Allows Sentence Examples
The society need not be secret if the government allows it.
Somewhere, in actual life, the stress of craft and courage acting on the springs of human vice and weakness fails, unless the hero of the comedy or tragedy, Callimaco or Cesare, allows for the revolt of healthier instincts.
Etsy allows people to trade their crafts, items they have made with their own hands and materials.
This joint is durable, secure and easily made; it allows for expansion and by its use the risk of pipe sockets being cracked is avoided.
More precisely, it catalogues and tracks them and then allows you to communicate with them easily.
In the matter of the rhythms, caesuras and elisions which it allows, the metrical treatment is much more severe than that of Catullus, whose elegiacs are comparatively rude and barbarous; but it is not bound hand and foot, like the Ovidian distich, in a formal and conventional system.
The first method is in general use for steam cranes; it allows for a far greater range of power in the brake, but is not automatic, as is the second.
This horizontal movement of the lower end of the back leg allows the whole arrangement to assume the position shown in fig.
Some of its enactments are purely pagan - thus one paragraph allows the mother to kill her new-born child, and another prescribes the immolation to the gods of the defiler of their temple; others are purely Christian, such as those which prohibit incestuous marriages and working on Sunday.
They consist of a series of narratives, or groups of narratives, dealing with the lives of these three men, arranged by a compiler, who, however, unlike the compilers of Judges and Kings, rarely allows his own hand to appear.
AdvertisementThe rise of the industry has been favored by protective tariffs and by a system of excise which allows a considerable premium to manufacturers.
In most of the systems that have been proposed this result is attained by electrical regulation; in one, however, a mechanical method is adopted, the dynamo being so' hung that it allows the driving belt to slip when the speed of the axle exceeds a certain limit, the armature thus being rotated at an approximately constant speed.
This soil is spongy, and, undergoing alternate contraction and expansion from being alternately comparatively dry and saturated with moisture, allows the heavy blocks to slip down by their own weight into the valley, where they become piled up, the valley stream afterwards removing the soil from among and over them.
Its transparency allows us to see even to the pole star, who is the central sun around whom all the heavenly bodies move.
The membership in each house, however, is slightly above these figures, owing to a system of fractional representation and to the constitutional amendment of 1903 which allows each county at least one representative in the House of Representatives.
AdvertisementThe frames into which hard soaps are ladled for cooling and solidification consist of rectangular boxes made of iron plates and bound and clamped together in a way that allows the sides to be removed when required; wooden frames are used in the case of mottled soaps.
He allows himself too easily to be ensnared by the craft of the evil powers who seek to ruin his future existence.
A defect in co-ordination allows the stimulated active vegetative cellular elements, or the more fully differentiated tissue, to over-develop and so form tumours, simple or malignant.
This circumstance allows us to test the date of certain views; thus Wyngaerde's map has the spire, but Agas's map is without it.
The erection of the cells in straight lines may cause some little complication in charging, but it allows the hot spent slices to be discharged upon a travelling band which takes them,to an elevator, an arrangement simpler than any which is practicable when the cells are disposed in a circle.
AdvertisementThe mud collects at the bottom of the u, and allows the upper part of the bag to filter for a longer time than would be the case if the bottom end were closed and if the bag hung straight like the letter I.
A small pipe entering below the false bottom allows the air in the cistern to escape as it is displaced by the water or syrup. In some refineries this pipe, which is carried up to a higher level than the top of the cistern, is fitted with a whistle which sounds as long as the air escapes.
On this account deeper tillage than usual, which allows of easier penetration of roots, or the carrying out of operations which bring the subsoil to the surface, must always be carefully considered.
Among a multitude of other Japanese wares, space allows us t mention only two, those of Izumo and Yatsushiro.
The Finance Act of 1902 allows a manufacturer to obtain a license which permits the use of duty-free alcohol, if he can show that such alcohol is absolutely essential for the success of his business, and that methylated spirit is unsuitable.
AdvertisementIn other cases it allows restless spirits who have failed at home to try again elsewhere.
Hamilton (Discussions, p. 197) allows greater sagacity to Collier than to Berkeley, on the ground that he did not vainly attempt to enlist men's natural belief against the hypothetical realism of the philosophers.
C. Shaler Smith allows 300 lb per ft.
Flowers in which the relative position of the organs allows of spontaneous self-pollination may be all alike as regards length of style and stamens (homomorphy or homostyly), or differ in this respect (heteromorphy) the styles (From Strasburger's by permission of Gustav Fischer.) FIG.
And coins have long been recognized as one of the great sources of metrology -- valuable for their wide and detailed range of information, though most unsatisfactory on account of the constant temptation to diminish their weight, a weakness which seldom allows us to reckon them as of the full standard.
In Afghanistan the Sayads have much of the commerce in their hands, as their holy character allows them to pass unharmed where other Pathans would be murdered.
Although there usually exist general laws under which corporations or companies (including railway and electric car companies) can be formed, laws which in some states and for some purposes confer a greater freedom of incorporation than the general law allows in the United Kingdom, there is nevertheless a noticeable tendency to come to the legislature for special purposes of this kind.
The usually unvarying arrangement of the Cistercian houses allows us to accept this as a type of the monasteries of this order.
Nothing could be more like Plato's Phaedo, or more unlike Aristotle's later work on the Soul, which entirely rejects transmigration and allows the next life to sink into the background.
The definite course is not occasioned so much from the ferments which exist in the leaves themselves, but from an arrest of the digestive process which allows the rapid multiplication of the former in the intestines.
The attendant allows the silk to enter gradually into close contact with the combs, which comb through the silk in exactly the same manner as a lady combs her tresses.
But he was averse from the violence of Melville, and was willing to admit the royal supremacy "as far as the word of God allows."
The natural causes of famine are still mainly outside our control, though science enables agriculturists to combat them more successfully, and the improvement in means of transport allows a rich harvest in one land to supplement the defective Breaking up of totemism.
He allows, in fact, no a priori forms except categories of the understanding, and these he reduces, considering that the most important are identity with difference and causality, which in his view are necessary to the judgments that the various data which make up a total impression (Gesammteindruck, Totaleindruck) are each different from the others, together identical with the total impression, and causally connected in relations of necessary sequence and coexistence.
We know more, however, about a body, such as a bell, than either Spencer or Hodgson allows.
Spottiswoode, allows the absorption in the apparatus of fig.
Fig, i represents a garden of one acre and admits of nearly double the number of trees on the south aspect as compared with the east and west; it allows a greater number of espalier or pyramid trees to face the south; and it admits of being divided into equal principal compartments, each of which forms nearly a square.
