Alternatives Sentence Examples
These alternatives seem to be wrongly put.
I have no idea what my alternatives are.
It is this immediate consciousness of the power of choosing between alternatives which the determinist finds so difficult to explain.
It is, as it were, a schedule to be filled in, and is connected with the disjunctive judgment as a schematic setting forth of alternatives, not with the hypothetical, and ultimately the apodictic judgment with their suggestion that it is the real movement of thought that is subjected to analysis.
Unless the alternatives produced exhaust the possibilities of the case, the conclusion is invalid.
In the latter case alternatives may be acquiesced in.
He found that they were wholly inadequate, and summed up his views in a remarkable letter to the Directory (23rd of February), wherein he pointed out two possible alternatives to an invasion of England, namely, a conquest of the coast of the north-west of Germany, for the cutting off of British commerce with central Europe, or the undertaking of an expedition to the Orient which would be equally ruinous to British trade.
Amid all the variation in their details, and the apparent confusion introduced by Napoleon's habit of suggesting alternatives and discussing probabilities, and in spite of the preparations ostensibly made for an expedition to Ireland, which was to have sailed from Brest and to have carried 30,000 troops commanded by Augereau, the real purpose of Napoleon was neither altered nor concealed.
The convention declared slave property to be " before and higher than any constitutional sanction " and forbade amendments affecting it; but it provided for a popular vote on the alternatives, the " constitution with slavery " or the " constitution with no slavery."
The fact is that with few exceptions evolutionary moral philosophers evade the choice between alternatives which is always presented to them.
AdvertisementMeanwhile large numbers of landowners were forced to adopt one of two alternatives.
Now we have seen that the 5 prefixed to n-'p 'p cannot refer to authorship; we seem therefore shut up to one of two alternatives, either the psalms inscribed 's?
Having adopted the second of these alternatives, he was cap tured at Vienna in a mean disguise (December loth, 1192) and strictly confined in the duke's castle of Dürenstein.
The Protestant Reformation met an early and general welcome in Styria, but the dukes took the most stringent measures to stamp it out, offering their subjects recantation or expatriation as the only alternatives.
Holding that the only alternatives for the Jews were complete merging by intermarriage or self-preservation by a national re-union, he boldly advocated the second course.
AdvertisementThere remained, however, his theory of the nature of bodies; and here he hesitated between two alternatives.
With Theophrastus, accordingly, in his botanical inquiries, for example, the alternatives of classification, the normal sequence of such and such a character upon such another, the conclusion of rational probability, are what counts.
He accepts an ultimate antinomy as to the finiteness or infinity of " the unconditioned," yet applies the law of the excluded middle to insist that one of the two alternatives must be true, wherefore we must make the choice.
If we meet with phenomena which do not fit easily into this view, we have the alternatives either to modify our assumed laws of motion, or to call to our aid adventitious forces, or to examine whethet the discrepancy can be reconciled by the simpler expedient of a new basis of reference.
Choice amongst these alternatives need not complicate investigation of the nature of life.
AdvertisementIf the question be asked "Where is the evidence for this alleged freedom to choose between alternatives?"
At the moment of action the individual invariably regards himself as free to choose between alternatives.
Is it possible to hold that determinist arguments are of so convincing a character as to enable us to perceive at the moment of action the untrustworthy nature of our consciousness that we are free to choose between alternatives and to grasp beneath the appearance the underlying necessity which rules our wills ?
It was pointless to think about alternatives.
Andre.s death and Rhyn.s reappearance changed everything, and Kris found himself considering alternatives he.d never have thought twice about before, like ordering Rhyn and Sasha killed despite his oath to protect his brothers and making an oath to Katie he had no intentions of keeping.
AdvertisementThe conference attendees discussed alternatives to conventional agriculture for meeting world food needs in the next century.
The prizes cannot be modified and there are no cash alternatives.
Free Space Optics offer gigabit alternatives for distribution around cities.
The guileless peasant set down his buckets and considered his alternatives.
In the generative paradigm, Chris Loynes describes alternatives to the positivist paradigm in outdoor experiential learning.
Any interpretation, however, that suggests itself is immediately assailed by doubts and equally unfounded alternatives.
No alternatives to global capitalism can be pointed to.
There are alternatives to clay litters available on the market.
If her ideas are too expensive or impractical, steer her toward similar alternatives.
Finding at-home Botox alternatives might be a better idea for some people.
The alternatives of trapping or poisoning are equally horrible for the hares and are far more indiscriminate.
