Amber Sentence Examples
The liquid was a light amber color and had bubbles in it.
The deep amber eyes mocked her.
The amber eyes flashed with little flecks of red.
The sea-worn amber has lost its crust, but has often acquired a dull rough surface by rolling in sand.
His amber eyes widened and darkened.
He sobered, his amber gaze expressing concern.
He lifted his tea glass and examined the amber liquid.
From the corner of her eye she saw them approach, but the amber gaze held hers in its intoxicating grip.
His eyes flared amber then faded to tanzanite as he gazed down at her.
Damian definitely had the body and weird, glowing amber eyes.
AdvertisementThe aromatic and irritating fumes emitted by burning amber are mainly due to this acid.
A spark of the old humor ignited in the amber eyes and she canted her head toward her father.
His gaze turned from amber to fire, and she wondered if she'd pushed him too far.
The scent of oak and amber and his calming presence eased some of her tension while filling her lower belly with fire.
Divers have been employed to collect amber from the deeper waters.
AdvertisementThey entered a dark dining hall, where a pot of tea and two tea cups sat waiting for them next to a carafe of amber alcohol at the table nearest the entrance.
He glanced up and met her startled gaze with eyes the color of fine amber - not brown, not yellow, but an indistinct mixture of both.
His arm slipped around her waist, drawing her close, and she stared up into those unusual amber eyes.
He smiled warmly when he met her gaze, a twinkle of amusement deepening the amber color to brown.
The amber gaze searched her face expectantly.
AdvertisementHis amber eyes had a way of darkening with emotion, but why were they so dark now?
He swung around and stared at her, his amber gaze growing cool.
His eyes flared amber.
An icy amber gaze fell on her, chilling her heart to stillness.
Her eyes were almond shaped and clear amber.
AdvertisementEven the scent of the room was a dark mix of oak and amber.
The Hebrew lhashmal seems to have been amber.
Dana, and now commonly used in scientific writings as a specific term for the real Prussian amber.
Enclosures of pyrites may give a bluish colour to amber.
The so-called "black amber" is only a kind of jet.
Pieces of amber torn from the sea-floor are cast up by the waves, and collected at ebb-tide.
The variety most valued in the East is the pale straw-coloured, slightly cloudy amber.
Cloudy amber maybe clarified in an oil-bath, as the oil fills the numerous pores to which the turbidity is due.
The pieces are carefully heated with exclusion of air and then compressed into a uniform mass by intense hydraulic pressure; the softened amber being forced through holes in a metal plate.
Coming to the Tertiary we find the Oligocene beds of Aix, of east Prussia (amber) and of Colorado, and the Miocene of Bavaria, especially rich in remains of beetles, most of which can be referred to existing genera.
Another valuable article of commerce which the Phoenicians brought into the market was amber.
Amber has often been imitated by other resins like copal and kauri, as well as by celluloid and even glass.
Amber is also found in many localities in Emilia, especially near the sulphur-mines of Cesena.
It has been conjectured that the ancient Etruscan ornaments in amber were wrought in the Italian material, but it seems that amber from the Baltic reached the Etruscans at Hatria.
It has even been supposed that amber passed from Sicily to northern Europe in early times - a supposition said to receive some support from the fact that much of the amber dug up in Denmark is red; but it must not be forgotten that reddish amber is found also on the Baltic, though not being fashionable it is used rather for varnish-making than for ornaments.
The amber of Sicily seems not to have been recognized in ancient times, for it is not mentioned by local authorities like Diodorus Siculus.
Burmite is the name under which the Burmese amber is now described.
The Burmese amber is yellow or reddish, some being of ruby tint, and like the Sicilian amber it is fluorescent.
Most of the Burmese amber is worked at Mandalay into rosary-beads and ear-cylinders.
Many other fossil resins more or less allied to amber have been described.
Amber and certain similar substances are found to a limited extent at several localities in the United States, as in the greensand of New Jersey, but they have little or no economic value.
A fluorescent amber is said, however, to occur in some abundance in Southern Mexico.
During this or a second voyage Pytheas entered the Baltic, discovered the coasts where amber is obtained and returned to the Mediterranean.
Germany, and containing brown coal and amber, has been met with only in Poland, Courland and Lithuania.
In amber, as proved by the deposits on the shores of the Baltic, the proverbial "fly" is more numerous than any other creatures, and with very few exceptions representatives of all the existing families have been found.
Remains of spiders from the Baltic amber beds of Oligocene age and from nearly coeval fluviatile or lacustrine deposits of North America belong to forms identical with or closely related to existing genera, thus proving the great antiquity of our present spider fauna.
