Anew Sentence Examples
It lived to flourish anew among the Germanic tribes at the time of the great migrations.
Like Aristotle, then, he proposed anew the question, What is being?
She began to cry anew as Dean rushed from the room and out the front door.
Why not just move someplace else and start anew, and gradually make use of the cash?
I chose not to teach her the tongue of our forefathers, for I intended her to start our line anew, without the taint of the creature.
The text of the passages has to be critically treated anew.
When I swallowed, my assailant was jamming in his knife anew.
She began to cry anew.
The two began their struggle anew.
Hannah blushed, and Katie looked at her anew.
AdvertisementThey crushed a civilization already hard hit; and it took two or three centuries for the artistic spirit, instinct in the Aegean area, and probably preserved in suspended animation by the survival of Aegean racial elements, to blossom anew.
On the restoration of peace the work of creating a capital for Upper Canada had wellnigh to begin anew.
Dean drove with even more caution now that the melted road sections were beginning to freeze anew, downshifting, allowing the reduced gear to slow the vehicle.
Dean staggered to the shower, letting the ice-cold water start his day anew.
Cynthia Byrne clutched the armrest firmly during take off and landing, reacting to each noise anew.
AdvertisementThey live for some time in water or mud, occasionally entering the bodies of water snails, but undergo no change until they reach the lung of a frog, when the cycle begins anew.
If Piedmont was to be fitted for the part which optimists expected it to play, everything must be built up anew.
He, among others, prepared designs for laying out the City anew.
Bandelier, Dorsey, Holmes, Seler and Uhle have taken up the questions anew.
Meanwhile the struggle with the council broke out anew.
AdvertisementAfter his surrender in 1847 he devoted himself anew to theology and philosophy, and composed a philosophical treatise, of which a French translation was published in 1858 under the title of Rappel d l'intelligent.
The text of the Gospels was extracted from the Commentary upon them by Wycliffe, and to these were added the Epistles, the Acts and the Apocalypse, all now translated anew.
The simple bodies which are the matter of the rest are not terrestrial earth, water, air, fire, and a different celestial aether, but whatever elementary bodies natural science, starting anew from mechanics and chemistry, may determine to be the matter of all other bodies whatever.
It was by means of their horsemen that the Austrasian Franks established their superiority over their neighbours, and in time created the Western Empire anew, while from the word caballarius, which occurs in the Capitularies in the reign of Charlemagne, came the words for knight in all the Romance languages.
Hence when Henry returned to Germany in 1078 Worms, Spires and many other places opened their gates to him and contributed freely to his cause; nevertheless his troops were beaten in three encounters and Pope Gregory thundered anew against him in March 1080.
AdvertisementOne other cry He uttered, and the end came, and at that moment the veil of the Temple was rent from top to bottom - an omen of fearful import to those who had mocked Him, even on the cross, as the destroyer of the Temple, who in three days should build it anew.
On the death of the "judge," if not sooner, the corruption spreads anew and the same vicissitudes follow.
From these internal dissensions Baldwin was now summoned to the north, to regulate anew the affairs of Antioch and also those of Tripoli, where the death of Count Raymund had thrown on his shoulders the cares of a second regency.
But it obliged the authorities to pay anew attention to the training of the clergy.
Bacon's grand motive in his attempt to found the sciences anew was the intense conviction that the knowledge man ' The division of the sciences adopted in the great French Encyclopedie was founded upon this classification of Bacon's.
On the 7th of March 1526 the Zurich Rath issued an edict threatening all who were baptized anew with death by drowning, and in 1529 the emperor Charles V., at the diet of Spires, ordered Anabaptists to be put to death with fire and sword without even the form of ecclesiastical trial.
In the interior of the Sassanian Empire the old troubles broke out anew on the death of Shapur II.
Bordeaux capitulated on the 9th of October, and the Hundred Years' War was terminated by the expulsion of the English, who were by this time so fully occupied with the Wars of the Roses as to be unable to take the offensive against France anew.
In June 1055 Victor met the emperor at Florence, and held a council, which anew condemned clerical marriages, simony and the alienation of the estates of the church.
Antony took possession anew of the property he had been compelled to surrender, and inserted Varro's name on the list of the proscribed.
