Angel Sentence Examples
The baby angel gave a small smile that filled her with relief.
Toby, what do the angel memories say about it?
You have an angel here?
It was easier to protect Angel from afar, before she knew what he was or faced the dangers he did daily.
I didn.t know we had a baby angel in our midst.
My mother, my angel, my adored angel mother, and Dolokhov pressed Rostov's hand and burst into tears.
He's not exactly a pure angel, Katie.
The thought of his Angel in Charlie's reach infuriated Brady.
I won't let anything happen to you, Angel.
They carefully lifted the sleeping angel and carried him up a flight of stairs to her large chamber.
AdvertisementWhile he shouldn't have been surprised to find Angel in such a position, Brady was still impressed.
He'd found out his Angel was not only bright, but brave and beautiful.
He didn't want Angel to feel that way, not when it was his duty to take care of her.
The five-year-old angel, whose appearance in her life several weeks ago plunged her into the Immortal underworld, squeezed through the cracked door.
Besides, the bond between angel and human cannot be broken, so you.ll have to take care of Toby until you die.
AdvertisementYou're an angel, Lana.
He didn't realize how much he relied upon Angel's soothing voice until he heard her answer.
He knew her as Angel.
His thoughts were on Angel.
The moment their bodies touched, he could think of little else than how long it had been since he had a woman and how much he'd wanted Angel since soon after he'd started talking to her weeks ago.
AdvertisementStanding with his brave Angel, he couldn't think of a reason he'd want to leave her side.
She hurried to Toby and lifted the sleeping angel carefully before she and Lankha left.
Your call sign for the radio is Angel.
Tim's Angel was crying.
Nevertheless Balaam sets out with two servants to go to Balak, but the Angel of Yahweh meets him.
AdvertisementToby is a guardian angel.
I'm a four-hundred-thousand-year-old angel.
She'd been seen by a doctor who'd been dead twenty years, was babysitting a four-hundred-thousand-year-old angel, and the grim reaper spent the night on her couch.
He wondered what poor fool was stuck babysitting the high-maintenance angel as he followed Kris.
He was hundreds of thousands of mortal years old, but less than half a dozen in angel years.
One of her arms was now wrapped around Angel's waist.
He heard the angel, Toby, drop beside him, the glow of his Nintendo 3DS bright in the night.
The angel sounded troubled.
Rhyn said and gripped both the angel's shoulders.
The feeling of the angel's soft, cold hand in his own reminded Rhyn of the first thing he'd touched in Hell that hadn't been stone. Gabriel had brought him a book with a worn, leather-like cover, and he'd lost himself dwelling on the sensation of buttery leather under his fingertips after the hazy nightmare that had been his existence in Hell.
The angel moved with inhuman speed as he sprinted and dived through the portal ahead of Rhyn, disappearing.
He gritted his teeth to keep it contained, silently cursing both the angel and Kris for not just letting him die-dead, like he deserved.
And I forbid you from killing Toby! He's annoying and mouthy, but he's just a boy. Or an angel or something.
He knows his way around the underworld. I'm old enough to start to access the angel memories. But I don't know if this has ever happened before.
He was an angel, and he wasn't her real nephew. Oh, and they were in Hell.
I'm the worst angel in the history of the world.
Disoriented, Rhyn glanced down and pulled the syringe out of his thigh, where the angel had stabbed him.
You look like a little angel.
In the suburbs, oils, chemicals, cigarettes and bricks are made at Tacuba; cotton textiles at Contreras, San Angel and Tlalpam; paper and boots at Tacubaya, and bricks at Mixcoac and Coyoacan.
Perhaps our guardian angel gathers them up as we drop them, and will give them back to us in the beautiful sometime when we have grown wiser, and learned how to use them rightly.
Rather than continue to distress you all, why don't you take me to Rhyn, angel?
She didn't care if she left a five- year-old kid home alone, not when he was a four-hundred-thousand-year-old angel!
Toby was in Kris.s bed, the pale baby angel stripped down to his waist and unconscious.
You try asking Angel?
I know, I know, Kris says I'm an angel and angels are supposed to protect humans and you're anything but human but I still want to stay with you.
Instead of leaving like Rhyn wished he would, the angel lay down beside him.
Rhyn uncurled from his position on the cold, wet ground. He hadn't meant to fall asleep and didn't expect ever to wake up, not with the magic tearing him apart. He looked around, disoriented. The magic in his blood had stabilized as it did when Hannah and the angel were around, yet he didn't see them.
He was freezing and drenched. He tested his power and found it wasn't just calm – it was bound. He couldn't access its depths, couldn't call upon a portal to send the damn angel home.
Rhyn looked him over, noticing the angel was as wet as he was.
No matter what he wanted to say or do, he was stuck with the angel in the forest.
The angel looked up at him doubtfully then picked his way across roots to the pocket in the tree trunk. Rhyn scavenged for what dry wood he could find and took the armful back to the tree. Toby was huddled in the small cave, shaking with cold.
The angel ducked into the cave, clutching his backpack to his chest.
The angel was still shivering despite the fire. He needed dry clothes and probably, human food. There was one place where Rhyn could find them.
The forest was growing dark when he reached the tree to find the angel sitting in front of a dead fire, shaking with cold.
Rhyn looked at the articles of clothing the angel held up, unconcerned.
The angel sighed, dumped out the food and sorted through it. He held out a can finally and Rhyn took it.
Interesting. The angel is a guest. As long as you do what I want, he'll remain unharmed.
Toby. The angel needed him.
Is the angel here?
Rhyn stopped in front of the dejected angel's cell.
He knew about Death's domain from the angel memories.
Do you have any more angel superpowers?
Toby didn't answer, unwilling to admit just how much Ully's words stung. He led them deeper into the jungle. The branches hurried to create a path for him, and he smiled at them. According to his angel memories, the trees were more than trees in Death's underworld. They were alive.
Finally, he broke through the thatch of branches and leaves blocking most of the sun. The day was darkening. In the distance, he saw the massive fortress that was Death's, and he saw the Lake of Souls he'd seen in angel memories. He saw birds but couldn't see through the jungle to where Katie might be. The branch holding him swayed in a heavy wind that smelled of rain.
Thunder cracked overhead, and Toby looked up. Ully ran into him as the angel stopped, and they both stared at the sky. He thought he saw something in the sky, but the trees blocked it.
The young angel's face was streaked with blood from where branches had struck him. He was pale and terrified – and staring in shock at Deidre.
The angel ignored her and dropped beside her, wringing his hands helplessly. The blond woman dangled over the widening chasm, clutching Katie's hand. She braced her feet against the side of the chasm and walked upward, until Toby could grab her belt. The angel pulled hard, and Katie pushed Deidre on top of the angel, who yelped.
The angel found his footing and took her hand. They raced through the last of the jungle and across the expanse of grassless yard between the jungle and the palace. The sounds of demons grew louder.
Toby took the lead, and the demons, Death and Gabe disappeared as Katie rounded the corner of the palace. The angel released her and raced into the palace and up a set of stairs. They ascended several floors, until Katie was sucking wind bad enough to stop. Toby didn't wait for her, and she stumbled forward. The interior of the palace was unlit, and the darkness of evening crept into the hallways.
