Altos Sentence Examples
Look out for the new Reference altos that should appear by Easter 2003.
He attended Los Altos High School in Hacienda Heights and made a name for himself as an outstanding volleyball and football player.
The mean elevation is greatest in the west (Altos of Quezaltenango) and least in the east (Altos of Guatemala).
A better idea of this region is conveyed by the native name Altos, or highlands, although that term includes the northern declivity of the Sierra Madre.
A few of the streams of the Pacific slope actually rise in the Altos, and force a way through the Sierra Madre at the bottom of deep ravines.
Fruits, grain and medicinal plants are obtained in great abundance, especially where the soil is largely of volcanic origin, as in the Altos and Sierra Madre.
The soil is almost a pure sandy gravel with a subsoil of varied nature, but principally altos, gravel, clay or sand.
The Indians belong chiefly to the Maya stock, which predominates throughout Peten, or to the allied Quiche race which is well represented in the Altos and central districts.