And-how Sentence Examples
When you went up to visit his parents, how much time did you spend with them, and how much time did you spend on the ranch?
Renewed by the blood, more sobs wracked her body as she thought of Damian and how badly she'd destroyed any plan Dustin or Jule could make.
She had to figure out what she was missing fast and how permanent it was to be an Immortal mate.
Deidre couldn't understand the relationship and how permanent he claimed it was.
It has only been possible here to indicate in the briefest way what is involved in the collection and critical sifting of the extant evidence for the text of the Old Testament, Results of how much of the work has been done and how much Criticism.
Direct material for answering the question when and how far astronomical calculations replaced simple observations as the basis of the Jewish calendar is not forthcoming.
His work was destroyed,' but the copious extracts which we find in Lactantius, Augustine, Jerome, Macarius Magnus and others show how profoundly he had studied the Christian writings, and how great ' was his talent for real historical research.
All these efforts at reconciliation show how clearly the problem of evil was realized in these Gnostic and half-Gnostic sects, and how deeply they meditated on the subject; it was not altogether without reason that in the ranks of its opponents Gnosticism was judged to have arisen out of the question, 7r60ev TO KaK6P; This dualism had not its origin in Hellenic soil, neither is it related to that dualism which to a certain extent existed also in late Greek religion.
At all these farms experiments are conducted to gain information as to the best methods of preparing the land for crop and of maintaining its fertility, the most useful and profitable crops to grow, and how the various crops grown can be disposed of to the greatest advantage.
In order to explain the unity and variety of the world, the one universal form and the many individuals, and how the one good is the main cause of everything, he placed as it were at the back of his own doctrine of forms a Pythagorean mathematical philosophy.
AdvertisementThe incomplete state in which Aristotle left the Metaphysics, the Politics and his logical works, brings us to the hard question how much he did, and how much his Peripatetic followers did to his writings after his death.
At another time, having asked his daughter how the court went and how Queen Anne did, he received for answer, " Never better; there is nothing else but dancing and sporting."
It is uncertain how far they were themselves Celtic in blood and how far they were numerous enough to absorb or obliterate the races which they found in Britain.
These utterances are eminently characteristic. They show how far Bismarck was (even at the close of 1870) from comprehending the traditional policy of the papacy towards Germany and German interests, and how little he conceived it possible to employ the relations between the future empire and the Vatican as a point of departure for a successful and consistent ecclesiastical policy.
An example of the latter occurs in Singapore where the vicious red spinning-ant (Oecophylla smaragdina) is mimicked by the larva of a Noctuid moth and by spiders belonging to two distinct families, namely, Saltiicus plataleoides (Salticidae) and Amyciaea forticeps (Thomisidae), there being no reason to suppose that either the moth larva or the spiders are protected forms. Mimetic aggregations of species similar to those mentioned above have been found in other countries; but the instances cited are sufficient to show how widespread are the influences of mimicry and how profoundly it has modified the insect fauna of various parts of the world.
AdvertisementIt is difficult to tell in any one of these cases how far the story is an entire fiction and how far some ingenious impostor took advantage of the existence of the myth.
Now, in this case, the first definition expresses much better the whole chemical behaviour of ozone, which is that of "energetic" oxygen, while the second only includes the fact of higher vapour-density; but in applying the first definition to organic compounds and calling isobutylene "butylene with somewhat more energy" hardly anything is indicated, and all the advantages of the atomic conception - the possibility of exactly predicting how many isomers a given formula includes and how you may get them - are lost.
He tells how, when he had slowly taken in the doctrine of logical figures and moods, he put it aside and would prove things only in his own way; how he then heard about bodies as consisting of matter and form, as throwing off species of themselves for perception, and as moved by sympathies and antipathies, with much else of a like sort, all beyond his comprehension; and how he therefore turned to his old books again, fed his mind on maps and charts of earth and sky, traced the sun in his path, followed Drake and Cavendish girdling the main, and gazed with delight upon pictured haunts of men and wonders of unknown lands.
How the hostile kings of Israel and Syria came to fight a common enemy, and how to correlate the Assyrian and Biblical records, are questions which have perplexed all recent writers.
It may then be learnt who made the first cup of tea, who planted the earliest bushes, and how the primitive methods of manufacture were evolved.
AdvertisementAnother result of the personal government by the emperor was that it was impossible, in dealing with recent history, to determine how far the ministers of state were really responsible for the measures which they defended, and how far they were the instruments and mouthpieces of the policy of the emperor.
How far the different forms indicate real difference in the nature of the phenomenon, and how far they are determined by the position of the observer, it is difficult to say.
C. t has for its subject pavements and roads, their construction, mosaic floors; c. 2 is on white stucco for walls (opus albarium); c. 3 on concrete vaults, gypsum mouldings, stucco prepared for painting; c. 4 on building of hollow walls to keep out the damp, wall decoration by various processes; c. 5 on methods and styles of wall painting, the debased taste of his time; c. 6 on fine stucco made of pounded marble - three coats to receive wall paintings; c. 7 on colours used for mural decoration; c. 8 on red lead (minium) and mercury, and how to use the latter to extract the gold from wornout pieces of stuff or embroidery; c. 9 on the preparation of red lead and the method of encaustic painting with hot wax, finished by friction; cc. to-14 on artificial colours - black, blue, purple;, c. to white lead and ostrum, i.e.
One can easily understand that differences of opinion may have existed as to whether and how far formularies of this kind belonged to the Koran.
It was related how Seth had brought an accusation against Osiris in the great judgment hail of Heliopolis, and how the latter, helped by the skilful speaker Thoth, had emerged from the ordeal acquitted and triumphant.
AdvertisementIt is clear that this (z) implicitly considers truth as a value, and so connects it with the conception of good, and (2) openly raises the question - What is truth, and how is it to be distinguished from error ?
By applying the pragmatic test on the other hand, it is possible to describe how truths are developed and errors corrected, and how in general old truths are adjusted to new situations.
He tells of the high position he holds among the Venetians; of the jealousy shown him by some of the meaner sort of native artist; of the honour and wealth in which he might live if he would consent to abandon home for Italy; of the northern winter, and how he knows that after his return it will set him shivering for the south.
Mythical history relates how Seithennin's drunkenness inundated the land now covered by the bay, and how King Arthur's ship was wrecked upon Meisdiroedd Enlli near Bardsey.
To what extent revenge for Wishart was the motive of the Kirkcaldys and Leslies and Melvilles who led the assassins, and how far they were paid agents of England, is unknown.
It explains how the Gallo-Roman villa gave place to the village, with its fortified castle, the residence of the lord; how new towns were formed by the side of old, some of which disappeared; how the townspeople united in corporations; and how the communal bond proved to be a powerful instrument of cohesion.
We thus see how the power of the house of Omayya developed itself, and how there arose against it an opposition, which led in the first place to the murder of Othman and the Caliphate of Ali, and furthermore, during the whole period of the Omayyad caliphs, repeatedly to dangerous outbreaks, culminating in the great catastrophe which placed the Abbasids on the throne.
How this alphabet was modified locally, and how it spread to other Eastern lands, must be sought in the specialist works to which reference has already been made.
