Also known as Sentence Examples
The ilex, also known as the "holm oak" from its resemblance to the holly, abounds in all the Mediterranean countries, showing a partiality for the sea air.
It is also known as the Ko-kayaing, so called from the original nine canals of the district.
Timocreon was also known as a composer of scolia (drinking-songs) and, according to Suidas, wrote plays in the style of the old comedy.
The side-saddle plant, Sarracenia, native of the eastern United States, is also known as a pitcher-plant.
He was in many ways the leading spirit of the Girondists, who were also known as Brissotins.
The northern part, where the two Niles approach nearer one another, is also known as El Gezira, i.e.
As nearly all its imagery is taken from the animal world, it is also known as the Bestiary.
This figure, also known as the vesica piscis, is common in ecclesiastical seals and as a glory or aureole in paintings of sculpture, surrounding figures of the Trinity, saints, &c. The figure is, however, sometimes referred to the almond, as typifying virginity; the French name for the symbol is Amande mystique.
It is also known as Sidra' d'neshmatha, " Book of Souls," and besides hymns and doctrinal discourses contains prayers to be offered by the priests at sacrifice and at meals, as well as other liturgical matter.
The cotton bollworm (Chlorides obsoleta, also known as Heliothis armiger) is a caterpillar.
AdvertisementThis law bears the title of Liber Constitutionum, which shows that it emanated from the king; it is also known as the Lex Gundobada or Lex Gombata.
In addition to the absence of prehensile power in their tails, douroucoulis, also known as night-apes, are distinguished by their large eyes, the sockets of which occupy nearly the whole front of the upper part of the skull, the partition between the nostrils being in consequence narrower than usual.
It is also known as the " Eastern Horn of Africa," because it projects somewhat sharply eastwards into the Indian Ocean, and is the only section of the continent which can be spoken of as a peninsula.
This, which is also known as bordonus, was developed out of the choir-staves, originally no more than sticks to lean on during the long services.
Fibonacci's series is a sequence of numbers such that any term is the sum of the two preceding terms; also known as Lame series.
AdvertisementThe Anti-Atlas or Jebel Saghru, also known as the Lesser Atlas, running parallel to and south of the central range, is one of the least elevated chains in the system, having a mean altitude of not more than 5000 ft., although some peaks and even passes exceed 6000 ft.
Para Rubber is so named from the Para province of Brazil, from the principal town of which, also known as Para, most of the rubber is shipped.
Lead dioxide, Pb0 2, also known as "puce oxide," occurs in nature as the mineral plattnerite, and may be most conveniently prepared by heating mixed solutions of lead acetate and bleaching powder until the original precipitate blackens.
A small island, Hog Island, is included in the township. The principal village, also known as Bristol, is a port of entry with a capacious and deep harbour, has manufactories of rubber and woollen goods, and is well known as a yacht-building centre, several defenders of the America Cup, including the "Columbia" and the "Reliance," having been built in the Herreshoff yards here.
From the prominence of the lights the festival is also known as the "Festival of Lights" or "Illumination" (Talmud).
AdvertisementHe was also known as the author of sacred poems. Gottfried Arnold has rightly been classed with the pietistic section of Protestant historians (Bibliotheca Sacra, 1850).
In flue curing, also known as the Virginian cure, fires are set outside the barn; and the heat led in iron pipes or flues, into the building are under the suspended tobacco, which is placed there quite fresh from the field.
Another species of cypress (Cupressus thyoides, also known as Chamaecyparis thyoides or sphaeroidea), found in swamps in the south of Ohio and Massachusetts, is known as the American white cedar.
At the mouth of the Arno, joined to the city by a steam tramway, is the seaside resort of Marina di Pisa, also known as Bocca d'Arno, a well-known centre for landscape painters.
The city, also known as Koil, was a station on the East Indian railway, 876 m.
AdvertisementUp to the year 1826 the Confession (sometimes also known as the Confession of Miihlhausen from its adoption by that town) was publicly read from the pulpits of Basel on the Wednesday of Passion week in each year.
The areas containing productive coal measures are usually known as coalfields or basins, within which coal occurs in more or less regular beds, also called seams or veins, which can often be followed over a considerable length of country without change of character, although, like all stratified rocks, their continuity may be interrupted by faults or dislocations, also known as slips, hitches, heaves or troubles.
In Staffordshire the main levels are also known as Laying gate roads."
In the former, which is also known as " post and stall" or "bord and pillar " in the north of England, " pillar and stall " in South Wales, and " stoop and room " in Scotland, the field is divided into strips by numerous openings driven parallel to the main rise headings, called " bords " or " bord gates," which are again divided by cutting through them at intervals, so as to leave a series of pillars arranged chequer-wise over the entire area.
On the south, east and west, these ranges, though wild and rugged, are of no great elevation, but on the north the Pyrenees attain their greatest altitude in the peaks of Aneto (11,168 ft.) and Monte Perdido (10,998 ft.) - also known as Las Tres Sorores, and, in French, as Mont Perdu.