The angel Jeffrey's halo may be rusty.
Let the stranger play guardian angel - as long as he kept his distance.
In the former woman appears as the serpent whose trail is over all; in the latter, written twenty-five years after the event, she is the guardian angel abused and maltreated by men.
We learn that the destroying angel was stayed at the threshing-floor of Araunah the Jebusite,' and the spot thus sanctified was made a sanctuary, and commemorated by an altar.
But "the angel of the Lord smote him," and shortly afterwards he died "eaten of worms."
In addition to the books mentioned above he published a number of books which had a remarkable circulation in England and America, such as Speaking to the Heart (1862); The Way to Life (1862); Man and the Gospel (1865); The Angel's Song (1865); The Parables (1866); Our Father's Business (1867); Out of Harness (1867); Early Piety (1868); Studies of Character from the Old Testament (1868-1870); Sundays Abroad (1871).
Thus, in the later Avesta, we find not only Mithra but also purely popular divinities such as the angel of victory, Verethraghna, Anahita (Anaitis), the goddess of the water, Tishrya (Sirius), and other heavenly bodies, invoked with special preference.
And he bestowed on the angel so commissioned the title of Son, and foretold for him insults, blasphemies, sufferings and crucifixion.
Then the angel undertook to do what was enjoined, but God added to the sufferings also death.
However, the angel, on hearing of the resurrection, cast away fear and accepted death as well; and came down and was born of Mary, and named himself son of God according to the grace given him from God; and he fulfilled all the command, and was crucified and buried, rose again and was taken up into heaven.
The first opened was the City & South London (1890), subsequently extended to run between Euston, the Angel, Islington, the Bank (City) and Clapham.
In the former passage of Jubilees the subject-matter leads to this identification, as well as the fact that Noah is represented as speaking in the first person, although throughout Jubilees it is the angel that speaks.
The fragments in Origen represent Jacob as speaking and claiming to be "the first servant in God's presence," "the first-begotten of every creature animated by God," and declaring that the angel who wrestled with Jacob (and was identified by Christians with Christ) was only eighth in rank.
The first section is a preface containing exhortation in general terms. The main section is the second, containing a series of night visions, the significant features of which are pointed out by an angel who stands by the prophet and answers his questions.
But as he does so, it is added to, in the way of detail and illustration, by a fresh series of revelations through an angel in the guise of a Shepherd, who in a preliminary interview announces himselt as the Angel of Repentance, sent to administer the special " repentance " which it was Hermas's mission to declare.
Yet we cannot help feeling that it is a grotesque and unseemly anachronism to apply in grave prose, addressed to the whole world, those terms of saint and angel which are touching and in their place amid the trouble and passion of the great mystic poet.
The process was usually explained as the result of the action of a spirit, angel or devil, and many unessential formulae, invocations, "calls," written charms with cabbalistic signs, and fumigations, were employed.
It is argued that the literal rendering of this passage is inadmissible, because no man has ever seen God; on the other hand, the insertion of the word " angel " before God would be blasphemous.
Proceeding to obey, he was prevented by an angel as he was about to sacrifice his son, and slew a ram which he found on the spot.
For the book is a revelation made by God to Jesus Christ, who through His angel made it known to John for transmission to the churches.
Here and in the later visions, especially those drawn from foreign sources, it is an angel.
At first the Angel is seen only by the ass, which arouses Balaam's anger by its efforts to avoid the Angel.
Yahweh at last enables Balaam to see the Angel, who tells him that he would have slain him but for the ass.
Thus they regard the devil as the creative agent of the Supreme God, a reinstated fallen angel who is the author of evil.
They regard Christ as an angel in human form and recognize 1 In 1879 the Zoroastrian community of Yezd numbered 6483, 1242 residing in the city, 5241 in the villages; in 1892 the community numbered 6908, and as many have emigrated, it is computed that it now numbers not more than 7000.
In the earlier literature the Mal'akh Yahweh or Elohim is almost the only mal'akh (" angel ") mentioned.
In Daniel the princes or guardian angels of the heathen nations oppose Michael the guardian angel of Judah.
Angels are constantly spoken of as " men," and, including even the Angel of Yahweh, are spoken of as discharging the various functions of human life; they eat and drink 12, walk 13 and speak 14.
The function of the angels is that of the supernatural servants of God, His agents and representatives; the Angel of Yahweh, as we have seen, is a manifestation of God.
In Scripture the function of the angel overshadows his personality; the stress is on their ministry; they appear in order to perform specific acts.
Among certain Gnostic sects Amen became the name of an angel, and in post-biblical Jewish works exaggerated statements are multiplied as to the right method and the bliss of pronouncing it.
In the zodiac of Merton College, Oxford, Libra is represented by a judge in his robes and Pisces by the dolphin of Fitzjames, warden of the college, 1482-1507.6 The great rose-windows of the Early Gothic period were frequently painted with zodiacal emblems; and some frescoes in the cathedral of Cologne contain the signs, each with an attendant angel, just as they were depicted on the vault of the church at Mount Athos.
In the Avesta Sraosha is the angel that guards the world at night from demons, and is styled "the righteous" or "the strong."
Tradition soon attributed the origin of the fleur-de-lis to Clovis, the founder of the Frankish monarchy, and explained that it represented the lily given to him by an angel at his baptism.
I the "angel of Yahweh," who, according to Exod.
Strawberries are great in pie, jam, ice cream, shortcake, and meringue, on angel food cake, cereal and as fruit leather.
They have a large selection of Mana songs including Angel de Amor, Me Vale, Dejame Entrar, Vivir Sin Aire and many, many more.
Set the panel in the doorframe and fix it in partway at an angel with mails.
A mother is a type of guardian angel for her children, and a guardian angel necklace is a unique way to show that close relationship.
He stalked off into the forest, away from the castle and cliff. Toby clambered through the brush and trees after him, the angel's footsteps loud where Rhyn's were silent. Rhyn found a deer path and followed it until he reached a snowy meadow. Crossing it, he continued to look for a place to stash the angel where the kid wouldn't freeze to death. After another hour of walking, he found a small pocket in the roots of a massive tree.
You don't bring something food and clothing if you don't care if it dies. If you want it – Toby - to live, come to the castle this evening after dark falls. We have matters to discuss. Bring Kris. If you want the angel to die then stay right here.
Toby was silent, knowing a normal Immortal could never understand. He didn't yet have the full power of a real guardian angel, but he should've been able to do more than … nothing. Angels were placed with human mothers so they could understand the creatures they were meant to take care of. Human mothers raised them as their own, yet none of his human mothers had gone to the extent Katie did to try to protect him.
Rhyn stopped in front of Toby's cell and saw the young angel bouncing around.
I'm searching the angel memories to see why. Maybe they don't like Immortals.
Toby rolled his eyes in response and crossed his arms. Katie shook her head. The angel was visibly upset and completely disheveled. She softened, sensing his distress.
His confessor, Yakov Ignatiev, whom he promised to obey as "an angel and apostle of God," was his chief counsellor in these days.
