Answer-to Sentence Examples
I need an answer to a question.
Alex had the answer to a question that was important to him.
Dean took a deep breath and tried to consider the implications of his answer to the caller as he made his way to his bedroom.
Deidre held his gaze, wishing she knew the right answer to anything.
I don't have an easy answer to your problem, if that's what you want.
Or, papa got an answer to his newspaper ad and saved a shotgun shell by doing the bashing himself.
Or would the fact that she never gave him an answer to stay or go make him unwilling to give her a second chance?
She made a choking, gagging motion at her throat in answer to Donnie's written question.
The answer to this is that there are two series of works.
I suspect I'd have a lot of young men to answer to if anything happened to you out here.
AdvertisementWe can wonder what happened to the pen and who raided her panties but we'll probably never know the answer to either question.
The answer to that question is the method of Descartes.
Charles in the Answer to the Petition (June 13, 1642) speaks of cavaliers as a "word by what mistake soever it seemes much in disfavour."
Or at least he has rightly seen what are the assertions to aim at; it is difficult to accept the principle or method upon which his answer to the riddle proceeds, the dialectic method.
Possibly in answer to her prayers, the front of the car climbed into the air.
AdvertisementAs if in answer to her question, he dug a tin from his shirt pocket and handed it to her.
In answer to her response, his kiss lost its hesitancy and became ardent.
Mary studied her reflectively and finally spoke in a hushed tone, as if she didn't actually want to know the answer to her question.
He didn't, however, give a quick, stock answer to the possibility.
This guy's got the answer to every little kid's what-would-you-do-ifyou-had-a-million-bucks question.
AdvertisementThey climbed the stairs but there was no sign of life and no answer to knocks.
He wants to know the answer to a question.
You will answer to me, Taran.
Violence was no answer to a problem, but he had been inviting this for the last year.
Xander understood the question Sofi wouldn't tell him, the one he had the answer to already.
AdvertisementThe British government obtained no satisfactory answer to its remonstrances, and Sir Robert Hart, finding himself placed in a subordinate position after his long service, retired in July 1907.
It is a sufficient answer to remark that on this theory the blue would reach its maximum development in the colour of the setting sun.
The declaration of war by England against Scotland, in answer to the recent Franco-Scottish negotiations, prevented his return.
Suffice it to say that differences with Irala eventually led to his arrest, and to his being sent back to Spain to answer to the charges brought against him for maladministration.
In 1796 he published, in answer to Thomas Paine, an Apology for the Bible, perhaps the best known of his numerous writings.
Sir Edward Coke finds in Magna Carta a full and proper legal answer to every exaction of the Stuart kings, and a remedy for every evil suffered at the time.
His advocacy of an American episcopate, in connexion with which he wrote the Answer to Dr Mayhew's Observations on the Charter and Conduct of the Society for the Propagation of the Gospel in Foreign Parts (London 1764), raised considerable opposition in England and America.
The broad Pacific depression seems to answer to the broad elevation of the Old World - the narrow trough of the Atlantic to the narrow continent of America."
In answer to his petition for the dukedom, the king had, on the 6th of June 1644, given him a patent of the earldom of Norfolk, in order, as it would seem, to flatter him by suggesting that the title of Norfolk would at least be refused to any other family.
Another source is mythologic fancy, which, in answer to childlike questions; "Who made the world?"
That the English peerage does not answer to the true idea of a nobility will be seen with a very little thought.
The Spartans answer to the patricians, the 7reploLKOC to the plebs; the helots are below the position of plebs or demos.
Had they been able to establish and to maintain any kind of privilege, even that of mere honorary precedence, they would exactly answer to continental nobility.
He seems to regard this body of literature as the answer to the charge that the Jews had contributed nothing useful for human life.
He came in answer to the summons - but attended by a bodyguard and protected by the word of Sextus.
In spite of the admission of their co-religionists to high office in the government, the Mussulmans, it is true, still complained of continuous ill-treatment having for its object their expatriation; but these complaints were declared by Sir Edward Grey, in answer to a question in parliament, to be exaggerated.
At last (July 13, 1909) the powers announced to the Porte, in answer to a formal remonstrance, their decision to withdraw their remaining troops from Crete by July 26 and to station four war-ships off the island to protect the Moslems and to safeguard " the supreme rights " of the Ottoman Empire.
In the substance of their answer to Hume, the two philosophers have therefore much in common.
After the disastrous defeat of Leipzig (r 7th-19th Dctober 1813), when French domination in Germany and Italy -vanished like an exhalation, the allies gave Napoleon another opportunity to come to terms. The overtures known as the Frankfcrt terms were ostensibly an answer to the request for information which Napoleon made at the field of Leipzig.
Nearly all the parishes in Argyll, Inverness, Ross, Cromarty, Sutherland, Caithness and Orkney and Shetland answer to this description.
This congruity of the miracle with divine truth and grace is the answer to Matthew Arnold's taunt about turning a pen into a pen-wiper or Huxley's about a centaur trotting down Regent Street.
He entered Trinity College, Dublin, in 1682, and after ten years' residence obtained a fellowship. In 1699 he was made provost of the college, and in the same year published his Letter in answer to a Book entitled "Christianity not Mysterious," which was recognized as the ablest reply yet written to Toland.
It was the only worthy answer to Burke that appeared.
Law's Case of Reason (1732), in answer to Tindal's Christianity as old as the Creation is to a great extent an anticipation of Bishop Butler's famous argument in the Analogy.
Thus neither a chlorate, which contains the ion C103, nor monochloracetic acid, shows the reactions of chlorine, though it is, of course, present in both substances; again, the sulphates do not answer to the usual tests which indicate the presence of sulphur as sulphide.
Baronius is best known by his Annales Ecclesiastici, undertaken by the order of St Philip as an answer to the Magdeburg Centuries.
The second part of the book is Yahweh's answer to the people's prayer.
The answer to the first question, in effect, depended on that given by events to the second; and this was not long in declaring itself.
If the answer to the question is X, we have either (a) I os.
It was in answer to these strictures that Zarlino published his Sopplementi.
The cult of the saints early met with opposition, in answer to which the Church Fathers had to defend its lawfulness and explain its nature.
Probably he found in his calmness of temperament, even in his want of imagination, a sense of rest and of exemption from the disturbing influences of life; while in his physical philosophy he found both an answer to the questions which perplexed him and an inexhaustible stimulus to his intellectual curiosity.
In answer to this contention it may be said that, although the silence of the Chronicle is difficult to understand, it is almost impossible to believe that the very existence of the most important city in the country could suddenly cease and the inhabitants disappear without some special notice.
Their king Joseph, in answer to the inquiry of Hasdai Ibn Shaprut of Cordova (c. 958), stated that his people sprang from Thogarmah, grandson of Japhet, and the supposed ancestor of the other peoples of the Caucasus.
Todd, Memoirs of the Life and Writings of Walton (London, 1821), in 2 vols., of which the second contains a reprint of Walton's answer to Owen.
Nevertheless 3000 of them fell at the hands of the Levites who, in answer to the summons of Moses, declared themselves on the side of Yahweh.
In recollection of its former services, the emperor Claudius remitted the heavy tribute which had been imposed on it; but the last remnant of its independence was taken away by Vespasian, who, in answer to a remonstrance from Apollonius of Tyana, taunted the inhabitants with having "forgotten to be free."
Among the more important are Certayne Reasons why Cntholiques refuse to goe to Church (Douai, 1580), A Christian Directorie guiding Men to their Saluation (London, 1583-1591, 2 parts), A Conference about the Next Succession to the Crowne of Ingland (1594), Treatise of the Three Conversions of England (1603-1604, 3 parts), an answer to Foxe's Acts and Monuments.
