Alone Sentence Examples
I spoke to her alone for twenty minutes.
Being alone didn't seem so bad to me after all.
One cold winter night I was alone in my room.
Leave me alone, then, for a while.
She was alone in Ashley with no money.
For four years and four months he lived alone on the island.
I have to convince you; taking it on faith alone isn't enough.
A woman was sitting alone by the fire.
I was alone, back in New York, on a totally secure line.
Leave her alone, Brandon.
AdvertisementI wanted to stay, but I thought you wanted to be alone with your mother.
Russia alone must save Europe.
I find it wholesome to be alone the greater part of the time.
He was alone in the middle of a field.
That issue alone could fill an entire chapter.
AdvertisementIt appeared to have no companion in the universe--sporting there alone--and to need none but the morning and the ether with which it played.
What was he doing out here alone in the middle of the desert?
She was thinking as if she alone were responsible.
I was, for a reason known to God alone, much more calm than the situation dictated.
And now she had put herself in a position where she would be alone with him in the car.
AdvertisementHe'd never been alone.
I knew it when he caught you alone beside the pool.
A man thinking or working is always alone, let him be where he will.
Given these agricultural strengths, is there anyone who believes the United States alone couldn't produce an extra $365 billion worth of food, at full retail price, if there were a ready buyer for it?
None of this would have happened if they hadn't been alone in the house.
AdvertisementDefense attorneys alone will leave no stone unturned to find you.
Just leave me alone.
This alone wears well.
This wasn't about what he had hidden from her or the fact that he had left her alone for two weeks to go to Columbia.
Don't leave me here alone with that mad man on the loose!
There aren't many fools climbing alone.
A knock at the door reminded her she wasn't alone.
It chanced that I walked that way across the fields the following night, about the same hour, and hearing a low moaning at this spot, I drew near in the dark, and discovered the only survivor of the family that I know, the heir of both its virtues and its vices, who alone was interested in this burning, lying on his stomach and looking over the cellar wall at the still smouldering cinders beneath, muttering to himself, as is his wont.
Each of us could find separate areas to be alone but remain close to each other.
This case was a twelve year old girl, shot in cold blood as she sat alone at the poolside of her California home.
Once inside, he found the child sleeping alone in her room; a little princess, he called her.
Betsy kissed me on the lips and whispered, "I don't want to stay alone either."
Martha wasn't doing well staying alone so she asked a bottle of Beefeater to keep her company.
I couldn't sit still in the office alone and I frankly I wanted the company of my wife.
And since it's snowed a foot or two since then, I'd guess there aren't any footprints to prove you were strolling alone in the woods.
Consider the girls in a factory--never alone, hardly in their dreams.
The sun is alone, except in thick weather, when there sometimes appear to be two, but one is a mock sun.
A strange feeling agitated me all the time I was alone with him in the dark chamber.
She had that much time alone.
Thanks, but I'd rather go alone.
She caught him alone in the hallway after supper, while Julia and Rachel were in the kitchen doing dishes.
She was alone in bed.
Lydia turned off the engine and they sat there alone with no other cars in sight.
If you can help him get to Kris, he.ll call it even and leave you alone.
My earliest distinct recollection of my father is making my way through great drifts of newspapers to his side and finding him alone, holding a sheet of paper before his face.
She flourishes most alone, far from the towns where they reside.
She looked at her and gave her alone a special smile in addition to her usual smile as hostess.
He alone is now dearer to me than everything in the world.
Anyway, I saw your boss in town, so I figured you were alone.
What was down that path that no one wanted to talk about, and why did Giddon insist that his houseguest should not wander around alone?
Didn't I tell you it was dangerous to be alone?
I just don't think it's a good idea for us to be out here alone.
I don't like you being up there alone.
Well, we finally have the chance to be alone.
You must have known what Allen would do to me if he caught me alone.
You can't spend your life terrified to leave the house alone.
Sure, they had spent more time wandering on the ranch, but that was only because Brandon wanted to get her alone.
With that, she left them alone.
Some of the containers had a thin wire running around but most were standing alone.
We wouldn't exactly be alone.
I may be the person who's having the visions but I can't do it alone.
I know I can't do it alone.
I wanted to be sure he was at home and hopefully alone.
Howie followed the imposter to the dining room where he dined alone.
Once I was alone again, I pondered my unilateral decision to speak directly to Ethel Reagan as I sipped on cold coffee.
Some people around her know of her ability and assist her but she alone has the gift.
I drove the few miles to Howie's home feeling as guilty as a cheating husband for leaving Betsy alone and uninformed.