When, then, Basilides identified the highest angel of the seven, the creator of the worlds, with the God of the Jews, this is a development of the idea which did not occur until late, possibly first in the specifically Christian circles of the Gnostics.
Each community is presided over by an "angel," or prophet, and a prophetess, whose word is law.
Above the shaft comes the arcaded bell-chamber, frequently built of Istrian stone; and above that again the attic, either round or square or octagonal, carrying either a cone or a pyramid or a cupola, sometimes surmounted by a cross or a gilded angel which serves as a weathercock.
It is the soul of the righteous that is here spoken of, and a rightly says that the angel of peace " leads him into eternal life."
The angel Metatron inhabits this world.
Most interesting of all, perhaps, are the annals of Sennacherib, the destruction of whose hosts by the angel of God is so strikingly depicted in the Book of Kings.
In Dr Fausts Hollenzwang "+Mephistophiel" is one of the seven great princes of hell; "he stands under the planet Jupiter, his regent is named Zadkiel, an enthroned angel of the holy Jehovah..
The other angels are Jacob, the mighty angel and leader of angels, the Lord Bar Simus, Qaftinus the mighty, Raphael, Gabriel, Michael, Sarael and Nastikus - a truly Catholic list.
In the great bog-deposit at Thorsbjaerg in Angel, which dates from about the 4th century, there were found a coat with long sleeves, in a fair state of preservation, a pair of long trousers with remains of socks attached, several shoes and portions of square cloaks, one of which had obviously been dyed green.
The priest, vested in a violet cope, prays that God may send His angel to hallow the ash, that it become a remedium salubre for all penitents.
He had now become the angel Michael in a human form; as such he vanquished Satanail, and deprived him of the termination -il= God, in which his power resided.
In the next year he republished, in Tamerton Church Tower, the more successful pieces from the Poems of 1844, adding several new poems which showed distinct advance, both in conception and treatment; and in the following year (1854) appeared the first part of his best known poem, "The Angel in the House," which was continued in "The Espousals" (1856), "Faithful for Ever" (1860), and "The Victories of Love" (1862).
These the angel souls left behind in heaven, and they are buildings from God, houses not made with hands, tunics eternal.
A Consoled is an angel walking in the flesh, whom the thin screen of death alone separates from Christ and the beatific vision.
In Perry Street, mounted on a granite pedestal, is the "Swamp Angel," the great gun used by Federal troops in the marshes near Charleston, South Carolina, during their attack on that city in August 1863.
Filled with his religious ideas and visions, he might well fancy he heard the angel bidding him recite what was said to him.
According to the traditional view, which appears to be correct, it treats of a vision in which the Prophet receives an injunction to recite a revelation conveyed to him by the angel.
There is a legend that here the Servian tsar Lazar (1374-1389) was visited by an angel, who bade him choose between an earthly and a heavenly crown.
It shows the pope and emperor, with a lute-playing angel between them, kneeling to right and left of the enthroned Virgin and Child, who crown them with rose garlands, with a multitude of other kneeling saints disposed with free symmetry in the background, and farther in the background portraits of the donor and the painter, and a flutter of wreath-carrying cherubs in the air.
Instead of being his sole good angel, she seems rather to have demoralized the king, who, hitherto chaste, henceforth gave himself up to courtesans.
She is the subject of a beautiful poem by Longfellow, "Santa Filomena," and the popular estimate of her character and mission was summed up in a particularly felicitous anagram, Flit on, cheering angel.
The Sassanid ruler is the representative of the Kingly Majesty, derived from Ormuzd, which appears in the Avesla as the angel Kavaem Hvareno, the royal glory, and, according to legend, once beamed in the Iranian kings, unattainable to all but those of royal blood.
King Alfred and the chronicler ZEthelweard identified this place with the district which is now called Angel in the province of Schleswig (Slesvig), though it may then have been of greater extent, and this identification agrees very well with the indications given by Bede.
Full confirmation is afforded by English and Danish traditions relating to two kings named Wermund and Offa, from whom the M e rcian royal family were descended, and whose exploits are connected with Angel, Schleswig and Rendsburg.
Of still greater importance are the great deposits at Thorsbjaerg (in Angel) and Nydam, which contained large quantities of arms, ornaments, articles of clothing, agricultural implements, &c., and in the latter case even ships.
For traditions concerning the kings of Angel, see under OFFA (i).
We learn that he regards the batµcov or " guardian angel " as the divine part in each man; sometimes.
Tertullian believed that an angel was sent down, when God was invoked, like that which stirred the pool of Bethesda.
In the sequel he defines the role of the angel of baptism who does not infuse himself in waters, already holy from the first; but merely presides over the washing of the faithful, and ensures their being made pure for the reception of the holy Spirit in the rite of confirmation which immediately follows.
The Beraun is formed by the union of the Mies with the Radbusa, Angel and Uslawa, and is the third most important river of the country.
The most prominent of those who remained received such titles as the "Anointed Ones," the "Angel of the Last Trumpet," the "Seven Witnesses" and so forth.
According to Vasari the angel kneeling on the left, with a drapery over the right arm, was put ire by Leonardo, and when Verrocchio saw it his sense of its superiority to his own work caused him to forswear painting for ever after.
The most competent opinion inclines to acknowledge the hand of Leonardo, not only in the face of the angel, but also in parts of the drapery and of the landscape background.
It may have been joint studio-work of Verrocchio and his pupils including Leonardo, who certainly was concerned in it, since a study for the sleeve of the angel, preserved at Christ Church, Oxford, is unquestionably by his hand.
The National Gallery "Virgin of the Rocks" certainly, with help from Ambrogio de Predis; in this the Florentine character of the original is modified by an admixture of Milanese elements, the tendency to harshness and over-elaboration of detail softened, the strained action of the angel's pointing hand altogether dropped, while in many places pupils' work seems recognizable beside that of the master.
One of the most famous of the early Carthusian monks was St Hugh of Lincoln, who lived here from 1160 to 1181, when he went to England to fond the first Carthusian house at Witham in Somerset; in 1186 he became bishop of Lincoln, and before his death in 1200 had built the angel choir and other portions of the wonderful cathedral there.
It is a just remark of Thackeray's that he everywhere half-consciously recognizes her as his better angel, and dwells on her wit and her tenderness with a fondness he never exhibits for any other topic. On the 28th of January 1728, she died, and her wretched lover sat down the same night to record her virtues in language of unsurpassed simplicity, but to us who know the story more significantly for what it conceals than for what it tells.
To how many sad hearts did he come like an angel, with the rich tones of his voice waking harmonics of hope, where before there had been despair and silence?
In the same pamphlet as the Sunday Epistle was published the legend of St Sisoe and sometimes that of Avestitza, - the former saved the children of his sister from the attacks of the devil, who had devoured them and had to restore them alive; the latter is the female child-stealing demon, who is prevented by an angel from carrying out her evil design.
Admonished by an angel, he crossed the sea to Lucania and went to Rome, where he suffered martyrdom.
