Alpha Sentence Examples
Therefore, coefficient alpha will be equal to zero.
Very rarely, seizures have occurred with high doses of interferon alpha.
Characters also specified as upper, lower, alpha, digit, graph, or xdigit are not allowed.
Tumor necrosis factor alpha also plays a pivotal part in inflammation.
Infliximab ties up a special protein in the body called tumor necrosis factor alpha or TNF a, which is involved in inflammation.
An important biological marker for monitoring residual disease is the promyelocytic retinoic acid receptor alpha (PML-RARalpha) fusion transcript.
A type of medicine called an alpha blocker is sometimes used to treat high blood pressure and enlarged prostate.
With other alpha blockers a time separation of dosing should be considered when vardenafil is prescribed concomitantly (see section 4.5 ).
Second, it is a potent radioactive carcinogen, emitting a relatively heavy alpha particle composed of 2 protons and 2 neutrons.
Eric Deans was a popular bandleader who recruited heavily from Alpha.
AdvertisementInsurancesubicjt alpha beta investigated the effect estimate for a a risky hobby.
Epoetin alpha (Janssen-Cilag) and epoetin beta (Roche ), two other recombinant red cell growth factors, are also available.
Eg captopril, losartan - Calcium channel blockers or alpha blockers, which help widen your blood vessels.
Boolean isAlphaPremultiplied specifies how to interpret color and alpha samples in pixel values.
Images include bile canaliculus, glycogen alpha particles, Kupffer cell, liver, rER & mitochondria, sER, and sinusoids.
AdvertisementIf the input model has an alpha carbon at the origin a rough backbone trace of map regions matching the fragment may be obtained.
Carrots are a great source of alpha carotene, probably more powerful than beta carotene in inhibiting processes that may lead to tumor growth.
We have generated ensembles of Cα and sidechain centroid models conformations with RAPPER, for each target in the above list.
The colormap specifies red, green, blue, and optional alpha components corresponding to each index.
The image compositor requires a matte, or alpha channel in the image for some operations.
AdvertisementThe entire Alpha Zeta range is sealed with synthetic cork.
Also provided is an animated glossary of nuclear terms ranging from alpha decay to X-rays, many with clickable links to animated diagrams.
In addition, taper also supports IDE tape drives in ALPHA stage.
As a treatment for the pain, I have recently started on hox alpha, which is concentrated nettle extract.
Most of the manganese in alloy steels dissolves in the alpha ferrite.
AdvertisementMost people who write and blog about this sort of thing are pretty tech savy / alpha geeks.
A normal hemoglobin molecule contains two alpha globin molecule contains two alpha globins and two beta globins to make up the complement of 4 globins.
The genes coding for the alpha globins are on chromosome 11; those coding for the beta globins are on chromosome 16.
Usually, the synthesis of alpha and beta globins is very tightly coordinated to produce almost equal numbers of each.
Two are true alpha globins, used in the adult.
Alpha cells produce a hormone called glucagon that raises blood glucose by triggering its release from glycogen stores in the liver.
The alpha cells detect that glucose concentrations are returning to normal and stop secreting glucagon.
Hans Geiger and Ernest Marsden, researchers working with Rutherford in Manchester, bombarded gold foil with alpha particles.
These two bonds act to stop the alpha helix forming.
This third derivative of gypsum is calcium sulfate hemihydrate termed alpha modified.
Azelaic acid was also shown to be a potent inhibitor of 5 alpha reductase.
The current medical treatment is a drug called alpha interferon.
The wavelengths included are hydrogen alpha, hydrogen beta, doubly ionized oxygen and singly ionized nitrogen.
Brod S, Katz S, Phan T and Stepkowski S. Ingested interferon alpha prevents allograft islet transplant rejection.
Popularity can never legitimize Alpha or anything else for that matter.
Somehow, Duncan manages to be an alpha hero without being too macho.
It began in the troupe, where everyone obeys the alpha male; it continued with the tribe, and the clan.
Endometrial concentrations of prostaglandins E2 and F2 alpha in the follicular phase of the cycle were similar whether or not patients had menorrhagia.
Successful treatment of active ankylosing spondylitis with the anti-tumor necrosis factor alpha monoclonal antibody infliximab.
