Allowance Sentence Examples
We agreed on an allowance figure and she began working in earnest.
In June 1720 he went up to Christ Church, Oxford, with an annual allowance of £40 as a Charterhouse scholar.
But when due allowance is made for 4 See Ewald on Jer.
Windows have a chilling effect on a room, and in calculations extra allowance should be made for window areas.
Berg took the opportunity to ask, with great politeness, whether, as was rumored, the allowance of forage money to captains of companies would be doubled.
Allowance should be made for the habit of exaggeration among the Spanish adventurers of that time, and also for the diplomacy of Cortes in magnifying his exploits to win the' favour of his king.
Comte made her an annual allowance, and for some years after the separation they corresponded on friendly terms. Next in the list of the vexations was a lawsuit with his publisher.
He felt that a distinction might be drawn between adults and those of tender years; and that allowance might be made for any one who recanted.
In cases where the density of the air is not of average value, as on a high mountain, or with an exceptionally low barometer for example, an allowance must be made.
The Postmaster-General on the other hand agreed to provide underground wires for the company on a rental, and agreed to buy in 1911 the company's plant in London at the cost of construction less allowance for repairs and depreciation.
AdvertisementIn 1906 the Carnegie Foundation for the Advancement of Teaching conferred upon him "as the first man to whom such recognition for meritorious service is given, the highest retiring allowance which our rules will allow, an annual income of $3000."
Or what if I were to allow--would it not be a singular allowance?--that our furniture should be more complex than the Arab's, in proportion as we are morally and intellectually his superiors!
Allowance must of course be made for his point of view, but less so perhaps than in the case of any other writer so intimately concerned.
Lastly, when we once have freed ourselves from the antipathy engendered by his severance of ethics from the field of politics, when we have once made proper allowance for his peculiar use of phrases like frodi onorevoli or scelleratezze gloriose, nothing is left but admiration for his mental attitude.
They agreed to pay him an annual allowance of ioo florins while engaged upon the work.
AdvertisementIn speaking of quadrant elevation a brief reference was made to the necessity for making an allowance for difference of level of gun and target.
She endeavoured unsuccessfully to eke out her irregularly paid allowance by those expedients to which reduced gentlewomen are driven - fancywork and painting fans and snuff-boxes; she lived in a garret and was often unable to allow herself the luxury of a fire.
It is thus futile to compare the absolute voltages met with at two stations, unless allowance can be made for the influence of the environment.
In comparing these data allowance must be made for the fact that danger from lightning is much greater out of doors than in.
In the midst of Charles's debauched and licentious court, she lived neglected and retired, often deprived of her due allowance, having no ambitions and taking no part in English politics, but keeping up rather her interest in her native country.
AdvertisementHe had then to assign her the income of field, or garden, as well as goods, to maintain herself and children until they grew up. She then shared equally with them in the allowance (and apparently in his estate at his death) and was free to marry again.
The price is to be fixed by the Railway and Canal Commissioners as arbitrators on the basis of the " then value," exclusive of any allowance for past or future profits or any compensation for compulsory sale or other consideration.
They receive a small and hardly sufficient, allowance for food of 50 centesimi a day, which they are at liberty to supplement by work if they can find it or care to do it.
Gesner brought an amount of erudition, hitherto unequalled, to bear upon his subject; and, making due allowance for the times in which he wrote, his judgment must in most respects be deemed excellent.
In this are included the expenses of the administration of both the central and provincial departments of the finance ministry, the mint, charitable allowances, expenses and presents in connexion with the holy cities (£T121,410), pension funds of state officials (£7628,038), administrative allowance made to the agricultural bank (ET225,380) and various other expenses.
AdvertisementExperience soon showed that .when the needful allowance was made for the time required to bring them out of harbour (two tides) and for the influence which the Channel currents must have upon their speed, it would be extremely 'rash to rely on a calm of sufficient length.
Such is the general arrangement of the shell muscles in the division composing the articulated Brachiopoda, making allowance for certain unimportant modifications observable in the animals composing the different families and genera thereof.
After making allowance, however, for this deflecting agency, it must be admitted that in the highest quality of the statesman, " aptness to be right," he was surpassed by none of his contemporaries, or - if by anybody - by Sir George Cornewall Lewis alone.
The white and Asiatic population nearly doubled in the thirteen years since the previous census, allowance being made for the Utrecht and Vryheid districts, which in 1891 formed part of the Transvaal.
When nineteen he entered the Dominican convent and in 1525 took the vows; and, with the leave of his prior, shared his daily allowance of food with his mother.
They brought from their native Italy a thorough knowledge of the science of government as the middle ages understood it, and the decimation of the Hungarian magnates during the civil wars enabled them to re-create the noble hierarchy on a feudal basis, in which full allowance was made for Magyar idiosyncracies.
To make this apparatus more perfectly automatic, an arrangement for continually adding to and mixing with the juice the proper proportion of milk of lime has been adapted to it; and although it may be objected that once the proportion has been determined no allowance is made for the variation in the quality of the juice coming from the mill owing to the variations that may occur in the canes fed into the mills, it is obviously as easy to vary the proportion with the automatic arrangement from time to time as it is to vary in each separate direction, if the man in charge will take the trouble to do so, which he very seldom does with the ordinary defecators, satisfying himself with testing the juice once or twice in a watch.
An allowance of 60,000 roubles a year was accordingly assigned to her, and she disappeared again in a monastery at Moscow, where she died in 1731.
