Alum Sentence Examples
Large deposits of alum occur close to the village of Bulladelah, 30 m.
Alum and blue vitriol (sulphate of copper) are manufactured from decomposed schists at Khetri in Shaikhawati.
Potash alum is the common alum of commerce, although both soda alum and ammonium alum are manufactured.
Instead of the sweet taste she expected, it was bitter - like alum.
The output of alum averages 4000 to 5000 tons a year, and is mostly exported from Civitavecchia.
The western promontory is flanked on the north by the picturesque Alum Bay, and the lofty detached rocks known as the Needles lie off it..
The modern town in the immediate neighbourhood, still known as Fokia, was founded by the Genoese in 1421 on account of the rich alum mines in the neighbourhood.
P. Granville put into practice between Alum Bay in the Isle of Wight and the Needles lighthouse a method which depends upon conduction through sea water.
Early in 1898 permanent stations were established between Alum Bay and Bournemouth, a distance of 142 m., where successful results were obtained.
Later the Bournemouth station was removed to Poole Harbour, and the Alum Bay station to Niton in the Isle of Wight, the distance being thus increased to 30 m.
AdvertisementOther minerals found here are graphite, alum, potter's clay and roofing-slate, and, besides, famous silvermines were worked at Iglau during the middle ages.
Industries include slate quarrying, shipbuilding, iron and brass foundries, alum, vitriol, manure, guano and tobacco works.
Salts of ammonium were also known; while alum was used as a mordant in dyeing.
For example, episomorphs of white potash alum and violet chrome alum, of white magnesium sulphate and green nickel sulphate, and of many other pairs of salts, have been obtained.
The cups when full are poured into a larger vessel, and solution of alum is added to coagulate the latex.
AdvertisementIn order to make spongy or porous rubber, some material is incorporated which will give off gas or vapour at the vulcanizing temperature, - such as carbonate of ammonia, crystallized alum, and finely ground damp sawdust.
The presence of sulphuric acid in potash alum was known to the alchemists.
Chaptal published the analysis of four different kinds of alum, namely, Roman alum, Levant alum, British alum and alum manufactured by himself.
The word alumen, which we translate alum, occurs in Pliny's Natural History.
This property seems to characterize a solution of iron sulphate in water; a solution of ordinary (potash) alum would possess no such property.
AdvertisementPliny says that there is another kind of alum which the Greeks call schistos.
From the name schistos, and the mode of formation, there can be little doubt that this species was the salt which forms spontaneously on certain slaty minerals, as alum slate and bituminous shale, and which consists chiefly of the sulphates of iron and aluminium.
The alumen of the ancients, then, was not the same with the alum of the moderns.
But the ancients were unacquainted with our alum.
As alum and green vitriol were applied to a variety of substances in common, and as both are distinguished by a sweetish and astringent taste, writers, even after the discovery of alum, do not seem to have discriminated the two salts accurately from each other.
AdvertisementIn the writings of the alchemists we find the words misy, sory, chalcanthum applied to alum as well as to iron sulphate; and the name atramentum sutorium, which ought to belong, one would suppose, exclusively to green vitriol, applied indifferently to both.
Various minerals are employed in the manufacture of alum, the most important being alunite or alum-stone, alum schist, bauxite and cryolite.
In order to obtain alum from alunite, it is calcined and then exposed to the action of air for a considerable time.
This powder is then lixiviated with hot water, the liquor decanted, and the alum allowed to crystallize.
The alum schists employed in the manufacture of alum are mixtures of iron pyrites, aluminium silicate and various bituminous substances, and are found in upper Bavaria, Bohemia, Belgium and Scotland.
It is now allowed to stand for some time, decanted from any sediment, and finally mixed with the calculated quantity of potassium sulphate (or if ammonium alum is required, with ammonium sulphate), well agitated, and the alum is thrown down as a finely-divided precipitate of alum meal.
In the preparation of alum from clays or from bauxite, the material is gently calcined, then mixed with sulphuric acid and heated gradually to boiling; it is allowed to stand for some time, the clear solution drawn off and mixed with acid potassium sulphate and allowed to crystallize.
When cryolite is used for the preparation of alum, it is mixed with calcium carbonate and heated.
When heated to nearly a red heat it gives a porous friable mass which is known as "burnt alum."
Alum finds application as a mordant, in the preparation of lakes for sizing hand-made paper and in the clarifying of turbid liquids.
The solubility of the various alums in water varies greatly, sodium alum being readily soluble in water, whilst caesium and rubidium alums are only sparingly soluble.
