rang, precluding a pithy rejoinder, and as Cynthia was elbow-deep in dishwater, Dean answered.
The phone rang four times and Carmen was ready to hang up when Katie answered.
From the next stall, Dawn answered.
AdvertisementBelieve me, Quinn answered.
I don't really know, but I think I answered one of the first calls they made.
Martha answered and with a strange look on her face, turned the phone over to Howie.
Strange though, when I asked if gunshots were common, they answered yes, but it was a quiet weekend; none had been reported for several days.
Agnes Delanco answered immediately.
I rang the bell and I could see shadow movement behind the thin drapes but no one answered.
A woman with a gruff voice answered for Blast Publishing.
Our dog spotted a rabbit crossing his driveway and lurched forward to give chase, tangling me in his leash as I answered.
I know, my wife answered.
He answered matter-of-factly, without any sense of embarrassment.
I blurted out as soon as Jackson thankfully answered.
I answered to detective Jackson.
Wait a minute, he said just as Jackson answered my cell.
A person behind me answered nervously.
I'll get on it, a voice answered.
The phone rang more than a dozen times before a man with groggy voice answered.
His phone rang again, and he answered, trailing Bianca to an elevator.
Jonny answered, plainly pulled from sleep.
Speck crossed his arms and waited as he answered.
Yes, I suppose, she answered.
Most of what I know comes from what I've relearned after the Schism, Jule answered.
How may I direct your call? a pleasant voice answered.
As if in a dream, she pulled it free and answered.
You never answered my question.
His phone rang, and he answered, expecting the woman to return his call with a few dozen apologies.
She hesitated then answered.
There was a pause before the man on the other end answered.
His cell rang, and he answered, eyes always moving.
The number wasn't familiar, but she answered.
Deidre sucked in a deep breath, praying the demon lord answered the summons.
She knocked, and Wynn answered.
I simply took on a form that you would not find threatening, Zamon answered.
She answered as Martha giggled, earning a stern look.
Finally she answered, "Let's just pretend."
It's a Lou Rankin design, Fred answered.
Dean, towel over his arm, answered it.
It's practically still dark out there, Dean answered.
A male voice answered and after Dean explained about the bone, he was told to bring it over.
Fred answered with a wave of his hand.
Then he answered his own question.
She answered without a pause.
Dean answered it and was delighted to hear Martha's voice.
No one answered until Dean finally said, "The bus service stinks."
Jennifer asked "Probably to frighten us off," Dean answered.
Dean could tell by the look on her face that Lydia wanted to forget about Billy Langstrom and the accident, but she answered.
When Dean didn't respond, she answered.
It was Blackie Rowland's old workings, back during the war, Roger answered.
I wonder if anyone answered his ad and he caught up with Josh.
Ed was okay, so long as he kept his belly away from the bar, Harold answered.
She answered his unasked question.
Ten minutes later, Lydia Larkin answered her door dressed in very tight and very small white shorts with a red elastic thing that covered only her breasts and nothing of the acres of skin in the middle.
Dean, who'd just returned from pressing election flesh, answered.
She answered her own question before he had a chance.
Nothing. I said I answered the 911 call and you came along— down the mountain, not up from town like me—and we went down to the crash together.
After it was repeated, Dean answered it to find Lydia Larkin.
Cynthia answered but quickly motioned for Dean to pick up the extension.
Bills were paid, telephones answered and smiles smiled where called for.
Most queries were answered in monosyllables except the last, which Dean put off by explaining they'd discuss the bones at length in the morning.
Dean was beginning to wonder, but answered no.
She grabbed the mike and answered.
You answered my question.
I don't care to relive it all, he answered.
Several nights later the telephone rang and Carmen answered it.
She watched as he examined Casper and answered his questions.
Shock or maybe fear put the words in her mouth when the woman answered.
I might have a later text with similar symbols I can use to trace the roots of the writing, Tamer answered.
He answered at once.
I seek an alliance against my former employer and to regain my place at the Council, Sasha answered.
It wasn.t hard to figure out why he did it after so long refusing to become Death.s slave, Darkyn answered.
Ne'Rin turned to him, and he realized he hadn't answered his advisor's question.
I got some ideas and I have a few feelers out, Fred answered, a defensive tone in his voice.
The phone rang twice while he worked, both times answered by Fred who sounded as if he was booking another guest.
