Allowing Sentence Examples
That's not even allowing time to park.
Jenn closed her eyes, reveling in her freed senses and allowing her instincts to guide her.
The stored tears continued to flow and the sobs wracked her body, robbing it of the ability to speak – barely allowing a breath to be drawn.
Allowing a smile to escape, Yully pulled the necklace free.
In the privacy of their bedroom, she sat on the bed, allowing the tears to flow.
In allowing the air to expand from a pressure of 21 atmospheres to that of i atmosphere the value of the mechanical equivalent of heat obtained was 821.89 foot-pounds.
He took her hand in his and leaned forward, allowing his forehead to rest against hers.
The top was still off, allowing additional room, but he still felt three or four trips lay ahead.
She was shocked and disturbed by his announcement but said little, allowing him to describe the happenings without interruption.
Allowing for this interval of military service, he applied himself exclusively for twenty-four years to his legal work.
AdvertisementInstead of allowing the income tax to expire, he induced parliament to continue it for a further period, and with the resources which were thus placed at his disposal he purged the tariff of various small duties which produced little revenue, and had been imposed for purposes of protection.
The window to a balcony was open, allowing in a cool night breeze that made the fire in the hearth dance.
He held out his hand, and Dusty clasped his wrist, allowing Damian to Travel them both to Tucson Sector HQ.
C.mon, Toby, Katie said and turned away, allowing Toby to pull her down the hall to the dining chamber, which had yet to fill up.
Her movement upset his balance again, and he shifted twice before finally allowing his knees to drop beside hers.
AdvertisementHe cringed as Cynthia described her giving two different names, allowing Fred yet another shot at constructing a mystery.
Three or four miles from town, the roadway opened and he slowed, allowing the warmth of the day to soak into his stiff body.
He sat up in bed admiring them, allowing all the emotion he originally felt to wash over him.
Elisabeth licked it, then stood, allowing him to pet the side of her head and ear.
Connor obeyed, and as Victor made a move toward him, Jackson blocked him, allowing him to scurry to safety.
AdvertisementShe fell to the floor and Alex glanced at her, allowing his attention to stray from Josh for a second.
The old man opened the door with a barrage of questions, allowing Dean no chance to escape the interrogation.
Rita would convey the message to Jonathan Winston as well allowing Dean to temporarily duck having to explain to the FBI why he played cowboy and lost the tail instead of getting the plate number.
She then turned to her son as if to apologize for allowing this relative stranger to kiss her.
It seemed to Dean it was the young man's way of telling his mother that he was comfortable with her allowing Dean to peek into the corners of their life.
AdvertisementThe conversations were brief and the trip apparently uneventful, however Dean continued to have second thoughts about allowing Fred to dig into the matter on his own.
If exhaustion truly was mental as much as physical, he'd conquered its demon as he edged to the side of the road without slowing his pace, allowing an infrequent car to pass.
Carmen followed him out to the truck, eagerly allowing him to draw her into an embrace.
Then the muscles in his leg tightened and she stepped back, allowing him to dismount.
Taran breathed deeply, allowing his senses to fill with the woman gazing up at him.
Katie accused her of allowing Alex to make decisions because she had no confidence in herself – and that Alex was taking advantage of her because he had a controlling personality.
She straightened, allowing Alex to pull her back against his warm muscular body.
Why was she allowing Katie to influence her thoughts and actions?
With a sickening sound, the bush ripped from the ground, allowing her to slide again.
She had fallen into the pattern of allowing someone else to plan her time again.
At the path entrance, she tied one end of the twine around a tree and started down the trail, allowing the twine to unwind from the handle as she did so.
Whether or not she knew it, she was his, the second woman in his life he was allowing into his world.
Leo vacillated between the powerful candidates for the succession, allowing it to appear at first that he favoured Francis I.
The time thus spent seems to have been on the whole happy, even allowing for warm discussions with the mathematicians and metaphysicians of France, and for harassing controversies in the Netherlands.
In the diaphragm valve a thin piece of metal is fixed to an outlet from the boiler, and when a moderate pressure is exceeded this gives way, allowing the water and steam to escape.
Major Warburton had virtually raced across from the Macdonnell range in South Australia to the headwaters of the Oakover river on the northwest coast, without allowing himself sufficient time to note the characteristics of the country.
He appointed visitors for the universities and great public schools, and defended the universities from the attacks of the extreme sectaries who clamoured for their abolition, even Clarendon allowing that Oxford "yielded a harvest of extraordinary good and sound knowledge in all parts of learning."
Various devices have been suggested for extinguishing the arc and yet allowing the condenser oscillatory discharge to take place.
The state (law of the 15th of April 1896) imposed this condition in order to determine exactly the aims of the societies, and, while allowing them to give help to their sick, old or feeble members, or aid the families of deceased members, to forbid them to pay old-age pensions, lest they assumed burdens beyond their financial strength.
The price of Italian consolidated 5% (gross, 4% net, allowing for the 20% income tax) stock, which is the security most largely negotiated abroad, and used in settling differences between large financial institutions, has steadily risen during recent years.
Politically, its outcome was to prove the impossibility of allowing the continu1 of an independent Roman state in the heart of Italy.
Marching rapidly, however, Albertone outdistanced the other columns, but, in consequence of allowing his men an hours rest, arrived upon the scene of action when the Abyssinians, whom it had been hoped to surprise at dawn, were ready to receive the attack.
The spiritual courts in the East have permanently acquired jurisdiction in the matrimonial causes of baptized persons; the Mahommedan governments allowing to Christians a personal law of their own.
In these African campaigns Sulla showed that he knew how to win the confidence of his soldiers, and throughout his career the secret of his success seems to have been the enthusiastic devotion of his troops, whom he continued to hold well in hand, while allowing them to indulge in plundering and all kinds of excess.
The president of the senate, Juan Cuestas, in accordance with the constitution, assumed the duties of president of the republic. He arranged that hostilities should cease on the conditions that representation of the Blancos was allowed in Congress for certain districts where their votes were known to predominate; that a certain number of the jefes politicos should be nominated from the Blancos; that free pardon be extended to all who had taken part in the revolt; that a sufficient sum in money be advanced to allow the settlement of the expenses contracted by the insurgents; and that the electoral law be reformed on a basis allowing the people to take part freely in e1ctions.
To "heave the log," a man holds the log-reel over his head (at high speeds the man and portable reel are superseded by a fixed reel and a winch fitted with a brake), and the officer places the peg in the log-ship, which he then throws clear and to windward of the ship, allowing the line to run freely out.
