Amounts Sentence Examples
Search engines have done a fabulous job tackling this problem, even given the vast, vast, amounts of information added to the Internet every day.
The tonnage of goods carried amounts to about 16,000,000 tons, or 4 tons per inhabitant, which must be considered fairly large, especially as no great proportion of the tonnage consists of minerals on which there is usually a low freightage.
It is estimated that the total production of the finer wares amounts on the average to 400,000 per annum.
There can be no doubt that Aurelius believed in a deity, although Schultz is probably right in maintaining that all his theology amounts to this - the soul of man is most intimately united to his body, and together they make one animal which we call man; and so the deity is most intimately united to the world or the material universe, and together they form one whole.
Alex drove his white Dodge truck home and she followed him in her new white Buick Le Sabre feeling equal amounts of joy and guilt.
These sums, together with the considerable amounts accruing from indulgences, jubilees, and special fees, vanished as quickly as they were received.
The population of the province has been estimated at 750,000 and the yearly revenue it pays to the state amounts to about £150,000.
Maybe it was the mercury in the tuna she ate or the excessive amounts of chocolate.
In the hot springs of Bath it amounts to about one-thousandth part of the gas evolved.
All patent logs have errors, the amounts of which should be ascertained by shore observations when passing a well surveyed coast in tideless waters on a calm day.
AdvertisementIt received from its estates, from tithes and other fixed dues, as well as from the sacrifices (a customary share) and other offerings of the faithful, vast amounts of all sorts of naturalia; besides money and permanent gifts.
This is a vaguer form of control than a protectorate, and frequently amounts merely to an agreement amongst civilized powers to respect the right of one of their number to exercise government within a certain area, if it should decide to do so at any future time.
Eight times the mean motion of Venus is so nearly equal to thirteen times that of the earth that the difference amounts to only the 2.
The railways are prospering because they are managed with great skill and are doing increasing amounts of business, though at lessening unit profits.
The gradient or grade of a line is the rate at which it rises or falls, above or below the horizontal, and is expressed by stating either the horizontal distance in which the change of level amounts to r ft., or the amount of change that would occur in some selected distance, such as roo ft., r000 ft.
AdvertisementContracts for large or important works or for the supply of large amounts of goods are usually put out to tender in order to secure the lowest price.
To him belongs the merit of carrying out some of the earliest determinations of the quantities by weight in which acids saturate bases and bases acids, and of arriving at the conception that those amounts of different bases which can saturate the same quantity of a particular acid are equivalent to each other.
It amounts to this, that Asiatics stand on a higher level than the natives of Africa or America, but do not possess the special material civilization of western Europe.
In the feeding experiments which have been carried on at Rothamsted it has been shown that the amount consumed both for a given live weight of animal within a given time, and for the production of a given amount of increase, is, as current food-stuffs go, measurable more by the amounts they contain of digestible and available non-nitrogenous constituents than by the amounts of the digestible and available nitrogenous constituents they supply.
The actual amounts differ with different varieties, conditions of cultivation, methods of ginning, &c.; a recent estimate in the United States gives 35% of lint for Upland cotton and 25% for Sea Island cotton as more accurate.
AdvertisementIt has been proposed to adopt the joule, with the symbol j, as thermochemical unit for small quantities of heat, large amounts being expressed in terms of the kilojoule, Kj =100o j.
The mean rise and fall of the tide is about 2 ft., but under certain conditions of wind the variation amounts to 5 ft.
The boiling point, being determined by the character of the constituents of the oil, necessarily varies greatly in different oils, as do the amounts of distillate obtained from them at specified temperatures.
Other articles of export are silk cocoons, wool, hides, sponges, eggs and fruits (oranges, almonds, raisins and the like); the amounts of cotton, tobacco and wine sent out of the country are small.
The chloride and chlorobromide have been found in several Cornish mines, but never in very large amounts.
AdvertisementExperimental conditions were thoroughly worked out; the necessity of working with hot or cold solutions was clearly emphasized; and the employment of small quantities of substances instead of the large amounts recommended by Klaproth was shown by him to give more consistent results.
Thus the distance between New York and Oporto, following the former (great circle sailing), amounts to 3000 m., while following the rhumb, as in Mercator sailing, it would amount to 3120 m.
Small amounts of nickel and cobalt are often present.
In recent years the growth of the leaf under cloth tents has greatly increased, as it has been abundantly proved that the product thus secured is much more valuable - lighter in colour and weight, finer in texture, with an increased proportion of wrapper leaves, and more uniform qualities, and with lesser amounts of cellulose, nicotine, gums and resins.
Small amounts of asphalt have been sent to the United States.
Later, without taking into consideration the effective amounts in cash at the disposal of the vilayets, considerable sums were drawn upon them, by means of havales, out of proportion to their capacity.
Apart from the sources of revenue specified above, of which the amounts actually transferred from the civil list are not stated, Section VI.
When the net product of the ceded revenues amounts to £T2,157,375, the surplus is divisible as to 75% to the Turkish government and 25% to the public debt administration.
In 1888 it was proposed by the public debt administration to undertake the collection of specified revenues to be set aside for the provision of railway guarantees, the principle to be followed being, generally, that such revenues should consist of the tithes of the districts through which the railways would pass, and that the public debt should hand over to guaranteed railway companies the amounts of their guarantees before transmitting to the imperial government any of the proceeds of the revenue so collected.
The amounts of Turkish gold, silver and debased coinage in circulation are approximately £T16,500,000, in gold, £T8,70o,000 (940,000,000 piastres at 108) in silver mejidies and fractions, and 200,000,000 piastres in beshlik and metallik.
Of the total importations of all kinds of coal to Hamburg, that of British coal, particularly from Northumberland and Durham, occupies the first place, and despite some falling off in late years, owing to the competition made by Westphalian coal, amounts to more than half the total import.
He found that the amounts of the substances liberated in each cell were proportional to the chemical equivalent weights of those substances.
Similar relations were found to hold and the amounts of chemical change to be the same for the same electric transfer as in the case of solutions.
Among these are the precise extent of demand, the limit of the inevitable fall in price with largely increased production, the cost of labour as increasing amounts are required, and the effect of changed conditions on the output of " wild " rubber and the competition of the new plantations which are being established in tropical America.