What we mean is that there is evidence to show that under various names a disease identical with plague has been more or less continuously prevalent for a number of years, but how long and how continuously is not known.
The other statements repeat these words with various minor additions, chiefly intended to explain how the poems had been reduced to this fragmentary condition, and how Peisistratus set to work to restore them.
What idea had Bacon of science, and how is his method connected with it?
A director of agriculture was appointed in 1896, and leaflets are issued pointing out improvements within the means of the villager, and how to deal with plant diseases and insect pests.
A pamphlet by him, entitled The Crime against Ireland and how the War may right it, appealing for a German-AmericanIrish affiance, was disseminated in the United States as part of the German propaganda.
The Macedonian Dominion.How Alexander conquered Persia, and how he framed his world-empire,i cannot be related here.
A Royal Commission was appointed in 1880 to inquire into all the livery companies, into the circumstances and dates of their foundation, the objects for which they were founded, and how far those objects were being carried into effect.
This shows how large a proportion of the vapour is arrested and how it is that only by drifting through the deeper gorges can any moisture find its way to the Tibetan table-land.
The physical properties of water and air explain in a great measure how the sailing ship differs from the balloon, and how the latter differs from the flying creature and flying machine constructed on the natural type.
This figure shows how the wing twists and untwists when in action, and how it forms a true screw.
These figures illustrate the various angles made by the wing with the horizon as it hastens to and fro, and show how the wing reverses and reciprocates, and how it twists upon itself in opposite directions, and describes a figure-of-8 track in space.
The fact that every known geological formation (except the Miocene) is represented, proves of itself how long the history has been, and how multifarious the changes.
The connexion of ethics with metaphysics will be patent as a matter of fact, if it be remembered how Plato's philosophy is summed up in the idea of the good, and how Aristotle also employs the essentially ethical notion of end as the ultimate category by which the universe may be explained or reduced to unity.
We may treat it as a superficial effect, especially in the case of bodies which are opaque enough or thick enough to prevent all transmission of light, and we may investigate how much is reflected at the surface and how much is absorbed; or, on the other hand, we may confine our attention to the light which enters the body and inquire into the relation between the decay of intensity and the depth of penetration.
Cuthbert on "The Spirit and Genius of the Franciscan Friars," in The Friars and how they came to England (1903); see also the earlier chapters of Emil Gebhard's Italie mystique (1899).
When and how the art was introduced is obscure, but there are notices of it as early as the 11th century; and in 1250 Christoforo Briani attempted the imitation of agate and chalcedony.
No story about Corneille is better known than that which tells of the trap between the two houses, and how Pierre, whose facility of versification was much inferior to his brother's, would lift it when hard bestead, and call out "Sans-souci, une rime!"
Blaikie's Life (1880), the publications of the London Missionary Society from 1840, the Journal and Proceedings of the Royal Geographical Society, the despatches to the Foreign Office sent home by Livingstone during his last two expeditions, and Stanley's Autobiography (1909) and How I Found Livingstone (1872).
They object, naturally enough, from the ascetic point of view, that he had failed before while he was keeping his body under, and how can his mind have won the victory now, when he serves and yields to his body.
And whether the laws of our reason are the laws of all intelligence and being - whether and how we are to relate our fundamental, intellectual and moral conceptions to what is beyond our experience, or to an infinite being - are problems which Cousin cannot be regarded as having solved.
First, as already mentioned, it outlines the general features of the Dipleurula; secondly, it indicates the way in which this free-moving form became fixed, and how its internal organs were modified in consequence; but when we seek, thirdly, for light on the relations of the classes, we find the features of the adult coming in so rapidly that such intermediate stages as may have existed are either squeezed out or profoundly modified.
It is impossible to estimate how far this legend commemorates some actual but imperfectly recorded discovery, and how far it is a reminiscence of the ancient idea of an elysium in the western seas which is embodied in the legends of the Isles of the Blest or Fortunate Islands.
The characteristics of the system can be determined when it is known how many there are of these two kinds of degenerate conics in the system, and how often each is to be counted.
People have been asking ever since how the penniless man of letters was able to raise so large a sum in the first instance, and how he was able to keep up a respectable establishment afterwards.
Throughout his logical writings De Morgan was led by the idea that the followers of the two great branches of exact science, logic and mathematics, had made blunders, - the logicians in neglecting mathematics, and the mathematicians in neglecting logic. He endeavoured to reconcile them, and in the attempt showed how many errors an acute mathematician could detect in logical writings, and how large a field there was for discovery.
But the very passage which proves the early origin of " quadragesima," conclusively shows how uncertain it was in its character, and how unlike the Catholic " Lent."
When Sybil was written a long historic day was ending in England, a new era beginning; and no eyes saw so clearly as Disraeli's the death of the old day, the birth of the new, or what and how great their differences would be.
These two books, the Vindication, published in 1835, and his speeches up to this time and a little beyond, are quite enough to show what Disraeli's Tory democracy meant, how truly national was its aim, and how exclusive of partisanship for the "landed interest"; though he did believe the stability and prosperity of the agricultural class a national interest of the first order, not on economic grounds alone or even chiefly.
In the first three books we are shown how God raised up for Himself a chosen people and how the descendants of Israel on entering at Sinai into a solemn league and covenant with Yahweh (Jehovah) became a separate nation, a peculiar people.
When and how fresh controversies in ethics will begin it would be impossible for any one to foretell.
The plot dealing first with the life and death of Gunnar, type of the chivalry of his day, then with the burning of Nial by Flosi, and how it came about, and lastly with Kari's revenge on the burners, is the ideal saga-plot.
Later is the Fostbreedrasaga (1015-1030), a very interesting story, told in a quaint romantic style, of Thorgeir, the reckless henchman of King Olaf, and how his death was revenged in Greenland by his sworn brother the true-hearted Thormod Coalbrow's poet, who afterward dies at Sticklestad.
By comparison with their analogues in the laboratory it can be determined whether, in which direction, and how much, lines of recognized origin are displaced in the spectra of the heavenly bodies.
How the stars really move in space, and how the sun travels among them, can be ascertained only with the aid of materials collected by the spectrograph, which has now fortunately been brought to comply with the arduous conditions of exactitude requisite for collaboration with the transit instrument and its allies, the clock and chronograph.
But the machiavellian pretender, daily growing more skilful at manoeuvring between different classes and parties, knew where to stop and how to keep up a show of democracy.
It is not easy to separate the discussion of savage myths of gods from the problem, Whence and how arose the savage belief in gods ?
In 1886 appeared Books, our Best Friends and Deadliest Foes; in 1888, An Utopian Dream and How it may be Realized; in 1892, Poets, the Interpreters of their Age; and in 1894, Evolution and the Religion of the Future.
Although we now know how the errors of lenses may be corrected, and how the simple microscope may be improved, this instrument remains with relatively feeble magnification, and to obtain stronger magnifications the compound form is necessary.
His publications include After the War (1867), in which he gives his observations during a journey through the Southern States in 1866; Ohio in the War (2 vols., 1868); Some Consequences of the Last Treaty of Paris (1899); Our New Duties (1899); Later Aspects of Our New Duties (1899); Problems of Expansion (1900); The Greatest Fact in Modern History (1906), and How America faced its Educational Problem (1906).
