Annual Sentence Examples
I miss their annual calendar.
At most, it tolerates one annual loon.
In 1882-1884 three successive annual exhibits of a National Mining and Industrial Exposition were held.
Now he wants a picture "of darling Helen and her illustrious teacher, to grace the pages of the forthcoming annual report."
In New York State, where the population is largely industrial, the annual deaths per million are only three, but of the agricultural population eleven.
The rest pay an annual tax for this outside garment of all, become indispensable summer and winter, which would buy a village of Indian wigwams, but now helps to keep them poor as long as they live.
The Ouray Rescue Squad held an annual fund raising breakfast each Fourth of July, enabling the Deans to share an early meal of eggs, sausage, and fixings in the company of friends and neighbors.
The story described an annual one-week bike tour of the Colorado Rockies and the address for information was circled and underlined.
In another annual called the Gem appeared the poem on the story of "Eugene Aram," which first manifested the full extent of that poetical vigour which seemed to advance just in proportion as his physical health declined.
In 1904 official estimates, based on immigration and emigration returns and upon registered births and deaths, both of which are admittedly defective, showed a population increased to 5,410,028, and a small diminution in the rate of annual increase from 1895 to 1904 as compared with 18.69-1895.
AdvertisementThe population that year was estimated to be 4,794,149, from which it is seen that the annual costs of government were no less than £3,16s.
There is a large weekly market for grain, and annual horse and cattle fairs.
Annual Average of Production in Men employed.
The number of students attending lectures is about 2500 and the annual income a little over £ioo,000.
There Seems A Fairly Well Marked Annual Variation In Ionic Contents, As The Following Figures Will Show.
AdvertisementThe city has also a large trade in cotton, the annual receipts averaging about ioo,000 bales.
At the annual provincial synod, held by consent of the states, two ministers and one 3 Ibid.
The rainfall of New South Wales ranges from an annual average of 64 in.
A vast variety of trinketsin coral, glass, lava, & exported from Italy, or carried away by the annual host of tourists.
From 1885-1886 onwards, outlay on public works, military and colonial expenditure, and especially the commercial and financial crises, contributed to produce annual deficits; but owing to drastic reforms introduced in 1894-1895 and to careful management the year 1898-1899 marked a return of surpluses (nearly 1,306,400).
AdvertisementA tax of 10% is levied on the annual net produce of all gold workings (proclamation of 1902) and the government takes 60% of the profits on diamond mines.
The chief local industry is farming, and an annual fair is held in September for the sale of live stock.
An annual festival, with a procession of children, which is still held, is referred to an apocryphal siege of the town by the Hussites in 1432, but is probably connected with an incident in the brothers' war (1447-51), between the elector Frederick II.
Mr. Jones has now won four consecutive championships in our annual county tractor races.
The agency by which these principles were introduced was the edicts of the praetor, an annual proclamation setting forth the manner in which the magistrate intended to administer the law during his year of office.
AdvertisementLater charters were given by Henry II., by John in 1204 (who also granted an annual fair of three days' duration, 29th of October, at the feast of St Modwen, and a weekly market on Thursday), by Henry III.
A large annual horse and cattle fair is held.
At Ghardaia, in south-eastern Algeria, the mean annual rainfall, from 1887 to I892, was about 43/4 in.
Altogether raw silk and silk yarn to an annual value exceeding 1-1 millions sterling are exported from Russia.
Some modifications were later made in the contract, owing to the government's failure to meet the annual subsidies and the corporation's failure to extend the railways agreed upon.
I look forward to our annual block party every summer. It really helps to engender a sense of pride and community in our neighborhood.
This wouldn't be like their annual snowbirds who simply wanted to escape the cold winters up north, though.
In 1251 William de Ferrers obtained from the crown a charter for a weekly market and a yearly fair, but gradually this annual fair was replaced by four others chiefly for horses and cattle.
In the period from 1855 to 1868 the number of messages carried annually by all the telegraph companies of the United Kingdom increased from 1,017,529 to 5,781,989, or an average annual increase of 16.36 per cent.
The original method of charging adopted in Great Britain took the telephone instrument as the unit, charging a fixed annual rental independent of the amount of use to which the instrument was put.
Excepting the in creases of deficit in 1868 and 1870, the annual deficits tended thence forward to decrease, until in 1875 equilibrium between expendituri and revenue was attained, and was maintained until 1881.
In many annual plants no cambium is formed at all, and the same is true of most perennial Pteridophytes and Monocotyledons.
The annual losses due to epidemic plant diseases attain proportions not easily estimated.
The mean annual rainfall during nine years (1899-1907) was nearly 92 in., about one-eighth of it being represented by snow.
In 1465 a second annual fair on the 1st of May was granted by Edward IV., which is still held on the Wednesday in Whitsun week.
The average annual birth-rate is about 35 per 1000, and the death-rate about 15.5 About 26% of the births are illegitimate.
Her festival at Rome, the Floralia, instituted 2 3 8 B.C. by order of the Sibylline books and at first held irregularly, became annual after 173.
As a producer of iron Russia nevertheless runs France neck and neck for the fourth place amongst the iron-producing countries of the world, her annual output having increased from 1,004,800 metric tons in 1891 to 2,808,000 in 1901 and to 2,900,000 in 1904.
Introduced by Andrew Kippis, he began to write in 1785 for the Annual Register and other periodicals, producing also three novels now forgotten.
The "Sketches of English History" written for the Annual Register from 1785 onward still deserve study.
If sunlight and twilight were the sole cause of the apparent annual variation, the frequency would have a simple period, with a maximum at midwinter and a minimum at midsummer.
Whether there is any real difference between high and mean latitudes in the annual frequency of the causes rendered visible by aurora, it is difficult to say.
With a view to more minute examination, the annual frequency can be expressed in Fourier series, whose terms represent waves, whose periods are 12, 6, 4, 3, &c. months.
Speaking generally, the annual term diminishes in importance as we travel south.
At length Ferdinand agreed to pay Suleiman an annual tribute for the small portion - about 12,228 sq.
The annual meetings were to be held alternately in Vienna and in Pest.
The annual meetings call for little notice; they have generally been the occasion on which the foreign minister has explained and justified his policy; according to the English custom, red books, sometimes containing important despatches, have been laid before them; but the debates have caused less embarrassment to the government than is generally the case in parliamentary assemblies, and the army budget has generally been passed with few and unimportant alterations.
