Also Sentence Examples
Aside from packing, there was also decorating to be done.
Also, my hat is quite empty.
He was also dressed for the exclusive party.
All genetic conditions that one would reasonably wish to alter would also be altered.
Was he also concerned about the Indians?
Within a few minutes Fritz and Davis also joined them.
I also keep a diary.
That danger had also passed.
She also lost her sense of smell and taste.
Both Martha and Quinn would also attend.
AdvertisementApparently she found Mr. Cade not only attractive, but also irresistible.
You must also never harm another.
Two things were known at the time about smallpox, also called variola.
This is because, like technology, money also multiplies the labor of man.
She is also beginning to realize that she is not like other children.
AdvertisementI also met Mr. Richard Watson Gilder and Mr. Edmund Clarence Stedman.
They also become more interested in the food they eat.
It also told me he was willing to make a sacrifice for her protection.
She was also tired of being afraid.
Not only because she loved him, but also because she trusted him.
AdvertisementI'm also a friend.
She's also a farrier.
You're also very perceptive.
I also know Mr. Jefferson.
Fortunately he was also caring and compassionate.
AdvertisementHe also had a sense of responsibility about it.
You're also quitting again tonight, aren't you?
After 1403 the Aragonese became masters of Arborea also.
Scale and wind-pressure are also important factors.
It's also a bond that folks in my position have to be careful about taking on, because it leaves me vulnerable.
He also mentioned the files missing from Rosewater and Atherton but was silent on Arthur's note to Cynthia Byrne.
But then, he had also believed Josh was the father of the child Carmen carried.
He'd been messing with her, but he'd also been genuinely interested.
She was also able to turn objects into something else, a rare talent.
In the second he not only enlarges his matter and gives multiplied applications of his ideas, but also follows the synthetic method, first expounding the laws he had discovered and then proving them by the facts to which they are applied.
Its presence has also been detected in the sun and in meteoric iron.
It dissolves easily in water, forming the hydrated chloride, CoC12.6H20, which may also be prepared by dissolving the hydroxide or carbonate in hydrochloric acid.
Iron and copper founding, brewing, tanning, and the manufacture of gunpowder, confectionery, heavy iron goods, gloves, boots and shoes and cotton goods are also carried on.
When the bed is finished, it is covered with straw to protect it from rain, and also from parching influences.
We also went in bathing several times.
Fear that she was also loosing the only brother she had ever known.
Was the Peace Command Center also at risk?
Gabriel cursed under his breath. He had no way of knowing what kind of test a deity like Death could create, but it wasn't likely to be good. While he had full faith in Rhyn, he also knew better than to trust the petite woman in white standing in his dream.
He also asked for and received Byrne's department personnel file.
Dean also asked Mayer about the one day Byrne had been absent—a Thursday the fourth of March—about two months earlier.
There was also a small sheet of white paper listing 11.2 gallons of gas purchased in Aberdeen, Maryland, a mileage figure and the amount of the purchase.
He was also a favorite with Darian's advisors and court, with a knack for connecting with everyone, even the servants.
While she'd been one of the original Guardians to escape the immortal world with Damian, she'd also been at the bottom of the totem pole, once the Guardians in the mortal world rallied around their White God.
When he figured out how to do it without also ending up dead, he'd figure out what had fallen between him and Jenn.
But I also know he made a mistake long before he became the Black God.
With his disappointment at the discovery of his immortal home no longer standing, he also felt a sense of peace that had eluded him.
I also know her—and our—danger increases every day.
It also might save our world, Jenn.
Jenn drew a knife in case an animal had also taken refuge in the cave.
The part of her that loved to mess with powerful creatures also knew she was damned good at it.
It's also covered by the majority of Memon's army.
But then, he also said I thought I was too good for him.
Was he also instructed to provide her with entertainment?
She also said, when her time came, for me to find you and protect you.
He shouldn't be concerned, but he also knew better than to assume any good was going to come of whatever Jonny was doing.
His wife was also Cuban and made a damn strong cup of coffee.
She listened to the next two messages, also from Laurie, and all but dropped the phone.
He turned to face the stairwell, at the top of which Cat sat, also waiting.
Agitated by him and the fire he caused, she was also awed by how small and delicate his muscular frame made her feel.
By giving her access to him, he was also gaining access to her.
The boss also wanted us to remind you that time is running out.
The same skill you have that we would help you learn to use is also of interest to those we are trying to protect humans from.
Sexy, dark-haired with long legs, Jenn was also wary.
It's also the only part of me that's remotely human.
The Gods now knew Xander's intention of claiming her; what they couldn't know was that he was also prepared to walk away, if she made the wrong decision.
She also said we'll have twenty kids.
Nine miles from Tebessa are the extensive phosphate quarries of Jebel Dyr, where is also an interesting megalithic village.
The world of many things surrounds us; our notions, by which we manage correctly or incorrectly to describe it, are also ready made.
But, further, every attempt to think clearly what those relations are, what we really mean, if we talk of a fixed order of events, forces upon us the necessity of thinking also that the different things which stand in relations or the different phases which follow each other cannot be merely externally strung together or moved about by some indefinable external power, in the form of some predestination or inexorable fate.
It also becomes clear that only where such mental life really appears need we assign an independent existence, but that the purposes of everyday life as well as those of science are equally served if we deprive the material things outside of us of an independence, and assign to them merely a connected existence through the universal substance by the action of which alone they can appear to us.
We have still to mention that aesthetics formed a principal and favourite study of Lotze's, and that he has treated this subject also in the light of the leading ideas of his philosophy.
The lower, or south-eastern, part contains both the small group of streets belonging to old Stuttgart, and also the most important part of the new town.
Its trade also in books, hops, horses, and cloth is considerable, and a large banking and exchange business is done here.
At the comparatively remote epoch when the Deccan was a forest tract, they were probably also met with there, but the swamps of the Bengal Sundarbans appear unsuited to their habits.
In 1808 he was elected a member of the French Academy in place of Cabanis, and in 1832 he was also named a member of the Academy of Moral Sciences on its reorganization.
The large industrial population of the town is occupied in the manufacture of lace, which extended hither from Nottingham; there are also railway carriage works.
It contains a closed vesicle regarded by Schepotieff as a right probosciscavity and in any case representing the pericardium of Balangolossus, the glomerulus of which is also probably represented.
The soluble salts are, when in the hydrated condition, also red, but in the anhydrous condition are blue.
Alkaline carbonates give precipitates of basic carbonates, the formation of which is also retarded by the presence of ammonium salts.
A sodium cobaltinitrite is also known.
He also renewed the claim which had been made by his predecessor, Adolf, on Thuringia, and interfered in a quarrel over the succession to the Hungarian throne.
He greatly increased his political information, and also acquired, from the study of the Bible and Shakespeare, a wonderful knowledge of English.
He collaborated with his father in the great edition of Saadia and the edition of Abu-1Walid, and also produced a number of important editions of other Arabic writers.
His father, also named Rainer, the seventh son of the Emperor Leopold II.
This railway gives Cuzco an outlet to the coast, and also direct connexion with La Paz, the Bolivian capital.
A branch of the Callao & Oroya railway is also projected southward to Cuzco, and reached Huancayo in 1908.