Its chief mineral products are coal, nitre, sulphur, alum, soda, saltpetre, gypsum, porcelain-earth, pipe-clay, asphalt, petroleum, marble and ores of gold, silver, mercury, copper, iron, lead, zinc, antimony, cobalt and arsenic. The principal mining regions are Zsepes-Giimor in Upper Hungary, the Kremnitz-Schemnitz district, the Nagybanya district, the Transylvanian deposits and the Banat.
One part of cream of tartar, two of alum and two of common salt are dissolved in boiling water, and the solution is boiled with granulated metallic tin (or, better, mixed with a little stannous chloride) to produce a tin solution; and into this the articles are put at a boiling heat.
In 1472 a quarrel having arisen with Volterra on account of a dispute concerning the alum mines, Lorenzo sent an expedition against the city, which was sacked and many of the inhabitants massacred.
Titanium sesquisulphate, T12(S04)3.8H20, obtained by concentrating the violet solution formed when the metal is dissolved in sulphuric acid, is interesting since it forms a caesium alum, CsTi(S04)2.12H20.
These lakes contain free sulphuric acid, mixed with iron and alum.
Its other mineral resources include graphite, copper, zinc, lead, salt, alum, potter's clay, marble and good mill and building stones.
Lead and zinc are mined in much smaller quantities, alum and sulphur are also.
Fergusson Island clearly shows remains of extinct craters, and possesses numerous hot springs, saline lakes and solfataras depositing sulphur and alum.
The wells of the town are strongly impregnated with salt and alum, and in the vicinity there are several hot springs.
Besides St James and City Hall parks in the city, San Jose has Alum Rock Canyon Park, a tract of woo acres, with sixteen mineral springs, in Penitencia Canyon, 7 m.
Papers published in 1776 were concerned with quartz, alum and clay and with the analysis of calculus vesicae from which for the first time he obtained uric acid.
The islands have large (unworked) supplies of pumice, sandstone, sulphur, gypsum, alum and mineral-paint ochres, and some salt, kaolin and sal-ammoniac, but otherwise they are without mineral wealth other than lava rocks for building purposes.
The remaining mineral products include lead, from which a considerable quantity of silver is extracted, copper, cobalt, arsenic, the rarer metal cadmium, alum, brown coal, marble, and a few of the commoner precious stones, jaspers, agates and amethysts.
It is mentioned in the De inventione veritatis ascribed to Geber, wherein it is obtained by calcining a mixture of nitre, alum and blue vitriol.
Guyton de Morveau suggested that this base should be called alumine, after Sel alumineux, the French name for alum; and about 1820 the word was changed into alumina.
Baron de Henouville, unsuccessfully attempted "to reduce the base of alum" to a metal, and shortly afterwards various other investigators essayed the problem in vain.
Aluminium sulphate, known commercially as "concentrated alum" or "sulphate of alumina," is manufactured from kaolin or china clay, which, after roasting (in order to oxidize any iron present), is heated with sulphuric acid, the clear solution run off, and evaporated.
The water of many of the springs contains sulphur, iron, alum and other materials in solution, which in places stain the pure white sinter with bright bands of colour.
Pyritous shales have been largely used in the manufacture of alum, and are therefore known as "alum-shales."
Arsenic, saltpetre, alum, naphtha and sulphur may be collected in the volcanic districts.
On concentration of the solution, the major portion of the aluminium present separates as alum, and the mother liquor remaining contains beryllium and iron sulphates together with a little alum.
Exempt from duty were now only refuse, raw products, scientific instruments, ships and literary and artistic objects; forty-four articles notably beer, vinegar, sugar, herrings, cocoa, salt, fish oils, ether, alum and sodawere unaffected by the change, while duties were henceforth levied upon a large number of articles which had previously been admitted dtity free, such as pig iron, machines and locomotives, grain, building timber, tallow; horses, cattle and sheep; and, again, the tariff law further increased the duties leviable upon numerous other articles.
Alum is found in the western oases.
A slight degree of acidity seems more favourable to the crystallization of salt than alkalinity; thus it is a practice to add a certain amount of alum, 2 to 12 lb per pan of brine, especially when, as in fishery salt, fine crystals are required.
Silver, copper, lead and iron are worked to some profit, while arsenic, alum, graphite, marble, porcelain, precious and building stones are also found.
Industries include the manufacture of alum, sugar, rope and agricultural instruments, and iron-founding.
The quantity of these materials is so small that analyses of Keene's cement show it to be almost pure anhydrous calcium sulphate, and make it difficult to explain what, if any, influence these minute amounts of alum and the like can exert on the setting of the cement.