Eden's return the viceroy at once disavowed his treaty, sternly stopped the former allowance for the Assam Dwars, and demanded the immediate restoration of all British subjects kidnapped during the last five years.
The composition of the ash of true coal approximates to that of a fire-clay, allowance being made for lime, which may be present either as carbonate or sulphate, and for sulphuric acid.
He tried to find his own way in Greek literature, to which German schools then gave little attention; but, as he had not mastered the grammar, he soon found this a sore task and took up Arabic. He was very poor, having almost nothing beyond his allowance, which for the five years was only two hundred thalers.
Campbell, the superintendent of Darjeeling, and Sir Joseph Hooker, resulted in the stoppage of the allowance granted to the raja for the cession of the hill station of Darjeeling, and in the annexation of the Sikkim tarai at the foot of the hills and of a portion of the hills beyond.
Despite Count Bezukhov's enormous wealth, since he had come into an income which was said to amount to five hundred thousand rubles a year, Pierre felt himself far poorer than when his father had made him an allowance of ten thousand rubles.
He gives you an allowance?
Living in the interval between Ennius and Lucilius, whose original force and genius survive only in rude and inartistic fragments, he produced six plays, which have not only reached our time in the form in which they were given to the world, but have been read in the most critical and exacting literary epochs, and still may be read without any feeling of the need of making allowance for the rudeness of a new and undeveloped art.
During the following three years the government spent £s00,000 in making good the depreciation suffered by the plant in the transition years of 1868 and 1869, for which allowance had been made in the purchase price, and about £1,700,000 was expended on new plant.
Under the reformed constitution every senator is entitled to a salary of £Tloo per month, any remuneration which he may receive from the government for other services to be deducted from the senatorial allowance which, however, it may of course exceed.
Allowance must of course be made for the thickness of the wood.
This modest allowance he hardly enjoyed for more than a single year.
About 80,000 went in payments on all the estates to the Land Bank, about 30,000 went for the upkeep of the estate near Moscow, the town house, and the allowance to the three princesses; about 15,000 was given in pensions and the same amount for asylums; 150,000 alimony was sent to the countess; about 70,000 went for interest on debts.
Many people believe that child's allowance should not be tied to household chores.
The recommended daily allowance for biotin is 300 micrograms.
She at once quitted Nohant, taking with her Solange, and in 1831 an amicable separation was agreed upon, by which her whole estate was surrendered to the husband with the stipulation that she should receive an allowance of £120 a year.
The Senate would choose its own president, and the House of Representatives its speaker; each house would make its own rules of procedure; in each, one-third of the number of members would form a quorum; the members of each must take oath, or make affirmation of allegiance; and all alike would receive an allowance of £400 a year.
The chief heads of expenditure are the civil list, comprising the personal allowance to the king and the royal family (£46,018 in '904), public works (£39,593) and government house and residences (£29977) History.
The absence of a large proportion of the able-bodied young settlers in the northern armies was taken advantage of by the Indians, and in the summer of 1862 there was delay in paying them their yearly allowance.
He wrote, with papal approval, the letter requesting the Italians to occupy the Leonine city, and obtained from the Italians payment of the Peter's pence (5,000,000 lire) remaining in the papal exchequer, as well as 50,000 scudi - the first and only instalment of the Italian allowance (subsequently fixed by the Law of Guarantees, March 21, 1871) ever accepted by the Holy See.
From 1845 to 1848 Comte lived as best he could, as well as made his wife her allowance, on an income of 200 a year.
As the revenues of Bhutan mainly depended on these Dwars, the British government, in return for these concessions, undertook to pay the Deb and Dharm rajas annually, subject to the condition of their continued good behaviour, an allowance beginning at £ 2500 and rising gradually to the present figure.
Members must be at least thirty years old, and receive an annual allowance of £166, besides travelling expenses.
No allowance was made for the variation of density with temperature, or for the variation of the distance between the thermometers, owing to the expansion of the bar.
He received an allowance from Louis XVIII.
The general drink was water and the food barley bread; half a pint of wine was held an ample allowance.
At the same time the price, making allowance for -the fluctuations owing to bad harvests, steadily decreased, notwithstanding the duty on corn.
Breeding swine, male and female, run most of their time at pasture and receive a liberal allowance of green food or raw roots.
Both early in the history of the Roman army and in later times an allowance of salt was made to officers and men.
But even in the Talmud the reign of Alexandra is described in apocalyptic language such as is commonly applied to the future age, and if allowance be made for the symbolism proper to revelations it is clear that essentially the scribe and the seer have the same purpose and even the same doctrines.
When every allowance is made, Alphonso VI.
But when full allowance is made for all such exaggerations, the following facts will show that the decrease has been excessive.
Owing to a prevailing confusion between tests of memory and tests of capacity, the allowance for chance fairly applied to the former is apt to be unduly extended to the latter.
In applying tests of memory, it may be legitimate to allow a candidate to pass who answers correctly from 30 to 50% of the questions; such an allowance if applied to a test of capacity, such as the performance of a sum in addition, the solution of triangles by means of trigonometrical tables, or the translation of an easy passage from a foreign language, appears to be irrational.
A candidate who obtains only 50% of the marks in performing such operations cannot be regarded as being able to perform them; and, if the examination is to be treated as a test of his capacity to perform them, he should be rejected unless he obtains full marks, less a certain allowance (say 10, or at most 20%) in view of the more or less artificial conditions inherent in all examinations.
The poems of Homer are full of descriptions of elaborate works in bronze, gold and silver, which, even when full allowance is made for poetic fancy, show clearly enough very advanced skill in the working and ornamenting of these metals.