The influence of Alberic, prince and senator of the Romans, prevented the pope returning a favourable answer to the king's request.
He retired to Bucklebury and is said to have now written the answer to the Secret History of the White Staff accusing him of Jacobitism.
In the closing years of Alexander's reign events in Poland cast their shadow before them, and in answer to political conspiracies Novosiltsov, formerly adviser to the Grand Duke Constantine as governor of Poland, upon his transfer to Lithuania initiated the persecution of liberal thought.
The answer to that question must come, if it come at all, from what we now speak of as prehistoric archaeology; the monuments from Memphis and Nippur and Nineveh, covering a mere ten thousand years or so, are the records of recent history.
The answer to this was found experimentally by Arthur Schuster, who suspended the whole instrument in delicate equilibrium, and observed the effect of introducing the radiation.
Spottiswoode published in 1620 Refutatio libelli de regimine ecclesiae scoticanae, an answer to a tract of Calderwood, who replied in the Vindiciae subjoined to his Altare damascenum, (1623).
However, should the husband neglect to sue for the recovery of any separate property of his wife she may, with the permission of the court, sue for it in her own name; or should the husband refuse to support his wife and educate her children as her fortune would warrant, the county court may in answer to her complaint require a fixed portion of the proceeds from her property to be paid to her.
In answer to these strictures, Bengel published a Defence of the Greek Text of His New Testament, which he prefixed to his Harmony of the Four Gospels, published in 1736, and which contained a sufficient answer to the complaints, especially of Wetstein, which had been made against him from so many different quarters.
Wilson, one of a party of missionaries sent in answer to Stanley's appeal by the Church Missionary Society of England, arrived in Uganda, and towards the end of 1878 was joined by Alexander Mackay.
After some delay the British government decided to return no definite answer to this proposal, a result due, as Talleyrand thought, to the Gallophobe views of King George and of the ministers Camden and Thurlow.
The Manicheans' answer to such arguments was that miracles worked by Christ and the Apostles in the material world were only apparitional and not real, while those of the Old Testament were satanic.
In 1609 he published Tortura Torti, a learned work which grew out of the Gunpowder Plot controversy and was written in answer to Bellarmine's Matthaeus Tortus, which attacked James I.'s book on the oath of allegiance.
A good summary of his position is found in his First Answer to Cardinal Perron, who had challenged James I.'s use of the title "Catholic."
In answer to the doctrine of final cause, of design in nature, he points to those things which cause destruction and danger to man, to the evil committed by men endowed with reason, to the miserable condition of humanity, and to the misfortunes that assail the good man.
The duty of filling up so comprehensive a return, involving an answer to 561 questions, is not left to the householder, but entrusted to enumerators specially engaged, working under the supervision of the Department of Agriculture.
The answer to dogmatic atheism, that it implies infinite knowledge, has been well stated in John Foster's Essays, and restated by Chalmers in his Natural Theology, and its force is recognized in Holyoake's careful qualification of the sense in which secularism accepts atheism, " always explaining the term atheist to mean `not seeing God' visually or inferentially, never suffering it to be taken for anti-theism, that is, hating God, denying God - as hating implies personal knowledge as the ground of dislike, and denying implies infinite knowledge as the ground of disproof."
It is in answer to A Defence of the Government established in the Church of Englande, by Dr. John Bridges, dean of Salisbury, itself a reply to earlier puritan works, and besides attacking the episcopal office in general assails certain prelates with much personal abuse.
The answer to the problem will mainly depend on the estimate which we form of the Society of Jesus and its whole activity.
The news of this disaster, and of the fall of Pylos and Navarino that followed, struck terror into the Greek government; and in answer to popular clamour Kolokotrones was taken from prison and placed at the head of the army.
He felt that Luther had omitted to make adequate answer to an important practical question, how Christ's death on the cross could be brought into such actual connexion with every individual believer as to be the ground of his actual justification.
He was thus led both to clear up for himself and to state for the sake of others his whole conception of soteriology - his answer to the question how was man to be set right before God.
His sermons attracted wide attention in that community, and he gained a considerable reputation as a theologian and a controversialist by his publication in 1814 of a volume entitled Defence of Christianity, written in answer to a work, The Grounds of Christianity Examined (1813), by George Bethune English (1787-1828), an adventurer, who, born in Cambridge, Massachusetts, was in turn a student of law and of theology, an editor of a newspaper, and a soldier of fortune in Egypt.
The answer to this question involves the answer to another - Why was Neoplatonism defeated by Christianity?
His views were ably presented in his sermon Enthusiasm and in his Seasonable Thoughts on the State of Religion in New England (1743), written in answer to Jonathan Edwards's Some Thoughts Concerning the Present Revival of Religion in New England (1742).
On the 12th of March 1881, however, the acting secretary of the United States treasury, in answer to a letter asking for an interpretation of the words "waters adjacent thereto" in the acts of 1868 and 1873, stated that all the waters east of the boundary line were considered to be within the waters of Alaska territory.
It is no answer to the objection that a reading in some Roman poet makes nonsense to say that its Latinity is perfect or its metre excellent.
The answer to the first three points is that Aristotle did not make any distinction between exoteric and acroamatic, and was not likely to have any longer taught his exoteric dialogues when he was teaching his mature philosophy at Athens, but may have alternated the teaching of the latter between the more abstruse and the more popular parts which had gradually come to be called " exoteric."
Therefore the more the armaments of each power increase the less they answer to the objects aimed at by the governments.
This analogy is useful because the application of Fourier's analysis to the optical theory of spectroscopes has been doubted, and it may be urged in answer to the objections raised that the instrument acts in all respects like a mechanical analyser,' the applicability of which has never been called into question.
They were maladroit enough to attack him on his least vulnerable side, summoning him before the privy council to answer to a charge of receiving bribes in the administration of justice.
He follows Fechner closely in his answer to Darwin.
We want an answer to this question - What must we know by the senses in order to enable us to know what we infer by reason in the sciences?
Janet accepted the traditional ontological triplicity - God, souls and bodies - and, in answer to Ravaisson, who called this realism " demi-spiritualisme," rejoined that he was content to accept the title.
In 635 he sent to the elders of the Scots for a bishop. On the arrival of Aidan in answer to this request he assigned to him the island of Lindisfarne as his see, near the royal city of Barnborough.
The popes were asked to give decisions, and in answer to those demands drew up their first decretals.
The deliberations follow a simplified procedure, which is founded more on equity than on the more strictly legal forms, and decisions are given in the shortest possible form, in answer to carefully formulated questions or dubia.
His practical answer to the king was the act by Jean Jaureguy.
The answer to this is made easy by a careful study of the effect of this same distribution on the constitution of the metal, because it is through controlling this constitution that the condition of the carbon controls these useful properties.
And the answer to the problem which was furnished by Locke is in effect that with which Hume started.
It remains to be seen how knowledge can be explained on such a basis; but, before proceeding to sketch Hume's answer to this question, it is necessary to draw attention, first, to the peculiar device invariably resorted to by him when any exception to his general principle that ideas are secondary copies of impressions presents itself, and, secondly, to the nature of the substitute offered by him for that perception of relations or synthesis which even in Locke's confused statements had appeared as the essence of cognition.
He was of a sanguine-choleric temperament, and when untroubled and unvexed a bright and cheerful gentleman, easy to get on with, and however many people happened to be in the same room with him, he was never at a loss for an answer to every one of them."