Thus, although the total tissue dose might be considered negligible, cells close to an alpha source receive high doses.
The alpha particle is a helium nucleus - one of the products of a nuclear fission.
We also specialize in winter parka jackets from Alpha and bags from Jansport.
The alpha particles will quickly be absorbed by clothing.
During my time in Alpha Connection I also became a peripatetic drum teacher at Horndean Community School.
This means that the action will be linear in beta, delta phi, and alpha.
He has also started a brass quintet with five friends " Alpha " .
Currency overlay now a source of alpha for investors Pension funds do not snub currency overlay anymore.
These Alpha Jets were captured by Martin Cole on a low-level sortie with the Hawks in the Welsh hills.
A human breast tumor spheroid immunostained for the hypoxic cell marker, HIF-1 alpha (red staining ).
These alpha particles were caused by the decay of thorium, a trace element in the silicon substrate.
The unloved school swots of the 20th century have blossomed into the alpha group of the 21st.
I'd like a few alpha testers to take a look at this.
In the male fetus, an enzyme, 5 alpha reductase, converts testosterone to dihydrotestosterone.
Vitamin E belongs to a group called tocopherols, with the most potent being the Alpha form.
Men with the highest natural levels of alpha tocopherol were 53% less likely to later develop the disease.
It now supports alpha transparency and dropping a draw file onto the Paint icon produce a bitmap of the file contents.
The specified transparent index represents a pixel that is considered entirely transparent regardless of any alpha value specified for it.
I was sailing single handed through the Outer Isles, then floating weightless somewhere between Andromeda and Alpha Centuri.
He has also started a brass quintet with five friends " Alpha ".
A good example of this, which will be discussed elsewhere on this site, is the intersex condition, five alpha reductase deficiency.
Alpha appeals (by respondent 's notice filed on 9 October 2002) against paragraph 5 of that order.
I lost my driving license because i went nuts while on interferon alpha peg and ribavirin combination therapy.
How to Become an Alpha Male Dating & seduction success guide for men.
As expected from spectroscopy measurements PrPc is predominantly alpha helical and contains almost no beta sheet.
A human breast tumor spheroid immunostained for the hypoxic cell marker, HIF-1 alpha (red staining).
I 'd like a few alpha testers to take a look at this.
A marked increase in the disturbance of alpha, delta and theta wave patterns in the brain.
Respiratory related evoked potentials during the transition from alpha to theta EEG activity in Stage 1 NREM sleep.
Alpha tocopherol acetate is the most common supplement form of vitamin E, yet...
They show the end parts of alpha particle trajectories at these depths.
An alpha wolf will have to be vigilant to prevent a stranger from mating with his or her partner.
Some animal behaviorists argue that dogs are pack animals, and the "Alpha" of the pack gets the best bed.
The reason for these similar benefits is that flaxseed oil, also known as linseed oil, contains approximately 50 to 60 percent omega-3 fatty acids in the form of alpha linolenic acid (ALA).
The l-theanine is believed to stimulate alpha brain waves, which contribute to states of relaxation and assist in the formation of GABA, which then influences the brain's "feel good" transmitters, serotonin and dopamine.
Many also contain alpha hydroxy and other chemical components designed to remove the outermost layer of skin in an effort to make you appear younger.
In addition, there are a few unique centers that cater to the homeless population, including the Alpha Project and Mary Lind Recovery Center.
He's a member of the fraternity Sigma Alpha Epsilon.
The "Alpha dog" is the leader, and the rest of the pack follows.
I tried the alpha roll, but it didn't work, and now after reading your article I know why.
She is definitely an Alpha bitch, which means she has taken charge of the pack.
Your male dog is obviously not an Alpha, and he is overwhelmed by her behavior.
Two headstrong Alpha dogs are going to have a difficult time getting along no matter which sex they are.
She's obviously an Alpha personality, which means she perceives herself as top dog.
There's no better way to deal with an Alpha than putting her through an obedience course.
It measures the four types of brain wave activity including alpha, beta, delta and theta waves.
Other players may not consider this title to be among the top 5 games for Wii Virtual Console, but Street Fighter Alpha 2 is quite popular among die-hard Street Fighter fans.
With the Spartan Laser, get 10 kills at the ONI Alpha Site.
You will unlock a firefight characters when you finish ONI Alpha Site on Normal, Heroic or Legendary.