It wasn't fair but that was how the law read – and how most men felt.
As for your mouth, people are always commenting on your beautiful smile and how those blue eyes of yours are so full of life.
While Betsy had located some seemingly compatible cases, everyone wanted to offer input on which ones were the most critical and how or what tip lines we'd utilize.
Deidre couldn't register what he said and how permanent he claimed it was.
When Randy heard the name, he said he'd seen a production performed at college and how hilarious it was when they find the skeleton.
Right. Now someone seems to be trying to discourage us from finding the identity of the bones, who caused them to become bones, and how they happened to get in the Lucky Pup mine.
All I could think of was Randy and how lucky we are that he's got his act together in spite of this business with Jen—how much better off he is than Billy— and Jen than Melissa.
The Immortal knew as much as Gabe about the portals and how to evade those who followed.
She pondered the spaceship dilemma and how to commission one to take her home without Evelyn, Romas, or anyone else finding out.
Why she was drawing his likeness in the park, and how she remembered his every feature after seeing him so briefly in a dark bar.
Then Randy told me about the bike magazine and how you'd been interested in it—how Jeff marked the information on this tour.
Carmen was obedient – how much was in her nature and how much was the result of strict upbringing was hard to determine.
She wondered what had swayed him to turn against Tiyan and how far he had already gone.
Should she fight for him – and how?
With rich data, grounded theorists can more readily discernwhat participants mean and how they define their experiences.
I do not know the distribution and extent of the grazing marsh which is pasture or meadow and how much is grazed and periodically inundated with water.
One area contributing to this theme is to examine how designers abstract the worksystem and how they represent this abstraction in their designs.
Sue also offers her first-hand account of what it is like to receive radiotherapy in Edinburgh and how she coped during her experience.
When was there last such acrimony between judges and the home office, and how can it be resolved?
Grounds on which you may be able to obtain a civil annulment and how to apply.
I saw the arrogance of the British colonialists, and how the culture of the Asians allowed colonial dominance.
Fox uses material ' so artless ' that the listener can hear each tone and how they are disposed.
What's your favorite bevy and how often do you indulge?
It is partly biographical but mostly just Jarrett talking about music, what he feels about it and how it works.
The size, the material used and how its case has been constructed can identify each sub species of cased caddis.
If not in our schools where, pray, is the convincing catechesis to be done - and how will it convince?
He shares his insights, as a hospice chaplain into the fundamental needs of human connection and how he connects with dying people.
They talk about what they have done and why and how their degree studies influenced their career choices.
But when and how is it right to commit civil disobedience?
She regularly flies to the USA to see clients and give talks on astrology, palmistry, tarot and how to develop clairvoyance.
We Inform patients as to the risks involved in having a pregnancy complicated by diabetes and how these are minimized.
A further design question is to reconsider whether and how different activities should be spatially constrained.
The study now under way is looking at how the Tyne serves the conurbation and how the conurbation serves the river.
The macrobiotic counselor should be committed to finding out what is life and how to make one live longer and happier.
It may have been more the fact that I could smell toasting crumpets - and how often do you get crumpets...?
It also shows you how to transplant plants from soil to hydroponics and how to take clones from valuable plant stock for hydroponic cultivation.
What causes curvature of the spine in children and how can surgery be used to minimize its effect?
Guide to government departments Your guide to central government departments, what they do and how to contact them.
Just think of the Catholic Church and how long it took them to accept the huge amount of sexual depravity within their priesthood.
He thought how often he had laid down the law to her and how sweetly she had borne with his somewhat dictatorial decrees.
Our aim is to understand how these reactions take place and how they control the speeds of mineral dissolution and precipitation.
Subjects such as how to transfer domain names to us and how much web space we offer are often mentioned.
Business economics - Covers macro economics, looking at how industry operates and how it is affected by governmental policies and international agreements.
What convinced you and how did you become an exorcist?
Slimy Creatures Discover how snails get around, how poison arrow frogs protect themselves and how amphibians breathe.
How did you become fruitarian and how long ago?
Our judges consider how well entrants have used plain English, and how successfully and passionately they have fought gobbledygook.
Talk about the cycle of new life and how the leaves turn golden in autumn time before falling from the trees.
Photographs would be a good way for members to see just what this virus is like and how it affects the hamster.
What is it that makes people nowadays hostile to them, and how could that be changed?
There has also been much initial anxiety about the interpretation of new standards and how to manage the flexibility available in the assessment regime.
What should a fully internationalized Internet look like, and how do we get there from here?
How do I challenge Islamic fundamentalists and how do I challenge Islamic jihad?
I liked how the authors identify the different styles of kickboxing, and how they explain the difference between aerobic kickboxing and full-contact kickboxing.
Show mothers how to breastfeed and how to maintain lactation even if they are separated from their infants.
Later we shared in the Peace and Blessing of Communion remembering the Last Supper and how Jesus shared this with his disciples.
It seems laudable to suggest it should return - the trick is to decide where and how much?
How did Sir Tim Berners-Lee create the world wide web and how has he avoided the public limelight?
The professional manicurist gives some trade secrets on a basic manicure and how to maintain healthy nails.
A run down on legal and illegal drugs and how long drug tests are able to pick up drug metabolites.
It illustrates well how energetic and vital, and how fruitful, is much of the debate in contemporary metaphysics.
I also wanted to show the modus operandi of the deniers, sort of unpack what they do and how they do it.
Then - and how can I forget, we started a papier mache monster head.
A person should know something about the finance company and how they treat the mortgagees and the mortgager.
To eat groups of people orbital myositis may players and how.
The identity of the young woman in the coffin, and how she came by such a splendid garment, remains an intriguing mystery.
The child narrator explains the importance of names in Chinese culture, and how giving your child certain names can affect your fortune.
So, I say nevermind how they feel think about yourself and how you'd feel.
How far and how did discrimination against Protestant nonconformists continue into William's reign?
You should understand how to check for consecutive octaves and fifths and how to avoid them.
Readers are introduced to behavior aspects of reproduction, such as how to detect oestrus and how to minimize neonatal mortality.
Patronage politics are dominated by who knows who, who owes who, and how much they owe.
Strawberries and other plants contain a chemical called phytochrome that tells them whether it is day or night and how long the day is.
This DVD will reveal for the first time anywhere the real secrets of street pickpockets and how they can be used to entertain.
Some of the pitfalls of old fashioned domain names are addressed and how you can avoid marketing pitfalls once and for all.
Read more about that and how to have the perfect pout here.
Investigate their social lives and how they defended themselves against those fearsome predators.
Why is the preliminary 1 test defined as " Scales of Training " and how does it differ from other prelim tests?
This raises the question as to how cells are organized into rosettes within the migrating primordium, and how the prepattern is maintained.
An abnormal amount hands is dubbed cyclic progression and how and why.
After reading this book you will understand the reason for your life and how you can make it better.
The topic of politics arose and how the exhibition continually reminds us of war and trauma, memory and loss.
Lecture 3 - Model Checking Explains how to report Multiple Regression analyzes, and how to check the model using residuals.
They will also offer advice on electrical safety, trip hazards and how to prevent other injuries in the home.