In 790 the banished !Ethelred returned to the throne and drove out Osred, whom he put to death in 792. !Ethelred, who had married iElflaed the daughter of Offa, also killed Olf and Olfwine, the sons of Olfwald and was murdered himself at Corbridge in 796.
A papal bull having also been obtained, on the 28th of August 1425, the archbishop, in the course of a visitation of Lincoln diocese, executed his letters patent founding the college, dedicating it to the Virgin, St Thomas Becket and St Edward the Confessor, and handed over the buildings to its members, the vicar of Higham Ferrers being made the first master or warden.
Attached was also a bede or almshouse for twelve poor men.
At Delaware, also, are the state industrial school for girls, a Carnegie library, the Edwards Young Men's Christian Association building and a city hospital.
Hot concentrated sulphuric acid also decomposes allantoin, with production of ammonia, and carbon monoxide and dioxide.
Duclaux found that acetic acid is formed in small quantities during fermentation; aldehyde has also been detected.
A number of esters are also produced.
Culture yeasts have also been successfully employed in the manufacture of wine and cider.
The iron wire used for wire-netting, telegraphic purposes, &c., is commonly galvanized, as also are bolts, nuts, chains and other fittings on ships.
At the same time, if Matthew of Edessa may be trusted, he also carried his arms against the Armenians, and plundered in his avarice every Armenian of wealth and position.
In this his diplomatic ability was conspicuously evident, and it was also largely owing to his influence that Cardinal Chiaramonte was elected as Pius VII.
He has also been the recipient of many foreign orders.
She is known to us chiefly through two myths, both symbolizing the change of seasons, but intended also to illustrate certain doctrines developed in the temple-schools of Babylonia.
The Letters, which are very stilted, also reveal Apollinaris as a man of genial temper, fond of good living and of pleasure.
In a cottage in the environs of Paris called Le Moulin joli, there sat at the same table an old man engraving and an old woman whom he called his meuniere also engraving.
Lives by Mirecourt (1855) and by Haussonville (1878) may also be consulted.
The year which marked the close of the Lateran council was also signalized by Leo's unholy war against the duke of Urbino.
The colour usually deepens toward the zenith and also with the elevation of the observer.
Briicke also brought forward an experiment of great importance, in which he showed that gum mastic, precipitated from an alcoholic solution poured into a large quantity of water, scatters light of a blue tint.
It is obvious that the aerial particles are illuminated not only by the direct solar rays, but also by light dispersed from other parts of the atmosphere and from the earth's surface.
Mastodons have fewer ridges on their molar teeth than elephants; the ridges are also less elevated, wider apart, with a thicker enamel covering, and scarcely any cement filling the space between them.
The number of spiracles is greatly reduced; in the adult a pair is present on the mesothorax, sometimes also a pair on the metathorax, and there is always a pair on the first and another pair on the eighth abdominal segment.
The hotel de ville, also by Abadie, is a handsome modern structure, but preserves two towers of the château of the counts of Angouleme, on the site of which it is built.
It also has a lycee, training-colleges, a school of artillery, a library and several learned societies.
The name was then given to the famous revolutionary song, composed in 1792, the tune of which, and the wild dance which accompanied it, may have also been brought into France by the Piedmontese.
A large number of cotton mills furnish the chief source of industry; printing, dyeing and bleaching of cotton and calico, spinning and weaving machine making, iron and steel works, and collieries in the neighbourhood, are also important.
His work was mainly concerned with electricity and magnetism, though he also made some contributions to optics and physiology.
Also, whilst the winter values of a i are fairly similar at the several stations the summer values are widely different.
The values of a +, a_ and a + also show large variations.
He also found a± on the average about Io% larger when pressure was falling than when it was rising.
It depends, however, in addition on the natural mobility of the ions, and also on the opportunities for convection.
It is also shown conspicuously in figures given by Henry.
The conspicuous maximum in 1901 and great drop in 1902 in Hungary are also shown by the statistics as to the number of days of thunder.
A good deal also depends on the species of tree.
A good deal may also depend on the soil.
The name "firefly" is often applied also to luminous beetles of the family Lampyridae, to which the well-known glow-worm belongs.
It is also beneficial, especially in the case of partially exhausted beds, to water with a dilute solution of nitre.
Here also stands the mansion erected and occupied by Ferdinand de Lesseps during his residence on the isthmus.
The United States government has also opened a port at Cristobal, within the Canal Zone.
Domenico at Siena, is also by Benedetto.
It was a royal preserve, and remains for the most part an uncultivated waste, but it is also a rich coalfield, and there are mines in every direction.
Petroleum and natural gas also occur in the plateau rocks in great quantities.
The Little Kanawha, which has also been improved, serves chiefly for the transportation of logs which are floated down to the Ohio.
Other officers are the clerk of the county court, elected for six years, the sheriff, who also acts as tax-collector and treasurer, the prosecuting attorney, one or two assessors, the surveyor of lands and the superintendent of free schools, all elected for the term of four years; the sheriff may not serve two consecutive full terms. In addition there are boards appointed or elected by various authorities and charged with specific duties.
These are all under the supervision of a state board of control of three members, appointed by the governor, which was created in 1909, and also has control of the finances of the state educational system.
Each magisterial district constitutes a school district and there are also a few independent school districts.
There is also a state school book commission, consisting of the state superintendent and eight other members appointed by the governor.
This is also the length of $th of the statute mile.
Liqueurs, chicory, chocolate, candles, hats, boots and shoes, and woollen and linen goods are also made, and tanning is practised.
Another brother, Philip Livingston (1716-1778), was also prominent as a leader of the New York Whigs or Patriots.
Apotheosis may also be used in wider senses.
Here are also the Rawlings Institute for girls, founded as the Albemarle Female Institute in 1857, and a University school.
See also bibliography to the article Vestments.
Roman milestones and aqueducts also are found, and close by the now famous tomb of Apollophanes, with wall-paintings of animals and other ornamentation, was discovered in 1902; a description of it will be found in Thiersch and Peters, The Marissa Tombs, published by the Palestine Exploration Fund.
He also made himself very popular in Paris by his large gifts to the poor in time of famine, and by throwing open the gardens of the Palais Royal to the people.
The governor's palace was formerly that of the grand master of the Maltese Order, and it also contains relics of the knights, tapestries, armour, &c. Extensive bagnios under the rock, formerly occupied by the slaves of the knights, are now used for stores.
Such roofs are not suitable for cold climates, for accumulations of snow might overburden the structure and would also cause the wet to penetrate through any small crevices and under flashings.
The youngest servant of the Company claimed the right of trading on his own account, free from taxation and from local jurisdiction, not only for himself but also for every native subordinate whom he might permit to use his name.
The other child, a son, was sent to England, and also died shortly before his father's return.
The great influence of Lord Clive was also exercised on his behalf.
It began to be recognized also that stereotyped punishments, such as belong to penal codes, fail to take due account of the particular condition of an offence and the character and circumstances of the offender.
There remains also the Perpendicular gateway, serving as the town-hall.
But the causes that changed the character of the advocatus operated also in the case of the vidame.
He also assisted to edit the tenth edition of Erskine May's Law, Privileges, Proceedings and Usage of Parliament (London, 1896).
He was bitterly denounced by slaveholders and also by such non-slaveholders as disapproved of all antislavery agitation, and in January 1827 he was assaulted and seriously injured by a slave-trader, Austin Woolfolk, whom he had severely criticized in his paper.
