Amazed Sentence Examples
I was amazed at his reaction to a simple compliment.
I am amazed that you would do that for me.
Dean was amazed at the size of the crowd.
I'm forever amazed at your ingenuity.
Sofia fled to her room, amazed at how good she felt.
The idea he feared anything amazed her.
All three stood amazed at the sight before them.
She shook her head, once again amazed at how awful pain was.
Alex stared in amazed appreciation.
I told them I was a Wizard, and showed them some easy tricks that amazed them; and when they saw the initials painted on the balloon they called me Oz.
AdvertisementBut he was so handsome, and she so amazed he wanted to go out with her, that she ignored the instincts warning her it would never last.
But when he said it he was amazed at his own words.
Brady recovered his balance, once again amazed at just how weak his body was.
Though Balashev was used to imperial pomp, he was amazed at the luxury and magnificence of Napoleon's court.
You will be amazed at what you discover.
AdvertisementThe artist was a master of perspective, causing the viewers to be amazed by his paintings.
She turned around, amazed by the fact that he had spoken while he was awake.
When the young scholar presented himself to the rulers of that society, they were amazed not more by his ungainly figure and eccentric manners than by the quantity of extensive and curious information which he had picked up during many months of desultory but not unprofitable study.
She approached the window, amazed at the snow, until her gaze fell to a figure kneeling like a dark gargoyle in the middle of the white lawn.
He exhaled and began to pet her, still amazed at how thick and soft her fur felt.
AdvertisementJackson stood dumbstruck; amazed the newborn possessed such control.
As they looked down at the river from the hilltop, the children were amazed by the depth of the vale.
He jumped and turned toward her, equally amazed that she had snuck up on him.
Her directness and pure courage-- there was no other word for her insubordinate address!-- amazed him.
His architectural and engineering projects were of a daring which amazed even the fellow-citizens of Alberti and Brunelleschi.
AdvertisementPlutarch observes that the Greeks, though accustomed to the conceptions of the animal attendants of their own gods, were amazed when they found animals worshipped as gods by the Egyptians.
Ed WELL RED Well done you clever boffins at YS, you've enticed yet another amazed disciple away from an Iron Curtain magazine.
Pacioli was equally amazed and delighted at Leonardo's two great achievements in sculpture and painting, and still more at the genius for mathematical, physical and anatomical research shown in the collections of MS. notes which the master laid before him.
To quell speculation... I 'm amazed - you people actually read these memes.
The fragile nuance of the situation amazed him.
I am constantly amazed as my son accomplishes his goals and defies all expectations.
The hospital staff were amazed and made a huge fuss of Bertie, as his actions had helped save her life.
What amazed me totally was that after an exceptionally rowdy baths they had fallen asleep by 9.30 - what a result!
To quell speculation... I'm amazed - you people actually read these memes.
This amazed Nicholas and even made him regard Bolkonski's courtship skeptically.
The assembled nobles all took off their uniforms and settled down again in their homes and clubs, and not without some groans gave orders to their stewards about the enrollment, feeling amazed themselves at what they had done.
Which aspect of Michelangelo's artwork are you most amazed by?
The speaker's powerful rhetoric amazed nearly all of the audience.
The diversity of plants and animals in the earth's biosphere amazed Catherine, so she decided to pursue a biology degree.
Keep it fun, keep it fresh, and you will be amazed at what you can achieve.
Susan Boyle's voice is so lovely, clear, and heartfelt that the judges were amazed.
This is the place where most of the Survivor spoilers originate, and you'll be amazed at just how much information is available here.
Who could not fail to be amazed at the imposing beauty of Angkor Wat, rising phoenix like from its jungle setting.
Be amazed by the scale of these largely unheard of Roman remains.
Jim stopped abruptly, being startled and amazed.
She stood, amazed and confused, her swarthy face flushed, her eyes full of contempt and regret.
I am amazed at the human brain's capacity to recognize each nuance of speech.
I was amazed at how inept she was at her job.
I was amazed to find that they all loved the idea of a safe way to let kitty enjoy his or her time outside.
These will get the conversation rolling throughout the afternoon, as guests may be amazed or amused by some of the true answers.
You'll be amazed at how many caterers, photographers and coordinators will come out of the woodwork and help to cut costs.
At first, the general public was amazed and impressed, as all eight babies thrived.
Fiona's Children's Special Occasion opened late in the First Holy Communion season, and I was amazed that each child chose the perfect dress for her frame!
You'll be amazed by the feeling of satisfaction you'll get, and it won't be too long before you're setting your oven on preheat again.