Play our interactive phishing and spam scam games for tips on how to recognize internet scams and how to avoid them.
These notes are intended to help explain why and how we use scintigraphy at Liphook.
All of her friends said how lucky she was and how they wished the little folk would leave them a shiny sixpence.
How many Aristotles are herding swine, and how many swineherds wear a crown on their heads!
The price depends on when you want ti done by and how well the scam's got to hold up and to who.
This section looks at why shipwrecks are important and how they become time capsules for archeologists.
Radostin Kishishev was also given a breather from midfield with Hughes and Holland afforded the chance to impress in the midfield triangle and how.
Read the latest on fibroids; how to treat uterine fibroids and how fibroid tumors can affect you.
Also included is advice on marketing your book, how to get an agent and how to submit a typescript.
But why do churches become so unfriendly, and how can we create a culture of welcome?
Small details like where I left my guitar and how I got between venues seem almost uninteresting, so I'll miss them out.
When and how the body produces dilute and concentrated urine.
But it would again be useless to ask how extension as the characteristic attribute of matter is related to mind which thinks, and how God is to be regarded in reference to extension.
When in addition to all this it is found that physically the Dravidians resemble the Australians; that the boomerang is known among the wild tribes of the Deccan alone (with the doubtful exception of ancient Egypt) of all parts of the world except Australia, and that the Australian canoes are like those of the Dravidian coast tribes, it seems reasonable enough to assume that the Australian natives are Dravidians, exiled in remote times from Hindustan, though when their migration took place and how they traversed the Indian Ocean must remain questions to which, by their very nature, there can be no satisfactory answer.
Since true activity consists in knowing what one does and how one does it, I cannot be the author of any state of which I am unconscious; I am not conscious of the mechanism by which bodily motion is produced, hence I am not the author of bodily motion ("Quod nescis quomodo fiat, id non facis").
This raises the problem of how far the catharsis dealt with above is in its original form an elimination of impurity, and how far something more definite - a spirit or other principle of evil - is held to be expelled by scapegoat and allied ceremonies.
We have seen how his classification of substances into elements and compounds, and the definitions which he assigned to these species, have similarly been retained; and how Lavoisier established the law of the "conservation of mass," overthrew the prevailing phlogistic theory, and became the founder of modern chemistry by the overwhelming importance which he gave to the use of the balance.
To know the nature of man and how to deal with it, the physician should study, not anatomy, which Paracelsus utterly rejected, but all parts of external nature.
Through her secretary, General Grey, the queen pointed out that she had not concealed from Gladstone" how deeply she deplored "his having felt himself under the necessity of raising the question, and how apprehensive she was of the possible consequences of the measure; but, when a general election had pronounced on the principle, when the bill had been carried through the House of Commons by unvarying majorities, she did not see what good could be gained by rejecting it in the Lords.
A further task is to estimate the value of this literature as evidence for the history of Israel, to determine, as far as possible, whether such parts of the literature as are contemporary with the time described present correct, or whether in any respect one-sided or biased or otherwise incorrect, descriptions; and again, how far the literature that relates the story of long past periods has drawn upon trustworthy records, and how far it is possible to extract historical truth from traditions (such as those of the Pentateuch) that present, owing to the gradual accretions and modifications of intervening generations, a composite picture of the period described, or from a work such as Chronicles, which narrates the past under the influence of the conception that the institutions and ideas of the present must have been established and current in the past; all this falls under Historical Criticism, which, on its constructive side, must avail itself of all available and well-sifted evidence, whether derived from the Old Testament or elsewhere, for its presentation of the history of Israel - its ultimate purpose.
Bacon nowhere enters upon the questions of how such a science is to be constructed, and how it can be expected to possess an independent method while it remains the mere receptacle for the generalizations of the several sciences, and consequently has a content which varies with their progress.
With many paradoxes, with many criticisms which are below contempt, and many indecent displays of personal animosity - especially in his reference to Etienne Dolet, over whose death he gloated with brutal malignity - it yet contains acute criticism, and showed for the first time what such a treatise ought to be, and how it ought to be written.
The Lombard chronicler tells a romantic tale of the way in which Authari sought his bride from Garibald, duke of the Bavarians, how he went incognito in the embassy to judge of her attractions, and how she recognized her disguised suitor.
The task was a great one, and the fame to be won by it uncertain, yet it would be something to have made the attempt, and the labour itself would bring a welcome relief from the contemplation of present evils; for his readers, too, this record will, he says, be full of instruction; they are invited to note especially the moral lessons taught by the story of Rome, to observe how Rome rose to greatness by the simple virtues and unselfish devotion of her citizens, and how on the decay of these qualities followed degeneracy and decline.
It would be difficult to decide how much of the dispute between the advocates of pleasure theories and their opponents turns upon vexed questions of psychology, and how much is p ho strictly relevant to ethics.
The rights of dower and courtesy have been abolished, and husband and wife have instead equal rights to inherit property from the other; but the portion of the property of a deceased spouse that descends to the survivor varies from one-fourth to all according to whose and how many are the children concerned.
It was no easy thing to learn these letters and how they are put together to make words.
Then I thought of our own warm little house, and how snug we could make him until he came to his senses again.
Every song you download and how many times you play it.
And when more and more people have their medical history tracked over time, we will learn even more about how our bodies get sick and how they heal.
About clothes, and how robots will weave garments that never wear out from materials not yet invented that will cost very little.
This speaks to the fabulous wealth of this country and how our expectation of material possessions has risen so fast that we have redefined poverty to include what once were deemed luxury items.
So far we have looked at poverty and how it is redefined as societies grow richer.
Similarly, seed makers are judged by the crops the seeds grow into—specifically, the yield and how long it takes to get it.
How much of my delight in all beautiful things is innate, and how much is due to her influence, I can never tell.
I shall love to hear of her reception of the book and how she likes the stories which are new to her.
It shows how the child-mind gathers into itself words it has heard, and how they lurk there ready to come out when the key that releases the spring is touched.
Let us consider for a moment what most of the trouble and anxiety which I have referred to is about, and how much it is necessary that we be troubled, or at least careful.
I was surprised to see how thirsty the bricks were which drank up all the moisture in my plaster before I had smoothed it, and how many pailfuls of water it takes to christen a new hearth.
When the door was locked, he showed me where to hang my hat, and how he managed matters there.
He did not finish his sentence, but his tone showed how highly he thought of his friend and how much he expected of him in the future.
Boris on the contrary at once found his footing, and related quietly and humorously how he had known that doll Mimi when she was still quite a young lady, before her nose was broken; how she had aged during the five years he had known her, and how her head had cracked right across the skull.
I don't quite remember how, but don't you remember that it could all be arranged and how nice it all was?
He explained how an army, ninety thousand strong, was to threaten Prussia so as to bring her out of her neutrality and draw her into the war; how part of that army was to join some Swedish forces at Stralsund; how two hundred and twenty thousand Austrians, with a hundred thousand Russians, were to operate in Italy and on the Rhine; how fifty thousand Russians and as many English were to land at Naples, and how a total force of five hundred thousand men was to attack the French from different sides.
How beautiful the sky looked; how blue, how calm, and how deep!