Developers Alpha Dream and Nintendo have also found ingenious ways to incorporate traditional Mario Bros elements into an incredibly fresh adventure without making them seem stale or tacked on.
Among them are the strategy/[simulation games] in the Civilization series, the popular Heroes of Might and Magic games, X-COM and Alpha Centauri.
Street Fighter Alpha takes place before the first Street Fighter game, introducing us to a number of new characters, as well as re-familiarizing us with some characters that may have been forgotten.
Interestingly, some characters from Final Fight, both "good" and "bad", make the jump from the side-scrolling button masher into the realm of fighting games here in Street Fighter Alpha.
Read up on Chun Li, Balrog, Cammy, and more in Street Fighter Characters and Street Fighter Characters 2, as well as personalities from the Alpha sub-series in Street Fighter Characters 3.
Street Fighter Alpha had improved graphics, a super combo gauge and enhanced character background stories.
Street Fighter Alpha itself produced two sequels.
To unlock Akuma, first unlock the other Alpha characters (Cammy, Fei Long, Dan, Sakura, Rose and Gen).
In 2004, Akio Mori, a professor at Nihon University in Tokyo, researched a sample of 260 people and tested the effects of video games on their brains by scanning for beta and alpha waves.
Alpha wave activity also decreased during game play.
The decreased alpha wave activity indicates that the brain seemed to believe that it was going through a real experience as the player became deeply involved in the plot or storyline of the game.
Hemoglobin-An iron-containing pigment of red blood cells composed of four amino acid chains (alpha, beta, gamma, delta) that delivers oxygen from the lungs to the cells of the body and carries carbon dioxide from the cells to the lungs.
In thalassemia minor or thalassemia trait (heterozygous thalassemia), also called alpha-thalassemia, there is an imbalance in the production of the alpha chain of amino acids.
Although both alpha and beta thalassemias affect hemoglobin, these diseases affect the body in distinctly different ways.
Individuals inherit from each parent a gene controlling alpha globin production.
Two spots (called loci) on these genes control alpha globin production.
Alpha thalassemias result from changes (mutations) in these genes.
This circumstance substantially reduces the amount of alpha globin that the body produces.
Hemoglobin H disease is milder than alpha thalassemia and usually milder than beta thalassemia.
Individuals with alpha thalassemia major have inherited two completely defective genes, one from each parent.
Alpha thalassemia major, sometimes called hemoglobin Barts or hydrops fetalis, is a fatal disease that results in severe anemia that begins even before birth.
Both alpha and beta thalassemia have been described in individuals of almost every ancestry, but the conditions are more common among certain ethnic groups.
Determining the prevalence for alpha thalassemia is difficult due to limitations in diagnostic testing.
In the United States, up to 30 percent of African Americans are thought to be carriers for alpha thalassemia traits, meaning that they show no symptoms of the disorder but can pass the trait to their offspring.
Despite this estimate, the number of babies born with hemoglobin H disease or alpha thalassemia major is very low.
The highest frequency of alpha thalassemia diseases occurs in individuals of Southeast Asian and Chinese descent.
One study of 500 pregnant women in northern Thailand estimated a frequency of one in 500 pregnancies affected by alpha thalassemia major, for example.
Prevalence of alpha thalassemia disease is significantly lower in the United States owing primarily to immigration patterns.
Most individuals have four normal copies of the alpha globin gene, two copies on each chromosome 16.
Alpha globin is also a component of fetal hemoglobin.
Since there are four genes (instead of the usual two) to consider when looking at alpha globin gene inheritance, there are several alpha globin types that are possible.
Absence of one functioning alpha globin gene leads to a condition known as silent alpha thalassemia trait.
Hemoglobin H symptoms can also be a part of a unique condition called alpha thalassemia mental retardation syndrome.
This syndrome can be caused by a deletion of a significant amount of chromosome 16, affecting the alpha globin genes.
Alpha thalassemia major results from the deletion of all four alpha globin genes, such that there are no functioning alpha globin genes.
In this situation, there is a 25 percent chance for alpha thalassemia major in each of such a couple's children.
Because alpha globin is a necessary component of hemoglobin, absence of all functioning alpha globin genes leads to serious medical consequences that begin even before birth.