In 1886 a law was carried in either parliament creating a Landsturm, and providing for the arming and organization of the whole male population up to the age of forty-two in case of emergency, and in 1889 a small increase was made in the annual number of recruits.
In the autumn of 1902 the Austrian and the Hungarian governments, at the instance of the crown and in agreement with the joint minister for war and the Austrian and Hungarian ministers for national defence, laid before their respective parliaments bills providing for an increase of 21,000 men in the annual contingents of recruits.
For a fuller description of these social reforms, see the Jahrbuch fir Gesetzgebung (Leipzig, 1886, 1888 and 1894); also the annual summary of new laws in the Zeitschrift fur Staatswissenschaft (Stuttgart).
The annual rainfall except on the higher mountains does not reach 30 in., and, as in other parts of the extreme south of Europe, it occurs chiefly in the winter months, while the three months (June, July and August) are almost quite dry.
This poverty is due to the lack of rain, which, though attaining an annual average of 29 in.
Vineyards give an annual gross return of between £II and £13 per acre, and orange and lemon groves between £32 and £48 per acre.
The value of the annual output is about £40,000, and the exports in 1906 amounted to nearly 103,000 tons.
Approximately, the value of the annual catch may be reckoned at from £600,000 to £800,000.
The annual value of the external trade in the period 1900-1905 averaged about £800,000.
Cobden's argumentative speeches were regarded more sympathetically than Bright's more rhetorical appeals, and in a debate on Villiers's annual motion against the Corn Laws Bright was heard with so much impatience that he was obliged to sit down.
Potidaea, a Dorian town on the western promontory of Chalcidice in Thrace, a tributary ally of Athens - to which however Corinth as metropolis still sent annual magistrates - was induced to revolt,' with the support.
Demosthenes was left behind in this fort, and the Spartans promptly withdrew from their annual raid upon Attica and their projected attack on Corcyra to dislodge him.
They were originally a body of jurors which gave a verdict under the presidency of the praetor, but eventually became annual minor magistrates of the Republic, elected by the Comitia Tributa.
At the inquisition of 1336 the burgesses claimed an annual fair on St Peter's Day, and depositions in 1577 mention a borough market held on Tuesday and Friday, but these were apparently extinct in Camden's day, and no grant of them is extant.
They are annual and perennial erect herbs containing a milky juice, with lobed or cut leaves and generally long-stalked regular showy flowers, which are nodding in the bud stage.
The Californian poppy (Platystemon californicus) is a pretty annual about a foot high, having yellow flowers with 3 sepals and 6 petals; and the white bush poppy (Romneya Coulteri) is a very attractive perennial and semishrubby plant 2-8 ft.
The annual pure-bred livestock show is of national importance.
This shows us the normal organs of a Greek city, boule, ecclesia, prytaneis, &c., in full working, with the annual election of magistrates, and ordinary forms of public action.
To this commission the government makes an annual grant of £4000.
In finance his administration was very successful, as notwithstanding the expenses of his wars he showed an annual surplus of two millions sterling.
Piercing the desert, and at its annual overflow depositing rich sediment brought from the Abyssinian highlands, the river has created the Delta and the fertile strip in Upper Egypt.
The low sandy shore of the Delta, slowly increasing by the annual deposit of silt by the river, is mostly a barren area of sand-hills and salty waste land.
Although the Nil, water is abundantly charged with alluvium, the annual deposit b1 the river, except under extraordinary circumstances, is smaller thai might be supposed.
The average annual rainfall does not exceed I 50 in.
The sugar exported varied in annual value in the period 1884-1905 from 400,000 to 765,000.
The annual value of the crops is over f3,000,000.
The average annual value of the fisheries is about 200,000.
Annual returns are published in Cairo in English or French by the various ministries, and British consular reports on the trade of Egypt and of Alexandria and of the tonnage and shipping of the Suez Canal are also issued yearly.
Annual meteorological reports are issued by the Public Works Department, Cairo.
From that year to 1882 the average annual increase was 1.25%.
The rise of the Nile is naturally the occasion of annual customs, some of which are doubtless relics of antiquity; these are observed according to the Coptic calendar.
The crier continues his daily rounds, with his former chant, excepting on the Coptic New Years Day, when the cry of the Wefh is repeated, until the Salib, or Discovery of the Cross, the 26th or 27th of September, at which period, the river having attained its greatest height, he concludes his annual employment with another chant, and presents to each house some limes and other fruit, and dry lumps of Nile mud.
Under this settlement the total annual charges on the country amounted to 4,500,000, about half the then revenue of Egypt.
The capital of the debt was increased by 1,945,000 by these conversions, while the annual economy to the Egyptian government amounted at the time of the conversion to E.348,ooo.
This was constituted in 1886 and was chiefly made up of the net savings of the Egyptian government on its share of the annual surpluses from revenue.
The annual growth of revenue for the previous five years averaged over ESoo,000.
About one-third of the annual revenue is derived from the land tax; customs and tobacco duties yield about 3,000,000, and an equal or larger amount is received from railways and other revenue-earning departments.
Twelve medical and two veterinary officers are also employed departmentally, as well as officers acting as directors of supply, &c. Since the assumption of command by the third sirdar, Colonel (afterwards Lord) Kitchener, the ordnance, supply and engineer services have been separately administered, and a financial secretary is charged with the duty of preparing the budget, making contracts, &c. The total annual expenditure is 500,000.
The Service of Antiquities now boasts a large annual budget and employs a number of European and native officialsa director, curators of the museum, European inspectors and native sub-inspectors of provinces (at Luxor for Upper Egypt and Nubia, at Assiut for Middle Egypt and the Fayum, at Mansura for Lower Egypt, besides a European official in charge of the government excavations at Memphis).
The annual Archaeological Reports of the Egypt Explbration Fund contain summaries of the work done each year in the several departments of research.
It would seem that in the course of the next dynasty the census became annual instead of biennial, so that the times agreed with the actual years of reign; thenceforward their consecutive designation as first time, setond time, for first year, second year, was as simple as it well could be, and lasted unchanged to the fall of paganism.
The annual tribute imposed on the satrapy of Egypt and Cyrene was heavy, but it was probably raised with ease.