Rayer in 1850 and Davaine had observed the bacilli in the blood of animals dead of anthrax (splenic fever), and Pollender discovered them anew in 1855 In 1863, imbued with ideas derived from Pasteur's researches on fermentation, Davaine reinvestigated the matter, and put forth the opinion that the anthrax bacilli caused the splenic fever; this was proved to result from inoculation.
In 1803, however, Charles Frederick, grand-duke of Baden, raised it anew and reconstituted it under the name of "RupertoCarola."
Notwithstanding this, a synod, held at Frankfort in 794, anew condemned the practice, and the dispute remained unsettled at Adrian's death.
It may reasonably be supposed, not only that they constructed the external framework of many chapters, and also made some additions of their own - a necessary process in order to weld their motley collection of fragments into a new and coherent book - but also that they fabricated anew many formulae and imitative passages on the model of the materials at their disposal.
In 1768, when the Cossacks revolted anew against the Poles, they took Uman and murdered most of its inhabitants.
In 1672 Aungier transferred his headquarters to Bombay, and after frightening off an imposing Dutch fleet, which in 1670 attempted to surprise the island, set to work to organize the settlement anew.
In addition to the activity of the Reformers in Transylvania, there was also a Roman Catholic propaganda in Rumania, and the Orthodox Church found it necessary to convoke a synod in Jassy for the purpose of formulating anew its own dogmatic standpoint.
Things continued in this position until about 1823, when James Smith of Deanston, having discovered anew those principles of draining so long before indicated by Blith, proceeded to exemplify them in his own practice, and to expound them to the public in a way that speedily effected a complete revolution in the art of draining, and marked an era in agricultural progress.
In the former case the young daughter zooid, with its corallum, arises wholly outside the cavity of the parent zooid, and the component parts of the young corallum, septa, theca, columella, &c., are formed anew in every individual produced.
In especial when England was measured out anew for the great carucage of 1197
In India, Frenchmen and Englishmen had striven during the last war for authority over the native states round Pondicherry and Madras, and the conflict threatened to break out anew.
But Lord Stanley, whom the queen entrusted .with the duty of forming anew administration, was compelled to decline the task, and Lord John resumed office.
After a century of decay, it was anew brought into importance by the establishment of its university; and a marked increase in its industrial and commercial prosperity has again taken place in recent years.
The old provinces were abolished, and France was divided anew into eighty departments.
Again, the opposition between the natural world and the spiritual order into which the Christian has been born anew led not merely to a contempt equal to that of the Stoic for wealth, fame, power, and other objects of worldly pursuit, but also, for some time at least, to a comparative depreciation of the domestic and civic relations of the natural man.
They were accordingly taken up anew by a band of continental inquirers, primarily by three men of untiring energy and vivid genius, Leonhard Euler, Alexis Clairault, and Jean le Rond d'Alembert.
Speaking in August 1906 he raised anew the Macdonnell question and demanded the production of all correspondence connected with the under-secretary's appointment.
In all probability Zeno did not observe that in his controversial defence of Eleaticism he was interpreting Parmenides's teaching anew.
The "grace of truth" (the charisma), which the apostles had called down upon their first disciples by prayer and layingon of hands, and which was to be imparted anew by way of succession (&aSoxii, successio) to the bishops from generation to generation without a break, makes those who receive it living witnesses of the salvation offered to the faithful by written and spoken tradition.
In vain Charles tried to kindle anew the embers of former feudal intrigues; the execution of the duke of Nemours and the count of Saint P01 cooled all enthusiasm.
More important is the law according to which a presentation freed from inhibition and rising anew into consciousness tends to raise the other presentations with which it is combined.
Finally, the Second Part of England's New Chains Discovered, a violent outburst against "the dominion of a council of state, and a constitution of a new and unexperienced nature," became the subject of discussion in the House, and led anew to the imprisonment of its author in the Tower on the 11th of April.
Anew hypothesis was developed by Karl Bartsch in his Untersuchungen fiber das Nibelungenlied (Leipzig, 1865).
In 1660 the kingdom was subjugated, but in 1666 the war broke out anew.
Back to Top Each campfire lights Anew Each campfire lights anew, the flame of friendship true.
His remark about not crucifying Christ anew speaks for itself.
With your malady cured you'll live anew, nor will a deer be more active.
Bloody battles were imagined, in which one race virtually exterminated another and populated the country anew.