This approach is analyzed in terms of its ability to reliably identify, and provide good alternatives for, incorrectly hypothesized words.
As a result I could keep referring to it and kept things impersonal by simply asking if he could suggest alternatives.
Do there exist convincing alternatives to the transcription of the guitar solos or to venture upon new guitar improvisations?
We can analyze the alternatives without the noise of public addressing systems or rallies or TV ads, which become ineffectual.
There is no place for the church to confer legitimacy upon alternatives to these.
Two alternatives for pursuing elementary licensure were made available.
If the mediation does not result in a legally binding settlement, parties are free to pursue litigation or other lawful alternatives.
There is still time to stop this motorway madness and invest the money saved in sensible alternatives instead.
Hotels here cater for those on a budget, as well as people seeking middle to high end alternatives.
It can help to find alternatives to spending money.
In high summer both alternatives tend to get rather overgrown.
Our beautiful traditionally designed pelmets are accompanied by fresh modern alternatives, all specially made to meet your specific requirements.
Alternatives to the pill include patches, injections, and implants, and the progestogen-only pill.
The strong cash position opens a number of alternatives for the Company.
With an EU ban on antibiotic growth promoters in animal feed from 2006, alternatives need to be found urgently.
Public and congressional outcry prompted NASA to solicit alternatives to a space shuttle mission for servicing Hubble.
Cheaper alternatives to tufting include quilting and diamond stitching.
Alternatives to Farming In the face of falling incomes and greater pressure on resources, many smallholders are looking for other sources of income.
First, some version of perceptual subjectivism is probably correct, with the adverbial theory being the more promising of the two main alternatives.
There are various delicious alternatives on the market - soya milk, rice milk, vegan margarine and vegan margarine and vegan ice cream.
One effect of the Taiping rebellion was to close the native custom-house at Shanghai; and as Lhe corrupt alternatives proposed by the Chinese were worse than useless, it was arranged by Sir Rutherford Alcock, the British consul, with his French and American colleagues, that they should undertake to collect the duties on goods owned by foreigners entering and leaving the port.
He will incline to the first of these alternatives when cheapness of first cost is a desideratum, but, except in unusually favourable circumstances, the resulting line, being full of sharp curves and severe gradients, will be unsuited for fast running and will be unable to accommodate heavy traffic economically.
Even were certainty as to these alternatives attained, we could only guess at the average rate of accumulation, which experience shows to proceed very differently on different sites and under different social and climatic conditions.
In either theory, conscience may be understood as the active principle in the soul which, in face of two alternatives, tells a man that he ought to select the one which is in conformity with the moral law.
Of the alternatives three Gods or una res - which his Nominalistic logic presented to Roscellinus, Roscellinus had chosen the first; Abelard recoiled to the other extreme, reducing the three Persons to three aspects or attributes of the Divine Being (Power, Wisdom and Love).
Having adopted the second of these alternatives, he was cap tured at Vienna in a mean disguise (December loth, 1192) and strictly confined in the duke's castle of Dürenstein.
On examination, the authors of anticritica are generally found to disown, tacitly or openly, the first of these alternatives; for example, Prof. Sayce, who frequently takes the field against the " higher criticism," and denies, without, however, disproving, the validity of the literary analysis of the Hexateuch, nevertheless himself asserts that " no one can study the Pentateuch.
Disjunctive " Syllogisms" are those in which one premise is a disjunctive proposition, the other a categorical proposition which states or denies one of the two alternatives set forth.
Without self-restraint on the part of the rich, no serious long-term solutions or alternatives are possible.
The lead ban | Alternatives to Lead Lead shot is the oldest component of shotgun ammunition.
Any of these are better alternatives than skipping breakfast.
We will pursue alternatives in which synthetic peptides, based on joint collagen, may be engineered to become more effective.
There are various delicious alternatives on the market - soya milk, rice milk, vegan margarine and vegan ice cream.
Alternatives were a vol-au-vent filled with mushrooms and smoked bacon in a cream and garlic sauce; or melon and orange.
Organic solvent based paints are being replaced by environmentally acceptable alternatives, most importantly, waterborne coatings.
In other financial markets where things had remained the same for years, electronic alternatives had proven successful.
Choosing cloth over disposable or vice versa continues to be an ongoing debate, and new parents may choose their baby's diapers without ever considering the alternatives.
Obviously, whatever you are doing isn't working, so it's time to consider some other alternatives.