An expedition sent in the following year (5426) succeeded in taking captive the king of Cyprus, who was brought to Cairo and presently released for a ransom of 200,000 dinars, on condition of acknowledging the suzerainty of the Egyptian sultan and paying him an annual tribute.
The announcement of the pashas appointment had already been made in the usual way in the annual firman issued on the 3rd of May.
The growing prosperity of Egypt in the opening years of the 20th century was very marked, and is reflected in the annual reports on the country supplied to the British foreign Egypts office by Lord Cromer.
Lord Cromers annual reports (1888-1906) to the British government on the affairs of Egypt should also be consulted.
An annual sum is voted by parliament out of which loans are granted to cottagers who desire to purchase small freehold plots.
The Danish treasury receives nothing from these possessions; on the contrary, Iceland receives an annual grant, and the West Indian islands have been heavily subsidized by the Danish finances to assist the sugar industry.
The administration of Greenland entails an annual loss which is posted on the budget of the ministry of finances.
The peace strength of permanent troops, without the annual contingent of recruits, is about 13,500 officers and men, the annual contingent of men trained two or three years with the colours about 22,500, and the annual contingent of special reservists (men trained for brief periods) about 17,000.
This he did by recovering the alienated royal demesnes in every direction, and from henceforth the annual landgilde, or rent, paid by the royal tenants, became the monarch's principal source of revenue.
Before the Reformation the annual revenue from land averaged 400,000 bushels of corn; after the confiscations of Church property it averaged 1,200,000 bushels.
Situated in the heart of the "Cotton Belt," Macon has a large and lucrative trade; it is one of the most important inland cotton markets of the United States, its annual receipts averaging about 250,000 bales.
For the period1900-1905the annual value of the trade was about L200,000.
Owing to differences in the character of the elements produced at the beginning and end of the season, the wood is marked out in transverse section into concentric rings, one for each season of growth - the so-called annual rings.
The workings in Great Britain represent the annual abstraction of rather more than a mass of rock equal to a foot in thickness spread over a square mile.
Another good harbour is that of Drios on the south-east side, where the Turkish fleet used to anchor on its annual voyage through the Aegean.
Clissa, however, became untenable, and the Uskoks withdrew to Zengg, on the Croatian coast, where, in accordance with the Austrian system of planting colonies of defenders along the Military Frontier, they were welcomed by the Emperor Ferdinand I., and promised an annual subsidy in return for their services.
The institution owns 522 acres of land, has productive endowment funds amounting to $1,978,000, and receives from the state an annual appropriation of $80,000.
The annual yield is about 1,400,000 lb.
Reports of the work of British and French troops were published in the Annual of the British School at Athens in 1919.
Annual reports of the excavations were published in the American Journal of Archaeology.
Until the beginning of the 14th century Berwick was one of the four royal boroughs of Scotland, and although it possesses no charter granted before that time, an inquisition taken in Edward III.'s reign shows that it was governed by a mayor and bailiffs in the reign of Alexander III., who granted the town to the said mayor and the commonalty for an annual rent.
These are the summer and winter portions of the year, and an important result of the prevalence of these winds, with their accompanying rains, which are coincident with the annual extremes of temperature, is to imprint a more strictly insular character on the climate, by moderating the heat of summer and the cold of winter.
The administration of the fund was handed over to a body of trustees, who devote the annual income (L100,000) partly to the payment of students' fees and partly to buildings, apparatus, professorships and research.
After the passing of the act (1886) the Crofters' Commission in 15 years considered applications for rent and revaluation of holdings which amounted to £82,790, and fixed the fair rent at £61,233, or an annual reduction of £21,557; of arrears of rent amounting to £184,962 they cancelled £124,180, and also assigned 4 8, 949 acres in enlargement of holdings.
The annual value of the shell-fish (lobsters, crabs, oysters, mussels, clams, periwinkles, cockles, shrimps) is about £73,000.
The project, begun in 1725 under the direction of General George Wade, took ten years to complete, and the roads were afterwards kept in repair by an annual parliamentary grant.
At the time of the Union the annual amount of linen cloth manufactured in Scotland is supposed to have been about 1,500,000 yards.
The Union gave a considerable impetus to the manufacture, as did also the establishment of the Board of Manufactures in 1727, which applied an annual sum of £2650 to its encouragement, and in 1729 established a colony of French Protestants in Edinburgh, on the site of the present Picardy Place, to teach the spinning and weaving of cambric. From the 1st of November 1727 to the 1st of November 1728 the amount of linen cloth stamped was 2,183,978 yds., valued at £103,312, but for the year ending the 1st of November 1822, when the regulations as to the inspection and stamping of linen ceased, it had increased to 36,268,530 yds., valued at £1,396,296.
It is strongly fortified by forts and guns of modern type upon which large sums have been expended by the imperial government, aided by a heavy annual military contribution payable by the colony and fixed at 20% of its gross revenue.
In Egypt, the great annual and monthly festivals of the indigenous gods gave rise to all manner of religious expeditions.
From 25,000 to 30,000 persons take part each year in the resuscitated "leaping-procession" at Echternach; and the annual visitants to the "Holy Mount" at Gorz are estimated at 50,000.
The annual vicissitudes of the life of Sabazius, the Greek Dionysus, were accompanied by the mimic rites of his worshippers, who mourned with his sufferings and rejoiced with his joy.
Under provisions of the Financial Relations Acts of 1913 and 1917 the Union Government pays to the provinces an annual subsidy amounting to one-half of the estimated normal provincial expenditure for the year.
Large areas are still subject to annual inundations in the rainy season, and the lower river courses are bordered with swamps.
Bureau of American Republics for July 1900, p. 26, and for August 1908, pp. 280-282; Thirty-fifth Annual Report of the Council of Foreign Bondholders, pp. 115, 117.
The mean annual precipitation is about 39 in.
Among other sources of revenue are an inheritance tax, which yields approximately $1,000,000 a year, and 7% of the annual gross earnings of the Illinois Central railway, given in return for the state aid in the construction of the road.
Each annual ring is made up of two parts - an inner soft portion light in colour, and a hard, dark-coloured outer portion.
The wide annual rings show that the tree was grown too quickly, probably in marshy ground.