The lamp c illuminates the drum-head and also, by reflection, the portions of the position-circle which come under the microscopes d and e.
The same firm is also constructing a micrometer in which the readings of the head are printed on a band of paper instead of being read off at the time of observation.
It is practically impossible to work with the sensitive film in contact with the reseau-film, not only because dust particles and contact would injure the silver film, but also because the plate-glass used for the photographic plates is seldom a perfect plane.
Hartmann overcame these and many other difficulties by directly superposing the image of the spectrogram of a star, having iron comparison lines, upon the image of a spectrogram of the sun taken also with iron comparison lines.
It was also printed by Wynkyn de Worde in 1512.
Members of the family were also margraves of Brandenburg from 1323 to 1373, and kings of Sweden from 1654 to 1718.
It was also the view universally taken by the German governments which supported the Kulturkampf in a greater or less degree.
For the history of the definition see Vatican Council; also Papacy, Gallicanism, Febronianism, Old Catholics, &c.
By reason of its dry and bracing climate, Aliwal North is also a favourite residence of sufferers from chest complaints.
The mountains near Iglesias are also very fine.
Corresponding with this difference of structure there is also a difference in the geological succession.
Anthropologists, indeed, have recently observed a large proportion of individuals of exceptionally small stature, not found in Sardinia only, but elsewhere in south Italy also; though in Sardinia they are distributed over the whole island, and especially in the southern half.
But the lowness of stature extends to the lower animals - cattle, horses, donkeys, &c. - and this may indicate that climatic causes have some part in the matter also, though Sergi denies this.
The native costumes also vary considerably.
Pigs, sheep and goats are also kept in considerable numbers.
The sardine fishery, which might also be important, at present serves mainly for local consumption.
Lignite is also mined at Bacu Abis, near Gonnesa, and Anthracite in small quantities near Seui.
He was also appointed governor of Weymouth, sheriff of Dorsetshire for the king and president of the king's council of war in the county.
In the first parliament elected under this "Instrument" he sat for Wiltshire, having been elected also for Poole and Tewkesbury, and was one of the commissioners for the ejection of unworthy ministers.
He signed a letter of complaint, with sixty-five excluded members, to the speaker, as also a "Remonstrance" addressed to the people.
Beetroot for sugar, grain and fruit are also grown.
A collection of woody plants, one of the largest and finest in the world, and a broad forest and hunting preserve, known as Pisgah Forest (ioo,000 acres), are also maintained by the owner.
He also edited (1856) from the author's MSS.
Remains of other buildings may also be seen.
The great difference is in the attitude towards the Lord's Supper, the Reformed or Calvinistic Churches repudiating not only transubstantiation but also the Lutheran consubstantiation.
They also reject the use of crucifixes and other symbols and ceremonies retained by the Lutherans.
It is from the particular application of the word to sheep that "flock" is used of the Christian Church in its relation to the "Good Shepherd," and also of a congregation of worshippers in its relation to its spiritual head.
This material is used for stuffing mattresses or pillows, and also in upholstery.
The name is also applied to a special kind of wall-paper, which has an appearance almost like cloth, or, in the more expensive kinds, of velvet.
The chief manufactures are boots and shoes, tobacco and machinery; there is also some trade in cattle.
He also excavated the holy tank from which the town derives its name of Amrita Turas, or Pool of Immortality.
In 1873 he was called to Rome to organize the college of engineering, and was also appointed professor of higher mathematics at the university.
The administration of the Servian railways has its factory for repairing engines and principal store of materials in the city, which also possesses an iron foundry.
The,, king and the government reside for at least three months in the year in Nish, where also the national assembly, before the constitution of 1g01, was regularly held.
It is also known as the Ko-kayaing, so called from the original nine canals of the district.
The mistletoe so extensively used in England at Christmas is largely derived from the apple orchards of Normandy; a quantity is also sent from the apple orchards of Herefordshire.
Viscum, called dryos hyphear, is most plentiful on the esculent oak, but occurs also on the robur, Prunus sylvestris and terebinth.
Maximilian was also a writer of books, and his writings display his inordinate vanity.
He also made important contributions to the mathematical theory of electrodynamics, and in papers published in 1845 and 1847 established mathematically the laws of the induction of electric currents.
He is also the father of dangerous winds (typhoons), and by later writers is identified with the Egyptian Seth.
There he led a healthy outdoor life, and also became a large and indiscriminate reader, and before long contributed humorous and poetical articles to the provincial newspapers and magazines.
Widnes is one of the principal seats of the alkali and soap manufacture, and has also grease-works for locomotives and waggons, copper works, iron-foundries, oil and paint works and sail-cloth manufactories.
He himself was a prebendary of St Paul's, and was also a clerk in the service of William II.
The word is also sometimes applied to a heavy timber fitted with iron spikes or projections to be thrown down upon besiegers, and to the large work known as a "cavalier."
Among other objects also known by the name of "cat" is the small piece of wood pointed at either end used in the game of tip-cat, and the instrument of punishment, generally known as the "cat o' nine tails."
The ordinary domesticated cats of Europe are, however, mainly of African origin, although they have largely crossed, especially in Germany (and probably also in Great Britain), with the wild cat.
Kink-tailed cats, it should be added, are also known from Madagascar.
In the royal Siamese breed the head is rather long and pointed, the body also elongated with relatively slender limbs, the coat glossy and close, the eyes blue, and the general colour some shade of cream or pink, with the face, ears, feet, under-parts, and tail chocolate or seal-brown.
He also carried out many experiments in magneto-optics, and succeeded in showing, what Faraday had failed to detect, the rotation under the influence of magnetic force of the plane of polarization in certain gases and vapours.
If the king were a minor, the mayor of the palace supervised his education in the capacity of guardian (nutricius), and often also occupied himself with affairs of state.
It has also been conferred during the closing years of the 19th century by letters patent on other cities - Birmingham, Liverpool, Manchester, Bristol, Sheffield, Leeds, Cardiff, Bradford, Newcastle-on-Tyne, Belfast, Cork.
I was told that it had been printed, but that every copy had been at the same time burnt at Rome, and that Galileo had been himself condemned to some penalty" 14 He has also seen a copy of Galileo's condemnation .
The book will contain four essays, all in French, with the general title of Project of a Universal science, capable of raising our nature to its highest perfection; also Dioptrics, Meteors and Geometry, wherein the most curious matters which the author could select as a proof of the universal science which he proposes are explained in such a way that even the unlearned may understand them.'
The restriction of the early letters of the alphabet to known, and of the late letters to unknown, quantities is also his work.
They are also the direct antitheses to the scepticism of Montaigne and Pascal, to the materialism of Gassendi and Hobbes, and to the superstitious anthropomorphism which defaced the reawakening sciences of nature.
Amongst the elements of our thought there are some which we can make and unmake at our pleasure; there are others which come and go without our wish; there is also a third class which is of the very essence of our thinking, and which dominates our conceptions.
The God of Descartes is not merely the creator of the material universe; he is also the father of all truth in the intellectual world.
It also encouraged vivisection - a practice common with Descartes himself.
There are also numerous editions and translations of separate works, especially the Method, in French, German, Italian, Spanish and Hungarian.
The church of the Holy Trinity, mainly Perpendicular, was also partly demolished during the Civil War, but was restored by the countess of Pembroke.