At the end of the war the mass movement flared anew.
Well, ' River Of Orchids ' sees XTC reborn anew, totally.
Prajapatiwho (probably for practical considerations, as better representing the sacrificer, the earthly ruler, or "lord of the creatures") here takes the place of the Purusha, the world-man or allembracing personality - is offered up anew in every sacrifice; and inasmuch as the' very dismemberment of the lord of creatures, which took place at that archtypal sacrifice, was in itself the creation of the universe, so every sacrifice is also a repetition of that first creative act.
In the time of Cyprian, though not before, we begin to find the idea that the body and blood of Christ were not merely partaken of by the worshippers but also offered in sacrifice, and that the Eucharist was not so much a thank-offering for creation and redemption as a repetition or a showing forth anew of the self-sacrifice of Christ.
Long after Edwin's conquest the lowland continued to be debatable territory held by uncertain tenure, but at length it was to a large extent settled anew by Anglo-Saxon and Norman colonists under Malcolm Canmore and his sons.
But it soon became evident that the only gainers by the war were the Athenians, who in 389, under Thrasybulus, tried to found their old empire anew (see Delian League).
Negotiations were carried on for some months, but in vain; in March 1411 the ban was anew pronounced upon Huss as a disobedient son of the church, while the magistrates and councillors of Prague who had favoured him were threatened with a similar penalty in case of their giving him a contumacious support.
When the first storm of opposition from smaller men had begun to die down, thinkers of real weight, beginning with Cumberland and Cudworth, were moved by their aversion to his analysis of the moral nature of man to probe anew the question of the natural springs and the rational grounds of human action; and thus it may be said that Hobbes gave the first impulse to the whole of that movement of ethical speculation that, in modern times, has been carried on with such remarkable continuity in England.
First look out for worms, and supply vacancies by planting anew.
And lands will crack and rend anew You think it strange.
Kulik 's head penetrated the vagina of a cow in an attempt to be born anew.
All of your card balances will start from a zero point and give you a chance to start anew.
Every Christmas awakens the Lord into all hearts anew.
Explain to the children that they are still important and express how excited you both are to begin anew with the family.
Spending time with her dad has got to be a sure sign that Lindsay is attempting to put the pieces of her life and career back together and begin anew.
You move on to the next level, and start anew.
Sad feelings may resurface over the years when the child experiences the loss anew, such as on holidays or other occasions.
Children mourn a bit at a time, returning to their grief anew at different stages.
Metal draws the water from the heavens and the process begins anew.
If you feel any trepidation, simply put the process to the side and come back to it whenever you feel ready to begin anew.
Despite several twists and turns, they left Hollyoaks for London together to start anew.
This mythical black bird was alleged to have risen out of it's own ashes to begin life anew.
Then they are paraded anew in front of friends and family.
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The mating bond present last night formed anew the moment he healed her from the demon attack.
She looked at the bottle anew, thoughts going to the long list of Immortals she used it on instead of bearing their attacks.
Lana replaced the micro, looking anew at the green cars and their silent occupants.
The pope received the appeal, absolved him and restored him to the rank of priest, and sent a bishop and two priests as legates to Africa with instructions to them to hear the cause of Apiarius anew and for execution of their sentence to crave the prefect's aid; moreover, they were to summon the bishop of Sicca to Rome and to excommunicate him, unless he should amend those things which the legates deemed wrong.
His foreign tour, during which he visited Germany, Holland, England, France and Austria, lasted nearly a year and a half, and was suddenly interrupted, when on his way from Vienna to Venice to study the construction of war-galleys, by the alarming news that the turbulent stryeltsi of Moscow had mutinied anew with the intention of placing Sophia on the throne.
It was the task of Ezekiel to take up once more the broken threads of Israel's religious traditions, and weave them anew into statelier forms of ritual and national polity.
In the latter part of his stay at Auxonne (June 1788 - September 1789) occurred the first events of the Revolution which was destined to mould anew his ideas and his career.
In the new prosperity of the land the union of Yahweh and his people shall be sealed anew, and so the Lord will proceed to pour down further and higher blessings.
Sacrilege was made a crime punishable by death, and the ministry were preparing a law to alter the law of equal inheritance, and thus create anew the great estates.
Here no such ology and revolution has been effected as that which virtually classical created anew the history of Oriental antiquity; yet history.
