Anglo-indians Sentence Examples
Natives and Anglo-Indians alike venerate his name, the former as their first beneficent administrator, the latter as the most able and the most enlightened of their own class.
There probably never was a viceroy so unpopular among Anglo-Indians or so popular with the natives.
The expression "Cave Temples" used by Anglo-Indians of such halls is inaccurate.
From their extremely slow movements and lethargic habits in the daytime these weird little creatures are commonly called sloths by Anglo-Indians.
No technical term is more familiar to Anglo-Indians, and none more strange to the LSett;eand English public, than that of land settlement.
This great shrinkage in exchange caused considerable loss to the Indian government in remitting to Europe, and entailed hardship upon Anglo-Indians who received pensions or other payments in rupees, while on the other hand it supplied an artificial stimulus to the export trade by increasing the purchasing power of gold.
The cap or topi is not bound round the head, but is placed 1 This has been Englished by Anglo-Indians into " puggaree " or " pugree " and applied to a scarf of white cotton or silk wound round a hat or helmet as a protection against the sun.
Some of them are called "humming-birds" by Anglo-Indians and colonists, but with that group, which, as before indicated (see Humming-Bird), belongs to the Picariae, the sun-birds, being true Passeres, have nothing to do.