From this period dates the castle, and also the buildings of the university, founded by Gabriel Bethlen, and now used as barracks.
This Volkerpsychologie (folkor comparative psychology) is one of the chief developments of the Herbartian theory of philosophy; it is a protest not only against the so-called scientific standpoint of natural philosophers, but also against the individualism of the positivists.
Araucaria Cunninghami, the Moreton Bay pine, is a tall tree abundant on the shores of Moreton Bay, Australia, and found through the littoral region of Queensland to Cape York Peninsula, also in New Guinea.
Araucaria Cookii, also a native of New Caledonia, attains a height of 150 ft.
It is found also in the Isle of Pines, and in the New Hebrides.
There were also the usual decuriones (town councillors) and Augustales.
We learn much as to these magistrates from the large number of inscriptions that have been found (over 2000 in Ostia and Portus taken together) and also as to the cults.
The small cathedral of St Aurea, also an early Renaissance structure, with Gothic windows, is by some ascribed to Meo del Caprina (1430-1501).
In 1257, along with his friend Bonaventura, he was created doctor of theology, and began to give courses of lectures upon this subject in Paris, and also in Rome and other towns in Italy.
The third part of the Summa is also divided into two parts, but by accident rather than by design.
In the palace there are various permanent exhibitions, while special exhibitions are held from time to time, also concerts, winter pantomimes and other entertainments.
Ivan was also the first tsar who dared to attack the Crimea.
Ivan was also unfortunate in having for his chief antagonist Stephen Bathory, one of the greatest captains of the age.
The same society which produced his infamous favourites also produced St Philip of Moscow, and by refusing to listen to St Philip Ivan sank below even the not very lofty moral standard of his own age.
An abortive expedition to reinstate a Thessalian prince probably also belongs to this year; there is also evidence that Athens interfered in a war between Selinus and Segesta in Sicily about this time.
The archons and members of the boule, who certainly received remuneration in 411, and also some minor magistrates, were perhaps paid for the first time by Pericles.
But the plague, which had carried off two of his sons and a sister, had left its mark also on Pericles himself.
There is also fine sea-bathing at English Bay on the outskirts of the city.
Its safety also was secured by the barrier of rugged mountains (7000 to 8000 ft.) which separates its district from the rest of Asia Minor.
We find them also at war with many of these powers, and with the Genoese, who endeavoured to monopolize the commerce of the Black Sea.
The monastery also possesses the firman of Mahommed II.
This passage is interesting also as showing that women were accustomed to play the game in those days.
The 13th earl of Eglinton also set an example of active interest which many magnates emulated.
It is also a rule that the diameter of the bowl shall not be less than 411n.
The bowler delivers his bowl with one foot on a mat or footer, made of india-rubber or cocoanut fibre, the size of which is also prescribed by rule as 24 by 16 in., though, with a view to protecting the green, Australasian clubs employ a much larger size, and require the bowler to keep both feet on the mat in the act of delivery.
He was also well known as a sanitary reformer, and during the last ten years of his life he did much useful work in inculcating more enlightened ideas on the subject both in Edinburgh and other places.
It is in the heart of the manufacturing district of the West Riding, and has large woollen and worsted factories; carpets, machinery and soap are also produced.
There are also in that neighbourhood famous marble quarries.
This part of the river's course, the ancient Assyria, is also a rich agricultural region.
Beginning shortly below Tekrit there are indications of considerable canalization, both for the purpose of irrigating country remote from the river, and also of shortening the course of the river for navigation.
Here the palm groves begin also, and from this point to a little beyond Bagdad the shores of the river are well cultivated.
In this neighbourhood also stood the ancient Opis.
The gas also occurs in minute quantities in the common minerals of the earth's crust.
The gas contains a certain amount of hydrogen and oxides of carbon, also traces of nitrogen.
Prytanis was also the name of a legendary king of Sparta of the Eurypontid or Proclid line.
A large sugar-beet industry has also sprung up here in modern times.
Agriculture is highly developed; cereals, principally wheat and oats, and beetroot are the chief crops; potatoes, flax, hemp, rape and hops are also grown.
It forms part of the educational division (academie) of Douai and of the region of the second army corps, its military centre being at Amiens, where also is its court of appeal.
The ruined church at Longpont (13th century) is the relic of an important Cistercian abbey; Urcel and Mont-Notre-Dame have fine churches, the first entirely in the Romanesque style, the second dating from the 12th and 13th centuries, to which period the church at Braisne also belongs.
It is also a considerable market for horses, cattle and grain, and there is a little boat-building and salt and sail-cloth manufacture.
I've also moved articles on cities in South Tirol and Kustenland to this category, as well as those on cities in Galicia, Bukovina, Transylvania, and Dalmatia.
I've also moved towns in North Schleswig and Alsace-Lorraine.
I've also tried to move East Prussian cities that are now in Russia or Lithuania, but I'm not sure I found them all.
He had also, what was more serious, command of the Aegean.
The first book also relates his conquests in Italy, Africa, Syria and Asia Minor; his return to Macedonia and the submission of Greece.
In 1817 a Roman Catholic theological faculty was added, with a seminary called the Konvikt, and there are now also faculties of law, medicine, philosophy, political economy and natural science.
Later charters were given by Henry II., by John in 1204 (who also granted an annual fair of three days' duration, 29th of October, at the feast of St Modwen, and a weekly market on Thursday), by Henry III.
After a period of instruction in medicine by a doctor who also, according to Lucian, was an impostor, he succeeded in establishing an oracle of Aesculapius at his native town.
The Halberstadt pitch is nearly a semitone higher, which again agrees with the statement of Praetorius, and also Schlick's high C organ.
The church, which contains numerous interesting monuments, possesses also the unusual feature of an apsidal Decorated chapel.
The people of the interior are mostly of the old Iranian stock, and there are also a few nomads of the Turkish Baharlu tribe which came to Persia in the lath century when the province was subdued by a Turkish chief.
But he was a profoundly interested observer of affairs at home and among 1 The Assyrian term abubu is used of the great primeval deluge (in the Gilgamesh epic), and also of the local floods common in the country.
Among its natural productions are lemons, citrons, olives, wine and honey; it also exports a considerable quantity of valonia.
This influence was due not only to his publications, but also to the "school" or classes for the training of clergymen which he conducted for many years at his home and from which went forth scores of preachers to every part of New England and the middle colonies (states).
Peter, a merchant adventurer, who had migrated from Danzig to London about 1670, was also a director of the East India company.
Educated at Reading school and at Winchester college, Henry Vansittart joined the society of the Franciscans, or the "Hellfire club," at Medmenham, his elder brothers, Arthur and Robert, being also members of this fraternity.
There are also a Roman Catholic church (1882) and a synagogue.
There is also an important butter and cheese market.
Powell wrote several treatises and also some hymns, but his chief gifts were those of a preacher.
The city has also a large trade in cotton, the annual receipts averaging about ioo,000 bales.
The majority of the species belong to the family Pulicidae, of which P. irritans maybe taken as the type; but the order also includes the Sarcopsyllidae, the females of which fix themselves firmly to their host, and the Ceratopsyllidae, or bat-fleas.
Maxillary and labial palpi are also present, and the latter, together with the labrum or lower lip, form the rostrum.
For this patron several of his treatises were written; and the commencement of his Canon of Medicine also dates from his stay in Hyrcania.