Replace all of the cabinet handles, install a newer, brighter light fixture and replace the faucet; you'll be amazed at how different your kitchen will look.
If you took a sewing class in high school, then you will be amazed at how much you may actually remember.
In fact, you might be amazed with all of the different styles that are available today on the market.
After talking to some of them, I was amazed by their impressive demos.
While you'll be amazed at your surroundings, you will not be amazed at the other mundane graphics that you will encounter.
Are you amazed at the music game revolution going on?
When you see yourself in combat with that famous "slow motion" (bullet-time) view that shows you some of the more complex combos, you will be amazed.
It's absolutely astounding to think that only 20 years ago, we were amazed by the colors in Tetris or the sharp animations of popular Nintendo Entertainment System titles like the original Super Mario Bros.
While you won't be amazed by groundbreaking graphics and earth-shattering sound in Wii Sports, Nintendo has done a good job of jazzing it up with vibrantly-colored backgrounds, fluid animations, and quirky-looking characters.
After reciting the half that his love had written, the emperor was amazed and quickly bestowed the honor of being one of his ministers to the young man.
They're cut to flatter even the most problematic of body shapes, so you'll be amazed at what a good designer swimsuit can do for you.
You'll be amazed at the transformation just two month's work can create.
In fact, you will be amazed by the vibrant, life-like portraits some of these towels showcase.
This is above and beyond past Tickle Me Elmos, and your whole family will be amazed at the dynamics built into this Elmo.
Activity Village-You'll be amazed at the amount of printables and other Halloween themed activities and suggestions found at this site.
Rely on your child's imagination to fuel the outdoor activities, and you'll be amazed at what they come up with.
When the show aired using the made-up legend, Snopes staffers were amazed.
Children will be amazed to learn more about the music genre that was popular as their parents were growing up.
Regardless of what you feel is the right decision regarding the Idaho cheerleaders, they have said in numerous interviews that they are amazed that the thing that launched them into national stardom was a uniform controversy.
For those who think it isn't, I would like to see you try it because you will be amazed.
Even though you may feel like you'll never be able to perform the splits, if you can stick with your flexibility program for several months, you'll be amazed at your improvement.
I have been so amazed at some of the artful and beautiful soaps that have been made with M&P soap.
You'll also be amazed at some of the surprisingly tasty juice combinations.
You'll be amazed at how firm and fabulous your butt looks in just a few weeks.
In fact, it is so well-rounded, and soundly structured, you'll be amazed that there's no cost involved.
Prepare to be amazed by the intricate details these vintage stockings have, from pearl and rhinestone additions to the brand name printed on the top of the nylons.
Encountering the Parthians in battle, the Roman army was amazed at the silken banners that appeared to float over the battlefield.
Don't be afraid to question if a site is legal or not, and you will likely be amazed at just how many songs you can download.
You will be amazed at the list of chefs, cooks and restaurant owners who won The Next Food Network Star over its first four seasons.
The real-life married couple says they were inspired to create the series because they were amazed and amused by the Frungillos' work.
Fans of the show will be thrilled to visit places only mentioned in the series and new comers will be amazed at the diverse and lavish universe Whedon has created.
In fact, if you've tried creating HTML pages, you're going to be amazed at how much simpler a stylesheet is, at least to start.
He'd heard it in her thoughts even if she didn't speak the words, and her ability to see through him as he did everyone else amazed him.
Another giant of a man passed her, and she shook her head, amazed.
He was amazed at the wild scramble prompted by his tossed offerings, especially the beads.
I don't think I can look that desperate if I tried, she said, amazed at Toni's brazen attempts to flash Xander.
The farmer was amazed and slightly agitated to see Tom stood under the porch clutching the ' bladder of brandy ' .
I am constantly amazed at the new things I've learned during my year in London.
I wasn't a fan of that film at all, and was frankly amazed at the success it enjoyed.
I am absolutely amazed by the transformation of myself.
Mrs Goode commented, ' I've only ever won a bottle of wine in a raffle so I'm utterly amazed!
We are continually amazed just how much can be raised from left over holiday money.
Believe me, once you see a shark just off the coast in Britain you will be totally amazed.
Take part in our Samurai school, be amazed by Japanese horse archery, and enjoy a tour of the Oriental gallery.
I was amazed at the terrorists ' audacity, and America's vulnerability.
We discussed the positively balmy conditions for February, both somewhat amazed to be perspiring in our fishing gear.
I am honestly amazed that more artists don't use between song banter to talk about who they want to " fook " .
