Ancestor Sentence Examples
It was their ancestor who wrote the letters I've got!
It's important for 'em to stay hereโin the same place where ancestor Annie lived.
It was the natural yearning of that portion, any portion of our most primitive ancestor which still survived in us.
Possibly there is a trace of ancestor worship even here; but the two usages have diverged.
Possibly he was an ancestor of the Median king.
The last Count of Promnitz, whose ancestor had purchased both baronies from Frederick of Bohemia in 1556, sold them in 1765 to the elector of Saxony for an annuity of 12,000 thalers (rSoo).
An extended family tree takes in all known descendants from a common ancestor.
Abbas, the vicegerent of Ali at Basra and ancestor of the future Abbasid dynasty, was in command.
The succeeding rangers of Exmoor forest kept up the pack until some 200 years ago, the hounds subsequently passing into the possession of Mr Walter of Stevenstone, an ancestor of the Rolle family.
His son Feodor, surnamed Koschka, was the ancestor of the families of Suchovo-Kobylin, Kalytschev and Scheremetjev, as well as of the Romanovs.
AdvertisementOn the one hand, it seemed to follow from the existence of such a family that Homer was a mere " eponymus," or mythical ancestor; on the other hand, it became easy to imagine the Homeric poems handed down orally in a family whose hereditary occupation it was to recite them, possibly to add new episodes from time to time, or to combine their materials in new ways, as their poetical gifts permitted.
The domestic Indian buffalo (Bos bubalus) exists as a wild animal in North Australia; it is very liable to revert to a wild state, being little altered from its still-existing wild ancestor.
Another explanation is that the place of the sacred wolf once worshipped in Arcadia was taken in cult by Zeus Lycaeus, and in popular tradition by Lycaon, the ancestor of the Arcadians, who was supposed to have been punished for his insulting treatment of Zeus.
At the close of the 18th century the duke of Devonshire, lord of the manor (whose ancestor Sir Ralph de Gernons was lord of Bakewell in 1251), spent large sums of money on improvements in the town.
It is stated in the saga that the Swedish kings were believed to have control over the seasons like their ancestor, the god Frey, and traces of this belief seem to have lingered in the country down to the times of Gustavus Vasa.
AdvertisementAt the parting of the ways which led, on the one hand, to modern Scyphomedusae, on the other to Anthozoa (III.), it is probable that the common ancestor was marked by incipient mesenteries and by the limitation of the sexual cells to endoderm.
Also, some of the prehistoric stocks in Thessaly, like the Achaean Aeacidae, may have regarded him as specially their ancestor.
The latter was tamed by the Incas, and is the ancestor of the guinea-pig.
The connexion with the Herefordshire family is not so impossible as the descent from Sitsyllt; but the earliest authentic ancestor of the lord treasurer is his grandfather, David, who, according to Burghley's enemies, "kept the best inn" in Stamford.
Like his emperor ancestor, Rudolph, he had to conquer the lands over Maxi- which his descendants were destined to rule, and by milian t arranging a treaty of succession to the kingdoms of Hungary and Bohemia, he pointed the way to power and empire in eastern Europe.
AdvertisementOn a conical hill above the pier stand the remains of Dunoon Castle, the hereditary keepership of which was conferred by Robert Bruce on the family of Sir Colin Campbell of Loch Awe, an ancestor of the duke of Argyll.
Not improbably they spoke a dialect (or dialects) akin to Arabic or Aramaic. 5 According to the Mahommedans, Ishmael, who is recognized as their ancestor, lies buried with his mother in the Kaaba in Mecca.
Jutland was acquired by Dan, the eponymous ancestor of the Danes.
The elder of the two surviving sons, James, earl of Dalkeith (1674-1705) had a son Francis (1695-1751), who through his grandmother, inherited the title of duke of Buccleuch in 1732, and was the ancestor of the later dukes.
The ivy-clad ruins of Bomby castle, founded in 1582 by Sir Thomas Maclellan, ancestor of the barons of Kirkcudbright, stand at the end of the chief street.
AdvertisementThe dynasty is named after Sasan, an ancestor of Ardashir I.
On the departure of the Romans, the Goidelic hill-tribes, probably with help from Gower and Ireland, seem to have regained possession of the Usk valley under the leadership of a chieftain of their own race, Brychan, who became the ancestor of one of the three chief tribes of hereditary Welsh saints.
Tubal may be the eponymous ancestor of the people of that name mentioned in Ezekiel in connexion with "vessels of bronze."
As Hector Boece, " that pillar of falsehood," dubbed these presbyters " Culdees," " the pure Culdee," a blameless presbyterian, almost prehistoric, has been claimed as the ancestor of Scottish presbyterianism; and episcopacy has been regarded as a deplorable innovation.
Buffon, in a cautious, tentative fashion, suggested rather than stated the mutability of species and the influence of the forces of nature in moulding organisms. Immanuel Kant, in his Theory of the Heavens (1755), foreshadowed a theory of the development of unformed matter into the highest types of animals and plants, and suggested that the gradations of structure revealed by comparative anatomy pointed to the existence of blood relationship of all organisms, due to derivation from a common ancestor.
Above the relationship of parents all are simply ancestors, no term being used for grandfather which would not equally apply to any more remote male ancestor.
It is evident from his own lists that the Hawaiian kupuna means simply an ancestor.
Apart from the definite evidence, the theory of a racial distinction gains probability from the fact that it explains the survival of the distinction between the patricii, men with a family and genealogy, and the rest of the citizens, for some time after the latter had acquired the legal status of patres and were organized in gentes of their own; for on this theory privilege would belong not to all who could trace free descent but only to those who could trace descent to an ancestor of the conquering race.
He was the ancestor of the Molossian kings, who therefore claimed to be of pure Hellenic stock.
The Algerian Pleistocene camel was doubtless the direct ancestor of the living African species, which it serves to connect with the extinct C. sivalensis.