There is also a.
Some Turkish colonies are also found in the south-eastern districts.
The Illyrians were also "Pelasgian," but in a wider sense.
There are also several Albanian settlements in European Turkey and Asia Minor, some founded by military colonists who received grants of land from successive sultans, others owing their origin to enforced migrations after insurrections in Albania.
Owing to the proximity of the capital this group is comparatively subject to the Turkish power, and pays a small annual tribute; the chiefs, who assess and collect the tribute, form a kind of administrative council; the confederation has also an official representative council at Scutari, called the Jibal, under the presidency of a Serkarde or Moslem official.
There is also a considerable admixture of Turkish and Slavonic words.
In the absence of literary culture the Albanian dialects, as might be expected, are widely divergent; the limits of the two principal dialects correspond with the racial boundaries of the Ghegs and Tosks, who understand each other with difficulty; the Albanians in Greece and Italy have also separate dialects.
Josephus used the name Idumaea as including not only Gobalitis, the original Mount Seir, but also Amalekitis, the land of Amalek, west of this, and Akrabatine, the ancient Acrabbim,, S.W.
The town-house is also a noteworthy building and contains large and important archives.
The chief industrial establishments are a large ammunition factory and an engine factory; but manufactures of cotton, silk, velvet, pottery and paper, sugar-refining and tanning are also extensively carried on.
Trade is also brisk, and is facilitated by a canal connecting the town with Vienna, and used chiefly for the transport of coal and timber.
Also the auxiliarly circle is the locus of the feet of the perpendiculars from the foci on any tangent.
About 4000 French Canadians, who had emigrated from Quebec to the United States, have also made the province their home, as well as Icelanders now numbering 20,000.
There is also a normal school at Winnipeg for the training of teachers.
Lake Manitoba also affords opportunity for inland shipping.
The Great Northern railway has also three branch lines in Manitoba and one of these has Winnipeg as its terminus.
With closed stoves much less heat is wasted, and consequ;ntly less fuel is burned, than with open grates, but they often cause an unpleasant sensation of dryness in the air, and the products of combustion also escape to some extent, rendering this method of heating not only unpleasant but sometimes even dangerous.
There is also a risk that woodwork near the pipes may warp and split.
A flow pipe which serves also for expansion is taken from the top of the cylinder to a point above the cold - water supply and turned down to prevent the ingress of dirt.
The coiled pipe firebox of the high-pressure hot-water system previously described may be also classed with boilers.
Bale is also the authority for another assertion that figures in what has been aptly termed the poet's "traditional biography," viz.
In spite of that, Lydgate is characteristically medieval - medieval in his prolixity, his platitude, his want of judgment and his want of taste; medieval also in his pessimism, his Mariolatry and his horror of death.
A fine pavilion or kiosk, named de l'Etoile, has also survived.
Napier lived, too, not only in a wild country, which was in a lawless and unsettled state during most of his life, but also in a credulous and superstitious age.
Like Kepler and all his contemporaries he believed in astrology, and he certainly also had some faith in the power of magic, for there is extant a deed written in his own handwriting containing a contract between himself and Robert Logan of Restalrig, a turbulent baron of desperate character, by which Napier undertakes "to serche and sik out, and be al craft and ingyne that he dow, to tempt, trye, and find out" some buried treasure supposed to be hidden in Logan's fortress at Fastcastle, in consideration of receiving one-third part of the treasure found by his aid.
Briggs also used decimals, but in a form not quite so convenient as Napier.
A great disappointment, his repulse for the mastership of Balliol, also in 1854, appears to have roused him into the completion of his book on The Epistles of St Paul.
Denver has also large foundries and machine shops, flour and grist mills, and slaughtering and meat-packing establishments.
In some other respects also a certain disparity is apparent between a minister and his elders.
They were unanimous in regarding ministerial service as mainly pastoral; preaching, administering the sacraments and visiting from house to house; and, further, in perceiving that Christian ministers must be also spiritual rulers, not in virtue of any magical influence transmitted from the Apostles, but in virtue of their election by the Church and of their appointment in the name of the Lord Jesus.
The psalms rendered into metre were formerly the only vehicle of the Church's public praise, but hymns are now also used in most Presbyterian churches.'
A code of instructions for the guidance of church courts when engaged in cases of discipline is in general use, and bears witness to the extreme care taken not only to have things done decently and in order, but also to prevent hasty, impulsive and illogical procedure in the investigation of charges of heresy or immorality.
Synods Synod of also were held in the north.
The orphans are boarded in the homes of respectable poor people, who thus also benefit by the society.
A weekly market on Wednesdays was granted to John, earl of Richmond, in 1308 together with an eight days' fair beginning on the vigil of St Margaret's day, and in 1445 John de la Pole, earl of Suffolk, one of his successors as lord of the manor, received a further grant of the same market and also two yearly fairs, one on the feast of St Philip and St James and the other at Michaelmas.
Dumas's novel, Memoirs of a Physician, is founded on his adventures; see also a series of papers in the Dublin University Magazine, vols.
The Teatro Farnese, a remarkable wooden structure erected in1618-1619from Aleotti d'Argenta's designs, and capable of containing 4500 persons, is also in this palace.
During the 11th, 12th and 13th centuries Parma had its full share of the Guelph and Ghibelline struggles, in which it mainly took the part of the former, and also carried on repeated hostilities with Borgo San Donnino and Piacenza.
He also defended the privileges of the Irish Protestants in the press, and especially in the Freeman's Journal, founded in 1763.
The food of the adult is almost exclusively animal, - insects, especially large ants, snails, lizards and snakes, but it also eats certain large red berries.
It is also darker in colour, has less of the frontal crest, shorter legs, a longer tail, and the markings beneath take the form of bars rather than stripes, while the bill, eyes and legs are all black.
It is also, especially on the east, lined by lagoons which communicate with the lake by intricate channels.
There was also at one time communication between the Shari and the Bahr-el-Ghazal, so that the water of the firstnamed stream reached Chad by way of the Bahr-el-Ghazal.
In 1850 James Richardson, accompanied by Heinrich Barth and Adolf Overweg, reached the lake, also via Tripoli, and Overweg was the first European to navigate its waters (1851).
The north and north-west shores also belong to France.
Leather-dressing is the chief industry; steam-sawing, brewing and dyeing are also carried on, and horticulture flourishes in the environs.
The Desaguadero also receives the outflow of the Laguna Bebedero, an intensely saline lake of western San Luis.
The three great rivers that form the La Plata system - the Paraguay, Parana and Uruguay - have their sources in the highlands of Brazil and flow southward through a great continental depression, two of them forming eastern boundary lines, and one of them, the Parana, flowing across the eastern part of the republic. The northern part of Argentina, therefore, drains eastward from the mountains to these rivers, except where some great inland depression gives rise to a drainage having no outlet to the sea, and except, also, in the " mesopotamia " region, where small streams flow westward into the Parana and eastward into the Uruguay.
The La Pampa territory also is dotted with small lakes.
The principal rocks are andesites, but trachytes and basalts are also common.
Its greatest defect is the cold southerly and westerly storms, which cause great losses in cattle and sheep. The Patagonian coast-line and mountainous region are also healthy, having a dry and bracing climate.
Pumas, jaguars and one or two species of wild cat are numerous, as also the Argentine wolf and two or three species of fox.