But it's too bad she didn't send you one of those itsy-bitsy outfits all the really cool skaters wear, he answered.
We've practically got a full house of ice climbers starting in a couple of days, Dean answered.
It was Cynthia who answered.
As he answered the late night call, he glanced up the staircase to see Edith in the hall above, a specter in her antique dress, a look of alarm on her face.
Dean answered affirmatively and smiled up at Edith Shipton, giving an all-is-well wave.
Then Cynthia answered her own question before biting into her toast.
It's only eight-thirty, Dean answered as they stepped into the hall.
But, yes, he answered.
Cynthia answered, another guest confirming his room while Fred told his new skiing partner he'd see him in the morning.
When Dean answered it, Edith Shipton stood there, still clad in the white dress, that she now owned.
It's booked tomorrow but it's empty tonight, Cynthia answered.
Not after she'd been working at it awhile, Cynthia answered, not taking her eyes from the page as she continued to work.
Fred answered with a look that said he, too, was justifiably proud to be on the slopes at his age.
He announced to Dean he had answered the door and a customer was waiting.
And remember—innocent until proven guilty, she answered as she readied for bed.
It was he who answered.
Shipton answered with a smile.
As she answered it, he pondered what she had said.
A grumpy man answered and Dean tested his sweetest voice.
Dean answered, "I just want...."
Dean answered a phone call—a six-month-early summer reservation—while waving to the departing guests.
They're sort of moving in on this, he answered.
Fitzgerald answered but Dean intervened, grabbing the old man's arm.
Dean telephoned Cynthia's mother's number and his wife answered on the first ring.
He answered his own question.
Weller prodded him further to the shadows beyond before he answered.
Dean answered him with a cold stare.
He answered it, muttered a few words, and hung up.
It rang a second time before Dean released Edith's pinned arms and answered it.
Then she answered her own question.
He answered by instinct, yet, in spite of not thinking of his answer, had he been given more time to consider, it would have remained the same.
Fred looked up from his notes and answered Dean's unasked question.
Ain't you going to ask how I answered?
When Sarah asked why, he answered, "I don't know, I guess I'm running out of things to say."
She answered quickly, and gasped upon seeing the orchid.
She answered with a warm, full kiss.
Jackson answered, "Where are you?"
He answered with a grin that allowed her to see his fangs.
The doorbell demanded his attention and he answered the door to find a tall young man standing in the hallway.
His truck was in the drive, but no one answered the door, so she walked down to the barn.
The phone rang four times before a sleepy male voice answered.
It took me a couple of years to realize God had answered my prayer the first time.
She closed her eyes and said a prayer of thanks before she answered him.
Mrs. Watson answered the door with a shotgun over her shoulder, her wrinkled face peering up at Lana.
I guess I'm scared, but I'm too tired to tell, she answered.
Brady looked from the injured man to the streaks of red in the sky, which were answered by two more streaks to the north.
She looked up at him, and he answered the unasked question.
I don't know who he told, she answered.
Been trying to teach her for weeks, Elise answered without looking up.
Seems logical enough, Kelli answered.
We have a plan, Kelli answered with confidence Lana didn't share.
One north, one south, Brady answered.
I don't think you called in this strike, Brady answered, looking over the flattened city grimly.
The phone was answered by a woman who identified herself as Mrs. Riley, a neighbor.
The detective's knock was answered by a woman who introduced herself as Janice Riley, the neighbor he had spoken to on the phone.
Dean started slowly and she answered in a straightforward manner, her voice becoming stronger as she proceeded.
There was no pause before she answered.
She answered without pause and then spent long seconds looking down at her coffee, as if searching for words to clarify her statement.
Anderson's wife Marian answered on the first ring.
The two-story home had been built in the depression years and although there was little land around it, it was comfortable, well constructed and had answered Dean's limited needs—at least "temporarily"—for the past 15 years.
Why didn't the person who answered her call talk to her?
He grabs 'em where he can find 'em, she answered as she began to coo and squirm.
Philly was fogged in, he answered.
Cynthia Byrne answered in a tentative voice on the first ring.
Between bites he answered Fred's questions, filling in the details of the trip south.
Dean answered in a voice as nonchalant as he could muster.
The last day or so, I guess, Dean answered.
Looks like they're interested in your high school sweetheart, Rita answered without looking up.
He filled out the paperwork on his visit to Norfolk and answered some of his phone messages.