Agrippa was also known as a writer, especially on geography.
The more important places of northern Siam include Chieng Mai, the capital of the north, Chieng Rai, near the northern frontier; Lampun, also known as Labong (originally Haribunchai), the first Lao settlement in Siam; Lampang, Tern, Nan and Pre, each the seat of a Lao chief and of a Siamese commissioner; Utaradit, Pichai, Pichit, Pechabun and Raheng, the last of importance as a timber station, with Phitsnulok, Sukhotai, Swankalok, Kampeng Pet and Nakhon Sawan, former capitals of Khmer-Siamese kingdoms, and at present the headquarters of provincial governments.
It is also known as the aswail and the honey-bear, the last name being also given to the Malay bear and the kinkajou.
Potassium chloride, KC1, also known as muriate of potash, closely resembles ordinary salt.
The more northerly range, in which volcanic disturbances on a great scale have been comparatively recent, extends transversely across the country, from a point a little south of Salinas Bay, to the headland of Carreta, the southern extremity of the Atlantic seaboard, also known as Monkey Point.
During the early middle ages this region was also known as Ma wara '1 Nahr or Ma-vera-un-nahr, the meaning of which is given in the alternative classical title of Transoxiana.
Whittingham's enterprise was, however, soon superseded by an issue of the whole Bible, which appeared in 1560, the so-called Genevan Bible, popularly also known as the Breeches The Bible, from its rendering of Gen.
Payne was also known as Clerk at Oxford, as Peter English in Bohemia, and as Freyng, after his French father, and Hough from his birth place.
The lastnamed is an arid and scantily populated chalk range,with numerous small summits, whence it is also known as the Thousand Hills.
In the inscriptions found at Shirgulla (or Shirpurla, also known as Lagash), he appears as Nin-girsu, that is, "the lord of Girsu," which appears to have been a quarter of Shirgulla.
The sky-line of this range of mountains, as seen by the approaching traveller some miles outside the entrance to the bay, forms the rough outline of a huge reclining figure called " the sleeping giant," the facial profile of which is also known as " Lord Hood's nose."
It is also known as the underground onion, from its habit of producing its bulbs beneath the surface.
They are also known as P,avlikeni, i.e.
The knights wore a collar of golden hunting horns, whence the order was also known as the Order of the Horn.
The popular name of a plant, also known as the sweet gale or gaul, sweet willow, bog or Dutch myrtle.
He was also known as a patron of art and literature and an amateur painter of no little merit.
Fitch.-Size 12 X3 in., of the marten species, also known as the pole cat.
Coke published Institutes (1628), of which the first is also known as Coke upon Littleton; Reports (1600-1615), in thirteen parts; A Treatise of Bail and AI ainprize (1635); The Complete Copyholder (1630); A Reading on Fines and Recoveries (1684).
Francesco Dandolo, also known as Dandolo Cane, was doge from 1329 to 1339.
From this circumstance this canal is also known as the Sharkawia.
It lies on the River Brain, an affluent of the Blackwater, also known as the Guith, a form connected with the name Witham.
Reproduction by conjugation is also known as isogamy, by fertilization as oogamy.
Their highest summit north of the Usk, on the eastern side, where they are known as the Black Mountains, or sometimes the Black Forest Mountains, is Pen y Gader (2624 ft.) between Talgarth and Llanthony, and on the south-west the twin peaks of the Mynydd Du ("Black Mountain") or the so-called Carmarthenshire Vans or Beacons, only the higher of which, Fan Brycheiniog (2632 ft.), is, however, in Breconshire; while the centre of the crescent is occupied by the masses of the Brecknockshire Beacons or Vans (often called the Beacons simply), the highest point of which, Pen y Fan, formerly also known as Cadair Arthur, or Arthur's Chair, attains an altitude of 2910 ft.
The cartesian parabola is a cubic curve which is also known as the trident of Newton on account of its three-pronged form.
The red pine (Pinus resinosa or P. rubra) is also known as "Canadian pine" and "American deal."
Corona Australis, also known as Corona meridionalis, or the Southern Crown, is a constellation of the Southern hemisphere, mentioned by Eudoxus and Aratus.
Manufacture of Hydrochloric Acid (commercially also known as " muriatic acid ").
This head-dress is also known as orhna, orhni, pochan, pochni (Baluchistan and western India) chundri, reo (Sind), sipatta, takrai or chadar (Pathan).
For this reason X is also known as the angle of repose.
The chief white vine is the Pineau, also known as Chardonay.
Nezigin (" damages "), also known as Yeshu'ath (" deeds of help ").
P. Taeda, the " loblolly pine " of the backwoodsman, a tall tree with straight trunk and spreading top, covers great tracts of the " pine-barrens " of the southern states, but also frequently spreads over deserted arable lands that have been impoverished by long and bad farming; hence the woodsmen call it the " old-field " pine, while, from the fragrance of its abundant resin, it is also known as the frankincense pine.