The only ports on the coast open to foreign trade are Salina Cruz and Puerto Angel - the first, the Pacific terminus of the Tehuantepec railway, with a spacious artificial harbour, and the second a deep but narrow natural harbour, the projected coast terminus of the Mexican Southern railway.
Two important railway lines traverse the state - the Tehuantepec (trans-isthmus) line between the ports of Salina Cruz and Coatzacoalcos (Puerto Mexico), and the Mexican Southern line (narrow-gauge) from Puebla to Oaxaca, with branches to San Geronimo on the Tehuantepec line with the Guatemalan frontier as its destination, and toward Puerto Angel on the coast.
Among its chief features are the Virgin Martyrs' Memorial, representing in white marble a guardian angel and the figures of Margaret M`Lauchlan and Margaret Wilson, who were drowned by the rising tide in Wigtown Bay for their fidelity to the Covenant (1685);(1685); the large pyramid to the memory of the Covenanters, and the Ladies' Rock, from which ladies viewed the jousts in the Valley.
The land through which he had to pass, so far from being a desert, was a land of oil and wine; and when Balaam was riding along a narrow path between two vineyards, the angel of Yahweh would have slain him, had not his ass swerved and saved him.
He was led by a protecting angel to the beginning of time when Satan, supported by an angel called Adam, was in full rebellion against God.
She had often an acute pain in her side, and fancied that an angel came to her with a lance tipped with fire, which he struck into her heart.
At Beer-lahai-roi an El ("god") appeared to Hagar, whence the name of her child Ishmael; but the writer prefers the unambiguous proper name Yahweh, and, what is more, the divine being is now Yahweh's angel - the Almighty's subordinate (xvi.).
In theological language the active intellect is described as an angel.
The cousins met after an interval of twenty-three years, and Lady Hesketh was to be Cowper's good angel to the end, even though her letters disclose a considerable impatience with Mrs Unwin.
In the Jewish Targums Sammael, "the highest angel that stands before God's throne, caused the serpent to seduce the woman"; he coalesces with Satan, and has inferior Satans as his servants.
He gave himself out as an angel sent from God to elucidate the prophecies.
With regard to the origin of the Jutes, Bede only says that Angulus (Angel) lay between the territories of the Saxons and the Iutae - a statement which points to their identity with the Iuti or Jyder of later times, i.e.
He didn't look like a four-hundred-thousand-year-old angel trapped in a five-year-old's body.
I'll allow you one in the angel of compromise, he said with distaste.
If not for the nightmares, she.d carry him back to his bed, whether or not he liked it, but she found some comfort in having the angel so close.
The baby angel and half-demon turned toward the door.
He swept the baby angel into his arms with one quick motion and trotted back into the castle.
She displayed beautiful intonation and reached the Aflat5 without even a hint of shrillness, sounding like an angel.
He wondered often about Angel, the woman with the soft-spoken voice and peculiar perspective of the world.
The angel looked ready for a journey with his backpack and sturdy boots.
He was freezing and drenched. He tested his power and found it wasn't just calm – it was bound. He couldn't access its depths, couldn't call upon a portal to send the damn angel home.
Toby's purple sweater, streaked with foul-smelling angel blood, was strung across a low branch.
You're the second thing that's tried to use the angel to bargain with me. Take him.
You don't bring something food and clothing if you don't care if it dies. If you want it – Toby - to live, come to the castle this evening after dark falls. We have matters to discuss. Bring Kris. If you want the angel to die then stay right here.
Toby was silent, knowing a normal Immortal could never understand. He didn't yet have the full power of a real guardian angel, but he should've been able to do more than … nothing. Angels were placed with human mothers so they could understand the creatures they were meant to take care of. Human mothers raised them as their own, yet none of his human mothers had gone to the extent Katie did to try to protect him.
When Ully didn't follow, Toby turned to beckon him forward. The scientist looked in the direction of where Toby's angel memories told him the fortress was. Grudgingly, the Immortal followed him.
Something about the trees' reaction to Ully bothered him. They'd cleared a path for him then tried to obstruct the Immortal. It didn't make much sense. Toby rose and walked to the nearest tree, placing his hands against it. There were no angel memories about how trees communicated, but he willed it to speak to him anyway.
The angel memories convinced him that Ully's strange comments and the trees attempt to combat him indicated Ully really was a demon.
The young angel's face was streaked with blood from where branches had struck him. He was pale and terrified – and staring in shock at Deidre.
Katie couldn't help the bubble of happy laughter that escaped. Death chuckled with her then motioned to the stairwell Toby was desperately trying to pull Katie towards. They ran through the palace. Katie trailed the angel until they reached a small chamber she would've mistaken as a janitor's closet on the top level. Toby wrenched open the door and ducked into the dark room. A portal glowed in the center. Katie entered, overwhelmed by the thought of leaving.
The angel darted forward and clumsily took Hannah's arms. Katie helped him stabilize Hannah then watched them walk away. Rhyn stared at his mate, heart beating fast. Of all the words in his head, none of them made it to his tongue.
Also well accustomed Inn called the Angel situated in the market place.
Why has not an angel been sent down to him to give admonition with him?
Angel Artichoke High Street An 18th century alehouse which formerly stood on or about the site of No. 89, Bell Street, Reigate.
I have a confirmed fallen angel in sector 87.
By carl angel usa quot where she describes being straight will impress.
Hence, the JW Jesus was an angel who changed into a man and again became the archangel Michael after his resurrection.
In 1995, she had a spiritual awakening with an Angel.
Yet, despite all, the angel as an embodiment of purity prevails, and still has the power to evoke awe and wonder.
Then her eldest daughter Angel has suffered a nervous breakdown, the true cause of which Angel has confided only to Kath Arnold.
Delve inside Criss Angel Masterminds as Criss and Wayne demonstrate the play-by-play breakdown for you to perform the Coin Through Soda Can.
I told you that what started those trumpets sounding was the angel taking the censer filled with incense and throwing it on the earth.
Then, the angel fills the censer with fiery coals and hurls them upon the earth.
The motif of an angel holding an open book is the same as that of a 14th century corbel in the north aisle.
I have no delusions about the reality of Angel sans soul.
And no wonder, for even Satan disguises himself as an angel of light.
It was given to him because an angel, visible to him alone, came and helped him serve the Divine Liturgy.
My Life Story's dying notes were from the final encore of the moving ballad ' Angel ' .
As a serial entrepreneur and business angel, Stuart has the Midas touch.
Hundreds of anime fans clubbing to sounds of Cruel Angel Thesis on the dancefloor?
The name ' Hagoromo ' means feathered robe and in Japanese folklore is the clothing of an angel.
The Angel stood where Lloyds Bank now stands and the Swan was a little further in the present day Dudley Street.
He took over a small gasworks which had already been set up to the south of Angel Road.
And this is what the angel preaches, here's the everlasting gospel.
Various mollies including young 3x medium angel fish 2x moonlight gourami 1x large plec and lots more.
Angel was winning, flying through the air with her blond hair trailing, triumph in her face, eyes victorious.
Earth Mama Angel Baby heartburn Tea is the ideal natural remedy to help relieve the discomfort of occasional heartburn in pregnancy.