The principal located the boy, who willingly answered Dean's questions once he learned his own activities were of no interest to the police.
Dean telephoned Cynthia Byrne next, but Randy answered.
I'll go into as much detail as I can, Dean answered.
It was Winston who answered, anger in his voice.
Fred thought a minute, but Dean answered his own question.
He handed the old man ten dollars and was handed a slip of paper with the phone number from the rental sign Mrs. Glass was apparently an early riser and answered the phone on the second ring.
Surprisingly, a woman's voice answered on the first ring.
Dean clawed out a hand and answered it.
Fred answered innocently and then changed the subject.
The lieutenant's wife Marian answered the phone.
It's been a tough couple of weeks, he answered.
I never should have answered his phone call.
He answered his own question as he sipped on his beer.
He pressed her further about Arthur and she finally answered.
He dialed the number but no one answered.
She answered on the first ring.
Seven a.m. proved successful as a sleepy voice answered on the third ring.
Fred answered on the first ring with what Dean detected as a hint of anxiety in his voice.
Randy Byrne answered the phone and seemed surprised to hear Dean's voice.
Dean answered the obvious—he had no idea of the content of the missive.
She turned to look at him and answered, coldly.
A man's voice answered on the second ring.
Dean answered by insisting his questions were routine.
Burgess answered quickly, impatience showing in his voice.
He was your husband for half your life and the father of your son, he answered.
She gave it some thought and then answered.
Lori looked surprised when she answered.
Actually, Josh did ask her, but she had never answered.
Later that evening, Alex answered his cell phone.
If he wanted to talk, he would have answered it.
As he walked through the lobby, the phone rang and Saundra answered it.
Grabbing the receiver, she answered breathlessly.
You answered the phone mighty fast.
It couldn't be easy for him — and the way Josh answered the phone that night — no wonder he was suspicious.
Find one, focus on him, and let your power do its job, Charles answered.
Pure terror, she answered mentally.
The orchard is right there on the edge of the city, Jenn answered.
My eyes are weak, but my hearing and my other senses are not, he answered.
Soon, the demon answered.
He pulled away with an exasperated sigh and answered the phone.
Alex answered without looking back at Aaron.
The phone rang four times before he answered.
He was silent for a moment and when he answered, his voice was controlled.
For a moment he didn't respond, and finally he answered with a single word.
She put the plate of sandwiches on the table and answered her phone.
She placed the folded towels in the basket and set it on the floor, turning back to face Alex as he answered.
He finally shook his head, his voice breaking as he answered.
The caller spoke in Spanish and Alex answered likewise.
A soft voice answered.
After a pause Mr. O'Hara answered.
The telephone rang twice before a familiar voice answered.
She crawled out from under the table and answered the door.
This time her cell phone worked and a deep voice answered.
When he answered, his tone was terse.
She resumed packing and answered dryly.
He favored her with a wry smile and answered dryly.
Seeing Ashley's number, she answered.
I think she'll end up as a Warrior, Damian answered.
If I can find you, so can they, Jonny answered.
The question, however, still remains to be answered how people came to the belief or to the assumption that through the soul, or the seat of life of the sacrificial animal, the intention of the gods could be divined.
On the 25th of November Cromwell charged Manchester with "unwillingness to have the war prosecuted to a full victory"; which Manchester answered by accusing Cromwell of having used expressions against the nobility, the Scots and Presbyterianism; of desiring to fill the army of the Eastern Association with Independents to prevent any accommodation; and of having vowed if he met the king in battle he would as lief fire his pistol at him as at anybody else.
Whether if Cromwell had survived he would have succeeded in gradually establishing legal government is a question which can never be answered.
In 1776 he answered Gibbon's chapters on Christianity, and had the honour of being one of the only two opponents whom Gibbon treated with respect.
Before that time there was no basin or wet-dock, though the river Medway to some extent answered the same purpose, but a portion of the adjoining salt-marshes was then taken in, and three basins have been constructed, communicating with each other by means of large locks, so that ships can pass from the bend of the Medway at Gillingham to that at Upnor.
This answered sufficiently well to prove the feasibility of the plan, and subsequent experiments were directed to the discovery of the best form and arrangement of the parts.
It was immediately answered from the side of the " old learning " by Gardiner.
When the Franco-German War of 1870-71 broke out Russia answered for the neutrality of Austria.
But, what is of far greater importance, there never arose at Athens any body of men which at all answered to the nobilitas of Rome.