Enjoy softer, smoother hair and skin - You'll be amazed at how much better your skin and hair look and feel.
We were amazed that any child would survive childbirth or infancy in these conditions.
You would be amazed exactly how much crud congregates under these badges over the years, especially the front one.
From a whiskey distillery to Royal history, you'll be amazed at what you can discover.
I was quite amazed when I saw a tiny duckling trailing her into the kitchen and over to her food bowl.
Amazed and almost dumbstruck, he makes his way back to the antique shop.
His doctors remain amazed at the glacial pace of his losses. Think taking estrogen will save your memory?
Battle was broken off as darkness fell, and the next day the Spaniards were amazed to see the Revenge still floating.
Trumble sat frozen, amazed that he had actually done it.
After much grunting and a short ladder I was amazed at the size of the chamber we arrived in.
You'll be amazed at what potential hazards you will find.
You will be amazed at how much smaller your muck heap is!
You cannot visit the Eden Project without being amazed at the sheer magnitude of it all.
My wife was amazed by the wide range of his interests and his persistently enquiring mind.
In this beautiful story, an Emperor is amazed when he finds true joy in the simple song of a small brown nightingale.
The bride to be will be amazed to receive one of our gift packs on her hen nite.
Finally, making an easy cast, she so far outdistanced the others that everyone was amazed, and I was really ashamed.
You will be amazed how fast the ink in a ball-point pen fades over a period of just 30 years.
I was quite amazed to find some of your observations an almost perfect mirror to my comments.
I am still thrilled and often amazed how an idea in my mind develops into a finished piece of work.
British divers will be amazed at the intact nature of the wrecks, which often have all portholes intact.
We were especially amazed at hearing the official pronouncements of the Soviet bureaucrats.
Personally, for convenience and cost, I'm amazed it hasn't rendered dating in Dallas utterly redundant.
It is truly sacrificial and I am constantly amazed at their consistency and dependability.
I was amazed to discover that the plans by the board of asset stripping even include the stadium scoreboard.
I am quite amazed to see sheep grazing on the very steep slopes, they must be extremely sure-footed.
I rode it six days prior to the race and was amazed at the very tight climbing switchbacks.
You will be amazed how such a small stick allows you to access free digital TV and radio signals including teletext wherever you are.
The pillars of heaven tremble and are amazed at His rebuke.
Six centuries elapsed before the accidental discovery of a sepulchral chamber by some labourers digging for pozzolana earth (May 31, 1578) revealed to the amazed inhabitants of Rome " the existence," to quote a contemporary record, " of other cities concealed beneath their own suburbs."
This was the brilliant charge of the Horse Guards that amazed the French themselves.
Both Marya Dmitrievna and Sonya were amazed when they saw how Natasha looked.
Dolokhov's appearance amazed Petya by its simplicity.
Personally, for convenience and cost, I 'm amazed it has n't rendered dating in Dallas utterly redundant.
On inspecting under the bridge, I was amazed to discover that there was a rickety old wooden staircase was still in place !
What amazed me totally was that after an exceptionally rowdy baths they had fallen asleep by 9.30 - what a result !
On calmer reflection, I was totally amazed by the stupidity of the people involved.
The farmer was amazed at how fast he worked and wished he could get the mazed yard boy to toil as hard.
One is amazed, for example, at what the viceregal court considered a crisis.
Even experienced yachtsmen will be amazed at the speed and agility of a 100-year-old, 100 ton Thames sailing barge.
I am amazed at the number of trees and bushes that precariously grow on the side of this cliff.
I am constantly amazed as my son accomplishes his goals anddefies all expectations.
The children were amazed as they saw the dry ice sublime into a gas instead of melt.
As they looked down at the river from the hilltop, the children were amazedby the depth of the vale.
Some will be sweet, some will be humorous -you'll be amazed at the creative wardrobe baby will have inherited by the end of the afternoon.
I was just amazed, because I never realized they made so many things for cats.
One person's trash is another person's treasure, so you may be amazed at the cash your children's outgrown clothes or your old comic book collection might bring in.
Once you install a rain barrel, you'll be amazed how much water you collect for use and how much was being wasted as gutter runoff.
You'll be amazed at the clever space-saving ideas and the spectacular interior designs featured.
You will be amazed at how much a simple frame can change the look of your entire bathroom.
By the time I was finished everyone around me was amazed.
You'd be amazed at how many people have called or emailed the corporate headquarters of their favorite beauty product and have received free beauty samples.
You will be amazed at how your makeup routine will be minimized and yet your beauty will be maximized.