This allows of the hardier pot plants being removed out of doors while those planted out are in need of the room.
Polybius and the authors who copy him regard the Bastarnae as Galatae; Strabo, having learned of the Romans to distinguish Celts and Germans, first allows a German element; Tacitus expressly declares their German origin but says that the race was degraded by intermarriage with Sarmatians.
A simple sporophore may be merely a single short hypha, the end of which stops growing and becomes cut off as a conidium by the formation of a septum, which then splits and allows the conidium to fall.
The actual production not only covers the home consumption, but also allows a yearly increasing exportation, especially to Russia, Austriaand Scandinavia.
This basin is to be entered from both the east and the west, and allows for a future extension in front of San Pier d'Arena as far as the mouth of the river Polcevera.
In Gymnosperms we have seeds, and the carpels may become modified and close around these, as in Pinus, during the process of ripening to form an imitation of a box-like fruit which subsequently opening allows the seeds to escape; but there is never in them the closed ovary investing from the outset the ovules, and ultimately forming the ground-work of the fruit.
Seen from Strathmore or the Firth of Clyde the Highlands present well-defined masses of hills abruptly rising from the Lowland plains, and from any of the western islands their sea front resembles a vast rampart indented by lochs and rising to a uniform level, which sinking here and there allows glimpses of still higher summits in the interior.
On that footing the foreign office grants passports to the holders of colonial certificates of naturalization, and protects them in all foreign countries but that of their origin; and the Merchant Shipping Act 1894, sec. 1, allows persons naturalized in British possessions to be owners of British ships.
In its hot plastic state iron can be formed and modelled under the hammer to almost any degree of refinement, while its great strength allows it to be beaten out into leaves and ornaments of almost paperlike thinness and delicacy.
When this happens the plug being no longer covered with water is heated to such a temperature that it melts and allows the contents of the boiler to escape into the furnace.
In particular he allows that " there was at any rate enough of charlatanism in Protagoras and Hippias to prevent any ardour for their historical reputation," that the sophists generally " had in their lifetime more success than they deserved," that it was " antagonism to their teaching which developed the genius of Socrates," and, above all, that, " in his anxiety to do justice to the Sophist, Grote laid more stress than is at all necessary on the partisanship of Plato."
The periodicity of the seasons usually allows two, and sometimes three, harvests in the year, but not necessarily, nor indeed usually, from the same fields.
Between Euclides and Antisthenes the Socratic induction and universal definition were alike discredited from the point of view of the Eleatic logic. It is with the other point of doctrine that Plato comes to grips, that which allows of a certainty or knowledge consisting in an analysis of a compound into simple elements themselves not known.
He gives it four-fifths of his land; while his white rival allows it only a quarter of his, less by half than the area he gives to live-stock, dairying, hay and grains.
Although this method balances the pistons in the horizontal plane, and thus allows the pull of the engine on the train to be exerted without the variation due to the reciprocation of the pistons, yet the force balanced horizontally is introduced vertically and appears as a variation of pressure on the rail.
It is questionable whether English law allows the wages and maintenance of the crew at a port of refuge in any case.
The universal tribute of Townshend's colleagues allows him the possession of boundless wit and ready eloquence, set off by perfect melody of intonation, but marred by an unexampled lack of judgment and discretion.
This also allows time for the feeding in of the next sheet to be printed.
Judah allows it.
The school of Shammai disallows it; but the school of Hillel allows it," &c. In the Gemara, the decisions of the Mishnah are not only discussed, explained or developed, but all kinds of additional matter are suggested by them.
In 1672 Saint-Mars proposes - the significance of this action is discussed later - to allow Dauger to act as "valet" to Lauzun; Louvois firmly refuses, but in 1675 allows him to be employed as valet to Fouquet, and he impresses upon Saint-Mars the importance of nobody learning about Dauger's "past."
The introduction of the clinical thermometer, which allows us to ascertain exactly the amount to which the temperature rises in fever or to which it is reduced by antipyretic measures, is to the physician like the compass to the sailor, and allows him to steer safely between two extremes.
Now we can see the reason for their administration, because the nitrous ether, consisting chiefly of ethyl nitrite, dilates the superficial vessels and thus allows greater escape of heat from the surface; while acetate of ammonia, by acting as a diaphoretic and stimulating the secretion of sweat, increases the loss of heat by evaporation.
The object of taking no liquid with meals is that it ensures mastication being more complete, because persons cannot wash the unmasticated food down by drinking, and it prevents the gastric juice from being greatly diluted, and so allows it to digest more rapidly.
The foreign settlement occupies a position between the native town and the sea, which neither affords a, convenient access for shipping nor allows space for any great extension of area.
Even Saint-Simon allows that his episcopal duties were perfectly performed.
The one break, or gorge, which allows the Kej waters to pass, only forms a local gateway into a mass of impracticable hills.
The verses of Diniz, essentially a love poet, are conventional in tone and form, but he can write pretty ballads and pastorals when he allows himself to be natural.
Of Phanerogams, only the Dryas octopetala covers small areas of the debris, interspersed with isolated Cochlearia, &c., and, where a layer of thinner clay has been deposited in sheltered places, the surface is covered with saxifrages, &c.; and a carpet of mosses allows the arctic willow (Salix polaris) to develop. Where a thin sheet of humus, fertilized by lemmings, has accumulated, a few flowering plants appear, but even so their brilliant flowers spring direct from the soil, concealing the developed leaflets, while their horizontally spread roots grow out of proportion; only the Salix lanata rises to 7 or 8 in., sending out roots I in.
Preferable to an opaque screen is a piece of ground glass, which allows the shadow to be examined from the farther side (Lord Rayleigh).
The lower area of bactericidal action extends much farther to the right, because the quartz allows more ultra-violet rays to pass than does glass.
The study of the scenery of England and Wales as a whole, or the study of orographical and geological maps of the country, allows a broad distinction to be drawn between the types of land-forms in the west and in the east.
All that he allows is that the perception of natural beauty may, by its resemblance to the primary spiritual beauty, quicken the disposition to divine love in those who are already under the influence of a truly virtuous temper.
This period of open-air exposure allows the process of rust to start under the scales.
When the case which holds the machine is adjusted hori - zontally by means of its foot - screws, and the weights in the pans are equal, the beams remain perfectly horizontal; but with the slightest difference of weight in the pans the beams are tilted, and the elastic resistance of the springs to torsion allows the beams to take up a definite position of equi - librium.