It is worthy of notice that this intercourse with Cromwell occurred when Baxter was summoned to London to assist in settling "the fundamentals of religion," and made the memorable declaration, in answer to the objection that what he had proposed as fundamental "might be subscribed by a Papist or Socinian," - "So much the better, and so much the fitter it is to be the matter of concord."
The last book (which is three-fourths of the whole work) is chiefly an answer to the famous Protestant work entitled Le Traite de l'Eglise by Du Plessis Mornay; and in the second edition (1595) there is an elaborate reply to an attack made on the third Verite by a Protestant writer.
In the words of Hallam, "the slow and gradual manner in which parochial churches became independent appears to be of itself a sufficient answer to those who ascribe a great antiquity to the universal payment of tithes."
According to Mark, Peter, in answer to the question of Jesus, recognized that He was the Messiah, but protested against the prophecy of suffering which Jesus then added.
In 1878, when the Triple Alliance was concluded, Bismarck, in answer to the Guelphic demonstration at Copenhagen, arranged with Austria, the other party to the treaty of Prague, that the clause should lapse.
In the session of 1901 Admiral von Tirpitz, the minister of marine, admitted in answer to a Socialist interpellation that the naval programme of 1900 would have to be enlarged.
Count Billow, in answer to his criticisms, declared that the German people desired, not a shadow, but an.
The far more memorable interference of Athens in Sicilian affairs in the year 415 was partly in answer to the cry of the exiles of Leontini, partly to a quite distinct appeal from the Elymian Segesta.
In Medina it called forth the admiration of the Faithful to observe how often God gave them the answer to a question whose settlement was urgently required at the moment.
In the Middle Kingdom these are gradually replaced by small models of the mummy itself, and the belief arose that when their owner was called upon to perform any distasteful work in the nether world, they would answer to his name and do the task for him.
On the 10th of October a deputation from the clergy and burgesses proceeded to the Council House where the Rigsraad were deliberating, to demand an answer to their propositions.
In the paper which he left signed, and to which he referred in answer to the questions wherewith the busy bishops plied him, he expressed his sorrow for having assumed the royal style, and at the last moment confessed that Charles had denied to him privately, as he had publicly, that he was ever married to Lucy Walters.
The answer to this question must start from the reason annexed to the fourth commandment, which is different in Deuteronomy.
Alexander returned no answer to these " fanfaronnades."
In answer to this question a recent writer, Yamanouchi, states in a preliminary communication that he has found that in Polysiphonia violacea the germinating carpospores exhibit forty chromosomes, and the germinating tetraspores twenty chromosomes.
During the critical years of Mr Chamberlain's crusade (1903-1906) he made himself the chief spokesman of the Liberal party, delivering a series of speeches in answer to those of the tariff-reform leader; and his persistent following and answering of Mr Chamberlain had undoubted effect.
They are the answer to the poet of the nobles who represented the king as having submitted to take a degrading oath at the hands of Ruy Diaz of Bivar (the Cid), in the church of Santa Gadea at Burgos, and as having then persecuted the brave man who defied him.
Scraps may be unearthed as mediocre as the Answer to Curat Caddel's Satyre upon the Whigs, which attempts to revive the mere vulgarity of the Scots " flyting."
Pilgrimages were conceived as means to ensure an answer to particular prayers.
The percentage (27.7) of loss sustained by the British is sufficient evidence of the intensity of the conflict, and provides a convincing answer to certain writers who have represented the battle as chiefly a French affair.
In the early middle ages the term was applied to representatives of a count administering justice for him in the country or small towns and dealing with unimportant cases, levying taxes, &c. Monasteries and religious houses often employed a vicar to answer to their feudal lords for those of their lands which did not pass into mortmain.
The answer to this charge is partly that such a law seems unattainable, and partly that the idealistic content of the present which philosophy extracts is always an advance upon actual fact, and so does throw a light into the future.
Granted that rationality taken in the sense of inner coherence and self-consistency is the ultimate standard of truth and reality, does self-consciousness itself answer to the demands of this criterion?
In answer to his entreaties that they would spare his life, they insisted that he should either die by his own hand on shipboard or cast himself into the sea.
This decree deprived the outlying islands of their usual means of communication, and, in answer to a protest by the inhabitants, its operation was postponed.
On his return to Wittenberg he began an answer to his opponents.
He asked time to prepare an answer to the second question.
The priests and people besought Heliodorus to leave this sacred treasure untouched, but he persisted and - in answer to their prayers - was overthrown by a horse with a terrible rider and scourged by two youths.
The history, therefore, falls into recurring cycles, each of which begins with religious corruption, followed by chastisement, which continues until Yahweh, in answer to the groans of his oppressed people, raises up a "judge" to deliver Israel, and recall them to the true faith.
In answer to his appeals for quarter and promises to pay ransom, he was told by Richard, the bastard son of King John, that he was a traitor who would not be allowed to deceive more men.
It was well received, and led to the publication in 1788 of Proposals for Printing, with a specimen, and in 1790 of a General Answer to Queries, Counsels and Criticisms. The first volume of the translation itself, which was entitled The Holy Bible.
In answer to those odious measures Jefferson and Madison prepared and procured the passage of the Kentucky and Virginia resolutions.
In answer to these, Madison, who had become a member of the Virginia legislature in the autumn of 1799, wrote for the committee to which they were referred a report elaborating and sustaining in every point the phraseology of the Virginia resolutions.'
The answer to Hegel is that being and not-being are at most similarly indeterminate, and to Bradley that each animal has its own different lungs, whereby they are only similar.
It is of course a newer type of psychological logic that is in question, one that is aware of Kant's " answer to Hume."
From a point still known as King's Cross he crossed over to Carrick, in answer to the signal which warned him that the moment for the supreme effort for his country was come.
This arrangement held good until 1905, when, in answer to the frequently and strongly expressed desire of the colonists, Labuan was removed from the jurisdiction of the company and attached to the colony of the Straits Settlements.
Humphrey Henchman, bishop of London, employed him to write a vindication of Laud's answer to John Fisher, the Jesuit.
In these works, almost invariably composed in the form of a colloquy, Siva, as a rule, in answer to questions asked by his consort Parvati, unfolds the mysteries of this occult creed.
Deem this a sufficient answer to your question and deem yourself on the way to be blessed, if you have not been scandalized in me."
Two acts at once passed through the legislature in answer to the claims put forward by the church.
She edited Sex and Education (1874), an answer to Education (1873) by Edward Hammond Clarke (1820-1877); and wrote several books of travel, Modern Society (1880) and Is Polite Society Polite ?
It is an answer to Hobbes's famous doctrine that moral distinctions are created by the state, an answer from the standpoint of Platonism.
He animadverted strongly upon the puerile nature of the defence, and in answer to a remark by Essex, that if he had wished to stir up a rebellion he would have had a larger company with him, pointed out that his dependence was upon the people of London, and compared his attempt to that of the duke of Guise at Paris.
This conservative attitude was inevitably strengthened by the attacks first of Lollard and then of Lutheran heretics; and Sir Thomas More was driven to declare, in answer to Tyndale, that the marriage of priests, being essentially null and void, "defileth the priest more than double or treble whoredom."
The first was in answer to the question "Whether man's free will can be proved from self-consciousness," proposed by the Norwegian Academy of Sciences at Drontheim.
About this time, indeed, there was in Scotland a remarkable approximation to that solution of the toleration difficulty which later ages have approved; for the regent was understood to favour the demand of the "congregation" that at least the penal statutes against heretics "be suspended and abrogated," and "that it be lawful to us to use ourselves in matters of religion and conscience as we must answer to God."