The common monoclinic variety is obtained by allowing a crust to form over molten sulphur by partially cooling it, and then breaking the crust and pouring off the still liquid portion, whereupon the interior of the vessel will be found coated with long needles of this variety.
The three-field system of cropping a patch of land until its fertility is exhausted, and then allowing it to revert to the primeval condition, is still pursued, and both landowners and peasantry suffer from want of capital and lack of agricultural training.
At last Zeus appeases her by allowing her daughter to spend two-thirds of the year with her in the upper world.
Perhaps Erysichthon may be explained as the personification of the labourer, who by the systematic cultivation and tilling of the soil endeavours to force the crops, instead of allowing them to mature unmolested as in the good old times.
But they were absorbed by the direction of military and political combinations, and by intrigues for the preservation of their own power; and, even allowing for all this, they failed to evince the civil capacity which might have been anticipated.
Coming to the throne at the age of sixteen, he did the wisest thing he could by allowing himself to be guided by the most capable man he could find.
Artificially prepared crystals of barytes may be obtained by allowing a solution of a soluble barium salt to diffuse slowly into a solution of a soluble sulphate.
As regards " middling " American, the committee fixes " spot " by allowing so many " points on or off " present month futures.
The men now take hold of the bull-wheels and draw up the slack until the sinker-bar rises, the ' play ' of the jars allowing it to come up 13 in.
This may be brought about by a distillation under pressure, or by allowing the condensed distillate to fall into the highly heated residue in the still.
This is worn round the waist folded in a knot, the women allowing it to fall to the ankle, the men, when properly dressed in accordance with ancient custom, folding it over the hilt of their waist-weapon, and draping it around them so that it reaches nearly to the knee.
He intended fully to restrain within legal bounds the opposition which the excise on domestic spirits had provoked, but he made the serious mistake of not allowing sufficiently for the character of the backwoods population When legal resistance developed into insurrection, Gallatin did his best to retrieve his error and prevent open war.
While in Egypt he became more and more imbued with superstition, consulting astrologers and allowing himself to be flattered into a belief that he possessed a divine power which could work miracles.
Many of the freshwater algae which form a mere crust, such as Palmella cruenta, may be placed in a vessel of water, where after a time they float like a scum, the earthy matter settling down to the bottom, and may then be mounted by slipping a piece of mica under them and allowing it to dry.
Allowing for certain battalions unformed, there are altogether 309 nizam battalions; 20 separate chasseur battalions, of four companies each; 4 special chasseur battalions stationed on the Bulgarian frontier - total, 333 battalions in the first line.
Allowing for these, the estimated revenue is £T553,938.
France thereupon declared war against Russia and her ally Austria, and her envoy, the marquis de Villeneuve, urged Turkey to join by representing the danger of allowing Russian influence to extend.
The native Thracians were inferior in morals, allowing their girls complete licence till marriage.
Allowing for incomplete ionization the general concordance of these numbers with the theoretical ones is very striking.
His own definition of blasphemous libel was enforced in the 1 Two of his later acts, allowing the defendant in an action for libel to prove veritas, and giving a right of action to the representatives of persons killed through negligence, also deserve mention.
He was at this time in favour of a strong Austrian empire, which should consist of a federation of the southern German and the Slav states, allowing of the retention of their individual rights.
This simplification was attended by a great saving of light, allowing measures to be taken such as would otherwise have presented great difficulties.
This salt is also formed by dissolving tin in strong hydrochloric acid and allowing it to crystallize, and is industrially prepared by passing sufficiently hydrated hydrochloric acid gas over granulated tin contained in stoneware bottles and evaporating the concentrated solution produced in tin basins over granulated tin.
To the Nestorian movement in Persia he rendered useful service by his letter to Mari of Beth Hardasher, in which he maintained the tenets of Diodore and Theodore, while allowing that Nestorius had erred.
If the abscess be deeply situated in some tissue and not able to open on to a free surface so allowing the contents to be drained off, the phagocytic cells play a very prominent part in the resolution of the abscess.
Frederick, though his love of teasing for teasing's sake has been exaggerated by Macaulay, was a martinet of the first water, had a sharp though one-sided idea of justice, and had not the slightest intention of allowing Voltaire to insult or to tyrannize over his other guests and servants.
In the systematic mining of larger deposits, the simplest plan consists in mining large areas by means of numerous working-places under the protection of pillars of mineral left for the purpose, and later mining these pillars systematically, allowing the overlying rock beds to fall and fill the abandoned workings.
The work was to begin as early as possible, allowing for the flotilla only quitting Imbros after dark.
The desired result is obtained either by moving the manufactured goods gradually away from a constant source of heat, or by placing them in a heated kiln and allowing t he heat gradually to die out.
A cistern well packed with 20 tons of char will hold, in addition, about io tons of syrup, and after settling, this can be pressed out by allowing second quality syrup, also heated to nearly boiling point, to enter the cistern slowly from the top, or it may be pressed out by boiling water.
At the ebb of the tide the more or less clear water flows back again from the land into the main river with sufficient force to clean out any deposit which may have accumulated in the drain leading to the warped area, thus allowing free access of more warpladen water at the next tide.
The carbon compounds of the latter are of no direct nutritive value to the succeeding crop, but the decaying vegetable tissues very greatly assist in retaining moisture in light sandy soils, and in clay soils also have a beneficial effect in rendering them more open and allowing of better drainage of superfluous water and good circulation of fresh air within them.
The caliche is worked up in loco for crude nitrate by extracting the salts with hot water, allowing the suspended earth to settle, and then transferring the clarified liquor, first to a cistern where it deposits part of its sodium chloride at a high temperature, and then to another where, on cooling, it yields a crop of crystals of purified nitrate.
Allowing for those which fail to germinate (perhaps 25%), loss in transplanting, weak and backward plants, &c., one ounce of seed should yield about 40,000 plants.
Feudalism had performed a great service, during an age of disintegration, by maintaining a general framework of government, while allowing the locality to protect and care for itself.
This evidence is confirmed by (a) the canon of Theodore of Edessa (800) allowing metropolitans of China, India and other distant lands to send their reports to the catholikos every six years; (b) the edict of Wu Tsung destroying Buddhist monasteries and ordering 300 foreign priests to return to the secular life that the customs of the empire might be uniform; (c) two 9th-century Arab travellers, one of whom, Ibn Wahhab, discussed the contents of the Bible with the emperor; (d) the discovery in 1725 of a Syrian MS. containing hymns and a portion of the Old Testament.