In Brazil alone it is stated that the rubber area amounts to at least one million sq.
The latter are supposed to have buried large amounts of treasure in them.
The total yield annually amounts to some 700,000 oz., the largest quantity coming from the Olekminsk, district in the province of Yakutsk, and this district is followed by the Amur region, the Maritime province, and Nerchinsk and Transbaikalia.
These veins consist of felspar, quartz and mica, often with smaller amounts of other crystallized minerals, such as tourmaline, beryl and garnet; they are worked for mica in India, the United States (South Dakota, Colorado and Alabama), and Brazil (Goyaz, Bahia and Minas Geraes).
Germany, Austria, Hungary, France, Russia and the United States began to rank as producers during the second and third decades; Belgium entered in about 1840; Italy in the 'sixties; Mexico, Canada, Japan and Greece in the 'eighties; while Australia assumed importance in 1888 with a production of about 18,000 tons, although it had contributed small and varying amounts for many preceding decades.
Of the impurities, most of the copper, nickel and copper, considerable arsenic, some antimony and small amounts of silver are removed by liquation.
It holds its own, however, when base bullion contains bismuth in appreciable amounts, as in the Pattinson process bismuth follows the lead to be cupelled, while in the Parkes process it remains with the desilverized lead which goes to market, and lead of commerce should contain little bismuth.
Some of these differences may be slight, while others may be vital, or (which amounts to the same thing) may seem to the parties to be so.
The total length of quays and wharves belonging to the port amounts to some 23 m.
It amounts toa new and unprecedented factor in organic development, external to the organism and yet produced by the activity of the organism upon which it permanently reacts.
When the difference of phase amounts to A, we may expect the resultant illumination to be very much reduced.
The question is whether, when the adjustment of focus is correct for the central rays of the spectrum, the error of phase for the most extreme rays (which it is necessary to consider) amounts to a quarter of a wave-length.
In another direction, making a small angle with the last, such that the projection of AB upon it amounts to a few wavelengths, it is easy to see that the mode of interference is the same as if there were no ruling.
For example, when the direction is such that the projection of AB upon it amounts to one wave-length, the elementary components neutralize one another, because their phases are distributed symmetrically, though discontinuously, round the entire period.
On either side of any one of them the illumination is distributed according to the same law as for the central image (m = o), vanishing, for example, when the retardation amounts to (mn t 1)X.
We conclude that, with a grating composed of transparent and opaque parts, the utmost light obtainable in any one spectrum is in the first, and there amounts to I/wr 2, or about 6, and that for this purpose W a and d must be equal.
Its total course through the Central Provinces and Gujarat amounts to about Boo m., and it falls into the sea in the Bombay district of Broach.
The Protestant European community amounts altogether to 35% of the white population.
The significance of glycogen in large amounts, or of its absence from the tissues in pathological conditions, is not clearly understood.
The quantity of proteid matter in a purely dropsical effusion never amounts to that of an inflammatory exudation (Lassar).
The mistake is often made of sinking large and expensive shafts, or driving costly tunnels, before it is fully proved that the deposit can be worked on a scale to warrant such developments, and, indeed, too often before it is known that the deposit can be worked at all; and in too many cases large amounts of money are thus unnecessarily lost by over-sanguine mine managers.
The chief seat of the industry is in the Thongwa and Bassein districts, where the income from the leased fisheries on individual streams sometimes amounts to between £6000 and £7000 a year.
The soils overlying red sandstone rocks would be reddish and of a sandy nature, while those overlying chalk would be whitish and contain considerable amounts of lime.
Plants need very considerable amounts of water for their nutrition and growth; the waterholding capacity is, therefore, important.
This substance is present in practically all soils but in comparatively small amounts.
Chalk consists, when quite pure, of calcium carbonate (CaC03), a white solid substance useful in small amounts as a plant foodmaterial, though in excess detrimental to growth.
It is present in variable amounts in limestones of all kinds, although its white ness may there be masked by the presence of iron oxide and other coloured substances.
Many soils of a light sandy or gravelly or peaty nature and liable to drought and looseness of texture can be improved by the addition of large amounts of clay of an ordinary character.
By far the most satisfactory crops as green manures are those of the leguminous class, since they add to the land considerable amounts of the valuable fertilizing constituent, nitrogen, which is obtained from the atmosphere.
Fortunately, however, the small amounts of any of them that are likely to be found in commercial zinc are not for most purposes very deleterious.
Violent storms occur in spring and autumn, and the rainfall, including snow, amounts to 25 in.
These central uplands of Tunisia in an uncultivated state are covered with alfa or esparto grass; but they also grow considerable amounts of cereals - wheat in the north, barley in the south.
The civil list paid to the Bey of Tunis amounts to £36,000 per annum, and the endowment of the princes and princesses of the beylical family to £31,200 a year more.
There are small silver and copper coins, which are legal tenders for amounts not exceeding two dollars and one dollar respectively.
In the course of his inquiries he also noticed that different bodies in equal masses require different amounts of heat to raise them to the same temperature, and so founded the doctrine of specific heats; he also showed that equal additions or abstractions of heat produced equal variations of bulk in the liquid of his thermometers.
Since then it has from time to time acquired additional territory, so that its area now amounts to 5823 sq.
The salt extracted in Salzkammergut amounts to nearly 30% of the total Austrian production.
Since the amounts of heat supplied at constant pressure from E to F and from E to C are in the limit proportional to the expansions EF and EC which they produce, the ratio S/s is equal to the ratio ECÆF.
The relation of the gold to the potassium bromide, as well as the amounts of silver and silver bromide which are equivalent to the potassium bromide, were determined.
The slight variations in specific gravity are due to the presence of small amounts of arsenic, sulphur or tellurium, or to enclosed impurities.
Magnesium sulphate amounts to 4.7% of the total salts of sea-water according to Dittmar, but to 23.6% of the salts of the Caspian according to Lebedinzeff; in the ocean magnesium chloride amounts to 10.9% of the total salts, in the Caspian only to 4.5%; on the other hand calcium sulphate in the ocean amounts to 3.6%, in the Caspian to 6.9 This disparity makes it extremely difficult to view ocean water as merely a watery extract of the salts existing in the rocks of the land.