Procrastination is the attribute of all Persians, to-morrow being ever the answer to any proposition, and the to-morrow means indefinite delay.
The answer to this question is to be obtained by an analysis of the facts of human nature, whence, Butler thinks, "it will as fully appear that this our nature, i.e.
We get from him no satisfactory answer to the inquiry, What course of action is approved by conscience?
In 1363, in answer to a remonstrance against the mischief caused by "the merchants called grocers who engrossed all manner of merchandize vendable, and who suddenly raised the prices of such merchandize within the realm," it was enacted "that all artificers and people of mysteries shall each choose his own mystery 1 before next Candlemas, and that, having so chosen it, he shall henceforth use no other."
As an answer to these demands, and in order to protect the property of Chilean subjects, the Chilean fleet was sent to blockade the ports of Antofagasta, Cobija and Tocapilla.
Side by side with his indignation at the idea of cheating his Saracen enemies may be mentioned his answer to those who after Taillebourg complained that he had let off Henry III.
If this general view is correct it will probably condition to some extent the answer to be given to the two minor questions stated above.
This was an answer to another anonymous pamphlet, written by Philip Yorke, afterwards Lord Chancellor Hardwicke, who replied in an enlarged edition (1728) of his original Discourse of the Judicial Authority.
In a pamphlet of "Remarks" (1742), he replied to John Tillard, and Remarks on Several Occasional Reflections (1744-1745) was an answer to Akenside, Conyers Middleton (who had up to this time been his friend), Richard Pococke, Nicholas Mann, Richard Grey, Henry Stebbing and other of his critics.
Warburton was further kept busy by the attacks on his Divine Legation from all quarters, by a dispute with Bolingbroke respecting Pope's behaviour in the affair of Bolingbroke's Patriot King, by his edition of Pope's works (1751) and by a vindication in 1750 of the alleged miraculous interruption of the rebuilding of the temple of Jerusalem undertaken by Julian, in answer to Conyers Middleton.
Indeed, the Clementine romance may most fitly be regarded as an answer to the Great Declaration, the answer of Jewish Gnosticism to the more Hellenized Gnosticism of Samaria.
For many years afterwards, Bellarmine was held by Protestant advocates as the champion of the papacy, and a vindication of Protestantism generally took the form of an answer to his works.
The reading of the Vendidad in this case may, when viewed according to the original intention, be taken as corresponding in some sense to the sermon, while that of the Yasna and Vispered may be said to answer to the hymns and prayers of Christian worship.
In November despatches were received from England, but no answer to the emperor's letter, and this, together with a visit paid by Captain Cameron to the Egyptian frontier town of Kassala, greatly offended him; accordingly in January 1864 Captain Cameron and his suite,with Messrs Stern and Rosenthal, were cast into prison.
When the news of this reached England, the government resolved, when too late, to send an answer to the emperor's letter, and selected Mr Hormuzd Rassam to be its bearer.
In Stockbridge he wrote the Humble Relation, also called Reply to Williams (1752), which was an answer to Solomon Williams (1700-1776), a relative and a bitter opponent of Edwards as to the qualifications for full communion;.
He edited his father's incomplete History of the Work of Redemption, wrote in answer to Stephen West, A Dissertation Concerning Liberty and Necessity (1797), which defended his father's work on the Will by a rather strained interpretation, and in answer to Chauncy on universal salvation formulated what is known as the " Edwardean," New England or Governmental theory of the atonement in The Necessity of the Atonement and its Consistency with Free Grace in Forgiveness (1785).
Hence the dispute between evolutionist and transcendentalist rests, in general, on an ignoratio elenchi; for the history of the genesis of an idea (the historical or genetic method) does not contain an answer to - though it may throw light on - the philosophical question of its truth or validity.
In 853 AEthelwulf subdued the North Welsh, in answer to the appeal of Burgred of Mercia, and gave him his daughter AEthelswith in marriage.
There are gymnasia, or grammar schools of four classes, roughly corresponding with the German sub-gymnasia; and lyceums of eight classes, which answer to the German gymnasia.
It was held in 1642 under the presidency of Peter of Mogila, and a formulary of the Orthodox creed was drawn up. An answer to the Lutheran Catechism of Heidelberg (translated into Rumanian and printed at Fogaras in 1648) was also prepared by Bishop Varlaam.
He cried out in answer to them, hour after hour, "Never, never; not for thousands of worlds; not for thousands."
The most acrimonious of all his works is his Defence of Justification by Faith, an answer to what Bunyan calls "the brutish and beastly latitudinarianism" of Edward Fowler, afterwards bishop of Gloucester, an excellent man, but not free from the taint of Pelagianism.
While he was engaged in physiological researches, he composed a dissertation on the nature and propagation of sound, and an answer to a prize question concerning the masting of ships, to which the French Academy of Sciences adjudged the second rank in the year 5727.
Accordingly he stated in the House that Unionists would welcome an Irish settlement by general consent, but would not make new friends by betraying old; and in Oct., in answer to Mr. Asquith's overtures at Ladybank, he said that he and his colleagues would consider any proposals with a real desire to find a solution if possible.
That in my answer to his first letter I refused his correspondence, told him I had laid philosophy aside, sent him only the experiment of projectiles (rather shortly hinted than carefully described), in compliment to sweeten my answer, expected to hear no further from him; could scarce persuade myself to answer his second letter; did not answer his third, was upon other things; thought no further of philosophical matters than his letters put me upon it, and therefore may be allowed not to have had my thoughts of that kind about me so well at that time.
In these remarks Sir Isaac charged the abbe with a breach of promise, and gave a triumphant answer to the objections which Freret had urged against his system.
Macarius of Jerusalem (op. cit.) declares that the grace of the spirit is given in answer to our prayers and entreaties for it, and that even a font is not needful, but only the wish and desire for grace.
The answer to this is that in the case of contradictory statements - A and not A - the latter is a mere negation of the former, and posits nothing; and the negation of a notion with positive attributes, as the finite, does not extend beyond abolishing the given attributes as an object of thought.
Despite its large Southern population, Indiana's answer to President Lincoln's first call for volunteers at the outbreak of the Civil War was prompt and spirited.
Signs of the will of the gods were of two kinds, either in answer to a request (auspicia impetrativa), or incidental (auspicia oblativa).
The answer to all these calumnious innuendoes is to be found in documents and title-deeds of decisive authority, and is simple enough.
At the south-eastern corner of the palace, close to the bridge, is the tree under which petitioners waited for the answer to their grievances, which Frederick the Great gave from an opposite window.
The morphology of the fertile spike is a disputed question, upon the answer to which the systematic position of the Ophioglossaceae largely rests.
His famous answer to this question, "La propriete, c'est le vol".(property is theft), naturally did not please the academy of Besancon, and there was some talk of withdrawing his pension; but he held it for the regular period.
The answer to this question is inevitably somewhat complicated.
The latter system gave the simplest and most obvious answer to the inquiry after ultimate good for man; but besides being liable, when developed consistently, to offend the common moral consciousness, it conspicuously failed to provide the " completeness " and " security " which, as Aristotle says, " one divines to belong to man's true 'Good."
For in answer to the question that immediately arises, How then are the sanctions of the moral rules which it will most conduce to the general happiness for men to observe, shown to be always adequate in the case of all the individuals whose observance is required ?
In answer to this argument some necessarians have admitted that punishment can be legitimate only if it be beneficial to the person punished; others, again, have held that the lawful use of force is to restrain lawless force; but most of those who reject free-will defend punishment on the ground of its utility in deterring others from crime, as well as in correcting or restraining the criminal on whom it falls.
