Announces Sentence Examples
This rite announces itself as the analogue of Christ's circumcision.
In the last part the publisher announces that it will be continued " as soon as ever the glut of news is a little over."
Each year the zoo announces several dates where visitors are allowed in for free.
At the end, the last person announces the message.
His official duty is to mark the game on the scoring card when the leader announces the result.
The first part of the letter announces that you are leaving.
You can also pick a Blue Mountain greeting card that announces your personalized message when opened.
Purring seems to be one of the ways a cat announces its state of wellbeing.
By 2008, the company announces plans to discontinue all analog film products.
When the school announces the prom, ask that person.
AdvertisementIf you're hoping to go out with friends, but your mom announces she'd like to use your "take the dog for a walk" coupon, it's your responsibility to uphold the coupon.
The graduating senior class of (high school name) proudly announces commencement ceremonies on (date, time, location).
When a celebrity couple announces their plans to wed, the celeb-obsessed spring into action to gather as much information and as many photos as possible, but sometimes the stars are really good at keeping their ceremonies private.
After a 25 year run, Oprah Winfrey is saying goodbye as she announces that her show is going off the air in 2011.
As Nicole Richie announces her engagement, it's hard to believe that this now polished and put together mother of two was once a misbehaving wild child.
AdvertisementA post on Penny Arcade's website announces Jack Thompson's attempt to contact federal agents to arrest the authors.
Suddenly, Prince Bowser drops from the sky, Peach in tow, and announces his plans to kidnap the princess.
A video game trailer is a short animation that announces the imminent release of a new game.
While some auctions fall within this category, most are rather calm, during which the auctioneer announces the address and the minimum price for a home and bidders indicate their interest.
This solemn carol announces the arrival of the new king.
AdvertisementThe host announces the engagement to the assembled guests, even if the news of the engagement is commonly known beforehand, but otherwise the activities can vary widely.
Jane Smith of Chicago announces the engagement of her daughter, Amy Smith to Ben Brown..."
Jane Smith announces the engagement of her daughter, Amy Smith, also the daughter of the late John Smith..."
Visitors can register to win a $500 shopping spree and sign up to receive an e-mail newsletter that announces notifications about upcoming sales and specials.
When a couple announces their engagement, many financial factors come into consideration.
AdvertisementA scoop is a piece of news that announces a casting change (such as when the show recast Clint with Guiding Light star Jerry verDorn).
The watch announces the time in a loud, clear voice for those who are hearing impaired or if you are in a dark space and can't see the watch dial.
This model's PVD-coated, feather-light aerospace-grade titanium case announces to the world that its wearer is serious about diving.
Plan out your chants and cheers ahead of the big game and consider teaching some ahead of time by doing them at a pep rally or printing the words on a flyer that announces the game details.
They whisper back and forth so as not to be discovered shopping at Progressive, but then Flo throws her arms up in celebration and announces, "It's an office party!"
A large "Welcome to the 80s" banner at the end of the tunnel announces the arrival to a night of fun.
After all of the votes have been cast, Chen announces the name of the evicted houseguest.
At the end of each season, CBS announces a new Amazing Race casting call to find new contestants for the next installment of the show.
In the aftermath, Staub announces plans to sue Giudice while Giudice says she plans to seek a restraining order against Staub.
Shocked, though, is everyone when the enchanted object announces four names as champions instead of three, and the fourth is none other than fourteen year old Harry Potter.
As soon as the telegram at Cuxhaven announces high tide three shots are fired from the harbour to warn the inhabitants of the " fleets "; and if the progress of the tide up the river gives indication of danger, other three shots follow.
It is used chiefly in poetry and literature for one who announces the immediate approach of something, a forerunner.
But as he does so, it is added to, in the way of detail and illustration, by a fresh series of revelations through an angel in the guise of a Shepherd, who in a preliminary interview announces himselt as the Angel of Repentance, sent to administer the special " repentance " which it was Hermas's mission to declare.
The -roll of states is again called, and the chairman of each state delegation announces the vote of the state.
Their language is vague and allegorical, full of allusions and pious Mussulman invocations; the author continually announces that he is about to speak without mystery or reserve, but all the same never gives any precise details of the secrets he professes to reveal.
This circular announces the addition of the DAWN telephone to the Special Range and describes the telephone and additional procedures associated with it.
An old fashioned bell announces your entrance into one of Cornwall's oldest family butchery businesses, Vivian Olds.
In an accept action, the parser announces successful completion of parsing.
The Budget also announces a further extension to the scope of the new reliefs.
It looks forward to being able to provide a further update when the Group announces preliminary results on 1 December 2004.
Jul 2003 Kosibah Creations announces alliance partner irresistible headdresses.
University of Dundee announces new Chancellor Lord Patel is to succeed Sir James Black as Chancellor of the University of Dundee.
David Blunkett, the Minister for the Interior, announces plans to introduce an identity card.
Thursday 29 November 1990 The Government announces a reshuffle of ministerial posts at the Northern Ireland Office (NIO ).
Few things are finer in music or literature than the end of the second act of Die Meistersinger, from the point where Sachs's apprentice begins the riot, to the moment when the watchman, frightened at the silence of the moonlit streets so soon after he has heard all that noise, announces eleven o'clock and bids the folk pray for protection against evil spirits, while the orchestra tells us of the dreams of Walther and Eva and ends by putting poetry even into the pedantic ineptitudes of the malicious Beckmesser.
That the word nabhi a, " prophet," originally signified one who speaks or announces the divine will, is rendered highly probable by a comparison of the Assyrian nabu, meaning (a) to "call" or "name," (b) " announce" (see Delitzsch, Handwarterbuch sub voce).
I have had a letter from my brother, who announces his speedy arrival at Bald Hills with his wife.
Thursday 29 November 1990 The Government announces a reshuffle of ministerial posts at the Northern Ireland Office (NIO).
TeD April 16 Sony announces the launch of the Betamax videocassette recorder format in Japan.
The stakeholders (employees, customers, creditors, investors, etc) didn't see it coming and then boom, the company just announces one day that it's all over.
A super-cool smoky gray color announces the Hawkeye!
This work is a severe criticism of all previous moral systems, especially those of Kant and Fichte, Plato's and Spinoza's finding most favour; its leading principles are that the tests of the soundness of a moral system are the completeness of its view of the laws and ends of human life as a whole and the harmonious arrangement of its subject-matter under one fundamental principle; and, though it is almost exclusively critical and negative, the book announces clearly the division and scope of moral science which Schleiermacher subsequently adopted, attaching prime importance to a "Giiterlehre," or doctrine of the ends to be obtained by moral action.