Not only is more powerful machinery required for the latter, but in bending it allowance has to be made for the difference in radius of outer and inner layers, which increases with increase of thickness.
Moreover, even after making allowance for lack of experience as to the effect of the new product, drunkenness and exposure hardly tally with the statement that "Noah was a just man and perfect in his generations, and Noah walked with God," vi.
A puppet nawab was still maintained at Murshidabad, who received an annual allowance of about half a million sterling; and half that amount was paid to the emperor as tribute from Bengal.
Raja Dhuleep Singh received an allowance of £50,000 a year, on which he retired as a country gentleman to Norfolk in England.
Until he was about forty he seems to have enjoyed a very moderate allowance from his father, but in the latter part of his life he was left a fortune which made him one of the richest men of his time.
According to Neubauer, it is the very text which was used by Jerome, after allowance has been made for the arbitrary methods of the Rabbis and of Jerome himself.
He gave the dethroned shah a handsome allowance, and strove, by a mild policy, to acquire popularity.
If further allowance be made for the district held by the Afghan invaders as part of their own country, it will be seen how greatly the extent of Persia proper was reduced, and what a work Nadir had before him to restore the kingdom to its former proportions.
The pay of the police is principally provided from fiscal sources and varies in an ascending scale from 1125 marks and lodging allowance for the lowest class of constable.
The Roman has thus become nearly universal, with the allowance only of additional offices for saints specially venerated in each particular diocese.
Members of parliament are paid £400 a year, f3 being deducted from this allowance for every day's absence during the session.
Allowance must be made for the difference of vocabulary produced by change of subject.
By this treaty it was stipulated that the king was to receive the cousin of Nasir Khan in marriage; and that the khan was to pay no tribute, but only, when called upon, to furnish troops to assist the armies, for which he was to receive an allowance in cash equal to half their pay.
Allowance must always be made for the restraints and responsibilities of office.
Savigny held that, making allowance for the anomalies and usurpations of conquest, the Roman population held the bulk of the land as they had held it before, and were governed by an uninterrupted and acknowledged exercise of Roman law in their old municipal organization.
The fabliaux, the early burlesque romances of the Audigier class, the farces of the t5th century, equal (the grotesque iteration and amplification which is the note of Gargantua and Pantagruel being allowed for, and sometimes without that allowance) the coarsest passages of Rabelais.
This allowance of space has been ascertained by experience to be sufficient, not only for comfort, but also for subsistence for one day, provided that the density of the ordinary civil population is not less than 200 persons to the square mile.
The orphans court may be held either by the judge of the court of common pleas or by a justice of the supreme court; and it has jurisdiction over controversies respecting the existence of wills, the fairness of inventories, the right of administration and guardianship, the allowance of accounts to executors, administrators, guardians or trustees, and over suits for the recovery of legacies and distributive shares, but it may refer any matter coming before it to a master in chancery.
From the time of Augustus to the end of the empire the number of those who were entitled to receive a monthly allowance of corn on presenting a ticket was 200,000.
But, after making due allowance for peculiarities, the .abuse of which has brought the name of Petrarchist into contempt, we can agree with Shelley that the lyrics of the Canzoniere " are as spells which unseal the inmost enchanted fountains of the delight which is the grief of love."
Against any allowance or surcharge appeal lies to the High Court if the question involved is one of law, or to the Local Government Board, who have jurisdiction to remit a surcharge if, in the circumstances, it appears to them to be fair and equitable to do so.
Where the order is obtained by a person or body other than the district council, the council may purchase the undertaking at the end of twenty-one years after the tramways have been constructed or at the expiration of every subsequent period of seven years, and the terms of purchase are that the person or company must sell the undertaking upon payment of the then value, exclusive of any allowance for past or future profits of the undertaking, or any compensation for compulsory sale or other consideration whatsoever of the tramway, and all lands, buildings, works, materials and plant suitable to and used for the purposes of the undertaking.
As to the capacity of the cranium, men differ from one another so extremely that the largest known human skull holds nearly twice the measure of the smallest, a larger proportion than that in which man surpasses the gorilla; while, with proper allowance for difference of size of the various species, it appears that some of the lower apes fall nearly as much below the higher apes.
The evidence of comparative philology supports the necessity for an enormous time allowance.
In the autumn of 1608, however, his father-in-law, Sir George More, became reconciled with them, and agreed to make them a generous allowance.
In computing the column sections a proper allowance must be made for any eccentricity of loading.
To sum up the incidents of this eventful period of his life, it was during it that he lost his mother, always loved and dutifully honoured, by death; his sister had been estranged from him some years before by an imprudent marriage, which, though making her a liberal allowance, he never forgave.
A bill was passed endowing the crown with state lands, giving an annual rent of £24,000 in addition to the civil list fixed in 1866 at £49,000; another measure granted free passes on the railways and an allowance of £1 daily during the sitting of parliament to all senators and deputies.
Measurements at the Ripon Falls show that 18,000,000,000, or some 13% of this amount, is taken off by the Nile, and when allowance has been made for the annual rise and fall of the lake-level it is apparent that by far the greater part of the water which enters the nyanza is lost by evaporation; in fact, that the amount drawn off by the river plays a comparatively small part in the annual oscillation of the water surface.
The roots are cut into fingers and supplemented by an allowance of concentrated food made up of a mixture of ground cakes and meal, 4 lb rising to about 1 lb; and a lb to I lb of hay per day.