Not far off, similar relics were found at Sobunar, Zlatiste and Debelobrdo; iron and bronze ornaments, vessels and weapons, often of elaborate design, occur in the huts and cemeteries of Glasinac, and in the cemetery of Jezerine, where they are associated with objects in silver, tin, amber, glass, &c. Among the numerous finds made in other districts may be mentioned the discovery, at Vrankamer, near Bihac, of 98 African coins, the oldest of which dates from 300 B.C. Many vestiges of Roman rule survive, such as roads, mines, ruins, tombs, coins, frescoes and inscriptions.
No noteworthy fossil spiders are known; the best-preserved are in amber of Oligocene age.
Other precious stones found are chalcedony, garnet, jacinth, amethyst, carnelian, agate, rock-crystals, &c. Amber is found at Magura in Zsepes, while fine marble quarries are found in the counties of Esztergom, Komarom, Veszprem and Szepes.
They then form part of a system of ranges which curve north of the sources of the Chindwin river, and with the Kumon range and the hills of the Jade and Amber mines, make up a highland tract separated from the great Northern Shan plateau by the gorges of the Irrawaddy river.
Amber is extracted by Kachins in the Hukawng valley beyond the administrative border, but the quality of the fossil resin is not very good.
The dull green was followed successively by amber, white opal, blue opal, straw opal, sea-green, horn colour and various pale tints of soda-lime glass, ranging from yellow to blue.
Experiments were also tried with a violet-coloured glass, a violet opal, a transparent black and with glasses shading from red to blue, red to amber and blue to green.
The Romans had at their command, of transparent colours, blue, green, purple or amethystine, amber, brown and rose; of opaque colours, white, black, red, blue, yellow, green and orange.
The name of Amber is first mentioned by Ptolemy.
The picturesque situation of Amber at the mouth of a rocky mountain gorge, in which nestles a lovely lake, has attracted the admiration of all travellers, including Jacquemont and Heber.
In a fit of jealousy the emperor commanded that this masterpiece should be thrown down, and sent commissioners to Amber charged with the execution of this order; whereupon Mirza, in order to save the structure, had the columns plastered over with stucco, so that the messengers from Agra should have to acknowledge to the emperor that the magnificence, which had been so much talked of, was after all pure invention.
Among the principal goods dealt with are tea, silk, opium, sugar, flax, salt, earthenware, oil, amber, cotton and cotton goods, sandal-wood, ivory, betel, vegetables, live stock and granite.
Thenceforth Seto became the headquarters of the manufacture of cha-no-yu utensils, and many of the tiny pieces turned out there deserve high admiration, their technique being perfect, and their mahogany, russet-brown, amber and buff glazes showing wonderful lustre and richness.
Another variety has chocolate glaze, clouded with amber and flecked with gold dust.
Spears, battle-axes, collars, rings, amulets, medals of gold, ornaments of silver, jet and amber, &c., have also been found in various places.
The present Palazzo Comunale, a Renaissance edifice, contains a fine museum, chiefly remarkable for the contents of prehistoric tombs found in the district (including good bronze fibulae, necklaces, amulets, &c., often decorated with amber), and a large collection of acorn-shaped lead missiles (glandes) used by slingers, belonging to the time of the siege of Asculum during the Social War (89 B.C.).
The manufacture of machinery, amber articles, tobacco and cigars, and bricks, with some iron-founding, linen-weaving, and salmon-fishing in the Stolpe, are the chief industrial occupations of the inhabitants, who also carry on trade in grain, cattle, spirits, timber, fish and geese.
The industries of Konigsberg have made great advances within recent years, notable among them are printing-works and manufactures of machinery, locomotives, carriages, chemicals, toys, sugar, cellulose, beer, tobacco and cigars, pianos and amber wares.
The minerals are unimportant, except amber, peat and clay.
Keller, "in an age when iron and bronze had been long known, but had not come into our districts in such plenty as to be used for the common purposes of household life, at a time when amber had already taken its place as an ornament and had become an object of traffic."
The Psocidae themselves have not been traced back beyond the Oligocene, in the amber of which period their remains are fairly numerous.
Certain resins are obtained in a fossilized condition, amber being the most notable instance of this class; African copal and the kauri gum of New Zealand are also procured in a semi-fossil condition.
Amber (q.v.) is a fossil resin.
In the Griine Gewolbe (Green Vault) of the Royal Palace, so called from the character of its original decorations, there is an unequalled collection of precious stones, pearls and works of art in gold, silver, amber and ivory.
A narrow strip of level moorland, covered with furze and rich in deposits of peat, coal and amber, stretches inland, from the edge of the sheer cliffs which line the coast, to the foot of the mountains.
The somewhat surprising degree of wealth and artistic skill of which many of even the earliest antiquities give evidence is probably to be explained by the importance of the amber trade.
From Mongolia come leather, saddlery, sheep and horses, with coral, amber and small diamonds from European sources; from Kham perfumes, fruits, furs and inlaid metal saddlery; from Sikkim and Bhutan rice, musk, sugar-balls and tobacco; from Nepal broadcloth, indigo, brasswork, coral, pearls, sugar, spices, drugs and Indian manufactures; from Ladak saffron, dried fruits and articles from India.