Immediately, I'm amazed at how well the blush goes on, and even more amazed at how nice I look; to my absolute delight, I don't look like a clown out all!
Look at any beach, and you'll be amazed at the beauty of the blue sky, pretty whitecaps, and sandy beach.
You'll be amazed at what you can find - and even if you don't get the job now, you never know what kind of connections you might make by getting your resume on file with a company you're interested in joining.
You will be amazed at how much larger her hand will look by school's end.
You will be amazed at how much a few tips can really help you maximize your time and money when shopping for teen clothing.
Friends, family and the general public are amazed that no one was more seriously injured.
You'll be amazed at how much dirt and dust your dog's coat holds.
I have been amazed at just how many animals have been cured by fixing their diets.
Once you begin exploring, you'll be amazed at what you can find.
In addition to playing it myself, I watched several other people play through the game and was amazed that at the same exact point in the game, our characters all seemed to turn into, more or less, the same person.
The Guitar Hero games have amazed video gamers by allowing them to play classic and hard rock songs with a guitar controller.
On the contrary, this star is so sleek and toned that once you see these bikini photographs, you'll truly be amazed that she's almost forty years old.
You may be amazed at just how good you'll look when you find the type of suit that is just right for you.
You'll be amazed at how often you want to wear pieces like these!
While his creation amazed consumers with its ability to mix and liquify, today's blender buyers expect multiple functions, interchangeable blades, LED displays, and a rainbow of case colors.
I was amazed at how much juice came out of very little produce.
It's a great self esteem exercise for any school club or non profit, and teens will be amazed at what a great event they can pull off.
MySpace hit the Web full force, and its success has amazed many.
You'll both be amazed at how a little effort can really transform your room and your romantic experiences.
You will be amazed at how happy your significant other will feel after receiving one of these and how it can really improve your relationship.
You'd be amazed how many people struggle with what to say and how to say it and forget the simple power of non-verbal communication.
I am consistently amazed each time we add a new product to our shelves at the taste and quality.
Parents are often amazed at the quality and quantity of information that is available.As a parent, you'll want to do all that you can to get your child ready for kindergarten.
You may be amazed at what they can come up with.
If your children have seen the movie, they will love this book and be amazed that Christopher Paolini began penning this series at the age of 15.
You will be amazed to see the smart 20 databank pages, 5- day counter, 40-city world-time, and digital dial code.
I was amazed at how quickly he was able to transfer the skills mastered through playing Let's Talk to everyday conversations.
Just give your kids a pile of paper, some paper goods, maybe some cardboard or a box, and you will be amazed what they come up with after very little guidance from you.
Sticking with Spicy Lingerie, you might be amazed at the choices in teddies.
If you haven't shopped for breast forms before, you might be amazed by the sheer amount and variation there is on the market.
First they are amazed that someone can act like that and treat other people like that.
You just might be amazed at what you have been missing out on.
You will be amazed at how quickly your body will begin to calm itself.
Their string tops alone will leave you amazed at how sexy itty-bitty pieces of string can be.
The "disco elf", for example, is on a disco-style dance floor, and you'll be amazed at how well you can shake your groove thing as you watch the video.
There was a tenderness in the way she looked at him that amazed him.
In defending the new scheme he spoke incessantly, and amazed the House by his mastery of detail, his intimate acquaintance with the commercial needs of the country, and his inexhaustible power of exposition.
And Croesus was so amazed that he endowed the Oracle at Delphi with all kinds of gifts and planned to run all-important questions by this oracle.
She feared for her brother who was in it, was horrified by and amazed at the strange cruelty that impels men to kill one another, but she did not understand the significance of this war, which seemed to her like all previous wars.
Pushing herself up, Deidre was amazed at the size and furnishings of the room.
But even his most hostile teachers were amazed by the brilliance of his natural gifts, and, while still a boy, he possessed that charm of manner which was to make him so fascinating and so dangerous in later life, coupled with the strong dramatic instinct which won for him his honourable place in Swedish literature.
Notwithstanding his own success as a magician Simon Magus was amazed in his turn at the superior power of Christianity.
Whereat Dositheus was so amazed that he said to him, " Art thou the Standing One?
What she saw amazed her, and her eyes watered, this time out of relief and happiness.
Carmen had amazed him with her selfless offer to Lori.
You are amazed at all the things you know which are not on the examination paper.
Although the Swedish government, amazed at Morner's effrontery, at once placed him under arrest on his return to Sweden, the candidature of Bernadotte gradually gained favour there, and, on the 21st of August 1810, he was elected crown-prince.