Anger Sentence Examples
I took all my frustration and anger out on you.
Dusty echoed, anger burning through him.
The anger showed clearly.
Inside, he was burning with anger at the reminder.
Even as she thought it, she knew her anger had nothing to do with their heritage.
He grabbed her shoulders, pulling her roughly against him and kissed her lips in a demanding way that roused more anger than anything else.
His voice was soft, anger suddenly a thing of the past.
Anger again showed in Natasha's face.
Cynthia said, with anger in her voice.
She pulled away, her anger rippling through him.
AdvertisementShe nestled herself comfortably in Dorothy's lap until the kitten gave a snarl of jealous anger and leaped up with a sharp claw fiercely bared to strike Billina a blow.
Lisa waited for his reply in tense silence, but his response filled her with equal anger and pain.
It wasn't anger she felt towards him but … hunger.
The look of shear fury on his face replaced her anger with fear.
Deidre swallowed hard, wanting to chase after him but unsettled by his anger and the changes in him.
AdvertisementHe wanted to agree out of anger but couldn't.
In the army, Bonaparte and the French were still regarded with mingled feelings of anger, contempt, and fear.
His anger was unfounded, but she had to accept some of the blame for his method of approach.
Anger and panic bubbled within her.
Maybe it was anger that prompted him to make the remark about her spending his money, but he never apologized about it specifically.
AdvertisementAnger and terror were on his face.
His anger faltered, and sorrow filled his face.
Her anger turned to embarrassment.
I guess I was letting off my anger at everything.
As it always did, memories of the twins sparked a fire of anger at her father.
AdvertisementHis anger lessened without him understanding why.
Jake breathed, guilt and anger crossing his face.
She heard his anger.
She looked up at him, anger heating her blood again.
Their pleasure charmed away King Frost's anger, and he, too, began to admire the painted trees, and at last he said to himself, My treasures are not wasted if they make little children happy.
She cringed as he approached, sensing his anger.
Her gaze went from Darian to her father, and Jule saw the flash of anger that crossed her face.
Cynthia looked about to cry, but her anger held her tears in check, at least until they were back in bed.
Anger rose, but Gabe reined it in, exhausted.
There was a note of familiar anger in his voice.
His look melted her anger.
Instead of receiving God's approval, the excuses Moses gave only kindled God's anger.
Anger and bitterness had preyed upon me continually for weeks and a deep languor had succeeded this passionate struggle.
Anger seized me, my fingers refused to move, I sat rigid for one long moment, the blood throbbing in my temples, and all the hatred that a child can feel concentrated in my heart.
The nervous irritation aroused by the appearance of Mack, the news of his defeat, and the thought of what lay before the Russian army found vent in anger at Zherkov's untimely jest.
A novel feeling of anger against the foe made him forget his own sorrow.
The count, pipe in hand, was pacing up and down the room, when Natasha, her face distorted by anger, burst in like a tempest and approached her mother with rapid steps.
His expression revealed surprise for a brief moment, and then his eyes flashed with anger.
With Yancey's kind, there's no such thing as a mild emotion, neither in anger nor in love.
His silence was worse than his anger.
His hand dropped to his side and his eyes flashed with anger.
She looked up, fear and anger flashing through her.
He fought it until his anger subsided, unable to shake the sense of fear.
Jule studied him, guessing his words to be correct by the anger on the Watcher's face.
Jule rose and paced, anger rippling through him.
Pissing off Jonny wasn't part of her plan, so she took her anger out on punching bags every evening.
She looked up at him, sensing both his anger and his regret.
Linda looked at her, and she cleared her throat, anger spiraling through her again.
She stared hard at his chest as she struggled with her anger and need.
Deidre squeezed her eyes closed, not wanting to see Darkyn response and afraid his anger might be directed at her.
She was torn between anger and pity for Gabriel's mate right now.
People did things differently—spanking was more acceptable then, but now we know hitting causes anger and rebellion.
She paused, as if hesitating to confide, until her anger overcame her reticence.
Cynthia felt first anger and then violation that a thief had entered their private quarters.
Wynn asked in barely controlled anger.
His anger surprised her with its intensity, and she judged from Ully's reaction that seeing the lord and master pissed was not something the good-natured mad scientist wanted anything to do with.
She recalled what sent her outside the castle, and her anger at Kris ratcheted up another notch.
Her anger turned to thoughtfulness.
She has learned to connect certain movements of the body with anger, others with joy, and others still with sorrow.
Prince Andrew looked sternly at her and an expression of anger suddenly came over his face.