The four Ionic tribes at Athens seem to have answered very closely to the three patrician tribes at Rome; but the Athenian demos grew up in a different way from the Roman plebs.
The so-called cities (7rbXas) of the TEpioucot answered pretty well to the local plebeian tribes; the difference is that the 7repioLKOC never became a united corporate body like the Roman plebs.
In the 18th century the nobility of France and the nobility of Poland alike answered to the very strictest definition of nobility; but the political positions of the two were as broadly contrasted as the positions of any two classes of men could be.
These questions were never properly answered by them.
The weak parts of this story are the sudden and unexplained departure of the Simons; the subsequent useless cruelty of treating the child like a wild beast and keeping him in a dark room practically out of sight (unless any doubt of his identity was possible), while his sister was in comparative comfort; the cause of death, declared to be of long standing, but in fact developed with such rapidity; the insufficient excuse provided for the child's muteness under Gomin's regime (he had answered Barras) and the irregularities in the formalities in attending the death and the funeral, when a simple identification of the body by Marie Therese would have prevented any question of resuscitated dauphins.
To that it may be answered, though these occupations be not used, there be as many newe occupations that were not used before; as getting of quicke settes, diching, hedging and plashing, the which the same men may use and occupye."
This question can readily be answered as regards the past forty years or so, for which material g p y y ?
Already in 1087 and 1088 he had appealed to Baldwin of Flanders, verbally and by letter,' for troops; and Baldwin had answered the appeal.
The instant cries of Deus volt which answered the note showed that Urban had struck aright.
The Crusade was now at last answered by the counter-Crusade - the jihad; for though for many years past Saladin had, in his attempt to acquire all the inheritance of Nureddin, left Palestine unmenaced and intact, his ultimate aim was always the holy war and the recovery of Jerusalem.
These disputes involved questions of principle which had long occupied Henry's attention, and Becket's defiant attitude was answered by the famous Constitutions of Clarendon, in which the king defined, professedly according to ancient use and custom, the relations of Church and State.
The objections of the antiphlogistonists, such as the fact that calces weigh more than the original metals instead of less as the theory suggests, were answered by postulating that phlogiston was a principle of levity, or even completely ignored as an accident, the change of qualities being regarded as the only matter of importance.
Kekule answered Ladenburg by formulating a dynamic interpretation of valency.
His four adversaries answered this challenge by immediately doing the same.
Faure answered perfectly to this description.
At this time the Visigoths who settled in Spain early in the 5th century were menaced by two powerful enemies, the Suevi who had a small kingdom in the north-west of the peninsula, and the Byzantines who had answered Athanagild's appeal for help by taking possession of a stretch of country in the south-east.
That question can only be answered by examining whether or not the particles move in an electric field.
The question as to the law of the secondary waves is thus answered by Stokes.
This may best be answered by defining what we understand by health.
This call is immediately answered by an active proliferation and steady maturing of the myclocytes in the marrow to form the polymorpho-nuclear leucocytes.
The only excuse made for the alternate cringing and insult, the alternate abuse and lying, which marked his course in this matter, has been the very weak plea that a man cannot fight with a system - a plea which is sufficiently answered by the retort that a great many men have so fought and have won.
The banks were crowded with stairs for boats, and the watermen of that day answered to the chairmen of a later date and the cabmen of to-day.
He denounced Milton's Divorce i at Pleasure, was answered in the Colasterion, and contemptuously referred to in the sonnet "On the Forcers of Conscience."
The rich man answered, I can only protect my own.
In June a warning proclamation by the governor was answered by a series of violent speeches by Papineau, who in August was deprived of his commission in the militia.
Percy is said to have answered this defiance with the words, "Not here, but on the field."
The speech of the chancellor of the exchequer, he said, must be answered " on the moment."
It was answered that Po, i.e.
Pilate answered, What is truth?"
In its sixth chapter the question whether it is lawful to overthrow a tyrant is freely discussed and answered in the affirmative, a circumstance which brought much odium upon the Jesuits, especially after the assassination of Henry IV.
This justification of the ancient creeds carries with it the justification of later confessions so far as they answered questions which would be fatal to religion if they were not answered.
Here Crawford's declaration has, "She asked him why he would pass away in the English ship. He answered that he had spoken with the Englishman, but not of mind to go away with him.