In 1533, he published his Invicta Veritas (with the fictitious pressmark of Luneberge, to avoid suspicion), which contained an answer to the numerous tracts supporting Henry's ecclesiastical claims. After an imprisonment of more than six years, Abel was sentenced to death for denying the royal supremacy in the church, and was executed at Smithfield on the Both of July 1540.
The market, formerly held on Sunday, was changed in 1218 to Wednesday, and in answer to a writ of Quo Warranto Maud de Holand claimed in 1330 that her family had held a fair on St Andrew's day from time immemorial.
The exact nature of his offence is not known, but the answer to his appeal was that he was deprived of his eyesight by the emperor's orders.
In answer to popular demands a constitution was granted to Saxe-Altenburg in 1831, and greater concessions were extorted by the more threatening disturbances of 1848.
Besides the Speculum Richard also wrote, according to the statement of William of Woodford in his Answer to Wycliffe (Edward Brown, Fasciculus Rerum expetendarum, p. 193), a treatise De Officiis; and there was formerly in the cathedral library at Peterborough another tractate from his pen, entitled Super Symbolum.
Man has everywhere asked himself whence things came and how, and his myths are his earliest extant form of answer to this question.
The Mexican " departmental " gods answer to those of other polytheisms; there is an Aztec Ceres, an Aztec Lucina, an Aztec Vulcan, an Aztec Flora, an Aztec Venus.
Like most gods, they had struggles for pre-eminence with Titanic opponents, the Asuras, who partly answer to the Greek Titans and the Hawaiian foes of the divine race, or to the Scandinavian giants and the enemies who beset the savage creative beings.
Frontenac, bold and fearless, sent a defiant answer to the hostile admiral, and handled so vigorously the forces he had collected as completely to repulse the enemy, who in their hasty retreat left behind a few pieces of artillery on the Beauport shore.
Philopator insisted on entering the sanctuary at Jerusalem, but was struck down by the Almighty in answer to the prayers of the horrified Jews.
The answer to this question is the second hinge-point of Herbart's theoretical philosophy.
The establishment of the principle of the composition of motions formed a conclusive answer to the most formidable of the arguments used against the rotation of the earth, and we find it accordingly triumphantly brought forward by Galileo in the second of his dialogues on the systems of the world.
His first work, published in 1828, as an answer to Hugh James Rose's Cambridge lectures on rationalist tendencies in German theology, showed a good deal of sympathy with the German "pietists," who had striven to deliver Protestantism from its decadence; this sympathy was misunderstood, and Pusey was himself accused of holding rationalist views.
Mr Chamberlain's speech, in answer to what had been intended as a contemptuous rebuke, was universally applauded.
Bismarck was away at Varzin, but on his instructions the Prussian foreign office in answer to inquiries denied all knowledge or responsibility.
It is possible that one reason why most of the attempts to add new species to the list of our domestic animals in modern times have ended in failure is that it does not answer to do so in cases in which existing species supply all the principal purposes to which the new ones might be put.
These were written in answer to the widely read pamphlets published over the nom de plume of " A Westchester Farmer," and now known to have been written by Samuel Seabury.
Towards the end of Villele's ministry, when there was a movement of public opinion in favour of extending municipal liberties, he undertook the defence of the threatened system of centralization, and composed, in answer to Raynouard, an Histoire critique du pouvoir municipal depuis l'origine de la monarchic jusqu'a nos jours (1828).
The answer to these questions has been sought by a succession of scholars in a critical comparison of the medieval MSS.
He knew with the Dawkinses about to leave and with the Lucky Pup Mine controversy settled, he'd better concentrate on finding an answer to the body Martha discovered before any chance to do so was gone for good.
Sadly, there is no simple answer to the problem.
The answer to the question has much to do with the question of why the Germans never tried to make an atomic bomb.
Claim it from Him, and reckon that in answer to your appeal He does confer this priceless boon.
An answer to loose bowels, easier to scoop the poop.
The answer to the first question will almost certain l y be yes.
Faced with the imminent collapse of their marriage, they eventually agree that euthanasia may be the answer to their troubles.
But for the NHS the answer to an apparent conundrum is more obvious - cash or quality?
Your answer to (ii) is a real cop-out.
The answer to whether summer sports climbing should be allowed in the mountains, or even rural roadside crags, is less clear cut.
The European demos 4.2 The answer to the question is there a European demos is most definitely negative.
This section is a brief digression in answer to a question posed by a visitor to the church I attend.
We confront no dilemmas where there is no right answer; we always know the answer to everything.
The answer to these problems lies in better fuel efficiency.
So, in answer to your question, I'm more of a British equalitarian than an out and out nationalist.
She had long felt silence was the only answer to such exclamations.
The answer to this question involves an exegesis of the terrible twenty-sixth chapter of the Germania of Tacitus.
The answer to (e) is that the person is undergoing expansion of consciousness.
The only answer to violence of this nature in such hellholes was violence.
Perhaps the best answer to this was given by one of the most eminent jurists to be associated with Indian law, Felix Cohen.
Ladies, she also reveals the answer to the question - Is Orlando Bloom a good kisser?
Grinham, who only yesterday narrowly escaped an opening round defeat, had no answer to the highly confident Irish lass.
Here is the real political answer to comrade Delargy's morbid obsession with defining the federal republic " in class terms " .
The Kenwood electric can opener is the answer to your problems.
Use your answer to d to find the mean overweight of the 10 loaves.
For example, how do you know that the entry ' dangling participle ' will have the answer to your question?
I have found information on vaccines if you are already pregnant but cannot find the answer to these questions.
It is the answer to these questions which makes localisation very different from 1930s protectionism.
This may become relevant in the long term but is not an answer to the shorter term funding needs of the Partnership.
Wind power seems like the perfect answer to our energy problems - it is clean, non-polluting and infinitely renewable.
The answer to both questions is in the crisis in feudal society which was the cause of the peasants ' revolt.
The answer to my somewhat rhetorical questions above is Brian Stein.
She widens the scope of her answer to compare a heroine with a hero.
In answer to your inquiry, I have pleasure in sending you a large purple crystal of carbon silicide.
I have yet to see a good answer to this one by any polytheist Trinitarian.
Len thinks the answer to Australia's problems is to send back the wogs and lock up all the fairies.
St Elmo's Fire.-Luminous discharges from masts, lightning conductors, and other pointed objects are not very infrequent, especially during thunderstorms. On the Sonnblick, where the phenomenon is common, Elster and Geitel (87) have found St Elmo's fire to answer to a discharge sometimes of positive sometimes of negative electricity.
If, for example, on a certain occasion when the liver of a sacrificial animal was examined, certain events of a favourable character followed, the conclusion was drawn that the signs observed were favourable, and hence the recurrence of these signs on another occasion suggested a favourable answer to the question put to the priests.
The magical papyri teem with strings of senseless and barbaric words which probably answer to what certain of the Fathers called the language of demons.
Whether a particular instrument is a lease, or an agreement for a lease, or a bare licence, is a question the answer to which depends to a large extent on the circumstances of individual cases; and the only general rule is that in a lease there must be an expression of intention on the part of the lessor to convey, and of the lessee to accept, the exclusive possession of the thing let for the prescribed term and on the prescribed conditions.