Burkli (Der wahre Winkelried, - die Taktik der alien Urschweizer, Zurich, 1886) has put forth a theory of the battle which is, he allows, opposed to all modern accounts, but entirely agrees, he strongly maintains, with the contemporary authorities.
The debtor claims the exemption where the levy is made, but if the sheriff deems the homestead greater in value than the law allows, he may choose three disinterested persons to appraise it and sell any portion that may be adjudged in excess of the legal limit.
Although this method appears more troublesome, it allows the amount of nitre to be more easily and more accurately regulated.
In practice the pulley rim is curved to a radius of from three to five times its breadth, and this not only guides the belt, but allows the line of direction of the advancing side to deviate to a small extent, depending on the elasticity of the material.
In the brake shown, the cone I is pressed against a corresponding recess in the ratchetwheel J, which latter turns loosely in the casing and is provided with a pawl not shown in the figure; this pawl allows freedom of motion when the load is being raised.
This is one among many flaws in the Hegelian dialectic, and it paralyzes the whole of the Logic. Secondly, the conditions of intelligence, which Cousin allows, necessarily exclude the possibility of knowledge of the absolute - they are held to be incompatible with its unity.
As for Holothuroidea, the fossil evidence allows us to say no more than that the class existed in early Carboniferous times, if not before.
By and by the idea would dawn on the nation that anarchy is as productive of evil as tyranny, and that a government which omits to regulate or control allows the strong to oppress the weak, and the rich to oppress the poor.
The process is termed washing or scrubbing, and is carried out in various forms of apparatus, the efficiency of which is dependent upon the amount of contact the apparatus allows between the finely divided gas and water in a unit area and the facility with which it may be cleared out.
The grate b retains any small pieces of fuel, but allows the liquid cinder to pass through.
Thus Bracton says "every male of the age of twelve years, be he free be he serf, ought to be in frankpledge," but he allows for certain exceptions.
The entrances to the mouths of both these offering many difficulties for navigation, trade has from the remotest antiquity selected this spot, which is situated half-way between the two estuaries, while the level surface of the neighbouring steppe allows easy communication with the lower parts of both rivers.
The only instances which he gives of intuitive moral truths are the purely formal propositions, " No government allows absolute liberty," and " Where there is no property there is no injustice," - neither of which has any evident connexion with the general happiness.
The chief argument against this theory has been based on the early period at which these sentiments are manifested by children, which hardly allows time for association to produce the effects ascribed to it.
The substitution of these interdental and guttural sounds for the surd and sonant spirants respectively did certainly not take place simultaneously, but the vacillations of the old orthography, and afterwards the decision of the Spanish Academy, which suppressed x (= I; x was retained for cs) and allows only c and g before e and i, I and j before a, a, a, make it impossible for us to follow, with the help of the written texts, the course of the transformation.
Another point of difference between the English and American hive is the roof, which being gable-shaped in the former allows warm packing to be placed directly on the frame tops, so that the bees are covered in when the roof is removed and may be examined or fed with very little disturbance.
The modern bee-keeper, therefore, allows just so much drone comb in the hive as will produce a sufficient number of drones to ensure queen-mating, while affording to the bees the satisfaction of dwelling in a home equipped according to natural conditions, and containing all the elements necessary to bee-life.
As a rule this inner tube has a mark which allows the length of the tube to be set.
The eyepiece micrometer allows its errors to be diminished, if one measures at different points and then fixes a mean value.
The art of these countries is mainly geometrical, and allows only of monograms crowned with laurels, of peacocks, of animals gambolling amid foliage, of fruit and flowers, of crosses which are either svastikas of Hindu and Mycenaean type, or so lost in enveloping arabesques as to be merely decorative.
The new harbour, which was opened to navigation in December 1901, allows the direct transhipment of all merchandise whatever may be the direction of the wind, which was previously apt to render shipping operations difficult.
Of the latter many were accompanied by their wives, though the Russian law allows divorce in the case of such sentences; the emperor unwillingly allowed the devoted women to go, but decreed that any children born to them in Siberia would be illegitimate.
I understand you are in possession of certain equipment that allows you and Elizabeth to venture into the past, is that correct?
The more freewill Fate allows, the more depravity is created to feed the Dark One.
A broad spectrum of lighting effects allows them to offer the most competitive value for lighting in the industry.
At last, there is a digital synthesizer available that allows you to control the expressive nuancesof your music in real time.
A mock court room allows you to get used to being in a court room.
Local Residents Passes To enable local residents to enjoy visiting the abbey, we offer an annual pass that allows free entry all year.
This testing allows for rapid acceleration of TCE induced failures.
The schedule of delivery allows access to all modules through a range of pathways over any three-year period.
That allows the Belgian giant instant access to the Russian beer market by buying into the only available holding.
The scheme allows him to leave his salary in his current account for the whole month, bringing down his mortgage payments.
For some streets it has been possible to identify research material which allows a fairly accurate chronology to be developed.
This is the thermally activated process that allows condensation or freezing to take place.
It's modular design allows easy adaption to suit the location and site conditions.
Allows you to fine-tune your call-to-action with multiple lines of text or images each with independently addressable hyperlinks.
The micro-adjustment feature allows you to make fine top-of-form adjustment feature allows you to make fine top-of-form adjustments and short form tear-off position adjustments in increments of 1/180th of an inch.
This allows the adrenal glands to recover between doses and prevents their becoming suppressed.
Our climate modeling work allows us to simulate climate response to different distributions of tropospheric aerosols.
For example there is a " evolution scheduler " which allows you to experiment with different scheduling algorithms for your Linux system.
Primer Aligner allows the user to align their primer, functional domain, or sequence fragment of interest to the complete genome alignment.
The simple altazimuth mount allows vertical and horizontal movements for quick astro and terrestrial pointing.
The system always allows the user to cater for the inherent ambiguity in its Level 1 sources.
This area also allows small amphibians such as frogs and toads to enter the pond easily.
The fiber optic servo bus allows the system's " almost dumb " servo amplifiers to be up to 100m apart.
It allows an amputee to move the prosthetic arm as if it is a real limb, simply by thinking.
The distinctive microscopic anatomy of hazel wood allows definite identification of well-preserved specimens of wood and charcoal.
A second algorithm allows the animator to create a range of geometric paths through the scene for an actor to follow.
The unique applicator allows it to be applied straight from the bottle without wastage or mess.
This is backed by our diverse client base, which allows us to gain a broader appreciation of the cocoa market.
Additionally, the Governance area allows you to record important events ranging from receipt of R&D form through to ethics approval.
The screensaver allows you to have up to 100 tropical fish swimming in the virtual aquarium at the same time.