Here a new foe soon arose in the shape of the Ephthalites (Haitab), also known as the White Runs, a barbaric tribe The Bphtha- which shortly after A.D.
The course intersects the so-called Devil's Ditch or Dyke (sometimes also known as St Edmund's Dyke), an earthwork consisting of a ditch and mound stretching almost straight for 5 m.
Alhagi manna (Persian and Arabic tar-angubin, also known as terendschabin) is the produce of Alhagi maurorum, a small, spiny, leguminous plant, growing in Arabia, Asia Minor, Persia, Afghanistan, Baluchistan and northern India.
It is in the parish of Drayton-in-Hales, a name sometimes applied to it; and it is also known as Drayton Magna.
The name cycloid is now restricted to the curve described when the tracing-point is on the circumference of the circle; if the point is either within or without the circle the curves are generally termed trochoids, but they are also known as the prolate and curtate cycloids respectively.
Thymol iodide, official in the United States, is a compound of iodine and thymol; it is also known as aristol or annidalin.
Among the diseases against which St Vitus is invoked is chorea, also known as St Vitus's Dance.
Jean]] LE [[Fevre (c. 1 3951 4 68), Burgundian chronicler and seigneur of Saint Remy, is also known as Toison d'or from his long connexion with the order of the Golden Fleece.
They are also known as the Magellan Archipelago, and in Japan as Kwazan-retto (series of volcanic islands).
On the canal list it was called Steele's Creek, but it was also known as Morgan's Landing, and from 1830 to 1843 as Remington's Corners.
A lodge was called a vendita (sale), members saluted each other as buoni cugini (good cousins), God was the "Grand Master of the Universe," Christ the "Honorary Grand Master," also known as "the Lamb," and every Carbonaro was pledged to deliver the Lamb from the Wolf, i.e.
Included within the city borders are several villages, of which the principal one, also known as Gloucester, has a deep and commodious harbour.
The majority of data are from trials using recombinant tissue plasminogen activator (rt-PA ), also known as alteplase.
The most common type of alopecia seen in women is androgenetic alopecia, also known as female pattern alopecia or baldness.
The second method is thermolysis, which is also known as short-wave diathermy.
Dermis The deep layer of skin emollient An agent that soothes and softens the skin; also known as a moisturizer.
Hence the reason memory foam is also known as visco-elastic foam.
When caused by prolonged friction or pressure, Bursitis is also known as a ' beat ' condition, for example, Beat Elbow.
Acute ulcerative gingivitis, also known as Vincentâs disease or trench mouth, is due to a bacterial infection of the gums.
Australian Cattle Dogs Australian Cattle Dogs are also known as Australian heelers, and are sturdy, working dogs.
Send an email to our Free iceman jeweler -Chris aire is also known as the iceman jeweler.
Oregano is a close relative of marjoram and is also known as pot marjoram.
House doctors are also known as interior property stylists, property presentation consultants, home makeover consultants and home stagers.
Commonly known as tapestry, embroidery on tapestry canvas is also known as Canvas Work or, in the USA, as Needlepoint.
This hormone is also known as vasopressin or arginine vasopressin (AVP ).
Copperas is hydrated ferrous sulfate, also known as green vitriol.
There are also two flow charts, also known as decision trees, covering work-up and treatment guidelines.
It is also known as adder's foot, golden maidenhair and wood-fern, and is the oakfern of the old herbals.
It was also known as the Vision of Isaiah and finally as the Testament of Hezekiah (see Charles, The Ascension of Isaiah, pp. xii.-xv.).
In heraldry "mantling," also known as "panache," "lambrequin" or "contoise," is an ornamental appendage to an escutcheon, of flowing drapery, forming a background (see Heraldry).
Short URLs, also known as redirect URLs, give you a cool, catchy and easy to remember URL for your site.
Reverse Osmosis works using water pressure, water is forced through a semi permeable fabric, also known as the membrane.
Im aware of ' straw men ', also known as ' aunt sallies '.
It is also known as superfine sugar in the US.
Commonly known as Tapestry, embroidery on tapestry canvas is also known as Canvas Work or, in the USA, as Needlepoint.
The recently extinct marsupial thylacine Thylacinus cynocephalus, also known as the Tasmanian Tiger, was the largest living mammalian carnivore in Australia.
Whelk egg mass is also known as ' sea wash balls ' because early sailors used them for washing.
Andirons, also known as fire dogs, are often decorated with a canine motif.
Birthstone jewelry, also known as gemstone jewelry has long been a popular gift to give.
Pajamas, also known as pjs, come in a variety of fabrics and styles to suit virtually anyone.
Popular since the 1970's, Class C recreational vehicles, also known as mini-motor homes, have long been a perennial family favorite.
Plexiglass, also known as acrylic sheet, is a versatile and durable material used in construction projects, building custom aquariums, picture framing, signs, and arts and crafts.
Premium outlet mall, also known as Premium Outlets, is the parent company in charge of various outlet centers across the United States.
