Already Sentence Examples
We have already seen this method work.
You're already at the top of your class.
This was a decision she had already made once - but not really.
Hadn't she already forgotten?
What are you going to hide from me that I haven't already seen?
I already have a son and daughter.
If you already have a large amount of productivity, technology will amplify it.
I've already told her, but she won't listen to me either.
It is already the official language in more than fifty countries spread across every continent.
When she reached Destiny's room, Jonathan was already dressed and was helping Destiny.
AdvertisementYou just have to act like you already know it.
We have seen this happen already, and it will get substantially better in the near future.
I have already dispatched mine.
I've already discussed my plans with Mom, and she's going to watch Tammy.
Anna Pavlovna had already managed to speak to Lise about the match she contemplated between Anatole and the little princess' sister-in-law.
AdvertisementShe wasn't telling him anything he didn't already know.
It was already late when he rose after sealing the letter.
Alex had promised the foal to Jonathan and he had already named it Eureka.
Okay, we've already established that Alex is secretive.
They had two adopted children already.
AdvertisementI've already made up my mind.
The whole forest was already clothed in green.
I think we already are.
We've already established that I'm not an heir.
We are already well on our way.
AdvertisementAlmost everyone else had already left, so Katie and Mary volunteered to help.
As if Destiny had not been through enough already, she was forced to stay inside the tent.
His day had already been disrupted enough.
More than half the ladies already had partners and were taking up, or preparing to take up, their positions for the polonaise.
You already know that.
Other than the fact that she and Howard had already disrupted their lives enough for her, it was comforting to have her there.
As soon as he trotted out upon the surface of the river he found himself safe from pursuit, and Zeb was already running across the water toward Dorothy.
Perhaps on that spring morning when Adam and Eve were driven out of Eden Walden Pond was already in existence, and even then breaking up in a gentle spring rain accompanied with mist and a southerly wind, and covered with myriads of ducks and geese, which had not heard of the fall, when still such pure lakes sufficed them.
But already a change is taking place, owing, not to an increased humanity, but to an increased scarcity of game, for perhaps the hunter is the greatest friend of the animals hunted, not excepting the Humane Society.
From there the French could already be seen.
You've already been talking it over!
At dinner that day, on Dessalles' mentioning that the French were said to have already entered Vitebsk, the old prince remembered his son's letter.
A woman your age ought to be looking for a husband – or already married, not chasing all over creation in pants, trying to act like a man.
She wanted to ask him to slow down, but she was already holding him back.
Now my expectations have changed so much that I'm annoyed everything isn't already connected to the Internet.
I already have the seventh and eighth books of the "Aeneid" and one book of the "Iliad," all of which is most fortunate, as I have come almost to the end of my embossed text-books.
Usually we take one of the little "Readers" up in a big tree near the house and spend an hour or two finding the words Helen already knows.
The old man was already sitting barefoot.
I have said nothing to you, but you have already been talked to.
Petya was a big handsome boy of thirteen, merry, witty, and mischievous, with a voice that was already breaking.
A single report of a signaling gun followed, and the troops, who were already spread out on different sides of Moscow, moved into the city through Tver, Kaluga, and Dorogomilov gates.
Talking about it might help her, but they had already talked the subject lifeless.
Besides, I've spent enough of his money on it already.
I have enough on my plate already.
They didn't say anything he didn't already know.
Is it necessary to have someone say words over us, when we already know what we want?
No point mulling over a decision she had already made.
But then, hadn't she already done so when he tried to kiss her at the sink two weeks ago?
A doctor appointment confirmed what she already knew, and that everything was normal - as normal as they could be under the circumstances.
The rest you already know.
Martha was already on the stairs when I returned to the room.
I can tell you already; you won't.
It was already nearing eight o'clock.
It was already after ten.
He had already returned by the time Martha called a national tip line.
We had no right to play god any more than we were already doing.
He said nothing, his decision already made.