The question whether Trajan's Oriental policy was wise is answered emphatically by Mommsen in the affirmative.
His administration of the war department during the Spanish-American War was severely criticized for extravagance in army contracts, for unpreparedness, and for general inefficiency, charges which he answered in his The Spanish-American War (1901).
Although it was a slave state, the majority of the people of Delaware opposed secession in 1861, and the legislature promptly answered President Lincoln's call to arms; yet, while 14,000 of the 40,000 males between the ages of fourteen and sixty served in the Union army, there were many sympathizers with the Confederacy in the southern part of the state.
In a war which soon followed he was successful; the remonstrances of Carthage with Rome on the behaviour of her ally were answered by the appointment of Scipio as arbitrator; but, as though intentionally on the part of Rome, no definite settlement was arrived at, and thus the relations between Massinissa and the Carthaginians continued strained.
But Polycarp displayed the same uncompromising attitude which his master John had shown towards Cerinthus and answered, "I recognize you as the first-born of Satan."
This pamphlet answered the argument that it would be unsafe to keep Canada because of the added strength that would thus be given to any possible movement for independence in the English colonies, by urging that so long as Canada remained French there could be no safety for the English colonies in North America, nor any permanent peace in Europe.
After his translation to Ely (1609), he again controverted Bellarmine in the Responsio ad Apologiam, a treatise never answered.
Waldo answered that he must obey God rather than man.
This the assembly refused to do but parliament answered (1767) by forbidding it to do any other business until it complied.
William the Conqueror answered this attack by marching into Scotland in 1072, whereupon Malcolm made peace with the English king at Abernethy and "was his man."
It is evident, therefore, that the request for a definition of Ultramontanism cannot be answered with a concise formula, but that the varied character of its manifestations necessitates a more detailed examination of its peculiar objects.
Dr Howley, who was nothing if not pompous, answered that he had come on state business, to which everything, even sleep, must give place.
Having made ' The Financial Secretary to the Admiralty answered in the affirmative a question asked in the House of Commons on May 4 1921 by Visct.
It was answered that the sinner was really dead, and that the work of the Spirit was to give an actually new life.
It was answered that sin had not totally destroyed man's ethical nature, and that grace changed what was morally insensitive into what was morally sensitive, so that there could be a cooperation between God's grace and man's will.
His friend Slowacki answered them in some taunting verses, and this led to a quarrel between the poets.
During the time he held this office he publicly defended the Dominicans against the university of Paris, commented on St John, and answered the errors of the Arabian philosopher, Averroes.
The ruthless determination of the superior leaders had been answered splendidly by the devotion of the troops, but the men of Chancellorsville and Gettysburg were mostly dead or wounded, and the recruits attracted by bounties or compelled by the "draft," which had at last been enforced in the North, proved far inferior soldiers to the gallant veterans whom they replaced.
The matter peculiar to Matthew and Luke raises a number of interesting questions which are still too much sub judice to be answered decidedly or dogmatically, though approximate and provisional answers may before long be forthcoming.
The question as to the influence of Neoplatonism on the development of Christianity is not easily answered, because it is scarcely possible to get a complete view of their mutual relations.
Why Neoplatonism succumbed in the conflict with Christianity is a question which the historians have never satisfactorily answered.
Clearly then the question which the myth of the Primal Man is intended to answer in relation to the whole universe is answered in relation to the nature of man by this account of the coming into being of the first man, which may, moreover, have been influenced by the account in the Old Testament.
How they conveyed their meaning, how far they pictorially represented ideas or spelt words in the different languages of the country, is a question not yet answered in a complete way; Landa's description (p. 320) gives a table of a number of their elements as phonetically representing letters or syllables, but, though there may be a partial truth in his rules, they are insufficient or too erroneous to serve for any general decipherment.
From these are given off at irregular intervals short lateral branches, each of which terminates in a flame-cell (f) precisely similar in structure to the flame-cells found in Planarians, Trematodes and Cestodes; here as there the question whether they are open to the body cavity or not must probably be answered in the negative.
And the Saviour straightway stood still with his disciples and answered him, Art thou then, being here in the temple, clean?
How this application was answered we do not know..
Gallicanism answered that kings held their power directly of God; hence their temporal concerns lay altogether outside the jurisdiction of the pope.
And when the president has given thanks, and all the people have so answered, those who are called by us deacons distribute to each of those present, for them to partake of the bread (and wine) 8 and water, for which thanks have been given, and they carry portions away to those who are not present.