I didn't want to come right out and say Betsy was frightened to stay alone so I just shrugged.
There I'd try to get some time alone with my wife and mull through this train ride to oblivion.
I told Betsy about the flare up between Quinn and Martha before Quinn decided to go to Santa Barbara alone.
Martha was alone with an infant and it was after nine o'clock.
I hate getting drunk alone.
You've got a baby up there asleep and you're alone in the house, tying one on.
Coming out was a totally new step and one I shouldn't be taking alone.
I assumed my childhood chum was disappointed in me alone.
Leave the guy alone until we get him to the hospital.
I passed out for a few minutes, I guess, and then I thought I was alone so I started crawling toward the door.
Tell him to get you a ticket and let him do his thing alone.
She won't leave Howie alone.
However, what did I discover but the child at the sink alone and the doors to two stalls closed!
While I long to have the child alone in my cabin, keeping the two in there would be cumbersome.
Perhaps I'll utilize my secure room beneath the barn for the daughter while I interview the mother alone.
We were operating by pure feel in the total darkness where balancing alone was precariously.
It seemed hours I was left alone until shouting voices announced the end of our ordeal.
He was annoying, and she wanted him to leave her alone.
More tears came as she realized she couldn't do anything for herself let alone Jonny if they kept her in such a state.
Bianca looked at him, and he ignored the sense she wanted to be alone with her brother.
You'll get lonely here alone.
She still didn't understand the depth of her talents or how to control the visions, and being alone and away from her mate made some days unbearable.
She rose, bored after being trapped alone the whole day in the condo, and peered through the peephole.
He ate alone in the condo's kitchen, not surprised to see Bianca asleep when he finally returned to bed.
I didn't want the cat to stay all alone at your condo.
I won't face him alone.
His brothers weren't any closer than they had been, but the sound of their voices made him realize how alone he'd really felt the past two weeks.
His nearness would drive her crazy if she were forced to be alone with him.
She hesitated at the head of the stairs, tormented by the knowledge her father was incapable of mercy towards his daughter, let alone a stranger.
I don't feel as alone when I'm with you.
If he could shake his fever and take care of himself, he'd be okay alone.
For the first time in her life, she wanted not to feel completely alone.
She suddenly felt more alone than ever and rubbed her stinging cheek.
It seemed like too long already, especially since the woman was alone to protect herself.
Satisfied it was getting what it wanted, the Watcher left him alone.
She wasn't afraid to be alone.
I'm not much for being home alone, Rourk replied.
Tell Dusty not to blow everything up, and leave the vamp alone, Damian said.
Leave me alone, Xander.
He kissed her hand and left her alone.
I'm rebuilding as fast as I can, but it ain't easy finding new Guardians, let alone those who make good agents.
Most women were too intimidated to go near him, let alone get close enough to throw their arms around him.
She tightened her grip around him, and he was amused to think of himself as any sort of comfort to anyone, let alone a little human like her.
Then leave me alone.
Her presence alone was already prodding free memories he'd thought he'd buried.
Han, can I be alone?
A cold wind comforted her as she sat alone.
It was his turn to be ticked at the world—she was sick of being alone and angry.
As he spoke, memories streamed through his mind, memories of the universe before the Schism and afterwards, when he and a few others were cast alone onto earth.
I have dreams about him where he's sad and alone.
Her thoughts returned to the dead man alone in the dark room.
She shook out the sexual energy running through her and turned on a light, not wanting to be alone in the dark while the dead man in her thoughts began to sob once more.
Unable to be alone with the man in her head, she went to her library.
Dustin didn't look like the kind of man who would like anything, let alone presents.
You don't carry this burden alone.
How many Guardians had he lost this year alone?
His reputation alone was enough to make most men weep when confronted.
Traci was alone at the far end of the bay.
She left them alone and returned to the group, deep in thought.
He'd been alone since, except for his two adopted brothers.
When he looked up, he was alone.
Traci was alone with the man she recognized as Ving, who stood near the doorway.
There was one vent in the ceiling, not large enough for her hand let alone her body.
Deidre awoke alone and naked in bed.
Tell me what you want or just leave me alone!
Her world was crushing her; she needed to be alone.
Will you leave me alone now?
I alone will do that, he added.
Unwilling to admit to the bonds let alone talk about them, Deidre focused on the girl.
Would she be alone for eternity?
The mating bond alone makes it easy for a woman to control her mate.
Darkyn wore her out, and when she'd woken, she was alone.
Frustration finally drove the couple to play the game the same way—contact no one, put your head in the sand, and hope everyone leaves you alone and forgets you exist.