Their experiments show that in similar conditions the evaporation of sea-water amounts to from 70 to 91% of the evaporation of fresh water, a fact of some importance in geophysics on account of the vast expanses of ocean the evaporation from which determines the rainfall and to a large extent the heat-transference in the atmosphere.
Ice is a very poor conductor of heat and accordingly protects the surface of the water beneath from rapid cooling; hence new-formed pancake ice does not increase excessively in thickness in one winter, and even in the centre of the Arctic Basin the ice-covering only amounts to 6 or at most 9 ft.
The sum total amounts to 419 objects, besides hundreds of fragments, cores, spalls and rejects, retained for study and comparison.
In Nassau and Bavaria woody structure is very common, and it is [[Table I]].-Elementary Composition of Coal (the figures denote the amounts per cent).
Along the coast the autumn months are the wettest and the spring months are the driest; for example, at Galveston the rainfall amounts to 5.7 in.
In the middle, eastern and north-eastern parts of Texas the spring months are the wettest and the winter months are the driest; for example, at Waco the rainfall amounts to 4.5 in.
In the western and southwestern parts the summer months are the wettest and the spring months are the driest; thus, at El Paso the rainfall amounts to 2.2 in.
The area of the port (which has wet and graving docks) amounts to 16 acres, and there are 2000 yds.
It is a large and straggling place, with a citadel, and the population amounts to 25,000.
This amounts to a serious warning against trying to draw a definite line round dogma.
Ammonia is also present, but in very varying amounts, ranging from 135 to 0 I parts (calculated as carbonate) in a million parts of air.
The total population of the Waldensian valleys (for they also contain Roman Catholics in no small number) amounts to about 20,000 all told.
It amounts to three-fourths of that of the British Empire, and but little less than a fifth of the estimated population of the world.
While, for instance, it may be difficult to realize the equality of area of two plots of ground of different shapes, it may be easy to realize the equality of the amounts of a given material that would be required to cover them to a particular depth.
In some other mints still larger crucibles are used, containing various amounts up to about moo kilograms or over 30,000 oz.
The power required for breaking down mint bars amounts to from 25 to 35 h.p. The bars are fed to the rolls by hand.
The scissel, which amounts to about 30% of the metal operated on, is returned in bundles to the melting house.
Apart from these, however, and some 150,000 communicants in its foreign missions, British and American " Congregationalism " reckons more than a million and a quarter church members; while, including those known as Baptists (q.v.), the total amounts to several millions more.
Originally white pine was the principal timber of the Adirondacks, but most of the merchantable portion has been cut, and in 1905 nearly one-half of the lumber product of this section was spruce, the other half mainly hemlock, pine and hardwoods (yellow birch, maple, beech and basswood, and smaller amounts of elm, cherry and ash).
In the Catskills and in the farming regions the lumber product consists largely of hardwoods (mostly oak, chestnut and hickory), smaller amounts of hemlock and pine, and a very little spruce.
His "theorie des debouches" amounts to this, that, products being, in last analysis, purchased only with products, the extent of the markets (or outlets) for home products is proportional to the quantity of foreign productions; when the sale of any commodity is dull, it is because there is not a sufficient number, or rather value, of other commodities produced with which it could be purchased.
As an example of the application of this siren, suppose that the number of revolutions of the plate, as shown by the indices, amounts to 5400 in a minute, that is, to 90 per second, then the number of vibrations per second of the note heard amounts to 90n, or (if number of holes in each plate = 8) to 720.
The precipitation rarely amounts to 2 in.
This court has exclusive original jurisdiction in probate matters, and in counties with over 2000 inhabitants its jurisdiction may be extended by popular vote to include concurrent jurisdiction with the district courts in civil matters involving amounts less than $2000, and in criminal actions below the grade of felony.
The discrepancy now, however, amounts to the entire breadth of a sign, the sun's path in Aries lying among the stars of Pisces, in Taurus among those of Aries, &c.
The difference in altitude between the lowest, most northerly range, the Lower Astin-tagh, and the most southerly of the Arka-tagh ranges amounts to nearly 7500 ft.
The great mass of manufactured commodities were produced in the United Kingdom more cheaply than in foreign countries, and would not have been imported, with duty or without, except in sporadic amounts for some special qualities.
In London, where rent, rates and taxes have all to be paid, precisely as if the gardens were a profit-distributing private institution, the annual expenditure under these headings amounts to about £ 2000.
The salts of sodium resemble potassium in their action on the alimentary tract, but they are much more slowly absorbed, and much less diffusible; therefore considerable amounts may reach the small intestine and there act as saline purgatives.
This product, known as "crude potashes," contains, in addition to carbonate, varying amounts of sulphate and chloride and also insoluble matter.
Care, however, must be taken to remember exactly what this line of argument amounts to - what it can fairly be said to have proved, and what it still leaves open.
In 1898 there began an increased activity in the mining of fluorspar, and Crittenden, Fayette and Livingston counties produced in 1902, 29,030 tons (valued at $143,410) of this mineral, in 1903 30,835 tons (valued at $153,960) and in 1904 19,096 tons (valued at $111,499), amounts (and values) exceeding those produced in any other state for these years; but in 1907 the quantity (21,058 tons) was less than the output of Illinois.
All the actual monumental data that we have are alluded to here, with their amounts.
The explanation of this property of the base io is evident, for a change in the position of the decimal points amounts to multiplication or division by some power of 10, and this corresponds to the addition or subtraction of some integer in the case of the logarithm, the mantissa therefore remaining intact.
The mineral nearly always contains a small amount of silver, and sometimes antimony, arsenic, copper, gold, selenium, &c. Argentiferous galena is an important source of silver; this metal is present in amounts rarely exceeding %, and often less than o 03% (equivalent to 104 ounces per ton).
Gay-Lussac. It is present in varying amounts in certain plants, being a product of the hydrolysis of the cyanogenetic glucosides, e.g.
Most of the quicksilver produced in the United States comes from California (86% of the total in 1908), but a considerable quantity M comes from Texas, and small amounts are produced CIWJV.