The capybara (Hydrochoerus capybara) is also numerous in this region.
Both of these men made important contributions to science, and rendered an inestimable service to the country, not only through their publications but also through the interest they aroused in scientific research.
The greater development of railway construction between 1885 and 1891 was due, principally, to the dubious concessions of interest guarantees by the Celman administration, and also to the fever of speculation.
Owing to the great distances which must be covered, and also to the defective means of communication in sparsely settled districts, the costs of the postal service in Argentina are unavoidably high in relation to the receipts.
The advance made in agricultural industry also is of very great importance.
The existing system of taxation also presses heavily upon the provinces, as may be seen from the fact that the national, provincial and municipal exactions together amount to £7 per head of population, while the total value of the exports in 1898 was only L6 in round numbers.
Each province has also its own judicial system.
In 1906 the president announced that permission had been given by the German emperor for 30 Argentine officers to enter the German army each year and to serve eighteen months, and also for five officers to attend the Berlin Military Academy.
There is also a dockyard and torpedo arsenal at La Plata, an artillery depot at Zarate, above Buenos Aires, and naval depots on the island of Martin Garcia and at Tigre, on the Lujan river.
Secondary instruction is also free, but is not compulsory.
There may also be mentioned the lakes of Bourget and Annecy (both in Savoy), St Point (Jura), Paladru (Isre) and Nantua (Am).
Evergreens predominate in the south, where grow subtropical plants such as the myrtle, arbutus, laurel, holm-oak, olive and fig; varieties of the same kind are also found on the Atlantic coast (as far north as the Cotentin), where the humidity and mildness of the climate favor their growth.
The oldest rocks, the gneisses and schists of the Archean period, form nearly the whole of the Central Plateau, and are also exposed in the axes of the folds in Brittany.
The Bretons, who most nearly represent the Celts, and the Basques, who inhabit parts of the western versant of the Pyrenees, have preserved their distinctive languages and customs, and are ethnically the most interesting sections of the nation; the Flemings of French Flanders where Flemish is still spoken are also racially distinct.
Considerable sprinklings of Protestants are also to be found in the two Charentes, in Dauphin, in Paris and in Franche-Comt.
The environs of Creil (Oise) and Chteau-Landon (Seine-et-Marne) are noted for their freestone (pierre de taille), which is also abundant at Euville and Lrouville in Meuse; the production of plaster is particularly important in the environs of Paris, of kaolin of fine quality at Yrieix (1-Jaute-Vienne), of hydraulic lime in Ardche (Le Teil), of lime phosphates in the department of Somme, of marble in the departments of HauteGaronne (St Beat), Hautes-Pyrnes (Campan, Sarrancolin), Isre and Pas-de-Calais, and of cement in Pas-de-Calais (vicinity of Boulogne) and Isre (Grenoble).
He also acts as registrar of births, deaths and marriages, and officiates at civil marriages.
Mention may also be made of the Tribunal des Conflits, a special court whose function it is to decide which is the competent tribunal when an administration and a judicial court both claim or refuse to deal with a given case.
A procureur, or public prosecutor, is also attached to each court.
Procureurs-gnraux and avocats-gnraux are also attached to the parquet, or permanent official staff, of the courts of appeal.
It may also dismiss a case on grounds of insufficient evidence.
First there is the office or cabinet of the prefect for the general police (la police gnrale), with bureaus for various objects, such as the safety of the president of the republic, the regulation and order of public ceremonies, theatres, amusements and entertainments, &c.; secondly, the judicial police (la police judiciaire), with numerous bureaus also, in constant communication with the courts of judicature; thirdly, the administrative police (la police administrative) including bureaus, which superintend navigation, public carriages, animals, public health, &c. Concurrently with these divisions there is the municipal police, which comprises all the agents in enforcing police regulations in the streets or public thoroughfares, acting under the orders of a chief (chef de la police municipale) with a central bureau.
There are also reformatory establishments for juvenile offenders, and ddpDts de stireU for prisoners who are travelling, at places where there are no other prisons.
There is also an official performing the functions of a director at Bastia, in Corsica.
Dispensations, and also the one-year voluntariat, which had become a short cut for the so-called intellectual class to employment in the civil service rather than a means of training reserve officers, were abolished.
Important changes were also made in the provisions and administration of military law.
The chief of staff of the army is also a member of the council.
The general staff and also the staff of the corps and divisions are composed of_certificated (breveUs) officers who have passed all through the Ecole de Guerre.
Advisory committees are also appointed to deal with special subjects, e.g.
He is thus commander-in-chief, as also governor-designate for time of war, but his authority does not extend to ships belonging to organized squadrons or divisions.
There are also directors of stores, of naval construction, of the medical service, and of the submarine defences (which are concerned with torpedoes, mines and torpedo-boats), as well as of naval ordnance and works, The prefect directs the operations of the arsenal, and is responsible for its efficiency and for that of the ships which are there in reserve.
There is also an acadmie comprising Algeria.
If the number of inhabitants exceed 500, the commune must also provide a special school for girls, unless the Departmental Council authorizes it to substitute a mixed school.
There were also a great many schools in the control of various religious congregations, but a law of 1904 required that they should all be suppressed within ten years from the date of its enactment.
The lyces also take boardersthe cost of boarding ranging from f22 to f52 a year.
The faculties of law confer the same degrees in law and also grant certificates of capacity, which enable the holder to practise as an avou; a licence is necessary for the profession of barrister.
A partial exception to this rule is found in Algeria, where all laws in force in France before the conquest of the country are also (in theory, not in practice) in force in Algeria.
In 1762 he also published a play entitled La Petimetra.
Opposite the cathedral is the government palace, which also contains the public library.
But his original work was also important.
He also investigated electrical endosmosis and the electrical resistance of electrolytes.
Soap, candles and tobacco are also manufactured, and the town is a centre for local agricultural trade.
There also occurs a peculiar genus of lizards with two species, the one marine, the other terrestrial.
Historically the battle is interesting because it was the last example of an encounter on a great scale between fleets of galleys and also because it was the last crusade.
It is also obtained by heating para-chlorphenoldisulphonic acid with potassium hydroxide.
Eugallol, or monacetyl pyrogallol and lenigallol, or triacetyl pyrogallol, are also used.
The highest office in connexion with the Cinque Ports is that of the lord warden, who also acts as governor of Dover Castle, and has a maritime jurisdiction (vide infra) as admiral of the ports.
Phillimore was also the last judge of the high court of admiralty, from 1867 (the date of his appointment to the high court) to 1875, the two offices were, probably for the first time in history, held by the same person.
The office of marshal in the high court is represented in this court by a serjeant, who also bears a silver oar.
The term is also applied to the descendants of the Diadochi, the successors of Alexander the Great.
Inland from the town there is also elevated ground, the Ovinehei.
Their produce has gradually decreased since the 17th century, and is now unimportant, but sulphate of copper, iron pyrites, and some gold, silver, sulphur and sulphuric acid, and red ochre are also produced.
The company also owns iron mines, limestone and quartz quarries, large iron-works at Domnarfvet and elsewhere, a great extent of forests and saw-mills, and besides the output of the copper mines it produces manufactured iron and steel, timber, wood-pulp, bricks and charcoal.
Falun has also railway rolling-stock factories.