A deposit of amber has also been found in the Lebanon, and perhaps the Phoenicians worked this and concealed its origin.
Of the objects found in the oldest graves, and supposed to date from about the 7th century B.C., the cups of silver and silver-gilt and most of the gold and amber jewelry are Phoenician (possibly Carthaginian), or at least made on Phoenician models; but the bronzes and some of the ivory articles seem to.
They extend back beyond the Carboniferous, where they occur as hyphae, &c., preserved in the fossil woods, but the best specimens are probably those in amber and in siliceous petrifactions of more recent origin.
Amber is found on and near the Baltic coast.
Of other minerals (with the exceptions of coal, iron and salt treated below) nickel and antimony are found in the upper Harz; cobalt in the hilly districts of Hesse and the Saxon Erzgebirge; arsenic in the Riesengebirge; quicksilver in the Sauerland and in the spurs of the Saarbrucken coal hills; graphite in Bavaria; porcelain clay in Saxony and Silesia; amber along the whole Baltic coast; and lime and gypsum in almost all parts.
No doubt the pre-eminence of the north, and especially of Denmark, at this period, was due to the amber trade, causing southern influence to penetrate up the basin of the Elbe to Jutland.
The women wore two bronze pins, a bracelet on each arm, amber ornaments and a necklace of bronze tubes in spirals.
The Goths (Gotones) appareptly inhabited the basin of the Vistula about the middle of its course, but the lower part of the basin was inhabited by non-Teutonic peoples, among whom we may mention the Galindi, probably Prussians, and the Aestii, either Prussian or Esthonian, in the coastlands at the mouth of the river, who are known especially in connection with the amber trade.
The prevailing mode of sepulture in all the different varieties of these structures is by the deposit of the body in a contracted position, accompanied by weapons and implements of stone, occasionally by ornaments of gold, jet or amber.
In addition to the varied and beautiful forms of implements and weapons - frequently ornamented with a high degree of artistic taste - armlets and other personal ornaments in gold, amber, jet and bronze are not uncommon.
It has been conjectured that the "estuary" here mentioned refers to the Baltic, the existence of which as a separate sea was unknown to all ancient geographers; but the obscure manner in which it is indicated, as well as the inaccuracy of the statements concerning the place from whence the amber was actually derived, both point to the sort of hearsay accounts which Pytheas might readily have picked up on the shores of the German Ocean, without proceeding farther than the mouth of the Ems, Weser or Elbe, which last is supposed by Ukert to have been the limit of his voyage in this direction.
It must be observed also that amber is found in Friesland and on the west coast of Schleswig, as well as in the Baltic, though not in equal abundance.
The graves at Hallstatt were partly inhumation partly cremation; they contained swords, daggers, spears, javelins, axes, helmets, bosses and plates of shields and hauberks, brooches, various forms of jewelry, amber and glass beads, many of the objects being decorated with animals and geometrical designs.
The imperial parks and gardens cover 1680 acres; the chief of them is the "old" garden, containing the "old palace," built (1724) by Rastrelli and gorgeously decorated with mother-of-pearl, marbles, amber, lapis lazuli, silver and gold; the gallery of Cameron adorned with fine statues and entrance gates; numerous pavilions and kiosks; and a bronze statue (1900) of the poet Pushkin.
The town is famous for its amber, beer, brandy and liqueurs, and its transit trade makes it one of the most important commercial cities of northern Europe.
Iron and limestone are the chief minerals; a little amber is found on the coast.
Travellers' tales were deliberately embalmed by Swift in the amber of his irony.
Clear amber is found beside the Buzeu and its affluents, with brown and grey clouded amber, and a blue fluorescent variety, of considerable value.
The votive offerings in clay, amber, bronze, ivory and lead found in great profusion within the precinct range from the 9th to the 4th century B.C. and supply invaluable evidence for early Spartan art; they prove that Sparta reached her artistic zenith in the 7th century and that her decline had already begun in the 6th.
This feature of the tale contains some hint of the long nightless summer in the Arctic regions, which perhaps reached the Greeks through the merchants who fetched amber from the Baltic coasts.
On the Baltic shores of Prussia there is found a quantity of amber, containing remains of insects and plants.
No doubt this amber flora is still imperfectly known, but it is valuable as giving a good idea of the vegetation, during Oligocene times, of a mixed wood of pine and oak, in which there is a mixture of herbaceous and woody plants, such as would now be found under similar conditions.
Kris.s gaze was amber, a visual indicator of his anger despite his calm features.
Kris.s gaze went from emerald to amber, and he strode across the room to meet him.
However, they are always, from every direction, flashing amber!
Whiskey connoisseurs describe Scapa as having an amber, gold color, with a perfume of vanilla and honey.