This action allows arbitrary, repeated communication between the master and a single slave process.
This " time out " allows the gallium arsenide laser diode time to cool off.
The double articulation allows the legs to rise above the body, giving the whole structure an imposing presence.
Our aim is to provide a consistent theoretical foundation which allows for model error in variational assimilation.
Where these images fall in the cluster allows astronomers to calculate the mass of the cluster in a different way.
This in turn allows decisions to be made on how often various points about Jesus are independently attested.
The default value is no, which allows users to be trusted once they successfully authenticate themselves.
The web technology allows automatic filtering of individual prescriptions to suitable eyewear.
The administrator may also have enabled custom avatars, which allows you to upload an avatar image from your computer.
The adjustable backrest allows training without tiring the muscles of the back.
Admin users will see a brief ballon and system tray icon which allows the updates to be installed before the scheduled time.
Pawar advised him to teach beginners, it allows a re-examination of your beliefs.
This allows a bettor to close his position and take a profit or loss even before the event itself has ended.
The payment system allows for weekly, monthly, 6 monthly and annual recurring billing (and special offers when running ).
Automated and Customized billing AUTOMATION DBA offers a facility for automated billing which allows bills to be submitted on magnetic tapes or diskettes.
It allows them to dress themselves in the usual chav drippings of tracky bottoms, Reeboks and fake gold bling.
Ideal for 12 people boardroom style The main hall allows a variety of styles in set up.
The 1000m long boardwalk allows visitors to visit the Fen at any time of year.
That allows the formation of covalent bonds between the two.
Consequently the service allows customers to compare bookmaker 's odds with the highest level of comfort.
For example, RUDI currently uses the ' Netscape Verity ' search engine which allows full text Boolean searching.
Canfield also supply the frame with a custom made boomerang that allows you to run a system 1 MRP.
You'll then see a dialog box that allows you to select the items you want in Details view.
One small soft briefcase is all the boot allows.
Special Features The subject specialism of the pathway allows you to pursue an interest in addition to law, thus broadening your employment potential.
The site also allows users to register for a regular email bulletin on related issues.
Special design allows even load during cutting and produces a burr free hole that needs no extra finishing.
The ' call-in ' procedure allows three members to ' call-in ' procedure allows three members to ' call-in ' a decision within five working days after the publication of the decision.
Used with the camera on a tripod the winder allows repeated exposures without disturbing the camera on a tripod the winder allows repeated exposures without disturbing the camera position.
The Photo option allows you to either view images pre loaded on the device or actually taking them via the included 1.2 megapixel camera.
The new Lynx Controller allows the cameraman to operate the remote camera in a traditional style.
This plan also allows for the development of promotional campaigns.
Portable staging allows any formation including a catwalk and Theater in the Round.
Our experience also allows us to recommend a price guide that is neither unduly cautious nor overly optimistic.
The FT spectrographs take advantage of a new, large-format CCD which allows very broad spectral coverage in a single exposure.
This is in place and allows members of the public to provide information that will help benefit officers catch cheats.
Thus, a moving bait allows captive cheetahs to perform ' natural-looking ' hunting in captivity.
The big grill allows you to grill 2 medium sized chicken breasts as well as vegetables and fruits all at the same time.
Our Chicago location allows us to serve clientele in Chicago virtually without travel expenses.
Also it allows to benefit from recent observations whose time record is too short to derive a climatology.
Expansion of the extra-embryonic coelom cavity allows the yolk sac and allantois to expand into the coelom cavity allows the yolk sac and allantois to expand into the coelom cavity from the gut of the embryo.
For example, the Spectrum allows multiple program lines with each program line, separated by a colon.
This allows you to customize individual colors of body parts.
He allows our suffering to make us into comforters of others often tailor-made comforters of others often tailor-made comforters.
Finally, registering a company with your spouse allows you to split your income which almost always results in a lower tax bill.
Also allows for side-by-side comparison of colleges of your choosing.
It allows competitors, organizers and spectators to recognize and celebrate together the best performers from the weekend.
This allows the Tcl bytecode compiler to generate the best code.
However, the provision allows the comptroller to provide access to the information in a particular case.
The Mental Health Act allows the detention of people in hospital under certain conditions.
The use of silicon allows precise micromachining of components with well defined thermal conductance.
The worm's payload is a connection proxy that allows the attacker to initiate network connections through an infected computer.
Conference - This feature allows the connection of up to six internal telephone users to communicate with each other.
The mask allows the actor to explore an entirely different mode of performing from that required by modern theatrical conventions.
A deliberately conversational tone allows Tricomi to debate these ideas with the reader rather than offering prescriptive models.
A Dual Range transfer box allows a lower ratio to be selected for the torque convertor drive train.
This microwave pressure cooker allows you to cook meals in your microwave in minutes.. .
Therefore, we are using the box corer, which allows us to recover undisturbed surface sediments from the seafloor.
This allows me not to get cornered into small details at the expense of the entire vision.
The highly interactive courseware is easy to follow and allows students to learn at their own pace.
The fourth option allows the user to specify a variance covariance matrix for the shocks.
The administrator may have enabled RSS syndication, this allows you to view newly created threads in guest viewable forums without visiting the board.
This allows you to earn credits toward a Certificate in Continuing Studies.
If approved, the CVA binds all creditors irrespective of how they voted and allows the directors to retain control of their company.
This approach to quality allows us to produce an exceptionally fresh product with a very crispy taste.
The lack of branching allows molecules to lie close together in a regular way which is almost crystalline.
If nothing else it at least allows me to grab a cuppa between calls!
It allows America to fund its wars and consumption with a depreciating currency.
File Manager Helm provides a file manager that allows a customer to access all of their disk space.
This allows us to determine cell cycle phase at the time of irradiation.
Genetic trail The test also allows detection of any of the genetic mutations which can cause cystic fibrosis.
The bladder studies may include cystoscopy, which allows direct visual inspection of the interior of the bladder.
It is a powerful complementary technique to classical cytogenetics and allows the analysis of both metaphase and interphase cells.
The Schwann cell has an extensive cytoplasm which allows it to wrap a myelin sheath around nerve axons.
The electronic databases give you access to a search screen that allows you to search for broad or narrow topics.
Lorna Want is pretty and blond and sings nicely, which is really all the badly-written role of the preacher's daughter allows for.
This allows, for example, routing only debug messages to a par- ticular logging source.
The PRM says " Use of this expanded format allows conversion from extended precision to packed decimal and back again without loss of accuracy.
I cannot find anywhere that allows me to change settings for the MPEG2 decoder within the Nvidia onboard graphics properties.
