Annas Sentence Examples
He may get a few Annas, a handful of cold rice or a curse.
In June and July, when the rains begin, the bags are taken down and emptied 1 This is purchased from the ryots at 12 annas per maund.
In the interval which elapsed before the arrival of Albinus, Ananus son of Annas was made high priest by Agrippa.
At the same time Vitellius vindicated the Roman supremacy by degrading Caiaphas from the high-priesthood, and appointing a son of Annas in his place.
As the Kandahari rupee is worth about 8 annas (half an English rupee) the government thus realizes a profit of 1%.
Husein Khan was paid 1 Anna per mosquito he was bitten by; he came away with 10 annas.
The motive for this change does not appear, and we are equally ignorant of the cause which prompted his transference of the priesthood from his nominee to another son of Annas in 37.