The principle is that 162.4 27 =100.4 2 7+ 60.4 2 7+ 2.4 2 7 = 1.42700+6.4270+2.427; but, instead of 427 writing down the separate products, we 6 427 (in effect) write 42700, 4270 and 427 in 2 4?7 separate rows, with the multipliers 1, 6, 2 69 174 in the margin, and then multiply each number in each column by the corresponding multiplier in the margin, making allowance for any figures to be " carried."
He withdrew the annual allowance, and Burke set to work to win for himself by indefatigable industry and capability in the public interest that position of power or pre-eminence which his detractors acquired either by accident of birth and connexions or else by the.
Some allowance, too, must be made for the probability that Hamza's system owed something to doctrines Christian and other, with which the metropolitan position of Cairo brought Fatimite society into contact.
It is most probable that, when allowance has been made for the obliteration of glacial markings, and the region has been better explored, it will appear that the glaciation of Turkestan was on a scale at least as vast as that of the Himalayas.
Even when due allowance has been made for the financial disorder which the Convention inherited from previous assemblies, and for the war which it had to wage against a formidable alliance, it cannot be acquitted of reckless and wasteful maladministration.
Their sidereal year was 4zm too long, s and they kept the ecliptic stationary among the stars, making no allowance for the shifting of the equinoxes.
Before Qat's time there had been no night, but he purchased a sufficient allowance of darkness from I Qong, that is, night considered as a person in accordance with the law of savage thought already explained.
They obtained a settlement, with an allowance for subsistence, in Peking, and from this time to the end of his life Ricci's estimation among the Chinese was constantly increasing, as was at the same time the amount of his labours.
But even in this case allowance must be made for the difference between modern and medieval standards of decorum.
He receives an allowance of 12,000 dollars a year from state funds, and his two principal ministers receive allowances of 6000 dollars a year each.
Enjoying a liberal allowance, he now lived in Paris in comfort and independence, and he published his early novels, none of which is quite of sufficient value to retain the modern reader.
But allowance must be made for the mere advantage of initiative which belonged to any party that organized the government - the differences between Hamilton and Jefferson, in this question of neutrality, being almost purely factitious.
Each pound of steam can thus be made to give up some 950 units of heat; while in a good steam engine only about 200 units are utilized in the steam cylinder per pound of steam, and in addition allowance has to be made for mechanical inefficiency.
The legislature meets biennially, in odd numbered years, on the first Monday in January, and the length of the session is limited by a provision that the members shall be paid four dollars a day, besides an allowance for travelling expenses, not to exceed 75 days; whenever the governor calls an extra session they are not paid for more than 20 days.
This particularly affects people who claim income support or jobseeker's allowance.
A non-medical helper's allowance of up to £ 11,550 each year.
The above amounts do not include older students ' allowance and dependants ' allowance.
Where benefits exceed the lifetime allowance an additional tax charge will arise.
The figure on take-up of disability living allowance for disabled children is from Reaching its Target?
Good conditions of service include a generous leave allowance.
The payment for the care of adult dependants would then be a separate benefit, a development of the present invalid care allowance " .
Make sure you stick to your recommended POINTS allowance.
Infants who share your seat do not have a baggage allowance.
Members who expect to accrue enough pension to take them above the lifetime allowance in the future might also need to register certain rights.
Doctors are also entitled to charge a mileage allowance, where appropriate.
No traveling or subsistence allowance will be paid by the University.
This Association condemns the prison service for using the increase of boot and shoe allowance to fund extendable batons.
Allowance is made for lower production budgets, and previous terrestrial broadcast is not a requirement.
Where you need to be particularly careful is with the age-related allowance.
Paragraph 23 amends the overall ceiling on an individual's total pension commencement lump sums of 25% of the standard lifetime allowance.
There is no allowance for any sharp distinction between the two.
The weight allowance is not enough to overcome the course inexperience.
The general overseas ration scale includes an arduous duty allowance to allow for climate and provides some 3,400 kilocalories net.
This entitled lessors still to utilize the accrued capital allowance.
A working knowledge of attendance allowance and disability living allowance is assumed.
The airline has increased the carry-on luggage allowance from just 7 kilos to 10 kilo with immediate effect.
He had a weekly allowance from the Society of a vessel filled with human ordure, about the bigness of a Bristol barrel.
The Secretary of State for Wales, Paul Murphy, urged pensioners entitled to the allowance to claim it.
Catherine was forced to live in near penury with a frugal allowance from her father-in-law.
An allowance for full-time and part-time postgraduates of up to £ 5,640 in 2005/06.
It appears reasonable to TPAS that schemes should make some allowance for the fact that they are backdating contributions in some cases many years.
Salary will be on the Research IA salary will be on the Research IA salary scale, maximum £ 17,451 - £ 19,486 on appointment, plus £ 2,134 London Allowance.
Cold Weather Payments - Payment made during a period of exceptionally severe weather to vulnerable households on Income Support or Income-based Jobseeker's Allowance.
The results show that the wetting of the lead-free alloys broadly follows that of tin-lead solder if allowance is made for the melting point.
The Office now has only one class of night subsistence allowance.
We all have an annual allowance of £ 8,500 that we can make tax-free.
Tommy confirming officers made minimal allowance for the strain that trench warfare imposed on the Tommies in the trenches.
He was also pleased to have " argued for the mobility part [of the Disability Living Allowance] in place of invalid tricycles.
In 1950/51, these practices were virtually universal, except for men whose jobs carried child allowance.