We've already invited Bill, Lori and Josh.
I already have a doctor.
Did you know he's already called Lori several times this week?
Fred already used that line.
I already wrote up an inventory.
I'm not even sure you've got the stuff to get in the ball game—and if that's the case, you're already a dead man.
It should have arrived at Hugson's Siding at midnight, but it was already five o'clock and the gray dawn was breaking in the east when the little train slowly rumbled up to the open shed that served for the station-house.
This system will look at all the Italian restaurants around the country that you already like and look at all the ingredients they order online and look for restaurants in San Francisco using the same set of ingredients.
You are already on top of the world, remember?
She was already perfectly familiar with words and the construction of sentences, and had only mechanical difficulties to overcome.
His caleche was already at the door.
How can they need reinforcements when they already have half the army directed against a weak, unentrenched Russian wing?
Fortunately, Jonathan had already gone to bed.
No, I... it's just that I've imposed on you so much already.
Her skin was already covered with dust.
It's a wonder someone isn't already putting them all together.
That isn't creating anything; it's just redistributing what already exists.
You've been far too generous already.
She's already waiting for you.
Cynthia asked, already knowing the answer.
She wasn't willing to lose him already, not after all she'd gone through to keep him.
Deidre's insides were shaking already from the touches.
I already want to be with you, he started.
She'd already lost two days.
You already said we're dysfunctional.
But we already loved each other.
It sounded as if she'd already won, which meant his mate had lost.
Of course, it didn't matter, since he was already angry.
At 14 months, she was already getting difficult to lift.
His reasoning was that God already knew what it looked like and it shouldn't be a distraction for others.
Alex had already set aside a trust fund for both Jonathan and Destiny, and Carmen was listed as an equal partner in everything.
If he was interested in Lori, the damage had already been done.
You were ready to accept that fact already.
Do you miss me already?
Someone must have already been on the way because she passed two more patrol cars and found a third waiting for her at the store.
On the other hand, maybe he already knew all that.
Carmen invited him to stay the night, but he declined, saying he already had a hotel room in town.
She already knew, but it seemed worse when a doctor said it.
The spring air was heavy and humid already in Atlanta; it felt like summer.
He was looking at her, as if he already knew.
She resisted, already too aware of him physically.
Lost to him already, Deidre sank into his world, not caring if it was the last night of her life, if she spent it with him.
With Rhyn nuzzling Katie's neck already, Gabe sensed they weren't going to make it to their bedroom a few floors up.
He.d spilled it twice already.
Kiera raised the arm of her sweatshirt to reveal the band she already wore.
Already covered, they'll go to our ski house in Vermont overnight.
There was no strange car, so he assumed the patron had already left.
Didn't he know it had already been erased?
He's already left town.
Dean was already on the stairs, just about asleep on his feet.
He went back to his car and started the engine, glancing back, but she had already closed the door.
Only I'll already be sitting there on a bar stool.
Clearly, this already happens today, in a primitive form.
I think it is likely that the answers to almost all our medical problems could be found in the data we may already be collecting.
I base that expectation in part on the fact that today, many of us already live in more comfort than the richest king in the world did two hundred years ago.
It would indeed be a herculean task to teach the words if the ideas did not already exist in the child's mind.
She will guess the meanings of the new words from their connection with others which are already intelligible to her.
Finally she one day demanded a name for the power, the existence of which she had already conceived in her own mind.
I have already told her in simple language of the beautiful and helpful life of Jesus, and of His cruel death.
Then looking more closely at the trees around, they saw that the treasure was all melting away, and that much of it was already spread over the leaves of the oak trees and maples, which were shining with their gorgeous dress of gold and bronze, crimson and emerald.
Then looking around more closely, they saw that much of the treasure was already melted, for the oaks and maples were arrayed in gorgeous dresses of gold and crimson and emerald.
They are but improved means to an unimproved end, an end which it was already but too easy to arrive at; as railroads lead to Boston or New York.