These pads have a very slight cutting action that allows them to correct most defects without removing too much paint.
The farm produces fruit for both the home and European export markets and allows workers to elect delegates to the union.
Allows compensation to private Iraqi citizens who lost assets to the boundary demarcation process.
The RNHRD uses the Hologic Acclaim bone densitometer, which allows bone density to be assessed in a few minutes.
This group allows users to meet each other and the data depositors.
The basic method followed is a new variant of the classical method which allows the simultaneous derivation of the associated series results.
Slim screen surround (bezel) - allows screens to be positioned closely side-by-side for an extended multi-screen desktop.
The code fragment allows web developers to include this search box within a web page.
A choice of five colors allows differentiation between diverse hazards.
Of course this state-of-the art camera also allows for still digital imaging.
The wheel at each corner design maximizes the interior dimensions and allows the Getz to offer generous accommodation despite its relatively diminutive size.
The extensive tapas style menu allows diners to choose any number of the generous dishes which derive their flavors from throughout the Mediterranean.
This window is important because it allows making the memorisation process discrete.
It also offers a USB 2.0 and Plug & Play feature which allows the phone to be utilized as a removable hard disk.
The researchers claim this result allows them to reject the well-known Express Train theory which focuses on a rapid dispersal from Taiwan to Polynesia.
You then produce a 12,000-word dissertation, which allows you to develop your own interests in any aspects of the taught courses.
In addition, the Heatpipe Technology allows better heat dissipation that is delivered by the larger heat sink surface.
Photoshop Elements also allows consumers to easily correct camera lens distortion.
The OPS system allows the electronics distributor to continually monitor the real-time inventory, the system performance and the workload balance in the system.
The basement has an internal divider which allows the choice of room size.
There were good results, but the test was single-blind, not double-blind, which possibly, tho not necessarily, allows for bias.
Hardware Restore This allows you to reinstall the drivers for the hardware that came supplied with the computer.
State law also now allows for perpetual duration of a limited liability company existence.
The intentional approach allows the system to simulate more closely the dynamics of a human encounter, such as the communication of emotion.
The grommets usually fall out themselves any time between a few months to 2 years and this allows the eardrum to heal.
The heavy duty table clamp allows the lamp to be used with a table easel, on a draughting table or a work bench.
The technique is computationally efficient and allows the calculation of the properties of interacting elements.
The highly elastic, top grade 100% CR Neoprene allows more movement for ultimate wearer comfort.
This allows it to charge at a higher rate without gassing or damaging vehicle electrics with spikes of power.
The system also allows for driving shorter distances with just electrical power and therefore zero emissions.
It is their sense of internal balance, centering, that allows them to act with perfect equipoise and timing.
Free speech allows you to discuss your sexual escapades with your grandparents at a family dinner.
New advanced loading system allows the easy preparation of the perfect espresso.
It then allows 4 computers to share the broadband connection via the built in 4 port Ethernet switch, and if the...
The model allows their proportions to be endogenous, and so simulates the evolution of the market.
This document allows an executor to deal with the deceased's estate.
This allows some experimentation without losing previously refined values.
The built-in remote control extender relay allows you to control your Sky digibox, your DVD or VCR using your existing remote control.
Items on the agenda have a regular but easily extendible format which allows for ACPT to know when their triggering applicability conditions are met.
Language goes no further in this direction, but the mathematical symbolism of the differential calculus allows of an indefinite extension of this procedure.
As mentioned earlier strong hip extensor support allows a forward trunk lean to minimize the loading response flexion torque at the knee.
This open network structure allows exudate to seep out onto a covering absorbent dressing.
The adjustable buckle on the pole eyelet webbing also allows for effortless pole insertion.
The adjustable velcro fastening allows for a snug fit.
The fully adjustable front velcro fastening allows you to slip your feet into complete comfort.
Wisdom allows me to find favor in the eyes of God.
We have added a feature to the log in page which allows you to request your log in details should you forget them.
Section 25 allows for school governing bodies that wish to collaborate but not federate to set up joint committees.
Paper parking allows the use of a single sheet or a cut-sheet feeder without having to remove the continuous forms.
The feng shui bagua map is an octagonal shaped map which allows you to evaluate in feng shui bagua map is an octagonal shaped map which allows you to evaluate in feng shui terms any living or working space.
The venue is a trout fishery which allows access to coarse anglers in the winter months.
A thermos or insulating flask allows hot drinks to be carried.
However, the vertebral column also allows for flexion, extension, rotation and lateral flexion with the help of several muscles.
The Act only formally allows abortion for health reasons, albeit in general terms which are routinely flouted.
The larger blocking filter allows you to extend the focal length without vignetting but does not enhance detail or lower the bandpass.
Esthetic convention allows that an architectural folly, well executed, can achieve a real artistic integrity in its deliberate incompleteness.
Set Text font Allows you to choose a font for the text output window.
That alone provides conditions for democracy and allows the productive forces to expand in an unfettered manner.
The new store allows greater focus on men's casualwear and womenswear whilst still dedicating 3 floors to men's formalwear.
Clubs meet on a regular basis, which allows members to build firm friendships.
But a special gaff allows the performer to always take the gaffed match!
It is a soft non abrasive cotton gauze cut into strips about 1/4 inch wide this allows more surface contact area.
The slick, six-speed gearbox allows maximum use of the engine's output.
If you need a lower gear ratio the hub allows you to fit a larger rear sprocket, and vise versa.
Click Here Further Details Virtual FlyLab Virtual FlyLab allows you play the role of a research geneticist.
Landserf allows students not only to explore a landscape visually, but also to investigate the geomorphology of a region by performing terrain analysis.
For me real film music creates a whole gestalt where the song allows you to enter another universe.
An annual season ticket allows you free and unlimited golf all year round.
Its uniform, coarse granulation allows for complete hydration without the aid of an external diluent.
Values are weakly anthropocentric and ecocentric Advocates forms of direct and cosmopolitan democracy with active citizenship Allows and promotes the greening of socialism.
This allows tree roots and natural groundwater to travel unhindered across the site.
Its streamlined design allows you to delve deeper into many of the hitherto inaccessible labyrinthine waterways.
For close up photography there is a macro mode that allows you to focus from 5cms away from the subject.
To say that monogamy allows a man to " play around " is a contradictory statement.
Its shape makes it easy to hold and the slightly larger mouthpiece allows the player to produce more notes in the early stages.
They have a floating mullion fixed to one door sash, which allows the total aperture to be a clear opening with no obstructions.
The M4 entrance allows easier access for the large vehicles used to carry the munitions.