What sportsmen! and as if scorning to say more to the frightened and shamefaced count, he lashed the heaving flanks of his sweating chestnut gelding with all the anger the count had aroused and flew off after the hounds.
As often happens with passionate people, he was mastered by anger but was still seeking an object on which to vent it.
From all sides, like the roar of the sea, were heard the rattle of wheels, the tramp of feet, and incessant shouts of anger and abuse.
She had to eat, sleep, think, speak, weep, work, give vent to her anger, and so on, merely because she had a stomach, a brain, muscles, nerves, and a liver.
She had been reluctant to mention her idea before, but now she was desperate enough to risk his anger.
His expression was a fifty-fifty mixture of pain and anger.
Her warmth and openness disarmed him enough to take the edge off his anger.
Jonny's head snapped up, his expression one of surprise that quickly turned to anger.
The heat of her anger vanished, replaced by fear.
Anger stirred within her at the satisfaction on his face.
A flush spread across the woman's face, and anger glittered in her eyes.
If he spoke with anger or frustration or anything other than the quiet, impassioned tone, she would've been able to handle the news better.
That's not the way a functional relationship works, she said, anger building.
Deidre sensed his anger, though his movements were as controlled and purposeful as usual.
Rather than dread at what lie ahead of him, he felt nothing but anger.
If anything, his anger melted into the contemplation of a man who had a new problem he intended to solve.
Gabriel shifted in either frustration or anger.
Anger fluttered through her.
She moved along, foot-by-foot, focusing on the next stone and on her anger to keep from sobbing and falling to her doom.
He stalked past her, his anger palpable.
Anger made Kris.s face warm.
He forced his anger and frustration away to keep his eyes from flaring amber, then approached.
Even as he thought of his last moments with Kris, he felt his anger turn to resolve.
Jade couldn.t help the flash of anger he felt at the sight of such a creature comfortable and content.
More anger stirred as Jade bit his lip to keep from defending Kris.
That Kris could attack his brother.s mate but refuse to strong-arm his brothers into fighting demons made his anger boil.
Despite her anger at her sister, Katie felt the warm smile affect her.
He looked up at the sweet voice, his anger melting at the sight of Hannah.s pretty face.
His face mottled with anger, he released her with a curse and paced.
Tears of anger and shame burned her eyes as she swung away from him.
As suddenly as she appeared, Death was gone. Anger rising, Kris looked around to make sure she really was gone then cursed.
Her head felt ready to explode with anger, and adrenaline warmed her from the inside out.
That explained a lot of things, like why he had insisted she keep the farm in her name, and his anger that day in the barn.
Of all the emotions she expected to feel on the day of her great victory, anger and guilt were not among them.
She sensed his anger.
It but remains to call attention to the fact that the earlier view of the liver as the seat of the soul gave way among many ancient nations to the theory which, reflecting the growth of anatomical knowledge, assigned that function to the heart, while, with the further change which led to placing the seat of soul-life in the brain, an attempt was made to partition the various functions of manifestations of personality among the three organs, brain, heart and liver, the intellectual activity being assigned to the first-named; the higher emotions, as love and courage, to the second; while the liver, once the master of the entire domain of soul-life as understood in antiquity, was degraded to serve as the seat of the lower emotions, such as jealousy, anger and the like.
Giolitti removed the prefect of Rome for not having prevented an expression of popular anger, and presented formal excuses to the French consul at Messina for a demonstration against that consulate.
In 1643 he was offered a seat in the Assembly of Divines at Westminster, but declined it publicly in terms which drew upon him the anger of the House of Commons, and an order for the confiscation of his library was averted only by the interposition of Selden.
The American war had finally exhausted the exchequer, and, in order to replenish it, he would have needed to inspire confidence in the minds of capitalists; but the resumption in 2778 of the plan of provincial assemblies charged with remodelling the various imposts, and his corn pterendu in which he exhibited the monarchy paying its pensioners for their inactivity as it had never paid its agents for their zeal, aroused a fresh outburst of anger.
Tiyan warriors looked on in quiet anger while Memon's warriors explored the chamber in fascination.
Female Guardians were very rare, and he recalled the last he faced with a mixture of respect and anger.
Details of the schemes emerged in a leaked memo last night, causing anger among MPs.
But then he read the Greenstar brochure and knew that what he ought to feel was anger at so much misdirected goodwill and effort.
These disputes can often cause anger and stress and if allowed to continue, can lead to increasing mistrust and even threats.
Anger mounting at bungled police raid ANGER IS still mounting at the police dawn raid in Forest Gate.
With a loud roar of anger, he charged toward Jared.