And they sit at the lights untill they turn amber, then pull forward one car length, before turning on red.
They were then finished in a variety of colored glazes including amber, bottle green, white, gray and cobalt blue.
Bright strong colors, such as a deep red garnet or a golden amber or topaz, will be very stimulating and dynamic.
I noticed both the index and middle fingers of his hand were tobacco stained to dark amber.
Eye Color - One of blue, one of light to medium amber.
If the LED is often amber or red, you should consider upgrading your hardware.
Well-known examples of complete fossil insects and other related arthropods have been found embedded in pieces of Tertiary amber.
This is a very cool retro necklace in lovely chunky amber colored glass beads, dating circa 1980.
Luckily Elisa has loads more brainpower than dizzy Amber!
Amber can float in strong brine, but not sea water.
Bacterial canker is spread by splashing rain and can cause rough cankers with amber colored gum, sometimes leading to total tree collapse.
I love the fight between Tanya and Amber in the player's lounge and I do still chuckle at Kyle and Chardonnay's wedding.
Hearing her he slams down the mallet and bellows, 'Ok Amber, those stones, whit difference dis it make?
Each amber bottle has a glass dropper for economical use.
Leaving the park behind, we head to the brooding hilltop fortress of Amber.
A tiny fragment of amber came to light during the analysis of a ditch soil sample.
A highly fragmentary example from Rochford was accompanied by a string of amber beads some covered with gold leaf.
Collection includes amber, garnet and amethyst, imported from Bali, Indonesia.
May I recommend The Amber Spyglass, which has some hot scenes with underage teens making out. ' Coo er gosh.
The amber color reduces the spectrum of light that the flying insects can see, thus sending them to a brighter source of light.
Amber felt a particular kinship to McLean, the band member often dubbed the " bad boy " of the group.
Powered by a long- lasting amber led, our solar lantern stays lit all night on a single day of full sun.
Amber arrows mean no significant difference from benchmark and/or scale midpoint.
A combination of East Indian sandalwood, amber, white musk and driftwood make up the warm base.
The amber necklace shows no flaws or damage, very good condition.
Here we describe the growth of Anglo amber nectar.
Visitor Monday, November 21, 2005 Bob Rowley from Amber Videos was tonight's guest presenter.
The enzyme will now be constructed using AMBER, and the active site treated quantum mechanically.
The trailer also requires at least two amber reflectors down each side.
Amber is fossilized resin and may be clear or opaque (osseous amber ), and deep reddish orange to creamy yellow.
Amber Solar Bird Bath This stunning new design Amber Bird Bath is made from weather resistant and hard-wearing poly resin.
Over 2000 years ago the Romans were using sapphires, emeralds, garnets, and amber in their jewelry.
This traditional design features celtic knot scrollwork on the handle, topped with faux amber, held in a silver colored clasp.
Cerruti 1881 Amber is a magic potion of natural sensuality.
Day 6 Full-day sightseeing in Jaipur including the Amber Fort and the City Palace and Observatory.
It can result in stresses in the amber known as sun spangles.
An amber lens distributes the high intensity strobe light in a pattern which calls immediate attention to alarms.
The color is deep amber and the aroma very sweet, like syrup of figs, with an attractive light oily note.
The oblong amber stone dangling from the black leather thong caught the light and blazed fire from within its depths.
Amber works out regularly at the gym keeping her physique toned and inviting.
The woman peeled off her tattered tartan shawl revealing a cascade of amber tresses spilling down her thin back.
Clear or slightly amber transparent resin is a sign that the glandular trichome is still active.
She's sipping from a heavy amber glass tumbler, our heroine.
We have necklaces, pendants, earrings, braclets and rings, including turquoise, amber and pearls.
Every single wrong note and careless whisper has long since evaporated and what we're left with is a concentrated glass of amber perfection.
Fossil insects referable to the order have been found in Tertiary beds as old as the White River Oligocene of North America, and the Baltic amber, but nothing is known as to the previous history of the group.
True amber has sometimes been called karabe, a word of oriental derivation signifying "that which attracts straw," in allusion to the power which amber possesses of acquiring an electric charge by friction.
By Latin writers amber is variously called electrum, sucinum (succinum), and glaesum or glesum.
Amber is not homogeneous in composition, but consists of several resinous bodies more or less soluble in alcohol, ether and chloroform, associated with an insoluble bituminous substance.
True amber yields on dry distillation succinic acid, the proportion varying from about 3 to 8%, and being greatest in the pale opaque or "bony" varieties.
True Baltic amber is distinguished by its yield of succinic acid, for many of the other fossil resins which are often termed amber contain either none of it, or only a very small proportion; hence the name "succinite" proposed by Professor.
The Baltic amber or succinite is found as irregular nodules in a marine glauconitic sand, known as "blue earth," occurring in the Lower Oligocene strata of Samland in East Prussia, where it is now systematically mined.