World Cup also allows mushers to compete in a world arena against racers in other regions without cost prohibitive overseas travel.
This allows you to show off your dress ' stunning neckline whether it's strapless or high or in-between.
This allows safe examination of all children, including neonates.
For it is the recuperation of the conventional that allows one to reject absolutism and yet avoid nihilism.
This allows the diver to incrementally return to the surface, allowing the excess dissolved nitrogen to escape from the body.
The optical data allows a study of the dust obscuration.
It allows people to regain weight in a controlled environment to minimize the occurrence of potentially life-threatening complications such as re-feeding syndrome.
The smart card also allows authorisation of financial transactions to take place off-line.
This is probably similar to the LineOne SurfTime offer, except that it allows 24-hour access rather than just off-peak.
Slide show allows you to browse through your selected plant images on-screen.
This delivers opioid to the same opioid receptors as an intermittent injection, but allows the patient to circumvent delays.
For instance say renewed optimism more allows you to.
The simple search option allows you to do a keyword search restricted by subject category.
For example, the pilot scheme which allows optometrists to refer patients for cataract surgery.
The Marware Sportsuit Basic (SBV) features a neoprene orca material that also allows for a belt clip attachment.
Keeping your arm slightly outstretched allows you to keep the line taut and clear of your hoses and tank.
Overture digger allows for deep scanning of overture digger allows for deep scanning of Overture based on domains generated from Overture keyword results.
A network that allows UDP packets could be mapped by sending a packet to the broadcast address on a high port.
Extending this just a little further allows conversations with standing stones, cave paintings, even burning bushes.
Is there a version which allows you to choose colors from a web-safe palette?
A front panel REC control allows you to record incoming signals, too!
The rack adapter also allows you to fit side panniers.
It also allows the squirrel to reduce the level of parasite infestation they suffer by leaving parasite infestation they suffer by leaving parasites behind in the nest.
Already making a connectivity also allows same Paul the.
The extended pawl allows for quick and simple release of the ties.
This forward pelvic tilt also allows more internal rotation than happens when the pelvis is held in neutral alignment.
The Treasury now also allows money you hold in single company peps to be bundled together with funds held in your general PEPs.
Using V-Drums triggering technology, this futuristic instrument allows hand percussionists to play up to 15 sounds naturally, without using sticks.
Skype 2.0 allows users to conference call up to ten people simultaneously without affecting the performance of other applications.
Use of bovine pericardium allows production of valves and pericardial patches on a large scale with availability in all the necessary sizes.
The unit allows focusing of the specimen and camera image through the parallax focus periscope.
Nystatin however, binds to ergosterol and alters membrane permeability and hence allows leakage of intracellular contents.
A temporary permit allows up to ten trips, subject to the Construction Waste Rules.
Online powered by MCI Internet allows users to fully personalize their Yahoo!
The knowledge of the seasonal dynamics of vegetation phenology allows to improve current land surface model runs.
The animation allows the user to select from a number of fluorescence photomicrographs and vary the amount of astigmatism in the optical system.
These include the picnic on Wheels which allows cyclists to stop by the river for a picnic in the surroundings of Seaclose Park.
For the low experienced pilot this allows greater freedom for error.
Allows the caliper piston to be wound back for the fitting of new brake pads.
Music Broadcast allows for simultaneous playback to all stations.
The space bar now allows the player to lock a mobile under control into a fixed position relative to MONITOR.
Instead the developers have simply plonked in a custom mode, which allows you to practice a battle using your own parameters.
Navigator 5 also allows the user to create there own poi be it your favorite restaurant or even a contacts office.
To the right, a railroad line with a small trolley allows easy portage of canoes etc round the lock.
Each action has a precondition stating the BMI range value that allows that action to run.
Tool for Stereographic projection - This tools allows you to draw stereographic projections for different crystal types using different poles for the projection axis.
Built-in manual scorers and puck collectors Float on air system allows hover pucks to travel at great speed.
Wheel handle push button allows you to lock and unlock the pull handle and to easily adjust it to your preferred height.
The versatile design allows racers to ride prone or seated.
The expertise available allows rapid updating of the undergraduate curriculum in the light of developments at the research frontier.
A measure of the relative facet areas allows us to calculate a relative surface energy ratio E 001 / E 111 = 1.4.
Our framework allows equational reasoning of non-deterministic functions, even tho it is possible to specify non-determinism.
The built-in digital receiver allows direct rec... 10.
This allows to estimate the infrared photon field up to the given redshift of the source.
The system allows quite refined adjustment of lighting levels for large numbers of dimmers to be achieved rapidly and intuitively.
This command allows group relators to be deleted from the presentation.
Rover requirements well the remaining pins port allows remote it includes an.
Its purpose-built craft gallery allows local makers to show beside work of international renown.
The REX format allows independent control of tempo and pitch, as well as complete reorganization of the music phrases in Dr. Rex.
Online RMA requests The RMA tool allows partners to submit online return requests for faulty goods.
This allows a temporary respite from any action by creditors.
It also allows the rapid resumption of filtration once the settlement chambers have been purged.
The pupil allows the light to enter the eye to stimulate the retina.
This allows automatic changes to the fund portfolio, reflecting a less volatile mix of investments as the client nears retirement.
The self- contained, compact package allows for easy retrofit of traditional switches or transmitters.
However, the high torque figure at lower revs allows for high gearing, which in turn makes for good motorway economy.
The electro-acoustic design allows near perfect loudspeaker response in highly reverberant acoustics.
The precise nature of injection molding allows exact curved shapes with reinforcing diagonal ribbing on the structural components of the pool.
The use of a Camelbak allows a rider to take regular sips of liquid throughout a ride.
Career This option allows you to burn rubber on races you have previously beaten in Career Mode.
Women's Antaeus 60 + 10 Backpacking sac featuring Biofit, an easily adjustable back system that allows one sac to fit all.
Its long shape allows for a variety of saddle positions, a key feature for bikes with low saddle heights.
Under the ' Analysis ' menu, choose ' Classification ' which allows you to classify the entries contained within a defined scope.
It has a super hard scratch resistant sapphire crystal and a screw down crown which allows for 100 meters of water resistance.
Commissioned by the UK Film Council, the course allows budding screenwriters to develop their own screenplays, with guidance from experienced screenwriters.
A ' dumb end ' allows different heads to be fitted, simply by loosening a socket screw.
An adjuster screw allows you to set V-groove widths very easily.
Sun Island holidays appeal to those looking for a lively cosmopolitan resort, tho the size of the island allows visitors to find seclusion.