C. Baur have answered this question in the affirmative.
When Frontenac answered defiantly, Phips attacked the place; but he was repulsed and in the end sailed away unsuccessful.
Aristotle, asked where dwell the Muses, answered, " In the souls of those who love work."
The first question he answered from his imagination by supposing that, while the external world is stimulus of the nervous process, the nervous process is the immediate stimulus of the sensation, and that the sensation increases by a constant fraction of the previous stimulus in the nervous system, when Weber's law proves only that it increases by a constant fraction of the previous stimulus in the external world.
The second question he answered from his parallelistic metaphysics by deducing that even within the organism there is only a constant dependency of sensation on nervous process without causation, because the nervous process is physical but the sensation psychical.
Huxley, it will be remembered, in similar circumstances, answered this question by degrading consciousness to an epiphenomenon, or bye-product of the physical process.
When Green said that " Nature is the system of related appearances, and related appearances are impossible apart from the action of an intelligence," he was speaking as a pure Kantian, who could be answered only by the Aristotelian position that Nature consists of related bodies beyond appearances, and by the realistic supposition that there, , h is a tactical sense of related bodies, of the inter-resisting members of the organism, from which reason infers similar related bodies beyond sense.
Spinoza answered realistically that the one substance is both extended and thinking.
Holofernes now inquires of the chiefs who are with him about the Israelites,and is answered by Achior the leader of the Ammonites, who enters upon a long historical narrative showing the Israelites to be invincible except when they have offended God.
The first of Navasard, the Armenian new year's day, was the feast of a god Vanatur or Wanadur (who answered to Zeus EvLos) in the holy pilgrim city of Bagawan.
A roar of batteries answered from the shore.
A treaty projected on the news of the massacre of St Bartholomew, by which Mary should be sent back to Scotland for immediate execution, was broken off by the death of the earl of Mar, who had succeeded Lennox as regent; nor was it found possible to come to acceptable terms on a like understanding with his successor Morton, who in 1577 sent a proposal to Mary for her restoration, which she declined, in suspicion of a plot laid to entrap her by the policy of Sir Francis Walsingham, the most unscrupulously patriotic of her English enemies, who four years afterwards sent word to Scotland that the execution of Morton, so long the ally of England, would be answered by the execution of Mary.
To this objection it may in turn be answered that, though this degree of freedom of descent may suffice for a slowrunning furnace, particularly if the slag is given such a composition that it passes quickly from the solid state to one of decided fluidity, yet it is not enough for swift-running ones, especially if the composition of the slag is such that, in melting, it remains long in a very sticky condition.
On the 13th of May Count Pahlen answered in a most peremptory letter informing Nelson that negotiations would be suspended while he remained at Reval.
With Locke, Hume professes to regard this problem as virtually covered or answered by the fundamental psychological theorem; but the superior clearness of his reply enables us to mark with perfect precision the nature of the difficulty inherent in the attempt to regard the two as identical.
Once only, with the calm assurance of one who knew that his prayer would be answered, he invokes the God of his fathers.
Bramhall, a strong Arminian, had afterwards written down his views and sent them to Newcastle to be answered in this form by Hobbes.
At Freeport, on the Wisconsin boundary, on the 27th of August, Lincoln answered questions put to him by Douglas, and by his questions forced Douglas to "betray the South" by his enunciation of the "Freeport heresy," that, no matter what the character of Congressional legislation or the Supreme Court's decision "slavery cannot exist a day or an hour anywhere unless it is supported by local police regulations."
On the 26th of June 1857 Lincoln in a speech at Springfield answered Douglas's speech of the 12th in which he made over his doctrine of popular sovereignty to suit the Dred Scott decision.
Before the actual debate in 1858 Douglas made a speech in Chicago on the 9th of July, to which Lincoln replied the next day; Douglas spoke at Bloomington on the 16th of July and Lincoln answered him in Springfield on the 17th.
This, which is now the principal remnant of the old ascendancy of German, and the one point of unity for the whole monarchy, is a matter on which the government and the monarch allow no concession, but in the Hungarian parliament protests against it have been raised, and in 1899 and 1900 it was necessary to punish recruits from Bohemia, who answered the roll call in the Czechish zde instead of the German hier.
In not a few definite questions are answered which had actually been propounded to the Prophet by believers or infidels.