The type is very closely related to the oldest European (Etruscan) forms, and, in a less degree, to the " South Semitic " (old Minaean and Sabaean); and since it at once begins (c. 700) to develop along separate paths (Canaanite and Aramaean), it may be inferred that the common ancestor was not of long derivation.
An ancestor of the family appears to have held certain territories at Bamraoli near Agra c. 1195.
Through his sons he became the ancestor of the whole human race.
The red jungle fowl (Gallus ferrugineus), supposed to be the ancestor of our own poultry, is not good eating; and the same may be said of the peacock (Pavo cristatus), except when young.
After having won the battle of Panipat (1526) Baber was no more acknowledged as emperor of India than his ancestor Timur had been.
They withdrew to Thessaly, where Aegimius, the mythical ancestor of the Dorians, whom Heracles had assisted in war against the Lapithae, adopted Hyllus and made over to him a third part of his territory.
This conquest of Peloponnesus by the Dorians, commonly called the "Return of the Heraclidae," is represented as the recovery by the descendants of Heracles of the rightful inheritance of their hero ancestor and his sons.
The Dorians followed the custom of other Greek tribes in claiming as ancestor for their ruling families one of the legendary heroes, but the traditions must not on that account be regarded as entirely mythical.
His first ancestor in America may possibly have been Captain Isaac Maddyson, a colonist of 1623 mentioned by John Smith as an excellent Indian fighter.
Among the Arunta of Central Australia, the ghosts of the dead haunt certain localities, and, entering the bodies of passing women, are constantly reincarnated; the Black-snake clan of the Warramunga tribe embodies the spirits which the original ancestor had deposited by a certain creek.'
Another form of the Aramaic alphabet, namely, the so-called Estrangela writing which was in use amongst the Christians of northern Syria, was carried by Nestorian missionaries into Central Asia and became the ancestor of a multitude of alphabets spreading through the Turkomans as far east as Manchuria.
Ogilvy in a Catalogue of Australian Mammals, published at Sydney in 1892; the writer going however one step further and expressing the belief that the dingo is the ancestor of all domesticated dogs.
He was at last overthrown in a general rising headed by Telemachus, the ancestor of Theron (tyrant c. 4 88 -47 2), and burned in his brazen bull.
So it is the ancestor of all things; and Heaven and Earth are the father and mother of the world.
In 1801 the story went that this scion of the royal house of France had a son born to him in prison, who settled in Corsica under the name of "De Buona Parte," and became the ancestor of Napoleon!
The remote ancestor of Kiki luskut Kiki luq^%l-ma Ibri shd arammu I Itemi tittish " How shall I be dumbย ?
We may indeed with Mr Andrew Lang explain the many myths of the bestial transformations of Zeus on the theory that the God was the tribal ancestor and assumed the shape of the animal-totem in order to engender the tribal patriarch; 7 but on the actual cults of Zeus theriomorphism has left less trace than on those.
As regards the nauplius, however, the constancy of its general character in the most widely diverse groups of Crustacea strongly suggests that it is a very ancient type, and the view has been advocated that the Crustacea must have arisen from an unsegmented nauplius-like ancestor.
As the father of King James I., Darnley is the direct ancestor of all the sovereigns of England since 1603.
His earliest known ancestor was Richard Edwards, Welsh by birth, a London clergyman in Elizabeth's reign.
Even now we know surprisingly little about the causes of variation, and not many years ago it was frequently asserted that there was no such thing as reversion or throwing back to an ancestor.
His ancestor, William Longfellow, had immigrated to Newbury, Massachusetts, in 1676, from Yorkshire, England.
Among other remarkable discoveries were those of the wild camel, ancestor of the domesticated species, and of the early type of horse, now known by his name (Equus prjewalskii).
This version was made from an ancestor of the Greek fragment discovered at Giza.
Although there are no means of ascertaining whether the extinct pigmy British sheep was clothed with hair or with wool, it is practically certain that some of the early European sheep retained hair like that of their wild ancestor; and there is accordingly no prima facie reason why the breed in question should not have been hairy.
The dwelling was built in the 17th century by his ancestor, the sturdy immigrant, Thomas Whittier, notable through his efforts to secure toleration for the disciples of George Fox in New England.
The Rev. Stephen Bachiler, an Oxford man and a Churchman, who became a Nonconformist and emigrated to Boston in 1632, was one of her forebears and also an ancestor of Daniel Webster.
Tuath, Cinel and Clann were synonyms meaning a small tribe or nation descended from a common ancestor.
Indeed, Bury is constrained to admit that the view of Semon and others may be correct, and that these so-called calycinal systems may not be heirlooms from a calyculate ancestor, but may have been independently developed in the various classes owing to the action of similar causes.
Neumayr adduced the Triassic sea-urchin Tiarechinus, in which the apical system forms half of the test, as an argument for the origin of Echinoidea from an ancestor in which the apical system was of great importance; but a genus appearing so late in time, in an isolated sea, under conditions that dwarfed the other echinoid dwellers therein, cannot seriously be thought to elucidate the origin of pre-Silurian Echinoidea, and the recent discovery of an intermediate form suggests that we have here nothing but degenerate descendants of a well-known Palaeozoic family (Lepidocentridae).
Semon called this stage the Pentactula, and supposed that, in its early history, the class had passed through a similar stage, which he called the Pentactaea, and regarded as the ancestor of all Echinoderms. It has since been proved that the five tentacles with their canals are interradial, so that one can scarcely look on the Pentactula as a primitive stage, while the apparent simplicity of the Synaptidae, at least as compared with other holothurians, is now believed to be the result of regressive vlu.
The idea of a calyculate ancestor, though by no means connoting fixation, turned men's minds in the direction of the fixed forms, simply because in them the calyx was best developed.
Study of the earliest larval stages has always led to the conclusion that the Echinoderms must have descended from some freely-moving form with a bilateral symmetry, and, connecting this with the ideas just mentioned, we reach the conception that this supposed bilateral ancestor (or Dipleurula) may have become fixed, and may have gradually acquired a radial symmetry in consequence of its sedentary mode of life.