The real-time image allows you to view the retina and anterior segment with ease using the 20 second video capture feature.
This data then allows us to design further mutations to achieve higher selectivity.
This doctrine allows believers to hide their true beliefs for the sake of their own self-protection in the face of persecution.
Electing into GWR and then terminating the trust Para 22 of Sch 15 allows the settlor to make a GWR election.
This allows simplified setup of Local Area Networking devices.
The modem setup allows you to pick between the various standards of ADSL used.
Any investment in reflective sheeting allows stray light to be redirected toward your plants.
This allows shippers to perform standardized shipment transactions, over a common platform, with all the participating carriers.
New technical ergonomically shaped shoulder straps allows increased freedom of movement.
This allows doctors to assess how well patients are responding to therapy by measuring tumor shrinkage.
The H System's central lens shutter allows flash sync at all shutter speeds, enabling use of flash in all lighting conditions.
It holds up to four AA and two AAA batteries, and even allows simultaneous charging of the two types.
The Microsoft Access format allows the backup of an entire database simply by copying a single file to a CD or a server.
The middle slider allows a subtler adjustment of mid-range colors alone.
The sorting power of Cruncher allows you to find words by suffix - an instant snapshot of all the verbs in Macbeth!
Each of these allows you to enjoy the natural beauties of this scenic area along with the peaceful solitude away from city life.
This allows the individual drivers to work together to produce a precisely detailed soundstage.
This allows our speakers to deliver the most open, transparent soundstage possible.
Mash the beans against the side of the pan with a fork, this allows the beans to thicken the soup.
This allows you to make a final decision on your degree specialism at the end of that year or even later.
We need theory that allows us to understand the historical specificity of struggles.
A single touch screen allows one of the visitors to control the page turners while the other visitors spectate.
What an irony - neither bee allows me to love this springtime.
Used in PA catheter (allows continuous measurement) and oesophageal stethoscope.
This allows the host site to generate revenues, while creating site stickiness and enhancing their own brand equity.
The larger strainer allows debris like Koi waste or dead plants, up to 8mm in diameter, to pass through.
This allows any organizational structure to be modeled in the tree.
The use of a series of masks, each aligned to the surface of the material, allows quite complex structures to be fabricated.
The final year of the program allows students to specialize in advanced options that interest them.
Full Cost This course allows for personally directed study using the specially equipped studio with guidance from an experienced tutor.
Here a diamond stylus is drawn across the test surface under a ramping load, analysis of coating failures allows adhesion to be quantified.
However, IDL allows you to specify individual elements within the selected array using multiple subscripts.
Subtotals add subtotals add subtotals and groups to a report which allows you to review the data in groups.
The use of a variance component allows the effects of noise in bias subtraction to be properly monitored.
The leather allows feet to breathe and with durable soft suede soles they will not slip.
The chapter on Laurence Houseman allows for an investigation of the position of men within women's suffrage.
The independent MacPherson strut front suspension coupled with a ZF steering gear allows sharp, precise response.
Frequent cutting (6 times per year) allows the white clover to dominate the sward.
This allows speech synthesizers to provide the relevant course name upon request or to state it immediately before each cell's content.
With this program we must develop a system of savings that allows lower minimum deposit requirements ", Carrilho said.
There is only one tarot spread, the Opening of the Key Spread, that allows the tarot spread, the Opening of the Key Spread, that allows the Tarot to function in this way.
To do this we may hold a teleconference which allows up to 12 people to discuss an issue at the same time.
You will be amazed how such a small stick allows you to access free digital TV and radio signals including teletext wherever you are.
This allows for more flexibility and less strain on the socket, and ultimately a tighter fit for the crook tenon.
The wise interpreter allows his knowledge of genres to control how he approaches each individual biblical text.
It allows your fingers to glide smoothly so you can easily detect lumps or altered skin texture.
The LDA system allows up to two trains to be cleaned at the same time on either side of the platform to maximize throughput.
Greater character density allows better data throughput than ASCII for the same baud rate.
Knowing when something happened allows you to construct a timeline or order of events.
It allows investors to have a say in the running of the mighty companies to whom they entrust their relatively tiny savings or pensions.
Melody tones This allows you to select from a range of pre-set options, which ringing tone your phone will operate with.
The basic toolbox also allows you to access functions in Maple's linear algebra package.
This allows the labeled tracer to be prepared in advance and injected into a patient at any time over the subsequent six hours.
The backup system allows an operator to remotely control a VHF or other band transceiver over the Public Switched Telephone Network (PSTN ).
So by getting to know them it allows the transference of thoughts and the ability to grow creatively.
The schema transformation repository (STR) allows for schemas to be defined in terms of the the data modeling concepts in the MDR.
Perseus also allows the display of text in Latin transliteration.
Apart from a few exceptions, it allows holders unlimited travel on any DB train.
The Flying Rescue bonus allows you to double or even triple your initial wins.
If you are expecting twins or more, Thomson flights allows you to travel only up to the 30th week.
The team approach allows the best results because you can have a REAL typographer and a REAL photographer and a REAL Programmer.
This allows many web pages, currently unclassified, to be given a place in the hierarchy.
The backdrop allows her to consider the difficulties of modern relationships for denizens of a sprawling metropolis and its sinister underbelly.
Further, psychoanalysis allows for only unidirectional intimacy, where the patient tells and the analyst listens.
One forum only allows you to edit for some 24 hours, Others allow unlimited editing.
However, technology today allows us to visualize this largely unseen world.
Dosing and measuring is not a hassle, if anything it allows you to maximize the full usage of your Ariel.
The main screen allows the user to hide or show the first, second or answer digits.
They have an extremely user-friendly website which allows visitors to source by apparatus or by brand.
He allows that in the writing of history there is a degree of subjectivity and that it can never be entirely value-free.
Startup now allows an optional script file to set additional environment vars Version 2.0d 18th Oct 2000 Windows 9X shell now works.
This allows a much higher density of traps, much more action, and still feels vast in practice.
Walking along the top allows vigilantes to get you easily.
This new feature allows you to easily visualize the interior of a bulk material.
Replacing the high resistance voltmeter with a bulb in the above cells allows a current to flow.
The image calculation allows you to see the changes to the image caused by embedding the watermark.
WordPerfect® allows you to create watermarks from an image on file or from a clipart image.
This allows many westerners to practice Buddhism today without renouncing their cultural heritage or radically changing their lifestyles.
Article VIII of the IWC Convention allows unlimited whaling for research purposes.
This allows the whey to drain off, leaving the curds.
I would really recommend doing a qualification (e.g. sandwich degree) which allows you to get some work experience whist studying.