We know the angel choir has a heck of a great new lead singer.
The greeting of the angel of the Lord seems humorous in the extreme.
The reefs are teeming with colorful tropical fish such as angel, butterfly, surgeonfish and graceful moorish idols.
Twain uses the voice of an exiled angel, temporarily in terrestrial residence, to describe the utter insanity of human kind.
The Holy Trinity angel still has part of the original dedicatory inscription beneath his feet.
The clenched jaw on Angel; that's a bonus.
He is an angel, tho in form he is a man; he is not lustful that I should beguile him with women.
And no marvel, for Satan himself is transformed into an angel of light.
View our Large Range of Confetti including metallic, paper, real rose and our angel wings!
Angel, if Spike wasn't very much mistaken, was singing the exact same song as when Spike had left.
The ball was actually the thing - Lucy's hideous monster - the Green Angel.
My God sent his angel, and he shut the mouths of the lions.
This is one side of a pendant necklace showing an angel holding a dove (the reverse is a Tudor rose ).
Upon the ruins of the church - an Angel - wings outspread Commemorates the " Victory " of France's gallant dead.
I then walk with my dog, Angel - she is a white standard poodle who explores with me for about an hour.
This book, Angel Investing, was a truly priceless read to me.
Christopher Angel was ordained priest by Bishop Roche in St Joseph's Catholic Church, Bradford on Saturday 17 June.
For Angel to go psycho again the next time you give him a happy?
Since taking up psychic and angel work and tarot reading only 2 years ago, my life has changed beyond recognition.
Fancy Dress Adult Angel Costume Costume consists of long dress and waist sash.
Hybrids have been raised in various colors, including the muted shades of ' Angel's Choir ' shown in the photograph.
What angel stole the last shred of flesh from human bones?
And another angel came out of the temple in heaven, and he too had a sharp sickle.
Inspired by Miss Gangster's notoriety and as her own popularity soars, Angel soon reveals her strength, discovering her legacy.
The nave has a low-pitched roof with arched braces having pierced spandrels and resting on large angel corbels.
He could be a little angel and a little swine in the same moment, but we loved him all the same.
Harry Angel is hired for $ 125 a day to track down the big band swinger Johnny Favorite.
The Angel gave instructions for a magical talisman with which they could contact the spirit world more easily.
She lived in a shop on Angel Lane, which was a busy thoroughfare.
His tomb shows an angel bearing his soul to Heaven and apparently his spear thrust into a dragon's jaw.
But it remains undeniable that no human has ever been able to visualize an angel except with wings.
Falling for an angel in Venezuela The world's highest waterfall lies far off the beaten track.
My new toy is so close to an angel aside, the feathered wings.
My neighbor tried the same thing and her 2 of her 10 geese developed angel wing.
Angel Clothing is a short distance down on the left, just before the first zebra crossing you come to.
It is quite true that Paul does not directly attack the speculative position, but rather indicates the practical dangers inherent therein (the denial of the supremacy of Christ and of full salvation through Him); he does not say that the errorists hold Christ to be a mere angel or an aeon, or that words like pleroma (borrowed perhaps from their own vocabulary) involve a rigorous dualism.
Each community is presided over by an " angel," or prophet, and a prophetess, whose word is law.
No heathen may tread the outer court, no layman the inner court, while the holiest of all may not be trodden even by the priest Ezekiel but only by the angel who accompanies him.
This Epiklesis survives in the Greek liturgies, but in the Roman a prayer takes its place that the angel of the Lord may take the oblation laid on the visible altar, and carry it up to the altar sublime into the presence of the divine majesty.
Sigismund Heller wrote three cantos on the wanderings of Ahasuerus, while Hans Andersen made of him an " Angel of Doubt."
After three or four years he was called (by an angel, says the legend) to establish a monastery of cenobites, or monks living in common (see Monasticism, § 4).
In spite of his reverence for his brother's memory, he made a clean sweep of " the angel's " Bible Society,' and other paraphernalia of official hypocrisy; as for Alexander's projects of reform, the pitiful legacy of a life of unfulfilled purposes, these were reported upon by committees, considered and shelved.
I saw a great many statues, and the gentleman gave me an angel.
On seeing the Green Angel, Josh 's jaw dropped and he rushed downstairs to tell his parents.
Hybrids have been raised in various colors, including the muted shades of ' Angel 's Choir ' shown in the photograph.
No wonder the local smithies were near the White Horse, the Angel and the Hare and Hounds.
Inspired by Miss Gangster 's notoriety and as her own popularity soars, Angel soon reveals her strength, discovering her legacy.
I 've never used 4ply Angel sock yarn but I 'm sure it will knit up fine on the machine.
His tomb shows an angel bearing his soul to Heaven and apparently his spear thrust into a dragon 's jaw.
He has since acted as a Business Angel to a spinout venture from the University of Durham ' s Physics Department.
Cool but quite scary; also swam with stingray, angel fish, yellow tailed sturgeon fish, sea lions, parrotfish, starfish.
Does she feel like a guardian angel or a vengeful spirit?
Falling for an angel in Venezuela The world 's highest waterfall lies far off the beaten track.
And pray, what may you have been wrestling with an angel for?
His parents thought he was an angel, if only they knew how abominably he acted when they were not around.
More selective than friends and family, angel investors will do more analysis before committing funds.
Not all angel investors want to take on this mentoring role, of course, and prefer to drop off the check and have limited additional responsibility.
Venture firms typically invest in the later stages and can write far larger checks than angel investors. They also can provide perceptive operational and great financial advice.
Gabriel-The angel Gabriel came to Mary to announce to her she would be with child and that the child would be the savior Jesus Christ.
And you will feel your angel's love and be happy."
At that moment there was much peace in Heaven, but voices from earth could already be heard, and the child in a hurry asked softly "Oh God, if I am about to leave now, please tell me my angel's name."
For a great accent, choose the Angel Fish Pot Lamp from Rosenberry Rooms.
Breastfeeding can still be an enjoyable bonding experience even after you tiny angel turns into a little monkey!
For example, a Blue Angel Hanging Plaque in a case of 72 will run you $2.96 each.
Salvation Army Angel Tree-This seasonal program provides toys, clothing, books and other items for needy children.
This catalog sells historical and antique reproductions like gargoyles and angel statues for the garden.
A crystal angel trumpeting the holiday makes for a nice touch.
Sprinkle angel dust of silver and crystal confetti to complete your masterpiece.
Angel figurines can be made from glass, porcelain and wood.
Angel candle holders are a favorite traditional Christian decor home accent.
As mention previously, the overarching elements of the 70s' makeup fashion incorporated natural, fresh-faced, somewhat earth angel undertones.
Open your mouth in a circle shape to leave a gentle angel's kiss.
This is where you'll want to have a "dewy" glow (think Charlie's Angel's).
Sonic Angel Island - Sonic the Hedgehog goes on an adventurous trip to Angel Island.
This no bake dessert is made easier by purchasing a pre-baked angel food cake from your local bakery.
Or, you may use your own favorite angel food cake recipe.