The annual rings are well defined, each ring consisting of a hard and a soft portion, respectively dark and light in colour.
The colour of the cut wood is a very light yellowish or brownish white, the hard parts of the annual rings being of a darker shade.
The abolition of this system was announced in 1906, and, as a partial substitute, it was decided to hold an annual examination in Peking of Chinese graduates educated abroad (Times, 22nd of October 1906).
The great annual festival which they had to conduct was held in honour of the anonymous Dea Dia, who was probably identical with Ceres.
His efforts for the men had already, it was calculated, amounted to a permanent annual increase in the railway wage bill of 65,00o,000, and an increase of 50%which in Aug.
At this moment a crowd came up to ask the fulfilment of his annual act of grace, the pardon of a prisoner at the Passover.
The United Kingdom yields but little pyrites, the annual output being not more than about io,000 tons.
The mean annual barometric height is 29.93 in.; the mean annual moisture, 81%; the mean annual rainfall, 27.99 in.
The mean annual number of days with rain is 204, with snow 19, and with thunder-storms 18.
Members must be at least thirty years old, and receive an annual allowance of £166, besides travelling expenses.
The total debt in 1905 amounted to £96,764,266 the annual interest amounted to £3,396,590.
Statistics are furnished b y the annual publication of the Society for Statistics in the Netherlands, Amsterdam.
The charter of 1562 granted three annual fairs to Langport, on the 28th of June, the 11th of November and the second Monday in Lent.
The annual production of British iron ore reached 18,031,957 tons in 1882, but in 1905 it had fallen to 14,590,703 tons, valued at 3,482,184.
The participation in the annual sacrifices at this sanctuary was regarded as typical of a Latin city (hence the name " prisci Latini " given to the participating peoples); and they continued to be celebrated long after the Latins had lost their independence and been incorporated in the Roman state.3 We are on firmer ground in dealing with the spread of the supremacy of Rome in Latium when we take account of the foundation of new colonies and of the formation of new tribes, processes which as a rule go together.
Collective Supplies and Sales.-There are ten large American and Canadian companies with extensive systems for gathering the annual hauls of skins from the far-scattered trappers.
The annual collection of fur skins varies considerably in quantity according to the demand and to the good or had climatic conditions of the season; and it is impossible to give a complete record, as many skins are used in the country of their origin or exported direct to merchants.
The Elmina were regarded by the Ashanti as their subjects, and the king of Ashanti held the Elmina "custom-note," - that is, he received from the Dutch an annual payment, in its origin a ground rent for the fort, but looked upon by the Dutch as a present for trade purposes.
In 1304 the commonalty rose against the patricians and drove them from the city, and in the following year gained a victory over the exiles and their allies, the knights, which was long celebrated by an annual service of thanksgiving.
An annual fair is held at Allahabad at the confluence of the streams on the occasion of the great bathing festival at the full moon of the Hindu month of Magh.
The charter of Elizabeth in 1595 granted an annual fair in June, and this was supplemented by Charles II.
He offered sacrifices to Artemis Agrotera and Enyalios, superintended epitaphia and arranged for the annual honours paid to the tyrannicides.
A deputy receives an annual honorarium of 4000 francs and a railway pass.
The annual levy is small and substitution is permitted.
Whereas in 1864 the annual production of all factories in Poland was valued at not more than 54 millions sterling, in 1875, when the workers numbered 27,000, the output was estimated at even less; but in 1905 the value of the industrial production reached 53 millions sterling.
Its situation is very beautiful, the moist climate (mean annual rainfall, 74 in.) fostering on the steep surrounding hills a vegetation unusually luxuriant for the latitude.
The annual rainfall is about 46 in., fairly well distributed throughout the year, though the heaviest precipitation occurs in August, September and October.
The climate resembles that of Great Britain, but the winters are generally more severe; the mean annual temperature is 48 F., and the annual rainfall is about 28 in.
The annual output of diamonds from the De Beers mines was valued in 1906 at nearly £5,000,00o; the value per carat ranging from about 35s.
Thunderstorms are frequent and occasionally very severe, between May and September; the annual average of thunderstorms for the decennium1888-1897was 505, the greatest frequency was in May (average 100.3) and in June (average 90.7); the severity of these storms may be imagined from the fact that in a half-hour between 5 and 6 p.m.
It is annual, requires rich but friable soil, grows to about 3 or 4 ft.
It is annual, grows 4 to 5 ft.
The annual value of imports and exports exceeds seven and nine millions sterling respectively.
The annual catch of the entire sea is valued at an average of one million sterling.
A similar method has frequently been applied to the study of variations of soil-temperatures by harmonic analysis of the annual waves.
In any case results deduced from the annual wave must be expected to vary in different years according to the distribution of the rainfall, as the values represent averages depending chiefly on the diffusion of heat by percolating water.
Such a tithe is still nothing more than the old offering of "firstfruits" (bikkurim) made definite as regards quantity, and it was only natural that as time went on there should be some fixed standard of the due amount of the annual sacred tribute.'
A distinction is drawn in Deuteronomy between the ordinary annual tithe, which may not have been a full tenth, and the "whole" or "full tithe," paid once in three 1 For other instances see Spencer, De legibus hebraeorum, lib.
Provision was made by statute after the fire of London for certain annual tithes to be paid in parishes whose churches had been destroyed, and there have been local acts from time to time with regard to particular parishes therein.
His first speech was on the Catholic question, and though some doubt had been felt lest Grattan, like Flood, should belie at Westminster the reputation made in Dublin, all agreed with the description of his speech by the Annual Register as "one of the most brilliant and eloquent ever pronounced within the walls of parliament."
His name is probably connected with the "triple ploughing" (Tpis, 7roXEiv), recommended in Hesiod's Works and Days and celebrated at an annual festival.
The prices below are the annual averages for all Indian teas sold in the London public auction market during the years stated.
In 1816 the first annual conference was held, id in 1843 there was instituted a general conference, composed delegates chosen by the annual conferences and constituting ie highest legislative and judicial authority in the church.
Thus the whole system broke down, the barrage was pronounced a failure, and attention was turned to watering Lower Egypt by a system of gigantic pumps, to raise the water from the river and discharge it into a system of shallow surface-canals, at an annual cost of about £250,000, while the cost of the pumps was estimated at £700,000.