It is found in European streams, and is caught by anglers, being also a favourite in aquariums. The well-known and important industry of "Essence Orientale" and artificial pearls, carried on in France and Germany with the crystalline silvery colouring matter of the bleak, was introduced from China about the middle of the 17th century.
On each side of this, in the western pediment, is a group of two combatants over a fallen warrior; in the eastern pediment, a warrior whose opponent is falling into the arms of a supporting figure; other figures also - the bowmen especially - face towards the angles, and so give more variety to the composition.
There are also remains of a third pediment, which may have been produced in competition, but never placed on the temple.
He also invented a heliometer, afterwards perfected by Fraunhofer.
It is also connected by rail with Kalach on the Don, where merchandise from the Sea of Azov is disembarked.
Tsaritsyn is also the centre of the trade in the mustard of Sarepta, Dubovka and the neighbourhood.
A fort was erected here in the 16th century to prevent the incursions of the free Cossacks and runaway serfs who gathered on the lower Volga, as also the raids of the Kalmucks and Circassians.
In the winter coat the hair is long and pendent, elongated into a short beard on the sides of the lower jaw behind the chin; and it is also longer than elsewhere on the neck and the chest; at the base of the long hair is a thick growth of short and woolly under-fur.
The aquarium, the property of the corporation, contains an excellent marine collection, but is also used as a concert hall and winter garden, and a garden is laid out on its roof.
Preston and Queen's parks are the principal of several public recreation grounds; and the racecourse at Kemp Town is also the property of the town.
Two intersecting central streets also divide the city into four sections, in each of which the streets are methodically named and numbered, as North 3rd, 5th, 7th, &c., or West 2nd, 4th, 6th, &c., according to direction and location.
It is also one of the two chief cities, or capitals, of the Federal district.
Fossil remains of members of this family have also been found in Europe in strata of the Oligocene period.
Dr Einar Lonnberg has also recorded certain adaptive peculiarities in the stomach.
Winge, and endorsed by Professor Max Weber, is also taken to include the koala.
In the lower jaw there are also one or two small and early deciduous premolars; third premolars of both jaws formed on the same type as that of the rat-kangaroos, but relatively much larger; molars rudimentary, tubercular.
The same deposits have also yielded remains of extinct types of kangaroo, some of gigantic size, constituting the genera Sthenurus, Procoptodon and Palorchestes.
Numerous types more or less nearly allied to the phalangers, such as Burramys and Triclis have also been described, as well as a flying form, Palaeopetaurus.
It is also interesting to note that fossil remains indicate the former occurrence of thylacines and Tasmanian devils on the Australian mainland.
In ancient times a brook flowed down the valley of the Kidron, and it is possible that a stream flowed also through the Tyropoeon valley.
Cisterns were also used for the storage of rain water, and aqueducts, of which the remains still exist, were constructed for the conveyance of water from a distance.
But his successors did not act with similar leniency; when the city was captured by Ptolemy I., king of Egypt, twelve years later, the fortifications were partially demolished and apparently not again restored until the period of the high priest Simon II., who repaired the defences and also the Temple buildings.
He also built the great fortress of Antonia, N.W.
The empress also erected a large church in honour of St Stephen north of the Damascus Gate, and is believed to have been buried therein.
A wooden mosque was erected near the site of the Temple, which was replaced by the Mosque of Aksa, built by the amir Abdalmalik (Abd el Malek), who also constructed the Dome of the Rock, known as the Mosque of Omar, in 688.
There are also carriage roads to Bethlehem, Hebron and Jericho, and a road to Nablus was in course of construction in 1909.
The village of Siloam has also increased in size, and the western slopes of Olivet are being covered with churches, monasteries and houses.
Timocreon was also known as a composer of scolia (drinking-songs) and, according to Suidas, wrote plays in the style of the old comedy.
He also published commentaries on portions of Cicero (especially the De finibus), on Ausonius, Juvenal, Curtius Rufus, and other classical authors.
He wrote also Bellum scodrense (1474), on account of the siege of Scodra (Scutari) by the Turks, and Antiquitates vicecomitum, the history of the Visconti, dukes of Milan, down to the death of Matteo the Great (1322).
The statutes of the club were also published in Paris.
The mixture probably contained also some BH 3.
Boron fluoride also combines with ammonia gas, equal volumes of the two gases giving a white crystalline solid of composition BF 3 NH 3 i with excess of ammonia gas, colourless liquids BF 3.2NH 3 and BF 3.3NH 3 are produced, which on heating lose ammonia and are converted into the solid form.
Long-continued heating with water also decomposes it slowly.
It also possesses the power of combining with most metallic oxides at high temperatures, forming borates, which in many cases show characteristic colours.
It is obtained by the oxidation of orthophenylene diamine with ferric chloride; when a mixture of para-aminodimethylaniline and meta-toluylenediamine is oxidized in the cold, toluylene blue, an indamine, being formed as an intermediate product and passing into the red when boiled; and also by the oxidation of dimethylparaphenylene diamine with metatoluylene diamine.
So it appears in the Deuteronomic decalogue, and presumably also in;Jer.
For, if the Sun presides over the first hour of Sunday, and therefore also over the eighth, the fifteenth and the twenty-second, Venus will have the twenty-third hour, Mercury the twenty-fourth, and the Moon, as the third in order from the Sun, will preside over the first hour of Monday.
Thus for the 7th, 14th, 21 st, 28th and also the 19th days of the intercalary Elul it is prescribed that "the shepherd of many nations is not to eat meat roast with fire nor any food cooked by fire, he is not to change the clothes on his body nor put on gala dress, he may not bring sacrifices nor may the king ride in his chariot, he is not to hold court nor may the priest seek an oracle for him in the sanctuary, no physician may attend the sick room, the day is not favourable for invoking curses, but at night the king may bring his gift into the presence of Marduk and Ishtar.
There are traces of what may be called a "five-day week," but also some traces of a period of seven days.
This appears actually to be the case in the period of the First Dynasty of Babylon and also in the 7th century in Assyria, where early Babylonian customs were kept up conservatively.
Like Umbrian also, but unlike Latin and Oscan, it has degraded all the diphthongs into simple vowels (Volscian se parallel to Oscan svai; Volscian deue, Old Latin and Oscan deivai or deiuoi).
Its colonies extended not only eastward along the southern coast of Asia Minor, but also linked up the island with the westernmost parts of the Greek world.
Among such settlements may be mentioned Phaselis in Lycia, perhaps also Soli in Cilicia, Salapia on the east Italian coast, Gela in Sicily, the Lipari islands, and Rhoda in north-east Spain.
The Fitzmaurice, discharging into the estuary of the Victoria, is also a large stream.
The South Alligator river, flowing into Van Diemen's Gulf, is also a fine stream, navigable for over 30 m.
Kitson's work in Tasmania shows that there also the glacial beds may be correlated with the lower or Greta Coal Measures of New South Wales.
They also occur in northern Tasmania.
They are also preserved in basins on the western plateau, as shown by brown coal deposits passed through in the Lake Phillipson bore.
These rocks were followed by the outpouring of the extensive older basalts in the Great Valley of Victoria and on the highlands of eastern Victoria, and also in New South Wales and Queensland.
He showed that not only as regards beasts, but also as regards birds, these regions are thus sharply limited.
There is also a white eagle.
There are also many kinds of game birds, pigeons, ducks, geese, plovers and quails.