The following ideas make great gift alternatives.
Food gifts can be yummy alternatives when you are searching for that special present for the child that has everything.
Remember that cheaper alternatives will ultimately cost you more in the long term because they will have a shorter lifespan and you will incur periodic repair and maintenance costs.
In case the name you chose is not available the search results will usually offer some alternatives that are close to your original choice.
Buying a pair of dress boots is a decision that you want to take after careful consideration of the alternatives available to you.
Buy the best that you can afford and avoid cheaper bargain alternatives that claim to be "the next best thing to the real thing".
The high volume of junk mail that most houses receive and the slow speed and frequent jamming of most shredders has lead many people to search out alternatives.
However, there are alternatives that you can purchase.
Though most other digital photo keychains can't hold a candle to the battery life or the storage space of that particular model, there are some very good alternatives out there that still hold more pictures than a wallet will.
You have several alternatives to buying online lottery tickets.
If you decide not to use this shopping method, you have several alternatives.
That said, you may have to occasionally discourage your kitten from finding alternatives to the litterbox.
The upside is there are safe alternatives to clay clumping litters.
There are many other alternatives to Tender Vittles now that is it no longer available in the United States.
However, many owners are on the lookout for healthier, more natural, alternatives and this is where litters like World's Best come in.
In a time when there are more and more diet-related illnesses among companion animals, it is increasingly important to be aware of the alternatives to conventional pet foods.
Pine cat litter is considered a huge triumph for the environment when it comes to safe litter alternatives.
One of the best alternatives for helping to brighten the day of kids who are sick is to find free books for chronically ill kids.
While you may not be able to eliminate every expenditure, you can look over what you do have and seek alternatives that have lower fees.
There are other alternatives to using a debt settlement company.
Prepaid debit cards are usually accepted anywhere debit cards are accepted, so they make ideal alternatives to carrying around travel cash.
Beds take up a lot of space, but foldable sofas can be comfortable alternatives.
Alternatives to wholesalers include your local newspaper's classified section, Craigslist and furniture auctions.
Inflatable alternatives add flexibility to your living and dining arrangement, whether you choose to use them indoors or out.
Topics range from green alternatives to transportation to green building and remodeling practices and even natural health.
Many household products contain solvents and finding suitable ways for these to be recycled, solvent free alternatives and reducing the use of environmentally harmful products are part of green living.
Finding environmentally friendly alternatives to these products is important, as is ensuring they are disposed of in a way that minimizes any environmental harm.
There are many 'green' alternatives to cleaners and other household products that contain toxic chemicals and solvents and many of these are easy to make at home.
Finding good alternatives to solvents is one of the key challenges for the green living consumer.
It is only by making our needs and wishes known that companies and organizations will start to appreciate the need for new alternatives.
Eco friendly stores may also be able to offer advice on local alternatives.
Part of green living is looking for alternatives to traditional building materials and this includes taking a look at items such as Morning Star bamboo flooring.
Many people interested in green living are looking for alternatives to traditional flooring and are seeking a flooring that is environmentally friendly and affordable.
Cost savings that products such as Morning Star bamboo flooring offers makes this an attractive option when compared with other alternatives.
Over recent years alternatives to traditional fiber sources have been explored, including the development of a fiber that comes from the bamboo plant.
For those interested in low impact building and living, practical alternatives to the traditional flush type toilet can be found when you compare composting toilets.
There are alternatives for farm equipment, too.
Fuels such as solar power, bio fuels and wind power are all important alternatives.
Fossil fuels are not a renewable resource so as supplies get depleted, alternatives have to be found.
Alternatives to fossil fuels are also often kinder to the environment.
The question, 'what are the alternatives', should be asked at each stage.
Low energy alternatives are available for many items.
There are many ways of reducing the negative impact of vehicles on the environment, however, including looking for hybrid alternatives or simply reducing the amount of miles driven each year.
With so many recalls of pain medication, more people are looking into these age-old alternatives to chemicals.
Homeopathy is a practice that is growing in popularity, as many individuals are looking for natural alternatives to many traditional medications and medical practices.
However, those on a shoestring budget may want to consider alternatives that mimic metallic surfaces.
On top of the benefits of unique styles and environmentally sound technology, modern lighting can be significantly cheaper than the traditional alternatives.
Metal, glass, wicker, and leather are other exciting alternatives for your lampshades.
There are also study at home alternatives for learning how to stage homes.
They have successfully turned ingredient manufacturers against animal testing by showing the companies the alternatives.