He alone had interviewed and recommended the young woman, who was located by one of his lady friends.
The Deans retreated to the front porch, allowing Fred and Martha time alone, and Maria to her new chores.
Dean, sensing she wished to be alone, returned to the living room.
He was alone, and as he alighted from his vehicle carrying his cardboard sign, he spotted them.
The Deans found themselves alone on the front porch, with only Mrs. Lincoln for company, as Fred was off to the library for more research.
Dean wished Cynthia had waited until they were alone to bring up the subject.
That alone is a point in her favor.
She sat alone in the darkened car, waiting, her head bowed low.
That's how I got stuck at the crash scene—all alone.
Besides, he doesn't drink and I don't drink alone—unless I'm alone.
The sound of thrown objects, yells, and stomps were followed by Ginger Dawkins's terse announcement that she was moving to the Beaumont, alone, thank you.
Dean noticed her frail form near the front, seated alone.
How could you let a little girl be alone with a convicted criminal long enough to be kidnapped?
I was sure you'd whack the son of a bitch and maybe kill him and I didn't want to be a jailhouse widow and run Bird Song alone.
When told Patsy Boyd was traveling alone, Fred nodded with a knowing smile.
Now let me alone.
You might want to leave this alone for now.
Kids take trips alone all the time.
That alone makes me nervous.
Fred was alone, busy at his computer.
The tourists were left below and Dean was alone save the sounds of nature on the rocky rutted path as his Jeep's tires clawed upward.
He wanted us to go into the mine with him but when he saw you coming he went up alone.
If love alone was a measurement of success, the future of the three had a small measure hope.
It was a blissful late afternoon and the Deans were alone in the kitchen—Fred had taken Martha to a movie— when Cynthia raised the subject.
Suppose it was Brandon, acting alone, who killed the Blackie Rowland?
I've never begged anyone for anything, let alone mercy.
He can't find souls, let alone demons.
The deliberate movements alone took a minute.
Tonight, he was alone, but he needed to be for a while.
He left, barely able to see straight let alone think straight.
She didn't expect to find the human alive, let alone of a mindset to make a joke.
She turned away from him, wanting to be alone.
Darkyn's mate wasn't alone.
He never expected to see the blue sky again or the trees around the fortress, let alone sip sweet tea and nibble on berry scones.
Left alone, she rarely did that.
Whether there was someone else in her life at this point or she was alone was a mystery.
Maybe she should go home and eat with Alex, but it was nice simply enjoying some time alone.
We have the entire afternoon alone for once.
She stared after him as he drove away, wondering if he would be home for supper – or if he was going to eat alone.
Later that evening while they were alone, Carmen and Alex decided that the next time Lori came by or called, Carmen would talk to her and tell her that the option to take Destiny back had passed.
Alex usually insisted they leave the mare alone, only checking on her now and then.
Alex says it's best to let them alone, but Casper is used to being around me.
Josh was gone and Alex didn't want her going up there alone.
It was still eerie walking around the place alone, knowing he had been there.
She left him there, wishing she could stay and yet knowing he could use the time alone with Jonathan.
She wasn't in this alone, and it was impossible to shelter the children from it.
It was embarrassing enough to simply think of the things to tell him, let alone say it to him.
I wouldn't feel comfortable if he was alone with you.
I'll check before I leave you and the kids alone to make a trip.
Alex was sitting in his chair and they were alone at the moment, so it was a good time to approach him.
He left her alone.
Fate wasn't going to leave him alone, but this door … Gabriel stepped back.
It's not safe out here for you to be alone.
You're not a water sprite, and you're not afraid to be alone on a beach with a man you think murders people.
Though I'm wondering why you're alone on a beach in the moonlight without someone to make love to you with a bucket list like that.
Something about him made her feel comfortable, or she wouldn't be sitting alone with a man dressed like the angel of death on the beach after dark, revealing secrets she didn't tell her boyfriend of two years.
His challenges on the mortal realm alone were overwhelming.
She wasn't alone when she was with him.
He should leave you alone, Gabriel agreed.
Being alone meant she started thinking again, something she didn't want to do.
She felt very alone, exposed, standing before him.
Their one night together made her feel alive, and his dark gaze alone was enough to make her body hot from the inside out.
He made her feel like she wasn't alone for the first time in years.
She sat up and hopped off the bed, too aware of how alone she felt.
The records I alone can read with my magic are in this hallway, which is a pain in the ass when it comes to searching for things.
I want to be alone.
I mean happy, whether that's alone or not.
Gabriel wasn't getting his hopes up, let alone encouraging hers.
