Amazonas Sentence Examples
Negotiations for the settlement of this controversy, which involved fully one-third of the state of Amazonas, were broken off in 1870, but were resumed in 1905.
It covers the greater part of the states of Matto Grosso and Goyaz, a large part of southern Para, the southern margin of Amazonas, and a considerable part of western Maranhao.
Outside the two great river systems of the Amazon and river Plate (Rio de la Plata), which are treated under their respective titles, the rivers of Brazil are limited to the numerous small streams and three or four large rivers which flow eastward from the plateau regions directly into the Atlantic. The Amazon system covers the entire north-western part of the republic, the state of Amazonas, nearly the whole of Para and the greater part of Matto Grosso being drained by this great river and its tributaries.
The racial character of the people is not uniform throughout the republic, the whites predominating in the southern states, the Indians in Amazonas and, probably, Matto Grosso, and the mixed races in the central and northern coast states.
The republic has no territories, although Amazonas, Matto Grosso, Para and Goyaz cover an immense region of uninhabited and only partially explored territory.
In the Rio Branco region of Amazonas and in Piauhy, where the national government has long been the owner of extensive cattle ranges, the industry is in a state of decadence.
A conspiracy, of which Admiral Wandenkolk was the prime instigator, was discovered, and those who had taken part in it were banished to the distant state of Amazonas.
In 1850 autonomy was voted by the general assembly at Rio de Janeiro, and on the 1st of January 1852 the province of Amazonas was formally installed.
Tobacco is grown in the department of Piura, and in the montana departments of Loreto, Amazonas and Cajamarca.
It is the seat of a bishopric, created in 1802, which covers the departments of Amazonas and Loreto, and one province of Libertad.
AdvertisementBefore the conquest of South America, the Rio de las Amazonas had no general name; for, according to a common custom, each savage tribe gave a name only to the section of the river which it occupied - such as Paranaguazu, Guyerma, Solimoes and others.
The first descent of the mighty artery from the Andes to the sea was made by Orellana in 1541, and the name Amazonas arises from the battle which he had with a tribe of Tapuya savages where the women of the tribe fought alongside the men, as was the custom among all of the Tapuyas.
Orellana, no doubt, derived the name Amazonas from the ancient Amazons of Asia and Africa described by Herodotus and Diodorus.
The local trade of the river is carried on by the English successors to the Amazonas Company - the Amazon Steam Navigation Company.
The number of inhabitants in the Brazilian Amazon basin (the states of Amazonas and Path) is purely a matter of rough estimate.
AdvertisementIt ranks next to Amazonas in size, its area, which is largely unsettled and unexplored, being 532,370 sq.