The thurible, the proper ecclesiastical term for the vessel in the Western Church, is usually spherical in form, though often square or polygonal, containing a small receptacle for the charcoal and covered by a perforated lid; it is carried and swung by three chains, a fourth being attached to the lid, thus allowing it to be raised at intervals for the volume of smoke to be increased.
Baths, lunch-rooms, restrooms, clubs, lectures, schools and kindergartens have been supplied, and the company has also cultivated domestic pride by offering prizes for the best-kept gardens, &c. From April to July 1901 there was a strike in the already thoroughly unionized factories; complaint was made of the hectoring of union men by a certain foreman, the use in toilet-rooms of towels laundered in non-union shops (the company replied by allowing the men to supply towels themselves), the use on doors of springs not union-made (these were removed by the company), and especially the discharge of four men whom the company refused to reinstate.
Much information as to the nature of an alloy can be obtained by placing several small ingots of the same alloy in a furnace which is above the melting-point of the alloy, and allowing the temperature to fall slowly and uniformly.
Their commander, the marquis of Bayona, arrogantly insisted on occupying the centre of the line with his worthless squadron instead of allowing his ships to be scattered among the Dutch for support.
Another method consists in driving towards the boundary, and taking the coal backward towards the shafts, or working homeward, allowing the waste to close up without roads having to be kept open through it.
In this the filling material, preferably sand, is sent down from the surface through a vertical steel pipe mixed with sufficient water to allow it to flow freely through distributing pipes in the levels commanding the excavations to be filled; these are closed at the bottom by screens of boards sufficiently close to retain the packing material while allowing the water to pass by the lower level to the pumping-engine which returns it to the surface.
This difficulty was overcome by first filling the cylinder with porous briquettes and then soaking them with a fixed percentage of acetone, so that after allowing for the space taken up by the bricks the quantity of acetone soaked into the brick will absorb ten times the normal volume of the cylinder in acetylene for every atmosphere of pressure to which the gas is subjected, whilst all danger of explosion is eliminated.
The majority of the diet approved a recess, allowing the Protestants a brief period of immunity until the 15th of April 1531, after which they were to be put down by force.
This is merely another way of perpetuating the mistake of allowing the notion of determination by an other or a preceding to continue to dominate us in a region where we have in reality passed from it to the notion of determination by self or by self-acknowledged ideals.
A tariff bill introduced in the House by William Lyne Wilson (1843-1900), of West Virginia, chairman of the Committee of Ways and Means, was so amended in the Senate, through the instrumentality of Senator Arthur Pue Gorman and a coterie of anti-administration democratic senators, that when the bill eventually came before him, although unwilling to veto it, the president signified his dissatisfaction with its too high rates by allowing it to become a law without his signature.
At the outbreak of the war he favoured allowing the Southern states to secede, provided a majority of their people at a fair election should so decide, declaring "that he hoped never to live in a Republic whereof one section was pinned to the other by bayonets."
The court may compel parties to carry out an arbitration, not only in the above cases by directly appointing an arbitrator, &c., or by allowing one appointed by a party to proceed alone with the reference, but also indirectly by staying any proceedings before the legal tribunals to determine matters which come within the scope of the arbitration.
Immovably entrenched behind their privileges, they rendered him only the minimum of service; but he compelled their representatives, assembled at Kassa, to recognize his daughter Maria and her affianced husband, Count Sigismund of Brandenburg, as their future king and queen by locking the gates of the city and allowing none to leave it till they had consented to his wishes (1374).
But this way too had to be given up, since even the smallest nationality would not allow itself to be absorbed, and during Taaffe's administration (1878) the idea came into favour of treating each nationality, and allowing it to grow up, according to its own idiosyncrasies; they were only to be restricted so far as the unity of the state rendered it absolutely necessary.
Ultramontanism, too, labours systematically to bring the whole educational organization under ecclesiastical supervision and guidance; and it manifests the greatest repugnance to allowing the future priest to come into touch with the modern spirit.
The queen blushed, and descending from her throne, kissed them both, without allowing them to kneel.
What he wanted was a minister of foreign affairs who would be at once vigilant and prudent, active and obedient, and who would relieve him from the trouble and worry of routine work while allowing him to control the main lines, and occasionally the details, of the national policy.
Roger practised general toleration to Arabs and Greeks, allowing to each race the expansion of its own civilization.
The petition of the archbishop of Posen that the children should be allowed to receive religious instruction in Polish having been rejected by the Prussian minister of education, he issued on the 17th of October a pastoral allowing parents to confine religious instruction became the seat of a Christian bishopric about the middle of the 10th century.
On the civil marriage question in particular, and some years earlier on the still more troublesome one of allowing the remarriage of native converts to Christianity, his guidance, being not only learned but statesmanlike, was of the greatest value.
Hitherto it had been felt as a great difficulty in casting specula that the solidification did not begin at one surface and proceed gradually to the other, the common sand mould allowing the edges to cool first, so that the central parts were subject to great straining when their time of cooling came, and in large castings this generally caused cracking.
By forming the bottom of the mould of hoop iron placed on edge and closely packed, and the sides of sand, while the top was left open, Lord Rosse overcame this difficulty, and the hoop iron had the further advantage of allowing the gas developed during the cooling to escape, thus preventing the speculum from being full of pores and cavities.
The Convention issued conciliatory proclamations allowing the Vendeans liberty of worship and guaranteeing their property.
Events had now made Mr Lloyd George and his financial policy the centre of the Liberal party programme; but party tactics for the moment prevented the ministry, who remained in office, from simply sending the budget up again to the Lords and allowing them to pass it.
It contemplated a restoration of all the religions of antiquity, by allowing each to retain its traditional forms, and at the same time making each a vehicle for the religious attitude and the religious truth embraced in Neoplatonism; while every form of ritual was to become a stepping-stone to a high morality worthy of mankind.
The selecting by a party of its candidates, instead of allowing candidates to start on their own account, is a universal practice in the United States, and rests upon the notion.
The merits of this weir in being easily raised against a strong current and in allowing of the perfect regulation of the discharge, are unfortunately, under ordinary conditions, more than counterbalanced by the necessity of carrying the drum and its foundations to a greater depth below the sill of the weir than the height of the weir above it.
In this way he claimed that he had secured liberty in its rights without allowing it to degenerate into licence.
The other, which is far the deeper of the two, is crossed by an iron swing-bridge, allowing for the passage of vessels.