A death-dealer outside her door – or better yet, on her couch – was all that would make him easier about leaving her alone.
Darkyn alone was able to give it to her.
The grey eyes were beseeching, but Katie couldn't manage anything verbal let alone a lie to placate the driver.
She bit back an order to leave her stuff alone but stopped herself, watching him go through her medicine cabinet for any additional drugs.
In the darkness, he was alone.
She didn't care if she left a five- year-old kid home alone, not when he was a four-hundred-thousand-year-old angel!
One by one, the others left, until he was alone with Andre.
He poured himself more whiskey and sat on the sofa, feeling utterly alone for the second time in his life.
He found himself lingering, wanting to feel a little less alone.
Then you leave me alone forever.
Take Toby and the damn death guy and leave me the hell alone.
She squeezed through the hole in the wall to find there wasn't enough of the floor left to walk on let alone make it to the door across the apartment.
He bowed his head and left her alone with the madman..
The breakfast room had cleared out an hour before, but the patient matriarch kept her coffee cup full and left her alone.
They'll leave you alone when they see it, he replied.
Wouldn't go out walking alone after dark if I was you, little girl.
Whatever happened, she couldn't be alone with him.
I'm not alone, and I'm leaving.
Frustrated when he was around, she couldn't help but feel unusually alone when he was gone.
The room was dark; she was alone.
I mean, you don't have what it takes to keep a mate alive, let alone safe.
She hadn't been able to keep a job or a boyfriend for more than a few months, let alone an eternity!
Her blood was thrumming even faster than the alcohol alone would have caused, her body growing too warm for comfort.
He deserved it for kissing her and making her feel things she never, ever, ever imagined she'd feel for any man, let alone a monster like him.
Tell him to leave me alone.
And he comes alone, Gabriel.
Megan left her alone, and she unpacked.
She felt alone when he was gone, and while he frustrated the hell out of her, she still felt better when he was near.
She looked around, feeling very much alone in the cavernous room.
She was alone in a world she didn't fit into, and she wanted more than anything to escape.
It wasn't normal for them to acknowledge her existence, let alone address her.
Rhyn thought hard for a minute, then said with effort, "I don't know how to be a mate, let alone take care of a human, Gabriel."
Andre alone has ever shown me any kindness.
She left him alone in the dark with his thoughts, and he began to understand more how his friend Rhyn felt in a world that was pitted against him.
Gabriel was sitting alone on top of one of the half dozen picnic tables.
If I could protect you alone, I.d take you somewhere safe from the demons and the Council.
Unless you wanna leave my blood monkey alone.
He entered the castle, following the scents up the back stairwell that Katie alone used to avoid the other Immortals.
And apparently, he alone knows how to render the grounds no longer sacred.
Without him, Kris felt as if he were alone trying to solve the world.s problems.
There had to be somewhere she could go where they.d leave her alone, at least until Gabriel came for her.
What makes you think he won.t leave you alone?
She drew a deep breath, terrified of running into one of those creatures alone, then crept to the door.
She wasn.t hungry but walked toward the cafeteria so she wouldn.t be alone with her thoughts.
While Kris would love to sacrifice a certain infuriating mortal to further his cause, he wouldn.t even sacrifice her, let alone allow Darkyn.s to wipe out a village.
Someone had lied to her about Lilith, who had died defenseless and alone.
Kiki, can you leave us alone?
His one love wanted to be alone with him!
Said he.d done what they told him and given them you and the castle so they.d leave him alone.
She left him at the base of the stairs and ascended alone.
Considering how much Gabriel couldn.t tolerate sunlight, Rhyn was surprised to see him during daylight at all, let alone without his shades.
Rhyn watched, not wanting to leave for fear of being alone.
She didn.t want to remember she was utterly alone in facing him.
It makes no sense she.d be there, and if she is, the demons have her, or Jade wouldn.t be here alone.
He was alone, roasting in the sun for a long moment before he sensed Kris approach.
I can hardly walk let alone lift a weapon.
And if you do this, the Council will leave you alone.
And yet, he couldn't help feeling as if he alone bore the weight of his planet on his back as he struggled to pay for food, water, and weapons.
The newlyweds spent the night at a local luxury hotel-- also an arrangement made by Kiera-- and she was left alone in the row house full of boxes.
Kiera rose and trotted down to her studio, happy to see the movers had left her studio alone.
His movements were smooth and controlled, his emotions hidden, his dark, dark eyes alone enough to keep her immobile.
The connection alone might prevent a full-scale war.
A'Ran watched her off and on during the several days she spent alone.