Listening to Bilibin he was already imagining how on reaching the army he would give an opinion at the war council which would be the only one that could save the army, and how he alone would be entrusted with the executing of the plan.
All were conscious of this unseen line, and the question whether they would cross it or not, and how they would cross it, agitated them all.
She took the liberty of inquiring whether it was long since Anatole had left Paris and how he had liked that city.
How happy I am now, and how happy I may be with such a friend and such a husband!
He kept telling himself that he would consider the whole matter and decide what was right and how he should act, but instead of that he only excited himself more and more.
When the review was over, the newly arrived officers, and also Kutuzov's, collected in groups and began to talk about the awards, about the Austrians and their uniforms, about their lines, about Bonaparte, and how badly the latter would fare now, especially if the Essen corps arrived and Prussia took our side.
And the talkative Dolgorukov, turning now to Boris, now to Prince Andrew, told how Bonaparte wishing to test Markov, our ambassador, purposely dropped a handkerchief in front of him and stood looking at Markov, probably expecting Markov to pick it up for him, and how Markov immediately dropped his own beside it and picked it up without touching Bonaparte's.
Rostov saw how the Emperor's rather round shoulders shuddered as if a cold shiver had run down them, how his left foot began convulsively tapping the horse's side with the spur, and how the well-trained horse looked round unconcerned and did not stir.
Pierre recalled how Helene had smilingly expressed disapproval of Dolokhov's living at their house, and how cynically Dolokhov had praised his wife's beauty to him and from that time till they came to Moscow had not left them for a day.
Oh, how that chord vibrated, and how moved was something that was finest in Rostov's soul!
To Pierre's inquiries as to what he must do and how he should answer, Willarski only replied that brothers more worthy than he would test him and that Pierre had only to tell the truth.
Then I don't eat, don't wash... and how is it with you?...
It was just then that he received a letter from his wife, who implored him to see her, telling him how grieved she was about him and how she wished to devote her whole life to him.
They must know how I long to dance, how splendidly I dance, and how they would enjoy dancing with me.
He remembered how carefully and at what length everything relating to form and procedure was discussed at those meetings, and how sedulously and promptly all that related to the gist of the business was evaded.
He recalled his labors on the Legal Code, and how painstakingly he had translated the articles of the Roman and French codes into Russian, and he felt ashamed of himself.
Pierre saw how Prince Andrew asked her something and how she flushed as she replied.
He made thousands of different conjectures as to where and from what side the beast would come and how he would set upon it.
Sonya, as she listened, thought of the immense difference there was between herself and her friend, and how impossible it was for her to be anything like as bewitching as her cousin.
They told her where the barn was and how she should stand and listen, and they handed her a fur cloak.
They talked of how they would live when they were married, how their husbands would be friends, and how happy they would be.
All the time Boris was going through the figures of the mazurka, he was worried by the question of what news Balashev had brought and how he could find it out before others.
I want nothing, wish for nothing; teach me what to do and how to use my will!
Having written this and given the paper to Alpatych, he told him how to arrange for departure of the prince, the princess, his son, and the boy's tutor, and how and where to let him know immediately.
Why and how were the battles of Shevardino and Borodino given and accepted?
Another valet, with his finger over the mouth of a bottle, was sprinkling Eau de Cologne on the Emperor's pampered body with an expression which seemed to say that he alone knew where and how much Eau de Cologne should be sprinkled.
The question was no longer whether this was possible, but only which was the better match and how the matter would be regarded at court.
Oh, what a terrible thing is fear, and how shamefully I yielded to it!
How sorry I am that he died, and how glad I am that he is alive again!
You know how dear Vera wanted a chiffonier like that and how we had a dispute about it.
In reply to his last question Pierre again explained who Makar Alexeevich was and how just before their arrival that drunken imbecile had seized the loaded pistol which they had not had time to recover from him, and begged the officer to let the deed go unpunished.
The first time Prince Andrew understood where he was and what was the matter with him and remembered being wounded and how was when he asked to be carried into the hut after his caleche had stopped at Mytishchi.
How he would propose to her and how she would become his wife.
If he had not known that he was dying, how could he have failed to pity her and how could he speak like that in her presence?
Another, a thin little officer, was speaking to everyone, conjecturing where they were now being taken and how far they would get that day.
But Dolokhov restarted the conversation which had dropped and began putting direct questions as to how many men there were in the battalion, how many battalions, and how many prisoners.
And they began telling what each was suffering for, and how they had sinned against God.
Pierre looked at the soldier and remembered that, two days before, that man had burned his shirt while drying it at the fire and how they had laughed at him.
He doesn't know how terrible it is and how dangerous.
But what a kind, pleasant face and how he smiles as he looks at me.
From reports current in town she learned how the Rostovs were situated, and how "the son has sacrificed himself for his mother," as people were saying.
You should have seen her ecstasy, and how he caught it for having stayed away so long.
Natasha spoke to Pierre about her brother's life and doings, of how she had suffered and lacked life during his own absence, and of how she was fonder than ever of Mary, and how Mary was in every way better than herself.
The pyrolysis of pitch materials is complex and our understanding of such materials and how to control their properties is incomplete at present.
Recent research work has been directed at the toxicity associated with the levo isomer, and how it compares with the racemic preparation.
In her eyes he saw only fear and puzzlement, and how could she reassure when his mind was opaque to her?
This article details the range of stents which are available and how these have revolutionized the treatment of vascular disease.
He 's ruminating on life and how his has been mostly nasty, brutish and short.
To what extent do current policies achieve an integrated, multi sectorial approach to development of rural areas and how can this be increased?
In the cross-section above you can see the root blocker, the self-cleaning system and how the water is distributed evenly !
They talk about them until they say, 'What has so-and-so done and how have you found him this year?
How much you actually spend will depend on your interests and how much socializing you do.
It is quite staggering to see the ability of these dogs and how much they enjoy the work.
The meeting starts at 8 pm and will discuss what Fairtrade is and how organizations and the town can attain Fairtrade status.
One is his devotion to alchemy, and how his being steeped in the alchemical lore influenced the rest of his work.
The biggest problem is stress and how the interplay of all the different participants at your wedding adds or subtract from that stress.
You'll find out about your unique place in the body of Christ and how to surmount the obstacles that keep you from thriving.
Understand what Ro means, and how to interpret Life Tables and survivorship curves.
How many Aristotles are herding swine, and how many swineherds wear a crown on their heads !
Discover hybrid synergy drive technology and how it works for you.
The price depends on when you want ti done by and how well the scam 's got to hold up and to who.
Acceptable safety margins for different therapeutic areas, and how these affect the interpretation of toxicology data is also examined.
At last, a band that remember how to rock - and how to wail out their vocals.
Oh, what a strange meeting, and how it all makes my head whirl round.
And I yearn to know what those futures held and how they dealt with them.
Focus on the people, the product and the technology (if you have it) and how it might be a big win for the acquiring company.
These founders are a joy to work with; they understand what to do when failure happens and how to quickly move beyond it.
How do you know if you are gaining the right amount of weight during your pregnancy and how can you tell if there is a problem?
The age of your child should dictate to some degree when and how you tell about the impending arrival of her new brother or sister.