Antimony, bismuth, selenium, tellurium, chromic iron ore, tin, nickel, cobalt, vanadium, titanium, molybdenum, uranium and tantalum are produced in the United States in small amounts, but such production in several cases has amounted to only slight discoveries, and in general they are of little importance in the market.
At three periods, namely 1800-1802,1814-1817and 1863-1871, direct taxes have contributed considerable amounts to the revenue.
The federal revenue is derived mainly from customs and excise duties, with subsidiary amounts from mining licences, timber dues, post-office, &c. Both the revenue and the expenditure have in recent years increased greatly, the revenue rising from $46,743,103 in 1899 to $71,186,073 in 1905 and the expenditure keeping pace with it.
The Real Error Is Indeed More Than Double Of This, And Amounts To A Day In 128 Years; But In The Time Of Caesar The Length Of The Year Was An Astronomical Element Not Very Well Determined.
The Difference, Which Is I Hour 29 Minutes, Amounts To A Day In 308 Years, So That At The End Of This Time The New Moons Occur One Day Earlier Than They Are Indicated By The Golden Numbers.
Thus The Epacts I 1, 22, 3, 14, &C., Become 10, 21, 2, 13, &C. On The Other Hand, When The Time By Which The New Moons Anticipate The Lunar Cycle Amounts To A Whole Day, Which, As We Have Seen, It Does In 308 Years, The New Moons Will Arrive One Day Earlier, And The Epacts Must Consequently Be Increased By Unity.
Now, From The Manner In Which The Intercalation Is Directed To Be Made (Namely, Seven Times Successively At The End Of 300 Years, And Once At The End Of 400), It Is Evident That The Fraction 2 Must Amount To Unity When The 5 Number Of Centuries Amounts To Twenty Four.
His theory is quite distinct from this, which really amounts to nothing more than subjective idealism.
It is connected by railway with Helsingfors and Tammerfors, and is the centre of the Finnish butter export, which now amounts to over 1,000,000 yearly.
The entire set of Ruskin's publications amounts to more than fifty works having distinctive titles.
There is nothing to prevent their contributing to political committees, and the financial methods and the amounts expended by such committees are not made public. But behind all these causes that have led to more honest elections lies the still greater one of a healthier public spirit.
The large amounts fixed for the wergelds of nobles and even of freemen were paid no doubt, as in later times, not only by the slayer himself, but by every member of his kindred in proportion to the nearness or remoteness of his relationship; and in like manner they were distributed among the kindred of the slain.
Macassar's trade amounts to about 1,250,000 annually, and consists mainly of coffee, trepang, copra, gums, spices and valuable timber.
The number of persons who visit the place amounts to about 20,000 a year.
Some snow falls in every month except July and August, and the average annual snowfall amounts to 94.7 in.
The conditions requisite for the growth, development and reproduction of plants are, in general terms, exposure, at the proper time, to suitable amounts of light, heat and moisture, and a due supply of appropriate food.
The various amounts of these needed in different cases have to be adjusted by the gardener, according to the nature of the plant, its " habit" or general mode of growth in its native country, and the influence to which it is there subjected, as also in accordance with the purposes for which it is to be cultivated, &c. It is but rarely that direct information on all these points can be obtained; but inference from previous experience, especially with regard to allied forms, will go far to supply such deficiencies.
Indeed this high carbon-content, 3 to 4%, in practice actually leads to less brittleness than can readily be had with somewhat less carbon, because with it much of the carbon can easily be thrown into the relatively harmless state of graphite, whereas if the carbon amounts to less than 3% it can be brought to this state only with difficulty.
Cavendish called it "inflammable air," and for some time it was confused with other inflammable gases, all of which were supposed to contain the same inflammable principle, "phlogiston," in combination with varying amounts of other substances.
Still, large amounts of corn, wool and timber are floated down, especially after its confluence with the Black Hancza.
Altogether it is estimated (by von Dingelstedt) that the total discharge of all the rivers emptying into the Caspian amounts annually to a volume equal to 174.5 cub.
Black blende containing ferrous sulphide, in amounts up to 15 or 20% isomorphously replacing zinc sulphide, is known as marmatite (from Marmato near Guayabal in Colombia, South America) and christophite (from St Christophe mine at Breitenbrunn near Eibenstock in Saxony).
Other varieties contain small amounts of mercury, tin, manganese or thallium.
The aggregate total of capital of the tea-producing companies in India and Ceylon now amounts to about 25,000,000.
In the remaining parts of western Germany, on the shores of farther Pomerania, and in East Prussia, it amounts to upwards of 24 in.
The thickness of 80 beds amounts to 250 ft., and the total mass of coal is estimated at 45,400 million tons.
It is estimated that the total seafaring population of Germany amounts to 8o,ooo.
English amounts roughly to I pfennige.
Several metals have been mined also, including gold, copper, lead, iron and arsenic; but the amounts produced have not been great, and many of the mines are no longer working.
Iron ores have been discovered in many places in connexion with the "iron formation" of the Keewatin, but nowhere in amounts comparable with those of the same formation in Michigan and Minnesota.
Owing to the low rate of salaries, the percentage of women teachers, especially in the public schools, is steadily increasing, and now amounts in these to almost 83%.
The shipping trade amounts to £500,000 to £600,000 a year, almost entirely manganese ore, with some maize.
This change amounts to the extinction of one of the elements in the old population of Sicily.
Hence it is not surprising that often the refreshment, the recuperation, obtained from and felt after sleep induced by a drug amounts to nothing, or to worse than nothing.
The railway system is also fairly complete, the state owning about three-fifths of the total mileage, which amounts to some 2000.
In the rural districts the deputy electors returned by election are supplemented by an equal number of those who have paid the highest amounts in taxes and county rates together.
The "psychologicm" thus introduced into logic amounts to a systematic protest against the notion of a dehumanized thought and the study of logic in abstraction from actual psychic process.
The quantity of these materials is so small that analyses of Keene's cement show it to be almost pure anhydrous calcium sulphate, and make it difficult to explain what, if any, influence these minute amounts of alum and the like can exert on the setting of the cement.