But the hydroxide of thallium, in most of its properties, comes very close to the alkali metals; it is strongly basic, forms an insoluble chloroplatinate, and an alum strikingly similar to the corresponding potassium compounds.
It unites with sulphuric acid giving an acid salt, T1HSO 4.3H 2 O, and with aluminium, chromium and iron sulphates to form an "alum."
With potassium sulphate in the presence of sulphuric acid it forms potassium manganese alum, K2S04 Mn2(S04)3.24H20.
Other minerals which exist but have not yet been developed in paying quantities are copper ore, alum, gypsum and plumbago.
Other industrial products are machinery, enamelled tinware, leather, alum, paper, earthenware, stoves and spirits, while a tolerably brisk trade is carried on in wool, feathers, cattle and horses.
In another research dealing with the nature of alum he showed that one of the constituents of that substance, alumina, is contained in common clay, and further that the salt cannot be prepared by the action of sulphuric acid on alumina alone, the addition of an alkali being necessary.
Trade and manufactures are insignificant; iron, lignite, cobalt, alum and vitriol are among the mineral productions.
Minerals produced in small quantities include gypsum, millstones, salt and sandstone, and among those found but not produced (in 1902) in commercial quantities may be mentioned allanite, alum, arsenic, bismuth, carbonite, felspar, kaolin, marble, plumbago, quartz, serpentine and tin.
Other minerals found in various places of Bohemia are copper, sulphur, cobalt, alum, nickel, arsenic and various sorts of precious stone, like the Bohemian garnet (pyrope), and building stone.
His attempts to decompose "alum me, silica, zircone and glucine" were still less fortunate.
The art of the glass-workers was taken under the protection of the Government in 1275, and regulated by a special code of laws and privileges; two fairs were held annually, and the export of all materials, such as alum and sand, which enter into the composition of glass was absolutely forbidden.
Originally prepared by heating alum, green vitriol and other sulphates, and condensing the products of distillation, sulphuric acid, or at least an impure substance containing more or less sulphur trioxide dissolved in water, received considerable attention at the hands of the alchemists.
The most important mineral is a peculiarly rich argentiferous lead, but gold in small quantities, copper, iron, sulphur, alum and arsenic are also found.
Ferric potassium sulphate, the common iron alum, K2SO4Fe2(SO 4)3.24H2O, forms bright violet octahedra.
Upper and Middle Cretaceous, containing phosphates, gypsum, naphtha, sulphur and alum, attain thicknesses of 2000 and 5000 ft.
There are abundant deposits of gypsum, alum, kaolin, marble and similar materials.
The principal industry of the province is that of mining, its mineral resources including gold, silver, copper, nickel, tin, cobalt, coal, alum and salt.
Alum clay or bauxite, from which aluminium is manufactured, is found in the same county.
Among the less important Spanish minerals are manganese (chiefly in Ciudad Real), antimony, gold, cobalt, sodic sulphate, sulphate of barium (barytes), phosphorite (found in Chceres), alum, sulphur, kaolin, lignite, asphalt, besides a variety of building and ornamental stones.
He also proved that the process of liquid diffusion causes partial decomposition of certain chemical compounds, the potassium sulphate, for instance, being separated from the aluminium sulphate in alum by the higher diffusibility of the former salt.
Its suburbs have greatly extended along the sea front, and the beautiful chines of Boscombe, Alum and Branksome have attracted a large number of wealthy residents.
An indium ammonium alum, In2(S04)3 (NH4)2S04.24H20 is known.
Among the fruits Ettingshausen records Quercus, Liquidambar, Laurus, Nyssa, Diospyros, Symplocos, Magnolia, Victoria, Hightea, Sapindus, Cupania, Eugenia, Eucalyptus, Amygdalus; he suggests that the fruits of the London Clay of Sheppey may belong to the same plants as the leaves found at Alum Bay in the Isle of Wight.
The next stage is represented by the Lower Bagshot leaf-beds of Alum Bay.
The total number of species found at Alum Bay, according to this author, is only about 50 or 60.
Others are rich in pyrites, which, on oxidation, produces sulphuric acid; this attacks the aluminous silicates of the clay and forms aluminium sulphate (alum shales).
Gum arabic is not precipitated from solution by alum, stannous chloride, sulphate or nitrate of copper, or neutral lead acetate; with basic lead acetate it forms a white jelly, with ferric chloride it yields a stiff clear gelatinoid mass, and its solutions are also precipitated by borax.
The other mineral resources include silver (one-third of the total German yield), pit-coal, pyrites, alum, plaster of Paris, sulphur, alabaster and several varieties of good building-stone.