At the low rate of £40 per ton, this means an annual increase to the wealth of Lower Egypt of £5,128,000.
To supply the Ibrahimia canal at all during low Nile, it had been necessary to carry on dredging operations at an annual cost of about £12,000.
This canal has cost Rx.428,086, and causes an annual loss to the state in interest and working expenses of about Rx.20,000.
The largest expense for water rights and for annual maintenance was incurred in southern California, where the character of the crops, such as citrus fruits, and the scarcity of the water make possible Arizona.
The Tirgului supplies water-power for several paper-mills; annual fairs are held on the 10th of July and the 24th of October; and there is a considerable traffic with Transylvania,over the Torzburg Pass, 15 m.
Annual engagements are entered into by the cultivators, under a system of pecuniary advances, to sow a certain quantity of land with poppy, and the whole produce in the form of opium is delivered to government at a fixed rate.
The land occupied by foreigners was leased to them by the Japanese government, 20% of the annual rent being set aside for municipal expenses.
In his annual message of the 6th of December 1864, he urged the immediate passage of the measure.
The mean annual temperature of south-western Germany, or the Rhine and Danube basins, is about 52 to 54 F., that of central Germany 48 to 50, and that of the northern plain 46 to 48.
For the Eifel, Sauerland, Harz, Thuringian Forest, Rhn, Vogelsberg, Spessart, the Black Forest, the Vosges, &c., the annual average may be stated at 34 in.
Mecklenburg, Brandenburg and Lusatia, Saxony and the plateau of Thuringia, West Prussia, Posen and lower Silesia are also to be classed among the more arid regions of Germany, the annual rainfall being 16 to 20 in.
Raw silk can scarcely be reckoned among the products of the empire, and the annual demand has thus to be provided for by importation.
Both the Bundesrat and the Reichstag meet in annual sessions convoked by tile emperor who has the right of proroguing and dissolving the Diet; but the prorogation must not exceed 60 days, and in case of dissolution new elections must be ordered within 60 days, and the new session opened within 90 days.
The annual expenditure was over 26,000,000, of which sum 7,500,000 was provided by state subvention.
As for war, the total fighting strength of the German nation (including the navy) has been placed at as high a figure as 11000,000, Of these 7,000,000 have received little or no training, owing to medical unfitness, residence abroad, failure to appear, surplus of annual contingents, &c., as already explained, and not more than 3,000,000 of these would be available in war.
In 1903 Baron von Stengel, who succeeded Baron von Thielmann as finance minister in this year, proposed that the matricular contributions of the several states, instead of varying as heretofore with the exigencies of the annual budget, should be fixed by law.
He was economical, and gave up a third of his civil list in order to help forward the task of establishing an equilibrium in the annual budget, and he was always ready from his large private fortune to help forward all schemes for the social or industrial progress of the country.
Subsequently, it suffered much by famine and the occasional assaults of the neighbouring Irish chieftains, whose favour the townsmen were at length forced to secure by the payment of an annual tribute.
A mayor of Altrincham is mentioned by name in 1452, but the office probably existed long before this date; it has now for centuries been a purely nominal appointment, the chief duty consisting in the opening of the annual fairs.
In the Annual Review for 1808 two articles of his are traced - a "Review of Fox's History," and an article on "Bentham's Law Reforms," probably his first published notice of Bentham.
A Goethe-Gesellschaft was founded at Weimar in 1885, and numbers over 2800 members; its publications include the annual GoetheJahrbuch (since 1880), and a series of Goethe-Schriften.
Up to 1921 an annual grant of £1,000 was the only contribution of the Government to education; no provision was made for the instruction of white children.
Annual pruning, to which the hawthorn is particularly amenable, is necessary if the hedge is to maintain its compactness and sturdiness.
The province furnishes no men for the Spanish peninsular army, but its annual conscription provides men for the local territorial militia, composed of regiments of infantry, squadrons of mounted rifles and companies of garrison artillery - about 5000 men all told.
The annual value of the wine exported often exceeded £500,000.
Luther's friends had been provokingly silent about the Theses; but in April 1518, at the annual chapter of the Augustinian Eremites held at Heidelberg, Luther heard his positions temperately discussed, and found somewhat to his astonishment that his views were not acceptable to all his fellow monks.
Three years later he was appointed professor of mathematics in the Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, stipulating for an annual salary of $5000, to be paid in gold.
Though he received a large income, he was so improvident that he was frequently in want, and on the 22nd of February 1822 the legislature of Maryland passed a remarkable resolution - the only one of the kind in American history - requiring every lawyer in the state to pay an annual licence fee of five dollars, to be handed over to trustees appointed "for the appropriation of the proceeds raised by virtue of this resolution to the use of Luther Martin."
Winthrop's history in New England was very largely that of the Massachusetts colony, of which he was twelve times chosen governor by annual election, serving in 1629-1634, 1637-1640, in 1642-1644, and in 1646-1649, and dying in office.
The state also makes annual grants directly to owners who are willing to place their plantations under state supervision, for the sale of plants at half price to the poorer peasantry, for making protective or sheltering plantations, and for free transport of marl or loam.
The oldest codes of the laws and customs of the land date from 1409 and 1 585, the original MS. of the latter (called the "Silver Book" from its silver clasps) being still used in Inner Rhoden when, at the close of the annual Landsgemeinde, the newly elected Landammann first takes the oath of office, and the assembled members then take that of obedience to him, in either case with uplifted right hands.
The amir not only received a large annual subsidy of money from the British government, but he also obtained considerable supplies of war material; and he, moreover, availed himself very freely of facilities that were given him for the importation at his own cost of arms through India.
At Sandoway this amounts to an annual mean of 212 in.
The annual vegetation which springs up in the rainy season includes numerous genera, such as Sida and Indigofera, which are largely represented both in Africa and Hindustan.
In order to remedy these defects primary education was made a first charge upon provincial revenues, and a permanent annual grant of 213,000 was made from the central government, with the result that thousands of new primary schools have since been opened.
Apart from legislation, the members of the council enjoy the right to interpellate the government on all matters of public interest, including the putting of supplementary questions; the right to move and discuss general resolutions, which, if carried, have effect only as recommendations; and the right to discuss and criticize in detail the budget, or annual financial statement.