Hemoglobin electrophoresis results are usually within the normal range for all types of alpha thalassemia.
Alpha fetoprotein (AFP)-A substance produced by a fetus' liver that can be found in the amniotic fluid and in the mother's blood.
Other treatments include interferon alpha, laser therapy, and surgical removal.
Alpha fetoprotein test-A screening blood test that can be done after the sixteenth week of pregnancy to evaluate the possibility of spina bifida and other neural tube defects in the fetus.
Alpha and Omega offers both elementary and high school options for studying Spanish.
Lifepacs come from the publisher Alpha and Omega but the program is based on a textbook.
If you have always been a fan of Alpha and Omega homeschooling curriculum, you will love Monarch.
Monarch is Alpha and Omega's oniine program.
Alpha Pig, Princess Presto, Wonder Red and Whyatt all have tie-in toys available at major toy stores and through websites.
Older children enjoy the Alpha Pig action figure that comes with a fully stocked toolbox or the Style and Pose Princess Presto who has an outfit for every occasion.
Alpha lipoic acid is a powerful antioxidant that dissolves in both water and fat, making it easy for your body to absorb it.
As with Coenzyme Q10, alpha lipoic acid shows promise for treating other conditions such as cancer and liver ailments.
Like alpha lipoic acid, it too can help stabilize blood sugar levels, an important benefit especially during intense workouts.
Look for creams that contain the ingredient alpha tocopherol, which is usually how vitamin E is listed on product labels.
It's no secret that girls tend to go after the alpha males, so try to project those characteristics.
They often compete with other animals for the dominant role of the "Alpha".
The often over-bearing personality of the Leo pet can lead to quarrels with other pets for the Alpha role.
Alpha Bug Soup Game (ages 5 to 10) Kids have fun while practicing their reading and spelling.
Avatar is a science fiction film based on another moon in the Alpha Centauri star system, Pandora.
Look for products rich in alpha hydroxy acids, which slough away dead skin cells, leaving the skin renewed and glowing.
There are products containing alpha hydroxy acid that you can use at home, but the acid content will be low.
Many of these products contain alpha hydroxyl acid, a potent exfoliating substance.
Some people use alpha hydroxy acids on a regular basis to fade freckles, in combination with avoiding excessive sun exposure and the use of sunblock.
If you want to avoid plunking down a chunk of change, you can try microdermabrasion and alpha hydroxyl peels at home.
An alpha hydroxyl formula will help get rid of dry, rough cuticles, leaving your skin incredibly soft.
Alpha hydroxy acid is an effective exfoliator that helps unclog pores and clear away dead skin cells.
Specific acids in the alpha hydroxy family include glycolic and lactic acid, both of which are known to be gentle and non-irritating to skin when used in concentrations of 10 percent or less.
For example, when Wolfram Alpha, a new search engine, was launched, you could download and install a gadget that lets you search right from the desktop.
If the men around her were predators, the man who entered next was their alpha.
Sarah could never understand why; she guessed it was some macho alpha male thing, but Jackson would occasionally go out looking for trouble.
In 1920 he was able to demonstrate by means of light-interference that the diameter of Alpha Orionis was 260,000,000 miles.
The grand entrance was by the richly carved west door, above which was the Alpha window.
Alpha (a) iron is the form normal and stable for regions 5, 6 and 8, i.e.
As this was placed at the end of the ordinary (not the numeral) Greek alphabet, "alpha and omega" has become a proverbial phrase for first and last.
She'd long since learned how to manipulate alpha males, and it wasn't by going head-to-head with them.
It is interesting to note that individuals with a deficiency in 5 alpha reductase do not develop androgenetic alopecia.
Investment opportunity We model various combinations of funds to determine the best blend that will generate consistent alpha in the MultiManager Portfolios.
Cookies A Cookie is a small file which contains a unique alpha numeric number selected on a random basis.
Depending on the direction of the -OH group at carbon 1, it may be called an alpha or a beta linkage.
This then leaves the question, how to set the constant alpha?
At present, the only treatment available is a combination therapy with pegylated interferon alpha and ribavirin.
This plots the Greek letter alpha at the location 1880 1900.
This produces high levels of alpha amylase which converts the starch to sugar.
According to the reports no litters had been produced after the alpha female had been spayed when she experienced difficulties giving birth.