Until then, what can you expect, and how do you take care of your darling's teeth?
Just what causes it, and how do you know if your baby's rash needs treatment?
Are there fire extinguishers in the center, and how many exits are in the building?
We know how warm the bathwater should be and how cool to serve the mashed bananas.
Identify the costs associated with each option and how to fit them into your family's budget.
Again, the choice is based on personal preference and how you'll use your stroller.
You may even muse about how different your life has become, and how blessed you are.
What type of medical training or certification do they hold, and how long have the employees been at the school?
What are the rates for childcare and how are they collected?
You need to make it clear to your friend/relative what you expect and how things should be handled.
By keeping a log of when your child takes her medicine, what she eats on a daily basis, and how often she has diarrhea, you and your pediatrician may be able to pinpoint what to do for her.
How much they need depends upon how early the babies were born, what complications occurred during labor and delivery, and how healthy they are.
China has strict rules about who can adopt a baby and how that adoption may take place.
Additionally, they may wrestle with the questions of why their parents abandoned them, and how to get in touch with their birth families.
An entire chapter of the Freakonomics book explores so-called high-end and low-end names and how they affect how people are viewed in society based on their names.
Combing through user reviews can give buyers a good idea of how easy the product is to operate and how reliable it remains over time.
The final look of the invitation or greeting card will depend on the color scheme utilized, any text added (and the font used), and how busy or refined the look of the card is.
As the shower progresses, you may modify the number of games you intended to play based on how the shower is evolving and how the guests are engaging in the activities you planned.
The amount of diapers you need will depend on how often you plan to wash the dirty diapers and how old your baby is.
Look at you home and how you plan to use the monitor to see which features may be the most important.
However, before you start buying your wine, it's important to learn about how wine is made and how it ages.
The type of barrel used to age the wine and how long the wine is aged in the barrel before it is bottled impacts the demand for the wine.
Test MP3 players and see how they feel in your hands and how it feels walking with one.
In many cases, once you've checked for safety issues, your decision boils down to how well a high chair matches your decor and how much space you have at your table and in your kitchen or dining area.
However, setting clear boundaries about what kind of clothes are acceptable and how much you are willing to spend will establish limits you can live with.
Before you jump head first into making purchases, there's much to know about precious metals and how you should go about acquiring them.
Start by considering what you cook and how you cook it.
Take a look at the clothes you have now and how they fit your child.
The best one for you depends on your style of keying and how it feels.
The premium will be based on such factors as the area where you live, what your house is worth, and how long you've lived in your house.
Your realtor should help you figure out how close to the house's asking price your offer should be and how to do a counteroffer if your first offer is rejected.
In fact, it is so popular as a hobby that you can find dozens of bead suppliers, pattern suppliers and how to books on beads and beading.
Once you open it, you'll see both the processor speed of your computer and how much resident memory it has.
Beyond the amount of memory, check with your owner's manual to see the type of chip your machine needs and how many chips you'll need to install to increase memory capacity to the next level.
Before you purchase a digital voice recorder, learn what kind of batteries it uses and how often they need to be replaced.
When you look at varieties in the catalogs or online the information provided will tell you both when the plant blooms and how tall it grows.
Another great reason to buy local is that you know you will be buying plants that will work in your area and you'll likely be able to ask questions about where, when and how to plant the tree and get knowledgeable answers.
While connoisseurs will tell you many reasons why you should choose a particular wine with a particular food, it still all comes down to how a wine tastes to you and how it pleases your palate.
The back of the pattern will tell you what kind of fabric to use and how much to buy.
If you're buying multiple fabrics, keep a list of what you have and how much you will need of it.
Whether or not a book is bought back and how much you receive depends on whether or not a book will be needed next semester and if store stock is low.
Demand for the book and how many copies are in stock also determines value.
But the image depends upon the type of printer you have and how clean your print heads are.
Think about how much traveling you do during the year, how frequently you like to change cars and how much money are you willing to spend per month (if any).
Think about how stable your financial situation is, the amount of driving you do during the year, and how frequently you like to change cars.
Part of the key is not to look for what is the hottest new trend, but rather seeing what you need and how the currently available line can address those desires.
Spend time thinking about what you will need the computer for and how much you are willing to spend, and you can narrow down your choices.
It all depends on the amount of time you will spend there and how much you can afford.
With a little understanding of what leather is and how it is used, it is easy to buy leather items that are both durable and fashionable.
So, what are comparable items going for and how does the asking price for the piece you want compare with those values?
Read on to find out how to select the right snowblower and how to get the best price on your investment.
These appliances should take into consideration the types of food you store and how frequently you access them.
Most places will have an "About Us" section where you can read where they came from and how long they've been in business.
How big is the room and how will that mesh with the cost per square foot of the type carpet you have in mind?
Start out simple at first, then branch out into other materials once you nail down where to find the basics and how to use them well.
A whole copper set is not recommended simply because of the price, the reactivity, and how easily it scratches.
Choosing a programmable thermostat depends on your budget, your current style of house, and how much control you want to give the device.
A handgun buyer's guide can point you in the right direction once you decide how you need to use your gun and how reliable you need it to be.
Here's where to look when you're wondering how to buy a vacuum cleaner, and how to choose the right one.
Once you figure out what you want the computer for and how much your budget is research computers around your budget and see which ones have the small extra features you need.
When you search for an item, it lists the price range and how many stores it found.
You can also learn how to effectively kill bed bugs, how to get rid of them and how to be in total control over them.
Have you figured out your budget and how much time you can invest in building a homemade aircraft?
Detailed information on Plasma and LCD television can be found at Plasma TV Buying Guide and How to Buy an LCD TV.
Read How to Buy an iPod to help you situate the kinds of iPods available and how to pick the right one for you.
First decide how portable you'd like it to be and how many accessories you'd like it to hold.
Research how long the dealer has been in business and how much experience he or she has.
Understanding the types of gear you need, and how to buy all of your equipment, will help you avoid forgetting the most essential items.
Be sure to weigh the shipping costs and how soon you need your new notebook when you compare online to local store specials.
You can purchase plexiglass sheets from several distributors, but before you buy plexiglass sheets, you need to know what you are buying and how much the stuff costs.
Many people are attracted to hedge funds because they see the big numbers associated with these investments and how they have grown in the recent past.
Understand the purpose of bonds and how to buy them before you invest your time and money in this type of investment.
Before you learn how to buy zero coupon bonds you will want to understand exactly what they are and how they work.
On the site, you can view a list of vendors that currently stock Maurice's warehouse, which there are four total, and how you can join nationwide trade shows.
While you're waiting for enrollment form, download the prospectus and get to know the company, its history and stock performance and how they view the outlook of their company.
What makes processors different from each other is how efficient they perform calculations or, in probably more familiar terms, the speed of the computer, measured in gigahertz (GHz) and how many processing cores are embedded on the chip.
Learn how to shop based on how they look, how they perform, and how well they protect your eyes.
The queen of budget fashion answered the following questions on her inspirations, finding the best inexpensive watches, and how to save money on accessorizing.
The first thing to think about when shopping for a chain saw is what you need to cut and how much power you need.
Selecting the right unit for your needs is a function of where and how you plan to use the device.