You must remember, Catiche, that it was all done casually in a moment of anger, of illness, and was afterwards forgotten.
And the feeling of energy with which the troops had started began to turn into vexation and anger at the stupid arrangements and at the Germans.
But before he had finished speaking, Prince Andrew, feeling tears of shame and anger choking him, had already leapt from his horse and run to the standard.
All this misery, and money, and Dolokhov, and anger, and honor--it's all nonsense... but this is real....
I recollected myself and drove away that thought only when I found myself glowing with anger, but I did not sufficiently repent.
After hearing the details of Anatole's marriage from Pierre, and giving vent to her anger against Anatole in words of abuse, Marya Dmitrievna told Pierre why she had sent for him.
He was in a state of physical suffering as if from corporal punishment, and could not avoid expressing it by cries of anger and distress.
His anger with his wife and anxiety that his name should not be smirched now seemed not merely trivial but even amusing.
You may have wished your life to be different or made some statement in anger.
Despite her anger, she recognized the physical effort he put into his words.
Her eyes were heavy, her anger draining her last bit of energy.
He went through my memories, she said with a note of anger.
Gabriel clapped him on the arm, and Rhyn shook his head to clear the anger.
Her words did nothing to quell the anger boiling within him.
Taken aback by his anger, she watched him run a hand through his hair in an unusual sign of agitation.
He stalked to the door, sexual frustration and anger in his blood again.
Magic shot through him, burning like fire. Kris gasped. Another blast, and he fell to the ground. His body roiled with the demon magic, convulsing until the blow faded. He felt himself hauled up by his neck and thrust onto the ground again. His vision blurry, Kris could only see Hannah's beautiful blond hair. Sorrow replaced anger, and he reached out, touching the soft wheat curls.
Kris looked at him, anger building. The muscular half-demon was bleeding from a wound in his chest. His dark eyes glowed like a demon's, though his face was still that of an Immortal.
It was Winston who answered, anger in his voice.
There was anger in her voice, her eyes cast downward "We have to talk," Dean said, taking the only other seat.
Anger washed over her in a bold wave.
She stopped, anger chasing away the tears.
Anger is a passion, Carmen.
His expression was more concern than anger.
He squinted down at her in the dim light, his gray eyes smoldering with unmasked anger.
He pulled up his knees and encircled them with his arms as he stared at her, his expression somewhere between anger and perplexed.
He missed one strike, and she pulled the punch, not wanting to hurt him despite her anger.
Anger and other emotions grew within her.
His anger looked too real to be faked.
She flung a knife against the wall in anger then strode out of the Black God's chamber to the ground floor.
There was anger in his sharp voice this time, and his golden eyes flashed.
She focused on him again, pain and anger in her gaze.
Urgency rose within him, along with anger.
The words were cold, unaffected by Darian's anger.
Darian asked, his anger rising another notch at the thought of Jenn with the Original Vamp.
He thought he'd feel anger and a familiar passion for the first and only woman he'd ever made love to.
Hope and anger raced through her, her body tingling with more than his magic.
His anger subsided as he left the underground and entered the night.
His look was one of frigid anger as he stormed out.
Her face was flushed from exertion and anger.
Her breathing was hard, her wild look one of pure anger and fear.
Anger simmered beneath her controlled façade.
She pulled at her captured wrist, and his eyes flashed with anger.
The image of Taran's face flashed before her closed eyes, and with it a sense of frustration, fear, anger, and, most damning of all, desire.
Anger crossed through eyes as green as spring buds.
She could not see his face in the shadows but felt his anger.
She strained, mad with anger and fear.
His anger burned too hot for him to face her, too hot for him to do anything but drive his wired body into the ground with activity.
Despite his anger, he felt the urge to touch her, to cradle her in his arms until her distress subsided.
Anger crept through him.
She nudged her horse, taking in the scene with growing anger and fear.
Taran felt anger bubble within him.
I have only just learned there is more than my selfish anger that matters.
Taran had never known how selfish his own anger was.
Whether due to his anger or his concern for Rissa, Vara didn't return.
Carmen pushed away the anger her words aroused.
Megan forced the anger to the back of her mind and greeted the couple warmly.
A cold anger gripped her.
He felt nothing, seated beside his dead mother, except the prick of anger.
His shock wore off, replaced by anger.
He felt nothing for the beautiful woman before him, not even anger, despite their shared history.
Why, then, did he feel a familiar stir of deep-set anger?
He was assessing her again, amused by her anger.
At least the offer was on the table, barring any anger he had at her slapping him today.
Anger flared within her.