It might be possible to prove the origin of all classes from Pelmatozoa, without thereby explaining the origin of such fundamental features as radial symmetry, the developmental metamorphosis, and the torsion that affects both gut and body-cavities during that process; but the acceptance of a Dipleurula as the common ancestor necessitates an explanation of these features.
But only slight modifications are required to produce the Tornaria larva of the Enteropneusta and other larvae, including the special type that is inferred from the Dipleurula larval stages of recent forms to have characterized the ancestor of the Echinoderms. We cannot enter here into all the details of comparison between these larval forms; amid much that is hypothetical a few homologies are widely accepted, and the preceding account will show the kind of relation that the Echinoderms bear to other animals, including what are now usually regarded as the ancestors of the Chordata (to which back-boned animals belong), as well as the nature of the evidence that their study has been, or may be, made to yield.
In some of these respects the Dipleurula may have diverged from the ancestor of Enteropneusta and of other animals, but it could not as yet have been recognized as echinodermal by a zoologist, for it presented none of the structural peculiarities of the modern adult echinoderm.
This would leave the Echinoid scheme remarkably simple, with the Melonitoida and Cidaroida as divergent branches from an ancestor like Bothriocidaris; but while the former branch soon decayed, the latter continues to flourish at the present day.
From the point of view of his English subjects his main achievement was that he restored iii almost every detail the well-organized bureaucracy which his ancestor had created, and with it the law and order that had disappeared during Stephens unhappy reign.
They ruled out the claimof Robert Bruce, the son of Davids second daughter, who had raised the plea that his descent was superior because he was a generation nearer than Baliol to their common ancestor.
The poet Chaucer may serve as a humbler example of the rise of the burgher class the son of a vintner, he became the father of a knight, and the ancestor, through female descents, of many baronial families.
It is with little justification that he has been called the founder of the new monarchy, and the spiritual ancestor of the Tudor despotism.
But if Harding the Berkeley ancestor be the Harding who, as the queen's butler, witnesses King Edward's Waltham charter of 1062, his dates seem strangely apart from those of Robert his son, dead a hundred and eight years later.
His second son Maurice was ancestor of the Berkeleys of Stoke Giffard, whose descendant, Norborne Berkeley, claimed the barony of Botetourt and had a summons in 1764, dying without issue in 1770.
Rowland's second son, Sir Robert Berkeley, the king's bench justice who supported the imposition of ship-money, was ancestor of the Berkeleys of Spetchley, now the only branch of the house among untitled squires.
Joan Beaufort, wife of Ralph Nevill, 1st earl of Westmoreland, by whom she became an ancestor of Edward IV., Richard III., Warwick the Henry John King Maker and many Beaufort, Beaufort, noble families.
The distinctive animal of the Pamir plateau is the magnificent Ovis poli (conjectured to be the ancestor of the common sheep).
About 1870 the question arose for discussion whether the somites in front of the mouth are to be considered as derived from the prostomium of a Chaetopod-like ancestor.
From this ancestor Arthropods with heads of varying degrees of complexity have been developed characteristic of the different classes, whilst the parapodia and somites of the body have become variously modified and grouped in these different classes.
In Peripatus the prostomium of the Chaetopod-like ancestor is atrophied, but it is possible that two processes on the front of the head (FP) represent in the embryo the dwindled prostomial tentacles.
The Arthropod eye appears to be an organ of special character developed in the common ancestor of the Euarthropoda, and distinct from the Chaetopod eye, which is found only in the Onychophora where the true Arthropod eye is absent.
His life was so completely identified with the government of the state that he offers less material for biography than his ancestor Abd-ar-rahman I.
An elector must be able to read or write (unless he or an ancestor was a voter in 1866 or then lived in some foreign nation) and must be 21 years old, and a resident of the state for one year, in the county six months, and in the election precinct 30 days, and women have the privilege of voting at school meetings.
In the case of corcu and mocu the name which follows is frequently the name of an eponymous ancestor.
Theoretically the members of a sept claimed common descent from the same ancestor, and the land belonged to the freemen.
She afterwards married Gerald de Windsor, by whom she had three sons - Maurice, ancestor of all the Geraldines; William, from whom sprang the families of Fitzmaurice, Carew, Grace and Gerard; and David, who became bishop of St David's.
Together with this idolatry there is also a firm belief in the power of witchcraft and sorcery, in divination, in lucky and unlucky days and times, in ancestor worship, especially that of the sovereign's predecessors, and in several curious ordeals for the detection of crime.
Spencer explains these by the theory that the remembered ancestor of a stock had, as savages often have, an animal name, as Bear, Wolf, Coyote, or what not.
The lowest contemporary savages remember little or nothing of any ancestor farther back than the grandfather.
He calls his own child Dawn or Cloud, his own name is Sitting Bull or Running Wolf, and he is not tempted to explain his great-grandfather's name of Bright Sun or Lively Raccoon on the hypothesis that the ancestor really was a raccoon or the sun.
The Zulus are great worshippers of ancestors (who appear to men in the form of snakes), and they regard a being called Unkulunkulu as their first ancestor, and sometimes as the creator, or at least as the maker of men.
His great opponent (for the eternal dualism comes in) is Khanukh, who is a wolf, and the ancestor or totem of the wolf-race of men as Yehl is of the raven.
Beneath the oak there appeared the three divine beings, and in the cave of Machpelah the illustrious ancestor and his wife were buried.
A venerated tree in modern Palestine will owe its sanctity to some tradition, associating it, it may be, with some saint; the Israelites in their turn held the belief that the sacred tree at Hebron was one beneath which their first ancestor sat when three divine beings revealed themselves to him.
And, again, when one perceives the tendency to look upon the alleged ancestor or weli as an almost divine being, there is much to be said for the view that the patriarchal figures were endowed by popular opinion with divine attributes.
To check the Bretons and the Normans, who were attacking from the Atlantic and the Mediterranean, Charles the Bald found himself obliged to entrust the defence of the country to Robert the Strong, ancestor of the house of Capet and duke of the lands between Loire and Seine.