Passengers ' folding wheelchairs will be carried free of charge in addition to their normal baggage allowance.
Landolt was disposed to attribute these losses in weight to the containing vessel, which was of glass or quartz, not being absolutely impervious, but in 1908 he showed that, by making allowance for the moisture adsorbed on the vessel, the errors were both positive and negative, and were less than one in ten million.
There are vicissitudes and varying standpoints which point to a complicated literary history and require some historical background, and, apart from actual changes in the history of the Levites, some allowance must be made for the real character of the circles where the diverse records originated or through which they passed.
Taxes are not sufficiently proportioned to what the land may reasonably be expected to produce, nor sufficient allowance made for the exceptional conditions of a southern climate, in which a few hours bad weather may destroy a whole crop. The Italian agriculturist has come to look (and often in vain) for action on a large scale from the state, for irrigation, drainage of uncultivated low-lying land, which may be made fertile, river regulation, &c.; while to the small proprietor the state often appears only as a hard and inconsiderate tax-gatherer.
In a series of 75 reactions it was found that in 61 there was apparently a diminution in weight, but in 1908, after a most careful repetition and making allowance for all experimental errors, Landolt concluded that no change occurred (see Element).
In virtue of the general law that the reduced optical path is stationary in value, this retardation may be calculated without allowance for the different paths pursued on the farther side of L, L', so that the value is simply PL - PL'.
These results are for the centre deflections of main girders, but Stone infers that the augmentation of stress for any member, due to causes included in impact allowance, will be the same percentage for the same ratios of live to dead load stresses.
A purely empirical allowance for impact stresses has been proposed, amounting to zo% of the live load stresses for floor stringers; 15 for floor cross girders; and for main girders, io% for 40-ft.
There was no impact in Wohler's experiments, and therefore it would seem rational to add the impact allowance to that for fatigue; but in that case the bridge sections become larger than experience shows to be necessary.
They reject the allowance for fatigue (that is, the effect of repetition) and design bridge members for the total dead and live load, plus a large allowance for impact varied according to some purely empirical rule.
Hence practically it appears probable that the allowance for fatigue made in either of the tables above is sufficient to cover the ordinary effects of impact also.
In a three-span bridge continuous girders are lighter than discontinuous ones by about 45% for the dead load and 15% for the live load, if no allowance is made for ambiguity due to uncertainty as to the level of the sup ports.
In all these cases the nurses receive in addition board and lodging, laundry and uniform, or an equivalent allowance.
The "argument" as it stands is- nothing more than an exaggerated inference from parallelpassages in the Bruce and Alexander; and it makes no allowance for the tags, epithets and general vocabulary common to all writers of the period.
His swimming exploit among the Hetware, allowance being made for poetic exaggeration, fits remarkably well into the circumstances of the story told by Gregory of Tours; and perhaps his contest with Breca may have been an exaggeration of a real incident in his career; and even if it was originally related of some other hero, its attribution to the historical Beowulf may have been occasioned by his renown as a swimmer.
In April 1656 Charles went to Bruges, and on the 7th of February 1658 to Brussels, where he signed a treaty with Don John of Austria, governor of the Spanish Netherlands, by which he received an allowance in place of his French pension and undertook to assemble all his subjects in France in aid of the Spanish against the French.
It is written in a mystical and pretentious style, but the philosophy of it, if allowance be made for the allegorical method of the time, is by no means to be despised.
They were not time subtracted from my life, but so much over and above my usual allowance.
Customs Allowance Passengers over 18 may import, duty-free, 200 cigarettes or 250 g tobacco articles; 1 quart of wine or spirits.
D. Financial implications There are no costs directly related to this report as lead member appointments do not attract a special responsibility allowance.
Salary will be on the Research IA salary scale, maximum £ 17,451 - £ 19,486 on appointment, plus £ 2,134 London Allowance.
Cold Weather Payments - Payment made during a period of exceptionally severe weather to vulnerable households on Income Support or Income-based Jobseeker 's Allowance.
Each individual binding order will necessitate a spoilage allowance.
For this they received a subsistence allowance of nine pence.
Day subsistence cannot be claimed during any 24-hour period covered by an overnight allowance.
It is unusual to find a superfluity allowance in respect of a single item of plant.
You can claim an allowance on your tax return of up to £ 60.00.
Step 3 The tax-free allowance is 40p a mile for the first 10,000 miles.
The confirming officers made minimal allowance for the strain that trench warfare imposed on the Tommies in the trenches.
He was also pleased to have argued for the mobility part [of the Disability Living Allowance] in place of invalid tricycles.
Dyslexia support tuition may be paid for through this allowance.
On top of your hourly rate you will recieve a £ 5 attendance bonus per day and a £ 5 unsociable hours allowance.
The position offers an excellent salary, plus commission, plus unsocial hours allowance and use of a Company vehicle.
You can also transfer any unused allowance to your spouse.
Free calls (including 0800, emergency services and Telewest Customer Care on 150) do n't utilize your usage allowance.
They pare down the wretched souls to what is below jail allowance.
She did her choresacceptablywell, so her parents gave her a weekly allowance.
The teenager's wealthy parents gave him an abundance of cash each week, so he had no reason to not squander his allowance on video games.
Participants must be provided a private bedroom, meals, and an allowance.
Their Basic setup operates at a maximum download and upload speed of 1.0 Mbps and 200 Kbps and has a download allowance of 200 MB.
The Power 150 has a download and upload maximum speed of 1.5 Mbps and 250 Kbps and a download allowance of 300 MB.