There is also the Moloch horridus of South and Western Australia, covered with tubercles bearing large spines, which give it a very strange aspect.
Among the inoffensive species are counted the graceful green "tree snake," which pursues frogs, birds and lizards to the topmost branches of the forest; also several species of pythons, the commonest of which is known as the carpet snake.
This is the Pagrus unicolor, of the family of Sparidae, which includes also the bream.
Two species of mackerel, differing somewhat from the European species, are also caught on the coasts.
This element was introduced via Torres Strait, and spread down the Queensland coast to portions of the New South Wales littoral, and also round the Gulf of Carpentaria, but has never been able to obtain a hold in the more arid interior.
They are found in New Zealand and also in New Caledonia, their greatest developments being on the south-west of the Australian continent.
Proteaceae are found also in Tierra del Fuego and Chile.
There is also a gigantic lily (Doryanthes excelsa) which grows to a height of 15 feet.
There is also to a limited extent a European element present.
There are also numerous grammar schools and other private schools.
Deposits have also been found in the New England and southern districts, as well as at Broken Hill, showing that the mineral is widely distributed throughout the state.
The returns from the copper fields in the state are at present a little over half a million sterling per annum, and would be still greater if it were not for the lack of suitable fuel for smelting purposes, which renders the economical treatment of the ore difficult; the development of the mines is also retarded by the want of easy and cheaper communication with the coast.
Very rich lodes of the metal have been found in the Northampton, Murchison and Champion Bay districts, and also in the country to the south of these districts on the Irwin river.
The metal has also been discovered in the Barrier ranges, and many other places.
The ore is also worked for gold.
In New South Wales, in the form of cinnabar, it has been discovered on the Cudgegong river, near Rylstone, and it also occurs at Bingara, Solferino, Yulgilbar and Cooma.
Scheelite, another mineral of tungsten, is also found in Queensland.
In New South Wales chromium is found in the northern portion of the state, in the Clarence and Tamworth districts and also near Gundagai.
Chromium has been discovered in Tasmania also.
Several specimens of very fair quality have also been met with in Western Australia.
Oriental amethysts also have been found in that state, and the ruby has been found in Queensland, as well as in New South Wales.
Chalcedony, carnelian, onyx and cat's eyes are found in New South Wales; and it is probable that they are also to be met with in the other states, particularly in Queensland.
On the Gascoyne river, too, were seen natives of an olive colour, quite good-looking; and in the neighbourhood of Sydney rock-carvings have been also found.
Cannibalism seems also to have sometimes been in the nature of a funeral observance, in honour of the deceased, of whom the relatives reverently ate portions.
The Portuguese also advance claims to be the first discoverers of Australia, but so far the evidence cannot be said to establish their pretensions.
The reference is, of course, to the kangaroo, which Pelsaert had also remarked and quaintly described some sixty years previously.
Broken Bay and other inlets, and several headlands, were also seen and named, but the vessel did not come to an anchor till Moreton Bay was reached, although the wind prevented Cook from entering this harbour.
Eyre also explored the interior north of the head of Spencer Gulf, where he was misled, however, by appearances to form an erroneous theory about the water-surfaces named Lake Torrens.
He had also proved that the interior of Australia was not a stony desert, like the region visited by Sturt in 1845.
The metaphysics of Aristotle, the ethics of Spinoza, the philosophical works of Cicero, and many kindred works, were also frequent subjects of study.
Battersea Fields, bordering the river, were formerly a favourite resort, so that the park also perpetuates a memory.
He was also a prime mover in the establishment of the Cambridge Astronomical Observatory, and in the founding of the Cambridge Philosophical Society.
In the north also the 13th century was rich in municipal charters.
It excited also the animosity of the nobles jealous of their privileges, and of the monasteries, which were called upon to furnish the revenues for the new sees.
The continued presence of the Spanish troops caused also great dissatisfaction.
He also had authority to confer the protectorate of the federated provinces upon a foreign prince.
Through his exertions the Spanish troops had not only been expelled from Holland and Zeeland, but also from the citadels of Antwerp and Ghent, which were now in the hands of the patriots.
The cultivation of vines had also increased, and wine industries had been initiated, chiefly in Tashkent and Samarkand.
From the Etruscans it made its way to the Romans, though as we shall see it was also modified by them.
Passing now to typical examples, the beginning must be made with Babylonia, which is also the richest source of our knowledge of the details of the rite.
Whether the division of the lobus dexter into two divisions - (i) lobus dexter proper and (2) lobus quadratus, as in modern anatomical nomenclature - was also assumed in Babylonian hepatoscopy, is not certain, but the groove separating the right lobe into two sections - the fossa venae umbilicalis - was recognized and distinguished by the designation of "river of the liver."
But if he was the most cruel, Murad was also one of the most manly, of the later sultans.
He was also fond of hunting, and for this reason usually lived at Adrianople.
The scenery of the Wye valley, including a succession of rapids just above the town, also attracts many tourists.
In 1869-1879 he was professor of Hebrew in the Southern Baptist Theological Seminary (first in Greenville, South Carolina, and after 1877 in Louisville, Kentucky), and in 1880 he became professor of Hebrew and Oriental languages in Harvard University, where until 1903 he was also Dexter lecturer onzbiblical literature.
Reniform and stalactitic masses with a radiated fibrous structure also occur.
Granite is the most widely spread of the crystalline rocks; but dikes of various kinds occur, and gneiss, schist and marble are also met with.
Impure coal has also been recorded.
Small quantities have also been found on the western slope in Perak.
Agilawood, the camphor tree, and ebony are also found in smaller quantities.
It has also been customary to include the Sakai in the category of Malayan races, but this too is undoubtedly incorrect.
Representatives of their race are also found scattered among the Malayan villages throughout the country, and also along the coast, but these have intermixed so much with the Malays, and have acquired so many customs, &c., from their more civilized neighbours, that they can no longer be regarded as typical of the race to which they belong.
Belleville is served by the Illinois Central, the Louisville & Nashville, and the Southern railways, also by extensive interurban electric systems; and a belt line to O'Fallon, Illinois, connects Belleville with the Baltimore & Ohio South Western railway.
There was a gild merchant and also a town bailiff, but the latter office was of little real significance and was soon dropped.
Weaving and stocking trades also flourished in the 18th century.
There are also a large number of small lakes and ponds lying wholly within the state.
The lakes, ponds and streams afford some of the best trout fishing in the country, and many of them also abound in pickerel, pike, perch, black bass and land-locked salmon.
The Barre granites, like those of Woodbury and Calais (also in Washington county) and part of those of South Ryegate, Kirby and Newark (Caledonia county), are of the biotite type; they are grey, except the stone from Newark, which is pinkish.
Women have the right to vote in all elections relating to schools and school officers in cities, towns and graded school districts, and also the right to be elected to any local school position or to the office of township clerk.
Propositions to establish the judiciary on a more permanent tenure were also voted down in 1814, 1822, 1857 and 1870, and the state still elects its judges for two years' terms. On its own suggestion, the council of censors was abolished in 1870 and the present method of amending the constitution was adopted.
Young advised them to call their state Vermont, and he also sent through them a circular letter, dated the nth of April 1777, urging the people to adopt a state constitution on the Pennsylvania model.
St Albans was also the headquarters of an attempted Fenian invasion of Canada in 1870.