In the Lindsey Survey of1115-1118the name of Roger Marmion, ancestor of the Marmion family, who had inherited the fief of Robert Despenser, appears for the first time.
The Cabeiri were held in even greater esteem by the Romans, who regarded themselves as descendants of the Trojans, whose ancestor Dardanus (himself identified in heroic legend with one of the Cabeiri) came from Samothrace.
Uttoxeter, with the rest of the honour of Tutbury, escheated to the Crown in 1266 owing to the complicity of Robert Ferrers in the barons' rebellion; it was regranted to Edmund Crouchback, ancestor of the dukes of Lancaster, under whom it became part of the duchy of Lancaster, from which it was not severed until 1625.
The tribe, clan and section are alike distinguished by patronymics formed from the name of the common ancestor by the addition of the word zai or khel; zai being a corruption of the Pushtu word zoe, meaning son, while khel is an Arabic word meaning an association or company.
Dr Bather justifiably anticipates further discoveries, but if, already in Silurian as in modern times, the members of these families had to pass through nauplius and cypris stages to maturity, there is one " enormous gap " between them and the common ancestor of the crustacean class that will not be easily filled.
Winslow (18), who has made a study of 'the chondrocranium of Ichthyophis, concludes that its condition could not have been derived from a Urodele form, but points to some more primitive ancestor.
After establishing the text of I, H and K, von Soden reconstructs an hypothetical text, I-H-K, which he believes to have been their ancestor.
The Eleusinian mysteries were generally considered to have been founded by Eumolpus, the first priest of Demeter, but, according to some, by Eumolpus the son of Musaeus, Eumolpus the Thracian being the father of Keryx, the ancestor of the priestly family of the Kerykes.
Icel, their ancestor, may have been the founder of the kingdom, but nothing is known of him.
From Hyracotherium, which is closely related to the Eocene representatives of the ancestral stocks of the other three branches of the Perissodactyla, the transition is easy to Phenacodus, the representative of the common ancestor of all the Ungulata.
It's a big deal to them, to get stuff from their ancestor and find out where she lived and all.
It's important for 'em to stay hereรขโฌโin the same place where ancestor Annie lived.
Fred O'Connor gave a briefรขโฌโunusual for himรขโฌโexplanation of Annie, careful not to identify her as a Quincy and the sisters' ancestor.
She was desperate to hide any blemish on her version of ancestor Annie Quincy's sainthood.
Family History Trying to trace an ancestor with a canal or river connection.
That still doesn't explain how a human can evolve from an ape-like ancestor, does it?
Lot went to Sodom to become the paternal ancestor of the Ammonites and Edomites.
It is wise to obtain a copy of any Admon for a deceased ancestor " just in case " .
The soprano instrument was the keyed bugle, whose ancestor is the Renaissance cornetto.
An ancestor Stephen Tutt Hodd held the copyholds of these properties.
However, the importance of Bugis sacred places still exists and an ancestor cult conduct pilgrimages to sacred non-Islamic graves.
If he is two generations from the common ancestor, he 1s your first cousin once removed (your father's first cousin ).
Miraculously escaping from prison Joseph traveled to Britain where he became the ancestor of an unbroken line of valiant knights.
They may even contain an obituary of your ancestor.
This standing male figure is an ancestor figure made from wood of a dark patina.
The society publishes a quarterly called the " Cockney Ancestor " .
The Royal Anglian regiment 's Colors carry the battle honors awarded to its ancestor regiments.
There are decidedly unchristian aspects such as reincarnation (of the elves) and the ancestor worship many of the characters indulge in.
It became very popular among practitioners of Santeria in Cuba, as a means of re-connecting to ancestor worship.
In the traditional genealogy of the Hellenes, Ion, the ancestor of the Ionians, is brother of Achaeus and son of Xuthus (who held Peloponnese after the dispersal of the children of Hellen).
Ancestor worship, or reverence for the dead, was a third factor.
Further, it is subsequently found that certain classes of temple servants, the singers and porters, who had once been outside the Levitical gilds, became absorbed as the term "Levite" was widened, and this change is formally expressed by the genealogies which ascribe to Levi, the common "ancestor" of them all, the singers and even certain families whose heathenish and foreign names show that they were once merely servants of the temple.3 2.
Moreover, the Babylonian inscriptions mention the Kashshi, an Elamite race, whose name has been equated with the classical KoQaaiot, Kiauuot, and it has been held that this affords a more appropriate explanation of Cush (perhaps rather Kash), the ancestor of (the Babylonian) Nimrod in Gen.
Of these the earliest recorded is Birtilo (962-995), ancestor of the counts and dukes of Zahringen.
Gunther [19] to belong to the same family (Cladonemidae) as Cladonema and Clavatella, and it is reasonable to suppose that the non-parasitic ancestor of Mnestra was, like the other two genera, an ambulatory medusa which acquired louse-like habits.
A due consideration of it leads to the curious paradox that if any two animals be compared, the zoologically lower will be separated from the common ancestor by a larger number of generations, since, on the average, sexual maturity is reached more quickly by the lower form.
He was named after Peisistratus, the youngest son of Nestor, the alleged ancestor of his family; he was second cousin on his mother's side to Solon, and numbered among his ancestors Codrus the last great king of Athens.
The Clanaboy (or Clandeboye) branch of the O'Neills descended from the ancient kings through Neill Mor O'Neill, lord of Clanaboy in the time of Henry VIII., ancestor (as mentioned above) of the Portuguese O'Neills.
The Aegean script may be, and probably is, prior in origin to the "Asianic"; and it may equally well be owed to a remote common ancestor, or (the small number of common characters being considered) be an entirely independent evolution from representations of natural objects (see Crete).
The three commissioners at once laid down a rule - which contains the essence of the act - that only those who could prove that a paternal ancestor had sat in the great council should be eligible for election.