They are A Demonstration of the Gross and Fundamental Errors of a late Book called "A Plain Account, &c., of the Lord's Supper" (1737); The Grounds and Reasons of the Christian Regeneration (1739); An Appeal to all that Doubt and Disbelieve the Truths of Revelation (1740); An Earnest and Serious Answer to Dr Trapp's Sermon on being Righteous Overmuch (1740); The Spirit of Prayer (1749, 1752); The Way to Divine Knowledge (1752); The Spirit of Love (1752, 1754); A Short but Sufficient Confutation of Dr Warburton's Projected Defence (as he calls it) of Christianity in his "Divine Legation of Moses" (1757); A Series of Letters (1760); a Dialogue between a Methodist and a Churchman (1760); and An Humble, Earnest and Affectionate Address to the Clergy (1761).
When this fundamental truth had been fully grasped, mathematicians began to inquire whether algebras might not be discovered which obeyed laws different from those obtained by the generalization of arithmetic. The answer to this question has been so manifold as to be almost embarrassing.
The demonstrative part taken by the prince-bishop Jeglic and the leading Catholic clergy, and the fact that the Emperor's birthday was entirely disregarded, was intended as an answer to those who claimed the Slovene Catholics as a bulwark of the Habsburg throne.
His fundamental religious conception was his own hard-found answer to his own agonized question as to the nature and assurance of salvation.
The answer to this question will be in many cases negative or affirmative according to our strict adherence or the reverse to the definition of the priest set forth above as " a minister whose stated business it was to perform on behalf of the community certain ritual acts, in some cases sacrifices (or the recitation of prayers), directed Godwards."
Voltaire hastily seized his pen to refute the philosophy of the Systeme in the article "Dieu" in his Dictionnaire philosophique, while Frederick the Great also drew up an answer to it.
There can be no question that she loved her adopted country sincerely, and had an affection for her people, and an opinion of their great qualities which she did not hesitate to express in hyperbolical terms. Her zeal for the reputation of the Russians was almost comically shown by the immense trouble she took to compile an answer to the Voyage en Siberie of the French astronomer Chappe d'Auteroche.
But in any case, - and, as we shall see, Hume endeavours so to state his psychological premises as to conceal the assumption made openly by Locke, - it is apparent that this psychological solution does not contain the answer to the wider and radically distinct problem of the theory of knowledge.
In Darnel's case (1627) the judges held that the command of the king was a sufficient answer to a writ of habeas corpus.
Jim and the buggy followed, the old cab-horse being driven by Zeb while the Wizard stood up on the seat and bowed his bald head right and left in answer to the cheers of the people, who crowded thick about him.
A leader can only afford to let her people go hungry when she doesn't answer to them.
Accountability must be at as low a level as possible, so that if government officials mess up, they answer to constituents in their locality.
My answer to that begins in the past, in the time of William Shakespeare.
If she does not know the answer to a question, she guesses with mischievous assurance.
In answer to my question she recited a part of the poem called 'Freaks of the Frost,' and she referred to a little piece about winter, in one of the school readers.
He looked intently and inquiringly into his friend's eyes, evidently trying in vain to find the answer to some question.
There was no answer to any of these questions, except one, and that not a logical answer and not at all a reply to them.
In answer to Rostov's inquiry where he was going, he answered vaguely and crossly that he had some business.
In answer to Rostov's renewed questions, Denisov said, laughing, that he thought he remembered that some other fellow had got mixed up in it, but that it was all nonsense and rubbish, and he did not in the least fear any kind of trial, and that if those scoundrels dared attack him he would give them an answer that they would not easily forget.
On Rostov's inquiry as to how the matter stood, he at once produced from under his pillow a paper he had received from the commission and the rough draft of his answer to it.
In answer to the count's inquiries she replied that things were all right and that she would tell about it next day.
In answer to Toll, Paulucci suggested an advance and an attack, which, he urged, could alone extricate us from the present uncertainty and from the trap (as he called the Drissa camp) in which we were situated.
In answer to questions with which he was greeted, the courier made a despairing gesture with his hand and passed through the room.
Natasha watched him with an intent gaze that confused him, as if she were trying to find in his face the answer to some question.
Gerasim, that sallow beardless old man Pierre had seen at Torzhok five years before with Joseph Bazdeev, came out in answer to his knock.
Remember that you have still to answer to our offended country for the loss of Moscow.
Natasha looked at him, and by way of answer to his words her eyes widened and lit up.
The fantasy is that smartpages are the push-button answer to online success.
The answer to reincarnation of spirits is more difficult.
The answer to all of these questions has to be a resounding 'yes '.
A. The answer to 1 is not related to 2. Miss your turn to roll the dice.
She 's being hailed as Britain 's answer to Karen O, for both her flamboyant charity shop style and her sassy in-yer-face vocals.
He could give no satisfactory answer to any of this probing.
The answer to all my problems was ' timeline therapy '.
I have yet to see a good answer to this one by any polytheist trinitarian.
Maybe I 'd already touched on the answer to the unthought question, ' What 's the worst that could happen?
Len thinks the answer to Australia 's problems is to send back the wogs and lock up all the fairies.
Stacie doggedly searched for the answer to her homework problem.
He calculated the answer to the math problems using the formulae provided by the teacher.
There is no exact answer to this question, and in fact, it's really never too late to learn massage training.
Adopting older children can be the answer to both an adult's desire to be a parent and a child's desire to have a family and a home.
If you know the answer to this, then you can immediately choose a color.
At this stage it may feel like you'll never find the answer to "how long should a baby nap?" but you'll see an improvement in baby's sleep patterns very quickly.
Because you may not immediately know the answer to this question, it is imperative that you speak to the baby's parents about the foods you have in mind to give.
There really is no best answer to this dilemma.
Match your research to the dealer's answer to form an idea of the kind of investment the artwork will be.
The iPod Nano is Apple's answer to the flash player generation of portable music players (we'll ignore the screenless iPod Shuffle).
The corn-based water bottle with filter may be the answer to this dilemma.
The bottom line is that the answer to "When is the best time to buy a new car?" is when you need one or start looking for one.
The best answer to the question, "where can I buy an iPod at wholesale" is online.
The answer to this questions will help you figure out how much you should spend.
The answer to that question will most likely involve some research, but you can simplify your quest by reading below.
The answer to this question depends entirely on the type of bonds.
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The answer to this question is one that can save you some money when you are ready to make a purchase.
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But if you are looking for a basic computer or something mid-ranged, then you should know that the answer to "Where to buy Asus laptops" might be at your local electronics retailer.
The final answer to the question, "Where to buy Asus laptops" is pretty much anywhere that sells laptops.
The answer to both questions is because it's entertaining.
An enclosed sifting cat litter box may be the answer to your litter cleaning woes.
Seen as an answer to every teacher's dilemma of reluctant male readers, the deadpan wit and cartoonish character illustrations have what it takes to engage students and keep them reading.
If you live on an area where FINA gas stations are prevalent, applying for one of their gas cards may be the answer to adding a bit more convenience to an otherwise hectic life.
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The answer to this depends upon the scale at which the fraud occurs.
If you want to get an answer to the question, "Is Georgia a community property state?," please keep reading to get the answer.
The short answer to the question, "Is Georgia a community property state?" is "No."
If you are looking for answer to the question, "Is Mississippi a community property state?", please continue reading to find out how marital property is distributed when a marriage ends.
The answer to the question, "Is Mississippi a community property state?" is not the entire story when it comes to property division in Mississippi.
If you are wondering, "How is alimony calculated?" continue reading to find out the answer to this interesting question.
It is important to get the answer to these and other finance-related divorce questions.
There is no set answer to the question, since the amount varies with each couple.
The answer to the question, "How much spousal support will I receive?" is not an easy one to answer.
That's the answer to the question, "How does divorce mediation work?"
The answer to the question of "How do I choose a divorce lawyer?" is a very personal one.
The answer to the question, "Is Texas a community property state?" is yes.