Her bronze curls were captured in a ponytail, her face flushed from his bite and her gray eyes glittering with anger that made him want to sweep her up and kiss her until the dazed look returned.
His anger was as strong as his desire.
He was patient, still dealing with his own anger issues.
Entertained by her exasperation, Xander's anger subsided.
Xander waited until this bout of anger settled enough for him to deal with the woman who frustrated him then rose, making his way back to the food court.
His anger had settled enough for him to admire the flush of her cheeks.
Anger trickled into him.
Familiar anger and pain swirled through him, the same he felt the night he killed the last Grey God.
He wanted to feel the power in him again, to take away his anger.
The moment he saw Jessi's still body, his scattered thoughts crystallized into one and any anger he felt fled.
But it wasn't anger he felt standing over Jessi's unmoving form.
He lowered his head to her neck, breathing in her scent with a mix of longing and anger.
Jessi's laughter bubbled up at the anger in his tone.
Elected deputy in 1861, his anger against Cavour found violent expression.
Haggai argued that material prosperity was conditioned by zeal in worship; the prevailing distress was an indication of divine anger due to the people's religious apathy.
His power is limitless, his anger at wrong-doing unassuageable, and he is omniscient.
She was helpless, and the violence of her grief and anger soon changed to passive resistance, and than to a complete forbearance and complaisance which gained the king's regard and favour.
To one who favoured simplicity of cult the new worship was a desecration of Yahweh, and, braving the anger of the king and queen, he foreshadowed their fate.
A massacre took place, and Antiochus braved the anger of Yahweh by entering and pillaging the Temple with impunity.
The unavenged blood was the cause of divine anger, and retribution must be made.
Tricked into a liaison with the Fisher King's daughter Elaine, he becomes the father of Galahad, the Grail winner, and, as a result of the queen's jealous anger at his relations with the lady, goes mad, and remains an exile from the court for some years.
These proceedings aroused the anger and jealousy of the barons, and their wrath was diminished neither by Gaveston's superior skill at the tournament, nor by his haughty and arrogant behaviour to themselves.
On hearing this message, Mahmud at first reproached Hasan with having caused him to break his word, but the wily treasurer succeeded in turning his master's anger upon Firdousi to such an extent that he threatened that on the morrow he would "cast that Carmathian (heretic) under the feet of his elephants."
The course of events, and especially the anger of the people, now began to terrify Charles IV., the queen and Godoy.
This disaster, the most serious suffered by the French since Rossbach, sent a thrill through the Napoleonic vassal states and aroused in Napoleon transports of anger against Dupont.
She is the mother of Ur, the personified fire of hell, who in anger and pride made a violent onset on the world of light, but was mastered by Hibil and thrown in chains down to the "black water," and imprisoned within seven iron and seven golden walls.
Similarly in Egypt at the present day the jinn are believed to swarm so thickly that it is necessary to ask their permission before pouring water on the ground, lest one should accidentally be soused and vent his anger on the offending human being.
He sailed back to Otranto in order to recover his health, but the new pope, Gregory IX., launched in hot anger the bolt of excommunication, in the belief that Frederick was malingering once more.
The blow was a fatal one to the aged and war-worn Campeador, who died of anger and grief in July 1099.
The anger of the emperor was again roused by this dishonour, and Andronicus was compelled to fly.
The insults of Talleyrand, and his shameless attempts to extort bribes from the American commissioners, roused the deep anger of the people against France.
By the patient study of the behaviour of precocious young birds, such as chicks, pheasants, ducklings and moorhens, it can be readily ascertained that such modes of activity as running, swimming, diving, preening the down, scratching the ground, pecking at small objects, with the characteristic attitudes expressive of fear and anger, are so far instinctive as to be definite on their first occurrence - they do not require to be learnt.
But after a time he became enamoured of Ino, the daughter of Cadmus, and neglected Nephele, who disappeared in anger.
This anger and contempt may have been partly justified by the discreditable state into which the study of logic had fallen.
When the Greeks were visited with pestilence on account of Chryseis, he disclosed the reasons of Apollo's anger.
Marcellus, therefore, struck his first blow at Leontini, which was quickly stormed; and the tale of the horrors of the sack was at once carried to Syracuse and roused; the anger of its population, who could not but sympathize with their near neighbours, Greeks like themselves.
In 1629 Prynne came forward as the assailant of Arminianism in doctrine and of ceremonialism in practice, and thus drew down upon himself the anger of Laud.
His relentless war against his neighbor caused fear and anger.
Passau consists of the town proper, lying on the rocky tongue of land between the Danube and the Inn, and of four suburbs, Innstadt on the right bank of the Inn, Iizstadt on the left bank of the Ilz, Anger in the angle between Ilz and the Danube, and St Nikola.