The Power 200 has a maximum download and upload speed of 2.0 Mbps and 300 Kbps and a download allowance of 400 MB.
The Value package offers download and upload speeds of 512 Kbps and 128 Kbps and has a download allowance of 7,500 MB for the month.
The Select package gives you download and upload speeds of 1.0 Mbps and 200 Kbps and a download allowance of 12,000.
The Pro plan has a maximum download and upload speeds of 1.5 Mbps and 256 Kbps with a 17,000 MB download allowance.
Whether their parents give them an allowance while away at college or they earn their spending cash by working at student jobs, learning how to manage finances is important.
If you're planning to use your rewards to buy a new GM car, be sure that you understand the redemption allowance that applies to the particular vehicle you want to buy.
The Visa Buxx card can be a convenient way for parents to provide funds to a teenager for a specific purpose such as school books and expenses, living expenses or a special-purpose allowance.
It is a method of paying your child an allowance.
It is a good option for giving your children money for college expenses or for an allowance.
This encompassed daily care and nurturing as well as decision making in areas like health care, religion, allowance, education, privileges, bedtimes, chores, food restrictions and discipline.
Agree on a set allowance and avoid "lending" kids money or giving them an advance on future funds without consulting the other parent.
Remember to add at least 1/4 of an inch for the seam allowance.
When working with square or rectangular cushions, avoid bulk in the corners by trimming the seam allowance and turning the fabric using a knitting needle to poke out the corners.
If making your pattern from scratch, don't forget to allow for at least a one-half inch seam allowance on all sides.
Don't forget to add a seam allowance if your pattern doesn't already have one built-in.
Sew pattern pieces front sides facing with a one-half inch seam allowance all around using a stitch length of 12 to 15 stitches per inch.
The legal allowance of pesticides used in the growing of foods is still considered to be "safe" for human consumption.
Even those without too much room might be able to make an allowance for a small makeup table.
Stamps have an allowance of four to 16 images, depending upon size.
Since many teens are given a clothing allowance or purchase clothing with the money they make from their jobs, finding bargains is important.
While some parents of teens give their kids a small allowance for doing chores around the house, such as cleaning or doing laundry, it usually is not very much money.
What's more, deficiency could build up over time and for vegetarians, the recommended daily allowance is nearly double that the normal value.
Because the body doesn't absorb non-heme iron as well, vegetarians must consume a greater amount in order to meet their recommended daily allowance.
Then, stitch around the edges creating a ½-seam allowance.
Even though she earns millions, dad Billy Ray gives her an allowance of $300 per month.
Though she has amassed an estimated $100 million fortune on her own, Britney Spears has no access to her cash and has been put on a weekly allowance.
The attorney from the firm that is representing Jamie Spears (paid for by Britney, no doubt) stated that the allowance was so Britney could "enjoy herself, have some freedom of choice."
The argument for putting Britney on an allowance would probably be easier to accept if it was a neutral, third party financial or investment company and not from her dad.
You can enable your daughter by providing her with some spending money for a clothing allowance - enough that she can get a few items for herself, and your opinion will be off limits.
The Presidential Scholarship is the largest scholarship program the college offers, providing tuition, fees, room and board and a book allowance.
Then, once we receive your claims you will be sent a check for reimbursement, up to ninety percent of your plan's Benefit Schedule allowance, minus a $50.00 per incident deductible.
We still cover up to ninety percent of your plan's Benefit Schedule allowance, minus your deductible.
Many supplements will not only contain the recommended daily allowance of essential vitamins and minerals, but they will also include other ingredients.
When choosing a product, stay with a vitamin supplement which contains the recommended daily allowance for vitamins rather than mega-doses.
Of the vitamins present, 100 percent or more of the recommended daily allowance is included.
He meets other friends along the way, eats hotdogs to increase his health, gets an allowance from dad to buy yo-yos to use in battle, and so on.
Some families will give close-in-age siblings the same amount of allowance, but general practice is to give older children more money than younger children.
If they have already spent their allowance, then they have to wait for the next allowance before buying something else.
If a child wants to buy an item that costs more than his or her allowance, parents may choose to be flexible.
They can allot the child an extra allowance or help the child figure out how long it would take to save the amount from future allowances.
This money is used for items the child wants that cost more than the weekly allowance.
The parents may decide how a younger child's allowance should be divided among the three categories, or the budgeting may be left up to an older child.
If parents expect children to pay for their needs, such as school clothes, sports gear, music lessons, or a comic book collection, or services the parents would otherwise pay for, the allowance has to be large.
Budget-A summary of income (allowance) and expenses (spending) for a given period of time.
Recommended dietary allowance (RDA)-The Recommended Dietary Allowances (RDAs) are quantities of nutrients in the diet that are required to maintain good health in people.
The dosage of vitamin supplements should not exceed the recommended daily allowance without a recommendation by a physician.
The assessment of whether a food is low or high in iron can also be made by comparing the amount of that food eaten per day with the recommended dietary allowance (RDA) for iron.
A subsidy can be medical insurance for the child, counseling services for the family, respite care for the adoptive parents; or a monthly cash allowance to help cover other extraordinary expenses and services associated with the adoption.
The Recommended Dietary Allowance (RDA) of vitamin D for both children and adults is 200 International Units (IU) per day.
A weekly allowance for doing chores around the house is one thing, but simply giving money away might promote laziness.
Maternity Leave Allowance may be available through Jobcentre Plus.
A copy of the Maternity Allowance Claim Form is available.
