Alternated Sentence Examples
Hope alternated with despair.
The afternoon was a blur as Dean's mind alternated between the task at hand and the sobering fact that he might be within miles, or perhaps yards, of Cynthia Byrne's missing husband.
Of nitrogen, the cereal crops take up and retain much less than any of the crops alternated with them, notwithstanding the circumstance that the cereals are very characteristically benefited by nitrogenous manures.
In 1536 legislation for changing the method of general government and regulating common pasturages and public property caused extreme dissatisfaction, but for many years thereafter the form of control alternated between alcaldes selected by the inhabitants and annual governors appointed by the Council of the Indies.
In Asia Minor, the "enslavement " and liberation of cities alternated with the circumstances of the hour, while the kings all through professed themselves the champions of Hellenic freedom, and were ready on occasion to display munificence toward the city temples or in public works, such as might reconcile republicans to a position of dependence.
He seemed, not a professor amongst students, but a learner amongst learners; pauses for thought alternated with luminous exposition; invention accompanied demonstration; and thus originated his Theorie des fonctions analytiques (Paris, 1797).
A century later, the daimyo namako was invented, in which lines of dots alternated with lines of polished ground.
The answer to the first three points is that Aristotle did not make any distinction between exoteric and acroamatic, and was not likely to have any longer taught his exoteric dialogues when he was teaching his mature philosophy at Athens, but may have alternated the teaching of the latter between the more abstruse and the more popular parts which had gradually come to be called " exoteric."
To this piecemeal method of composition, in which narrative alternated with tirades on political and social questions, was added the further disadvantage of the lack of exact information, which, owing to the dearth of documents, could only have been gained by personal investigation.
If, however, pairs of metallic disks, made, say, of zinc and copper, are alternated with disks of cloth wetted with a conductor of the second class, such, for instance, as dilute acid or any electrolyte, then the effect of the feeble potential difference between one pair of copper and zinc disks is added to that of the potential difference between the next pair, and thus by a sufficiently long series of pairs any required difference of potential can be accumulated.
AdvertisementAfter the war the control of the state alternated with considerable regularity between the Republican and Democratic parties, until 1896, between which time and 1904 the former were continuously successful.
Staff and regimental duty (as usual in the Prussian service) alternated for some years after this, till in 1863 he became major-general commanding the 26th infantry brigade.
After six hours of desperate fighting the victory fell to the duke, who skilfully alternated the use of, archers and cavalry against the unwieldy English phalanx.
The branches alternated in position with the leaves, and sprang from just above the insertion of the latter.
From 1905 to 1909 Venizelos' activities alternated between those of chief of the Cretan executive and those of leader of the Opposition.
AdvertisementDespite a temporary triumph, when Childeric was forced to recognize the principle of hereditary succession in public offices, and when the mayoralties of Neustria and Burgundy were alternated to the profit of both, Lger soon fell into disgrace and was exiled to that very monastery of Luxeuil to which Ebromn had been relegated.
The French armies, notwithstanding the disappearance of Cond and Turenne, had still glorious days before them with Luxembourg at Fleurus, at Steenkirk and at Neerwinden (1690*1693), and with Catinat in Piedmont, at Staffarda, and at Marsaglia; but these successes alternated with reverses.
Every one expected and desired a speedy revolution that should put an end to a policy which alternated between overheated effervescence, abnormal activity and lethargy.
In the 7th century the supremacy over Lindsey alternated between Mercia and Northumbria, but few historical references to the district are extant until the time of Alfred, whose marriage with Ealswitha was celebrated at Gainsborough three years before his accession.
By 1247 Marburg had already become the second town of Hesse, and in the 15th and 16th centuries it alternated with Cassel as the seat of the landgraves.
AdvertisementControl of the GLC alternated between Labor and conservative administrations in the 1960s and 1970s.
A series of surreal titles are rapidly alternated with the cut-out animation movements.
Another early influence was the verse anthem of the English baroque, in which florid solos alternated with slightly more sedate choruses.
The principal substrata are, sandstone, amygdaloid alternated with trap, and red porphyry.
He advised a course of chiropractic treatments to be alternated with sports massage to break down some old scar tissue which was causing problems.
AdvertisementThis is alternated with little smacking sounds, followed by a long period of tossing and turning and rearranging the pillows.
This series of back blows and chest thrusts is alternated until the foreign object is expelled.
Isadora Duncan alternated negatively shocking and positively uplifting audiences during these early years of Modern dance, drawing inspiration from Greek figurines she had often studied.
For the next year, we talked everyday by phone and we alternated bi-monthly visits to the other's home state.
There are 45 minute sets of weight training exercises alternated with at least 20 minutes of aerobic exercise six days a week, with one day off.
The dominant leg for the lunge is alternated after a set of lunges is completed.
These two ball routines can be alternated with other types of floor and equipment abdominal exercises.
Through the years, he has alternated between being an ally to Godzilla and an enemy.
I was buttonholed by two middle-aged men who alternated telling me their life story.
They alternated discussing what was happening in their lives while the other nodded, injecting a polite one word answer occasionally, just to properly pretend interest.
While Dean stretched his muscles and alternated between bites of peanut butter sandwich and a banana, Fred perused the rest of the master lists.
Not surprisingly, Lori alternated between tears and indifference.
During the next few years the kingdom alternated between Eric and Anlaf until 954, when Eadred finally succeeded in establishing his power.
Green crops, such as turnips, clover and rye grass, began to be alternated with grain crops, whence the name alternate husbandry.
Moreover, the crops alternated with the cereals accumulate very much more of mineral constituents and of nitrogen in their produce than do the cereals themselves.
I alternated with doing brisk walks around the neighborhood at night.