Relics of an abundant flora occur in association with the amber, suggesting relations with the flora of Eastern Asia and the southern part of North America.
It is improbable, however, that the production of amber was limited to a single species; and indeed a large number of conifers belonging to different genera are represented in the amber-flora.
Sometimes the amber retains the form of drops and stalactites, just as it exuded from the ducts and receptacles of the injured trees.
Impurities are often present, especially when the resin dropped on to the ground, so that the material may be useless except for varnish-making, whence the impure amber is called firniss.
Although amber is found along the shores of a large part of the Baltic and the North Sea, the great amber-producing country is the promontory of Samland.
Sometimes the searchers wade into the sea, furnished with nets at the end of long poles, by means of which they drag in the sea-weed containing entangled masses of amber; or they dredge from boats in shallow water and rake up amber from between the boulders.
Systematic dredging on a large scale was at one time carried on in the Kurisches Haff by Messrs Stantien and Becker, the great amber merchants of Konigsberg.
At the present time extensive mining operations are conducted in quest of amber.
Amber is extensively used for beads and other trivial ornaments, and for cigar-holders and the mouth-pieces of pipes.
In working amber, it is turned on the lathe and polished with whitening and water or with rotten stone and oil, the final lustre being given by friction with flannel.
Two pieces of amber may be united by smearing the surfaces with linseed oil, heating them, and then pressing them together while hot.
Pytheas, a navigator of the Phocean colony of Massilia (Marseilles), determined the latitude of that port with considerable precision by the somewhat clumsy method of ascertaining the length of the longest day, and when, about 330 B.C., he set out on exploration to the northward in search of the lands whence came gold, tin and amber, he followed this system of ascertaining his position from time to time.
One of the earliest movements after this discovery was probably that of the Achaeans of Homer, who about 1450 B.C. invaded Greece (see Achaeans), bringing with them the use of iron and brooches, the practice of cremating the dead, and the style of ornament known as Geometric. Later the Cimmerians (see Scythia and Cimmerii) passed down from the Cimbric Chersonese, doubtless following the amber routes, and then turned east along the Danube, some of their tribes, e.g.
Amber is fossilized resin and may be clear or opaque (osseous amber), and deep reddish orange to creamy yellow.
Some of what is called amber and copal in perfumery today is the resinous secretion of fossil conifers.
Canopies turning lower in the amber zone require toggle input to pull out of the dive.
She 's sipping from a heavy amber glass tumbler, our heroine.
Amber and vermilion tints block blue light at the upper end of the visible range, just short of ultra violet.
Every single wrong note and careless whisper has long since evaporated and what we 're left with is a concentrated glass of amber perfection.
Amber hoped that her son did not show his malignant side at his new school.
Skinny clips are slim and lightweight and come in colors such as gray, brown, amber and yellow.
For driving, you may want to consider polarized lenses that are dark gray or amber.
The Turk's eyes are almond shaped and amber in color.
Cats with one amber and one blue eye often have hearing problems and may be deaf.
The Amber Brown series is a great collection of third grade reading books.
Paula Danziger's adorable character Amber Brown is a student in the third grade who tells stories in first person.
The type of alcohol used to steep the peels can contribute to the quality and color of the liqueur; for example, brandy or cognac can imbue a gorgeous amber hue.
Hazel eyes have also been described as being equivalent to a dark green or amber color eyes/light brown.
Launched in 2005, the fragrance immediately stole hearts with its soft, pleasant blend of mandarin, bergamot, rosewood, apple martini, lavender, patchouli, paper whites, cedar, orchid, white amber, woods and musk.
If you're a warm, your eyes are amber, green, hazel, or dark brown.
The men's version of the original fragrance contains notes of fig leaf, green mango, sage, juniper bud, hydroponic basil, vibrant Moroccan cedarwood, cucumber, amber and woods.
The men's version of Just Me is a blend of lemon zest, bergamot, tangerine, blackcurrant, crushed grass, lime, clove bud, sage, lotus, redwood, patchouli, moss, incense and amber crystal.
Rich woodsy undertones of beech amber, musk, tree moss, and teak wood complete the fragrance.
Its notes include peppermint, spicy coriander, essence of lavender, sensual musk and rich amber.
Sexy and bold, Amber is a must for spicy scent fans.
The second, called Autumn Splash, included Ivy, Violet and Amber.
Spanish Amber was something of a surprise to me; I wasn't sure I'd like it just based on its curious blend of rosy geranium, sandalwood, bergamot and elemi.
I experienced varying degrees of staying time from scent to scent - for example, Hawaiian Ruby Guava appeared to fade quickly, but Spanish Amber packed a punch and stuck around for a while.
Madonna Nudes 1979 for Women contains top notes of lotus petals, pomegranate and tangerine; middle notes of gardenia, orange flower and magnolia; and base notes of amber, atlas cedar and cashmere musk.