Not far to the south at Kettleness, there were two mines, one producing alum and the producing iron ore.
Inventor of a process for making potash alum, used in textile dyeing.
However, leather objects made after 1884 were probably not processed using alum tanning (Storch 1987 ).
Crystal deodorant is a naturally occurring crystal of pure ammonium alum.
I'm looking forward to connecting with more alum, so drop me a line through my website.
Their new alum, Victory for the Common Muse, is out on June 19.
Here you can see the barnacle encrusted Alum Bay wooden gun carriage wheel brought up by divers in 2002.
Finding plesiosaurs and ichthyosaurs through working alum shale helps to scotch the suspicion that they are merely late deposits on it.
It forms double salts with the sulphates of the metals of the alkalis, known as the alums (see Alum).
The minerals known to exist are - alum, antimony, arsenic, asbestos, boracide, chrome, coal, copper, emery, fuller's earth, gold, iron, kaolin, lead, lignite, magnetic iron, manganese, meerschaum, mercury, nickel, rock-salt, silver, sulphur and zinc. The vegetation varies with the climate, soil and elevation.
He served with the force under Outram at the Alum Bagh, including the repulse of the numerous attacks.
Whether you're a student, an alum or saving for a child's college tuition, MBNA probably has a card you can use.
Ian Ziering marked the first 90210 alum to compete on the show.
American Idol alum Kelly Clarkson recently revealed that she also suffered from bulimia for a short time in high school.
Tracy Morgan - This Saturday Night Live alum was busted twice for drunk driving, once in New York and once in Los Angeles.
Nikki McKibbin - Another troubled American Idol alum is entering the world of televised rehab, but hasn't revealed her addiction.
David Foster later confirmed rumors that his sister and the American Idol alum did not conceive the old-fashioned way but rather, through artificial insemination.
Barrino recently finished recording a duet with fellow Idol alum Jennifer Hudson.
John Belushi - Another celebrity who succumbed to a drug overdose, this Saturday Night Live alum died in 1982 from a fatal injection of cocaine and heroin.
Not many people know that if you are an alum of a university, you can also look into completing coursework as an auditor in the future - sometimes even online or at a remote location.
Ayurvedic practitioners suggest gargling with a mixture of water, salt, and tumeric (Curcuma longa) powder or astringents such as alum, sumac, sage, and bayberry (Myrica spp.).
Also a Dancing with the Stars alum, Drew Lachey is the host of this popular dance show.
Even Will Ferrell (in Jackie Moon character) makes an appearance hamming it up with SI alum Heidi Klum.
Abrams attributes the Alias series creation to an idea thrown around in the writer's room for Felicity and cast Felicity alum Jennifer Garner in the lead role of Sydney Bristow, a college student who is also a superspy.
The award-winning actor (and Bonanza alum) is among daytime's legends and reportedly earns nearly five million dollars per year.
This jazz project goes under the name Monstrance and includes fellow XTC alum Barry Andrews and Martyn Baker.
Hudson is known from her time on the show, like many other Idol alum such as Adam Lambert and Kelly Clarkson.
Frankie Abernathy, an alum of the San Diego season, died of cystic fibrosis in 2007 after the show closely documented her illness.
The show follows Laguna Beach alum Lauren Conrad's journey through the fashion design world as she received her education, interned for Teen Vogue, and now has her own designing endeavors.
He also the third highest-selling alum from the show, with almost 2.5 million records sold worldwide.
The second season of I Love Money started in January 2009, and two I Love Money season one cast alum made an appearance - The Entertainer and Heat.
First, viewers (and Bret) found out that she was still living with her ex-boyfriend, and then that Daisy had had a "friendship" with one of Bret's band mates, fellow VH1 Celebreality alum C.C.
Megan Wants a Millionaire featured VH1 reality show alum Megan Hauserman.
DeVille (himself a VH1 alum), Daisy De La Hoya looked like a surefire bet to win Bret's heart during Rock of Love 2.
It is said to yield well, and a quantity of the manufactured alum is sent to Sydney for local consumption.
Among the Arabian and later alchemists we find attempts made to collate compounds by specific properties, and it is to these writers that we are mainly indebted for such terms as "alkali," " sal," &c. The mineral acids, hydrochloric, nitric and sulphuric acids, and also aqua regia (a mixture of hydrochloric and nitric acids) were discovered, and the vitriols, alum, saltpetre, sal-ammoniac, ammonium carbonate, silver nitrate (lunar caustic) became better known.
Salt is quarried on government account at Kalabagh and alum is largely obtained in the same neighbourhood.
Vapours are emitted which deposit sulphur and alum, and some mining is carried on.