If you have a small apartment, are trying to outfit a child's room or are actually living in a tiny loft, a loft bed may be the answer to your space-challenged prayers.
The answer to the question, "Why do we need to go green?" is as complex as the environmental problems the world population faces.
While lemon juice may seem like the answer to a freckled person's prayers, at best it provides only a temporary solution.
The answer to that depends upon what types of herbs you use and at what point in your pregnancy.
Nor is it necessarily the answer to preventing heart disease.
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Figuring out the answer to these questions will help you narrow down your décor options.
The answer to this is as varied as the skin types of African American individuals.
Ultimately, the answer to the question, "What is the definition of freelance work?" boils down to how the Internet has defined freelancing today.
The most obvious answer to the question, "Where can I play Mavis Beacon?", is on your own computer.
If you are wondering, "Can I read text messages online?" the answer to this question is that it may be possible to view cell phone text messages online, but it is difficult and not free.
Thus, the answer to the question, "Can I read text messages online?" is a resounding, "Yes."
Even if you can't read texts online, the answer to "Can I check my text messages online?" is "Yes" for many cell phone users.
If you're tired of sending photos and DVDs through snail mail, this photo-sharing site may be the answer to your problem.
The answer to that question changes depending on whom you talk to and what part of the country you ask in.
The answer to this question depends on your personal scrapbooking style and how often you use your Cricut.
Ironically, the answer to that question is "yes."
Now that you understand the answer to the question, "How does stress affect your mind?" you are in a better position to mitigate those effects.
Currently, the answer to the question of why nocturnal panic attacks occur is not known.
Knowing the answer to the question, "What is time management?" is the first step toward utilizing time management in your life.
There is, unfortunately, no easy answer to this, and much depends on how you were raised, your family's personal values, and the personality & past track record of your pre teenager.
There is no right or wrong answer to your question.
Christian boarding schools may just be the answer to your troubled teen's problems.
Since we now know the answer to the question is a coconut a fruit, here's how to choose the best coconut when shopping.
The coconut palm tree is one of the most diverse trees in tropical regions and is the answer to the question, "Where do coconuts come from?"
The answer to the above questions can tell you if the wedding salon has good customer service.
Contacting the General Registrar's Office (GRO) for information regarding weddings may be useful; even if they do not know the answer to your question, they may be able to direct you to the agency that can help.
After determining who gets a wedding announcement, you are ready for the answer to "when do you send out wedding announcements."
Figuring out the answer to "How do I word a wedding reception invitation?" is something that many couples struggle with when they are hosting people for a reception and not the ceremony.
This is an expression that begs an answer to the question of how delish or yum-o something is.
While Ryan has never given a definitive answer to questions about his sexuality, he did tell Tyra Banks that he is a "metrosexual."
And with everything she does in her life to keep busy, the answer to her last question was a tad shocking.
In an interview with Larry King, the short answer to that question was "Because I know him."
The answer to that question is a little complicated.
The answer to that question is apparently "yes."
The emphatic answer to that question has been "No!"
So, the answer to "Does Dakota have the vampire chops" is yes, yes she does.
Well, the answer to that is… who knows.
The answer to this question is a resounding yes!
The answer to all this chatter is that it's Pitt's posture.
The answer to that is…of course it's a silly question!
Many people seem to think that she is quite tall, but the answer to the question, "how tall is Beyonce," is 5'6".
The answer to "What happened to Martha Stewart?" is not tragic or especially gossip-worthy.
While the answer to the question "What happened to Amanda Blake?" has a sad ending, she is remembered by many for her screen work as well as her compassion.
The answer to that question was that she was living her life with her husband, Jim Gillette from the rock band Nitro, and their two children, James and Rocco.
Fortunately, there are also well styled dresses that can answer to a slightly older girl's wish to look trendy and a parent's wish that she still look age-appropriate.
Christenings - Whether your little darling is the star of the show or simply a guest at this momentous event, designer clothes for a toddler boy may just be the answer to your formal wear needs.
If you're looking for the answer to any of these questions, keep reading to learn more about college rankings.
One answer to "Where can I study for an online degree in the UK?" is the University of London.
Kaplan University is yet another answer to "Where can I study for an online degree in the UK?"
Backyard breeders are generally pet owners who love their animals and enjoy having a couple of litters of puppies each year, which they sell to locals who come in answer to a newspaper add.
For many owners, dog training schools are the best answer to their training needs.
In answer to your question about the temperature taking, the vet has been doing it.
Watch virtually any dog food commercial and you'll see a spokesperson claim the particular product he or she is hawking is "the best", but is there a true answer to that question?
Knowing the answer to this question can be crucial to making your pet's last moments as peaceful as possible.
Gentle Leader dog collars may not be a miracle answer to training difficult dogs, but they are worth considering if your dog is not responding to other methods of training.
The most common answer to that question is about 21 days on average.
So the answer to how long is a dog in heat varies, and it can be as little as one week to one month long.
There is no single answer to this question, and that's because every labor and delivery is unique.
That is the real answer to the question of how long does it take for a dog to have puppies.
The answer to "When do you plant strawberries?" may also be as simple as "almost anytime" if you choose to grow in indoor containers or hanging baskets, and you choose a late blooming variety.
Discovering the answer to "When do you plant strawberries?" is the beginning of a rewarding gardening endeavor.
In answer to this problem, Kokichi Mikimoto set out to create pearls by seeding oysters, something no one had ever succeeded at before.
In answer to these concerns, Green Carat is one online jewelry company with a definite difference.
Adding fertilizer is not the answer to improving the condition and structure of your sandy soil.
No matter how you wear them or enhance them, summer dresses are a comfortable answer to warmer weather.
So it's quite possible that "yes" is the answer to the question, "Is two million enough to retire?"
When trying to decide whether or not to place your loved in senior daycare there are some questions you can answer to help decide if the time is right.
The question many people want the answer to is, "How long do menopause symptoms last?"
The short answer to most of these questions is yes, treatment can improve the quality of sleep and improve the quality of life, but it's not easy to adjust to and it requires a lifestyle commitment.
The results of the tests can lead professionals to an answer to snoring problems.
Sleep dentistry in Berkeley may be the answer to sleep apnea problems in some patients.
The answer to do people dream in color is most likely yes.
Sport Rx G102 Black Frame Smoke Lenses Goggles from are another answer to your skydiving eyewear conundrum.
The best way to learn the answer to how do multifocal contact lenses work, in general, is to first understand what these contacts are prescribed to treat.
There is no one simple answer to the question of who invented eyeglasses.
The answer to that depends on what kind of games you like and if one of the games on the list of freeware video games keeps your interest from the beginning.
I'm sure that most of you know the answer to that.
Unfortunately, the answer to this question is not exactly black-and-white.
In this way, you would think the answer to the question--does Wii play DVDs?--would be a simple and straightforward one.
Fable is his answer to that call, and as far as revolutionary steps are concerned, this game is full of them.
In what has been a trying time for PC gamers in search of something different from your typical hack-and-slash routine, NCSoft has offered what could be the answer to our prayers.
A few factors also determine the answer to the above question.
Well, whether you have nefarious motives or benign reasons for wanting an invincibility cheat, the answer to your question is below.
Choose the first answer to each question to get the maximum for everything.If a party member "dies" leave the area for a safe place.
Two of these were apparently an answer to critics' shouts at the violent nature of the games.
If the answer to your question was not found in this Overlord FAQ, you can either pose the question through the comment form below or contact the video game developer and publisher directly.
While video game developers have long sought the answer to this question, there are a few quantities known to make for a good puzzle game.