Charcoal is valuable for its infusibility and low conductivity for heat (allowing substances to be strongly heated upon it), and for its powerful reducing properties; so that it is chiefly employed in testing the fusibility of minerals and in reduction.
Long had been the trial, and greatly had Mazarin been to blame in allowing the Frondes to come into existence, but he had retrieved his position by founding that great royal party which steadily grew until Louis XIV.
Chromic sulphate, Cr2(S04)3, is prepared by mixing the hydroxide with concentrated sulphuric acid and allowing the mixture to stand, a green solution is first formed which gradually changes to blue, and deposits violet-blue crystals, which are purified by dissolving in water and then precipitating with alcohol.
Chromium ammonium sulphate, (NH4)2S04 Cr2(S04)3.24H20, results on mixing equivalent quantities of chromic sulphate and ammonium sulphate in aqueous solution and allowing the mixture to crystallize.
The formation of the third coalition against France in 1805 induced Napoleon to purchase the support of Prussia by allowing her troops to seize Hanover; but in 1807, after the defeat of Prussia at Jena, he incorporated the southern part of the electorate in the kingdom of Westphalia, adding the northern portion to France in 1810.
The discussion on the question of the " opendoor " in connexion with the Morocco difficulty was useful in calling general public attention once more to the undesirability of allowing any single power to exclude other nations from trading on territory over which it may be called to exercise a protectorate, especially if equality of treatment of foreign trade had been practised by the authority ruling over the territory in question before its practical annexation under the name of protectorate.
It would have materially lightened his task had he placed intelligent foreigners at the head of every department of state, allowing them gradually to train up a native bureaucracy.
By - adding sodium phosphate to magnesium sulphate and allowing the mixture to stand, hexagonal needles of MgHPO 4.7H 2 O are deposited.
In order to prove this novel conclusion he started afresh from the Cartesian " I think " in the Kantian form of the synthetic unity of apperception acting by a priori categories; but instead of allowing, with all previous metaphysicians, that the Ego passively receives sensations from something different, and not contenting himself with Kant's view that the Ego, by synthetically combining the matter of sensations with a priori forms, partially constructs objects, and therefore Nature as we know it, he boldly asserted that the Ego, in its synthetic unity, entirely constructs things; that its act of spontaneity is not mere synthesis of passive sensations, but construction of sensations into an object within itself; and that therefore understanding makes as well as shapes Nature.
Again, he thinks that substance is activity; differing from both Leibnitz and Lotze herein, and still more in not allowing the existence of the many beyond experience.
The evil reputation of these festivals, at which the grossest debaucheries took place, and all kinds of crimes and political conspiracies were supposed to be planned, led in 186 B.C. to a decree of the senate - the so-called Senatus consultum de Bacchanalibus, inscribed on a bronze tablet discovered in Calabria (1640), now at Vienna - by which the Bacchanalia were prohibited throughout the whole of Italy, except in certain special cases, in which the senate reserved the right of allowing them, subject to certain restrictions.
In a letter of safe-conduct dated 1357, allowing him to go to Oxford for study, he is described as archdeacon of Aberdeen.
The three commissioners and the three auditors in each county are chosen by the same limited vote process as the supreme-court judges, thus allowing a representation to the minority party.
Now the work done by allowing a small quantity of solvent to enter reversibly into an osmotic cylinder is measured by the product of the osmotic pressure into the change in volume.
Her renowned toleration stopped short of allowing the dissenters to build chapels, and her passion for legislative reform grew cold when she found that she must begin by the emancipation of the serfs.
The spiritual function and character of the Anglican bishops, allowing for the doctrinal changes effected at the Reformation, are similar to those of the Roman.
As early as 1913 he had urged repeal of the law allowing them to organize.
Where the cultivation of large specimens has to be carried on, a span-roofed house of greater height and larger dimensions may sometimes prove useful; but space for this class of plants may generally be secured in a house of the smaller elevation, simply by lowering or removing altogether the staging erected for smaller plants, and allowing the larger ones to stand on or nearer the floor.
Montgelas' ambition was now to raise Bavaria to the rank of a first-rate power, and he pursued this object during the Napoleonic epoch with consummate skill, allowing fully for the preponderance of France - so long as it lasted - but never permitting Bavaria to sink, like so many of the states of the confederation of the Rhine, into a mere French dependency.
Allowing for these and for the cases, undoubtedly not few, where one and the same fungus has been described under different names, we obtain Schroeter's estimate (in 1892) of 20,000 species.
The special cable T is now tightened again, and lifts the bottom of the bucket so as both to close it and to close the space between J and K, by allowing J to rise back to its initial place.
In case of direct puddling and the use of larger charges this conservatism has some foundation, because the established custom of allowing the cast iron to solidify gives a better opportunity of examining its fracture, and thus of rejecting unsuitable iron, than is afforded in direct puddling.
Bringing such an ingot, then, to the rolling temperature is not really an operation of heating, because its average temperature is already above the rolling temperature, but one of equalizing the temperature, by allowing the internal excess of heat to " soak " through the mass.
Such an introduction of reversibility is also possible by allowing sufficient time to permit the transformation to be produced by itself.
The government, however, could not make up their minds what course to pursue, and by allowing things to drift ended by converting a popular riot into a national revolt.
Until recently the final separation of the diamond from the concentrates was made by hand picking, but even this has now been replaced by machinery, owing to the remarkable discovery that a greased surface will hold a diamond while allowing the other heavy minerals to pass over it.
Statutory provision is also made for allowing tithes and tithe rent charge to be exchanged for land, and for the redemption of rent charges made under the acts, and also of corn rents under the local acts.
He did indeed, before allowing an English 1 " The Vit.
The duke as a devout Catholic desired to purge the state of heresy, and initiated repressive measures against the Waldenses, but after some severe and not very successful fighting he ended by allowing them a measure of religious liberty in those valleys (156r).
By evaporation of a solution of lanthanum oxide in hydrochloric acid to the consistency of a syrup, and allowing the solution to stand, large colourless crystals of a hydrated chloride of the composition 2LaC1 3.15H 2 O are obtained.
Allowing himself to be involved in the ecclesiastical disputes by which Hungary was divided in 1895, he was made the subject of formal complaint by the Hungarian government and in 1896 was recalled.
The counter-stroke of Austria was to embarrass Prussia by allowing full play in Holstein to the agitation in favor of the Augustenburg claimant.