Under the head of demons are classified only such spirits as are believed to enter into relations with the human race; the term therefore includes (I) human souls regarded as genii or familiars, (2) such as receive a cult (for which see Ancestor Worship), and (3) ghosts or other malevolent revenants; excluded are souls conceived as inhabiting another world.
Of his three sons the youngest Colaxais is preferred by an ordeal of picking up certain objects which fell from heaven, - a plough, a yoke, an axe and a cup, - and becomes the ancestor of the ruling clan of Paralatae; from the other sons, Lipoxais and Harpoxais, are descended minor clans, and the name of the whole people is Scoloti, not Scythae, which is used by the Greeks alone.
They probably express a variation which may have occurred in a far-back ancestor, or in one more recent, and render the individual vulnerable to the attacks of parasitic fungi, or, it may be, become manifest as errors of metabolism.
Moreover, with the emphasis which is laid upon the Jerusalem Temple is to be associated the new superiority of Zadok, the traditional ancestor of the Zadokites, the Jerusalem priests, whose supremacy over the other Levitical families only enters into the history of a much later age (see Levites).
From the belief in the survival of the dead arose the practice of offering food, lighting fires, &c., at the grave, at first, maybe, as an act of friendship or filial piety, later as an act of worship (see Ancestor Worship).
Ing, who is connected with Denmark in Anglo-Saxon tradition, was in all probability the eponymous ancestor of the Inguaeones (see above).
The earliest representatives of the Tylopoda according to Professor Scott is the Middle Eocene genus Homacodon, typifying the family Homacodontidae, which is regarded as the common ancestor of both Camelidae and Oreodontidae, with resemblances to the European Oligocene genus Dichobune (see Artiodactyla).
Finally, in 1806, the territories of Dholpur, Bari and Rajakhera were handed over to the maharaj rana Kirat Singh, ancestor of the present chiefs of Dholpur, in exchange for his state of Gohad, which was ceded to Sindhia.
His second wife, Hugh's mother, by whom he was ancestor of the earls of Tyrconnel (see below), was Judith, sister of Conn Bacach O'Neill, ist earl of Tyrone, and aunt of Shane O'Neill.
In this way the many highly modified orders of Cystidea may be traced back to a simple, many-plated ancestor with little or no radiate symmetry (see below).
Perhaps they are the ghosts of thoughts that once inhabited the mind of an ancestor.
The society publishes a quarterly called the " Cockney Ancestor ".
They were enticed into disobedience to God by the wiles of the serpent, the prehistoric ancestor of the Christian Satan.
He is an ancestor of Jesus and went on to become a great king of Israel.
Think how wonderful it would be if your child was able to wear a piece of clothing that features the name he or she shares with an ancestor.
This is the way to go if you're looking for your own yearbook or need a copy of an ancestor's yearbook for your genealogy research.
There are many legends about the origins of the breed ranging from them being the remnants of Marie Antoinette's pets to having a Norwegian Forest Cat ancestor.
A cat's response to certain stimuli may harken back to her ancestor's days in the wild.
These chords also figure heavily into samba music, an indigenous style of music that is an ancestor of bossa nova.
This is the direct ancestor of today's dress vests and neckties worn by men.
Movies such as The Karate Kid 2 introduced audiences to the steps of the Bon Oduri dance to welcome and remember their ancestor's souls.
Less competitive and more social are the Ceili dances, which are based on a dance form from France called the quadrille (which also happens to be the ancestor of the square dance in America).
Ancestor Hunt is an obituary search engine for various libraries, universities and other sources, including newspapers.
Knowing the birth date, death date, and last place of residence of your ancestor can help you further your research in your family history by helping you focus on possibly a new state that you haven't search before.
There may be a mistake in the spelling of your ancestor's name.
People interested in genealogy often begin the search using the death records from the state in which their ancestor died.
Ancestor Hunt - Ancestor Hunt has unique search resources such as an obituary search portal, surname search portal, and genealogical prison records.
The site is interactive in that if you don't see your ancestor's marriage listed, you are free to add it to their database.
If you are not sure of an exact location for your ancestor, these broad lists can help.
In addition to the vitals, note other information about an ancestor, such as military service, places of residency and occupation.
Forum visitors can ask for guidance or for specific information on an ancestor.
You can simply search on an ancestor's name in quotation marks and see if there are websites that reference the individual.
If you need information on an ancestor in a specific area and the records are not online, RAOGK may be able to help.
You can enter your ancestor's name and identifying information, such as date or place of birth, and WorldConnect will list possible matches.
You will get better results if you include additional information on the ancestor, such as "Nimrod Weatherby" and "Davidson County."
In early records especially, but also in newer records, there may be many spelling variations of an ancestor's name.
For example, you may find your ancestor "John Smith" in one record as "Jno.
Clues to an ancestor's identity in some records may come from co-signers, location and even the way he or she signed his or her name, as opposed to the correct spelling of the given name and surname.
At times, you may even want to search for everything under the beginning of your ancestor's surname.
For example, if it begins with "H", take a glance through the index to see if there are any variations or misspellings for your ancestor.
Locate your ancestors using the Ancestor Hunt search engine.
If you don't find your ancestor, you may find invaluable clues that will help you in the future.
A family tree template may have a form to fill in about a specific ancestor.
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Learn everything from how to trace your family tree to where your ancestor came ashore through free genealogy sites, databases and repositories.
While you may have an impressive family tree with seven generations or more, it is just as intriguing and exciting to locate an ancestor as far back as 900 AD when written records began.
Imagine the excitement Alex Haley felt when hearing the oral history of his African ancestor the first time.
Simply inputting your ancestor's name into their Family Search search engine may bring you up many references to pursue.
These are great sources of information as you can often get leads on an elusive ancestor or tie into existing family trees.
You simply tie your own ancestor into the existing family tree and merge it into your own.
Time lines are used to track an ancestor year by year.
Immigration abstracts help when tracking an immigrant ancestor.
Also known as an ancestor tree, the pedigree chart tracks the direct ancestors of an individual.