From coupon codes to online auctions, consider one of the many online alternatives when looking for new Gap items to add to your wardrobe.
Although you can't play Mavis Beacon online, hopefully the available alternatives will provide the fun typing instruction you desire.
A quick search will reveal plenty of alternatives to paying for Photoshop.
Before you spend your hard-earned money on a version of Photoshop, give one of the numerous free alternatives to Photoshop a try.
Green tomato recipes are tasty alternatives to throwing away the extra green tomatoes that don't ripen in your garden naturally.
Lifestyle changes have put food manufacturers on notice, and they are now forced to keep up with and produce healthy alternatives for the public.
In fact many recipes can be altered to make them into healthy alternatives without losing flavor.
Sugar substitutes can offer healthy alternatives to sugar and can open a world of baked goods to the diabetic, who in the past, had to avoid baked treats.
Digital designers have created inexpensive alternatives to papers by popular manufacturers such as Basic Grey, KI Memories, K & Company, Chatterbox, My Mind's Eye, and American Crafts.
Courses whether in person or online will provide you with several alternatives to an angry outburst.
For clearance teen clothing shopping alternatives, why not look for the following in your area?
Safe Alternatives is a world-renowned program for teens that self harm at 1-800-DONT-CUT (1-800-366-8288).
Alternatives to a prayer might include reciting a song or inspirational saying or reading a page of a book that is nonreligious.
There are two alternatives to animal rennet that can make cheese rennet vegan.
There are, however, an increasing number of vegan cheese alternatives available and some of these are now being used commercially to produce frozen and takeaway pizzas.
Milk and rennet are both animal-based products, but they also have vegetarian and vegan alternatives.
Fortunately, there are alternatives for both rennet and milk that vegetarians and vegans alike can enjoy.
A trip to a local health food store, or the natural foods section of your grocery store, will reveal plenty of alternatives to milk for vegans and vegetarians.
Popular milk-based drinks like shakes and smoothies can be made using these milk alternatives, or you can blend soft tofu with fruit to create a nutritious and yummy drink.
If you're just starting your journey towards vegetarianism or becoming vegan, it's best to try the flavored varieties of milk alternatives first.
Fortified plant products, such as soy-based milk, and meat alternatives like texturized vegetable protein (TVP).
Watson also stated that veganism applies "to the exclusion of flesh, fish, fowl, eggs, honey, animal milk and its derivatives, and encourages the use of alternatives for all commodities derived wholly or in part from animals."
You can add it to just about everything, from salad dressings to vegetarian meat alternatives.
This can be costly, so look for alternatives if this is the case at your bridal boutique.
Companies such as J.Crew are now offering simple yet elegant alternatives to the traditional wedding gown at affordable prices.
There are other alternatives, however, including invitations issued by just the bride's or the groom's parents, or even the couple's children from a prior marriage.
My Gatsby offers lots of alternative wedding invitation verse alternatives.
Instead of sending a traditional, discount wedding invitation, look for other alternatives.
Two other alternatives are used in place of the fountain underneath the first tier of the wedding cake.
Cruise ships, botanical gardens, cliff tops, cascading waterfalls, quaint churches, elegant estate manors, and lush jungle groves are all vibrant alternatives that offer Caribbean flair without mandating a beach wedding.
Any of these alternatives can be personalized just as much as butterfly wedding favors and will add even more individuality to the wedding.
From classic floral arrangements to more unique alternatives, there is a vast array of bridal bouquet ideas to choose from.
For some brides, bouquet alternatives are the answer, and they may not carry flowers at all, but a meaningful object or family heirloom.
While a couple can request that guests recycle the programs, some couples choose alternatives to printed programs.
A good heavy weight card will give a thin or slim program a feel of quality, however it will also be more expensive than medium or light weight alternatives.
There are alternatives to fresh flowers for those occasions where they are not practical.
In addition to words, photographs or pictures can also be printed onto ceramic or etched into glass.There are many also low-cost customization alternatives for couples on a tight budget.
Alternatives include a long scarf or a bolero.
If you want to do something unique for your wedding photography, but don't want to actually ruin your gown, you do have alternatives.
Alternatives would be wicker chairs and benches or rustic benches for a country garden wedding.
The treatment part is discussed and alternatives decided so the family is well prepared to move the intervention session forward after the patient agrees to seek professional help.
Whether used for a kids' sleepover party, a casual card game with friends or a relaxed pizza dinner in front of the television, large floor pillows are comfortable alternatives to everyday seating and even to smaller floor pillows.