With the formation of the empire the conflict was transferred from Baden to Prussia, where there had been for thirty years absolute peace, a peace gained, indeed, by allowing to the Catholics complete freedom; the Prussian constitution ensured them absolute liberty in the management of ecclesiastical affairs; in the ministry for religion and education there was a separate department for Catholic affairs, and (owing to the influence of the great family of the Radziwills) they enjoyed considerable power at court.
Garrison countenanced the activity of women in the cause, even to the extent of allowing them to vote and speak in the anti-slavery societies, and appointing them as lecturing agents; moreover, he believed in the political equality of the sexes, to which a strong party was opposed upon social and religious grounds.
The words of Isocrates (even allowing for their rhetorical colour) give us a vivid insight into what such a process meant.
Dut the end of the XIIth Dynasty at 2565 B.C.; in 1884 even Nleyer had suggested 1930 B.C. as its minimum date, thus allowing 400 years at the least for the period from the XIIIth Dynasty to the XVIIth.
In colour the Cape aard-vark is pale sandy or yellow, the hair being scanty and allowing the skin to show; the northern aard-vark has a still thinner coat, and is further distinguished by the shorter tail and longer head and ears.
The drug is often replaced in ophthalmology by homatropine - an alkaloid prepared from tropine - which acts similarly to atropine but has the advantage of allowing the ocular changes to pass away in a much shorter time.
Therefore, allowing adequate time for loading and unloading, each kiln will require about one week for a complete run.
Agur's word, breathing the spirit of scepticism, falls into the category represented by Ecclesiastes, and we may probably set the year 200 (or possibly 150) B.C. as the lower limit of the Book of Proverbs; allowing a century for the collection and combination of the various parts, we shall have the year 300 B.C. as the date of its earliest section.
After allowing for this, Angelico should nevertheless be accepted beyond cavil as an exalted typical painter according to his own range of conceptions, consonant with his monastic calling, unsullied purity of life and exceeding devoutness.
The unavoidable contamination with muddy particles of vat-waste is removed by allowing the vatliquor to rest for some hours in a separate tank and settling out the mud.
Pope Gregory V., whose favour Robert vainly sought to win by allowing Arnulf, the imprisoned archbishop, to return to his see of Reims and forcing Gerbert to flee to the court of the emperor Otto III., excommunicated the king, and a council at Rome imposed a seven years' penance upon him.
That the principle of exempting or allowing for improvements is one of general acceptance, but may be capable of further extension.
It was led by what may be called the spiritual noblesse of Islam, which, as distinguished from the hereditary nobility of Mecca, might also be designated as the nobility of merit, consisting of the "Defenders" (Ansar), and especially of the Emigrants who had lent themselves to the elevation of the Koreish, but by no means with the intention of allowing themselves thereby to be effaced.
For fifty days Mansur stayed in his room, neither changing his clothes nor allowing himself a moment's repose.
The diplomacy of Guizot, backed now by Austria and Prussia, had succeeded in persuading Palmerston to concede the principle of allowing Mehemet Ali to receive, besides Egypt, the pashalik of Acre as far as the frontiers of Tripoli and Damascus (May 7).
The habit of allowing their meat to putrefy before regarding it as fit for food, and of encouraging children of tender age to drink to intoxication, accounts for absence of old folk and the heavy mortality which are to be observed among the Muruts of British North Borneo and some of the other more debased tribes of the interior of the island.
After the plain had been raised above sea-level to a higher elevation than it now occupies, it was much dissected by streams and then depressed, allowing the sea to invade the stream valleys.
Metal sheathing shall be dealt with, by allowing in full the cost of a weight equal to the gross weight of metal sheathing stripped off, minus the proceeds of the old metal.
Its real object is to attack such professedly Catholic governments as have fallen in with modern ideas - as for instance, by allowing freedom of worship to their Protestant subjects, or by refusing to punish brawling in Catholic churches more severely than other breaches of the peace.
Coke, who was principal spokesman, managed the case with great want of skill, incessantly allowing the thread of the evidence to escape, and giving the prisoners opportunity to indulge in irrelevant justifications and protestations which were not ineffectual in distracting attention from the real question at issue.
Encouragement was given to the building of ships in France by allowing a premium on those built at home, and imposing a duty on those brought from abroad; and as French workmen were forbidden to emigrate, so French seamen were forbidden to serve foreigners on pain of death.
The column rules were made tapering towards the feet of the type, and the type was securely locked in on these beds so that it could be held firmly in the required position to form a complete circle, thus allowing the cylinder to revolve at a greater speed than Applegath's, which was polygonal.
Allowing for the French style of dating this means that instead of arriving in Paris by July 18, Pregnani only saw Lionne there at earliest on July 25.
This conversion is effected by allowing the ferrous chloride liquors slowly to descend a tower, filled with pieces of wood, coke or quartz, where it meets an ascending current of chlorine.
Instead of allowing the portion of the fund devoted to this impossible purpose to lapse to the next of kin, the court devoted it to the purposes specified for the rest of the estate.
The earlier differs from the later exposition in allowing an objective causal relation between thought and extension, for which there is substituted in the Ethics the idea of a thoroughgoing parallelism.
The Straits of Magellan were occupied; under an American engineer, William Wheelwright, a line of steamers was started on the coast, and, by a wise measure allowing merchandise to be landed free of duty for re-exportation, Valparaiso became a busy port and trading centre; while the demand for food-stuffs in California and Australia, following upon the rush for gold, gave a strong impetus to agriculture.
If the estimated revenue, after allowing for normal increase of the principal sources of income, be less than the estimated expenditure, this is deemed a case for the imposition of some new, or the increase of some existing, tax or taxes.
Thus too great a rise of temperature in fever may kill the patient; and the aim of therapeutics is to restrain the temperature within proper limits, neither allowing it to rise too high nor to fall too low.
The same hydrate can be prepared by dissolving borax in water until the solution has a specific gravity of 1.246 and then allowing the solution to cool.
He carefully refrained from incurring suspicion and unpopularity by opposing the general outcry, and though he saw through the imposture from the beginning he made no attempt to moderate the popular frenzy or to save the life of any of the victims, his co-religionists, not even intervening in the case of Lord Stafford, and allowing Titus Oates to be lodged at Whitehall with a pension.
The ridges are then hooped over, allowing about 2 ft.
The presence of the antimony in this alloy gives to it hardness, and the property of expanding on solidification, thus allowing a sharp cast of the letter to be taken.