Such was the object of the canal then excavated, and it answered its purpose; but the sacrifice of life was enormous (fully 20,000 workmen perished), and the labor of the unhappy fellahin was forced.
So promptly and successfully was this answered by the "abhorrers" that Charles, feeling the ground safer under him, recalled James to London - a step immediately followed by the resignation of the chief Whigs in the council.
She answered by coming at once to his father's house, where he was staying; and the marriage was finally settled.
The question, what was Cromwell's real and permanent achievement, is not answered nor distinctly considered.
The Murghab river and the Hari Rud, which terminate in the oases of Mer y and Sarakhs, almost certainly penetrated to the gulf of the Kara Kum, but the question whether the Oxus was ever deflected so as to enter the gulf with the Murghab cannot be said to be answered decisively at present.
A blind man appealed to Jesus as " the Son of David," and was answered by the restoration of his sight; and when, a little later, Jesus fulfilled an ancient prophecy by mounting an ass and riding into Jerusalem, the multitudes shouted their welcome to the returning " kingdom of David."
But He uttered a parable which more than answered them.
He answered that He was, and He predicted that they should see the fulfilment of Daniel's vision of the Son of Man sitting on the right hand of power.
This significant action provokes a challenge of His authority, which is answered by a mysterious saying, not understood at the time, but interpreted afterwards as referring to the Resurrection.
When Nicodemus objected that this was to demand a physical impossibility, he was answered that the new birth was " of water and spirit "- words which doubtless contained a reference to the mission of the Baptist and to his prophecy of One who should baptize with the Holy Spirit.
Bradley's Appearance and Reality (1893 2nd ed., 1897) and answered in the negative.
Luther at once answered in his Asterisks.
One of the purposes of the expedition was to discover whether the rate of combustion of a candle varies with the density of the atmosphere in which it is burnt, a question which was answered in the negative.
When, however, after the lapse of three days, a final earnest appeal had been answered insultingly, he began the battle.
She answered that, if he was confident in the justice of his cause, he must die sword in hand.
To those who maintain that Cadorna should have sacrificed everything in order to improve his defensive position in the Trentino sector, it may be answered that the line on which he stopped (or rather the modification of it necessitated by the retreat after Caporetto), properly prepared, backed by other lines in sufficient depth, and adequately served by new roads, was maintained until the end of the war.
He answered their objections in detail, calmly and with an intellectual power and earnestness that carried the convention.
But if Antisthenes is to be answered, a further step must be taken.
The question where the treaty-making power resides in a given state is answered by the municipal law of that state.
Brown (The Authorship of the Kingis Quair, Glasgow, 1896) have been convincingly answered by Jusserand in his Jacques Ier d'Ecosse fut-il poete ?
The Roman Church expressed the beliefs and answered the needs of the people, and this explains in part both its forms and its power, its long continuance and wide supremacy.
In the Achaean League the name is given to ten elective officers who presided over the assembly, and Corinth sent "Epidemiurgi" every year to Potidaea, officials who apparently answered to the Spartan harmosts.
Arguments have been founded upon the descriptions of the blind singers in the Odyssey, with their songs inspired directly by the Muse; upon the appeals of the poet to the Muses, especially in such a place as the opening of the Catalogue; upon the Catalogue itself, which is a kind of historical document put into verse to help the memory; upon the shipowner in the Odyssey, who has " a good memory for his cargo," &c. It may be answered, however, that much of this is traditional, handed down from the time when all poetry was unwritten.
To what extent the changes, which the religious belief of the Aryan classes underwent in post-Vedic times, may have been due to aboriginal influences is a question not easily answered, though the later creeds offer only too many features in which one might feel inclined to suspect influences of that kind.
When old-fashioned theologians talked about the canons and councils of antiquity, Laynez answered that the Church was not more infallible at one time than another; the Holy Ghost spoke through the decrees of Trent quite as plainly and directly as through the primitive Fathers.
Jansen answered with his doctrine of Irresistible Grace.
In other words, Bossuet only answered Santarelli by setting up the divine right of kings, However, this dogma by no means scandalized the subjects of Louis XIV., for the worship of the sovereign was one of their most cherished instincts.
The position which he refused from the hands of Lord Rockingham he accepted from Pitt in August 1766, and a few weeks later his urgent appeals to the great minister for increased power were favourably answered, and he was admitted to the inner circle of the cabinet.