It is particularly helpful to see the relationship between relatives of a common ancestor.
The reverse of a pedigree chart, the descendent tree traces only the descendents of an ancestor.
These charts can be quite extensive for an ancestor alive 200 years ago.
Many genealogy sites have ancestor search engines such as and
Your ancestor's marriage record will provide you with the bride or groom's name, their birth dates and parents' names.
After finding a death record, you may be interested in learning more about your ancestor's death.
Besides the United States Census Bureau, you can try finding your ancestor's census on and
Every genealogist has a story about the various spellings of an ancestor's surname.
Aside from the worst case scenario of learning one of your dear ancestors was a career criminal, you may find that your ancestor was a plaintiff or a witness in a case.
The county where your ancestor lived is the best place to search for original public records.
Ancestor Hunt provides a page of free links for genealogical prison records and jail records.
Once you find your ancestor in an online record, document it with a certified hard copy of the original record.
Whether you are applying for a lineage society or researching an ancestor, free military records have valuable information.
Military services records are usually categorized by the war in which the ancestor fought.
You can submit your ancestor's name and volunteers will look it up in the index of patriots whose service has been established.
You may search on an ancestor's name and the database will return results with information on rank, regiment and company, state, and side during the war.
You can view the actual image of your ancestor's death certificate or see his name on a census list.
This brick wall is often related to difficulty establishing the parentage of a female ancestor.
The tombstone of your deceased relative can in-and-of-itself give some idea of your ancestor's religious or civic associations.
In situations where you know a good deal of the basics about an ancestor, you can get a wealth of other information at a death registry site on the Internet.
Not only can you obtain vital information by searching for and examining the cemetery and death records of an ancestor, but you can also obtain a wealth of anecdotal information along the way.
Concentrating on the names of the ancestors can also be a more positive first step for adopted kids to identify with their new family name versus a full genealogy project that concentrates on the details of each ancestor.
Many tombstones will include a mention of an ancestor's service.
You can check your ancestor's name in these files to see if the service records have already been researched.
Ancestor Hunt offers free California genealogy search engines, including searches for vital records such as births and deaths.
After searching through the databases listed above and you find that a record exists, you will want to obtain a certified copy of your ancestor's marriage record if at all possible.
When you first find a record for an ancestor, be sure to write down all the particulars, such as date, witnesses, spellings of ancestor's names, and the county.
Otherwise, searching a central database online for your ancestor's name is a good solution.
You can click on the state your ancestor was divorced in to find more information concerning your state's public record requirements.
Ancestor Hunt offers free Florida genealogy search engines, including searches for vital records such as births and deaths.
Estate records and wills are yet another source for valauble ancestor and heir information.
Once you've searched the databases and you know a record exists for a certain ancestor, your next stop for California death records is California Department of Public Health.
A quick study of Ellis Island history can be an excellent way to understand the many facets of the immigration process experienced by at least one ancestor of 40 percent of today's Americans.
If you are researching an ancestor prior to 1857 in the U.K. or 1900 in America, it is futile to try to find an official government record of birth, unless the information is contained within some other document.
Ask your oldest living relatives if there is a family bible handed down by any ancestor.
Job Records - Not as likely to yield birth records, but it is possible that an ancestor who worked for the government or in a bank, or other business may have a record of birth date recorded there.
You can also use these records to find out personal information about an ancestor.
It depends mostly on the war that the ancestor fought in.
One of the best sources for military information on an ancestor is a pension application.
You can contact the VA to see if a tombstone has been issued for an ancestor.
Lineage societies require each member submit documentation on a ancestor veteran's service.
This documentation is available to researchers who may be able to establish a link to the same ancestor veteran.
Where you look will depend on the type of record you are looking for and the war the ancestor fought in.
You can find not only vital statistical information, but you may also learn some wonderful personal tidbits about an ancestor.
Each important event in an ancestor's life may appear in a news article.
Newspapers help a genealogist understand the ancestor more as an individual rather than as a set of dates.
You may even stumble across a picture or etching of the ancestor, which is a rare find indeed.
Between one third and half of the current United States population can claim at least one ancestor who came through Ellis Island.
For example, if you are unsure whether your ancestor will be listed as Thompson or Thomson, you can search "Thom*son" using the asterisk as a wildcard.
You may be surprised to find that there are relatives of your ancestor living nearby.
To get the most information for your time, try to narrow down the information about your ancestor.
A 2007 blue-eyed genealogy study promoted the theory that blue-eyed people may all share the same ancestor.
If this theory is correct, all blue-eyed people are related to the same ancestor.
A family tree researcher may have more success locating information if he speaks the language of the country of origin of your ancestor.
It is extremely rare to find an ancestor on an immigration ships passenger list prior to 1820 and therefore very exciting if you do find their name.
If you do not have the year of immigration correct, which port your ancestor arrived in, and the correct spelling of the name, your search will be more difficult.
Most of the five tribes require a direct ancestor be listed on the Dawes Roll in order to gain membership in the tribe.
Each registrant also signed the card, which can be a special thrill for a genealogist to see the actual signature of an ancestor.
You can use it to quickly follow a direct ancestor line across many generations.
This may be yourself, your descendant, or the ancestor you are currently researching.
Requesting military discharge papers for that individual can give you some valuable insights about the life of your ancestor and the history of your family.
Federal Census Mortality Schedules are useful if your ancestor died in the year before the census was taken.
You'll need to know as much information as possible about your ancestor before you begin you search.
At minimum, you should know your ancestor's name, place of death, and approximate date of death.
To find your ancestor's death certificate, you can contact the county in which he or she died.
This is a great way to find death certificates, since it can be inconvenient to travel to your ancestor's place of death.
If your ancestor died after 1954, you will be able to find an official death certificate for that individual.
How you search for your ancestor's death record will depend on the type of record you're looking for and the period in which your ancestor died.
One of your first stops in your search for information about your ancestor's death should be the OhioGenWeb site.