The Cincinnati Outlet Mall, also known as Cincinnati Premium Outlets, is part of the Simon Property Group's chain of outlet stores.
The Applehead Siamese, also known as the Traditional Siamese, has a round head and is athletic and muscular.
Feline leukemia virus is also known as FeLV.
Feline infectious peritonitis is also known as FIP.
Silica litter is also known as crystal litter, and these crystals are comprised of the solidified silica gel.
The Vodka Cranberry is also known as the Cape Codder.
This type of account, also known as a Mail Order/Telephone Account is best for businesses who conduct the majority of transactions over the telephone or through the mail.
Alimony is also known as spousal support or maintenance.
For more than a decade, The Lighthouse Man, also known as Kevin's Custom Crafts, has been creating handcrafted lighthouses and nautical items for the home, including very unique looking entertainment centers.
Platform beds are also known as European or low profile beds.
The US Department of State, assisted by The American Council of Renewable Energy, also known as ACORE, will hold the Washington International Renewable Energy Conference 2008 on March 4-6, 2008.
Petroleum, also known as crude oil, is used for generating electricity and for manufacturing.
Photovoltaic cells, also known as PV cells, are the scientific term used for solar panels.
Photovoltaic cells, also known as PV or solar cells, are created from semiconductor material such as silicon.
Soybean oil, also known as soya oil, makes candles that burn cleaner.
Eco communities, which are also known as green communities, are designed to partner the homeowner with other like minded individuals who keep the entire community in mind.
This arrangement is also known as co-housing.
The Greenhouse Effect, also known as global warming, is the result of carbon dioxide collecting in the Earth's atmosphere.
Renewable energy is also known as clean energy, alternative energy or sustainable energy.
Cold sores are also known as fever sores that occur around the mouth.
Rescue Remedy incorporates five different flower essences in a combination dose and is also known as 'five-flower remedy.'
In some cases, drawing salve is also known as black salve; however, there may be a slight difference in ingredients between drawing salve and black salve.
As the product's name suggests, a main ingredient in it is "frankincense," also known as olibanum.
The other type is flat leaf parsley, also known as Italian parsley.
The reason for these similar benefits is that flaxseed oil, also known as linseed oil, contains approximately 50 to 60 percent omega-3 fatty acids in the form of alpha linolenic acid (ALA).
Another natural antihistamine, scutellaria, also known as skullcap, can also protect you from colds and flu.
When you want to know the latest in interior design or see fabulous indoor and outdoor makeovers, there's no place quite like HGTV, a cable television network also known as Home & Garden Television.
The famous and stunningly beautiful Hearst Castle is part of the Hearst San Simeon State Historical Monument and is also known as La Cuesta Encantada, The Enchanted Hill, and America's Castle.
Hornibrook Mansion in Arkansas, also known as The Empress of Little Rock, is one of the most impressive displays of Victorian and Queen Anne style design left in America.
If you want to learn a little more about interior design in Raleigh -- or anywhere for that matter -- before you jump in, then you should contact ASID, also known as the American Society of Interior Designers.
The wrong furniture placement will block positive Chi, resulting in stagnation or worse, invite Sha, also known as negative Chi, into your space.
Marble Intarisa is also known as pietre dura.
The coil, also known as a reciprocating machine, houses a tube and needle bar.
Actors, musicians, entertainers, speakers, event coordinators -- these are just a few of the professions in which men might consider getting permanent cosmetics, also known as micro pigmentation or cosmetic tattooing.
For more information about tattooed cosmetics, be sure to visit the Society of Permanent Cosmetic Professionals., also known as the SPCP.
These first online games used a bulletin board system, also known as a BBS.
Fantasy sports, also known as Owner Simulation, have become very popular and include almost every sport game known to man, from baseball and football, to cricket and auto racing.
Buying and selling securities via the internet, also known as "online trading," became extremely popular in the late 1990s when people's access to the internet became fast and easy.
These games, also known as interactive fiction games, made their debut on both PC and Apple computers in the 1970s.
They are also known as "royalty-free digital stock photography communities."
With so many iconic landmarks located in and around the Flatiron District, it stands to reason that the area is also known as the "Photo District."
By the way, white fungus, also known as tremella, is a rubbery, jelly-like mushroom whose common name is Brown Witch's Butter.
Not all rib roasts - also known as standing rib roasts - are prime rib.
Creating Keepsakes University, also known as CKU, is a special "school" for scrapbookers created by Lisa Bearnson, founder of Creating Keepsakes magazine.
The practice of incorporating design ideas you have seen is also known as "scraplifting."
When Mother Nature and Ullr, the Snow God, are less than generous with their seasonal snow, ski resorts can rely on a snow making machine, also known as a snow gun, for creating snow.
Cross country skiing is also known as Nordic or X-country skiing.
The Lost Path Parkway, also known as the Lake Dubonnet Pathway, is a perfect Nordic trail system for beginners.