The annual government demand, like the succession duty in England, is universally the first liability on the land; when that is satisfied, the registered landholder has powers of sale or mortgage scarcely more restricted than those of a tenant in fee-simple.
This annual inquiry has sometimes been mistaken by careless passers-by for an annual reassessment of each ryot's holding.
They are enveloped in a cloud of religious sanctions, and serve to mark out by their recurring periods the annual round of common life.
The annual timber yield of the Indian forests is about fifty millions of cubic feet, excluding what is used for local purposes.
Local trade is conducted either at the permanent bazaars of great towns, at weekly markets held in certain villages, at annual gather ings primarily held for religious purposes, or by means of Local travelling brokers and agents.
These charges constitute the home expenditure on revenue account, but there are also other remittances from India on capital account which bring up the total disbursements in England to an annual average of about 214 millions.
They paid their annual rent of 1200 pagodas (say £50o) to the deputies of the Mogul empire when Aurangzeb annexed the south, and on two several occasions bought off a besieging army with a heavy bribe.
A puppet nawab was still maintained at Murshidabad, who received an annual allowance of about half a million sterling; and half that amount was paid to the emperor as tribute from Bengal.
In the north of India, Baji Rao, the ex-peshwa who had been dethroned in 1818, lived on till 1853 in the enjoyment of his annual pension of £80,000.
The suppression of the Mutiny increased the debt of India by about 40 millions sterling, and the military changes that ensued augmented the annual expenditure by about 10 millions.
The disaster at Maiwand, and the Russian advance east of the Caspian, prevented the proposed withdrawal from Quetta; but Kandahar was evacuated, Abdur Rahman was left in complete control of his country and was given an annual subsidy of twelve lakhs of rupees in 1883.
The total strength of the army was raised by ro,000 British and 20,000 native troops, at an annual cost of about two millions sterling; and the frontier post of Quetta, in the neighbourhood of Kandahar, was connected with the Indian railway system by a line that involved very expensive tunnelling.
For many years the educated class among the natives had been claiming for themselves a larger share in the administration, and had organized a political party under the name of the National Congress, which held annual meetings at Christmas in one or other of the large cities of the peninsula.
They also contain provisions authorizing the asking of supplementary questions, the moving and discussion of resolutions on any matter of public interest and the annual consideration of the contents of the budget.
See also the annual reports on the Trade of Angola, issued by the British Foreign Office.
The annual payment of tribute ceased and Shalmaneser IV.
Cluny in the Grand Port (south-eastern) district has a mean annual rainfall of 145 in.; Albion on the west coast is the driest station, with a mean annual rainfall of 31 in.
The Brussels Sugar Convention of 1902 led to an increase in production, the average annual weight of sugar exported for the three years1904-1906being 182,000 tons.
Next to sugar, aloe-fibre is the most important export, the average annual export for the five years ending 1906 being 1840 tons.
The average annual tonnage of ships entering Port Louis is about 750,000 of which five-sevenths is British.
The average annual revenue of the colony for the ten years 1896-1905, was £ 608,245, the average annual expenditure during the same period £663,606.
To the cost of the troops Mauritius contributes 51% of its annual revenue - about £30,000.
Soc. (1895); the Annual Reports on Mauritius issued by the Colonial Office, London; The Mauritius Almanack published yearly at Port Louis.
They are annual or perennial herbs with much divided leaves and yellow or red flowers.
The annual value of the fisheries is about £40,000 (pearls £10,000, mother of pearl £30,000).
The mean annual rainfall in this city is about 76 in., and nearly three-fourths of it is from the middle of June to the middle of October, when the winds blow from the south-west.
During the period from 1865 to 1902 the annual rainfall varied from 35.6 in.
The insular government also makes annual appropriations for the maintenance of Filipino students at educational institutions in the United States; in 1908 the number so provided for was 130.
Matthew Stewart (his eldest son) wrote a life in Annual Biography and Obituary (1829), republished privately in 1838.
The determination of stellar parallaxes is a matter of great difficulty on account of the minuteness of the angle to be measured, for in no case does the parallax amount to I"; moreover, there is always an added difficulty in determining an annual change of position, for seasonal instrumental changes are liable to give rise to a spurious effect which will also have an annual period.
The results were, however, always untrustworthy owing to annual and diurnal changes in the instrument.
In the table is given a list of the stars now known to have an annual proper motion of more than 3".
The total annual value of the labour applied in English prisons has varied.
There are upwards of 12,000 silk power-looms in operation, and the value of the annual output in this branch alone is estimated at £ 3, 000,000.
Irene took alarm, sued for peace, and obtained a truce for three years, but only on the humiliating terms of paying an annual 2 The first citizens of Medina who embraced Islam were called Ansar ("helpers").
The annual raids of Moslems and Greeks in the border districts of Asia Minor were attended with alternate successes, though on the whole the Greeks had the upper hand.
In the year 851 the Boja (or Beja), a wild people living between the Red Sea and the Nile of Upper Egypt, the Blemmyes of the ancients, refused to pay the annual tribute, and invaded the land of the gold and emerald mines, so that the working of the mines was stopped.
In 97 8 -979 peace was made on condition that the Carmathians should evacuate Syria for an annual payment of 70,000 dinars.
At an annual spiritual examination of the members, there are mutual criticisms and public confessions of sin.
The rains come in July and August on the west and north-east coasts, and from April to July on the south coast, the approximate mean annual rainfall of these localities being 30, 35 and 42 in.
There are deer (at least five species), boars, bears, antelopes, beavers, otters, badgers, tiger-cats, marten, an inferior sable, striped squirrels, &c. Among birds there are black eagles, peregrines (largely used in hawking), and, specially protected by law, turkey bustards, three varieties of pheasants, swans, geese, common and spectacled teal, mallards, mandarin ducks white and pink ibis, cranes, storks, egrets, herons, curlews, pigeons, doves, nightjars, common and blue magpies, rooks, crows, orioles, halcyon and blue kingfishers, jays, nut-hatches, redstarts, snipe, grey shrikes, hawks, kites, &c. But, pending further observations, it is not possible to say which of the smaller birds actually breed in Korea and which only make it a halting-place in their annual migrations.