That which goes northward is charged to wreak His anger on the north country.
He had long been identified with the rigorist party in the church, and as president of the Council of Trent had incurred the anger of the emperor by his jealous defence of papal prerogative.
He vented his anger upon Catherine, who reproved him for minding temporal rather than spiritual things, but in the beginning of 1378 sent her on an embassy to Florence and especially to the Guelph party.
Some of the eagles feathers, blown to his side, suggest the death of the bird; at his feet lies the corpse of the little boy, and the horror, grief and anger that such a tragedy would inspire are depicted with striking realism in the farmers face.
It is often exserted with a rapid motion, sometimes with the object of feeling some object, sometimes under the influence of anger or fear.
After some time his Lutheran tendencies exposed him to the anger of the authorities, who were of the Reformed Church.
The brutality of some Spanish governors on the spot provoked anger The cortes assembled in Cadiz, being under the influence of the merchants and mob, could make no concessions, and all Spanish America flamed into revolt.
At first the Angel is seen only by the ass, which arouses Balaam's anger by its efforts to avoid the Angel.
He is almost Lucretian in his anger against religion which would withdraw the secret of the universe from our direct gaze.
Can we wonder that he gave vent to his anger 's and declared that Ney had ruined France?
During his absence the Greeks were hard pressed, and at last he so far relaxed his anger as to allow his friend Patroclus to personate him, lending him his chariot and armour.
He was trained in all manly accomplishments by heroes of the highest renown in each, until in a transport of anger at a reprimand he slew Linus, his instructor in music, with the lyre.
Knowing his doom, he bade his sons, Alcmaeon and Amphilochus, avenge his death upon their mother, upon whom, as he stepped into his chariot, he turned a look of anger.
The second was just issued, and the subscribers, in their anger, refused by thousands to receive it.
It is probable, however, that Harun's anger was caused to a large extent by the insinuations of his courtiers that he was a mere puppet in the hands of a powerful family.
His anger against Fesch was such that he stopped the sum of 150,000 florins which had been accorded to him.
A poet of some importance was Sebastian Fabian Klonowicz (1545-1602), who latinized his name into Acernus, Klon being the Polish for maple, and wrote in both Latin and Polish, and through his inclination to reform drew down on himself the anger of the clergy.
Here his evangelistic fervour attracted multitudes to his preaching, including Roman Catholics, but at the same time excited the anger of his opponents; and the result of their opposition was that after a ministry of fifteen months he was commanded by the civil authorities (27th of September 1691) to leave Erfurt within forty-eight hours.
With her sisters, she had been sent to look for water, the district of Argos being then parched through the anger of Poseidon.
The fragments of Sallust contain the substance of a speech delivered by Cotta in order to calm the popular anger at a deficient corn-supply.
In 1865 he opposed the federation of the British American provinces, and, in his anger at the refusal of the British government to repeal such portions of the British North America Act as referred to Nova Scotia, made a speech which won for him the name of Haul-down-the-flag Jones.
The President's activity and enormous popularity roused the anger of the Opposition parties, and the Radical-Socialist congress at Pau, on Oct.
The reactionaries in power put off their promised reforms so persistently as to anger even Metternich; nor did the replacement of Bernetti by Lambruschini in 1836 mend matters; for the new cardinal secretary of state objected even to railways and illuminating gas, and was liberal chiefly in his employment of spies and of prisons.
They were just and temperate in anger, the guardians of good faith, and the ministers of peace, obedient to their elders and to the majority.
The wealth of the ancient Siphniotes was shown by their treasury at Delphi, where they deposited the tenth of their gold and silver; but, says the legend, they once failed to do this, and Apollo in his anger flooded their mines.
The quarrel which all the acquaintances of the two philosophers had predicted soon came, and no language had expressions strong enough for Rousseau's anger.
But some foolish and ignorant Scotsmen were moved to anger by a little unpalatable truth which was mingled with much eulogy, and assailed him whom they chose to consider as the enemy of their country with libels much more dishonourable to their country than anything that he had ever said or written.
Charles attempted to buy off these redoubtable invaders, a policy which aroused the anger of his German subjects, whose resentment was accentuated by the kings indifference to their condition, and found expression in 887 when Arnulf, an illegitimate son of Carloman, the eldest son of Louis the German, led an army of Bavarians against him.
Ascribing his defeat to Henrys defection, Frederick returned to Germany full of anger against the Saxon duke and firmly resolved to punish him.