There are many different types of down alternatives on the market today.
You'll find plenty of down alternatives from labels like Lauren Ralph Lauren, Charter Club and the Hotel Collection, to name a few.
Many are simple and understated enough to work as suitable alternatives.
Parker, now 44 and Broderick, now 47 (can anyone believe that Ferris Bueller is almost 50?) decided to look to alternatives and found one in a surrogate.
Consider purchasing flannel pants and pairing them with a long-sleeved or short-sleeved T-shirt, or purchase sweat pants and sweat shirts as toasty alternatives.
The debate continues to wage over the safety of non-flammable pajamas versus the chemicals used to create these safer alternatives.
Cabela's offers several low-cost alternatives, in both one-piece snowsuits, and ski jackets paired with bib overall snow pants.
Hair bows, headbands, and hair clips are perfect alternatives for toddlers who do not like hats.
He or she can cover the plan with you or suggest alternatives that you might consider.
Distance learning for wedding coordinating is not a common course of study, but it offers a number of alternatives for people who want to supplement other degrees or obtain the training necessary to become wedding planners.
Alternative medicine is a growing field as people look for safer alternatives to traditional medicine and invasive medical practices.
Committed students know that online classes are just as difficult as their in-person alternatives.
Schools may frown upon combining two or more programs and urge students to consider alternatives, such as choosing one or the other or doing one as a major and one as a minor.
Each ship's main dining room(s) offers a variety of standard cruise fare, including healthy alternatives and vegetarian selections.
Locating cots can be more difficult at the local level, but the Internet yields a number of retailers that carry these bedding alternatives.
Consult with your vet about which alternatives may help.
Because of this, there are better alternatives you can use that will help keep conditions safer and more sanitary for your furry babies.
Explore the variety of alternatives and costs; take into account your needs, before you make your final selection.
Although Tabs Universe itself no longer hosts guitar tablature, there are plenty of alternatives that are still in existence that have a wealth of tabs in their database.
On the other hand, vessel sink design has been evolving over the last 10 years, introducing more streamlined and sleek alternatives that fit perfectly in the trendiest of powder rooms.
While the vast majority of granite countertops are made of slabs - large 1-1/4 inch thick pieces of stone - alternatives such as modular and tile counters are increasing in popularity as well.
With the high price of most options, if you want something right, go with a complete change-out; if you want something right now, at least it's good to know there are alternatives out there that will utilize what you already have on hand.
This might not work in every room, but it could make the job easier and less expensive than the alternatives.
If you can't afford the pricier versions of the pink gemstones, there are many alternatives from cubic zirconia to less pricey topaz rings.
There are alternatives to tanzanite, these include man-made as well as natural gemstones.
The high cost of solid gold means that alternatives are often an attractive option.
Rock crystal or even man made stones such as cubic zirconia make perfect alternatives.
There are some attractive alternatives to traditional chains.
There are alternatives to traditional birthstones so these might offer an additional option if required.
Other alternatives include hanging displays which are a good option for storing large beaded necklace carefully.
Made in a permanent press, poly-cotton twill fabric, they're great alternatives for summer wear.
Instead of wearing these ultra-casual shoes all the time, consider alternatives like loafers, lace-ups and sandals.
There are organic alternatives for many of the main vitamins and supplements and any good health food store will be able to advise as to which are the best for you as an individual.
Organic gardeners look to garden without resorting to the use of chemical pesticides, herbicides and fertilizers, using instead organic and sustainable alternatives.
The key to learning how to do organic gardening for vegetables and herbs is to always seek out the most natural alternatives.
This agency works to create a safer world for children by educating parents and others about the importance of organics and non-toxic alternatives to conventional items.
There are other alternatives to coupons for people who want to save money on organic foods.
While organic clothing is a very environmentally friendly option, there are other alternatives that might be of interest to an organic shopper.
Dried milk has a much longer shelf life than the traditional alternatives, meaning that it stays fresher for much longer.
The use of natural alternatives requires innovative technology.
Some estimates suggest that using organic practices, which are less caustic and effective than chemical alternatives, can result in 25 percent losses in commercial crop production.
If you're eating processed dishes, there are some decent organic alternatives.
If you're struggling with where to buy organic cake flour and need to find other alternatives, try any of these products or methods.
Local health-food stores, cake-decorating stores, online resources, and even large supermarkets all stock good alternatives to organic cake flour.