In the fore-limb the clavicle and the radius and ulna are well developed, allowing of considerable freedom of motion of the fore-paw.
The eggs are collected either by "stripping" them from the mature adult immediately after capture, or by keeping the adults alive until they are ready to spawn, and then stripping them or by keeping them in reservoirs of sea-water and allowing them to spawn of their own accord.
On Dec. 3, without further fighting on the Chatalja front, a general armistice was signed, more favourable to the Bulgarians perhaps than their military situation warranted, for it gave them the use of the railway through Adrianople without allowing the Turks to revictual that place.
The second was in respect of breaches of neutrality in allowing the "Alabama," the "Florida" (originally the "Oreto"), the "Shenandoah" and other Confederate vessels to be built and equipped on British territory.
A very superior kind, obtained by allowing the juice to encrust pieces of wood or straws inserted in the cuts, is called manna a cannolo.
The keeping of swine in a dwelling-house, or so as to be a nuisance, is made an offence punishable by a penalty in an urban district, as also is the suffering of any waste or stagnant water to remain in any cellar, or within any dwelling-house after notice, and the allowing of the contents of any closet, privy or cesspool to overflow or soak therefrom.
The Local Government Board must make inquiry into the propriety of allowing the lands to be taken, and the power to acquire the lands compulsorily can only be conferred by means of a provisional order confirmed by parliament.
But both imply a desire to carry out changes without friction and not to break up ancient forms; both proceed on the plan of securing to the stronger state the substance of power while allowing the weaker state a semblance of its old constitution.
After the uplift came a period of subsidence, during which this region sank one or more thousand feet, allowing the sea to encroach on the land and run far inland into the previously made river valleys.
In 1563 Amboise gave its name to a royal edict allowing freedom of worship to the Huguenot nobility and gentry.
The link by which they are connected is of a higher and immaterial nature; and their connexion is to be sought in the view of the Creator himself, whose aim in forming the earth, in allowing it to undergo the successive changes which geology has pointed out, and in creating successively all the different types of animals which have passed away, was to introduce man upon the surface of our globe.
The total production from 1870 to 1908 was 20,683,974 tons, or allowing for coal lost, about 31,000,000 tons, which is estimated to represent 0.016% of the original supply.
Another method consists in mixing the powdered bark with milk of lime, drying the mass slowly with frequent stirring, exhausting the powder with boiling alcohol, removing the excess of alcohol by distillation, adding sufficient dilute sulphuric acid to dissolve the alkaloid and throw down colouring matter and traces of lime, &c., filtering, and allowing the neutralized liquid to deposit crystals.
The water is so cold that in the hottest summer perishable articles can be preserved by merely securing them in a closed vessel and allowing the water to drip upon it.
He abolished all garrisons in the towns except those on the frontier and provided for public order by allowing the inhabitants of his towns to arm themselves under the command of captains.
In this connexion it is worth pointing out that Garnet had not thought it his duty to disclose the treasonable intrigue with the king of Spain in 1602, though there was no pretence in this case that he was restricted by the seal of confession, and his inactivity now tells greatly in his disfavour; for, allowing even that he was bound by confessional secrecy from taking action on Greenway's information, he had still Catesby's earlier revelations to act upon.
He brought the Moldavian Church into more direct relation with the patriarch of Constantinople, but also showed considerable favour to the Latins, allowing them to erect churches at Suciava, Jassy and Galatz.
It was not till the middle of the century that the custom of allowing the author two shares in the profits during the first run of the piece was observed, and even then revivals profited him nothing.
Mr Schreiner ultimately addressed, as prime minister, a sharp remonstrance to President Steyn for allowing his burghers to invade the colony.
In other cases leakage and failure have arisen from allowing a part of the rock bottom or end of a puddle trench to overhang, as in fig.
This will evidently happen when the centre of pressure i' is two-thirds from the inner toe b and one-third from the outer toe c'; and if we displace the centre of pressure still further to the right, the condition that the centre of figure of the diagram shall be vertically under that centre of pressure can only be fulfilled by allowing the point j to cross the base to j" thus giving a negative pressure or tension at the inner toe.
Where the contributory drainage area exceeds 5000 acres, the discharge, even allowing for so-called " cloud-bursts," rarely or never exceeds the rate of about 300 cub.
Allowing that as much as 25% of this amount enters the lake, this is equivalent to a total of 138,750,000,000 cub.
It is true that the loss to his income which this would have caused was obviated by a patent from the crown in April 1675, allowing him as Lucasian professor to retain his fellowship without the obligation of taking holy orders.
This inevitably led on to the reiteration of confession after repeated lapses, and Chrysostom (bishop of Constantinople, 398-407) was attacked for allowing such a departure from ancient rule.
On the other hand, an Employers Liability Bill, introduced by Mr Asquith, the home secretary, was ultimately dropped by Gladstone after passing all stages in the House of Commons, rather than that an amendment of the Peers, allowing contracting out, should be accepted.
Apart from the parliamentary crisis, really hingeing on the difficulty of discovering a means by which the real will of the people should be carried out without actually making the House of Commons autocratically omnipotent, but also without allowing the House of Lords to obstruct a Liberal government merely as the organ of the Tory party, the new king succeeded to a noble heritage.
When Nunez in 1885 disregarded the constitution of 1863, which made the component states severally sovereign, he was strongly opposed by the people of Panama, who had no actual representation in the convention which made the constitution of 1886, an instrument allowing Panama (which it made a department and not a state) no local government.
Gladstone was charged with evading this limitation in allowing Harvey to qualify for the appointment by being formally admitted M.A.
But the mystery latent in our ideas of space and time is, that " something in the mind " irresistibly hinders us from allowing the possibility of any limit to either.
In the east the Prussians and Austrians took Mainz at the end of July, allowing the garrison to depart on condition of not serving against the Allies for a year.
A decree was passed in February 1795 severing the connexion of church and state and allowing general freedom of worship. At the beginning of March those Girondin deputies who survived came back to their places in the Convention.
The ultimate sanctions of the moral code were the infinite rewards and punishments awaiting the immortal soul hereafter; but the church early felt the necessity of withdrawing the privileges of membership from apostates and allowing them to be gradually regained only by a solemn ceremonial expressive of repentance, protracted through several years.
In later editions he avoided this strain on usage by substituting or adding " merit " in several passages - allowing that some of the laudable qualities which he mentions would be more commonly called talents," but still maintaining that " there is little distinction made in our internal estimation " of " virtues " and " talents."