It was one of those afternoons which seem indefinitely long before one, in which many events may happen, a large portion of our natural life, though it was already half spent when I started.
We are most interested when science reports what those men already know practically or instinctively, for that alone is a true humanity, or account of human experience.
The marsh hawk, sailing low over the meadow, is already seeking the first slimy life that awakes.
We loiter in winter while it is already spring.
Monsieur le Vicomte quite rightly supposes that matters have already gone too far.
He was already enjoying that happiness when that little Napoleon had suddenly appeared with his unsympathizing look of shortsighted delight at the misery of others, and doubts and torments had followed, and only the heavens promised peace.
Dessalles looked in amazement at the prince, who was talking of the Niemen when the enemy was already at the Dnieper, but Princess Mary, forgetting the geographical position of the Niemen, thought that what her father was saying was correct.
She thought only of one thing, her sorrow, which, after the break caused by cares for the present, seemed already to belong to the past.
It was already dark, and Pierre could not make out whether the expression of Prince Andrew's face was angry or tender.
Natasha had married in the early spring of 1813, and in 1820 already had three daughters besides a son for whom she had longed and whom she was now nursing.
Carmen had already spoken to Mums about it.
By the time she got back to the barn, little Adora was already scrambling to her feet.
He was probably already dreading the idea of seeing her again.
She dressed and arrived in the kitchen to find everyone already at the table eating.
Brandon's blue Neon was already in the parking lot, and he was lounging with his back against it, arms folded across his chest.
There was already a sizable gap between her wagon and the one in front of her.
Had he already sold the ranch?
Maybe Pete and the guys had reached Ashley by now and a rescue mission was already under way to get them.
It sounds like you've already made up your mind.
Protected from the harsh winter storms, the valley was already lush and green.
There are some curtains and rugs in the attic - I'm sure you've already found them.
Down in the lower pastures there are already some flowers in bloom.
He was already responsible for her food and housing.
She was little more than half-done and already he thought it was too much?
A sliver of light under Cade's door suggested he was already awake.
Of course, if he was already going to the store to get something...
What could happen that hadn't already happened?
People should get married because they want to spend the rest of their lives together, not because they've already shared a few nights.
Of course, hadn't she said that twice already?
My little passenger screamed from the back trunk at the sound of the gun shots but he was already dead.
The stocky man was hooded, wore a mask and was already in the room!
He may already suspect something, after Alabama.
Hell ran off deals, but Wynn's life was already in enough trouble without incurring another debt on behalf of a woman who had no hope of ever escaping Hell.
Darkyn is already slaughtering kids.
She had already lost him.
I already know what I'll ask for.
The killer had already marked her with his name.
Either I'm already dead, and nothing happens.
He wasn't surprised, because he already knew.
She thought she was going crazy already; if she really started to deteriorate, there was no way she'd be able to handle it.
Deidre turned around to find the hole between places had closed already.
I already got one friend killed by a demon, Deidre said, guilt assailing her at the memory of Logan.
After a week of knowing him, she already had to concentrate hard to resist leaning into him whenever he was around.
You read my mind already.
He was already approaching her and stopped just before his body met hers.
He searched their bodies to find another twenty souls they'd already claimed.
Controlling a deity would bring incredible power to the demon lord at a time when Rhyn was struggling to battle demons already.
She hadn't rejected him, and he already glimpsed what issues he was going to have to overcome.
When he was out of Hell, he'd already planned on kicking the ass of their eldest brother, Andre, and killing Kris.
I have a feeling you know already what the past two days have been like.
His three other half brothers were already present and waiting, Erik pacing, Kiki at the table, and Tamer busy with his PDA.
Shouldn't I be dead already if I'm in Hell?
I'm already in Hell.
There was already food on her plate --meat from an unnamed source, vegetables, bread.
Weakened already, she struggled for her balance.
Sweating already from the effort, she braided her hair to keep it out of her face and then leaned her full weight on the rope.