This means that chemical fertilizers usually require re-application more frequently than organic alternatives.
The use of sustainable attractive clothing is part of a growing movement to promote earth-friendly alternatives in an effort to reduce consumer impact on the world's delicate ecosystems.
Choices seem scant but there are surprising alternatives to consider when looking for this romantic dress.
Tunics are often great alternatives to dresses, and long styles look especially elegant when worn with flowing trousers in a similar color and a pair of low-profile heels.
Use the notes to compare senior housing alternatives.
Also contact your local fitness center to see if there are some stretching alternatives.
For each activity listed below, exceptions are noted and possible alternatives are suggested.
Alternatives may be available to reduce the affect.
Holistic alternatives can compliment medical interventions that your physician deems necessary.
This is the point where CPAP users need to reevaluate their alternatives.
Many of these same herbs are popular today and play an active role in modern medicine, used in conjunction with other medicines or as alternatives to prescriptions.
The organization, I Hate CPAP! is dedicated to connecting patients who are sick of CPAP with other alternatives, including oral devices.
If you need occasional help drifting off to sleep and are not ready to experiment with sleeping medications, consider some alternatives.
Many other alternatives can offer excellent results without the negative side effects associated with prescriptions.
Manufacturers are becoming more sensitive to the restrictive nature of sleep apnea masks and many are putting forth great effort to develop comfortable alternatives to the standard models.
Problems with CPAP machines and masks can inspire you to find CPAP alternatives.
You may want to find CPAP alternatives if the treatment prevents you from getting enough sleep, which is counterproductive.
Some CPAP alternatives offer relief from the factors that make people tired of the therapy, and others present completely different approaches for treating sleep apnea.
Mask alternatives include nasal masks that are less confining.
However, it is critical to discuss all of your options with your doctor before delving into CPAP alternatives that may not offer enough relief.
There are three options when looking for alternatives if you've exhausted all of your options for the discontinued Maui Jim styles you'd really like.
The hingeless, flexible style of the frames, the durability, and the impact resistance also make them good alternatives to the discontinued model.
Depending on your needs, photochromic glasses could end up costing less than other alternatives you may consider.
Since the Revo Boxy style has been discontinued, it's always good to keep a few alternatives in mind just in case you can't find a site that has them in stock when you need a new pair.
There are alternatives out there that are made by other companies.
In similar manner, there are alternatives to the official Wii Nunchuk as well.
While third party alternatives can oftentimes be just as good as their original counterparts, that isn't always the case.
The government is also investing millions of dollars in alternatives to the current games available commercially.
As far as variety, most of the clients offer alternatives to Texas Hold 'Em, which is the most popular.
We'll have a look at some of the traditional retail outlets that you may want to consider for your next video game purchase, as well as a few alternatives that you may also want to look at.
Notice in the first paragraph I said that "sometimes" wine racks are nice alternatives to wine storage (cellars, refrigerators)?
At this time, however, there are no such products available, so you have to turn to the alternatives, which should theoretically be just as compatible.
That said, there are a couple of viable alternatives that you may want to consider.
There are alternatives out there and you just may be able to get a better deal elsewhere.
The Palm Treo line, which certainly robust, did not have the same kind of appeal as alternatives like the BlackBerry.
The Palm Pre was initially released by Sprint in June 2009, offering one of the strongest alternatives to the Apple iPhone to date.
With the new webOS and a sleek new look, the Palm Pre may better compete against alternatives like the BlackBerry Bold and HTC Touch Diamond.
SkyFire and Opera Mobile are sustainable alternatives to the notoriously slow Pocket Internet Explorer.
Some of the most popular Motorola Droid apps happen to be alternatives to the pre-loaded web browser.
Opera Mini is one of the better alternatives to consider.
Powered by Windows Mobile 6.5, the HTC Imagio is a smartphone that can sometimes get lost in the mix of Android and BlackBerry alternatives.
Many regional carriers can offer some very affordable values and some fantastic alternatives.
There are a greater number of suitable alternatives today that are challenging for the crown when compared to the first two years of the iPhone's availability, but it is still among the most popular.
Usually, local alternatives to public schools do not require tuition, while private schools do require parents to pay tuition for student attendance.
Doulas have a lower c-section rate and can offer massage, different positions, and support alternatives during the difficult phases of labor.
It should be used to set reasonable limits in a consistent manner while still allowing some choice among acceptable alternatives.
None of these alternatives should be used in place of traditional therapy for the underlying condition.
