Ambience Sentence Examples
Cool colors - blues, greens, and soft purples - give a room a relaxed and calm ambience.
The rustic ambience is magical, with cattle antlers on the rafters, cowboy saddles on the walls, and an enormous deer horn chandelier towering above it all.
There's such a aura here, such a celestial ambience!
While it's true that there's no shortage of images of beautiful women wearing bikinis online, factors like colors and ambience play a key role in the mood and overall style of the image.
Beverages can be made without alcohol for those that do not drink but want to experience the ambience.
The noble cruise ambience pervades even this laid-back option with background piano music and wait staff providing drinks.
Group candles together on tables throughout the room, and soften electric lights to add to the ambience.
Bamboo accents can help create the right ambience.
On the other hand, when time is spent on lighting design, even a room with the barest of furniture can pop with ambience.
Golf isn't merely a sport of skill, it's also a game of ambience.
AdvertisementMost board shorts strive to reflect the calm and beauty of the ocean, and to that end, much of the apparel comes in bright, bold colors with plenty of palm trees and flowers for added ambience.
While the restaurant's interior is small, it is meticulously decorated and the coziness adds to the romantic ambience.
Wrought iron fixtures such as candelabras can add drama, light and ambience to a room.
Why shouldyour pet products take away fromone's décor when they can add to the ambience?
Age and slight wear in quality previously owned Thomasville furniture can add to the patina of wood and leather, and help create style and ambience in your home.
AdvertisementThere's nothing like light-hearted images of cowboys and horses to give your home a welcoming ambience.
The ambience that Max Payne just resonates through the setting, voiceovers, and music is just jaw-dropping.
To create the perfect holiday ambience, decorate with votive candles throughout your home.
Flameless candles provide the ambience of candle light without the safety risks associated with an open flame.
Combine the ambience of a candlelight dinner with the coziness and casual charm of a picnic.
AdvertisementHowever, if you can combine ambience with gourmet cuisine, you've created the perfect recipe for romance.
The ambience meters have a left and right gauges and to experience the true stereo sound of this game, you need to play with headphones.
The panoramic views of the Bay from the circular cocktail lounge also add to the ambience.
Graveyards that are in disrepair commonly have the most eerie stories as a result of the spooky ambience.
You can use this teacup candle instead of electric lights for some romantic dinner ambience, and you'll save energy.
AdvertisementThe restaurant's ambience is informed by its art deco bar area, and an outdoor café is open weather permitting.
Its homey atmosphere, intimate ambience, natural wood decor, breathtaking views and homemade food makes it a perfect special night out restaurant.
The restaurant they opened is well known for its authentic old-world ambience, particularly the outdoor biergarten complete with strolling accordion player.
Now that you've learned the essential details of glazing, it's time to research these fun products and give your kitty the posh mealtime ambience he or she deserves.
The sound in the game is practically non-existent, with nothing more than menu music and scarce ambience during gameplay.
Tuscan kitchen design is characterized by the use of ceramic and rough-textured tile, stone counters, wood furniture, and a cheerful, bright ambience.
Naturally, the truly interesting design of this backpack carries with it a whit of ambience as the style looks like it was stripped straight out of Star Wars.
The 1998 album Adore represented an enormous shift for the band and introduced experimental melodic tracks, a darker ambience, and a wider range of vocals from lead singer Billy Corgan.
Designers such as Diane von Furstenberg are known for their ability to milk your beach-time ambience, which is why so many of her designer bikinis can be purchased with complimenting towels, beach bags, and cover ups.
Whether you want to spiff up your home to sell or just to enjoy improvements yourself, these easy home improvement projects don't take a lot of time and make a big difference in the ambience of your home.