Amigos Sentence Examples
Portugal Portugal could long boast of only one review, the Jornal enciclopedico (1779-1806), which had many interruptions; then came the Jornal de Coimbra (1812-1820); the Panorama (1836-1857), founded by Herculano; the Revista universal lisbonense (1841-1853), established by Castilho; the Instituto (1853) of Coimbra; the Archivo pittoresco (1857) of Lisbon; and the Jornal do sociedade dos amigos das letteras.
Tone Deaf Amigos play an interesting breed of music having allsorts on stage including their dad's PC, well worth keeping an eye on.
So there you go amigos try a bit of Mexican cooking at the old hacienda tonight.
Don't be afraid to try different flavors, the more aromatic the more adventurous you will appear to newly found amigos.
The Sociedad Economica de Amigos del Pais, established in 1792, has always had considerable influence.