As if sensing she was some poor tourist, he dropped her off at a youth hostel located above a bar already teeming with people.
The Irish rock blaring from the bar below was loud enough, and cigarette smoke already curled in through the window.
They made their way to a small group at one side of the bar and squeezed their way into a booth meant for four and already holding four.
I already knew you could tear people's heads off.
Not if you're already dead or immortal.
It was muggier than she was used to, the air clinging to her already hot skin.
He must've forgotten I went to Hell already.
Rhyn already broke their bond, unless … she had to break it, too.
Her blood was already on fire from their bodies being pressed together, and heat pooled in the base of her belly.
He.d miss the smell and sight of his homeland and yearned already to stay here rather than return to his dark corner of the Immortal underworld!
A tea kettle was already whistling when they entered, and the maid rushed across the kitchen to grab it.
Their brothers were already there, three of them sitting across the table from Sasha.
He crossed his arms, interested to know Katie.s sister was as special as she was and wondering if Kris had already claimed her.
While feeling vindicated that Kris might already be dead, he couldn.t help the growing guilt at hurting so many other Immortals.
We have several refugees here already, the woman in the long brown robe said.
In Gabriel's mind, he'd already killed her, or he wouldn't have looked at her with regret instead of pity.
The large man gasped for air, his eye swollen already.
Two Immortal mates were already eating, and she looked over the food with disinterest.
She wasn.t sure what she expected, but it wasn.t for him to fight for her, especially when she was already damned.
You're guilt tripping me already?
He'd already broken promises of finding his lifemate by his thirtieth, his thirty-first, his thirty-second birthdays.
Evelyn looked defeated, and Kiera expected she had already covered the subject exhaustively.
I think I'm already experiencing that.
I think they already know I don't fit in.
She had already declared her intention of naming the baby Kiera whether it was a boy or girl.
She should already know he won.
She awaited some sort of reprimand, already wounded by the thought of being publicly embarrassed.
It felt heavier than usual already.
A'Ran responded by tipping his chin, and Jetr's attention returned to Opal, who had been speaking too long already.
A'Ran wiped his mouth, already uneasy with the topic.
It was mid-afternoon already, another day wasted with the Council rather than concentrating on preparing for battle.
He reached his quarters and opened the link to the command center, pausing before it to see nishani had already entered.
Judging by the training program, you've reached my level already.
The people are already starving.
The dwelling was warm already in the midmorning, and she wondered how she'd survive another day of heat like yesterday's.
Kiera pulled her hair into a ponytail, the back of her neck already damp with sweat.
He wasn't happy, and part of her wondered if she'd done something already to piss him off.
As he emerged into the early morning sun, he was again surprised to see clouds already forming over the eastern horizon.
She looked to Evelyn only to find the group had already moved away toward the distant dwelling.
You've already put the charge through?
I'd already told Miss Worthington down at the museum she could have the pen and ink bottle.
Fred had already left.
The other climbers from Bird Song were already here.
I've already made a climb.
I think he's carrying his ministry a little too far and he's already a married man.
He and Donnie already left for dinner.
It didn't say much more than what we already knew.
Then he muttered, "I've seen enough ice already today."
His head was bloody, he looked like shit, and at least one of the medics thought he was already dead.
Dean didn't want to lie, but he had no intention of causing more concern than Cynthia was already carrying.
Dean assumed Corday already knew most of the answers.
I'd kill the pair of them, if I hadn't already bought my wedding gown.
The police are already investigating Jerome Shipton's accident and—" "Accident?
Dean was sure the young woman's promise of a platonic night was already forgotten.
To Dean, the worst had already happened.
After all, Corday had already painted him an adulterer.
He's back in Virginia, playing with his storage garages and probably chasing every skirt he hasn't already lifted.
I'm home five minutes and I'm getting you in trouble already.
He already told me.
I already told you I'm not interested in your job.
You've already fallen once!