Once your cat has been completely on Wellness for about two months, you should be able to determine if the switch was good for him based on his overall condition and how well he likes the brand.
It can take hours or even days, depending on how matted your cat is, and how stressed it becomes while you're brushing.
You'd be surprised by how fast and how high kittens can jump or climb.
First, how many litter boxes do you keep available for that many cats, and how often do you clean them?
Since you are this concerned, I would definitely take him to the vet and describe his symptoms, as well as the extreme change in his behavior and how lethargic he now is.
What would they have to do to figure it out if my cat has heart disease, and how much would it cost?
Your best course of action is to ask up front what tests your vet plans to run and how much they will cost.
Be sure to ask if there are any other pets in the home and how the adopter will handle the introductions.
Read on to find out what causes blood in stools and how to treat it.
You can also learn more about the work of the Humane Society and how to get involved by visiting
In this way they know what is going into the cat food and how healthy it is.
On their website, they have detailed and specific information on Maine Coon cats and how these cats traits are scored at cat shows.
The advantages of learning to make your own cat food include your ability to supervise exactly what goes into your cat's meals and how this food is processed.
To help you make the best choice for your cat, you can begin by studying the unique biology of felines and how that plays a role in determining the best food.
Listen to what they have to say about customer service, what help they may have received, and how they felt about the experience.
Meanwhile, Greg talks about his experience with swim team and how much he hates it.
In the Readers & Writers Club, kids learn what parts make up a story and how to write their own tales.
At its core, the book is about family and how valuable it can be.
The ultimate quality of the beverage comes down to the ingredients you choose to use and how these ingredients are prepared.
Learn about this delicious drink and how you can make your own at home any time of the year.
Ensure that you fully understand what they are able and willing to do and how much, if anything it will cost you.
I use that as an example of the possibilities of compounded interest, and how it just grinds you down on the other end - all that potential savings being lost to debt.
It's important that you have a realistic idea of how much you charge per year, and how much of a balance you carry over each month, to help you determine what type of card you need.
How much time has passed since you opened your first account and how many accounts you have had since then.
Sometimes, people encounter tax difficulties simply because they don't understand tax withholding and how this may need to fluctuate from when the form was first filled out at hiring.
Lately, many financial experts have been touting the benefits of consumers examining where they spend little bits of money they don't think about, and how budgeting can really make a difference to their financial well-being.
It includes a graphic display of how lenders view you as a borrower and how you compare to others in any zip code or state, as well as other categories.
Crisis planning involves knowing what funds can easily be liquidated and how to adjust other expenses accordingly.
If the answer is yes, you may want to read this article to find out where to go and how to go about getting an accurate report.
Processors will also be curious about the amount of business you do and how much you are selling your product or service for.
Saving for emergencies and how much should be put away just in case.
As the card's designer, you choose the card's purpose and how the money will be spent.
Along with choosing the card's purpose and how the money will be spent, another perk for choosing a card like this is the opportunity to fully customize the card face and to utilize co-branding.
It also shows how many times you have paid your bill late, what your highest payment has been on each account and how long the account has been open.
A traditional banker may not have a clear understanding of how a plaintiff litigation practice works and how best to meet their unique needs.
Once registered, the parent can log into the website and check the balance at any time, so they know what the card's balance is being spent on and how much is left.
Be aware of what the rate will become if you miss a payment and how long that higher rate may be in effect.
How much will you pay per month and how long will you carry the debt?
Therefore, it is essential to understand what your interest rate is and how it is calculated so you can make wise buying decisions.
For interested parents, here is a bit of information about the system-how to set the card up, how to monitor it, and how to determine the balance of Current Discover cards.
They may also offer some pastoral counseling in addition to financial advice and may also give some advice on budgeting and how to avoid a similar financial situation in the future.
Know what restrictions are in place for using travel miles and how you can redeem the rewards.
There may be restrictions on when and how you can use the travel miles you earn.
Also, there may be limitations on where you can use the card and how many rewards you can redeem annually.
Individuals can pick the type of card right for them based on associated fees, monthly costs and how they plan to use the card.
In this letter, you'll want to state clearly what the error is and how you would like it to be corrected.
This slips shows the card is active and how much is available for use on the card.
It also provides information on how identity theft occurs and how to protect yourself from it.
If you are interested in the latest statistics about identity theft and how consumers recover from having their identity stolen, Javelin Strategy and Research provides recent information from comprehensive studies.
In such a case, a professional mediator can be hired to help the couple come to decisions on how the property should be divided and how to work out custody issues if there are children.
However, in the United States, it's possible to accomplish a divorce this way as long as the couple is in complete agreement about the divorce and how to divide all of the community property.
The authors rely upon their own individual experiences, as well as experiences from others, to show what grief is and how it is possible to recover from the power of that grief.
If the two people involved are not able to come to an agreement about spousal and child support, division of matrimonial property, and how to divide debts incurred during the marriage, it makes more sense to seek expert legal advice.
Children learn how to be co-operative and how to show compassion toward other people.
In the case of a person who is not able to support themselves, the judge will want to know what plans they have for becoming self-sufficient and how long they expect the process to take.
Courts have not been able to decide exactly when alimony should be order and how to calculate payments.
When one spouse is seeking alimony payments from the other, the question of whether spousal support should be paid and how much is decided by a judge.
A judge may decide to consider any other economic factors that he or she considers relevant when making a decision about whether to award alimony, and how much spousal support should be paid.
Before doing so, the judge will consider the proposed recipient's capacity to earn a living and how long it will take for him or her to become self-supporting.
Where the children will live and how parents will make decisions affecting their upbringing and education is another issue that needs to be dealt with in a divorce.
If they are unable to agree on the particulars themselves, then the matter is taken before a judge, who will have to order that a joint custody arrangement be set up and how it will work.
A request for alimony must be heard by a judge, who will decide whether to grant spousal support, how much will be paid, and how long the financial assistance will last.
Do ask about the steps involved in getting a divorce and how long the procedure should take.
The decision about whether and how much spousal support to award is determined by a judge.
Before a judge can make a ruling about whether to award spousal support and how much to award to the recipient, he or she is required to consider 14 factors.
California alimony laws are written so that judges have a specific set of criteria to consider when determining whether to award spousal support and how much should be paid.
When this occurs, it's important to think about what is important and how you can reach a compromise on the decision.
Discuss the geographic and ethnic origins of the family and how they have influenced present day practices, beliefs and celebrations.
From an early age, I remember being told about the importance of education and how it provided freedom, respect and autonomy.
The articles in this category will help you understand how to approach communication issues with your co-parent and how to seek out a compromise during disagreements concerning how to raise your child.
With expanding console dining room tables, consider how well the table suits the room when it is at its smallest size, and how well it fills the room when it is totally expanded.
This will help you decide later how much fabric you'll want to buy, and how much cording, if any, you'll have to have.
Information regarding the type of ladder and how it'll need to be secured to your bed should be included in your college's loft bed regulation sheet.
This will help you to determine how any ladders or onboard storage will have to be situated, and how tall your bunk bed can be and still accommodate the room's ceiling height.
Each size has a slightly different feel and you may have to adjust your stroke length and how hard you strike the cue ball depending on the size of the table.
