Amphibian Sentence Examples
An amphibian is an animal that can live on land or in water.
Use the amphibian potion to dive underwater.
The largest living amphibian is the Chinese giant salamander.
Use the teleport stick to remove the snake, then grab the amphibian potion and key.
Other colored contacts available for purchase include lenses made to appear like the eyes of a reptile or amphibian, ones sporting stitches over the iris, and a pair made to look like jagged teeth.
My son wants a pet frog for Christmas, but I'd rather have a cat than an amphibian.
On the other hand, Huxley's summation of the primitive characters of all the mammals led him to an amphibian stem type, a prophecy which has proved faulty because based on erroneous analysis and comparison.
His talk will be on four wild animals, including an amphibian, reptile, bird and mammal.
The guide details some of the many steps in place to protect this rare amphibian during The Open.
Your aquatic amphibian terrarium - aquarium does need a ventilated clear lid to prevent escapees from their aquatic ecosystems!
AdvertisementThe Croyde Amphibian Rescue Group organize toad patrols every year to prevent thousands of toad patrols every year to prevent thousands of toads being killed by traffic.
C an you help this amazing amphibian survive in Cambridgeshire ponds?
The Magdalene grotto, about an hour's walk to the north, is celebrated for the extraordinary subterranean amphibian, the proteus anguinus, first discovered there.
The two joints of the thumb, for example, are homogenous throughout the whole series of the pentadactylate, or five-fingered animals, from the most primitive amphibian to man.
The " carrier " of a Trypanosome of warmblooded vertebrates is, in all instances so far described, an insect, generally a member of the Diptera; in the case of parasites of cold-blooded vertebrates the same role is usually played by an ichthyobdellid leech (piscine forms), but possibly, now and again, by an Ixodes (amphibian or reptilian forms).
AdvertisementIn addition, there are two or three obervations to hand which shew that piscine, amphibian and mammalian Trypanosomes may also become attached.
Numerous amphibian tracks have been found in the red sandstone of Annandale and also near Dumfries, but no other traces of the life of the time.
Your Aquatic amphibian terrarium - aquarium does need a ventilated clear lid to prevent escapees from their aquatic ecosystems !
The Croyde Amphibian Rescue Group organize toad patrols every year to prevent thousands of toads being killed by traffic.
The decline in amphibian populations since the 1980s is viewed as a significant threat to biodiversity.