This singular association of lay and spiritual powers was liable to the abuse of allowing the whole succession to fall into lay hands, as happened to a large extent in later times.
He thinned the disaffected population by allowing foreign enlistment, and 40,000 are said to have been thus got rid of.
Land was held in free and common socage, and the statute quia emptores was suspended, thus allowing subinfeudation.
Ibrahim displayed great energy and tenacity, sharing all the hardships of his army, and never allowing himself to be discouraged by failure.
They thought that by granting immunity they would strengthen their direct control; in reality they established the local independence of the great landowners, by allowing royal rights to pass into their hands.
Such a plate acts in the same way on polarized light, stopping it or allowing it to pass, according as the plane of polarization is parallel or perpendicular to the principal section.
He allowed Marshal Campos much liberty of action, but dissented from his views on the expediency of allowing him to offer the loyalists of Cuba as much home rule as would not clash with the supremacy of Spain.
In May the Radicals who followed Mr Bright and Mr Chamberlain, and the Whigs who took their cue from Lord Hartington, decided to vote against the second reading of the Home Rule Bill, instead of allowing it to be taken and then pressing for modifications in committee, and on 7th June the bill was defeated by 343 to 3 1 3, 94 Liberal Unionists - as they were generally called - voting against the government.
Allowing for variations in " off years," but speaking with as much exactness as is possible, Nebraska has established her position since about 1900 in the third, fourth and fifth rank respectively among the states of the Union, in the production of Indian corn, wheat and oats.
The cardinals forced him towards Germany by the most direct road, without allowing him to go by way of Avignon as he had projected, in order to make plans with the princes of France.
In Dec. 1917 he forbade American soldiers the use of alcoholic drinks, excepting light wines and beer, allowing these only in deference to French customs. As Commander-inChief of the A.E.F.
In 1280 the bishop obtained a charter allowing him to replace the secular brethren residing in his hospital of St John at Cambridge by "studious scholars"; a second charter four years later entirely differentiated these scholars from the brethren of the hospital, and for them Hugh de Balsham founded and endowed the college of Peterhouse.
Wellhausen, allowing for the circumstances that he was in a sense their forerunner, and was actually for a time Graf's teacher.
In England historic protests were made against such monopolies, but the chartered companies were less exclusive in England than in either France or Holland, the governors of provinces almost always allowing strangers to trade on receiving some pecuniary inducement.
The crudest method of rendering oils from seeds, still practised in Central Africa, in Indo-China and on some of the South Sea Islands, consists in heaping up oleaginous fruits and allowing them to melt by the heat of the sun, when the exuding oil runs off and is collected.
This is done by allowing the oil to cool down to a low temperature and pressing it through cloths in a press, when a limpid oil exudes, which remains proof against cold - "winter oil."
The ideal coefficient of performance is about 1, but the actual coefficient will be about 8 i after allowing for the losses incidental to working.
This is generally done by making the bed of the furnace very long in proportion to its breadth and to the fire-grate area, which may be the more easily done as a not inconsiderable amount of heat is given out during the oxidation of the ore - such increased length being often obtained by placing two or even three working beds one above the other, and allowing the flame to pass over them in_order from below upwards.
The stored tears continued to flow and the sobs wracked her body, robbing it of the ability to speak – barely allowing a breath to be drawn.
She rubbed each mule down with the burlap sack and wiped the nostrils of each mule with a dampened cloth before allowing herself a few swallows of tepid water.
Even Scruffy seemed to acknowledge its arrival, allowing Cynthia to remain on the porch when he ate the table scraps.
We were provided with wide range of data bases allowing us to better describe various vehicles.
Ethel Reagan has become a staunch advocate of allowing the wondrous Psychic Tipster sufficient freedom to perform her good works amid mountains, or woods, or plains of Idaho where she resides.
Molly held out her hand and passed muster allowing this new person to scotch down and pat him.
Allowing stranger to paw through their quarters might seem tactless but I suppose I harbored animosity at their abrupt departure.
The trick was to breed men who could kill immortals without ever allowing them to become immortals themselves.
The parade marched the length of Main Street, only to reverse itself, ultimately returning to where it had assembled, giving the crowd a double feature and allowing the participants a view of one another.
Certain symbols pulled up certain features of the ships or angles of battle, similar to how picture-symbols in her video games on earth brought up different functions, allowing her to maneuver characters in the game or review the armament and skills of her opponents.
Connor obeyed, and as Victor made a move toward him, Jackson blocked him, allowing the human to scurry to safety.
She jumped aside, allowing the fowl avalanche to plunge down the trail.
Katie accused her of allowing Alex to make decisions because she had no confidence in herself – and that Alex was taking advantage of her because he had a controlling personality.
The editor would like to thank the Journal of Geography for allowing us to reproduce abstracts from their publication.
They were beneficial organisms and were allowing pathogens to thrive.
Even allowing for the increase in disorder, the process becomes less feasible.
We plan to implement a policy allowing students to choose a humane alternative.
Handle it in a perfunctory way, never allowing your partner to step over the emotional line you've drawn.
A guiding principle was "allowing the community group to take control."
The transformation from apparent to topocentric consists of allowing for diurnal aberration.
Rights holders are thus able to benefit from allowing use of their works [13] .
Each module is separately addressable and offers a highly stable output allowing smooth dimming if inductive loads.
E3 has therefore been called the " stealth " gene, allowing adenoviruses to evade the host immune response.
The surface charge of different types of particles depends on the pH, allowing cationic or anionic surfactants to be selectively adsorbed.
It's also emerged that Six Apart is allowing advertorial into the Liverjournal system.
In 1695 a bill was passed in Parliament allowing the solemn affirmation of a Quaker, instead of an oath.
Concealing the real underlying motive and concentrating the public's attention on the formal side were allowing the aggressor to achieve two goals.
We design our air filters to provide minimum restriction allowing high airflow into an engine.
Digital broadcasting is roughly six times more efficient than analog, allowing more channels to be carried across fewer airwaves.
P. aeruginosa encodes an inducible amidase activity allowing growth on a limited range of aliphatic amides as Carbon and/or Nitrogen sources.
Other trout fisheries - notably Lake of Menteith - have successfully extended their seasons by allowing privileged access pike angling events.
Thomas realized that this furnace could work at Ynyscedwyn, thus allowing him to use the hard coal called anthracite from local coal mines.
The wall will explode, allowing the your character to get the body armor.
