Anemometers Sentence Examples
Vane anemometers or heated head air meters may be used to measure air flow in ducts.
There are 6 models in this range of hand held anemometers.
In cases where the direction of the air motion is always the same, as in the ventilating shafts of mines and buildings for instance, these anemometers, known, however, as air meters, are employed, and give most satisfactory results.
A more intensive array of 12 sensitive cup anemometers and two, three-dimensional ultrasonic anemometers are now being used in the field.
This would involve mounting anemometers at least 4 heights within the canopy and 4 heights above.
Velocity anemometers may again be subdivided into two classes, (1) those which do not require a wind vane or weathercock, (2) those which do.
Anemometers which measure the pressure may be divided into the plate and tube classes, but the former term must be taken as including a good many miscellaneous forms. The simplest type of this form consists of a flat plate, which is usually square or circular, while a wind vane keeps this exposed normally to the wind, and the pressure of the wind on its face is balanced by a spring.
Sheets of mica are used as a surface for painting, especially in India; for lantern slides; for carrying photographic films; as a protective covering for pictures and historical documents; for mounting soft and collapsible natural history specimens preserved in spirit; for the vanes of anemometers; mirrors of delicate physical instruments; for various optical and many other purposes.
The Kestrel 1000 & 2000 are tough, pocket-sized rotating vane anemometers.
Also, there will be sophisticated sonic anemometers at 2 heights.
AdvertisementUsing highly sensitive digital hot-wire anemometers and digital data-logging barometers this was also ruled out for many of the anomalous door events.
Anemometers may be divided into two classes, (1) those that measure the velocity, (2) those that measure the pressure of the wind, but inasmuch as there is a close connexion between the pressure and the velocity, a suitable anemometer of either class will give information about both these quantities.