Lastly, it unites musk, black amber and the heady, evergreen goodness of Sequoia.
It finally concludes in a base of warm amber and a note the company describes as "hot skin" (think steamy, sensual and slightly sweet).
Amber, gold, burnt orange, rust, mustard yellow, sage green, chocolate brown, copper, and burgundy are some of the more popular hues, but couples interested in fall floral arrangements aren't limited to just these bright shades.
The Amazing Race All-Stars will bring back some of the more popular teams from seasons' past, most notably, "Rob and Amber" and "Team Kentucky."
Rob and Amber are no strangers to the all-star circuit, having played on different seasons of Survivor before meeting on Survivor All-Stars.
They played the game well and made it to the final two, with Amber winning both the million dollars and Rob's marriage proposal during the live finale.
Rob Mariano and Amber Brkich, as well as Dave and Mary Conley (Team Kentucky) are likely to be joined by Uchenna and Joyce Agu (season 7 winners), Colin Guinn and Christie Woods (Amazing Race 5) and cousins Charla and Mirna (also season 5).
During the finale, Rob asked Amber to marry him, and their wedding was broadcast on CBS.
Amber won the all-star edition of Survivor.
Amber Smith - Smith is a model/actress and her addiction has also not yet been revealed.
Police have issued a nationwide Amber Alert for the boy and are reportedly questioning acquaintances of Balfour's in hopes of finding and returning the boy safely to his mother.
White tupelo honey is a light golden amber color with a slightly greenish cast.
The products are made from agate, quartz and amber.
A transparent amber finish and a custom fit, hardshell case complete the deal.
Amber - The person with an amber mood ring is feeling somewhat anxious.
From vibrant turquoise to the rich colors of amber, you have a rich and colorful pallet to chose from.
The nation's amber alert history began in 1996 with the tragic murder of a nine-year-old girl in Arlington, Texas, named Amber Hagerman.
While riding her bike near the home of her grandparents on January 13, 1996, a man pulled little Amber Hagerman off her bike and threw her into his pick up truck.
Neighbors heard the little girl screaming as they witnessed the abduction but could do nothing except call the police as the truck sped away with Amber in the front seat.
Amber's body was found four days later in a drainage ditch approximately four miles from where the kidnapping took place.
The Amber Alert System that stemmed from the death of this child is an early warning system designed to notify as many people as possible through broadcasting announcements.
This began the Amber Alert System and during the two years that followed radio stations were notified by the police department of missing children by phone.
Throughout the years following the launch of the Amber Alert in Texas, there have been many changes and legislative actions leading to the growth and development of this important early warning system.
A campaign to have nationwide Amber Alert systems was launched by the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children in 2001.
Bush, in 2002, directed to assist each state in developing and instituting an Amber Alert plan.
The same year the Best Practices Guide for Broadcasters and Other Media Outlets was developed to assist all localities in setting up an Amber Alert notification plan.
By the end of 2002, Amber Alert systems were in place in 26 states with digital alerts beginning in November of that year through America Online.
Alberta, Canada, joined the United States in using an Amber Alert system in December 2002.
In 2005 Queensland, Australia began their version of the Amber Alert system.
An Amber Alert system was launched in Ireland in 2009.
The amber alert history continues to develop as more countries join in the notification system to rescue abducted children worldwide.
When you sign up for mobile Amber Alerts you are notified by a text message received on your mobile phone that a child in your area has been abducted.
Issued by the National Center for Missing & Exploited Children, known as NCMEC, an Amber Alert notifies the public that a child has been abducted.
Started as a result of the kidnapping and murder of Amber Hagerman in 1996, the emergency notification system has evolved from a city-wide system in Dallas, Texas, to a national system throughout the United States.
An Amber Alert enlists the aid of everyone in helping to find the missing child as soon as possible.
The purpose of the partnership is to distribute Amber Alerts to anyone who opts in to receive the emergency messages.
When you sign up for the Amber Alert mobile notification system, you can designate up to five zip codes.
You will be notified if there is an Amber Alert activation within the zip code areas chosen.
There are strict criteria that must be met in order for an Amber Alert to be issued.
A child abduction is reported to law enforcement officials meeting all the criteria for issuing an Amber Alert.
Signing up to receive mobile Amber Alerts adds your eyes and ears to those of the many caring people helping to assist in the safe return of an abducted child.
When safety goggles are needed for outside use, pick up a pair with amber lenses.
In addition to clear lenses, you can get them with smoke, amber, silver mirror, or indoor/outdoor lenses.
Choose from lens colors in gray, polarized amber, or polarized VR28.
You get blue, amber, and brown lenses that you can change out as the lighting conditions change.
Use the amber lenses for overcast days, the blue for sunny days, and the brown for moderate lighting conditions.
If you prefer amber lenses to gray, you can choose those.