Once you have decided that an ivory desk is right for you, then you will need to decide on specifically what color you want and how to achieve that color.
Put some thought into the way the colors complement each other and how the sizes of the objects create balance.
Once you install a rain barrel, you'll be amazed how much water you collect for use and how much was being wasted as gutter runoff.
Topics include fresh water and clean air, and how to go about ensuring these are abundant.
Changing how resources are consumed and how much waste is created can help move the planet back to a time where these critical environmental concerns were not yet issues.
Together, all the people who pay attention to their effect on the carbon cycle and how they can reduce that come together to make a big difference to the health of the planet.
Fashion and Beauty which features great advice like how to reuse a bridesmaid dress, how to make do-it-yourself organic hair products, and how to create Halloween masks.
Home and Garden offers some really unique tips like how to replace night lights with glow in the dark tape and how to recycle old mattresses.
They came to hear about issues affecting the environment and how the green building industry was addressing those issues.
Learning about these contaminants, how they are produced and how they affect the environment and our lives, is important to efforts to reduce or eliminate these harmful substances in the future.
You have complete control over what is grown and how it is grown.
Go to the Web site Earth 911 to learn about what items can be recycled and how to dispose of hazardous materials.
The easiest way to understand how do photovoltaic cells work is through reviewing how these devices were invented, and how the technology has advanced throughout the history of solar power.
What is an eco composter and how can it save you money?
This can be a useful source of information about different types of plants and how they are best grown.
While that much is true, many people get a little vague when it comes to the greenhouse effect and how it's connected to global warming.
However, what does being self sustainable mean and how feasible is it for the majority of people?
In addition, most of the country does not fully understand composting and how it works.
It's commonly blamed on big industries and is believed to be the number one cause of global warming, but what is air pollution and how does it really affect us?
It won't happen over night, but by making subtle changes in how people live and how businesses operate, air pollution can be minimized and the planet restored.
Pay attention to the job site and how the building waste is being handled.
Either way, it's important to understand how these structures work, what conditions they require and how the use of wind energy is transforming our global economy.
The most expensive part of installation, however, is the cost of drilling, which may range from 10,000 dollars to 30,000 dollars, depending on your geographical location and how deep down the heat source is located.
Through various activities and events throughout the year, the MREA promotes and explains sources of renewable energy and offers tours at the ReNew the Earth Institute to demonstrate various renewable energy sources and how they work.
Getting a handle on what household items you use that can be recycled, how to get them to the recycling center and how they should be presented can help you find a system that works for you.
Most bins have instructions printed as to what can be dropped off and how.
He was very impressed with how quickly the burn healed and how little scarring there was.
Every magazine and television show these days on health mentions the word antioxidant, but many people remain confused about what antioxidants are and how they benefit health.
When talking to your healthcare provider about this natural remedy, it can be helpful to understand the basics about this herb and how much black cohosh women take to induce labor.
Why does gray hair pop out in the first place and how is it caused?
They can show you what colors work well together and how to set up furniture in tricky rooms.
But just what is green design, and how can you ensure the products you are using are as earth conscious as possible?
Also consider the weight of the tub and how the plumbing and wiring will work with your existing mechanicals.
Kids this age are old enough to understand the concept of a budget and how to spend money responsibly.
Once you have determined exactly how you will use this space, what you need and how much you can afford to spend, you will be on your way to designing a more efficient and aesthetically pleasing workspace.
You get a better feel for how the size of the furniture works in the room and how different set ups will increase or decrease space.
The living room, more than any other room in the house, reveals both the personalities of the people who live in a home and how they live.
They are not often the most decorative pieces but they are usually the most comfortable because they are inspired by the human form and how humans will interact with the pieces.
Home Decorators web site has a superior section on how to choose blinds and shades, and how to measure windows.
The number of plates you need depends on how many courses you are serving and how the food will be served.
To explore this historic house that Mark Twain built for his family you need to understand the man and how certain events in his life shaped the destiny of the house.
By allowing them to feel as though they have a say in what and how the room looks, you'll be empowering them, teaching them invaluable lessons about the decision-making process and giving them a sense of ownership in the process.
Think about what kind of mood you want to create, the size of the room, and how much natural light you get.
Also evaluate whether your kitchen is open to another space, such as your living or dining room, and how it should coordinate with this room's decor scheme.
If you are allowed to paint the walls of the apartment, or if you are choosing window treatments, rugs or other temporary design elements, think about the color you are using and how it affects the space.
There's no limit to where and how mirror tiles can be used.
You went through the toddler décor and moved into the adolescent style with great finesse, but now it's time to reconsider your family room and how you'll be using it over the few years.
They offer decorating ideas for every room in the house; the latest news in paints, fabrics, and wallpapers; decorating tips from the experts; and great advice on where and how to shop.
If you know where to shop and how to find the latest fabric styles on sale, you'll be able to buy quality decorator fabric at a great price.
Prices vary depending on the material used and how much you'll need for your project.
Whether you're a fan of mid-century modern furniture or prefer a low-key look from the 1960s, learn about the retro styles and how to incorporate them into your home's design.
This online tutorial discusses why color matters, color theory and how to choose colors.
When you have the answers for each item on this list, you will be much better prepared to know exactly what you're looking for and how much you can spend.
The finish of your shell mirror frame is up to you and how you wish it to look.
This can make a big difference in how much your home sells for, how fast it sells and how much it appraises for.
The design and style of your kitchen much depends on your personal taste and how it will blend in with the rest of the décor of your home.
In addition to the features of the room, you'll need to consider the appliances you choose for your laundry and how you'll store them.
Once you have ordered your design program, the site instructs you how to sketch your floorplan, how to measure your room and furniture and how to photograph your room and furniture.
Find out how long, and how often, the technician has been performing your procedure.
What exactly is an Image Consultant and how can they help us?
I know most things about eye make up and how to apply it.
What would be the best colors for me and how should I use them to bring out my eyes?
With Bare Escentuals Bare Minerals Introductory Kit, you can determine your proper shades and how to use color and contour to enhance your appearance.
It inevitably needs to be sharpened with every use, although this can vary depending on the size of your lips and how much product you use.
It's just a matter of knowing where to look and how to find the best bargains!
As it happens, I love vanilla fragrances, so I was very pleased with this product's dry down and how it ultimately worked with my skin's chemistry.
There is a plastic cover that can be slid back on, but anyone who has dealt with one of these knows how cumbersome they are and how quickly they deteriorate!
Practice in the weeks prior to the wedding so you know how the makeup blends, and how it wears.
If you've never really used makeup much, you may want to check with a beauty consultant or a bridal makeup artist for advice as to what to buy and how to use it.
The store will have charts available with the most recent looks and how they are applied.
For men, there are some specific issues that arise with online dating, not the least of which is how to separate yourself from the pack and how to not appear dangerous, creepy or otherwise undateable.
Now that you know what you want in a course and how much you want to pay for it, you're ready to begin your search.
Gone are the days when you had to consult with a travel agent to decide where to go and how to get the best deals.
This is where all of your research of NFL players and how well they'll perform during the season comes into play.
These are just some of the facets of fantasy football and how to compete.