A dialog box allows you to specify the width of all four margins.
The StreetPilot i3 includes a compact vehicle windshield mount that allows for easy transfer between vehicles.
He presided over the Convocation of 1531 when the clergy of the province of Canterbury voted ioo,000 to the king in order to avoid the penalties of praemunire, and accepted Henry as supreme head of the church with the saving clause "so far as the law of Christ allows."
Even if this Dravidian invasion is put subsequent to the Bass Strait forming, even if one allows the probability of much crossing between the two races at first, in time the hostilities would be renewed.
The one disadvantage of paper cables is the fact that any injury to the lead covering which allows moisture to penetrate causes telegraphic interruption to the whole of the enclosed wires, whereas if the wires are each individually coated with gutta-percha, the presence of moisture can only affect those wires whose covering is defective There is no reason for doubting, however, that, provided the lead covering remains intact, the paper insulation is imperishable; this is not the case with gutta-percha-covered wires.
The great reduction in friction and in electrical resistance of the contact thus effected between the recurved end of the arm and the rotating surface secures the transmission of signals at such a high rate of speed that the combination of this relay with a special form of curb sender allows of the re-transmission of signals into a second cable at a speed not less than that of the siphon recorder worked in the usual way.
Flint that while materialism requires sensationalist psychology, yet the psychology in question allows no valid inference to matter, and therefore destroys materialism.
Hibil allows himself to be half swallowed by the monster, but is unhurt, and compels his antagonist to recognize the superiority of Mana rabba, the God of light, and to divulge his profoundest secret, the hidden name of darkness.
The gatherer dips the butt of the pipe into the molten " metal " and withdraws upon it a small ball of viscous glass, which he allows to cool in the air while constantly rotating it so as to keep the mass as nearly spherical in shape as he can.
The first process never extracts all the bismuth, as much as onethird being retained in the matte or speiss; the second is more satisfactory, since the extraction is more complete, and also allows the addition of reducing agents to decompose any admixed bismuth oxide or sulphide.
The severe Wilson, while rebuking her gaieties, allows that she was "a good woman," and that her character would stand the most prying investigation.
In the mechanical processes which we can experimentally modify at will, and which therefore we learn to apprehend with greatest fulness, whenever an effect on a body, B, is in causal connexion with a process instituted in another body, A, it is usually possible to discover a mechanical connexion between the two bodies which allows the influence of A to be traced all the way across the intervening region.
By introducing the concave grating which (see Diffraction Of Light, § 8) allows US to dispense with all lenses, Rowland produced a revolution in spectroscopic measurement.
International procedure is supposed to be regulated by the Venice convention of 1897 (see Quarantine), but that instrument contains an optional clause, which allows countries to do as they please with their own frontiers.
The introduction of the autoplate is of great advantage to those using rotary presses, because it allows the production of a large number of duplicate stereotype plates of satisfactory quality speedily.
In the case of Polybius, for instance, he allows himself great freedom in omitting what strikes him as irrelevant, or tedious, or uninteresting to his Roman readers, a process in which much valuable matter disappears.
What has just been said as to the treatment of the final vowels in Catalan must be understood as applying only to pure Catalan, unaltered by the predominance of the Castilian, for the actual language is no longer faithful to the principle we have laid down; it allows o atonic in a number of substantives and adjectives, and in the verb it now conjugates canto, temo, sentoa thing unknown in the ancient language.
This is powerful; it allows the best and brightest to collaborate easily.
Where transgenesis offers the most amazing possibilities is in GM foods because it allows plants to exceed their maximum genetic potential.
And advances in drip irrigation, which itself isn't exactly new but is becoming far more widespread and ever more efficient, allows crops to be grown with massively less water.
It is bad in that it allows a few to harm the many.
Third, the web acts as a feedback loop in that it allows all people to say what is on their minds.
The enemy's fleet, which subsequently did not let a single boat pass, allows his entire army to elude it.
I got a piece of pvc pipe coupling, which allows me to stick it on the end of the microscope tube.
Quantile regression allows the measurement of the return to player Players.
Drop down list 3 allows you to select a specific copy of the quarto edition selected.
The networking option allows multiple monsters to collaboratively or competitively rampage through the same city.
Advantage is a useful method that allows the Referee to adjust and readjust control of a game should it get out of hand.
A unique 4 pixel accumulation CCD readout mode allows shooting in very low light levels.
Instant messaging allows you to communicate in real-time with friends, family and colleagues directly from your computer.
Sulfur is the best element for rearrangement reactions and allows us to employ the novel strategy of migrating functional groups.
The dial also allows quick range and external rebound adjustment, with minimum and maximum travel achieved within half a turn.
Every extra moment that is calculated allows another recursion coefficient to be found.
This is an example of the continual process of remaking that allows for cultural adaptation rather than revolution.
Fastreact Light allows rapid scheduling and rescheduling when requirements change; including " what-if " planning with multi-level " undo " facility.
It allows you to pause and resume downloads, very handy.
To give just one example, the Highland Council budget allows for resurfacing roads once every 108 years.
Vitamin A is measured in retinol equivalents (RE) which allows the different forms of vitamin A to be compared.
A lighter wheel takes strain off the engine and allows the engine to rev more freely.
Therefore, an option exists which allows a special header to be placed inside all messages which do not pass a reverse lookup.
Cut Loose Quad-band technology allows you to roam seamlessly across countries and continents.
Women 's Antaeus 60 + 10 Backpacking sac featuring Biofit, an easily adjustable back system that allows one sac to fit all.
This allows the areas dedicated to savant abilities to develop without interference from parts of the brain which deal with concepts.
In addition, the scalable architecture allows for easy deployment over large networks.
Low density material allows greater radiation to reach the scintillation detector.
From there scrambling up the slopes allows access to the monastic remains.
What a blog does is allows you to create search engine friendly content on your topic of interest.
The Manchester Evening News reports a security breach with its online booking system which allows the printing of tickets.
In these cases, the stroke is caused by a weakened artery bursting, which allows blood to seep out of the artery wall.
The algorithm allows the segmentation of noisy images to single pixel accuracy.
The H System 's central lens shutter allows flash sync at all shutter speeds, enabling use of flash in all lighting conditions.
A sideman 's clause allows an artist to do studio work.
The Interflush works by adding a simple air valve to the siphon tube, which allows you to stop the flush at any time.
It also allows the farmer to choose from a variety of breeds to sire the calves.
Riding as a close group allows for easy conversation and takes best advantage of the slipstream effect from front riders.
This device allows us to catch part of the smolt run.