Choose amber if your eyes are sensitive, or if you want to brighten the surroundings (great in lower light settings).
Lenses are also available in a large variety, including grey, green, amber, purple, green and auburn.
If color's not your thing, you can still choose amber or gray lenses with an understated frame like tortoiseshell.
At, you'll find three different frames in the colors of pink (a bright and vibrant color), amber gold (a vivid tortoiseshell), and black with crystals.
They're not too over-the-top, but they're not your typical amber or gray lenses meant for driving, either.
Amber lenses have one of the highest levels of contrast, which is good for activities when precision is important.
The world doesn't have to be seen in all gray or amber.
Amber Color Max lenses will have you looking like Edward Cullen from Twilight.
You'll need to opt for gray or amber lenses-dark is better.
Uvex Orbit Ski Goggles have a matte blue or metallic blue frame with amber or amber flash lenses.
Plastic lenses come in gray, amber, vermillion, and sunrise.
Available in several lens colors. including gray, amber, vermillion, and green.
Amber lenses will help you to see variations in terrain even in bright weather, while a yellow lens is more appropriate for cloudy and rainy days.
Amber and brown shades look great on you.
If you don't like the traditional gray or amber lenses, it doesn't matter.
Just because they're almost athletic in style, you can still expect more than just black or silver frames, with amber or black lenses.
You get to choose whether you want amber or smoke polarized lenses, the style of your frame, and, of course, you'll have your perfect prescription.
Polarized lenses (generally amber or gray, and often in polycarbonate for extra durability).
In the movie, Twilight, golden amber colored eyes were all the rage and seen on the main character Edward Cullen.
Gold Vampire contact lenses give eyes an amber tint that will complete any vampire look.
Twilight lenses are done in amber and will have your eyes looking like your favorite vampire's.
Amber Twilight contacts resemble the eyes of Edward Cullen.
You can also get those three types of lenses in traditional, amber or gradient sets.
If you have warm tones, try to opt for warm-toned lenses (amber, for example) to offset the silver frames.
Right now they have large frames, wraparound styles and lenses in shades like amber, lilac and gray.
To add a touch of sexiness to your look, try the Sexy Amber contacts.
If your skin is warm, you will find your features best complemented by shades that feature gold, brown, amber, beige, rust, copper, orange-red, forest green, and yellow.
Several shades are available, including soft green, grey and amber.
Choose from Smoke or Amber Gradient lenses, 2.5x or 3.5x magnification.
Just switch back to your photochromics before you step out of your car; the lenses will turn dark gray or amber when you're outside, and return to clear rapidly when you get inside the store.
During a sunny day you may want tinted gray or amber lenses.
For example, Edward from the movie Twilight has stunning amber colored eyes.
Several companies make amber contact lenses that can be bought online or ordered from an eye care professional.
Amber in color, these colored lenses enhance the contrast between the fairways and the greens, thus giving you a clearer view of the ball's trajectory against the sky or the green grass.
They enhance your vision and have an amber gradient tint that reduces glare as well as sharpens your vision.
While amber and gray are extremely popular lens colors, you may need rose lenses, for example, to give your best performance.
Choose from Black Iridium, Dark Grey, Grey, Amber Black Iridium Polarized, and Bronze Polarized lenses.
You can get these for $375.00 in brownstone horn with spice brown, black with grey gradient, or sycamore/oyster pearl with amber bronze.
They also come in amber and smoke colors.
They come in most traditional shapes and often house amber lenses, though other colors are available.
Amber, copper, and yellowish-green are all good for low-light fishing conditions and in shallow water.
Fishing in the middle of the day calls for the more traditional gray and amber lenses you see most often when you check out polarized styles.
You can have any clear lenses with your prescription tinted a deep gray or amber, then have them dipped in a solution that offers 100% UV protection.
All come with polarized gray, amber, and twilight yellow lenses.
You can choose from quite a few lens colors, including blue, red, peach, gray, amber and even mirrored styles.
Snow driving glasses may not be something the average person thinks about, as regular driving glasses tend to have an amber or gray tint and not everyone has to drive through the glare of snow on a regular basis.
If you need a catch-all pair of glasses, opt for amber or gray polarized lenses.
You can choose the lens color that works best for your eyes and the conditions under which you will be driving-rose, amber, gray, or even yellow.
Don't forget that you can use your snow driving glasses for other driving conditions, as well, such as nighttime driving (yellow) or even on very sunny days when there is no snow on the ground (amber and gray).
Orange, amber, and rose tints, for example, work well for snow sports because they offer a high level of contrast.
For example, you may choose a pair of amber vented sport goggles for skiing and a pair of black wraps with anti-reflective coatings for cycling or roller blading.
They come in your choice of lens color such as gray, amber or yellow.
However, you could choose to wear amber or honey-colored lenses or even black lenses in the style of the Twilight vampires.