Instead of pureed meats, vegetarian infants should be given protein alternatives such as pureed peas, beans, and lentils, cottage cheese, pureed tofu, and yogurt.
He or she should fully explain the reasons for medication use, what benefits the medication should provide, as well as the possible negative side-effects or dangers and other treatment alternatives.
Before signing the form, the patient and parents should understand the nature and purpose of the treatment, its risks and benefits, and alternatives, including the option of not proceeding with the treatment.
Because the value of guaifenesin is uncertain, while the adverse effects have been documented, parents should consider using alternatives to guaifenesin-containing cough remedies for children.
In the early twenty-first century, some working mothers express disenchantment with the "Supermom" ideal and look for alternatives to help them create a better balance between work and family.
Dissatisfied with the pressures and sacrifices of combining mothering with full-time work, many women have sought alternatives that allow them to relax the hectic pace of their lives but still maintain jobs and careers.
Young people need information about alternatives to street gangs that can realistically meet their needs in pro-social ways.
The most significant factors in overcoming fear are identifying the fear, developing a sense of control over the feared environment, and envisioning alternatives to the feared negative outcomes.
Other alternatives to help with the withdrawal symptoms include nicotine replacement therapy in the form of gum, patches, nasal sprays, and oral inhalers.
Moreover, adolescents should receive anticipatory guidance to assist them in defining appropriate options and alternatives to engaging in high-risk behaviors.
However, depending on the cause and severity of the condition, an orthodontist may be able to suggest other appliances as alternatives to braces.
Before signing the form, the parents should understand the nature and purpose of the child's hospital stay and medical treatment, the risks and benefits, and alternatives, including the option of not proceeding with the medical treatment.
Flexibility refers to the ability to consider various alternatives at the same time.
Visual learning is often the best option for dancing, which is why DVDs and online videos are the best alternatives to in-person instruction with a country dance teacher.
Plastic pet caskets are economical and sometimes ecological alternatives to traditional burial containers for your favorite animals that have passed away.
Fortunately, there are many alternatives available.
While everyone's hair grows at a different pace, waxing is one of the best alternatives to individually plucking eyebrow hairs with a pair of tweezers.
If plucking is not for you, there are a number of alternatives available to still obtain shapely, luxurious eyebrows.
Women have been seeking better alternatives for many years, which is why laser hair removal is the dawn of a new hair free revolution.
While it's hard to find this retro favorite, it's possible, and if you don't win the auction, there will be more-or at least good alternatives for making your hair curl.
Click on each picture for more information about better alternatives and how to fix these bad hairstyles.
This may mean seeking alternatives in the community with substantial fees.
Over the past two decades a number of alternative mortgage lending alternatives have been made available to first time and low income homebuyers.
They offer stylish alternatives to jersey knits and the often ill-fitting cheaper brands favored by discount stores.
They also offer potential alternatives to consider in place of a harmful medication.
Since you may not know the exact day that your last menstrual period began, there are other alternatives to consider.
Anyone who wants to avoid becoming pregnant should consider other alternatives because douching is simply ineffective.
You can also check the status of recent orders and call their toll free line for additional ordering alternatives and inquiries.
Other alternatives for women who are not willing to make the life-long commitment to close their families are semi-permanent birth control options.
This may come as a disappointment for women who are loyal to the Fashion Bug chain but some great alternatives are available, including tracking down Bundle of Joy maternity clothing.
There are many alternatives that offer nutritional support, like fruit juice and milk.
Whether you use acupressure to induce labor or to make it quicker and less painful, it is a natural method that has fewer drawbacks than the medical, drug-centered, alternatives.
When it comes to cosmetic dental care, San Francisco can also offer modern alternatives to traditional oral health procedures.
A quick look in retail stores, and on the internet will reveal that there is no shortage of fun and fashionable summer footwear, but there are other alternatives for defining your own style.
Swim shorts come in all colors and patterns, but the tropical look is definitely a favorite, with lots of bold hibiscus prints among the offerings.Men can also choose from plaids, stripes and solid color board short alternatives.
Designers have responded in full force to new mothers' demands for fashionable alternatives.
There are two more alternatives left for you to choose from.
Also known as natural minerals, these two alternatives offer low doses of chlorine while still being a very good defense against algae.
Zhu Zhu Pets are electronically controlled pet hamsters that are excellent alternatives to the real thing.
You may be better off investing in alternatives, like acai berry juice or frozen pulp.