Feeling a throbbing pain across your head, as if a tight band is around it, generally means you are experiencing a tension headache, also known as a tension-type headache.
Another successful calming technique to use when you feel your anger levels rising is visualization, also known as imagery.
The Beck Anxiety Scale, also known as the Beck Anxiety Inventory or BAI, is used as a method of screening to measure the severity level of anxiety a person is experiencing while distinguishing the symptoms of anxiety from depression.
Hives, also known as urticaria, is the body's reaction to a hormonal imbalance that can be caused by many different factors.
Some people might expereince a euphoric high or also known as "runners high" from this chemical release.
The Beck Anxiety Inventory, also known as the Beck Anxiety Scale, Beck Anxiety Test or BAI, consists of a series of twenty-one items that are common mental and physical symptoms of anxiety.
A good time management program with the proper balance of effectiveness and efficiency is typically based on a combination of the Pareto Principle, also known as the 80/20 Rule, and Parkinson's Law.
Chronic anxiety is also known as generalized anxiety disorder.
Introduced to the Western world in 1958, the practice of Transcendental Meditation, also known as TM, is a form of mantra meditation.
No matter what devastating situation you are suffering from, if it's traumatic enough, you may develop posttraumatic stress disorder, also known as PTSD.
Benzodiazepines, also known as tranquilizers, are also prescribed as muscle relaxants and sleeping pills.
Cheat sheets, also known as crib notes, are small pieces of paper with test answers written on them.
Specialty Boarding Schools -- Also known as emotional growth schools, these facilities work to build up struggling teens through behavior modifications programs, mental health services and individualized academic studies.
When discussing changes in girls during puberty, the biggest issue is menstruation, also known as having your period.
The raw food diet, also known as the living food diet, has been getting a lot of attention in the media, which leads many people to wonder, what does the raw food diet consist of?
The raw food diet is based on "rawism," also known as raw foodism.
Cacao paste is also known as liquor and is basically raw chocolate.
Seitan is also known as "wheat meat" because it is made of wheat gluten.
Of course, the most popular ceremony song is the "Bridal Chorus" by Richard Wagner, also known as "Here Comes the Bride".
These professionals are also known as wedding planners or wedding consultants.
Topsy-turvy cakes, also known as mad hatter cakes, are one trend for adventurous brides and grooms.
It is also known as the drug paroxetine HCI, a popular antidepressant.
It is also known as weed, pot, bud, dope, and Mary Jane.
Smokeless tobacco is also known as dip, chew, chaw, and plug.
The drug is a "benzodiazepine", also known as a tranquilizer.
People are at risk when they drink large quantities of alcohol in a short amount of time, also known as binge drinking.
The leading cause of disability in people aged 15-44 is Major Depressive Disorder, also known as Clinical Depression.
Full size beds, also known as double or full beds, measure 54 inches wide by 75 inches long.
Bridal satin, also known as duchess satin, is a high quality, lustrous material made from silk or acetate.
Standard king, also known as Eastern king, has a mattress dimension of 76" by 80".
This led to 50 Cent, who is also known as "Fiddy," getting his own label, G-Unit Records, later in 2003.
Steve Irwin, the Australian television host also known as "The Crocodile Hunter," was admired by children and adults from across the world for his enthusiastic efforts to promote the conservation of endangered animals.
On Thursday nights, women of all ages are glued to their television sets hoping to catch a glimpse of Patrick Dempsey, also known as Dr. Derek Shepherd or Dr. McDreamy.
At, also known as Paper Doll Heaven, site visitors dress and share celebrity paper dolls.
He is also known as a generous and hard-working activist, donating plenty of his time and money for a variety of humanitarian causes.
The "King of Pop" is also known as the "King of Plastic Surgery."
Biggie Smalls, also known as Notorious B.I.G., was also killed in a drive-by shooting.
This is also known as Class A uniforms, even though that has never been an officially recognized title.
The brand is also known as Celeb Kids by Purple Orchid.
National SMART Grants, also known as National Science and Mathematics Access to Retain Talent Grants, provide up to $4,000 for third or fourth year students pursuing undergraduate degrees in computer, life, or physical science programs.
Private schools, also known as independent colleges, offer a unique academic experience.
The Pacific coast, also known as the Mexican Riviera, is very different from the Caribbean, and each offers distinct advantages and individual characteristics.
These hedonistic voyages, which are also known as swinger cruises, are specially designed for couples who wish to turn their sexual fantasies into reality with like-minded individuals.
For very heavy home infestations, it may be necessary to use a room fogger, also known as a flea bomb, to knock out the current flea population.
The Great Pyrenees, also known as the Pyrenean Mountain Dog, is an intelligent and elegant breed.
The Portuguese Water Dog is also known as Cão de Agua Portages.
Memory foam is a polyurethane mixture also known as visco-elastic polyurethane foam that allows it to react to temperature change.
However, the Shetland Sheepdog, also known as the Sheltie, displays high intelligence and a tendency to watch over his child companions.
