Amply Sentence Examples
I dear say I'm amply protected.
He had been amply rewarded by grants of land and money, but was not yet satisfied.
But it was soon admitted (and notably by his colleagues on the judicial bench) to have been amply justified.
Thus the Liguorian system surpassed all its predecessors in securing uniformity in the confessional on a basis of established usage, two advantages amply sufficient to ensure its speedy general adoption within the Church of Rome.
The lining of these pits is amply supplied with branches from the trigeminal nerves, but the f unction is still quite unknown.
Amply provided with means for acquiring information, and under the watchful care of a great.
This plain was, for those days, amply protected on three sides by the two rapid broad streams of the Tigris and its tributary Zab, by the hills on the N.E.
It is a system amply provided with checks and balances; it recognizes and enforces the principle of popular sovereignty, while subjecting that principle to many checks in practice; and it is well calculated to maintain unchanged the relation of its component parts each to the other.
Its numerous root extractions amply justify a stronger expression than " multo labore," especially in an epitaph.
In the part which deals with the period before 1186, it is true, there are various mistakes, due to the author's ignorance of contemporary history, but these slight blemishes are amply atoned for by the literary value of the work.
AdvertisementIn 1831 agents were sent to Canada and Prince Edward's Island, in 1850 to South Australia, in 1855 to Victoria, in 1866 to Queensland, in 1877 to New Zealand and in 1885 to China, so that the original O'Bryan tradition of fervid evangelism was amply maintained.
Any effort expended on the ascent is amply repaid once you reach the summit.
During these terms of imprisonment his pen was not idle, as is amply shown by the very numerous letters, pastorals and exhortations which have been preserved; while during his intervals of liberty he was unwearied in the work of "declaring truth" in all parts of the country.
That Huc was suspected unjustly was amply proved by later research.
The extravagance of Frederick drained the resources of his state, but this was amply atoned for by the rigid economy of Frederick William I., who not only paid off the debts accumulated by his father, but amassed an enormous treasure.
AdvertisementThe loss of the islands was amply compensated for by the political advantages which Bismarck gained by this attention to the pope, and, after all, not many years elapsed before they became German.
Exploration and Research.Owing to its early development of a high civilization with written records, its wealth, and its preservative climate, Egypt is the country which most amply repays archaeological research.
This warning was amply justified by the massacres of the 11th of June, during which more than one hundred persons, including an officer and two seamen, were killed in the streets of Bombard- Alexandria, almost under the guns of the ships in ment of harbour.
In a long despatch penn, of the 6th of March he discussed the general situation, aDo and pointed out that although the force at his disposal military was amply sufficient for raising the siege of Khartum Situation at end of and defeating the mahch, the conditions were changed operatloas.
The Department, which also controls the principal international lines in Persia, is amply self-supporting.
AdvertisementAlthough no goddess is associated with the national god Yahweh, female deities abounded, as is amply shown by the numerous plaques of the great mother-goddess found in course of excavation.
That their author was one of the greatest elegiac and lyric poets ever born into the world, any one of these volumes would amply suffice to prove.
The extensive wharves are amply served by hydraulic machinery and railways.
This was amply verified at subsequent eclipses.
One of these great vassals, the duke of France, was amply provided with estates and offices, in.
AdvertisementThis policy was amply justified by results.
Open inspection of the papers amply confirmed Judge Babington's conclusions and stirred the public conscience.
As a plain historical fact this seems to be amply attested.
The value of the benefits of this package has more than amply compensated for the increase in National Insurance paid.
A gilded mirror filled up the space between two windows, curtained amply with blue damask.
His acidic quick wit is also amply demonstrated on BBC radio shows such as Just A Minute.
The work also amply demonstrates the fallacy of that argument.
Lambert Simnel in Ireland and crowned King These anticipations were amply fulfilled.
These pluses we feel amply justify the necessary increase of a pound or two on the ticket price.
This book will amply satisfy that thirst for more knowledge in this field.
But Hastings amply avenged the capitulation of Wargaon by the complete success of his own plan of operations.
One of the most obvious defects of this school is excessive attachment to polysyllabic terms. Lydgate is not quite so great a sinner in this respect as are some of his successors, but his tendency cannot be mistaken, and John Metham is amply justified in his censure Eke John Lydgate, sometime monk of Bury, His books indited with terms of rhetoric And half-changed Latin, with conceits of poetry.
The different positions then which the conquering Norman took in his two great conquests of England and of Sicily amply illustrate the way in which he could adapt himself to any circumstances in which he found himself, the way in which he could adopt whatever suited his purpose in the institutions of any other people, the way in which he commonly lost his national being in that of some other people.
A fact that was amply illustrated, moreover, is that the period of incidence of a drought is not less important than its duration, and the same is true of abnormal rainfall.
This affection was amply returned.
Keep your refrigerator amply stocked with our complimentary grocery shopping service.
But every one smiled on him and gave him kindly words, and Claus felt amply repaid for his long journey.
He is certainly no cavalier with facts, as his own work on Russia amply testifies.
I think Mademoiselle Lucy will now confess that the cord and gallows are amply earned; she trembles in anticipation of her doom.
A vigorous medium grower amply clothed with heavy dark green foliage.
Well-rooted divisions of three to five crowns apiece are amply large, and soon take to the new conditions.
They are so vigorous, and they increase so fast in good soil, that buyers were amply repaid, high as these prices appear.