Dean gritted his teeth and dropped once more, just as a block of frozen mass as large as his head struck a glancing blow to his already aching shoulder.
Jackson had already begun pouring a rare single malt.
And those he has already created?
She was already putty in his hands.
Her presence had already served to calm him.
He wanted to tell her all he felt, but knew he had pushed a little too far already today.
He was about to ask if she played, but she was already appreciating the ceiling."My God, that's hand carved."
She had already invited Sarah and Connor.
One night and you're trying to change me already, eh?
The desire to kiss her gripped him, but he had already begun to fall apart, so instead pulled her in close.
I already have the things I need in my car.
You already knew that.
I have already told you that my inability to feed on you does not change how I feel.
I have already made my choice.
I've already considered that.
Elisabeth and Jackson had already carved half the pumpkins, so were confident they would finish in time.
I already knew that.
And we already have all those supplies downstairs.
I miss them already.
Yes, I already spoke with him about it.
Her face had already begun softening, and the warm sienna reclaimed her eyes.
Jackson had already showered and dressed.
You've already drawn six pints?
I think your mother already knew the only way you could truly be happy is if she accepted us.
She placed the platter in front of Elisabeth, whose nose already sniffed the air.
Jackson always pulled her closer and crooned, "I already have all I could ever wish for, and more than I deserve, right here."
He then hurried to Elisabeth who was already sitting up straight.
He's probably already on the plane.
The warm wind assisted the sun in melting the snow and most of it was already gone, leaving a trail of sloppy mud to the barn.
Was he actually interested, or was he already bored?
No point in adding my weight to what you already have to push.
There must be a good twelve inches on the ground already.
As she straightened, his snowball was already in the air.
Not to be outdone, he already had another one formed and raised his hand to throw it at her.
The fox was already in your chicken house.
I understand you have friends doing your chores, and your hospital bill has already been paid through tomorrow, so stop worrying and complete your convalescence.
But it had already gone too far and his fingers were sliding down her neck, into her blouse.
We don't want a big wedding, and we've already made the arrangements.
Just don't get more involved than you already are.
It isn't one of those things that you tell someone until you've already become involved.
In fact, he had already looked into adoption.
He'd already said good bye to all of them earlier.
He'd already finished most of the report, hadn't he?
I already told Winston I want you to stay clear of Baratto for a few days.
He had already stopped for lunch and was rolling toward mile 47 when a sudden thought from nowhere hit him between the eyes.
He'd already inadvertently caused her enough problems.
He was already topping Jonathan Winston's list by even suggesting a connection between Byrne and the money.
He was sure Fred O'Connor would take care of that chore if he hadn't already.
When Cleary spoke to his landlady on Monday, the seventeenth, he told her he'd already mailed her the key.
No. But he could have already parked it somewhere else, and then gone on to the camp ground.
By the time Dean made it to the kitchen Monday morning, Fred had already left on the early bus to Scranton.
He told them what they already knew.
You said they draw a lottery so they must have already pulled names and filled it up.
Dean followed on the run, passing him and reaching the door that was already closed.
Mrs. Porter's already signed up.
The big question—has he already skipped or will he ride tomorrow?
There was a rest area at the summit already crowded with riders.
Surprisingly, many of the speedier bikers were already there, looking as if they'd spent the day loafing in the late spring sun.
We picked up their voices on our bug in your house but by the time we figured out what was going on, you were already there and we backed off.
I told him I'd already turned it in.
He was already dead.
Alice, you do remember you're already married, right?
He already thinks I'm naïve.
Actually, it already had to a degree.
Alex was already putting sandwich meat on the table, so she got the condiments from the refrigerator.
People are already wondering.
Actually, staying with Katie and Bill was probably a better choice, but she had already told Alex she would stay at his house.
That night as they sat at the table eating the supper she had cooked, it seemed cozy – as if they were already married.
He already had his mind made up.
They had already gone too far.
No. By the time he asked me to marry him, I already knew I didn't want to.