Residents of Northern Ireland can find information about maternity leave allowance at Department for Social Development in Northern Ireland.
Incarcerated individuals do not receive SMP but they may receive maternity allowance.
Sew into place, leaving a one-inch seam allowance.
Finally, swimsuits can be expensive, and whether you're shopping for your still-growing daughter or buying a suit out of your allowance, you'll want to find something you love that doesn't cost a fortune.
To view the Recommended Dietary Allowance, or RDA, of vitamin A go here.
This article will outline why vitamin D is necessary, and provide you with a list of foods that can help you get your recommended daily allowance of this important nutrient.
The US recommended daily allowance for vitamin D is 400 iu of vitamin D3 daily.
The Recommended Daily Allowance (RDA) of vitamin D is 400 IU, but bear in mind that the RDA refers to the bare minimum scientists believe is needed to ward off deficiency diseases, not the optimal amount for health.
The recommended daily allowance (RDA) for vitamin K is 80 mcg for men and 65 mcg for women.
The recommended daily allowance of niacin for adults is between 14 and 16 milligrams a day.
Though niacin side effects are mostly positive and have been shown to have many health benefits, taking more than the recommended daily allowance should only be done under the direction of a doctor.
The recommended daily allowance of vitamin E is 10 to 15 milligrams per day for adults and 6 milligrams per day for children.
It is often difficult to get the recommended daily allowance of these vitamins, especially vitamin D, through a regular diet, so supplementation with fish oil can help reach that RDA.
For this reason, it is best to try to get your daily allowance of this nutrient from foods rich in vitamin A rather than through supplementation.
The recommended daily allowance for adult women is 4,000 IU daily, according to
Liquid B vitamins make it easy for you to meet the recommended daily allowance for these nutrients.
Most B12 warnings arise when vitamin B12 is taken in megadoses that greatly exceed the recommended daily allowance of vitamin B12.
Either way, you want to be sure to obtain the recommended daily allowance of each.
The recommended daily allowance is 700 mcg for adult women and 900 mcg for adult men.
The recommended daily allowance for vitamin B1 is 1.1 mg for adult women and 1.2 mg for adult men.
The recommended daily allowance for vitamin E is 10 mg or 15 IU per day.
It's always best to try to get your recommended daily allowance of all vitamins through a varied diet of natural, unprocessed foods.
If you do supplement vitamin E, choose supplements in dosages that don't exceed the recommended daily allowance.
Never take more than the recommended daily allowance of vitamin E (15 to 20 IU) unless you are advised to do so by your personal health care provider.
An official Recommended Dietary Allowance (RDA) for biotin has not been established.
Sun exposure is an excellent way to meet your recommended daily allowance.
You only need to take supplemental vitamin C if you aren't eating the recommended daily allowance of this nutrient.
According to the Linus Pauling Institute at Oregon State University, the recommended daily allowance for vitamin C is 75 mg per day for adult females and 90 mg for adult males; however, smokers need a slightly higher daily dosage.
The recommended daily allowance focuses on preventing deficiency as opposed to generating optimum health, and additional vitamin C may be beneficial.
The recommended daily allowance suggests a minimal level that prevents scurvy; however, higher doses may be beneficial for optimal health.
The Recommended Dietary Allowance (RDA) is a measurement used in the United Stated and developed by the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA).
In addition, expectant and lactating mothers are given higher vitamin C allowance.
The recommended daily allowance for vitamin D is 600 international units, with an upper limit of 4,000 international units per day.
High levels of potassium are found in so many different foods that it shouldn't be difficult to get your daily recommended allowance.
Setting up an allowance system will help them begin to learn about saving.
Allowance teaches children how to earn and save money.
The site allows you to create and print chore charts, an allowance and banking program and other goodies.
Some parents may choose to tie the amount of their child's allowance to his or her behavior, as noted on the chart.
Let them choose their career (housekeeper, janitor, chef) and pay them an affordable allowance for their hard work.
For most children, this comes in the form of an allowance or a part-time job.
Giving your child an allowance is a great way to teach him about the importance of sound money management.
Choosing the right amount of money for your child's allowance can often be a difficult task, however.
But, parents should feel free to set an allowance amount that takes into account their own financial circumstances.
The question of linking allowance money to chores is a topic of debate among many parents.
Older children who work part time to earn their own spending money gain a feeling of independence that's hard to duplicate with an allowance.
If your child has been saving for a new video game that will be released at the end of March and he wants to waste his allowance on candy at the beginning of February, let him learn that his actions will have consequences.
You may think that allowances are for children, but giving the adults in your home a weekly spending allowance can be a very good tool for keeping your budget under control.
While the traditional allowance guideline for children is $1 for every year of age, allowances for adults should be based on your lifestyle and current financial situation.
To get a grip on discretionary spending, consider giving your children a weekly allowance for this purpose.
Giving children a small allowance based on age and chores is a practical way to help them learn about spending and saving.
The GVW also includes an allowance for liquids like fuel and oil.
Also known as the Cash Allowance Rebate Systems or CARS, the program is open to all automotive manufacturers covering both foreign and domestic vehicles who have registered with
New Vehicle Selling Price - To help calculate your monthly payment on a new vehicle, the selling price will be determined by subtracting your trade-in allowance and your clunker cash allowance.
For example, a new vehicle that costs $20,000 will have your trade-in allowance subtracted, say $5,000, and your rebate allowance subtracted, say $4,500.
Measure your tabletop and add about 12 inches all around to allow for drape and a hem allowance.