The value of the aggregate trade amounts to an average of seven to nine millions sterling annually.
Knowing that the water produced by the combustion of alcohol was not pre-existent in that substance but was formed by the combination of its hydrogen with the oxygen of the air, he burnt alcohol and other combustible organic substances, such as wax and oil, in a known volume of oxygen, and, from the weight of the water and carbon dioxide produced and his knowledge of their composition, was able to calculate the amounts of carbon, hydrogen and oxygen present in the substance.
The rainfall amounts to 56 in.
At Sandoway this amounts to an annual mean of 212 in.
About half of this quantity comes from the forests of Burma, where large amounts of teak and other woods are annually extracted, chiefly through the agency of private firms. It is, however, only the more valuable of the woods, such as teak, sandal-wood, ebony and the like, which find a market abroad.
The railways, however, have taken away from the city its monopoly of the traffic in wheat, though its share in that trade still amounts to from 400,000 to 480,000 a year.
In the year ending August 1903 the amounts of rainfall at 41 observation stations widely distributed throughout the archipelago varied from 16.2 in.
The number of known objects of this class is being added to rapidly, and now amounts to over 4000.
And it sets forth a dialectic with a twofold movement, towards differentiation and integration severally, which amounts to a formulation of inference.
In the form of motors for producing very small amounts of power air-engines have been found convenient, and within a restricted field they are still met with.
Its nuts are gathered in enormous amounts by the Indians for food; and it is estimated that the yearly harvest of these nuts exceeds in bulk that of all the cereals of California (John Muir).
The commerce of San Francisco amounts to some $80,000,000 or $90,000,000 yearly, about equally divided between imports and exports, until after 1905 - in 1907 the imports were valued at $54,207,011, and the exports at $3 0, 37 8, 355 (less than any year since 1896).
The total turnover of goods sold and "ordered" amounts to nearly 362 millions sterling annually.
Although snowstorms are infrequent and snow never lies long on the ground, the average fall of snow for the year amounts to 22.5 in.
It is to be noticed that the parameter c of the cylindroid is unaltered if the two pitches h, k be increased by equal amounts; the only change is that all the pitches are increased by the same amount.
Again, that wrenches of arbitrary amounts about two given screws compound into a wrench the locus of whose axis is a cylindroid.
Comparative Motion.The comparative motion of two points is the relation which exists between their motions, without having regard to their absolute amounts.
Contributions are not made in proportion to the amounts at stake when the sacrifice was made, but in proportion to the results when the adventure has come to an end.
Production.-The total wine production of the world, which, 'of course, fluctuates considerably from year to year, amounts to roughly 3000 million gallons.
The total solid matter or " extract," as it is called, will vary between 1.5 and 3.5% for dry wines, and the mineral matter or ash generally amounts to about one-tenth of the " extract."
C. Chaptal, consists in neutralizing excessive acid by means of powdered marble, and bringing up the sugar to normal proportions by adding appropriate amounts of this substance in a solid form.
The quality of the wines naturally varies considerably with the vintage; but it is almost invariably the case that the wines of successful vintages will contain practically the same relative proportions of their various constituents, although the absolute amounts present of these constituents may differ widely.
Formerly the loss through breakage was very great, but the art of making and selecting these bottles has greatly improved, and the loss now amounts to little more than 5%, whereas formerly 25% and even 30% was not an uncommon figure.
As a rule, the supply considerably exceeds the demand, and the stock in hand at the present time amounts to roughly four years' consumption of finished wine, but to this must be added the stock existing in cask, which is considerable.
The present output amounts to roughly 150 million gallons, and the acreage under the vine has increased from 107,048 hectares in 1890 to 167,657 hectares in 1905.
It is probable that the English capital locked up in the port industry amounts to some 2 millions sterling.
The sugar varies considerably according to the vintage, but as a rule amounts to from 7% to 15%.
The creditor has the right of claiming the aid of the law against the defaulting municipality; and the amounts, the terms, and the time of duration of local debt are supervised in order to prevent injustice to particular persons or improvidence with regard to the revenue and property of the local units.
His reconciliation amounts to this, that the rule of conduct is to aim at universal happiness, but that we recognize the reasonableness of this rule by an intuition which cannot be further explained.
Its drainage area, which includes the whole of middle and eastern as well as part of south-eastern Russia, amounts to 563,300 sq.
The chief mineral product of the Principality is coal, of which the output amounts to over 23,000,000 tons annually.
The yield amounts to about 30% of that required by theory.
Peculiar forms of the evil, such as mortgaging to excessive amounts in countries largely occupied by peasant proprietors, may be met by particular measures, as, for example, by forbidding the accumulation of arrears.
Land which is neither cultivable nor under forest (marsh land or, in the northern mountainous districts, land above the upper limit of the forests) amounts to 61% in the far north and 36% in the Smaland highlands, but only to 15% in the central plains and in Skane.
Medical men have stated that the number of deaths, in times when there are no epidemics, amounts to 59 or 20 per thousand, and the number of births to 25 to 40 per thousand.
The capital now invested in this enterprise, and largely subscribed for by Russian capitalists, amounts to 320,000.
In Marcion's own view, therefore, the founding of his church - to which he was first driven by opposition - amounts to a reformation of Christendom through a return to the gospel of Christ and to Paul; nothing was to be accepted beyond that.
The useful residue, known as the "actual," "effective" or "brake" horse-power, can be directly measured by a dynamometer; it amounts to about 80% of the indicated horse-power for good condensing engines and about 85% for non-condensing engines, or perhaps a little more when the engines are of the largest sizes.
Water forms almost three-fifths of the weight of the body, so that it amounts to more than all the other constituents put together.
The yearly rainfall, which amounts to between 60 and 70 in.
The total number of flowering plants inhabiting the range amounts probably to 5000 or 6000 species, among which may be reckoned several hundred common English plants chiefly from the temperate and alpine regions; and the characteristic of the flora as a whole is that it contains a general and tolerably complete illustration of almost all the chief natural families of all parts of the world, and has comparatively few distinctive features of its own.
Submission is enforced by an argument which almost amounts to a retractation of the difference between things natural and things contrary to nature, as understood by Zeno.