Kiera could be the most stubborn and frustrating woman Evelyn had ever met, and she'd sworn off any man, let alone an alien.
You kidnap me, trick me into marrying you, dump me here alone without Evelyn or even a pad of paper, with instructions for your sisters to give me behavioral training, and run off to fight some battle somewhere else.
She didn't have much time alone to mull their conversation or her troubled thoughts.
I figured you were alone.
The only thing she needed was to have everyone leave her alone.
It's no place to be alone.
I won't leave you alone.
If she had been alone, she might have taken a chance crossing the field, but not with Jonathan.
He alone had watered and weeded the flowers.
He alone had grieved over the grave.
Sitting there alone in Josh's living room while Lori slept, all Carmen could think about was the last moments for Josh.
She had this baby because he wanted it, and now that he's gone, she'll have to do it all alone.
She won't be completely alone, sweetheart.
What kind of life would it be, alone and lonely?
Maybe that was why Destiny was afraid of being left alone.
She'd never been alone in the palace.
She deserved nothing less than to die broken and alone after what she'd done to her baby.
She pulled the window open and dropped in, glancing around to make sure she was alone.
Sofi left him alone in the study, and he sat down at Damian's computer to send the info the real estate agent needed to rent him the cabin.
They'd left the human world alone until several months ago.
Standing alone in the shower, he realized just how closed he'd come to his own death.
She hesitated, aware she never should've told Damian, let alone allowed Xander to pry the answer out of her when they'd met.
I'm not leaving my Bianca alone, Dusty said.
Leave me alone for a bit.
Jenn had felt alone after that day but thrilled nonetheless.
If we do as you say, will you stop whatever it is you're doing in my ranks and leave me alone?
Alone with Jenn and the Other, Darian looked between the two.
I want to do what's right for my people, and it made sense to trade you to the Others, if they'd leave me alone.
He paced alone in the kitchen.
You think I should leave her alone to decide?
Darian's voice carried a dark note, one that made her uncomfortable alone with him in the dark forest.
But I wouldn't try to do it alone, either.
Darian closed his eyes and watched the discordant memories flickering through her mind, not wanting her to suffer alone.
He left her mind alone, not wanting to intrude now that she was calmer.
Why can't you go back to the immortal world, fight each other there, and leave us alone?
After thousands of years alone, she inherited a mate and a family over the course of a single night.
Jenn let her instincts take over, ignoring the instinct that told her no mortal should be able to fight one guardsman, let alone three.
For the first time in long while, Jenn didn't think she could get them to safety alone.
They leave you alone here to fend for yourself against Others?
I'm strong enough to do it alone.
She couldn't feel anything, let alone her legs.
He disappeared, leaving her alone again in the desert.
She was there alone.
This room was smaller than her quarters within the city's walls, but she was glad to have a private place to be alone for a few moments.
How many men had died in the past month alone defending her?
I know you alone are my ally.
He joined Lean and Allin as they dined, listening with forced indifference as they told him that Rissa had left alone with her guard at dusk.
She did not remember being attacked, let alone imprisoned!
He broke down and cried quietly for his father and their men, wondering how he could make it across the ocean alone.
They and Memon's son, Vara, were alone in a small room together.
And I need some time alone with the map to plan.
She felt very alone as she realized his plotting was not the result of a few months of planning but the maneuvers of a calculating, patient man.
He appeared to be alone, and she took a deep breath to still her hammering heart before emerging into the small clearing lit by the moon.
I alone know the locations of all our armies.
I alone know how to recall them.
He'd hoped she had and left her alone, after posting her favorite guard - -Hilden - -at her door.
Rissa alone gasped as the dying woman gagged and squirmed on the floor.
We alone can bring peace to this world and heal what the demons have done.
Why don't we take advantage of this time alone?
She was off again, leaving them at the table alone.
They were alone and she had him to herself for the night.
Next time we decide to spend some time alone, I'm going to bury your telephone.
Later, when they were alone, Carmen challenged Alex about his response.
If you're wondering if I'm concerned about being up here alone with three strange men, the answer is no.
I enjoy our time alone, but I miss the children.
You don't look old enough to have four children, let alone a teenager.
It isn't safe to be out there alone or on foot.
It would be if I could, but I can't – not alone, anyway, and Alex is at work most of the time.
Alex would be doubly concerned if two women were out here alone.
It hadn't occurred to her before, but she didn't much like the idea of traveling this trail alone with Rob.
Alex doesn't want me to ride up there alone.
I can see why Alex wouldn't want you to come up here alone – and why you would want to visit.
Yes, I understand why Alex doesn't want me to come up here alone.