Place the templates on the fabric, and cut them out, adding a one-fourth inch seam allowance all the way around the template if necessary.
Remember to maintain that one-fourth of an inch seam allowance.
This will weaken the seam.If you must join a seam at a corner, make sure that you stay out of the seam allowance.
Many patterns may not have the seam allowance marked.
If they don't, you should assume a ¾ inch seam allowance and add it all the way around as you mark the pattern on the fabric.
Although calcium is available in other foods, such as broccoli and tofu, one needs to consume copious amounts of these foods in order to meet the recommended daily allowance for this mineral.
Sweet potatoes offer twice the daily allowance of vitamin A, averaging about 8,000 milligrams per potato.
In those cases in which the company's licence has been extended beyond 1911 (Glasgow to 1913, Swansea to 1926, Brighton to 1926 and Portsmouth to 1926) the Postmaster-General will buy the unexpired licence with allowance for goodwill.
The prince's character was not attractive, and the king refused to make him an adequate allowance.
No other feed is required, the only provision necessary being an adequate supply of water and an occasional allowance of salt.
The difficulty which remains in judging him is a difficulty of statement, valuation, allowance.
There is in truth a something crude, unsympathetic, cynical in his mental attitude toward human nature, for which, even after the lapse of more than three centuries, we find it difficult to make allowance.
The degree of accuracy required is indicated by the " remedy " allowance for weight, which is different for each coin, and is the maximum difference from the standard weight which is allowed by law.
In the reign of Queen Elizabeth, the master of the Mint, finding the allowance under his contract to be insufficient, availed himself of the remedy on the silver coinage, which amounted to 6±d.
The constitution of 1846 limited the pay of members of both houses to three dollars a day and to three hundred dollars for any one session (except in impeachment proceedings) besides an allowance for travelling expenses, but since an amendment of 1874 they have been paid $1500 a year and ten cents a mile for travelling expenses.
The members of the legislature are paid $5 for each day's attendance during the session, besides an allowance for travelling expenses.
He introduced the first bill for giving small tracts of government land free to actual settlers, and published an exposure of abuses in the allowance of mileage to members, which corrected the evil, but brought him much personal obloquy.
With the exception of the hereditary and some of the ex-officio members of the first chamber, the members of the diet are entitled to an allowance for their daily expenses, as well as their travelling expenses.
But when allowance is made for all the above tendencies of the late post-exilic age, there remains a certain amount of additional matter in Chronicles which may have been derived from relatively old sources.
The impact stresses depend so much on local conditions that it is difficult to fix what allowance should be made.
In addition, an allowance is made for pressure on the leeward girder according to a scale.
It is a matter of discussion whether, if fatigue is allowed for by the Weyrauch method, an additional allowance should be made for impact.
His conduct, however, led to a separation within five years, and the tsar Nicholas compelled him to make Princess Mathilde a handsome allowance.
He was on good terms with Jerome, who for some time made him a large allowance, and father and son occasionally met.
With some allowance for the purpose for which they were originally written, they present much the same characteristics as his earlier historical books.
They are controlled by the Zoological Society of Philadelphia, founded in 1859, and are supported partly by subscriptions of members, partly by gate-money and partly by an allowance from the city of Philadelphia.
We must make allowance for the existence of this margin, and for the blurring of the boundary-line that goes along with it.
In making allowance for the defects (without which they would probably not have appealed to the age) it must be remembered that some of the Rabbis themselves recognized that the Midrashic Haggada was not always estimable.
For common weights and measures this margin (tolerance, remedy or allowance, as it is also called) has been set out by the Board of Trade for all the various kinds of weights and measures in use for commercial purposes in the United Kingdom, and similar margins of error are recognized in other countries.
An interesting picture-writing, to be seen in Kingsborough, shows the details of the boy's and girl's education, from the early time when three small circles over the child show it to be three years old, and a drawing of half a tortilla or corn-cake shows its allowance for each meal; as.
As in other comparable cases, this figure does not make allowance for the oblique attitude in which the sediments were deposited, and should not be construed to mean the vertical thickness of the system.
Judged by modern standards, his description of the direction of rivers and mountain-chains seems defective, but allowance must be made for difficulties in procuring information, and for want of accurate instruments.
Members of the Senate and of the House of Commons receive an annual indemnity of $250o, with a travelling allowance.
There is also an Old English use of the word "law" in a more or less sporting sense ("to give law" or "allow so much law"), meaning a start or fair allowance in time or distance.
This would be an undue allowance in a Scottish "genealogy."
At I is the hatch or turn-table, in which the daily allowance of food was deposited by a brother appointed for that purpose, affording no view either inwards or outwards.
Allowance must here be made for jealousy of a rival order just rising in popularity.
The chief difference between the two treatises is one which twenty years' experience in affairs could not but bring - the substitution of more cautious and guarded language, less dogmatic affirmation, more allowance for exceptions and deviations.
The university possesses considerable endowments and has several foundations for the assistance of poor students; the "regent's charity," for instance, founded by Christian, affords free residence and a small allowance to one hundred bursars.
Angstrom endeavoured to find the variation of conductivity by this method, but he assumed c to be the same for two different bars, and made no allowance for its variation with temperature.
In imperial times, however, this salarium was an allowance of money for salt (see Salary).
A special allowance may be made for age.
Wimmer supports his thesis with great learning and ingenuity, and when allowance is made for the fact that a script to be written upon wood, as the runes were, of necessity avoids horizontal lines which run along the fibres of the wood, and would therefore be indisti