I. religiosum, also known as I. anisatum, from China and Japan, with pale yellow flowers, is also interesting, and may be grown against walls or as bushes in warm places.
Bulbinella Hookeri - Also known as Anthericum and Chrysobactron, this graceful member of the Lily order is well suited to either border or rockwork.
The variety minor is smaller in every part and is also known as H. angustifolius.
It is closely allied to H. minor, also known as H. graminea, but it is a much stronger plant, however, with leaves twice as broad, the flower-stems short, and the divisions of the perianth divided almost or entirely to their base.
Another species, E. montevidensis, also known as E. floribunda, bears large, loose clusters of white flowers, and there are seedling forms known under different names, especially in seaside gardens.
Thunbergi, the last being also known as Spiraea.
It is also known as Boenninghausenia albiflora.
Celmisia spectabilis - also known as cotton plant, shepherd's daisy, and mountain daisy or by its Maori name, tikumu -- is an subalpine perennial native to New Zealand.
The black and yellow garden spider, also known as orb weaver spider, writing spider, yellow garden spider, or scientifically as Argiope aurantia, is an impressive species of garden spiders found throughout most of North America.
Barbarea, which is also known as winter cress, is an edible biennial plant that produces yellow flowers.
This is why sliding closet doors are also known as pocket doors when they slide into the pocket created between two walls.
These are also known as pressure sensitive carpet tiles; once the carpet tile is laid, apply some pressure to them to make sure they fully adhere to the floor.
A seasonal sunroom is also known as a three-season room.
The second stone for March is bloodstone, also known as red jasper.
Some designers place the knot in the middle of a heart, since it's also known as the love knot.
Archangel Michael, also known as Saint Michael, and Raphael are two of the most popular choices.
A number of Native American cultures revere Grandmother Spider, also known as the Spider Woman, and pay tribute to her in many beautiful works of jewelry.
Natural black pearls, also known as Tahitian pearls, are rare and due to their limited availability were not often used in early spider jewelry.
Knotting experts agree that each knot has its own merits, but the basic knot, also known as the four-in-hand knot, is considered the most popular.
Because Latinos favored flashy suit fashion, these events are also known as The Zoot Suit Riots.
Gypsum, also known as calcium sulfate, is a popular soil amendment.
Organic cotton one-piece bodysuits - These garments, also known as onesies, are something most any mother would appreciate they pull on over the head and unsnap at the legs to make for easy diaper changes.
Apron sundress- Also known as bib-front sundresses, these styles are comfy and fun for plus size women.
Boho dress - Also known as the hippie dress or the broomstick dress, these crinkled gauze cotton dresses are ultra-comfortable and easy to wear.
Low rise plus size swim shorts, also known as board shorts, have grown in popularity for more than one reason.
This form of exercising, also known as chair aerobics, is perfect for a senior who has trouble standing on his own or has difficulty balancing.
A living will, also known as an advance directive, is a legal document.
Universal whole life insurance, also known as flexible premium adjustable life insurance, guarantees a minimum rate of return, which may increase if the insurance company does well on its investments.
These complexes are also known as lifestyle communities or retirement communities and are designed with the active retiree in mind.
Hot flashes, also known as hot flushes, are experienced by 75 to 85 percent of women in America.
Sleeping sickness is parasitic disease also known as Human African Trypanosomiasis, or sometimes the African Sleeping Sickness.
Wild Hypnotised Lenses are also known as Wind Contact Lenses.
The carrying case is also known as the contact lens travel case, or the designer contact case.
They are also known as special effect lenses or enhancement lenses.
It is also known as rigid gas permeable contact lens.
Hard contact lenses, also known as rigid gas permeable hard contact lenses, are sometimes prescribed because they can provide a clearer view for some prescription types.
Six Flags Chicago, also known as Six Flags Great America, is located in Gurnee, Illinois.
Platformer games, also known as side-scrolling games, were most popular in the retro days of gaming.
A similar orientation is used in its sequel, Brain Age 2, also known as More Brain Training.
On the bright side, the PS3 40GB will be able to play titles from the original Sony PlayStation, also known as the PS1, PSX, or PSone.
God of Dice is based on a classic dice game from ancient China, also known as Cheerio, Yot, Yam or Yahtzee.
Role playing games, also known as RPGs, are video games in which the gamer takes on the role of a fictional character.
The Sony PSP Go, which is also known as the PSPgo or PSP go, is scheduled for release in North America and Europe on October 1, 2009.
The games may be purchased separately and are stored on different media like CDs, DVDs, and cartridges, also known as ROMs.
The alternative to the Xbox 360 Core is the Xbox 360 Premium, also known as the Xbox 360 Pro or simply as the Xbox 360.
The Italian wine grape is also known as Pinot Gris in France, and many other wine growing regions.
Thermoelectric cooling is also known as the Peltier effect.
The sediment in wine is also known as the dregs.
Vin de Table - Also known as table wine.