In Alemtejo the percentage sinks to 45.1, and for the whole country, including the islands, it amounts only to 152.8.
The annual value of the foreign trade of Portugal amounts approximately to £19,000,000.
An old waste book, still preserved, contains entries of amounts of cloth sent from Tenterden to London.
Wright and his co-workers to control the treatment of bacterial infections by vaccines; that is, by injections of varying amounts of a dead culture of the corresponding bacterium.
If the amounts of vaccine used and the times of the injection are suitably chosen, there may thus be produced by a series of steps a rise of the opsonic index to a high level.
The constitution provides that the rate of taxation shall never exceed to mills for each dollar of assessed valuation, that when the taxable property amounts to $50,000,000 the members of the territorial legislature were deprived of their seats as ineligible.
Instead of expressing the amounts of gold and silver in percentages of the weight of ore, they are expressed in ounces to the ton, the ounce being the troy ounce and the ton that of 2000 avoirdupois pounds.
The crucible method is generally used for ores containing gold in small amounts and for certain classes of silver ores.
The average amount of Turkish opium exported is 7000 chests, but in rare seasons amounts to 12,000 chests, but the yield depends upon fine weather in harvest time, heavy rains washing the opium off the capsules, and lessening the yield to a considerable extent.
The leading silver minerals are native silver; argentite or silver glance, Ag 2 S, usually containing small amounts of lead, copper and tin; dyscrasite or antimonial silver, Ag 2 Sb to Ag,3Sb, an isomorphous mixture of silver and antimony; proustite or light red silver ore, Ag 3 AsS 3; pyrargyrite or dark red silver ore, Ag 3 SbS 3; stephanite, Ag 5 SbS 4; miargyrite, AgSbS2; stromeyerite, CuAgS; polybasite, 9(Cu 2 S,Ag 2 S) (Sb 2 S 3, As 2 S 3); cerargyrite or horn silver, AgCI; bromite or bromargyrite, AgBr; embolite, Ag(C1,Br); iodite or iodargyrite, AgI.
Crude silver generally contains small amounts of copper, gold, bismuth, lead and other metals.
As the clay pits contain only small amounts of any one kind of clay, it has proved more profitable for manufacturers to buy their raw materials from a number of miners than for them to operate the mines themselves, and consequently clay mining and the manufacture of clay products are largely distinct industries.
On all capital stock up to $3,000,000, the rate is one-tenth of 1%; on all amounts between three and five million dollars, the rate is one-twentieth of 1%; and on all above five million dollars, thirty dollars per million, or 3/1000 of 1%.
Banking.-The banks of issue number thirteen; their paid-up capital amounts to £13,918,000 and the capital and reserves to £19,319,000, but of this sum only about £9,000,000 is used in the state.
Their criticism amounts to nothing more than a crude attempt to rationalize the current legends and traditions connected with the founding of cities, the genealogies of ruling families, and the manners and customs of individual peoples.
Recently in budget debates in England there has been much comparison of the amounts yielded at different times by direct and indirect taxes respectively.
Besides the above revenue from taxation for imperial purposes, large amounts are raised for local purposes.
The production amounts annually to nearly 1,500,000 lb of nutmegs, and 350,000 lb of mace.
Poisonous amounts of phosphorus are frequently taken or administered, criminally or accidentally, it being easily accessible to the public in the form of matches or of vermin pastes.
Grapes are mainly grown in the Ozark region, and wine is produced in Gasconade and other central and north-central counties in amounts sufficient to place Missouri, California aside, in the front rank of wine states in the Union.
Clays occur in amounts and varieties surpassed by the deposits in very few if any states of the Union.
In the manufacturing districts of Lancashire and Yorkshire it generally amounts to one-third of the whole so-called " available supply."
In Wales it is usually about one-fourth, and elsewhere still less; but in any case it amounts to many times the above unit of one-fifth of a cubic foot per second per 1000 acres.
The judges of the county courts are elected for four years, and their courts have jurisdiction over probate matters, civil cases involving amounts not exceeding $500, and criminal cases in which the offence is not punishable by death or imprisonment in the penitentiary.
If the total annual fund for a school district amounts to less than $300, the district must levy a special tax to bring the fund up to that sum.
This stress amounts to 1043 lb per square inch, if the velocity is loo ft.
Baltimore is also a well-known centre for the manufacture of clothing, in which in 1905 ($22,684,656) it ranked fourth among the cities of the United States; for cigar and cigarette-making (1905, $4,360,366); for the manufacture of foundry and machine shop products (1905, $6,572,925), of tinware (1905, $5,705,980), of„shirts (1905, $5,710,783), of cotton-duck (the output of sailduck being about three-fourths of the total for the United States), bricks (about 150,000,000 annually), and fertilizers; it also manufactures furniture,malt liquors,and confectionery, and many other commodities in smaller amounts.
The imports represented a value of £629,892 and the exports a value of £663,201 - an increase of £84,077 and £57,807 respectively on the figures of the previous year, while in 1899 the amounts, which were below the average, were only £298,400 and £ 253,000.
If pennies are arranged in groups of five, the total amounts arranged are successively once 5d., twice 5d., three times 5d.,..
This diagram exhibits a relation between the two amounts 5s.
The truth is that Cousin's doctrine of the spontaneous apperception of impersonal truth amounts to little more than a presentment in philosophical language of the ordinary convictions and beliefs of mankind.
When the particular kind was not specified by the law or by agreement, the payments were made according to convenience in horses, cattle, sheep, pigs, wool, butter, bacon, corn, vegetables, yarn, dye-plants, leather, cloth, articles of use or ornament, &c. As the clan system relaxed, and the fine lost its legal power of fixing the amounts of public tributes, which were similarly payable to the flaith, and neglected its duty of seeing that those tributes were duly applied, the flaith became able to increase these tributes with little check, to confuse them with rent, to confuse jurisdiction with ownership, and to exalt himself at the expense of his fellowclansmen.
Important factors in the use of carburetted water gas for enrichment are that it can be made with enormous rapidity and with a minimum of labour; and not only is the requisite increase in illuminating power secured, but the volume of the enriched gas is increased by the bulk of carburetted water gas added, which in ordinary English practice amounts to from 25 to 50%.