If the plant is divided and replanted it will amply repay the trouble by increased vigour and larger flowers.
Moutans are gross feeders, and amply repay generous treatments with occasional top-dressings of half-decomposed cow manure.
There are various places in most gardens where a bed or patches of Stocks might be grown with advantage, and, given good rich soil, they will amply reward the grower.
Your patience in waiting for some of the spectacular predictable geysers will be amply rewarded!
The amply sized carry on can fit your regular purse along with other travel essentials.
Both are a bit stiffer in feel and amply support the arches while walking.
Are you drinking cocoa out of a mug that is not amply illustrated with pom poms, or Kool-Aid out of a sport's bottle that doesn't properly represent your team?
Note, however, that the construction and style of this bra houses lightly padded cups to provide "subtle enhancement", so if you are already amply endowed, you may want to choose another style.
Finding the perfect fit, particularly if you are amply endowed, can be something of an issue.
Amazon keeps you happy by providing an extensive selection of free music, and by keeping that selection amply stocked with free instrumental music downloads.
Chances are you already know how beneficial water is to your body, but not everyone is aware that an amply hydrated body can impart a dewy, soft and flawless complexion.
Tone, who accompanied it as "Adjutant-general Smith," had the greatest contempt for the seamanship of the French sailors, which was amply justified by the disastrous result of the invasion.
They have been called the Britons of the south, and their courage in defending their country and their intelligence amply justify the compliment.
The researches of Professor Dozy, of Leiden, have amply confirmed this opinion.
But that he was sufficiently alert as the principal adviser of the elector the results of his labours in that capacity amply prove.
When this is done, the revenues to be farmed are put up to public auction and sold to the highest bidder, provided he can prove himself amply solvent and produce sufficient sureties.
Although the spiritual wants of the city were amply provided for by the churches built by Wren, the large districts outside the city and its liberties had been greatly neglected.
Further, these glasses, when made from properly proportioned materials, possess a very considerable degree of chemical stability, which is amply sufficient for most optical purposes.
In the hands of Blaise Pascal (1623-1662) hydrostatics assumed the dignity of a science, and in a treatise on the equilibrium of liquids (Sur l'equilibre des liqueurs), found among his manuscripts after his death and published in 1663, the laws of the equilibrium of liquids were demonstrated in the most simple manner, and amply confirmed by experiments.
While the Roman cults were amply protected by taboos, there was no comprehensive term in Roman law for religious violations and profanations in general.
Although they surrendered transubstantiation, the loss of one mystery was amply compensated by the stupendous doctrines of original sin, redemption, faith, grace and predestination upon which they founded their theory of salvation.
The system of regulation by central boards was severely .criticised for incompetence and even for corruption, and sometimes justly; but on the whole it was amply justified by the urgent necessities of the times and by its results.
At the same time, the repression of idealism and sentiment during the period of " illumination " was amply revenged, and the barren age of reason gave place to Romanticism.
He was amply justified by the course of events.
There are long streets and terraces of fine houses belonging to the merchants and manufacturers of the city which amply testify to its prosperity, and recall the 16th century distich that Antwerp was noted for its moneyed men ("Antwerpia nummis").
If only those passages had been preserved which had a permanent value for the theology, the ethics, or the jurisprudence of the Moslems, a few fragments would have been amply sufficient.
His character for pettishness and folly was thus amply illustrated.
While the needs of Jewish believers were amply met by St Matthew's Gospel, a like service was rendered to Gentile converts by a very different writer.
The public debt amounted to £145,000 in 1908, but it is amply secured by real estate and invested funds.
Nero's promises of constitutional moderation were amply fulfilled, and the senate found itself free to discuss and even to decide important administrative questions.
The province is traversed by the main railway lines, which all converge at Utrecht, and is also amply provided with navigable waterways.
It amply justifies the saying that the Moguls designed like Titans and finished like jewellers.
The ammunition supplies for the Montenegrins, which were sent up across the lake, were amply sufficient for all needs.
For merely general readers Buchon's or Michaud's editions of Joinville will amply suffice.
He alternates between the use of verse and prose; and his hesitancy in choosing a medium of expression is amply justified, for the writer's prose is not more distinguished than his verse.
That white men can thrive and work in Cape Colony the history of South Africa amply demonstrates.
Frazer in England have amply demonstrated the enduring influence exercised on popular thought and custom by certain primitive forms of vegetation worship, of which the most noteworthy example is the so-called mysteries of Adonis.
Some of these, it may be said, are simply the old Scholastic problem in a different garb; but the extended horizon of which Haureau speaks is amply proved by mere reference to the treatises of Albert and St Thomas.
The treason trial which opened at Zagreb in March 1909 pursued the parallel aims of intimidating the Serbs of Croatia, of splitting the new-found unity of Serb and Croat and of proving to the outside world the existence of a dangerous Pan-Serb movement organized from Belgrade inside the monarchy and amply justifying the countermove of annexation.
These achievements won him a reputation for high courage, which, until the close of 1688, was amply deserved.
Their pneumonic nature has been amply substantiated in later times; they are now regarded simply as evidence of pneumonic reaction to the stimulus of the tubercle bacillus.
Peligot's results, though called in question by Berzelius, have been amply confirmed by all subsequent investigators; only now, on theoretical grounds, first set forth by Mendeleeff, we double Peligot's atomic weight, so that U now signifies 240 parts of uranium, while UO 3 stands as the formula of the yellow oxide, and UO 2 as that of Berzelius's metal.