Ambient light Sentence Examples
The worst aspect of the camera for underwater use is its small, pale display which is easily overpowered by ambient light.
The ambient light in the room is orange, like the color of a city streetlight.
Automatic Brightness Control - In display devices, the self-acting mechanism which controls brightness of the device as a function of ambient light.
Most folks will place the plasma sets in living rooms where ambient light sources can interfere with picture quality.
Ideally you want to shoot the moon in an environment with as little ambient light as possible.
Do you want more ambient light in the room, or a concentrated focus, often referred to as downlight?
Basically, the device would accept whatever ambient light existed in the environment, amplify it as much as the current technology would allow, and then display the amplified image on the goggle screens.
All night vision goggles work by taking the existing ambient light and amplifying it to make it possible for you to actually see.
On less expensive goggles, a simpler intensify tube is used to excite electrons coming from the ambient light and to project images, much as tubes in your television work to project images on the screen.
In particular, a technology could micro-channel plates works to amplify electrons from existing ambient light sources, thus providing better visibility at longer distances.
AdvertisementThe advantages to these are that they work anywhere since they don't need any ambient light to function-only the ambient heat from the objects.
Just as paranormal investigators remove sensory stimuli when reviewing evidence of their ghost hunts, you can also benefit from the removal of external stimuli such as ambient light and background noise.