You can also find contact information for the local historical library or genealogy center in the country where your ancestor lived, allowing you to get in touch with someone there who can help further your research.
If your ancestor died after 1954, you can use the lookup service from the Ohio Office of Vital Statistics to find a death certificate for that individual.
If you know your ancestor's last place of residence, you can use this listing of county health department contact information to get in touch with the local health department in your ancestor's area.
If you know your ancestor's religious affiliation and place of worship, you may be able to find some information in church records.
If you don't know the exact death date or birth date for an ancestor, cemetery records can prove to be extremely helpful.
Newspaper archives are one of the best resources for finding death records for an ancestor from Ohio.
In order to conduct a fruitful mission, you need to know your ancestor's original surname and where he or she died.
To further complicate your search, you must know whether or not your ancestor died within New York City if you are looking specifically for a death certificate.
Yonkers also has an Office for Genealogical Research where you can print a form and request a uncertified copy of your ancestor's death certificate.
Platinum includes everything in the Deluxe version, plus the ability to add world events to your ancestor's life timeline., the paid subscription genealogy site, offers a free ascendency chart that can help you illustrate the pedigree of an ancestor.
With mtDNA testing, you may find that you share a common ancestor with another person, but the test can't tell if this is someone who lived 100 years ago or 500 years ago.
Once you learn the meaning behind your ancestor's name, you can record this information in your genealogy files.
If you have an ancestor from the Lone Star State, you may be excited to learn that Texas death certificates can provide a great deal of helpful information.
To search through these databases or look up a death certificate in person or through a volunteer, you'll need to gather as much information as possible about your ancestor.
History Repeating - Bonnie is possessed by her ancestor Emily as a dark pact is revealed.
Most enthusiasts would differentiate between the two referring to jeu de provenรงal instead as an ancestor of today's pรฉtanque.
The first Lord of the Rings ring bearer to take the ring after Sauron was Isildor, the ancestor of Aragorn.
He was in no mood to argue against Claire Quincy's selfish interests in preserving the strained moral reputation of the long-dead ancestor.
Fred O'Connor gave a briefโunusual for himโexplanation of Annie, careful not to identify her as a Quincy and the sisters' ancestor.
Such a comparison is necessarily illogical, as the existing apes are separated from the common ancestor by at least as large a number of generations as separate it from any of the forms of existing man.
Had he married the landless daughter of a neighbour he might have been the ancestor of a line of Essex squires, whose careers would have had the parish topographer for chronicler.
After the withdrawal of the Romans in the 5th century the northern Britons seem to have shown greater determination in maintaining their independence than any of the southern kingdoms and, according to Welsh tradition, Cunedda, the ancestor of the kings of Gwynedd, had himself come from the north.
Few Englishmen retained estates of any importance after the Conquest, but one, Elfin, an under-tenant of Henry de Ferrers, not only held a considerable property but was the ancestor of the Derbyshire family of Brailsford, The families of Shirley and Gresley can also boast an unbroken descent.
In 1132 the emperor Lothair found the passage of the gorge above the site of the town barred by a castle, which he took and gave to one of his Teutonic followers, the ancestor of the Castelbarco family.
The goddess Irnina (a form of Ishtar, q.v.) in revenge kills Eabani, and the balance of the epic is taken up with Gilgamesh's lament for his friend, his wanderings in quest of a remote ancestor, Ut-Napishtim, from whom he hopes to learn how he may escape the fate of Eabani, and his finally learning from his friend of the sad fate in store for all mortals except the favourites of the god, like Ut-Napishtim, to whom immortal life is vouchsafed as a special boon.
His homologous structures are now spoken of as " homogenetic " structures, the idea of community of representation in an archetype giving place to community of derivation from a single representative structure present in a common ancestor.
Like their neighbours the Cambodians and the Chinese, the Annamese have a great respect for the dead, and ancestor worship constitutes the national religion.
The titles descended to his son, Henry (1753-1836), the ancestor of the present Viscount Hood.
Its earliest known ancestor was one Poppo, who early in the 9th century was count in Grapfeld.
Aschersleben was probably founded in the 11th century by Count Esico of Ballenstedt, the ancestor of the house of Anhalt, whose grandson, Otto, called himself count of Ascania and Aschersleben, deriving the former part of the title from his castle in the neighbourhood of the town.
The foundation of the monarchy was ascribed to Zulilu, who is described as living after Bel-kapkapi or Belkabi (1900 B.C.), the ancestor of Shalmaneser I.
It takes its name from Sir Alexander Fraser, the ancestor of Lord Saltoun, whose seat, Philorth House, lies 2 m.
As by rights the Messianic kingdom should follow immediately on the exile, it is probable that the prophet designs to hint in a guarded way that Zerubbabel, who in all other places is mentioned along with Joshua, is on the point of ascending the throne of his ancestor David.
Their king Joseph, in answer to the inquiry of Hasdai Ibn Shaprut of Cordova (c. 958), stated that his people sprang from Thogarmah, grandson of Japhet, and the supposed ancestor of the other peoples of the Caucasus.
The Hafsites (so called from Abu IIafs, the ancestor of Abu Zakariya, a Berber chieftain who had been one of the intimate disciples of the Almohade mandi) assumed the title of Prince of the Faithful, a dignity which was acknowledged even at Mecca, when in the days of Mostansir, the second Hafsite, the fall of Bagdad left Islam without a titular head.
The worship of these heroes is in reality an ancestor worship, which existed in pre-Homeric times, and was preserved in local cults.
Nevertheless, traces of an earlier ancestor worship appear, e.g.
He was christened Hiram, after an ancestor, with Ulysses for a middle name.
Another tradition assigns them as ancestor Menelek, Solomon's alleged son by the queen of Sheba.
Robert has been compared to the Maccabees, and the fact that he was the ancestor of the Capetian kings of France has invested him with historical importance.
A still more marked action was the building of a great temple at the end of his own new forum to Mars Ultor, - Mars, the ancestor of the Julian gens, as of the Roman people itself, and now to be worshipped as the avenger of Caesar's murderers.