In 1885 the rudest process of "placer" washing produced an export of gold dust amounting to 120,000 pounds; quartz-mining methods were subsequently introduced, and the annual declared value of gold produced rose to about 450,000 pounds; but much is believed to have been sent out of the country clandestinely.
An endeavour was made to publish an annual budget, in which the revenue and expenditure should accurately represent the sums actually received and expended.
An annual report on the state of the kingdom was to be sent him.
In 1908 the two descendants of the old sultans of Cheribon still resided there in their respective Kratons or palaces, and each received an annual income of over X1500 for the loss of his privileges.
But it did more than this; by the king's instructions it endeavoured to make a national valuation list, estimating the annual value of all the land in the country, (1) at the time of King Edward's death, (2) when the new owners received it, (3) at the time of the survey, and further, it reckoned, by command, the potential value as well.
That from 1908 to 1910 estimated an annual income and an annual expenditure of about 620,000.
The average annual value of the trade for the period 1900-1907 was about £1,250,000, the annual export of rubber alone being worth £400,000 or more.
His proposal was mainly that a treble annual contribution should be levied on their property; but the Assembly confiscated their goods and decreed their deaths.
At Ogilby, Volcano, Indio and other stations on the Southern Pacific line the normal annual precipitation is from 1.5 to 2.5 in.; and there are localities near Owen's lake, even on its very edge, that are almost dry.
The effects of a season of drought on the dry portions of the state need not be adverted to; and as there is no rain or snow of any consequence on the mountains during summer, a succession of dry seasons may almost bare the ranges of the accumulated stock 1 During the interval from 1850 to 1872 the yearly rainfall at San Francisco ranged from 11.37 to 49.27 in.; from 1850 to 1904 the average was 22.74, and the probable annual variation 4 in.
Hence that climatic characteristic of the entire Pacific Coast - already referred to and which is of extreme importance in determining the life-zones of California - the great amount of total annual heat supply at comparatively high latitudes.
There has been a general parallelism between the amount of rain and the amount of wheat produced; but as yet irrigation is little used for this crop. In the eighth decade of the 19th century, the value of the wheat product had come to exceed that of the annual output of gold.
California is one of the leading hop-producing states of the Union, the average annual production since 1901 being more than 10,000,000 lb.
The annual output since 1875 has been about $15,000,000 to $17,000,000; in 1905, according to the Mines Report, it was $18,898,545.
A vivid realization of the industrial revolution in the state is to be gained from the reflection that in 1875 California was pre-eminent only for gold and sheep; that the aggregate mineral output thirty years later was more than a third greater than then, and that nevertheless the value of farm produce at the opening of the 10th century exceeded by more than $100,000,000 the value of mineral produce, and exceeded by $50,000,000 the most generous estimate of the largest annual gold output in the annals of the state.
The annual lumber cut from 1898-1903 averaged more than 663,348,000 ft.; of the 852,638,000 ft.
Browne, Report on " Mineral Resources of the States and Territories west of the Rocky Mountains " (United States Treasury, 2 vols., Washington, 1867-1868); United States Geological Survey, Annual Reports, Mineral Resources; consult also the bibliographies of, publications of the Survey, issued as Bulletins; California State Mining Bureau, Bulletins from 1888, note especially No.
Under the date of 14th July 1527, we find a "grant to Maister Hector" of an annual pension of £50, to be paid by the sheriff of Aberdeen out of the king's casualties; and on the 26th of July 1529 was issued a "precept for a lettre to Mr Hector Boys, professor of theology, of a pension of £50 Scots yearly, until the king promote him to a benefice of loo marks Scots of yearly value; the said pension to be paid him by the custumars of Aberdeen."
Periodical markets, weekly or annual, had preceded them, which already enjoyed the special protection of the king's ban, acts of violence against traders visiting them or on their way towards them being subject to special punishment.
The general obligations of the imperial cities towards the Empire were the payment of an annual fixed tax and the furnishing of a number of armed men for imperial wars, and from these the above-named towns claimed some measure of exemption.
In the improvement and expansion of these statutes a remarkable activity was displayed by means of an annual correctio statutorum carried out by specially appointed statutores.
Among the southern Arabs the hot well of Msa'ide was virtually a sanctuary, and the serpent-demon was honoured by annual festivals in the sacred month Rajab.
Also at Fernando Po there was an annual ceremony where children born within the year were made to touch the skin of a serpent suspended from a tree in the public square.9 We have next to notice the very general belief that the household snake was an agreeable guest, if not a guardian spirit.
Among the old Prussians they were invited to share an annual sacrificial 1 Fergusson, 65; Crooke ii.
For the Kouretes, the fish and serpent-like peoples struck down by Zeus or Apollo, see Harrison, Annual of Brit.
The common schools are maintained with the proceeds of school taxes and an annual income from school funds which are derived principally from lands.
He was still but a vali among the rest, holding his many pashaliks nominally by the sultan's will and subject to annual reappointment; and he knew that both his power and his life would be forfeit so soon as the sultan should be strong enough to deprive him of them.
Nicaragua comes within the zone of the wet northeast trade-winds, which sweep inland from the Atlantic. The rainfall is heavy along the west side of the lacustrine basin, with an annual mean at Rivas of 102 in., but this figure is sometimes greatly exceeded on the east coast, where rain is common even in the dry season.
He also ruled over the greater part of Germany, made expeditions into Saxony, and for some time exacted from the Saxons an annual tribute of 50o cows.
On its summit was an altar of Zeus Actaeus, in whose honour an annual festival was held in the dog-days, and worshippers clad themselves in skins.
The peninsula of MOnchgut has best preserved its peculiarities; but there, too, primitive simplicity is yielding to the influence of the annual stream of summer visitors.
St John Passion (in 1888), followed after short intervals by the St Matthew Passion, the Christmas Oratorio, the Mass in B Minor, and finally by an annual Bach festival continuing for three days, which was discontinued after Wolle's removal to the university of California in 1905.
He appointed the traveller to be kazi of Delhi, with a present of 12,000 silver dinars (rupees), and an annual salary of the same amount, besides an assignment of village lands.
The Carthusian monks, to whom the monastery was entrusted by the founder, were bound to employ a certain proportion of their annual revenue in prosecuting the work till its completion, and even after 1542 the monks continued voluntarily to expend large sums on further decoration.
In 1861 it registered a total of 905 in., and its annual average is 458 in.