Alex, I can't find the words to tell you how much you have enriched my life already.
I've already made arrangements to rent one and I really like it.
On the other hand, maybe Bill had already said something to him.
It looked like a ring box, but they had already purchased the rings.
Do you know he already has all kinds of plans for my property?
Katie and Bill were in the kitchen when she arrived, and Katie already had breakfast ready.
I already did that – and the buffalo.
He had already turned toward the door, but hearing the last part, he swung around.
Did you decide not to get the rabbits, or do you have too much to do already?
At this point she wasn't sure why she felt uncomfortable about telling him – maybe because she had hid so many things from him already and he was hurt by that.
They were already beginning to develop different personalities.
I looked for you, but I couldn't find you and... we've already established that you didn't have your phone with you.
What does a guy give a gal who thinks she already has everything?
If I know you, you already have something picked out.
Carmen had already put them in the barn for the night.
White tailed deer, as well as an abundance of smaller wildlife already frequented the ranch, so his North American Safari had its foundation.
I've already told them I would go.
They've already made arrangements.
Alex already had the permit.
Both had been walking for a good four months, and they were already saying short sentences.
Speculation and suspicion had done enough harm already.
It can't get much worse than what we've already endured.
What could be worse than what she had already been through?
But you already love him.
We've lost one child already and I don't think I could stand losing Jonathan as well.
It was October already.
It was obvious that she already had enough on her plate.
We've already established that.
It took some strong-arming to get you out of the betrothal you were already in with … what was his name?
Do you have a roommate already?
Her surveillance team had set up already.
When she retreated to the locker room, her lip was puffy and her body achy already.
She wasn't about to let him use her to betray any of them, especially Darian, who had gone through too much already.
She took a deep breath to calm her nerves and pushed open the door to the study, already knowing who was inside.
I know you've already betrayed me, Taran.
I already set the table.
Three hours later, the ship came into port, as you have already learned.
Countless people already do.
And as with ignorance, we may already have much of the data we need to find solutions.
We already produce more than enough food to feed the planet.
The farm of today already has tractors that use GPS to make perfectly parallel rows with great precision.
Already, we get a glimpse of what is to come.
Already she began to see quite plainly the little elves in their tall pointed hats, dancing down the dusky alleys, and peeping from between the bushes, and they seemed to come nearer and nearer; and she stretched her hands up towards the tree in which the doll sat and they laughed, and pointed their fingers at her.
Already people are taking a deep interest in Helen.
Before winter I built a chimney, and shingled the sides of my house, which were already impervious to rain, with imperfect and sappy shingles made of the first slice of the log, whose edges I was obliged to straighten with a plane.
Moreover, the waves, I suspect, do not so much construct as wear down a material which has already acquired consistency.
The atoms have already learned this law, and are pregnant by it.
The Guards had already left Petersburg on the tenth of August, and her son, who had remained in Moscow for his equipment, was to join them on the march to Radzivilov.
Dark hairs were already showing on his upper lip, and his whole face expressed impetuosity and enthusiasm.
The French at Vitebsk, in four days' march they may be at Smolensk; perhaps are already there!
As he went along he looked with pleasure at the year's splendid crop of corn, scrutinized the strips of ryefield which here and there were already being reaped, made his calculations as to the sowing and the harvest, and asked himself whether he had not forgotten any of the prince's orders.
It was a sunny morning and by eight o'clock it was already hot.
In the offices and shops and at the post office everyone was talking about the army and about the enemy who was already attacking the town, everybody was asking what should be done, and all were trying to calm one another.
This fire was already burning itself out.
Grass had already begun to grow on the garden paths, and horses and calves were straying in the English park.
I expect the Minister (Barclay de Tolly) has already reported the abandonment of Smolensk to the enemy.
The weather was calm, and the rustle and tramp of the French troops already beginning to move to take up their positions were clearly audible.
It was already six in the morning and he still paced up and down the room.