Angel food cake - a light cake that goes very well with summer fruits.
Included in the kit are angel cutouts sitting on large clouds, which provides enough room to add a symbolic element, reminiscent of your baby.
Even if a child has the face of an angel, they may never get a modeling job unless they have the right representation and great looking photos.
Angel Wears carries all types of dresses from bridal to pageant and carries a fun and flirty short zebra print dress accented with a bright pink belt in a bow design.
Break up linguine, spaghetti, or angel hair noodles and add them to mock chicken soup.
Angel or other pins, either alone or affixed to a bookmark, are another idea for discount wedding favors.
Angel Wears sells formal wear including junior bridesmaid dresses.
Online, you can find these at Internet stores such as Angel Wears or Little Miss Princess.
Girls Christmas dresses come in a variety of colors and fabrics designed to make your little angel shine at holiday gatherings.
Encourage her to express her own personal style as she will feel beautiful in something that is uniquely hers, and you will enjoy watching her shine like a Christmas angel.
Although she might not act like it all the time, your little girl will look like an angel on Easter no matter what.
A great suit will make him look like a little angel, but only if he's willing to wear it proudly.
The back flap pocket is decorated with silver embroidered angel wings.
The front is embroidered in silver with text that can read "Heaven Sent", "Miracle" or "Angel Bebe."
On the back are small detachable angel wings, trimmed in silver.
For example, if one of the vegetarian entrees offered on your cruise is Angel Hair Pasta with Eggplant, and you don't like eggplant, you could ask the server to bring you the pasta minus the eggplant.
This year, why not add a little character to your holiday celebration with some dog angel Christmas ornaments!
Dog angel Christmas ornaments offer one more way to include your faithful friend in your family festivities, and they also make great gifts for other dog lovers.
You can probably find dog angel Christmas ornaments at many local department stores, card shops and pet supplies, so keep your eyes peeled as you're taking care of the rest of your holiday shopping.
Each seven-inch angel comes with its own tinsel halo. offers a collection of truly lovely dog angel Christmas ornaments from the Bradford edition. is a great place to find dog angel tree toppers.
Give it an angel name such as Sofiel or Forcas.
Among the selections offered is the delicate and intricately designed Angel That Watches Over You pin.
Angel Wing Crystal Pin is a great pin to give to someone who needs extra inspiration.
Angel Jewelry - Another symbol of religious faith, the angel is a comforting symbol to those who wear it, indicating that someone is watching out for their wellbeing.
Angel earrings, pendants, and bracelets are available for those who want a gentle reminder that they're not alone.
Classic Christian symbols, such as the cross, angel, fish, patron saint medallion, and rose, are immediately recognizable.
Earth Mama and Angel Baby carries a wide variety of organic skin care products for babies.
Earth Mama Angel Baby offers a silky body butter that is made from 85.9 percent organic ingredients including soothing herbs and essential oils.
Earth Mama Angel Baby is one of the most popular choices for organic baby lotions.
Earth Mama Angel Baby Organic Herbal Diaper Rash Soap offers a great way to fight diaper rash while still providing gentle cleansing for tender baby skin.
Earth Mama Angel Baby - This site sells a gift basket designed to help a mother put her baby to bed.
Goth Black Corset Laced Mini Dress is a daring ensemble that features split angel sleeves that are light and flowing.
Along with Anarchy, FGX brands include the popular Foster Grant, Anarchy Angel, Magnivision, and Gargoyle.
The Nudy series, 3-tone series and Twin series probably give the strongest effect in color change while other series such as the Angel series and Fresh Color series act as color enhancers to create subtle changes in eye color.
Whichever character you choose, you learn in the beginning that a strange entity, named "Guardian Angel" is completely aware of your intentions and actually informs you of special artifacts you need to obtain in order to open The Vault.
Fans of the TV shows Buffy the Vampire Slayer or Angel may want to give Dark Eden a try because you choose to play as either a vampire or a vampire slayer.
To unlock a cheat where the bass pedal is automatically played for you on the drums, hit 200 non-cymbal notes on the "Mirror People" song in the Angel's Crypt venue of the career mode.
One of the most appealing factors of the HTC smartphones are the creative names they receive -- Amadeus, Monet, Blue Angel, Apache, and so on -- but they often get renamed and rebadged under any number of their affiliates.
It appears on the back of the neck in 40 percent of newborns and on the forehead and eyelids (also called an angel's kiss) in 20 percent.
This Certified Nurse Midwife was an angel and a miracle all in one.
Angel Babies Forever Loved, Hannah's Prayer Ministries, and Born Angels provide support for parents who have lost a child through miscarriage, stillbirth, or early infant death.
The young star of TV's Dark Angel series and a growing number of films confirmed her pregnancy in late 2007.
Although Jessica Alba had been acting for a number of years before Dark Angel, this series propelled her into national stardom.
Kyla's television appearances also include popular shows like Touched by and Angel and Friends.
Angel Island can be added as part of an "island hop" if you want an even larger peek into the past.
As a part of Angel Island State Park, the Angel Island Immigration Station is one of America's most interesting national landmarks.
Below you will find a brief history of Angel Island and learn about visiting this historic location.
Angel Island is a landmass in the center of San Francisco Bay that officially became a part of the United States after the war between Mexico and America in 1848.
While millions of people passed through Angel Island, the vast majority of these immigrants were Asian.
The history of the Immigration Station at Angel Island is not without controversy.
To enforce this act, a new station was built on Angel Island to detain Chinese immigrants before they were processed and allowed to enter the country.
The Chinese Exclusion Act was not repealed until 1943, and in 1963 Angel Island was designated a state park.
If you are planning to visit Angel Island Immigration Center, there are some important facts that you need to be aware of before you visit.
Angel Island is accessible only by ferries and private boats.
After arriving at Ayala Cove (where the ferries dock on Angel Island), visitors must make a thirty-minute walk to the Immigration Center, although shuttle service can be arranged for those who require assistance.
Here is more information on getting to Angel Island.
The Angel Island website has more information on tours.
The Angel Island Immigration Station is an interesting historical landmark If you are interested in spending a day in a peaceful location where you can learn something along the way, consider spending a day visiting the sites.
When Jessica Alba starred in the TV show Dark Angel, her sexuality seemed to draw audiences more than the strength of the program.
Victorian dolls, angel and baby dolls, and even full dollhouse family sets are represented for purchase and display.
With a Kitchen Aid pasta maker you can make a variety of pastas from the wider fettucine to angel hair pasta.
Oprah has charities that she personally is involved with these are the Angel Network and the Oprah Winfrey Leadership Academy Foundation.
Oprah's Angel Network is a non profit, volunteer organization that inspires others to make a difference in the lives of others.
The Angel Network coordinates projects in under-served communities and provides educational initiatives.
The Angel Network's focus is on poverty, child neglect and disease.
Part of the Angel Network, O Ambassadors is a school-based program created by Oprah's Angel Network and Free The Children.
In addition to the Angel Network, Oprah has focused her energy on creating The Oprah Winfrey Foundation Leadership Academy.
Winfrey's main charity, Oprah's Angel Network, was founded in 1998.