Marvel's answer to Grand Theft Auto promises to be the most exciting thing since the invention of sliced bread.
The sleek black system with a famously wide screen was Sony's answer to the Nintendo DS.
The answer to this question depends on a number of factors, including the experience of the gamer and the nature of the game.
In answer to early protests from parents and advocacy groups, the video game industry implemented a voluntary rating system.
And, yes, in answer to your inevitable question, they are all nude.
In answer to your question, it is possible to play most of the Xbox games on the Xbox 360 - however, you must have the Xbox 360 hard drive to do so.
Well, the answer to that question is pretty simple, just like with everything else that is whimsical…why not?
The answer to the question "Do you chill Merlot wines?" depends on the type of Merlot wine.
The answer to the question, "Should Pinot Noir be served cold?" is no; however, it shouldn't be served warm, either.
In many cases finding the answer to the question, "How Much Is My Antique Worth?" takes detective work on your part.
The answer to that question really depends on who you are asking.
In answer to the villagers' prayers to kill the monster, the great spirit sent a powerful storm, which turned both mountaintop and warrior into stone.
Worn on the outside, skins are the tech world's answer to dressing up your pet.
Again, this one is the Blackberry's answer to the iPhone look.
With all that in mind, the simplest answer to cell phone repair problems may simply be to replace it with a new one!.
The answer to this question can be carrier-specific.
In summary, the answer to the question "What is a smartphone?" is that a smartphone is a phone with powerful capabilities that are very similar to those found on a home computer.
Starting at about age 12, adolescents can formulate hypotheses and systematically test them to arrive at an answer to a problem.
One study showed, for example, that a student who knew the correct answer to a question gave the wrong answer just because everyone else in the class gave the wrong answer.
If the answer to any of these questions is "Yes," this playground is not safe for a child.
The answer to this question depends in part on the nature of the child's response, its intensity, and persistence over time.
The answer to the latter is remarkably simple.
The answer to that question is a qualified "yes."
The simple answer to the question what is the Golden Ratio? is that it is a number.
According to many researchers and scientists, the answer to both questions in yes.
If your hair is committed to chemical processing, then Fekkai is the answer to your fading color and dry overworked ends.
The short answer to when to wear a French twist is any time because the style can be accomplished in so many ways.
Unfortunately the answer to this question can sometimes be very complicated.
There isn't a simple answer to your question.
Be prepared to provide a knowledgeable answer to that question that includes information about what you know about the organization and reasons that you feel you will be a good fit there.
The answer to the question, "Can I apply for a job online with Target" is a resounding yes.
However, those who are eligible now have an answer to the question, "how do I file for unemployment insurance in Canada."
The following are some of the more difficult questions, along with a sample answer to each.
However, rather than reporting directly to the company's chief operating officer, the local managers may answer to and receive support from a regional operations manager.
If the answer to both questions is yes, a fixed rate mortgage may be best for you.
There are many ways to get an answer to the question "What is the LIBOR interest rate?"
The answer to this question depends on your situation.
So the short answer to the question of how many extra payments do you need to reduce a mortgage is that any extra payments put toward your mortgage will reduce the mortgage.
It will not give the hormone levels, but instead it provides a positive or negative answer to the pregnancy test.
Now that you have the answer to the question "How did Kate Hudson Lose her Pregnancy Pounds?", you may be feeling like her method is a little more than you can take on.
The answer to this question depends on where you live.
If you look at all the information relating to fertility and the best time to conceive, it would appear that the answer to the question should be a resounding "no".
So in reality, the answer to the question "can you have your period and still get pregnant" is possibly yes depending on what is defined as a true period and how the complexities of your individual cycle work.
Now that you know the answer to 'is it possible to become pregnant with an IUD', you might want to know what the risks are to your developing fetus if you do get pregnant.
Speak with your doctor to find out the answer to the question "Which birth control pill is right for me?"
Knowing the answer to the question "when am I ovulating" can help women time sexual intercourse in order to avoid pregnancy or to get pregnant.
The short answer to the question is "no" but some unusual situations can make the topic a little complex.
Whether one is trying to get pregnant, or trying to avoid pregnancy, it is important to know the answer to the question "when can a woman get pregnant?"
The monthly answer to "when can a woman get pregnant?" is 1-2 days before ovulation and 1-2 days following ovulation, although this window of time can be shorter or longer.
The answer to the question 'how many months does it take to get pregnant?' is that it varies widely.
Age is one of the biggest factors affecting the answer to the question 'how many months does it take to get pregnant?'
Women considering this approach for treating infertility can benefit from getting an answer to that question.
Unfortunately, the answer to this question is hard to determine.
If you are sexually active and do not know the answer to this question, you should be talking to your parents or a doctor for the answer.
The facts are that the Golden Gate Bridge might be 4,200 feet long from tower to tower, but a better answer to the question, How long is the Golden Gate Bridge? might be that it is the perfect length.
Interestingly, the answer to the question about the height of the Golden Gate Bridge to the water is not as easy to answer as one might think.
The answer to the problem lies in fiber-reactive printing.
At the time, they were the manly answer to women's string bikinis.
Perhaps the best answer to this is "Why not?"
Many families are finding that portable swimming pools are the answer to their dilemma.
Rash guards were originally developed in answer to the skin rashes that surfers tend to develop while using their boards.
A skirted swimsuit may be the perfect answer to this fashion dilemma, and there are several reasons why this type of swimsuit may be right for you.
Girls have always wanted to look more grownup than they are, and so a thoughtfully designed tween bikini can answer to a girl's interests and a parent's sense of comfort.
The answer to that question is best discussed with your doctor or personal health care provider.
Your physician can help you to do a risk versus benefit analysis to determine the answer to whether or not you can benefit from the supplementation of DHEA.
If you want to research further regarding the answer to what is B12 good for then take a look at some of these websites.
Not only is this garment available in numerous prints, styles, cuts and fabrics, it's the feminine answer to the old shorts-and-tank scenario.
If one of the greatest stressors of a woman's life is finding clothes that really fit, a virtual dressing room might be the new generation's answer to spending frustrating time in a department store fitting room.
The short answer to when to wear a sweater dress is whenever the weather is cool enough to allow for a sweater at all.
Perhaps the most common answer to how to wear a pashmina with a scarf clip is to drape the pashmina around the back of your neck, with each end hanging over the shoulders and draping over the chest.
In fact, there are several people who could potentially be the answer to the question of who invented this important small appliance.
If the support website does not provide an answer to your question, you can contact Norelco's customer care department.
If you're looking for the answer to this question, you probably already know that cooking a turkey in a roaster oven offers many benefits.
The answer to this equation gives you your CFM requirement.
The Internet is our greatest asset and resource where we can find almost every answer to any question we have.
Sometimes, a puzzle will consist of a series of visual clues that will help a participant work out a mystery or find the answer to a puzzle.
You can probably expect the answer to be "NO!" right away, but offer to allow other players to use your computer or handheld unit to make things fair across the board.
If you do not know the answer to the question, just make up an answer.
Then beat the odds as you place your bet on the person you think has the closet answer to the correct one.
The answer to the question of what foundation does Oprah Winfrey support is quite simple.
The project outcome should be described as an answer to the statement of the problem.
The answer to all questions will always be "Holiday Sausages", regardless of which team answers.
Santa Claus became the answer to this parenting dilemma.
If you decide that your answer to a survey question is so important that you can't date anyone who disagrees with you, OKC allows you to tag your answer as such.
When you're living single, you don't have to answer to anyone.
The answer to these questions is she might be, but it is more likely that you're dating a lady who wants to be pursued.