There are some, like the amber and light blue styles, that you may be able to get away with for everday wear, too.
If you choose a pair of colored lenses in a honey or amber tone, they won't look too out of the ordinary and you could feasibly wear them all day without getting too many funny looks.
For those wanting to look like the vampires from the Cullen family in the movie Twilight, try a pair of gold contacts such as the Twilight ones that are done in a golden amber hue much like the ones in the movie.
The brown and amber lenses effectively reduce glare.
Your color options range from saucy black and lavender to classic tortoise and amber.
Usually, you'll need a brown or amber lens color for best maneuvering around potholes, other cyclists, rocks and mud.
Some colored lenses work best for snow (rose is popular), but polarized gray and amber are very versatile choices that can work in several light conditions and through more than just snow and ice.
If the mirror aspect isn't that important to you, you have other options, like amber, copper, gray, and vermillion polarized lenses.
Lenses are available in several shades, though the most common are dark gray and amber.
Berkley Polarized Fishing Glasses, model 735, are available with either Amber, Blue, Grey or Red lenses that are enhanced with a TAC 1.0 mm that sharpens vision without glare.
Choose from colors such as a black frame with polarized blue mirror lenses, black frame with polarized grey green lenses or tortoise frame with polychromatic amber lenses.
The Liberty styles that are available in each of these categories fit snugly, yet comfortably, around the head, and come in a myriad of lens colors that range from a soft golden amber, to gentle, yet clear, soft grey.
It comes in colors such as red, pink, blue, amber, and green.
They're most often metal with dark lenses in amber, bronze, black, or gray-green.
Colors made for golf include Amber, Grey, Purple, Green and Blue.
The only downfall is the lack of lens colors; most are gray or amber.
Produced in a variety of colors, the amber colored bottles are generally considered the most valuable bringing the highest prices at auctions and sales.
Amber and black colors are rare for fruit jars.
Straw, pink, yellow, or amber pigments (xanthochromia) are abnormal and indicate the presence of bilirubin, hemoglobin, red blood cells, or increased protein.
In 2005, an 11 year-old student at Amber Terrace Intermediate School in the Texas Desoto Independent School District was suspended and sentenced to 30 days of alternative school for folding a sheet of paper into an origami gun.
The votive holder is made of gold toned metal and hand painted with amber enamel.
Lavender Copal is an enticing combination of warm copal amber and lavender essential oil.
A cranberry red candle is perfect for a winter ring, a warm amber colored candle is ideal for a fall ring, or a light lilac candle is suitable for a spring ring.
Candle-licious - These peg glass candle holders are very plain in design, but come in rich colors such as green, amber, and cobalt blue.
Over the River - According to the description, this candle combines an overall "green" scent with notes of amber, sage and oak.
The Amber Ambition Clearly Colors by Comfort Curve will do nicely.
But spend more time getting that pale skin and amber eyes looking right, to say nothing of the hair.
Available in a variety of leathers, from smooth black to pit stop amber.
Screen trivia--If you notice little details during the show such as Amber's earrings, you'll like the screen trivia.
Rory Gilmore joined fellow teen stars America Ferrera (Betty, Ugly Betty), Amber Tamblyn (ex-Emily, GH) and Blake Lively (Serena, Gossip Girl) for The Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants 2.
Initially, Cane was paired with Adrienne Frantz's Amber Moore.
The pairing did not last long, ending with Amber's betrayal.
Key instructors include Amber Samplin, Candace Garrett, Jeff Masters, and many others.
LoveToKnow thanks Amber Gain for taking the time to sit down with us to talk about getting started hosting purse parties.
Amber Gain is the co-owner of Purse Party Inc. She started with the company in December of 2006 as a consultant.
Amber called her husband and he immediately said, "Do it."
Amber Brkich was invited to compete on the All-Stars edition after finishing sixth on Outback.
Since the show, Rob and Amber have married and competed on Amazing Race All-Stars.
The winner of the second season was Amber Lake, and Daisy DeLa Hoya (despite lying to Bret) was the runner-up.
Amber and Bret had a strong relationship throughout the show, but broke up about two months later.
At the end of Rock of Love season 2, Michaels was left with a choice between Daisy - the young, troubled girl who was completely devoted to him - and Amber - a woman more his age with a more stable life - and he chose Amber.
Rounding out the roster of notable Survivor winners is Amber Brkich.
The couple's wedding was televised on CBS in a one-hour special called Rob & Amber Get Married.
Amber Smith hopes to have her first sober relationship with a man.
Amber is a typical high school senior living in conservative Anderson, Indiana.
When the couple finds out they are having a baby they decide to move in together, much to the chagrin of Amber's parents, who don't approve of Gary.While Amber prepares the baby's nursery Gary blows money on expensive video games.
Financial strains begin to take their toll of the young couple and their strained relationship takes a toll on Amber's health.