I missed Betsy already and her plane hadn't left the ground.
Betsy lined up two likely abductions and she was anxious to get started, Quinn had already performed his part, setting his apparatus appropriately for a rural Iowa location where a twelve year old boy had gone missing.
I already sold 'em for five hundred.
Ronnie doesn't know any of those people and he keeps saying I should step up to the plate, like it's the least I could do 'cause he already tolerates me like a bad case of hemorrhoids.
He'd either already checked or was embarrassed that he hadn't.
Martha and Claire have already left for Santa Barbara and the funeral so she'll fill Howie and Julie when she gets to California.
Molly was already bedded down for the night.
When I informed him we were terminating our operation, he said he'd have suggested it if we hadn't already done so.
He's already killed a cop who stopped him down south.
It's pretty long already.
I know the motel where they are staying so the cell phone I've already discarded wasn't necessary.
Did he know Molly and Betsy were safe, or already dead?
The Watcher's hand fell away, and his gaze went to the dark side of the bay, where the little girl was already fast asleep.
The kid was already too upset about something.
He'd messed around with Jenn only a few hours earlier and already felt the need to unwind again.
She was worried and tired already, and his latest jab didn't buoy her spirits at all.
Her cheek was red as if she'd been struck, and there were tears on her face already.
He preferred his life much simpler than it already was.
She said she'd tell you that in person if you hadn't already taken her Traveler.
I'm already here with her.
He already felt the loss of her calm energy, but he had no idea what to do about it.
Bianca looked fearfully at the pregnant blonde, whose blood already soaked her clothing, then at the waiting devil beside her.
He felt the loss already, a pain similar to the loss of his sister so many years ago.
Instead of speaking, she kissed him on the cheek and hurried out the door, where her car had already been pulled in front of the manor.
I've already had three bowls of stew!
She clamped her mouth shut, unwilling to tell him the sight and scent of blood was already making her want to vomit.
It would be a shame to lose you already.
It seemed like too long already, especially since the woman was alone to protect herself.
Their souls already linked, all that was left was for their bodies to become one as well.
I ran into the Original Vamp already and am under the impression all the Original Beings are free.
Jonny was only accepting the path he'd already chosen, but it was a difficult pill for her to swallow.
The vamp hadn't moved, as if he and Sofi already knew Jule would facilitate.
I think she's already started?
Her presence alone was already prodding free memories he'd thought he'd buried.
Jake followed, and Han was already waiting for her.
They were both online already, swapping vamp stats.
I already ordered your present.
She didn't want to look, sensing she'd met a source of their issues already.
I have a few places picked out already.
She felt overheated already, like she did when she was starting to get a cold.
Sand had already begun to trickle into the bottom.
Or he was already a step ahead.
The simple, purposeful touch reinforced what she already knew.
Why try to help her, if he knew her destiny already?
You've already got the teeth.
You already know the Immortal mating is what made you feel that way towards Gabriel.
In his mind, she was already his.
She already sensed she was fighting a losing battle.
His direct look managed to stir what part of her wasn't already desperate.
The thought of an eternity with someone incapable of caring for her was a nightmare beyond those she had already lived.
She'd signed away that advantage already.
You've probably already forgiven me.
There was an edge in his voice, one that told her he already knew.
She willed her hair shorter and blonde once again, knowing he'd already read her mind and seen the reason why she changed her hair.
If you already know, why are you asking me?
Of all the emotions running through her mind, the one that hurt the most was knowing that everyone outside Hell had already written her off as a goner.
You are challenging me already.
All the good stuff here has been dug out already.
Maria was already on the stairs, dust rag and mop in hand.
The silence hung like a pall over the room as Cynthia wiped down the already spotless counter.
I thought Jake Weller already had an under sheriff.
I think you've already figured out it is.
That's great had already been used.
The wheels were already in motion.
I already know what you think of Seymour.