There is an average annual precipitation of 43.1 in., which is quite evenly distributed throughout the year.
Between 1885 and 1891 the average annual production was about 15,000 tons, the greatest output20,567 tons - being mined in 1886.
Partly rebuilt, it is used as a dwelling-house; while in its gardens an annual race-meeting is held in August.
A Swedish return of1896-1900shows that the annual births per thousand wives of 20-25 are fewer by nearly 17% than those of wives under zo.
Here the annual number of legitimate births is shown in its proportion to the mean number of married women of conceptive age at each of the three latest enumerations.
The process of correcting the mere numbers of annual deaths per thousand of population into a form which renders XXII.
In most European countries not much less than half the annual deaths take place amongst children below five years of age, upon the total number of whom the incidence falls to the extent of from 40 to 120 per mille.
The expenses of these missions are borne by private charity, and by a general annual collection.
The annual value of timber exported is above X1,000,000.
Sweden during her temporary occupation of these ports had derived from them an annual income of 3,600,000 gulden.
The annual output of the Gironde during the last few years has been roughly 70 to 100 million gallons.
There is, thus, at the present a total annual consumption of rather over 30 millions of bottles.
The annual production is about 30 million gallons, of which rather more than one-half is dry wine.
The average annual cost of water per acre was then estimated at about 79 cents.
In 1906 there were 187,836 persons of school age (from 6 to 21) in the state, and of these 144,007 were enrolled in the schools; the annual cost of education was $4.34 per pupil.
On railways, see annual Statistics of Railways of the United States Interstate Commerce Commission, and Poor's Manual (Annual, New York).
The first three of these were recommended in his first annual message, and he privately announced to Bancroft his determination to seize California.
Briefly summarized, this letter approves of a tariff for revenue with incidental protection, whereas the annual message of the 2nd of December 1845 criticizes the whole theory of protection and urges the adoption of a revenue tariff just sufficient to meet the needs of the government conducted on an economical basis.
Bourne in an article entitled "The Proposed Absorption of Mexico in 18 471848," published in the Annual Report of the American Historical Association for 1899, i.
The Statistical Annual for Finland - Statistisk Arsbok for Finland - published annually by the Central Statistical Bureau in Helsingfors, gives the necessary figures.
A great work in the revival of an interest in the Finnish language was done by the Suomalaisen Kirjallisuuden Seura (the Finnish Literary Society), which from the year 1841 has published a valuable annual, Suomi.
This Orphic fast from meat was only broken by an annual sacramental banquet, originally, perhaps, of human, but later of raw bovine flesh.
The annual collection of 460 talents (I 10,400) shows sufficiently the magnitude of the league.
At the same time the average size of farms (not including farms with an area of less than 3 acres, which reported an annual income of less than $500) increased from 124.9 acres in 1880 to 433.6 acres in 1900.
The church could have given more weight to the wishes of the people; she professed to regard patronage as a grievance, and the annual instructions of the assembly to the commission (the committee representing the assembly till its next meeting) enjoined that body to take advantage of any opportunity which might arise for getting rid of the grievance of patronage, an injunction which was not discontinued till 1784.
From very early times markets were held within the borough on Thursday and Saturday, and in 1285 Richard Fitzalan, earl of Arundel, obtained a grant of two annual fairs on the 14th of May and the 17th of December.
There are no early charters extant, but in 1586 Elizabeth acknowledged the right of the mayor and burgesses to be a body corporate and to hold a court for pleas under forty shillings, two weekly markets and four annual fairs - which rights they claimed to have exercised from time immemorial.
As cultivated it is an annual with an erect stalk rising to a height of from 20 to 40 in., with alternate, sessile, narrowly lance-shaped leaves, branching only at the top, each branch or branchlet ending in a bright blue flower.
This annual flax appears to have been introduced into the north of Europe by the Finns, afterwards into the west of Europe by the western Aryans, and perhaps here and there by the Phoenicians; lastly, into Hindustan by the eastern Aryans after their separation from the European Aryans.
The mean annual rainfall is about 19 ins.
The annual value of exports and of imports (which are of a general character) may be set down as about £30o,000 each.
The council-general of the department had granted him a sum of 600 francs, and the town council promised an annual pension of 400, but in spite of friendly help and introductions Millet went through great difficulties.
Dr. Franz Boas, in the Sixth Annual Report of the Bureau of Ethnology, 1888, p. 591.
The General (Six Principles) Baptists of Rhode Island and Connecticut had increased their congregations and membership, and before the beginning of the 18th century had inaugurated annual associational meetings.
Since then Northern and Southern Baptists, though in perfect fellowship with each other, have found it best to carry on their home and foreign missionary work through separate boards and to have separate annual meetings.
In 1812 they had only one degree-conferring college with a small faculty, a small student body and almost no endowment; in 1906 they had more than Too universities and colleges with endowment and equipment valued at about $30,000,000, and an annual income of about $3,000,000.
The denomination has a single publishing concern (the American Baptist Publication Society) with an annual business of nearly $1,000,000 and assets of $1,750,000.
About 7 o% of the world's annual copper output is refined electrolytically, and from the 461,583 tons refined in the United States in 1907, there were recovered 13,995,436 oz.
Lancaster county has long been one of the richest agricultural counties in the United States, its annual products being valued at about $10,000,000; in 1906 the value of the tobacco crop was about $3,225,000, and there were 824 manufactories of cigars in the county.
They are annual plants from 5 to io ft.
The annual rainfall is about 68 inches.
About 250 vessels enter the port every year, and the annual value of the foreign trade is, approximately, £200,000 to £250,000.
An annual regatta is held early in August by the Royal Swedish Yacht Club (Svenska Segelsallkapet).
In 1806 the British consul-general at Algiers obtained the right to occupy Bona and La Calle for an annual rent of £Ii,000; but though the money was paid for several years no practical effect was given to the agreement.
They are grass-like herbs, sometimes annual, but more often persist by means of an underground stem from which spring erect solitary or clustered, generally three-sided aerial stems, with leaves in three rows.
These lands are very extensive, and present every degree of fertility and elevation, from the vast chars of pure sand, subject to annual inundations, to the firm islands, so raised by drift-sand and the accumulated remains of rank vegetable matter, as no longer to be liable to flood.