The Angel Network provides grants to nonprofits and supports multiple charity projects found both stateside and overseas.
At a recent count, Oprah's Angel Network has raised over $51 million and Oprah pays administrative costs herself so that all of the fundraised money goes directly to philanthropy.
Oprah's Angel Network is regularly featured on her daily talk show, and she has dedicated special episodes solely focusing on the organization.
If you don't have the time to organize your own collection, partner with a local group such as Toys for Tots, The Salvation Army, or Angel Tree to find out how you can help this Christmas.
Find out how to get on the Angel Tree list so that no one is left out this Christmas season.
The Salvation Army's Angel Tree program gives gifts at Christmas time to needy children and senior citizens.
Angel tags are hung on a Christmas tree and individuals are given the opportunity to select a tag and fulfill a gift wish.
Once the tag is chosen and the gift is purchased, the donor returns it to the Angel Tree drop-off location and it is then wrapped and given to the recipient for Christmas.
Finding out how to get on the Angel Tree list is simple once you know where to turn.
Many Salvation Army locations announce when and where they will be accepting applications for the Angel Tree program in local newspapers, on radio stations and in community newsletters.
Another way to get on the Angel Tree list to be referred by a social services agency.
There are Angel Tree programs other than the one sponsored by the Salvation Army.
Many churches and community centers have their own Angel Trees as do many corporations.
Asking around and calling local churches and agencies in your area is another way to get one the Angel Tree list.
There are many ways to help support the Angel Tree program.
Consider making it a family tradition to pick an angel each year and help a person in need have a gift for Christmas.
Once you know how to get on the Angel Tree list, another way to help is to sign up someone who is in need.
The Salvation Army Angel Tree is an annual charity event helping to provide children with gifts and supplies needed.
The Salvation Army Angel Tree program relies on volunteers and gift givers to make it work.
The Angel Tree program is just one of the many services that this organization offers.
Then, gift givers sign up to purchase a gift for a specific Angel.
For those who are in need, especially during the holiday season, the Salvation Army Angel Tree program can be a resource.
The Salvation Army requires personal identification for parents or guardians of those signed up for the Angel Tree program.
Some Angel Tree programs are available throughout the year, not just at the holiday season.
The Angel Tree program is just one of the many services that the Salvation Army offers to those in need.
An angel food cake is all ready wreath-shaped, so decorate it to look like one.
For example, top a medium-sized tree with a white angel figurine.
Instead of numbers and letters, write down colors like "gold bulb" or names of your ornaments like angel or silver star.
Customarily, a star or an angel is placed at the very top of the tree to symbolize the Star of Bethlehem or the heralding by angels of the birth of Christ.
Collect small angel figures and ornaments and hang them from your tree.
Angel ornaments are made of glass, straw, bamboo, tin, plastic, fabric, wood and other materials.
Angel Christmas ornaments are an important part of celebrating Christmas, because holy angels announced Jesus' birth to the world.
Whether your holiday will have a modern, traditional or a vintage Christmas theme, include angel Christmas decorations and ornaments for an enchanting, symbolic touch.
The most common angel Christmas ornament is the tree-top angel.
This angel doesn't need to look common, though, if you add some Christmas magic to her with your own designer touches.
Consider both the style and the color of your tree, your other Christmas ornaments, and your holiday decor in general when choosing a tree-top Angel Christmas Ornament to coordinate with your home's Christmas theme.
Nearly every discount and department store carries angel Christmas ornaments during the holiday season, and some fine jewelers and crystal retailers create high-quality, annual collections of angel ornaments, too.
Waterford Crystal is well-known for its annual ornament collection, including a series of angels, and The Bradford Exchange carries heirloom-quality angel ornaments as well.
You can purchase an angel ornament and paint it, or dress it in doll clothes in colors to match your tree's theme and color scheme.
Use your imagination to freshen up a fading angel instead of buying a new one.
Import stores, estate sales, and dollar stores are also good sources for angel ornaments that are different from the usual traditional choices.
If you want to fill your tree with inexpensive but attractive angel ornaments, check out online import shops that carry several styles of ornaments at great prices every year.
Make your own angel ornaments by dressing small fashion dolls from a craft or discount store in long, satin doll gowns and gluing a length of ribbon folded in half to form a hanger to tie on the tree.
Buy feathered angel wings from the craft store and glue them over the ribbon folds, then twist gold pipe-cleaners into halos and place them on the dolls' heads.
Children are especially enchanted by angels, so make at least one angel ornament for each child at your home and let them keep their special angels near their beds to remind them of Christmas all year.
Better yet, encourage your children to help you make the angel ornaments.
The best angel Christmas ornaments become treasured family heirlooms over time.
The animated angel plays haunting renditions of Christmas classics on her harp.
It features a beautiful angel along with glitter and sparkly snowflakes which can be viewed as you listen to a stirring Jazz rendition of "Christmas All Year Long."
Examples of sexy untouchables include the sexy nun and the hot angel.
From the seductive innocence of an alluring angel costume to the over-the-top sexiness of a French maid or sexy nurse outfit, there are many different hot costumes available.
If you are planning on being an angel, for example, you come in looking for a halo and wings.
If you're only outfitting one little angel for the Christmas play, you don't have to give your needs much thought.
Whether you're playing an angel or a Wise Man, you'll probably be wearing some kind of robe or costume that's shaped like a large, long shirt.
They come in a number of shapes and materials and can even be more like butterfly, dragonfly or angel wings.
For pop-culture character female vampires, a lot of women still turn to those from Buffy the Vampire Slayer and its spinoff, Angel.
Darla, who made and was later killed by Angel, is a good choice if you want to wear an elaborate 18th-century gown but be a bit scarier.
While you can buy fairy or angel costumes in the store, you can make them just as easily.
An angel costume can use the same wings over a white tunic dress made of a sheet.
Since no one can resist an infant during the merriest time of the year, why not add to your child's cuteness by having him don an angel, candy cane or Rudolph costume?
Most infant angel getups are buntings and include gold lace trim, foam wings, and soft fabric elasticized halo headbands.
I must've died and gone to heaven because I'm standing next to an angel.
Another exquisite example of a modern day tote with a motif that is reminiscent of the handbags of the 1800s is the Willow Tree Angel of Prayer Tapestry Tote by Susan Lordi.
For baby girls, parents and grandparents have the pleasure of selecting cute or stylish clothing for their little angel.
Lessons from the Book of Acts-These lessons include many of the popular biblical stories found in Acts, including the tale of the angel breaking Peter out of prison and the story of the spirit endowing Peter and John with boldness.
Of course, other successful characters soon developed, to include the Destroyer, the Whizzer, Angel, Super Rabbit and Captain America.
Seth and Maggie fall in love when they meet in the hospital where she's a heart surgeon, but there's only one problem-he's an angel who's supposed to be watching over Los Angeles.
His love for her and his duties as an angel compete, and it seems the only way to reconcile the two is to become a Messenger, an angel who became human once again. gives you the option of receiving an angel reading or a clairvoyant reading over the phone, with the first three minutes free for new customers.