Egypt soon revolted anew and could not be subdued again.
In 1630 the government of the company, with questionable right (for the charter seems evidently to have contemplated the residence of the company in England), transferred itself to their territory, and under the leadership of John Winthrop laid the foundations anew of the Massachusetts colony, when they first settled Boston in the autumn of that year.
One of his first public acts was to hold the well-known Easter synod of 1049, at which celibacy of the clergy (down to the rank of subdeacon) was anew enjoined, and where he at least succeeded in making clear his own convictions against every kind of simony.
In the war the advantage rested with the Basutos; thereupon the Free State appealed to Sir George Grey, who induced Moshesh to come to terms. On the 15th of October 1858 a treaty was signed defining anew the boundary.
In 355 Liberius was one of the few who, along with Eusebius of Vercelli, Dionysius of Milan and Lucifer of Cagliari, refused to sign the condemnation of Athanasius, which had anew been imposed at Milan by imperial command upon all the Western bishops; the consequence was his relegation to Beroea in Thrace, Felix II.
In Germany, Marsiglio of Padua and Jean of Jandun, the literary allies of the emperor Louis IV., ventured to define anew the nature of the civil power from the standpoint of natural law,.
It was taken up anew by the Cambridge Philological Society in 1886, by the Modern Languages Association in 1901, by the Classical Association in 1904-1905, and the Philological Societies of Oxford and Cambridge in 1906.
A further testimony to the activity which prevailed in the field of Biblical lore is the fact that at the close of the century probably about the year r000 - the Gospels were rendered anew for the first time in the south of Eng land.
Hippocrates of Gela received its territory from Syracuse and restored the town in 492, but it was destroyed by Gelon in 484; the Geloans, however, founded it anew in 461.
The Neustadt, which had been burned down in the 17th century, was founded anew by Augustus I.; he also founded Friedrichstadt.
When the sky was imagined as a cow, whc was a calf born anew every morning.
Towards the end of the pontificate trouble began anew in England, Paschal complaining (1115) that councils were held and bishops translated without his authorization, and threatening Henry I.
After the Dorian invasion the community was divided anew into the ordinary three Dorian tribes and an equally privileged tribe of Ionians, besides which a class of rcopvvrtcao,00e or Karwvauochopoe lived on the land as serfs., For some centuries Sicyon remained subject to Argos, whence its Dorian conquerors had come; as late as 50o B.C. it acknowledged a certain suzerainty.
There he soon became popular, especially with the lay nobility; but, denounced anew by St Bernard to the ecclesiastical authorities, he returned to Italy, and turned his steps towards Rome (1145).
Venality and the extortion of the tax-gatherer flourished anew after the departure of Gordon, while the feebleness of his successors inspired in the Baggara a contempt for the authority which prohibited them pursuing their most lucrative traffic. When Mahommed Ahmed (q.v.), a Dongolese, proclaimed himself the long-looked-for Mandi (guide) of Islam, he found most of his original followers among the grossly superstitious villagers of Kordofan, to whom he preached universal equality and a community of goods, while denouncing the Turks 2 as unworthy Moslems on whom God would execute judgment.
She considered his words anew as she heard her own.
Dean itched to ask her how she was so sure it wasn't Mr. David Dean who dropped her hubby into space but she began to sob anew, making any further conversation impossible.
Her cheeks burned anew as she recalled what would hereafter be etched in her mind as the kiss.
Matthew edited anew the works of Abbot John de Cella and Roger of Wendover, which in their altered form constitute the first part of his most important work, the Chronica majora.
Admiral Roggeveen reached it on Easter day 1722; in 1774 Captain Cook discovered it anew and called it Teapi or Waihu.
Cromwell's charter of 1655, though reciting that "time out of mind" Swansea had been "a town corporate," incorporated it anew, and changed the title of portreeve into mayor, in whom, with twelve aldermen and twelve capital burgesses, it vested the government of the twn.
Kris looked at his condemned brother anew, not sure how to take Rhyn.s newfound intent and resolve.
The analogy of this to the manner in which the Egyptian hieroglyphs passed into phonetic signs is remarkable, and writing might have been invented anew in Mexico had it not been for the Spanish conquest.
Here they are purified anew, and attain finally to the kingdom of pure light and to God Himself.