Asset finance Asset finance is widely used in the United Kingdom, allowing firms to exploit the value of their asset finance Asset finance is widely used in the United Kingdom, allowing firms to exploit the value of their assets in securing finance.
A glass atrium will run through the center of the building, allowing natural light to flood in.
An Anime Music Video showcase, allowing convention attendees to display their recent works.
These settings can be altered at any time, allowing you to fly purely by using the autopilot.
It is a compact two piece unit, allowing the backrest and seat to separate, making lifting and carrying easier.
Allowing air into the silage bale will result in part or all of that bale going rotten.
Then in February '71 the lads were joined by bassist John Allen, allowing Brian to concentrate on lead guitar.
Salomon Olembe filled the left-back berth allowing Batty an unexpected chance in the Premiership.
It can also cause long-term damage to the soil and vegetation, allowing bracken to colonize.
Part of the success of Dublin and Wicklow is that it offers affiliated membership allowing visiting brethren from Northern Ireland to join.
A nearby bomb would remove the brickwork allowing the concrete roof to fall in on the occupants.
There are other high priority demands for utilization of the underspending such as allowing a degree of carry forward for underspent devolved budgets.
They believe the blame for allowing this lies with upper tiers of NHS bureaucrats.
Recommends allowing unrestricted growth, but states that pinching out will increase bushiness and an increased number of bud sites.
When all was stable the LISA A lifted the caisson off the Barge allowing it to return to its berth.
Boards are movable, allowing flexibility of exhibition space, with lockable castors at their base.
Venice - A full day trip by high speed catamaran across the Gulf of Venice, allowing you to discover this truly unique city.
Royal Assent A Bill, once passed, goes for Royal Assent after up to four weeks allowing for legal challenges.
My blueberry and white chocolate cheesecake was a superior creation, light and creamy allowing the flavor of the mascarpone to come through.
A host of renowned chefs appear at the show to demonstrate their culinary talents, allowing visitors to sample their innovative creations.
Make up a timetable allowing yourself to deal with each item in a ' bite-sized chunk ' .
The trees around the stone circle are open on the Eastern side, allowing a view to the horizon.
With the better integration comes protocol and code cleanups, allowing the Samba team to track the evolving NT implementation.
He also colluded in benefit fraud by allowing employees time to sign on as unemployed.
A loop colostomy in the sigmoid area would usually produce a formed stool allowing the patient to use a closed pouch.
This occurred concurrent with platform lengthening at the station's eastern end, allowing the station to accommodate twelve-vehicle electric formations.
Control panel A full control panel A full control panel allowing you to manage your service online.
Then the thermostat opens, allowing the coolant to pass through the exhaust manifold and hence back to the cooling tanks.
They also link to the content of the Explore and Wildwalk exhibitions, allowing crossover educational potential.
Cook the marinated lamb cutlets on the griddle pan, allowing 3-4 minutes on each side.
The entrance to the hotel has a glass facade allowing lots of natural daylight into the lobby area.
The author introduces an element of verisimilitude into the play by allowing declarer to make the contract in spite of herself.
Thank you to Kiley for allowing me onto the yard, another truly dedicated welcoming person, thanks again Kiley.
I am looking for equine dentists who would consider allowing me to observe them over the summer whilst they are working.
God have mercy on those in charge for allowing these vulgar deviants inside the door of your church buildings.
The small size of the MultiMediaCard is allowing digital device product manufacturers the ability to continuously design ultra-small, portable device product manufacturers the ability to continuously design ultra-small, portable devices.
The facility will be rapidly tuneable allowing data to be collected from small, weakly diffracting crystals over a wide range of wavelengths.
Allowing for this the level of unexplained discrepancy appropriate for 2001-02 was estimated to be 2,600.
Allowing you plenty of time for preparation, we will then e-mail necessary documentation to your chosen address.
LaRouche was " not domineering " in the earliest days, allowing dissent, one ex-member said.
The system has an alarm that warns of highs or lows, allowing the user to adjust the insulin dosage.
A budget can then be developed, giving certainty to funders and allowing drawdown of funds against the adopted business plan.
Flame This spicy liquid gives near total pain resistance, allowing the drinker to continue with wounds that would drop a lesser man.
The better known Bourdon gage works by allowing the pressure into a curved tube, itself of a slightly elliptical cross section.
Trenches and side routes through caves are scattered throughout the level, allowing multiple entryways into the enemy's stronghold.
The et erred in allowing M's equal pay claim.
Any number of control loops can be imposed on the simulation allowing control system evaluation and realistic energy consumption estimates.
Allowing ETBE to qualify for the federal tax subsidies reduces the growth of MTBE (methyl tertiary butyl ether ), its main competitor.
Designed for cathedral evensong prayers, with arm slits allowing a wider view.
The show will be held in an inspirational purpose-designed setting, allowing exhibitors to show their products and services in the best light.
Terrier has been used for conducting fruitful experimentation, with excellent outcome, allowing for a better understanding of theoretical Information Retrieval.
High throughput PCR primer design is then used to target specific protein domains and features allowing the team to produce fusion protein expression constructs.
We offer a powerful search facility allowing you to find exact matches for your needs.
At the Temple the police formed a cordon, allowing only fascists to pass and on the Embankment the parade was dismissed.
The special effects are very good allowing the filmmakers to really go to town on the horror elements.
Attacking the now exposed German left flank caused that section of the German defensive line to withdraw, allowing the 126th Infantry to advance.
These plans are extremely flexible, allowing you to make most of the decisions about your personal care.
You obviously have a disregard for democracy after allowing yourself to be used as lobby fodder for Tony Blair.
The current shambles illustrates the folly of allowing Mr Clarke to stay on to sort out the mess.
A quick free kick soon followed allowing Steve Symes to catch the visiting defense off guard and cross for Danny Twin who headed wide.
Magix Music Maker 2003 fulfills a similar function, allowing users to also add their own live instruments and vocals to the mix.
The new ink produces a wider color gamut allowing you to print a wider range of colors.
Finding answers to questions and allowing geologists to get more from their data is a very worthwhile part of my job " .
During the eighteenth century hinged two piece molds were introduced, allowing the glassmaker to exert greater control over the shaping of the bottle.
Glioma tumor cells release the neurotransmitter glutamate, which carves a path of destruction through brain tissue allowing the tumor cells to advance.
This sample also leaned toward allowing a native English teacher to teach grammar.
Dry mines are filled by drilling down through the roof and pumping in liquid grout and allowing it to set.
Allowing for these and for potential public sector productivity growth gives a picture similar to cash incomes.