The Deans were up at the first pink of dawn, but they didn't beat Fred O'Connor, who had already perked coffee, cracked eggs, and burned toast for their morning breakfast.
Fred said Brandon Westlake was already gone—off to capture the columbine in dawn's early light.
He could lie and tell them he was a police officer or sheriff and maybe squeeze some tidbit of information about recently released mom Patsy, but surely Fitzgerald would find out and tank his election ambitions, if those aspirations weren't already six feet under.
One couple is sleeping apart, so I suppose Ginger and Joseph are already estranged.
Fred was frightened enough of the court system already.
I'm David Dean— but I guess you already know that.
By the time the Deans arrived, the crowd was already several deep, the hoses drawn, and the early participants chatting nervously.
The town was choked with visitors, some already staking out their spots with folding chairs to view the later festivities—the last hurrah of the holiday.
As he looked over his shoulder, his rescuers were already at work on the death scene.
A tow truck had already arrived and its flashing lights competed with a half dozen others while at least a dozen people moved about, with most of their activity directed downward.
I figured he was already up there, out of range.
Unfortunately, in spite of her life saving efforts, the young man had already perished.
She was already at the bus station.
Cora was walking away already, leaving Deidre to her internal war.
Gods, he had a headache already.
His blood was already humming with desire; he forgot how much of a turn on arguing with her was.
Damian and Sofi's son might already be listed.
I know you've done so much for me already, but I need to know.
Yours are probably already made, if you're half as stubborn as Damian, Sofi replied.
We already got her.
Already, she could feel her body changing in the immortal world.
Of course, if Jonny had his way, her fate was already sealed.
Just turn me over to them already! she wanted to shout.
If she accepted, there was no going back, and she suspected Darian had already stacked the deck to win, whatever win meant to a wild man like him.
He didn't touch her thoughts, already aware of the level of turmoil he'd just caused her.
The vamp's fangs were already showing.
Already, he felt her magic in the air as she channeled it into her mate.
At five years into her rule and mere days from war, was she already toppling down the path of madness?
Already he felt as if an age had passed since he was flung into the darkness.
My father said I am cursed already.
Was her madness already starting?
She leaned forward restlessly, seeking to recall what little he had taught her of strategy and why it looked very much like her kingdom was already doomed.
He has the afternoon reporting already.
Gritting her teeth, she ran the dagger down the scar already present at the inside of her forearm, grunting at the hot pain.
How did she assess the extent of betrayal already committed by a man she trusted as an uncle?
Or have you already sworn an oath to Memon?
His eyes were blacker than night and gleamed while his touch was cold, as if his body were already dead.
Taran left him for the dungeon, only to find Sirian was already gone.
The evening was already casting long shadows when he leaned down from the saddle and opened the gate to the south pasture.
They arrived thirty minutes early, but there were already people waiting to get in.
Already she missed him.
Carmen invited her to join them but Jenny said she had already eaten.
Had he already made the decision to put him down?
Of course, he wasn't telling her anything she wasn't already painfully aware of.
In fact, they were probably already searching.
Did they already set it?
You had a dislocated shoulder – and yes, they already put it back into place.
He probably already suspected.
I'm a week late already.
The next morning when she woke he was already gone.
How many times had she almost lost him already?
Carmen's first instinct was not to say anything, but too much had been said already and Alex deserved some defense.
You've already got new grass coming up in some areas.
He was already lighting up when he asked.
He's already an important figure in the state of California.
Several cars were already parked beside the walkway, though the party didn't officially start until seven thirty.
She examined her palms, already red and painful from the unaccustomed exercise.
Surely Denton hadn't found her already.
No, as a mater of fact, he already knew where to find you.
Her teeth were already chattering.
It was already hot.
A little suffering never hurt anyone, and already she was beginning to have a new appreciation for the comforts that she had once taken for granted.
Of course, in this case he had already done it and wanted to keep her in the dark.
Seven, and it was already getting dark.
Had Dad already talked to him?