At Your Ghost, a young woman told her tale of first being contacted by her deceased uncle whom she believed was her guardian angel.
Another reader at Archive X reported how he and his twin brother shared an identical out-of-body dream at exactly the same time, and that his brother saved him from the deathly clutch of a strange, dark-suited angel of death.
On the other side, people have reported being greeted by a deceased relative, friend, Jesus, Buddha or an angel.
Angel Food Ministries allows people in any income bracket to purchase boxes of deeply-discounted groceries once per month.
If the cost of food is a concern and you don't qualify for SNAP or assistance from the local food pantry, you can save money safely by purchasing food from Angel Food Ministries.
If you're on a tight budget, Angel Food Ministries may be able to help you stretch your grocery shopping dollars.
Angel Food Ministries was started in 1994 by Pastors Joe and Linda Wingo in order to help provide affordable food to people in their Georgia community who were struggling financially.
The Angel Food program distributes "restaurant grade" meat, fruits, vegetables, breads, and dairy products to interested parties throughout the United States.
There is no limit to the number of boxes one may purchase through the Angel Food program and participants are not obligated to purchase a box each month.
Is Angel Food Ministries the right choice for you?
To begin participating in the Angel Food program, all you need to do is visit the organization Web site.
There's nothing angelic about these edgy Angel Evening Sandals.
In 1947, Dearfoams wowed the world with their exclusive Angel Treads®, a foam slipper that was not only soft and comfortable, but easy to care for as well as a washable slipper.
Whether Lily was wrestling with Holden's marriages and affairs (Angel, Julie, Emily, Julia) or her own (Derek, Damian, Keith, Dusty), the fans have wanted to know what would happen next.
One Life to Live scoops and spoilers were filled with speculation throughout all aspects of this storyline because Marty herself was no angel.
Holden's older brother Seth married Angel Lange (who previous was involved with both his brothers) and his older brother Caleb married Julie Wendell (who shares a son Aaron with Holden).
Dorian's knowledge of Charlie's secret drove a wedge between Viki and Charlie for a time, but when Charlie remodeled Carlotta's diner in Angel's Square after the Bonjour Café, he and Viki reconnected.
Jane has only two confidantes to her predicament, Deb's best friend Stacy and Fred, her guardian angel.
Make Me a Match - Jane's guardian angel returns as a human just as she discovers that a matchmaking service is committing fraud.
The album features fourteen songs including Would I Lie to You by Elliot and Cho, Restraining Order sung by Cho and Baby, I Need Your Loving by Ben Feldman (resident guardian angel Fred).
When Deb found herself in a way station to heaven, she disagreed with her angel Fred's assessment of her utter lack of substance (she'd done nothing bad or good throughout her life).
Melissa George - Starting out her career on the Australian soap Home and Away in the award-winning role of Angel Parrish, she moved on, appearing in Australian Playboy, then made a move to the States.
Two of Drew Barrymore's most famous etchings are her angel and butterfly.
The most widely replicated Beckham ink is the guardian angel he has inked between his shoulder blades.Those who oppose the idea of a proper, well-bred, English footballer with tattoos of course have made their thoughts known.
Getting guardian angel tattoos is a popular way to show many different types of emotions and beliefs.
When choosing to get a guardian angel tattoo, you have several options.
It's important to get an image of a guardian angel that you feel comfortable with or that coincides with your belief system.
Another option for a guardian angel tat is more abstract - wings.
Angel's wings can be used as a way to show that you know your guardian angel is watching you without having to show a specific face or type of angel.
Some people choose to get these wings tattooed spread across their backs in emulation of an angel themselves.
When the death involves a young child, some choose to get a guardian angel tattoo incorporating the image of the child.
These tattoos can also include the dates of someone's birth and death, as well as their name or nickname, to make the angel even more personal.
They can be placed on the back, just like popular angel wing tattoos.
These are usually angel wings, but butterfly wings and fairy wings have also become quite popular.
Some of the most expressive and beautiful tattoo art includes angel tattoo designs.
Though angels are a universal symbol among most religions, even those who do not adhere to a particular faith can appreciate the message being expressed in angel artwork.
Gabriel-He is known as the angel of annunciation and also the angel of birth.
Gabriel is a messenger angel, and is also thought to be the spiritual guide and protector of unborn babies.
Michael-Often considered the most powerful angel, Michael is a warrior and a defender.
Understanding the particular purpose an angel serves may help you to select the right angel tattoo design for you.
The addition of these symbols can clarify the angel's message.
The shoulder is a popular place for men and women to get an angel tattoo; this is especially true of guardian angels.
Many people also have angel wings tattooed on their shoulderblades.
Men often place angel memorials on their chest near their heart, or have large and ornate tattoos inked on their chests and backs.
Do angel and cherub tattoos hold any appeal for you?
If they do, come learn more about the meaning behind angels, and get tips to help you figure out which type of angel is the right one for your own original tattoo.
Is it any wonder then that angel and cherub tattoos are so popular with body art enthusiasts?
However, some men do choose this type of angel design, especially when the tat is used to commemorate the birth or death of a child.
Archangels rank highest in angel hierarchy, and they're usually depicted as very strong and masculine.
St. Michael is a popular figure in angel tattoos.
Guardian angels are believed to watch over people, and it's said that each person has at least one guardian angel ofhis or her own.
Guardian angels are usually depicted less fiercely than the archangels, and might be drawn as men or women.Who wears a guardian angel tattoo?
Fallen angels usually have a darker expression on their face, and they are often depicted with a severed or broken wing to show their lowered status.Who wears a fallen angel tattoo?
Virtually anyone who feels like an outsider or a rebel might choose a fallen angel as fodder for a tattoo.
Rather than getting angel and cherub tattoos, some people prefer to turn themselves into angels by having angel wings tattooed on their back.
You may wish to use a small, significant symbol such as a star or an angel and include dates of birth and death.
Guardian angel tattoos are popular with many different people, for many different reasons.
Choose a design that speaks to you and your angel to get a look that is a personal as your angel is.
No matter how you view your guardian angel, if you decide to get a tattoo to honor her, make sure the design says exactly what you want to convey.
If you want to carry your angel with you, without giving him a name or a face, consider getting angel wings tattooed on your body by themselves.
These "phantom" wings can symbolize the presence of a guardian angel without giving it a name or a face, and can be worn anywhere on the body.
Many people believe the cherub is the most representational of a guardian angel, making it one of the most popular angel tattoo designs.
If you want a tattoo of your guardian angel to help feel the strength she brings to you, consider using a design of a powerful angel.
If you can't visualize your angel's face, but want to include more than just a pair of wings, consider turning your angel into an abstract design for the tattoo.
If you want a guardian angel tattoo to commemorate a loved one who has passed on, try giving some of that persons' attributes to the angel.
Other designs may include the guardian angel alone with her wings at her side while holding a harp, an angel with her arms outstretched to you or an angel that is introspective and withdrawn.
To help make sure your guardian angel tattoo is truly representative of what you want it to be, consider the following points.
Many angel tattoos are done in gray scale, rather than full color, but this is merely a personal choice.