In 1070 Malcolm Canmore gave it to Cospatric, earl of Northumberland, ancestor of the earls of Dunbar and March.
But by his daughters he became the ancestor of more than one line of foreign kings, while his descendants by his third wife, Catherine Swynford, conveyed the crown of England to the house of Tudor.
Israel was a name borne by their ancestor Jacob the father of the twelve tribes.
Conrad became burgrave of Nuremberg, and, receiving the lands which had come into the family through his mother, founded the Franconian branch of the family, which became the more important of the two; while Frederick, receiving the county of Zollern and the older possessions of the family, was the ancestor of the Swabian branch.
The thoroughly national character of Heracles is shown by his being the mythical ancestor of the Dorian dynastic tribe, while revered by Ionian Athens, Lelegian Opus and Aeolo-Phoenician Thebes, and closely associated with the Achaean heroes Peleus and Telamon.
His worship, introduced from the Greek colonies in Etruria and in the south of Italy, seems to have been established in Rome from the earliest times, as two old Patrician genies were associated with his cult and the Fabii claimed him as their ancestor.
All theories of religion which give prominence to ancestor worship and the cult of the dead are to a certain extent Euhemeristic. But as the sole explanation of the origin of the idea of gods it is not accepted by students of comparative religion.
John, duke of Saxe-Weimar, who died in 1605, is regarded as the common ancestor of the present Ernestine lines.
It may be noted that the Russian poet Michael Lermontov claimed Thomas of Erceldoune as his ancestor.
The gastrula has now become an actinula, which may be termed the distinctive larva of the Cnidaria, and doubtless represents in a transitory manner the common ancestor of the group. In no case known, however, does the actinula become the adult, sexually mature individual, but always undergoes further modifications, whereby it develops into either a polyp or a medusa.
He was of Italian extraction, and his ancestor Francois Andreossy (1633-1688) had been concerned with Riquet in the construction of the Languedoc Canal in 1669.
Under the Roman Empire the word prior is found signifying "ancestor."
Whether the two families have a common ancestor in the negritos of Malaysia and the Indian archipelago, or whether Papuan and Negrito are alike branches of an aboriginal African race, is a problem yet to be solved.
A fuller grant in 1206 gave the burgesses a gild merchant, the husting court to be held once a week only, and general liberties according to the customs of Oxford, saving the rights of the bishop and the earl of Arundel, whose ancestor William D'Albini had received from William the moiety of the tolbooth.
No sovereign since Harold had been so purely English in blood; her nearest foreign ancestor was Catherine of France, the widow of Henry V., and no English king or queen was more superbly insular in character or in policy.
The name Minos seems to be philologically the equivalent of Minyas, the royal ancestor of the Minyans of Orchomenus, and his daughter Ariadne ("the exceeding holy") is a double of the native nature-goddess.
His regard for the young nobleman' last named dictated the omission in the later editions of his Moral Sentiments of the name of the celebrated ancestor of the duke, whom he had associated with Mandeville as author of one of the "licentious systems" reviewed in the seventh part of that work.
His prejudice against Napier naturally produced retaliation, and Mark Napier in defending his ancestor has fallen into the opposite extreme of attempting to reduce Briggs to the level of a mere computer.
More or less independently, Huxley, Kowalevsky and Cope restored the stem ancestor of the hoofed animals, or ungulates, a restoration which has been nearly fulfilled by the discovery, in 1873, of the generalized type Phenacodus of northern Wyoming.
To this day there are numerous traces in popular belief, especially in Germany, of respect for the snake, which seems to be a survival of ancestor worship, such as still exists among the Zulus and other savage tribes; the "house-snake," as it is called, cares for the cows and the children, and its appearance is an omen of death, and the life of a pair of house-snakes is often held to be bound up with that of the master and mistress themselves.
The genus Trypanosoma, in which are included at present the great majority of Trypanosomes, is rather to be regarded as derived from a Heteromastigine ancestor, such as Trypanoplasma, by the loss of the anterior flagellum.
The district was given to various cadets of the ruling house of Brunswick, one of these being Ernest Augustus, afterwards elector of Hanover, and the ancestor of the Hanoverian kings of Great Britain and Ireland.
In the Russo-Japanese War in 1904-5 the greatest incentive to deeds of patriotic valour was for Japanese soldiers the belief that the spirits of their ancestors were watching them; and in China it is not the man himself that is ennobled for his philanthropic virtues or learning, but his ancestor.
Ancestor-worship has its parallels in Christian cults of the dead and of the saints; it must be remembered, however, that a saint is not as a rule an ancestor, and that his cult is not based upon family feeling and love of kinsmen, nor tends to stimulate and encourage the same.
Reference has been made above to the possibility that the Roman imago of an ancestor actually embodied his ghost, at least on solemn occasions.
Count Gunther XL., who died in 1552, was the last common ancestor of both lines.
In 1707 the islands were granted to the earl of Morton in mortgage, redeemable by the Crown on payment of 30,000, and subject to an annual feu-duty of 50o; but in 1766 his estates were sold to Sir Lawrence Dundas, ancestor of the earls of Zetland.
William, 5th earl of Nithsdale (1676-1744), a grandson of the third earl, was like his ancestor a Roman Catholic and was attached to the cause of the exiled house of Stuart.
According to tradition this dates from the time of Skitildr, the eponymous ancestor of the Danish royal family of Skikildungar.
Aesculapius (ยง 13) - much in the same way as Hercules has contests with serpents and dragons, becomes the patron of medicinal springs, and by marrying the serpent Echidna was the ancestor of the snakeworshipping Scythians.
He died on the 4th of February 1795, his only son being his successor, Richard, the 2nd earl (1764-1839), the ancestor of the present earl and the author of Musical Reminiscences of an Old Amateur.
The Milesians on the other hand named themselves after an historical ancestor employing terms such as descendants," eland " children," dal " division," cinel, " kindred," or sil, " seed."