A website called Wolfram Alpha is amazing to me, especially in its aspirations.
Alpha thalassemia trait occurs when two alpha globin genes are missing or not functioning.
The Alpha is a waterproof boot of full-grain leather with a waterproof membrane, sympatex lining, removable molded ortholite footbed and the Hummer exclusive all-terrain tire tread interlocking log pattern outsole.
In the fraternity and sorority Greek system, the crests of several groups include a star and moon combination such as Delta Delta Delta and Lambda Chi Alpha.
The focus is on helping individuals on the autism spectrum to increase beta and SMR frequencies while reducing alpha, theta and delta brainwaves.
For instance, a 2010 Hummer H3 Alpha has a retail price of $41,705, but according to, owning this vehicle for five years will cost you $66,551.
The premise was simple, and maybe even overly simplistic - a space vehicle carrying a family (the Robinsons) that were going to start a space colony 'in Alpha Centauri' was sabotaged by the stowaway Dr. Smith, and thrown off course.
It offers reliable travel from the Bajoran planet in the alpha quadrant to the unexplored gamma quadrant.
Upon returning to the alpha quadrant, Sisko learns that the Bajorans worship the aliens inside the wormhole, calling them the ancient Prophets.
Because of the wormhole, the alpha quadrant is in danger of these fierce dictators.
The Federation, Cardassia, the Klingons, Romulans and all races in the alpha quadrant must learn to reconcile their differences and make peace to unite against a common (and deadly) enemy.
If it takes ten days to get to Alpha Prime from Beta Zed, it must always take ten days.
On an exploratory mission, Chekov and another crewman accidentally discover the ship of the Botany Bay on Seti Alpha 4- a group of genetically altered supermen and women left on the planet by Kirk many years before.
By using Charles in the Alpha and Omega series, I've moved my storytelling closer to Bran than I had originally intended to, so readers can peak behind the curtain a bit.
In the 1960s, the Jupiter 2 was launched from Earth with the Robinson family aboard to lead the way to Alpha Centauri in a colonization effort.
Her alpha leader tendencies clashed with the Cavils more than any other Cylon save for the Six model Natalie.
The main difference between alpha hydroxy acids and beta hydroxy acid is their lipid (oil) solubility.
Alpha hydroxy acids are water soluble only, while beta hydroxy acid is lipid (oil) soluble.
Like alpha hydroxy acids, beta hydroxy acids can increase sensitivity to the sun, so sun block should be worn.
Made mainly from citrus acid, alpha hydroxy can be applied in concentrated form as a chemical peel by a qualified dermatologist.
Alpha hydroxy is also formulated in lower concentrations for daily home use.
Alpha hydroxy may appear on product labels as AHA, glycolic acid, or lactic acid.
It contains CoQ10 to fight radicals, alpha lipoic acid with green tea extract to prevent puffiness, and a multivitamin to support collagen.
These include vitamin C supplements, mushroom extract, Alpha Lipoic Acid capsules, nutritional blend supplements for skin and body, and more.
Alpha hydroxy acid is a well known chemical exfoliant.
Alpha hydroxy acid is actually derived from fruit and milk sugars, but it can cause skin irritation.
For best results, pick a product with 8% to 15% alpha hydroxy acid.
Currently, Kiss My Face lotion for hands includes a wonderful organic grapefruit and bergamot Hand Crème and a Hand Alert repairing lotion containing alpha hydroxy acids, sunscreen, and moisturizers for smooth, beautiful hands.
Treat your skin to the sweet scent of peaches and cream with the Peaches and Cream 8% Alpha Hydroxy Face and Neck Moisturizer.
It contains Alpha Hydroxy Acids (AHAs), which help reduce the appearance of pores.
Not only is it beautifully scented, it also contains alpha hydroxy acids, which steps up the skin's exfoliating and renewing processes.
Rich in antioxidants like alpha lipoic acid, vitamin A and vitamin E, the product protects the skin from free radicals and works as an extra line of defense in an anti-aging regimen.
I'm not going on blind dates or being hooked up with hairy alpha males.
By the word alphabet, derived from the Greek names for the first two letters - alpha and beta - of the Greek alphabet, is meant a series of conventional symbols each indicating a single sound or combination of sounds.