After his attempt on the life of Phrixus, which was supposed to have succeeded, the Phthiots were ordered to sacrifice him to Zeus Laphystius, in order to appease the anger of the gods.
For general talk about the evils of slavery they cared little, but this assertion that every slave was entitled to instant freedom filled them with alarm and roused them to anger, for they saw that, if the conscience of the nation were to respond to the proposition, the system must inevitably fall.
Later, however, a disastrous expedition sent to aid the Libyans against the Greek colony of Cyrene roused the suspicion and anger of the native soldiery at favors shown to the mercenaries, who of course had taken no part in it.
And it is fair to remember in her defence that Pirkheimer when he denounced her was old, gouty and peevish, and that the immediate occasion of his outbreak against his friend's widow was a fit of anger because she had not let him have a pair of antlers - a household ornament much prized in those days - to which he fancied himself entitled out of the property left by Darer.
Most of the changes which he advocated were wise and have since been adopted; but the violence of Mackenzie's attacks roused great anger among the social and political set at York (Toronto), which was headed by John Beverley Robinson.
Darnley stood aloof, in fear and anger.
And with that feeling as a basis we will ever be suffusing the whole wide world with thought of love far-reaching, grown great, beyond measure, void of anger or ill-will."6 The relative importance of love, as compared with other habits, is thus described."
Disease was generally attributed to the anger of the gods.
Hence offerings, &c., were made to appease their anger.
A bronze statue of the reformer was erected in the Anger, the chief street of the town, in 1890.
The heterodox views which he maintained aroused the anger of the Church on behalf of its cherished Aristotelianism, and a short time after his death his books were placed on the Index.
Such a sage agrees in his thought with God; he no longer blames either God or man; he fails of nothing which he purposes and falls in with no misfortune unprepared; he indulges in neither anger nor envy nor jealousy; he is leaving manhood for godhead, and in his dead body his thoughts are concerned about his fellowship with God.
The perfect man thus described will not be angry with the wrongdoer; he will only pity his erring brother; for anger in such a case would only betray that he too thought the wrong-doer gained a substantial blessing by his wrongful act, instead of being, as he is, utterly ruined.
The gods, to be sure, are easily aroused to anger, and in some of them the dire aspects predominated, but the view becomes more and more pronounced that there is some cause always for the divine wrath.
Though, in accounting for the anger of the gods, no sharp distinction is made between moral offences and a ritualistic oversight or neglect, yet the stress laid in the hymns and prayers, as well as in the elaborate atonement ritual prescribed in order to appease the anger of the gods, on the need of being clean and pure in the sight of the higher powers, the inculcation of a proper aspect of humility, and above all the need of confessing one's guilt and sins without any reserve - all this bears testimony to the strength which the ethical factor acquired in the domain of the religion.
Yazid, when informed of this, swore in his anger to have him imprisoned.
Khalid, to whose care he had been entrusted, suffered him to escape, and that this was the real cause of Harun's anger against the Barmecides (q.v.).
Amin, in anger, caused the will of his father, which, as we have seen, was preserved in the Ka`ba, to be destroyed, declared on his own authority that Mamun's rights of succession were forfeited, and caused the army to swear allegiance to his own son Musa, a child of five, on whom he bestowed the title of an-N atiq bil-Haqq (" he who speaks according to truth"), A.H.
His anger was great, but he kept it carefully to himself.
In God, however, as the condition of His manifestation, lies, according to Boehme, the "eternal nature" or the mysterium magnum, which is as anger to love, as darkness to light, and, in general, as the negative to the positive.
He sought to make anger predominate over love; and he had his will, becoming prince of hell, the kingdom of God's anger, which still remains, however, an integral part of the Divine universe.
He was also quick in his anger, but easily appeased."
In her anger she had told the queen she wished for no answer, and she was now met by a stony and exasperating silence, broken only by the words constantly repeated, "You desired no answer and you shall have none."
The re-organization of the university was also discussed, and as Wenceslaus for a time favoured the Germans, Hus and Jerome, as leaders of the Bohemians, incurred the anger of the king, who threatened them with death by fire should they oppose his will.
The sense of anger which follows a violation of custom has the name of " Nemesis " - righteous displeasure.
The first book, for instance, consists of a lay on the anger of Achilles (1-347), and two continuations, the return of Chryseis (430-492) and the scenes in Olympus (348-429, 493611).
The subject of the Iliad, as the first line proclaims, is the " anger of Achilles."
But in the Iliad the whole stress is laid on the anger of Achilles, which can only be satisfied by the defeat and extreme peril of the Greeks.'
The president's proclamation of neutrality, in the war between England and France, excited them to anger; his support of Jay's treaty with Great Britain roused them to fury.