Burgundy - Also known as Bourgogne, produces red and white wine grapes in almost equal proportions.
Corsica - An island in the Mediterranean also known as Corse.
In 1953, Madame Alexander introduced the ever-popular eight-inch hard plastic Wendy Ann doll, also known as Wendy-kin and Alexander-kin.
Wholesale value is also known as the dealer's price.
Auction value is also known as the open market price.
The Singer model 66, also known as the Red Eye, was introduced around 1900, with the portable version, the 99, being introduced twenty years later.
Class B motor homes are also known as campervans because they are often designed like a large van.
The Airstreams Knowledge Sharing Forums website, also known as is an active online community with more than 40,000 members.
Foil dinners, also known as hobo stew, are one of the easiest campfire cooking meals.
Banana Boats are also known as choco-nanas.
Skewers, also known as camping forks, to cook hot dogs and marshmallows takes up a lot less space than a grill, skillet, tongs, and metal spatula.
More recently, we have seen the emergence of the Platinum LG Chocolate phone, also known as the KE800.
This is because they use slightly different technology for their networks, as well as different frequencies, which are also known as bands.
Research in Motion Limited, also known as RIM, was founded in 2004 by . It is a Canadian telecommunication and wireless device company based in Waterloo, Ontario, Canada.
The BlackBerry Pearl 9100 series is also known as the BlackBerry Pearl 3G series.
The main feature of this interface is in the home screen, also known as the home page.
It's also known as the DROID Incredible by HTC.
Clotting factors-Substances in the blood, also known as coagulation factors, that act in sequence to stop bleeding by triggering the formation of a clot.
Baby teeth, also known as primary teeth, are just as important as permanent teeth.
Acute myelogenous leukemia, also known as acute nonlymphocytic leukemia (ANLL), is a cancer of the monocytes and/or granulocytes.
It is also known as hereditary motor and sensory neuropathy and is sometimes called peroneal muscular atrophy, referring to the muscles in the leg that are often affected.
Rotavirus infection is also known as infantile diarrhea or winter diarrhea, because it mainly targets infants and young children.
Tourette syndrome is also known as Gilles de la Tourette syndrome, named after Gilles de la Tourette, a French neurologist who first described the syndrome in 1885.
Scarlet fever, also known as scarlatina, gets its name from the fact that the patient's skin, especially on the cheeks, is flushed.
Neutrophils are a type of granulocyte, also known as a polymorphonuclear leukocyte.
Niacin, also known as nicotinic acid or vitamin B3, has been shown to reduce LDL levels by 10 to 20 percent and raise HDL levels by 15 to 35 percent.
Hereditary hemorrhagic telangiectasia is also known as Osler-Weber-Rendu disease.
The sores caused by this disease, also known as oral herpes, can occur anywhere on the body.
Folic acid is also known as folate or folacin.
Condoms are also known as prophylactics, as well as the popular slang term "rubbers."
An incomplete breech, also known as a footling breech, presents with one or both legs down so that the feet drop into the birth canal at delivery.
External cephalic version-Manual manipulation of the abdomen in order to turn a breech baby; also known as version.
Wilson's disease is also known as inherited copper toxicosis.
Somnambulism is also known as sleepwalking.
Generalized pustular psoriasis is also known as Von Zumbusch pustular psoriasis.
Acute intermittent porphyria (AIP) is also known as Swedish porphyria, pyrroloporphyria, and intermittent acute porphyria.
Variegate porphyria (VP) is also known as porphyria variegata, protocoproporphyria, South African genetic porphyria, and Royal malady (supposedly King George III of England and Mary, Queen of Scots, suffered from VP).
The anticlotting medications also known as blood thinners, especially the drug warfarin (Coumadin), may be the cause of particularly severe bruising.
The plant, which is also known as Rhus diversiloba or Toxicondendron diversilobum, is found in the western United States.
The Beery-Buktenica Test, also known as VMI or Developmental Test of Visual-Motor Integration, is designed for individuals two years of age through adult.
Fasciculation may be due to fatigue, cold, medications, metabolic disorders, nerve damage, or neurodegenerative disease, including amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS, also known as Lou Gehrig's disease).
Bipolar disorder-A severe mental illness, also known as manic depression, in which a person has extreme mood swings, ranging from a highly excited state, sometimes with a false sense of well being, to depression.
Hepatitis B is a form of viral hepatitis that is also known as serum hepatitis, due to its ability to be spread through body fluids and blood.
Fragile X syndrome is also known as Martin-Bell syndrome, Marker X syndrome, and FRAXA syndrome.
Disseminated intravascular coagulation, also known as consumption coagulopathy, is not a disease in itself but a clinical emergency that occurs as a result of other diseases and conditions.
Pinta is also known as "azula" (blue), and "mal de pinto" (pinto sickness).
Nail-patella syndrome is also known as Fong disease, hereditary onycho-osteodysplasia (HOOD), Iliac Horn syndrome, and Turner-Kieser syndrome.