The most important is ferrous ammonium sulphate, FeS04(NH4)2S04,6H20, obtained by dissolving equivalent amounts of the two salts in water and crystallizing.
Our general conclusion from a survey of the Arthropoda amounts to this, that whilst Peripatus, the Diplopoda, and the Arachnida represent terrestrial offshoots from successive lower grades of primitive aquatic Arthropoda which are extinct, the Crustacea alone present a fairly full series of representatives leading upwards from unspecialized forms. The latter were not very far removed from the aquatic ancestors (Trilobites) of the Arachnida, but differed essentially from them by the higher specialization of the head.
The area of the latter now amounts to some 9 or 10 sq.
Considering the position of the vernal equinox, and also of a star on the celestial sphere, it will be seen that the interval between the transits of these two points across the meridian may be used to measure the right ascension of a star, since the latter amounts to FIG.
Silica forms nearly the whole substance of flint; calcite and dolomite may occur in it in small amounts, and analysis has also detected minute quantities of volatile ingredients, organic compounds, &c., to which the dark colour is ascribed by some authorities.
The hay crop of 1899 was grown on 1,095,706 acres and amounted to 1,617,905 tons, but nearly one-half of this was made from wild grasses; since then the amounts of fodder obtained from alfalfa, Kafir corn, sorghum cane and timothy have much increased, and that obtained from wild grasses has decreased; in 1909 the acreage was 900,000 and the crop 810,000 tons.
Including the Bank of Ireland, their subscribed capital amounts to £26,349,230 and their paid-up capital to £7,3 0 9, 2 3 0.
The normal annual expenditure amounts to about L56,000, while 24,000 is generally allotted to extraordinary works, such as new cuttings, &c. Between 1857 and 1905 a sum of about one and three quarter millions sterling was spent on engineering works, including the construction of quays, lighthouses, workshops and buildings, &c. Sulina from being a collection of mud hovels has developed into a town with 5000 inhabitants; a well-found hospital has been established where all merchant sailors receive gratuitous treatment; lighthouses, quays, floating elevators and an efficient pilot service all combine to make it a first-class port.
The first place is occupied by the distilleries, whose output amounts to nearly 40% of the total production of spirits in Austria.
The crown lands have been much neglected and the revenue from them amounts to hardly £3000 per annum.
The yearly yield in the decade 1895-1904, according to the most conservative state statistics, varied from 298,599,638 to 72,445,227 bushels, and the average was 178,941,084 bushels, or 190,773,957, omitting the failure of 1901; the yield per acre being similarly 26.35 or 27.9 bushels (12.4 in 1901); 1 in 1906 the crop was 249,782,500 bushels, and the average yield per acre 34.1 bushels; in 1907 the crop was 179,328,000 bushels, and the average yield only 24 bushels per acre, According to the report of the state Board of Agriculture, Custer, Lancaster and Saunders counties produced the largest amounts (each more than 5,000,000 bushels) of Indian corn in 1908.
The total value of the products of the factories increased from $15,301,096 in 1900 to $23,109,601 (16.8% of the entire factory product of the state) in 1905, amounts greater than those of any other city in the state.
It may reduce or increase the amounts asked, and may add new items. The budget then goes to the board of estimates, which has a month for its consideration.
When the pupil regulates the aperture of the rays producing the image the aberrations of the ordinary lenses increase considerably with the magnification, or, what amounts to the same thing, with the increase in the curvature of the surfaces.
A second guiding principle is afforded by the different amounts of iodine (see Oil Testing below) the various oils and fats are capable of absorbing.
In Yorkshire, the centre of the woollen industry, the largest amounts of woolfat are produced, all attempts to recover the hitherto wasted material in Argentine and Australia having so far not been attended with any marked success.
If r represents the latent heat of the vapour, and q 2 and q1 the amounts of heat contained in the liquid at the respective temperatures of T2 and T11 then the loss from the heat carried from the condenser into the refrigerator is shown by (q2-q1)/r and the useful refrigerating effect produced in the refrigerator is r-(q 2 -q i).
Recent researches on arsenic and atropine, however, point to the leucocytes as playing an important part in the production of tolerance, as these gradually become capable of ingesting large amounts of the foreign substances, and thus render them more or less harmless to the tissues, until they are gradually excreted from the body.
When they are taken internally in small amounts they neutralize the acids in the stomach and other parts of the alimentary canal, and at the same time they increase the normal acid secretion of the stomach.
Nitrous oxide (laughing gas) was at one time believed to act simply by cutting off the supply of oxygen to the tissues, but it also has a specific effect in producing paralysis of certain parts of the central nervous system, and hence its value as an anaesthetic; when given in small amounts mixed with air it produces a condition of exhilaration.
Of the whole surface, land under tillage amounts to about 60, meadowland to 7 and forest to 25%.
It is also intended to remove the anomaly of people doing similar jobs being paid different amounts.
We should preclude the detailed disclosure in the notes, although the amounts involved should be included in any aggregate totals provided.
Over the past 20 years waste management in the US has undergone a quiet revolution with increasing amounts of waste being recycled.
Relativist mathematics, the criticism goes, by relinquishing absolutism amounts to ' anything goes ' .
The amounts may be too small to see, but they're quite adequate for the new testing and screening techniques.
Amounts involved are often relatively modest, but can form a useful adjunct to other funding streams.
When fixed amounts of this dilution series are mixed with an appropriate agar and incubated, then different numbers of colonies will be obtained.
Studies indicate at least six of these oxindole alkaloids can increase immune function by up to 50% in relatively small amounts.
At night, in bed, we spend on average eight hours in close contact with large amounts of house dust mite allergen.
The above amounts do not include older students ' allowance and dependants ' allowance.
Don't get too caught up in calculating exact amounts.
They are taking huge amounts of our money in profits year on year on year.
These large areas can produce considerable amounts of surface water runoff in heavy storms.
There are vast amounts of slot machines for you to try you luck.
There were large amounts of pottery in these sections, particularly tiles and transport amphorae, but also table, utility and cooking wares.
Also, never feed an onion to your pet, as large amounts can destroy your pet's red blood cells causing anemia.