He soon felt that the queen's anger was not to be appeased by such a justification.
Essex was thus thrown upon his own resources, and his anger against the queen being roused afresh by the refusal to renew his monopoly of sweet wines, he formed the desperate project of seizing her person and compelling her to dismiss from her council his enemies Raleigh, Cobham, and Cecil.
Sometimes one Erinys is mentioned, sometimes several; Euripides first spoke of them as three in number, to whom later Alexandrian writers gave the names Alecto (unceasing in anger), Tisiphone (avenger of murder), Megaera (jealous).
Such was the anger of the king that Ragnvald was forced to accompany Ingeger5 to Russia, where she was married to the grand-duke Jaroslav at Novgorod.
He died in 1304, traditionally of anger at the Syrian fiasco, and was succeeded by his brother Ijijaitu (Oeljeitu).
Nadirs anger and indignation had been great at this weak proceeding; indeed, he had made it the ostensible cause of the shahs deposition.
He liked books and quiet corners all his days, he says; and so, when conviction of sin and visions of God's grace came to him in the medieval fashion of a dream of the anger and forgiveness of the Virgin, Florentius told him that a monk's life would suit him best, advised him to join the Augustinian order, and sent him to Zwolle to the new convent of Mount St Agnes, where his brother John was prior.
But the lines originally written on Paris, having been inserted in one of his new satires, excited the jealous anger of an actor of the time, who was a favourite of the emperor, and procured the poet's banishment under the form of a military appointment to the extremity of Egypt.
These all-pervading soul atoms exercise different functions in different organs; the head is the seat of reason, the heart of anger, the liver of desire.
These suggestions were indignantly repelled by Rudolph, whose anger was greatly increased by a letter of Pope Clement VIII.
This proceeding roused the anger of the Burgundian duke, Philip the Good, who required him early in the next year to return to his prison, from which he was released two years later on payment of a heavy ransom.
Having boasted that he could construct a machine for regulating the inundations of the Nile, he was summoned to Egypt by the caliph Hakim; but, aware of the impracticability of his scheme, and fearing the caliph's anger, he feigned madness until Hakim's death in 1021.
Picus rejected her advances, and the goddess in her anger changed him into a woodpecker, which pecks impotently at the branches of trees, but still retains prophetic powers.
Equally praiseworthy is the generous pardon that the emperor, after much intercession, granted to the seditious people of Antioch, who, out of anger at the growing imposts, had beaten down the imperial statues of their city (387).
He is described as being generous to excess, free from cupidity, merciful to his vanquished enemies, and strictly continent, but subject to violent bursts of anger and possessed of unyielding pride and fanatical religious zeal.
No single act of the Mutiny elicited such a storm of fierce anger among the British, both those who were fighting in India and those who supported them at home; for none was a more terrible vengeance taken, though the Nana himself escaped from his pursuers.
Already by the middle of the 16th century the yoke was so heavy that the voivode Elias (1546-51) became Mahommedan to avoid the sultan's anger.
Russia had shown symptoms of anger against Rumania for not having taken up a decided attitude in the approaching struggle, and the Russian ambassador Ignatiev had some months previously threatened that his government would seize Rumania as a pledge as soon as the Turks occupied Servia and Montenegro.
He warned his hearers against the fires of concupiscence, anger, ignorance, birth, death, decay and anxiety; and taking each of the senses in order he compared all human sensations to a burning flame which seems to be something it is not, which produces pleasure and pain, but passes rapidly away, and ends only in destruction.3 Accompanied by his new disciples, the Buddha walked on to Rajagaha, the capital of King Bimbisara, who, not unmindful of their former interview, came out to welcome him.
Many have already followed it, and conquering the lust and pride and anger of their own hearts, have become free from ignorance and doubt and wrong belief, have entered the calm state of universal kindliness, and have reached Nirvana even in this life.
The speech provoked a storm of anger in the South, but the North was heartened to find at last a leader whose courage matched his conscience.
In the Anger, a public park between the town and the river, is the theatre.
Although John George was unable to procure his minister's release, Leopold managed to allay the elector's anger, and early in 1693 the Saxon soldiers rejoined the imperialists.
John returned to England foiled, and in great anger; he resolved to give up the French war, secured a truce with King Philip by abandoning his attempt to reconquer his lost lands on the Loire, and turned to attack the recalcitrant subjects who had refused to join him in his late campaignbeyond the Channel.
The maltolt or illegal taxas his subjects called it, provoked the anger of the whole body of merchants in England.
Roused to anger King Edward rose from his bed, mounted his horse, and started for Scotland.