Anyone thinking of becoming pregnant or already pregnant should know her alternatives to the routine vitamin K injection.
Many designers are replicating their looks and offering affordable alternatives of their fashions.
Fur can be warm, stylish, and perfect to keep you warm in the winter -- but if you are against wearing fur, there are great fake fur alternatives available.
If you are feeling stumped, take a look at these suit ideas to get you in the mood to wear these alternatives to evening or special occasion dresses.
Halters also serve as great alternatives to basic tank tops, and they can add a dressy element to simple bottoms, like denim shorts, capri pants, and jeans.
Featuring the same unbalanced hem and flowing cut, these alternatives offer more coverage with full sleeves and higher cut necklines.
Ladies' evening pantsuits, or formal pantsuits, are wonderful and stylish alternatives to other evening basics.
Instead, try playing relaxing and unique alternatives to board and card games.
Candles can be created from traditional wax or from one of the vegetable alternatives such as soy.
Soy candles can be more costly to buy than the conventional alternatives.
They are lower-priced alternatives to beeswax candles and are much more environmentally friendly than paraffin candles.
Combining the rich fragrances and visual appeal of different fruits with the spectacular transparent appearance of gel candles, these make a stunning alternatives to traditional candle forms.
Other alternatives include novelty candle holders such as little trains or other shapes.
There are many other alternatives and people often enjoy burning their favorite scented candles while relaxing in a hot bath.
There are flameless alternatives to most traditional candle types.
While years ago real candles would be used as Christmas lights, today there are many other alternatives that look great yet are more convenient to use.
There are synthetic alternatives that have been developed and these are known as fragrance oils.
In addition to competitive prices, the company states that many of its products are low in fat and are healthy alternatives to store bought or restaurant foods.
Colored diamonds make beautiful alternatives to colorless stones without sacrificing the tradition of a diamond engagement ring.
While diamonds remain the most popular choice, today's brides-to-be have many alternatives for stunning engagement rings, including pearl, aquamarine, tanzanite and moissanite engagement rings.
Fancy colors can easily run thousands of dollars for one perfect example, which is why many couples look for more affordable alternatives.
When engagement ring prices are continually rising and a quality ring may cost thousands of dollars, many couples look for more affordable alternatives, and Ziamond may provide the answer.
Scatter set diamond rings are stunning alternatives to traditional multi-stone engagement ring designs.
Couples can help control the costs, however, by choosing gemstones instead of diamonds as accents, or opting for cubic zirconia or diamond chips as less expensive alternatives.
However, with a bit of thought finding unique alternatives to the traditional idea can be fun and interesting.
While such alternatives are not suitable for every couple, they can be a fun way to customize wedding symbolism to perfectly match the couple's unique relationship.
If the look of a platinum princess diamond ring is desirable but the price is not, there are several alternatives that can help make these rings less expensive.
Many couples are choosing rings made of titanium, sterling silver, tungsten carbide, and other alternatives.
These alternatives are referred to as simulants and have completely different physical properties compared to diamond."
Design flexibility and a willingness to consider alternatives will help couples find a perfectly pink wedding ring.
Couples interested in pink diamonds who do not have the budget for these rare gems have several more affordable alternatives for pleasing pink hues.
Fortunately, there are less expensive alternatives.
Silver, gold, and platinum are all classic choices for jewelry, however some contemporary materials such as leather, rubber and stainless steel are unusual alternatives.
Many diamond alternatives can be stunningly beautiful gems perfect for a wide range of attractive jewelry, and as long as they are not passed off as diamonds they are not fake.
If no ruby band is suitable, there are several alternatives to choose from for equally stunning jewelry.
There are many fantastic gemstone alternatives to diamonds that share many of the qualities without the price.
By shopping around and seeking out interesting alternatives to traditional styles and materials great deals can be found.
There are alternatives to white gold engagement rings for people on a budget.
Looking for low cost or free alternatives can be a great way to save money while not detracting from the celebrations.
Couples getting engaged find the knot design offers exciting alternatives to traditional designs.
Hamburgers or other sandwiches without buns offer safe alternatives.
Fortunately, there are a host of alternatives to support your gluten-free lifestyle.
Substituting gluten-free alternatives such as teff flour or sorghum flour offer gluten safe options for your holiday meal.
These days there is a massive variety of gluten-free alternatives to wheat flour, each offering noticeable differences in taste, texture, and baking protocol.
Some individuals choose to give up gluten because it may offer healthier alternatives.