Hyper-IgM syndrome is also known as hypogammaglobulinemia with hyper IgM.
Parenteral nutrition is also known as hyperalimentation.
Facioscapulohumeral muscular dystrophy (FSH), also known as Landouzy-Dejerine disease, which begins in late childhood to early adulthood and affects both men and women, causing weakness in the muscles of the face, shoulders, and upper arms.
Myotonic dystrophy, also known as Steinert's disease, which affects both men and women, causing generalized weakness first seen in the face, feet, and hands.
Myotonic dystrophy-A form of muscular dystrophy, also known as Steinert's disease, that affects both men and women.
The final stage is "identity consolidation," also known as "coming out," in which disclosure may be expanded and the homosexual identity may be incorporated into social activities.
Prickly heat is also known as sweat retention syndrome or miliaria rubra.
They are also known as the pill, OCs, or birth control pills.
Hepatitis A is a form of viral hepatitis also known as infectious hepatitis, due to its ability to be spread through personal contact.
The congenital immunodeficiency disorder, Bruton's agammaglobulinemia, also known as X-linked agammaglobulinemia, results in a decrease or absence of B lymphocytes and, therefore, a decreased ability to make antibodies.
Bruton's agammaglobulinemia is also known as X-linked agammaglobulinemia (XLA).
Allergy shots for insect stings, also known as venom immunotherapy, can be an effective treatment for children who experience a severe reaction to insect stings.
Respiratory distress syndrome (RDS) of the newborn, also known as infant RDS, is an acute lung disease present at birth, which usually affects premature babies.
Immunotherapy, also known as desensitization or allergy shots, alters the balance of antibody types in the body, thereby reducing the ability of IgE to cause allergic reactions.
A home nebulizer, also known as a breathing machine, may be used to deliver asthma medications at home.
Hirschsprung's disease, also known as congenital megacolon or aganglionic megacolon, is an abnormality in which certain nerve fibers are absent in segments of the bowel, resulting in severe bowel obstruction.
Hyperglycemia, also known as diabetic ketoacidosis, is a condition that develops over a period of a few days as the blood glucose levels of a type 1 or type 2 diabetic gradually rise.
The Beery-Buktenica Test, also known as Developmental Test of Visual-Motor Integration or VMI, is designed to identify deficits in visual perception, fine motor skills, and hand-eye coordination.
Immunotherapy, also known as desensitization therapy or allergy shots, alters the balance of antibody types in the body, thereby reducing the ability of IgE to cause allergic reactions.
The emergency condition of anaphylaxis is treated with injection of adrenaline, also known as epinephrine.
The Rh factor was first identified in the blood of a rhesus monkey and is also known as the rhesus factor.
Atopic dermatitis is also known as infantile eczema or atopic eczema.
The rock lobster, also known as spiny lobsters or langoustes, do not have claws.
The American Ballet Theatre also known as ABT is one of the premiere ballet companies of the world.
Two Step Dance, also known as the "Texas Two-Step," is one of the most popular forms of dance at country and Western theme bars, second only to line dancing.
The Nightclub Two Step, also known as the California Two Step, was choreographed in the 1960s and is often found in social dancing.
Every region has its own music, as well as a local dance.Most Bon Odori, also known as simply a Bon dance, will start with dancers lined up in a circle around a wooden scaffold.
This part of the basic is also known as the "rock-step."
Honoring the dead, also known as k'vod hamet, is the most important tenet of the Jewish funeral.
The meaning of the yin yang symbol, also known as the T'ai Chi, is very rich indeed.
The bagua, also known as a pakua or Lo Shu square, is then placed over a sketch of the layout of your house, office or room.
The bagua is an essential feng shui tool used to identify the nine basic life areas, also known as guas, in one concise diagram.
Chinese dragons, also known as Oriental dragons, symbolize good luck, strength and power.
The I Ching, also known as the Book of Change, dates back approximately 5,000 years to the Yin Dynasty and Emperor Fu Hsi.
The ancient symbol of the yin yang, also known as the T'ai Chi, illustrates the equal and opposing energies found in everything in the universe.
Fu Lu Sou - Also known as "The Three Lucky Immortals" represents health and happiness for your family.
Acorns - Also known as oak apple, are the nuts of an oak tree.
Tao symbol is also known as the yin yang symbol or Taijitu.
No one is exactly certain when mathematicians discovered Phi, also known as the Golden Number, ancient people have used this number throughout history since the time the Egyptians built the pyramids in approximately 2575 B.C.
This mythical creature is also known as the Chinese unicorn.
One of the coolest and most Zen like water fountains is an overflowing urn also known as a bubbling ceramic or ceramic bubbler fountain.
The bagua chart, also known as a bagua map, bagua diagram, eight trigrams, and pa kua, is often thought of as a blueprint of your home or place of business.
This is your lucky number or your kua number, also known as your birth number.
This is the Creative Cycle, also known as the Sheng (birth) Cycle.
Family names, also known as surnames, are the way that society groups family members together.