If they had waited till his popularity had waned, they might have had some chance of success, but in anger and resentment they struck too soon.
In his anger the Burgundian ceased to support Bedford, and would have joined Charles VII.
James' attempt to obtain further supplies from the Commons by opening a bargain for the surrender of some of his old feudal prerogatives, such as wardship and marriage, which had no longer any real meaning except as a means of obtaining money in an oppressive way, broke down, and early in 1611 he dissolved his first parliament in anger.
The thought of wrong or misery moved him less to pity for the victim than to anger against the cause.
And this anger and disgust were exasperated by the dread with which certain proceedings in England had inspired him, that the aims, principles, methods and language which he so misdoubted or abhorred in France were likely to infect the people of Great Britain.
The anxiety and anger aroused by her conduct was reputed to be the cause of Elizabeth's death the same year.
The anger of the Danes was turned against the envoys of the Swedish sovereign; Coyet, it is true, succeeded in escaping, but the second minister, Steno Bjelke, and the whole suite were arrested and thrown into prison.
And whenever he had to deal with this sort of folks, if he did not beforehand take a strong resolution of keeping his temper, he quickly fell into a passion; for he was naturally choleric, but his anger never lasted long.
De Lessart having incurred its anger by the tameness of his replies to Austrian dictation, the Assembly voted his impeachment.
Then comes gentleness - the virtue regulative of anger; and the list is concluded by the excellences of social intercourse, friendliness (as a mean between obsequiousness and surliness), truthfulness and decorous wit.
She glared at him, anger taking possession of her body.
Cassie transferred her anger to him.
I hastily swallowed my anger.
The Grey God's face grew stormy, and anger colored his features.
It took effort to repress his anger and his desire to tear outta there to find her.
Talon knelt where Czerno had fallen and then rose, roaring in anger.
Her father turned to her, anger and triumph on his normally stoic features.
The thought of Sofia in Czerno's hands did worse than anger him—he felt fear for the first time in millennia.
It wasn't anger she felt towards him but … hunger.
Anger burned in her blood.
You wouldn't believe the amount of repressed anger most Immortals have.
People did things differently—spanking was more acceptable then, but now we know hitting causes anger and rebellion.
He didn't show any anger at all, just disappointment—not so much at my going to the quarry as lying to him.
I guess that shows they at least believed what they were doing was right—not just whacking you on the spur of the moment because they were mad as hell, taking their anger out on your backside.
The Dawkins—the Ginger/Joseph half—drove up, this time making no effort to hide their rented Jeep, or their door-slamming anger.
Gabe watched it, anger stirring as the Oracle confirmed Darkyn's story about bringing back a dead-dead immortal.
Rhyn's anger made his cell wall shake before the energies of Hell itself began suctioning his power from him.
Kris.s gaze was amber, a visual indicator of his anger despite his calm features.
She shook her head to clear her anger and sat with her back to the counter, forcing herself to concentrate on the shadow world and tapping into Rhyn.s power despite the sounds of demons fighting so near the kitchen.
Rhyn.s anger stirred at the sight of her bleeding alone, and he crossed to her, snatching the first aid kit off the bed.
Jade looked up again, interested as much in the sudden anger in Kris.s voice as he was in the knowledge that Katie was in the castle.
Rhyn had been as manipulated as poor Jade, who was now crazy with guilt and anger.
They taunt each other whenever they have the chance and oftentimes want to anger the other but don't intend to follow through.
Rhyn glanced from the rolling teal waves to his mate. Her words about Gabe were troubling, and he couldn't determine if she was purposely vague or really didn't know. Her pretty face was puzzled, and he frowned. She was beyond tired. Whatever was happening to her in the underworld, it wasn't good. Anger filled him. As much as he wanted to stay in the dream world in case it really was the last time he saw her, he couldn't help her while stuck in the dream.
He will not chide continually, nor keep his anger still.
This medication is effective for anger, fear, grief or addictive craving; in fact, it can be tried for any emotional disorder.
The growing anger in Japanese society is so palpable that the ruling class is terrified.
December's parliamentary elections only accentuated this process, much to the anger of Bush's regime.
The result can be severe Post Traumatic Stress Disorder symptoms include agoraphobia, inability to communicate, uncontrollable anger and distress.
But early talk of compulsory purchase aroused some local anger and the agencies backed off.
I need to vent some anger about people who can't walk.
Jayne has expressed anger at Big Brother ' s insistence that she be uncharacteristically subdued.
His death was a signal for some of the suppressed anger at the bureaucratic regimes of Eastern Europe to surface.