Within the Earth mantle, nominally anhydrous minerals contain small amounts of hydrogen as point defects within their crystal structure.
Worryingly, large amounts of deadly asbestos have been fly-tipped in the greater London area recently.
If it has a strong backwash it will drag large amounts of material down the beach.
However, recent immunohistochemical studies have raised the possibility that neoplastic basophils express significant amounts of tryptase.
Normal blood basophils express only trace amounts of the enzyme.
This amounts to just over a minute of a hot girl in a black bikini cavorting in a large bathtub!
Despite a pretty blatant title the film isn't constituted entirely by large amounts of violence.
Our brains are continuously bombarded with enormous amounts of information from each of the senses.
Graviola makes up 50 percent of the N-Tense formula, which also consists of smaller amounts of the rainforest botanicals described below.
It contains moderate amounts of complex carbs such as wholegrain bread, with most vegetables being free foods, and fruit included daily.
A priori, one would guess that bone in some uncemented breccias will have witnessed the passage of only small amounts of water.
This group of criminally involved problem users commits very large amounts of shoplifting, burglary and other crime to finance drug purchases.
These pits also contained significant amounts of domestic refuse including animal bones, burnt daub and burnt daub and burnt flint.
Some people also find that these same amounts of fish oils can cause ' fishy burps ' and avoid taking it for that reason.
Because drinking large amounts of alcohol can cause cardiomyopathy, drinking alcohol is sometimes discouraged.
Large amounts of debt are more appropriate for mature companies with stable cash flows which will not require much capital for growth.
How are such small amounts of vitamin E able to protect cell membranes against sustained free radical attack?
Small amounts of the lead-bearing species cerussite, pyromorphite, mottramite and vanadinite were also identified.
The residue contained frequent charcoal, occasional bone and some hammerscale, slag, and rare amounts of pottery.
Each of the fibers reduced cholesterol by similar amounts.
Most dry dog chows give approximate feeding amounts on their labels.
To achieve this standards, small amounts of a reducing agent are added where necessary to control the quantity of soluble chromium.
The roadworks produced large amounts of dust, which similarly annoyed the local citizenry.
Injecting small amounts of a natural collagen like restylane you can restore a smooth defined border and a natural youthful look.
It consists of high molecular weight hydrocarbons and minor amounts of sulfur and nitrogen compounds.
Secured Debt consolidation is best for large amounts like £ 25,000.
Sensitive new testing kits can detect tiny amounts of potentially harmful toxic contaminants in foods.
They have undoubtedly been offered large amounts of real estate in return for politically convenient information.
I also consumed vast amounts of my favorite drink â pints of blackcurrant cordial with water (no ice, thank you ).
The second task requiring large amounts of data is specifying the parameters of the translation model, which requires a large bilingual aligned corpus.
However, eating large amounts of meat may cause short-lived increases in blood creatinine levels.
The Venezuelan crude destined to the United States amounts to 60 percent of its total exports.
Levels above 3 are designed for use only by developers and generate HUGE amounts of data, most of which is extremely cryptic.
They usually consist of small amounts of fish, dressed cold vegetables and other dainty relishes.
Even small amounts of capital can make a real difference to local services.
In reality, babies do need moderate amounts of sugars in their diet as a readily digestible energy source.
Two weeks of rolling ship and frozen land requiring vast amounts of brain power just to remain dignified, certainly takes its toll.
An overflow drain should be large enough to handle large amounts of water I like four inch pipe.
Moderate amounts of alcohol drunk just before, during or shortly after a meal should not affect your short-term diabetes control.
For the rest of the country it will stay dry with sunny spells a nd varying amounts of cloud.
Similar amounts have been provisionally earmarked for each of the following 2 years.
Her mother always had echinacea at home and doused the wound in liberal amounts of the tincture.
Eat Smaller Amounts More Often Eat More Often - sounds good eh!
Septic shock is caused by the release of large amounts of bacterial endotoxin (LPS) in the body.
We'd receive rather excessive amounts of exegesis on this passage before the day was out.
For smaller amounts, a single signatory shall suffice where the Steering Group considers this expedient.
When baking flapjacks and cakes, try to sweeten them with fruit juice, such as apple, rather than copious amounts of sugar.
In this normal hand the small amounts of MCP joint synovial fluid can be seen.
Such mistakes are easy to make because many processed foods contain small amounts of gluten.
It does not, very broadly, catch inducements representing amounts foregone or deferred by the provider.
This may sound formulaic, and to an extent it is, but it works brilliantly and amounts to an extremely tense thriller.
Daily benefit amounts the small office are years old jeanne achille founder.
Visualization provide an easy-to-use graphical front-end for doctors to analyze images easily without having to navigate around large amounts of computer language.
Continuing to save for pension after age 60 would increase these pension amounts at age 65 and 70 even further.
The magazine also offers practical business tools and tactics, from must-have gadgets to how to handle voluminous amounts of e-mail.
The large amounts of ammonia in the slurry become breeding ground for bacteria, which turn it into acid.
Feed them meadow (grass hay) or timothy hay in unlimited amounts.
Years many HMO 's you providing you amounts to a. Over years age group a well educated.
Policies are sold this amounts to case management homemaker.
At the onset of sporulation large amounts of aerial hyphae are produced.
In autoimmune hypothyroidism, antibodies destroy thyroid gland cells preventing the gland from being able to release normal amounts of thyroid hormones.
Tho they only occur m small amounts they tend to make fire-damp more easily ignited and consequently more dangerous.
For example, Dettol is rapidly inactivated by small amounts of feces; Virkon is more active in the presence of organic material.
People are going hungry while ever increasing numbers of animals are fed huge amounts of food in a hopelessly inefficient system.
Universal's TV infomercials will apparently cost up to $ 800,000 to produce, which amounts to a serious commitment.
However, what it does have is vast amounts of thought-provoking and sincere drama that is best appreciated if you're feeling inquisitive.
In fact, the picture painted of him here amounts to a deliberate insult.
He showed that large amounts of the element iridium present in geological layers dating from about 65 million BC had a cosmic origin.
Ozone is a lung irritant emitted from many air cleaners in the market that can trigger allergy reactions, even in small amounts.